press release


press release
Guyancourt, 11 August 2014
'J’aime ma baignade'
lets you look after your environment!
Saur has test-launched an innovative new phone app unique in France that allows
holidaymakers to alert bathing area managers to any form of pollution in four resorts with
Démarche Qualité des Eaux de Baignade bathing water quality certification*
As part of protecting beach cleanliness and water quality even more effectively, Saur is offering local
authorities with 'Démarche Qualité des Eaux de Baignade' bathing water quality certification a new system
that lets summer visitors flag up any form of pollution in real time.
Waste, odours, oil, foam or jellyfish? This system lets holidaymakers
use their smartphone or PC to visit and alert the
bathing area manager to the presence of beach or water pollution.
All the necessary resources - from cleaning to additional analyses
and removal - can then be actioned immediately.
The resort towns of Châtelaillon-Plage, Evian-les-Bains, Le
Lavandou and the Communauté de Communes du Golfe de Saint-Tropez are the first local authorities to test
this interactive resource on their beaches and give holidaymakers the power to take responsibility for their
own beach environment.
*Health and water quality are practical priorities for local authorities with ‘Démarche Qualité des Eaux de
Baignade’ bathing water quality certification. Introduced by the French Ministry for the Environment, Anel
(National Association of Coastal Community Councillors) and ANMSCCT (National Association of Listed Resort
and Tourism Destination Mayors), 'Démarche Qualité des Eaux de Baignade' certification enables local
authorities to respond positively to the regulatory requirements imposed by the European bathing water
directive, and more specifically to meet the 'satisfactory quality' level defined by the new evaluation criteria. By
preparing bathing area profiles and modelling the behaviour of catchment areas under a broad range of
weather conditions, pollution risks can be forecast in time to apply the necessary controls. Where required, a
high-speed analysis system delivers results within a few hours of samples being taken so that the public can be
informed of any pollution prior to temporary closure of the bathing area concerned. 'Qualité des Eaux de
Baignade' is currently the only certification scheme to provide bathers with a permanent guarantee of
swimming in high-quality water. - 'Qualité des Eaux de Baignade' certification - Saur key figures for 2013: 57
towns with 285 beaches under active management, 53 beaches certificated (including freshwater bathing at
Evian), 11 Saur high-speed analysis laboratories, and 7,224 high-speed analyses conducted.
A propos de Saur :
, le groupe Saur accompagne les col
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saoudite notamment. Saur en chiffres : 1,7 milliard € de chiffre d’affaires net en 2013, 13 000 collaborateurs et 18 millions d’habitants
desservis dans le monde.
Press contact: FTI Consulting – Anna Adlwska - [email protected]
Tel.: +33 (0) 1 47 03 68 56 (Direct) - +33 (0) 6 37 21 41 96 (Mobile)
SAUR - Head Office: Les Cyclades - 1, rue Antoine Lavoisier – 78064 Guyancourt l. +33 (0)1 30 60 84 00 - Fax: +33 (0)1 30 60 27 89 -
Saur - French simplified joint-stock company (SAS) capitalised at €101,529,000 - R.C.S. Versailles 339 379 984 - Intracommunity VAT no. FR 28 339 379 98