Présentation PowerPoint - Les Hotels Baverez Accueil


Présentation PowerPoint - Les Hotels Baverez Accueil
Fête nationale depuis 1880, le 14 juillet
commémore la prise de la Bastille de 1789, mais
aussi un événement moins connu :
la fête de la Fédération de 1790.
Bastille Day is the name given in English speaking countries to the French National Day, which is
celebrated on the 14th of July each year. In France, it is formally called »La Fête
Nationale» (The National Celebration) and commonly »Le quatorze juillet » (The 14th of July).
The French National Day commemorates the beginning of the French Revolution with the Storming
of the Bastille on July 14th, 1789, as well as the »Fête de la Fédération » on July 14th, 1790.
Originally built as a medieval fortress, the Bastille eventually came to be used as a state prison.
Political prisoners were often held there, as were citizens detained by the authorities for trial.
Some prisoners were held on the direct order of the king, from which there was no appeal.
Although by the late 18th century the Bastille had come to be associated in the minds of the
people with the harsh rule of the Bourbon monarchy.
On July 14th, 1789, an outraged group of Parisians stormed the Bastille, in hopes of capturing
ammunition. This important event marked the entry of the popular class into the French Revolution.
The French recognize Bastille Day as
the end of the monarchy and beginning of the modern republic.
Today, celebrations are held all over France. The oldest and largest regularmilitary parade in
Europe is held on the morning of 14 July, on the Champs-Élysées avenue in Paris in front of
the President of the Republic, French officials and foreign guests.
Menu du 14 juillet
€ 250.00 TTC
Amuse Bouche - Appetizer
€ 250.00 taxes and service included
Tourteau concombre et caviar d’Aquitaine
Crab with cucumber and caviar from Aquitaine
Menu élaboré par notre Chef de cuisine Etienne Barrier et son équipe.
Menu elaborated by our Chef Etienne Barrier and his team.
En cas d’intempéries, la direction se réserve le droit de servir le dîner à l’intérieur de l’hôtel.
Foie gras en terrine, gelée de framboise et chutney
In case of inclement weather, management reserves the right serving dinner inside the hotel.
Foie gras terrine, raspberry in jelly and chutney
Boissons – Drinks*
Thon rouge grillé, condiments vierge
Champagne Barons de Rothschild
Pouilly Fuissé « Secret Minéral » 2012 – Denis Jeandeau
Château Grand Puy Lacoste 2003 – Pauillac
Gevrey Chambertin 2012 – Joseph Roty
Champagne Billecart Salmon Rosé
Grilled red tuna, virgin condiments
Poisson -fish
Cœur de saumon Balik, caviargue et sésame
Heart of Balik salmon, caviar with poutargue and sesame
Croustillant tomate marinée et pesto
Crusty bread with marinated tomato and pesto
Viande - meat
Cœur de côte de veau, légumes d’été, râpée de truffe australe
Heart of veal chop, summer vegetables, grated austral truffle
Sorbet citronnelle mélisse
Citronella and melissa sorbet
Comme un vacherin pêche amande et fruits rouges
Peach and almond « vacherin »with red fruits
Meringue soufflée noisette et crémeux chocolat
*Boissons à discrétion, à consommer avec modération
Drink wisely with responsibility
Soufleed meringue with hazelnut and creamy chocolate

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