Cours du jeudi 20 octobre Fichier


Cours du jeudi 20 octobre Fichier
Thursday, October 20th, 2016
1. Introduce yourself
Memo: pluriels irréguliers
1 child / 3 children
a. Donner son âge
1 mouse / 2 mice
I am 38 years old.  correct
1 man / 2 men
I am 38.  correct
1 woman / 2 women
I am 38 years.
1 tooth / a lot of teeth
I have 38 years old.
1 foot / 2 feet
b. Parler de ce qui nous intéresse
I am interested
Actually = in fact (et non actuellement)
Actuellement: now, nowadays, currently, at
present, at the moment
c. Nom et prénom
Comment parler du nom?
Full name: Michael Jackson
First name / Christian name : Michael
Second name / surname / last name / family name: Jackson
2. What do you do in a usual day?
I am a beautician. I go to work in Paris. I do body and face care.
help charities/ organizations.  I help charities
Ne jamais dire “I’m” au present simple mais “I + verbe”.
At one, I work out.
I feed my dog.
I am a teacher. (ici on dit “I am” ou “I’m » car on veut employer le verbe être / il n’y a pas
d’autre verbe derrière).
I teach my students English.
I go to a secondary school in Creteil. (I drive to Créteil).
I give lessons, I correct copies, I evaluate my students, I meet parents...
Le présent simple nous sert à parler de choses simples, et surtout de nos habitudes, ce que
l’on fait non pas au moment où l’on parle, mais ce qui est une routine, une habitude, un
mode de vie (comme ce que l’on fait au travail).
Adverbes de fréquence
- Never  rarely, seldom Sometimes  Often  always  Most of the time
everyday, all the time, everytime (à chaque fois) +++
3. Find 20 questions about somebody’s daily routine!
1.What time do you wake up?
2. Where do you live?
3.Where do you work?
4. What are your hobbies after work?
5. Do you have breakfast every morning?
6. Where do you have lunch at noon / at midday / at 12 ?
7. Are you a car diver?
8.What do you cook for dinner?
9. Do you go to afterwork parties?
10. do you watch TV every evening? 4
11. How often do you work out? (4 days a week)
12. What time do you go to work?
13. Do you work far from Paris?
14. Do you use your phone as an alarm clock?
15. What do you do for a living?
16. Do you go and pick up your children after school?
17. Do you take the underground/ subway / metro everyday?
18. Do you often take/have a nap?
19. What TV show do you watch?
20. Do you practice some sports?
 Pour poser des questions (comme pour faire des phrases negatives), on a besoin de
l’auxiliaire DO en plus du verbe. Dans les phrases 4 et 7, on emploie le verbe être qui ne
nécessite pas le do (car c’est aussi un auxiliaire/opérateur comme can, have).
 “Do you have breakfast every morning?” pourrait aussi se dire « Have you got
breakfast every morning? »
4. Introduce your neighbor! (présentez votre voisin)
Radouane works most of the time alone. He likes his job.
Aicha works vonluntarily 16 hours a week.
Does she like her job?
She doesn't like her job.
He doesn't want to look for a job for the moment.
He wants to be a professor.
 A la troisième personne du singulier (he / she / it) on rajoute un -s au verbe.
 Dans les phrases négatives le -s s’ajoute à l’auxiliaire do et non au verbe.