Video Storyboard - Flavien et Laure


Video Storyboard - Flavien et Laure
Videos :
1 présentateur + une maman qui a préalablement testé le produit
TV ad Shows :
 Le présentateur pose le contexte : De + en + souhaitent faire attention à leur alimentation
mais ne trouve pas le temps. (pour répondre à ces préoccupations on vous propose de tester
un produit)
 Présentation de l’invité : Laure, enfants, cadre, souhaite avoir une promotion, aime la cuisine
et les voyages
 Echange invité-présentateur :
Flavien : Combien d’enfants ?
Laure : 2 enfants
Flavien : Vous faites quoi dans la vie ?
Laure : Future directrice dans une agence de notation
Flavien : Pourquoi future ?
Laure : J’ai des ambitions
Flavien : Mais vous arrivez à joindre les deux bouts ?
Laure : C’est difficile pour les tâches quotidiennes
Flavien : Est-ce que vous pensez que le produit que vous avez testé pour nous peut vous aider à vous
en sortir ?
Laure : Oui
Flavien : C’est ce que nous allons voir. Nous vous avons suivi dans votre quotidien en compagnie d’un
nouveau produit.
VIDEO : Test du produit dans la vie quotidienne
Rôle Flavien : Poser des questions sur ce que le frigo t’apporte
Rôle Laure : Montrez les bons côtés en termes de fonctionnalités (les détaillers)
Flavien : Est-ce que vous acheteriez le produit ?
Laure : Justement, il est déjà commandé.
A la fin : Présentateur : Rendez-vous la semaine prochaine avec tel produit
A tv ad show where the TV presenter introduce a fact. The fact that more and more people got tired
of eating delivery services. They more and more care about their health and want to change that in
eating healthy food. Some experts say that a person preparing food will have better chance to live
longer that people who used to ordering food daily.
Who they are uniquely?
A married mother with two kids living in Paris. She works for a famous consultancy firm.
What objectives ?
She wants to gain a job promotion. But She wants to take more time with her kids and be more
caring with them.
What are the challenges
She has the knowledge to have the promotion but she’s afraid to have less time to spend with her
What are her passion
She likes cooking and traveling around the world. Each year she decides to travel in a new country.
The adjuvant
Who ?
A tv presenter who takes seriously the importance to solve everyday problems (credible)
What objectives?
Introduce new technologies helping the way of life of people (pas la technologie mais son influence,
son résultat)
What are the challenges?
Be the first to make people discover a new product which is really useful in their lives. (avec vraiment
attention d’achat)
What are her passion?
Family, Use of innovative technology, ecoute , commentaires medias sociaux.
How we want to set the video?
TV ad shows which ask the hero to test the product. Photos of kids in the background
Road Map
The vision: Analyze the technology that you study. What is the interface? Where the data come
from? How do you use it?
The product is an intelligent and connected fridge. Equipped with a screen, it is directly connected to
the Internet. It watches over the expiry dates and suggest recipes according to what you have in
your frige. You also can order healthy products from supermarkets directly from your fridge. It
suggests the list of products you should buy in analyzing what you used to buying each week.
The data directly comes from the application contained on your fridge. It also connects data with
supermarkets to provide information about available products.
You can control your fridge from the screen at the middle of the product.
Happy end / Comment Laure va l’utiliser ? Pratique? Cout? Faché avec la technologie? Passioné ?
+ dommander l’avis des internautes
Metrics to evaluate the value proposition. Good story ?
The promise of value is the fact that the user can use the fridge as a digital tool. He has the control of
the fridge from the screen. From that, the product provides all the information that could be useful
for the consumer to organize himself when he’s cooking or when he wants to cook or when he plans
to cook.
Weak points. :
All depend on your screen. The consumer depend on that so if the screen is broken, the utility of a
digital fridge is none.
What we could improve?
Manage your fridge from your smartphone