week 14 ~ French Réalisme Poétique


week 14 ~ French Réalisme Poétique
French Réalisme Poétique
“Il peut être erroné d'entre eux, mais ils la valeur de leurs vies.”!
~ Robert de la Cheyniest, La règle du jeu (1939)!
French Réalisme Poétique
!  In the early 1930 s, the French tendency toward fantasy during
the silent era continued.!
!  The Surrealist tradition also lingered in many works, though
these were not as violent and chaotic as other popular Surrealist
films. !
Der Andere (1913)
Experimental sound in Á nous, la liberté! (1931)!
Der student von Prag (1913)
Pierre Chenal’s vision of Crime et châtiment (1935) !
!  Many important French films of the 1930 s were high-quality
studio productions, while others were literary adaptations.!
French Réalisme Poétique
!  Réalisme Poétique is a style of studio filmmaking during the
1930’s that seeks to recreate realistic scenarios.!
!  Réaliste films typically center on unemployed members of the
working class who leading disappointing lives, or on criminals
living on the margins of society. !
Jean and Nelly in Le Quai des brumes (1938)!
Pépé’s arrest in Pépé le Moko (1936)!
!  Characters usually get a last chance at love, fortune, or some
form of success, however, they fall short, and films frequently
end with disillusionment or death.!
French Réalisme Poétique
!  The overall tone of Réalisme Poétique is one of nostalgia and
bitterness. !
!  Films are viewed as "poetic" because of their exaggeration and
aestheticism of love, doomed romance, and lower-class poverty,
which ultimately function to critique contemporary social
conditions in France.!
Love and fate in La grand jeu (1934)
Drab aesthetic of L’Atalante (1934)
French Réalisme Poétique
La grande illusion!
Directed by !
Jean Renoir!
Written by !
Jean Renoir &
Charles Spaak!
Réalisation d art
(1937) 114 mins.!