Saturday / samedi November 26 novembre


Saturday / samedi November 26 novembre
SATURDAY, February 9th
16h00 (Lancaster)
Pro Populo
17h30 (Glen Walter)
Elsie Dupuis by Jean Charland
SUNDAY, February 10th
09h00 (Glen Walter)
André Bourdeau by Pat Brunet
11h00 (Lancaster)
Robert Quenneville by Gisèle & Réjean Campeau
MONDAY, February 11th
Chateau Gardens
Norman Blinn by a family friend
10h00 (Glen Walter)
Liturgy of the word with ashes presided by Bishop Marcel
19h00 (Lancaster)
Robert Quenneville par Gloria Poirier et famille
THURSDAY, February 14th
09h00 (Glen Walter)
André Lalonde par Madeleine Lalonde-Landry
FRIDAY, February 15th
09h00 (Lancaster)
09h30 (Lancaster)
Rolland Bourdeau & Jacqueline Pilon by Irene Bourdeau
SATURDAY, February 16th
16h00 (Lancaster)
Lionel, Laurence & Pierre Lortie par Jeannine Lortie
17h30 (Glen Walter)
En Action de grâces pour Antoine & Micheline Dostie
SUNDAY, February 17th
09h00 (Glen Walter)
Aline Poirier by Rhéal and Karen Valade
11h00 (Lancaster)
Barbara Cuggy by David Cuggy
Year of Faith Lenten Mission at St. Columban Parish
“Very truly, I tell you, whoever believes has eternal life” (c.f. Jn 6:47). “To
have faith or to believe is not easy in a world like ours. But why should a
Christian believe?” Bishop Marcel Damphousse will lead us in a special
Year of Faith Lenten Mission. All are welcome to join him as he helps us
find more purpose to our belief. The Mission will be held each evening at
7:00 pm on Sunday, Feb. 17 – Talk, Monday, Feb.18 – Talk, Wednesday
Feb. 20 – Mass with extended homily & collection for the Mission.
Please join us for the World Day of Prayer to be held on March 1st, 2013 at
1pm at Saint Joseph Parish, Lancaster, Ontario. Refreshments will be served in
the hall following the service. For more info - Cathie Jarvis 613 347-1754
St. Columban Parish will have a 12:10 pm Mass, Mondays through Fridays
during Lent, beginning with Ash Wednesday (Feb. 13 th) until Wednesday of
Holy Week (March 27th). ALL ARE WELCOME!
St. Francis de Sales – Knights of Columbus 11531 ROAST BEEF DINNER
Thursday, February 14th, 2013 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm in the St. Francis
de Sales Parish Hall $10.00 per person
Take it to the Cross
Ash Wednesday will soon be upon us and this year I’m
inviting all students, teachers, support staff and parents to
take the challenge “Take it to the Cross”.
Each day we face trials, tribulations, and temptation. Some
days go well – some don’t. Maybe there’s a crisis or concern in your life
that you are struggling with. You have tried your best but your best is not
enough to handle the situation.
Today, you can “Take it to the Cross.” God did not intend for us to carry
the weight of our burdens and difficulties alone. Whatever you are
carrying today, simply write it down and Take it to the Cross”. “Take it
to the Cross” allows you to lift a prayer up to the Lord and journal at the
same time. God’s timing is so much better than ours. Each time the Lord
answers a prayer that you have taken to the cross, journal it! “...for with
God all things are possible.” (Mark 10:27)
Apportez-le à la Croix
Mercredi des cendres sera bientôt avec nous et cette année
je vous invite tous à relever le défi «Apportez-le à la
Chaque jour, nous sommes confrontés à des difficultés,
des tribulations et tentations. Il y a des jours que ça va bien – d’autres
jours c’est plus difficile. Peut-être y a-t-il une crise ou une situation dans
votre vie que vous êtes aux prises avec. Vous avez essayé de votre
mieux, mais ceci n'est pas suffisant pour gérer la situation.
Aujourd'hui, vous pouvez «L’apportez à la Croix». Dieu n'avait pas
l'intention de nous laisser supporter le poids de nos contraintes et
difficultés seuls. Tout ce que vous supportez aujourd'hui, simplement
l'écrire et «L’apportez à la Croix». «L’apportez à la Croix» nous
permet d’offrir une prière au Seigneur et de l’écrire en même temps. Le
timing de Dieu est tellement mieux que le nôtre. Chaque fois que le
Seigneur répond à une prière que vous avez apportée à la Croix,
écrivez-le! «.. .Car tout est possible avec Dieu. " (Marc 10:27)
Weekend of February 22-24, 2013: Join Cleopas and be that other disciple. Live
the Emmaus experience as revealed in the gospel of Luke! You will simply never
look at your bible the same way again! Come even if you’ve never opened a Bible
before. Emmaus a Diocesan project through the St. Andrew School of
Evangelization held at the Agora Centre… we will begin our journey on Friday
evening at 6 pm – go home to sleep each evening. If coming from the country or
from a distance, we can assist in finding you a home nearby to billet. A suggested
donation of $75.00 is requested… offer more or less as you are able. Call
613-938-1091 to register or for more information. A registration form can be
downloaded at
Holy Trinity Catholic Secondary School News: Our Ash Wednesday Liturgy will be
held on Wednesday, February 13th at 9:30am for grades 10-12 and at 10:45 a.m. for grades
7-9 in our cafetorium. All are welcome to join us in this celebration as we prepare to begin
the Lenten season and receive the ashes of transformation so that we too may “repent and
believe the gospel” that is taught to us by Jesus our Lord.
“Works of mercy tree”
Given the many challenges facing today’s families, now is the perfect time and
home is the perfect place to experience Lent. After all, home is where we rush and
rest, where we hope and worry, where we love and forgive. It is home where we
most often experience day-to-day salvation. Lenten experiences can take place in
nearly every room of the house. Here is an idea to try to enrich your celebration of
Lent at home… Make a decorative family “works of mercy tree” by following the
directions on the pages provided at the back of the church. Work as a family to
follow through on your promises.
Lenten Family Mealtime
In addition to “Friday fish day,” designate one evening a week to prepare a meal
together. Assign a different dish or task to each family member. Before starting,
discuss how each family member is giving to the others - giving time, effort, and
care to nourish the entire family to go out and do God’s will. Begin with a prayer of
thanks and petition.
La Paroisse et les Chevaliers de St-Martin-de-Tours de Glen Robertson vous invitent
à un souper Spaghetti suivi par une soirée Jamboree le 9 mars 2013. De 16h à 19h Souper :
Spaghetti, Salade, Pain, Dessert, Thé et Café. Adulte $10.00 Enfant 12 ans et moins 5.00$,
5 ans et moins gratuit. De 19h à 20h début de la soirée Jamboree : animée par “Our Time’’
et leurs amis. Frais d’admission de 5.00$ pour ceux qui arrivent après le souper. Cash bar.
Tous les Musiciens sont bienvenus (votre souper sera gratuit) amenez votre voix, vos
instruments et/ou votre orchestre. Système pour les voix fourni par Gilles Gareau et les
tambours par Stéphane Bouchard. Veuillez nous contacter (Jean-Pierre Ricard 613
874-1393) pour nous faire part de votre présence pour notre planification d’horaire.
The Parish and Knights of St-Martin-de-Tours of Glen Robertson invite you to a
Spaghetti Supper followed by a Jamboree on March 9 th 2013. From 4pm to 7pm Supper:
Spaghetti, Salad, Bread, Dessert, Tea and Coffee, Adults $10.00, Children 12 and under
$5.00, 5 and under free. From 7pm to 8pm: Start of our Jamboree hosted by “Our Time”
and friends $5.00 admission for those who join us after supper. Cash bar available. All
Musicians welcome (your supper will be free of charge) bring your voice, your
instrument(s) your band. The P/A system will be supplied by Gilles Gareau and drums by
Stephane Bouchard. Call JP to let us know you’re coming. For more info : Claude Leblanc
613 525-5094 or/ou Jean-Pierre Ricard 613 874-1393
Ecumenical Lenten Service will be held at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian
Church on South Lancaster on each Wednesday during Lent. Everyone is
welcome to attend!
Preacher responsible
Preacher responsible
Feb 13
Mar 13 Rev. Carolyn Sharp
Feb 20 Rev. Ian MacMillan
Mar 20 Rev. Jacqueline Frioud
Feb 27 Rev. Jacques Labelle
Mar 27 Kendrick D’Aoust
Mar 6
The Free Will Offering will be sent to the Glengarry Foodgrains Bank
If School buses are not running, the service is cancelled.
Precious Blood Parish in Glen Walter BINGO! Our
next bingo will be on Wednesday, February 20th, 2013 in
the church hall starting at 7:00p.m. Tell your family and
friends. Hope to see you there.
La Paroisse Précieux-Sang, de Glen Walter, planifie un
BINGO. La prochaine soirée aura lieu le mercredi, 20
février, 2013 à 19h00. Dites-le à vos parents et amis. Nous
espérons vous voir des nôtres.