How to Ace a Job Interview


How to Ace a Job Interview
How to Ace a Job Interview
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You walk into a job interview, count slowly to seven. In that amount of time you’ll have been evaluated
and major decisions will have been made about your credibility, confidence and competence.
I’m Carol Kinsey Goman, author of the Nonverbal Advantage, secrets and science of body language at
work. According to research at New York University, you’ve got just seven seconds to make a lasting
first impression. Obviously, you won’t impress anyone by what you say in seven short seconds. In fact,
it’s all about what you don’t say – your body language. Here are seven powerful ways to make a positive
first impression at your next job interview.
1. First, adjust your attitude. Don’t wait until you enter the interview room to warm up. Before you walk
through the door, think about the situation and make a conscious choice about the attitude (that) you want
to embody. Attitudes that attract people include friendly, happy, approachable and curious.
2. Stand tall, project confidence and credibility by standing up straight, pulling your shoulders back and
holding your head high. Just by assuming this physical position, you’ll begin to feel sure of yourself.
3. Smile. A smile is an invitation, a sign of welcome. It says, “I’m friendly and approachable.” In fact,
research shows that if you smile at someone, it activates the reward center in that person’s brain.
4. Make eye contact. Looking at someone’s eyes transmits energy and indicates interest and openness.
Look into the interviewer’s eyes long enough to notice what color they are. With this one simple
technique, you will dramatically increase your likeability factor.
5.Raise your eyebrows. Open your eyes slightly more than normal to simulate the eyebrow flash that’s the
universal signal of recognition and acknowledgement.
6.Lean in slightly. Leaning forward shows you’re engaged and interested. We naturally lean toward
people and things (that) we like or agree with. But be respectful of the other person’s space.
7.Shake hands. This is the quickest and most effective way to establish rapport. Research shows it takes
an average of three hours of continuous interaction to develop the same level of rapport that you can get
with a single handshake. Make sure to hold the other person’s hand a few seconds longer than you’re
naturally inclined to do. This conveys additional sincerity.
Every interview is an opportunity to increase your skill at making a positive first impression. You’ve got
just seven seconds, but if you handle it well, seven seconds are all (that) you need.
01. to ace a job interview
02. to walk into a job interview
03. in that amount of time
04. lasting
05. it’s about what you don’t say
06. to warm up
07. to embody
08. approachable
09. to stand tall / stand up straight
10. to pull your shoulders back
11. to hold your head high
12. the reward center
13. to notice
14. your likeability factor
15. raise your eyebrows
16. slightly
17. the eyebrow flash
réussir un entretien d’embauche
entrer dans une pièce pour un entretien d’embauche
dans ce laps de temps
qui dure
il s’agit de ce que vous ne dites pas
se réchauffer, se préparer
abordable, accessible
se tenir droit
“tirer” les épaules en arrière
“tenir” la tête haute
le centre de récompense
votre amabilité
réhaussez vos sourcils
le réhaussement de sourcils
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18. recognition and acknowledgement
19. lean in / lean forward slightly
20. engaged
21. shake hands
22. a single handshake
23. if you handle it well
penchez vous légèrement en avant
serrez la main
une simple poignée de main
si vous gérez bien la situation