Planétarium Galilée - Discover all the movies in English !


Planétarium Galilée - Discover all the movies in English !
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Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole
Discover all the movies in English !
For English visitors or for people wishing to discover the Shakespeares language, we have the pleasure to propose all
the movies with a simultaneous translation into English.
All the movies are broadcasted in French, but it is possible to hear them in an English version. We put at your
disposal HF headphones with a simultaneous translation of these movies into English.
This additional service is totally free. Please ask for a headphone at the information desk of the Planétarium Galilée
and bring it back after the show (see programme).
IMPORTANT : After the movie, the full-live animation is provided in French only (the headphone becomes
Site :
Planétarium Galilée de Montpellier Agglomération
Type :
Spectacle / Concert
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Anciens spectacles
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Qu'est ce qu'une séance de Planétarium?
Une séance de planétarium dure en
Le spectacle qui est proposé comprend
deux parties, un film sur le thème des
planètes, des galaxies ou de l'espace, selon
la séance choisie, et une explication en
direct des phénomènes astronomiques par
un animateur.
Photo : Eric Jondreville
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