Eurel newsletter n. 5, avril 2007


Eurel newsletter n. 5, avril 2007
EUREL NEWSLETTER, n. 5 – Avril / April 2007
Ceci est la 5è lettre d'information du site Eurel (données sociologiques et juridiques sur la
religion en Europe). This is the 5th newsletter of the Eurel website (sociological and legal
data on religions in Europe).
Vous y trouverez des informations sur l'actualité du site, ainsi que, pour différents pays, les
références des livres et articles récemment parus, les nouveaux sites internet, les derniers
sondages, les prochains colloques consacrés à la sociologie et au droit des religions en
The letter includes information concerning the recent changes in the Eurel website, as well
as news concerning different countries of Europe: references of recent books or articles,
new websites, latest surveys, and coming meetings concerning sociology and law of religions
in Europe...
1. Actualité en droit et sociologie des religions / News in law and sociology of religion
2. Actualité du site Eurel / News of the Eurel website
1. Actualité en droit et sociologie des religions / News in law and
sociology of religion
Ouvrages / Books
- CAMPENHAUSEN, Axel Freiherr von, de WALL, H., Staatskirchenrecht. 6. Aufl. C. H. Beck, 2006
- HEINIG, Hans Michael & WALTER, Christian, Staatskirchenrecht oder Religionsverfassungsrecht?.
Mohr Siebeck, 2007
- HÜTTERMANN, Jörg, Das Minarett. Zur politischen Kultur des Konflikts um islamische Symbole.
Juventa, 2006
- WALTER, Christian, Religionsverfassungsrecht - in vergleichender und internationaler Perspektive.
Mohr Siebeck, 2006
- CASANOVA, José, “Einwanderung und der religiöse Pluralismus. Ein Vergleich zwischen der EU
und den USA”, Leviathan, 2006, 34, 2, 182-207
Säkularisierungsprozesses”, Berl. J.Soziol., 2006, 16, 4, 441-461.
- KOENIG, Matthias, “Europäisierung von Religionspolitik – zur institutionellen Umwelt von
Anerkennungskämpfen muslimischer Migranten“, Soziale Welt – Sonderheft Islam, 2007, 345-367.
- LEPSIUS, Oliver, “Die Religionsfreiheit als Minderheitenrecht in Deutschland, Frankreich und den
USA”, Leviathan, 2006, 34, 3, 321-349
- MÜNCH, Richard, “Religiöse Pluralität im nationalen Verfassungsstaat. Funktionale Grundlagen und
institutionelle Formung aktueller Konflikte”, Berl. J.Soziol., 2006, 16, 4
Colloque / Conference
Plurality and Representation. Religion in Education, Culture and Society
The 2007 Conference of the European Association for the Study of Religions (EASR) will be held at
the University of Bremen, Germany, September 23-27, jointly with the DVRW (Deutsche Vereinigung
für Religionswissenschaft). (see the website of the conference).
Eurel newsletter n. 5
Actualité juridique / Legal news
The administrative court in Stuttgart decided that the selective implementation of the school law of
Baden-Würtemberg violates the constitutional principle of equality as enshrined in the Article 3 Basic
Law and Article 14 European Convention on Human Rights. The court found that administrative
practice to prohibit teachers to wear the Islamic headscarf while permitting the habit of nuns and the
Jewish kippa was discriminatory and thus unlawful. (18 K 3562/05, 07.07.2006)
Ouvrages / Books
- BONCHEVA, Cvetana, Брак и семейство при българите католици от Пловдивско през
първата половина на XX век [Marriage and Family in the Life of the Bulgarian Catholics from the
Plovdiv Region during the First Half of the XX Century]. Sofia: IMIR, 2006.
- DIMITROVA, Nina, Религия и национализъм. Идеи за религията в междувоенния период в
България [Religion and Nationalism]. Sofia: Faber, 2006.
- DRUMEVA, Valentina, Монашество по българските земи [Monasticism in the Bulgarian Lands].
Athon: Slavic-Bulgarian Monastery “Holy Martyr Georgi Zograf”, 2006.
- Енциклопедия: Религиите в света [Encyclopaedia: Religions of the World]. Sofia: Fiut, 2007.
- KARAHASAN-CHYNAR, Ibrahim, Светът на Исляма Т.2: Турският свят, Персия /Иран/,
Индия, Черна Африка, Новото време и Балканите [World of Islam Vol. 2: Turkish World, Persia
/Iran/, India, Black Africa, and the Balkans]. Sofia, Lik, 2006.
- KOEV, Totyu, GEORGI, Bakalov, Християнството в миналото и днес [Christianity Yesterday
and Today]. Sofia: Balgarski Best-seller, 2006.
- PENOV, Stefan (ed), Религиите в Европа и бъдещето на православието [Religions in Europe
and the Future of Orthodoxy]. Sofia: Orion Press, 2006.
- Свобода за всеки (Freedom for Everyone – online Journal for freedom of religion, consciousness
and speech). No. 11 (March 2007): “България, Европа и свободата на вярата” ("Bulgaria, Europe
and the Freedom of Religion")
Colloques / Conferences
- Religion and Education
March 30, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria: Round Table organised by The Institute for Philosophical Research
at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
- East, West, North & South: Culture’s Impact on Economy, Religion, Ecology & Politics
April 25-29, 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria: 2007 SIETAR Europa Congress Conference (see the website of the
Ouvrage / Book:
- LENE Kuhle, Moskeer i Danmark. islam og muslimske bedesteder [Mosques in Denmark. Islam and
Muslim places of worship]. Hoejbjerg: Forlaget University, 2006
[First comprehensive survey of Muslim mosques in Denmark, only in Danish at the moment]
- Nordic Journal of Religion and Society, No 2; volume 19, 2006
[Guest edited issue on secularism and secularization written by Danish scholars on religion]
Eurel newsletter n. 5
Sondage / Survey
On the 12th of March the results from a survey on Danes and immigrants in Denmark were made
available to the public. The survey centered on values including religious ones. The original scientific
report is freely available (but unfortunately only in Danish at the moment). The survey was conducted
on representative samples of ethnic Danes, and 1st and 2nd generation immigrants from Turkey,
Pakistan, the west Balkans, Iran, Iraq, and Vietnam.
Actualité juridique / Legal news
Danish politicians from the current government (the Liberal party and the Conservative party) and its
parliamentary support (the Danish People's party) formulated a law proposal that would make it
mandatory for foreign religious preachers to pass a Danish language test before entering Denmark to
work as religious preachers (priests, imams etc.). If the test was not passed the preacher in question
would not be allowed entry to Denmark.
After much criticism from religious groups (including several Christian minorities) the relevant
politicians have promised to change the law proposal to make it less strict. Now the proposal states
that foreign preachers must pass the test while residing in Denmark on a special 6 month visa.
Colloques / Conferences
- Religion in the 21st Century: Transformations, Significance, Challenges
19th - 23rd September 2007, at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark (see the website of the
- Secularism and Beyond
May 29th to June 1st 2007, at the University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark (see the website
of the conference).
Ouvrages / Books
- BASTIAN, Jean-Pierre, MESSNER, Francis (dir.), Minorités religieuses dans l'espace européen.
Approches sociologiques et juridiques. Paris, PUF, 2007
- FLORES-LONJOU, Magalie, MESSNER, Francis (éd.), Les lieux de culte en France et en Europe.
Statuts, pratiques, fonctions. Leuven: Peeters, 2007. (Law and religion studies 3)
- GONZALEZ, Gérard (dir.). Laïcité, liberté de religion et Convention européenne des droits de
l'homme. Bruxelles: Bruylant, 2006.
Colloque / Conference
Sécularités et vitalités religieuses / Scularity and religious vitality
29ème Conference de la Société Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR), 23 - 27 Juillet
2007 à Leipzig, Allemagne / 29th International Society for the Sociology of Religion (ISSR)
Conference, July 23 - 27, 2007, Leipzig, Germany
Ouvrages / Books
- FIALAIRE, Jacques (dir.), Liberté de culte, laïcité et collectivités territoriales. Paris: Litec, 2007.
(Colloques et débats)
- GODARD, Bernard, TAUSSIG, Sylvie, Les musulmans en France. Courants, institutions,
communautés : un état des lieux. Paris: Robert Laffont, 2007
- MACHELON, Jean-Pierre (dir.), Les relations des cultes avec les pouvoirs publics : travaux de la
Commission de réflexion juridique. Paris: La Documentation française, 2006. (Les rapports publics).
Eurel newsletter n. 5
Sondages / Surveys
- Les intentions de vote des catholiques
Enquête IFOP (février 2007)
- Les Français et la critique publique des religions
Enquête TNS-SOFRES pour Le Pèlerin (10-12 janvier 2007)
- Les Français et l'interdiction du port du voile islamique dans les lieux publics
Sondage IFOP – Le Monde (6 novembre 2006)
- Portrait des catholiques
Sondage CSA / LA VIE (18-31 octobre 2006)
- Implantation des religions en France
Sondage IFOP pour La Vie (cumul d'enquêtes 2003-2006)
Actualité juridique / Legal news
Un projet de « Charte de la laïcité dans les services publics », élaboré par le Haut conseil à
l’intégration, a été remis au Premier Ministre le 29 janvier 2007. Le HCI propose que la charte, qui
concerne à la fois les agents publics et les usagers, soit affichée dans tous les services publics.
Ouvrages / Books
- CLARK, B., Twice a Stranger: How Mass Expulsion Forged Modern Greece and Turkey. London :
Granta Books, 2006.
- MOLOKOTOS-LIEDERMAN, L., "Looking at Religion and Greek Identity from the Outside: The
Identity Cards Conflict Through the Eyes of Greek Minorities", Religion, State and Society, 2007, 35/2:
p. 139-161.
Autre / Other
Construction d'une mosquée à Athènes (voir Débats actuels)
Actualité juridique / Legal news
Le Premier ministre vient de mettre en place une commission d'évaluation de l'accord conclu en 1997
avec le Saint-Siège sur les questions financières (voir Current debates)
The Prime Minister of the present social-liberal government initiated an "expert commission" to review
the destiny of the 1997 Agreement with the Holy See on financial issues (see the Current debates).
Site Internet / Website
Under the coordination of the University of Szeged a new research program, supported by the Sixth
Framework Programme of the European Commision, has been launched. Member institutions based
in ten Central and Eastern European countries may find in REVACERN - Religions And Values:
Central And Eastern European Research Network - a framework for a multidisciplinary research on
the future of relations between institutions, culture and politics in the field of values and religions.
The research topics are: Mutual interaction between the roles of values in religious institutions and the
society, Intersection of changing value system, Media and religion, National identity in multiethnic
European subregions, The cohesion of the EU-enlargement versus nationalism, fundamentalism. The
network aims at a comparative perspective of legal, political, cultural aspects of religious institutions,
their role in the society.
Eurel newsletter n. 5
Ouvrages / Books
- BOGLIANI, Franco, MARGIOTTA BROGLIO, Francesco, MAZZOLA, Roberto (dir.) Chiese cristiane,
pluralismo religioso e democrazia liberale in Europa. Il Mulino, 2006
- COLAIANNI, Nicola, Eguaglianza e diversità culturali e religiose. Il Mulino, 2006
- DE OTO, Antonello, Precetti religiosi e mondo del lavoro. Ediesse, 2007
New Scientific Journal : Diritto e Religioni, Luigi Pellegrini Editore.
Actualité juridique / Legal news
- The 20th and 21st of February 2007 the Italian Parliament discussed and approved a number of
motions regarding initiatives to contrast the increasing crimes against women in name of religious
beliefs. (OLIR website)
- Refusing medical treatments Corte di Cassazione - Civile, Sentenza 23 febbraio 2007, n.4211 (OLIR
Autre / Other
The two major ongoing debates now in Italy regard, on one hand the well known DICO (PACS), and
the possibility to have a biological testament, so to avoid unnecessary treatments.
-The PACS debate: (for further information: FUCCILLO, Antonio (dir.), Unioni di fatto, convivenze e
fattore religioso. G. Giappichelli : Torino, 2007). The civil pacts should give equal rights to non-married
couples, and so even to homosexual couples. The CEI (the Episcopal Conference of Italy) is currently
preparing a new document regarding the subject that should help the catholics MP's to vote. Experts
are currently debating on the legitimacy of this document, since it is viewed or as a interference of the
Church in the State independence, or as a legitimate opinion of the church. The new document was
disclosed the 27th of March 2007, and advises the catholic MP’s to not vote the new law on the family.
- The Biological Testament: Recently the last bishop of Milan, Cardinal Maria Martini, wrote an open
letter to the newspapers regarding the possibility of legitimating a biological testament in Italy.
Site Internet / Website
Online journal :Stato, Chiese e pluralismo confessionale
Revista Lusófona de Ciência das Religiões V – 2006, n.9/10. "O Protestantismo no Espaço Lusófono"
Colloques / Conferences
- 21 April 2007: "Ars Sacra": chemins de religiosité et sacralité dans les arts décoratifs du Portugal, à
Lisbonne, par le patriarcat de Lisbonne. "Ars Sacra": ways of religiosity and sacrality in the decorative
arts in Portugal, at Lisbon, by the patriarchate of Lisbon.
- 5 May 2007: "Religions, violence et Raison" par la Franc-maçonnerie espagnole (Grande Oriente
Lusitano), à Lisbonne (voir la présentation de la conférence). "Religions, violence and reason" at the
portuguese freemasonry (Grande Oriente Lusitano), in Lisbon (see the presentation)
Eurel newsletter n. 5
Ouvrages / Books
- CUCIUC, Constantin, Sociopsihologia religiei [La socio-psychologie de la religion]. Bucureşti :
Conştiinţă şi Libertate, 2006
- GAVRILUŢĂ, Nicu, Mişcări religioase orientale. O perspectivă socio-antropologică asupra practicilor
yoga [Mouvements religieux orientaux. Une perspective socio anthropologique concernant les
pratiques yoga]. Cluj-Napoca: Provopress, 2006
LEMENI, Adrian, DEDU, Bogdan (ed. îngrijită de), Învăţământul religios şi teologic în România
[L’enseignement religieux et théologique en Roumanie]. Sibiu: TehnoMedia, 2006
LEMENI, Adrian, FRUNZĂ, Florin, dr., DIMA, Viorel, (ediţie îngrijită de), Libertatea religioasă în
context românesc şi european [La liberté religieuse dans le contexte roumain et européen], Simpozion
internaţional, Bucureşti, 12-13 septembrie 2005, Acta. Bucureşti: Editura Bizantină, 2005
- SANDU, Dumitru (coord.), COMŞA, Mircea, RUGHINIŞ, Cosima, TOTH, Alexandru, VOICU,
Mădălina, VOICU, Bogdan, Viaţa socială în România urbană [La vie sociale en Roumanie urbaine].
Iaşi: Polirom, 2006
- GHEORGHE, Manuela, « Evoluţii ale pluralismului religios din România în perspectiva integrării
europene » [Évolutions du pluralisme en Roumanie dans la perspective de l’intégration européenne],
Revista Română de Sociologie, nr.1-2, 2006, p. 89-97
- GHEORGHE, Manuela, « Coordonate socio-religioase ale trăirii credinţei în satul românesc
postcomunist » [Coordonnées socioreligieuses du vécu de la foi dans le village roumain postcommuniste], Revista Română de Sociologie, nr-3-4, 2006, p. 233-249
GHEORGHE, Manuela, « Tradiţia - coordonată fundamentală a religiozităţii în comunităţile rurale din
România » [La tradition – coordonnée fondamentale de la religiosité dans les communautés rurales en
Roumanie], Revista Română de Sociologie, nr.5-6, 2005, p. 503-509
- TANASE, Laurentiu, « Evoluţia societatii contemporane din perspectiva vieţii religioase: globalizare,
secularizare, pluralizare, NMR » [L’évolution de la société contemporaine dans la perspective de la vie
religieuse: globalisation, sécularisation, pluralisation, NMR], Anuarul FTO – Universitatea Bucureşti,
Universitatea din Bucureşti, Bucureşti, 2006, pp. 525-534
Actualité juridique / Legal news
Les icônes dans les salles de classe des écoles publiques (voir Débats actuels)
Ouvrages / Books
- BARZILAI, Gad, Law and Religion. Aldershot: Ashgate, 2007.
- BROWN, Callum, Religion and Society in Twentieth Century Britain. London: Longman, 2006.
- BRUCE, Steve, VOAS, David, “Religious toleration and organisational typologies”, Journal of
Contemporary Religion, January 2007, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 1-17.
- CROCKETT, Alasdair, VOAS David, “Generations of decline: religious change in 20th-century
Britain”, Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, December 2006, Vol. 45 No. 4, pp. 567–584.
- GLENDINNING, Tony, “Religious involvement, conventional Christian, and unconventional
nonmaterialist beliefs”, Journal of Contemporary Religion, December 2006, Vol. 45 No. 4, pp. 585–
- LÜCHAU, Peter, “By faith alone? Church attendance and Christian faith in three European
countries”, Journal of Contemporary Religion, January 2007, Vol. 22, No. 1, pp. 35-48.
- MITCHELL, Claire, “The religious content of ethnic identities”, Sociology, December 2006, Vol. 40,
No. 6, pp. 1135-1152.
Eurel newsletter n. 5
Colloque / Conference
Religion, media and culture: exploring religion and the sacred in a media age
British Sociological Association Sociology of Religion Study Group 2007 Annual Conference, St
Catherine's College, Oxford, 2-4 April 2007
Autre / Other
The government has allowed (but not required) schools to prohibit pupils from wearing full-face veils.
The decision is the latest stage in the continuing effort to find a balance between accommodating and
limiting religious demands. In the past individual schools have had to defend their policies on uniforms
in the courts. See:
Ouvrages / Books
- SABO, Martin, Stat a cirkvi na Slovensku -Vyvoj financovania cirkvi. [State and Churches in Slovakia.
The Development of Church Financing]. Bratislava : 2006
- VELICOVA, Silvia (ed), Moderne nabozenstvo 2 / Modern Religion 2. Ustav pre vztahy statu a cirkvi.
Bratislava : 2006.
Actualité juridique / Legal news
A draft amendment on the Law 308/1991 on the Freedom of Belief and the Position of Churches and
Religious Societies adopted by the National Council of the Slovak Republic modifies the conditions of
registration. Registration requires a consent of 20,000 members, not only persons "claiming a church"
– i.e. sympathisers according to the existing broader interpretation of the Law (see Current debates)
Ouvrage / Book
BEXELL (ed.), Församling -- här! nu! Ett arbetsmaterial för församlingarnas självreflektion från prästoch diakonmötet i Växjö 2005 [Congregation - here! Now ! A material for the congregations' self
reflection from the clergies' meeting in Växjö 2005)], Växjö, 2006
Collectif sur le travail et la situation dans les paroisses d'un diocèse de l'Eglise de Suède.
Contributions from different authors regarding the work and the situation in the congregations
of a Church of Sweden diocese.
BROMANDER, "Svenska kyrkan och dess medlemmar" ["The Church of Sweden and its members"] in
WISNES (ed.), Tallenes tale 2005 -- perspektiv på statistikk og kirke- [The number of numbers 2005 -perspectives on statistics and church]. Trondheim, 2005
Commentaire sur les relations entre les membres de l'Eglise de Suède et leur Eglise, et sur le
risque de désaffiliation future. Commentary on the kind of relations between the members of
the Church of Sweden and their church as well as the risk of future resignation.
Colloque / Conference
- Religion on the Borders: New Challenges in the Academic Study of Religion
19-22 April 2007, Södertörn, Stockholm; organized in collaboration IAHR (International Association for
the History of Religions)
Eurel newsletter n. 5
Ouvrages / Books
- BRANDT, P.-Y., FOURNIER, C.-A. (dir.), Fonctions psychologiques du religieux, Genève, Labor et
Fides, 2007 (Actes et recherches).
- DURISCH GAUTHIER, N., ROSSI, I. et STOLZ, J., Quête de santé. Entre soins médicaux et
guérisons spirituelles, Genève, Labor et Fides, 2007 (Religions et modernités).
- STOLZ, J., "Explaining islamophobia. A test of four Theories Based on the Case of a Swiss City",
Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Soziologie 31 (3), 2006, p. 547-566.
Colloques / Conferences
- Quête de santé. Entre soins médicaux et guérisons spirituelles
Colloque organisé par Madame Nicole Durisch Gauthier (CIC de Genève), Dr. Véronique Zumstein
(CIC de Genève) et Dr Philippe Vuadens (Clinique romande de réadaptation), le 5 avril 2007, à la
Clinique romande de réadaptation, à Sion (Valais).
- Schweizer Religionswissenschaft - Quo vadis?
Congrès annuel de la SGR-SSSR (Société suisse pour la science des religions), faisant l’état des
lieux de l'histoire et des sciences des religions en Suisse, 12 et 13 octobre 2007, Institut für
Religionswissenschaft de l'Université de Berne
Actualité juridique / Legal news
- Le Grand Conseil du Canton de Vaud a adopté la Loi du 9 janvier 2007 (état au 01.01.2007) sur la
reconnaissance des communautés religieuses et sur les relations entre l’État et les communautés
religieuses reconnues d’intérêt public.
Cette loi prévoit notamment la possibilité pour les communautés religieuses de demander une
reconnaissance officielle auprès du canton. Sont déjà reconnues par le canton les communautés
catholique, réformée et juive.
Loi sur la reconnaissance des communautés religieuses et sur les relations entre l'Etat et les
communautés religieuses reconnues d'intérêt public :
Voir également :
- la loi du 9 janvier 2007 sur la communauté israélite de Lausanne et du Canton de Vaud :
- la loi du 9 janvier 2007 sur les relations entre l’Etat et les Eglises reconnues de droit public :
Eurel newsletter n. 5
2. Actualité du site Eurel / News of the Eurel website
- Changement d'adresse / change of address
A la suite de problèmes de sécurité, le site Eurel est provisoirement hébergé sur un nouveau serveur,
à l'adresse
The webhost of Eurel has been attacked by hackers, and the website is currently hosted at, on a momentary basis.
- La Bulgarie, le Danemark et le Portugal seront les prochains pays intégrés dans le site Eurel
Bulgaria, Denmark and Portugal will be the following countries to be added to the Eurel website
- La nouvelle rubrique "Enseignement et recherche" est maintenant complétée pour la Suède (en
français et anglais) et la France (en français).
The new heading "Education and research" now exists for France (in French only) and for Sweden (in
English and French).
- Un article et un tableau comparatif sur le cadre juridique et la pratique administrative en matière de
port de signes religieux dans les différents pays européens a été ajouté dans la rubrique "Statut
juridique des religions" du pays Europe (en français).
A full article and a comparative table of the legal framework and administrative practices concerning
the wearing of religious signs in the European countries has been added in the "legal status of
religions" chapter concerning Europe (in French).
- La rubrique "Débats actuels" a été récemment mise à jour pour Chypre, la Grèce, l'Irlande, la
Roumanie, la Slovaquie et la Turquie.
The "Current debates" heading has recently been updated for Cyprus, Greece, Ireland, Romania,
Slovakia and Turkey.
- Le site Eurel fera l'objet d'une session thématique lors de la 29e conférence de la SISR à Leipzig, le
vendredi 27 juillet 2007 / The Eurel website will be presented at the 29th ISSR Conference in Leipzig
on July 27, 2007.
STS 54 Les données sociologiques et juridiques relatives à l’état religieux de l’Europe / The
- Séance/Session 54/1: EUREL : fournir des données sociologiques et juridiques sur la religion en
Europe dans une perspective comparative / EUREL: aims to provide accurate and up-to-date
information on the social and legal status of religion in Europe from an interdisciplinary perspective