2014 - Forum UNESCO


2014 - Forum UNESCO
« Arrêtez les destructions ! », exhorte
la Directrice générale de l’UNESCO
9 septembre 2013
Universitat Politècnica de
València (UPV) Espagne
Isabel Tort Ausina
Giovanni Boccardi
Irene Fornes
Jose Joaquín Lorente
Lupe Navarro
Luz Campos
Montse Martínez
Yimeng Chen
Jose Luis Montalvá
Manuel Jesús Ramírez
Marielle Richon
Concha de Soto
I.S.S.N. 1887 - 1666
Université Polytechnique de
Camino de Vera s/n. 46022
Valencia. Espagne
Tlf. 96 387 77 80
Fax. 96 387 77 89
Courriel: f o r u m @ f u u h.u pv.e s
© UNESCO / Professor Maamoun Abdul Karim, The Al-Omari Mosque
Des experts se sont réunis pour coordonner l’action visant à sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel syrien.
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a appelé aujourd’hui toutes
les parties prenantes au conflit en Syrie à sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel du
pays et à prendre les mesures qui s’imposent afin d’éviter d’autres destructions.
L’appel de la Directrice générale fait suite à une réunion d’experts qui s’est tenue
aujourd’hui au siège de l’Organisation dont l’objectif était d’explorer les différentes pistes afin d’éviter des pertes supplémentaires et réparer les dégâts quand ce
sera possible et dans les zones où ce sera possible.
« L’UNESCO est prête à utiliser son expertise et ses réseaux pour aider le peuple
syrien à préserver son patrimoine culturel exceptionnel », a déclaré la Directrice générale. « La protection du patrimoine est indissociable de la protection des populations, car le patrimoine véhicule les valeurs et les identités d’un peuple ».
« Il a été question aujourd’hui des dégâts importants déjà infligés au patrimoine en Syrie. La destruction de
sites comme le souk historique d’Alep, qui a fait la « une » des médias du monde entier, reflète l’inquiétude et
la désolation des gens partout dans le monde. »
« J’exhorte toutes les parties en présence à prendre les mesures nécessaires pour éviter que des dommages
supplémentaires soit infligés à ce patrimoine qui compte parmi les plus précieux du monde islamique ».
La réunion qui s’est tenue aujourd’hui, présidée par Irina Bokova, rassemblait notamment Lakhdar Brahimi,
Représentant spécial conjoint des Nations Unies et de la Ligue arabe pour la Syrie ; Stefano de Caro, Directeur
général du Centre international d’études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels (ICCROM)
; Hannah Pennock, Directrice générale par intérim du Conseil international des musées (ICOM) ; Philippe
Allard, Directeur général du Conseil international des monuments et des sites (ICOMOS) ainsi que des représentants d’Interpol, la plus grande organisation internationale de police au monde, de l’Organisation mondiale
des douanes, de l’Union européenne et des experts de l’UNESCO.
« Le passé de la Syrie est menacé, au même titre que son présent et son avenir », a déclaré Lakhdar Brahimi.
« Je peux en témoigner et me faire l’écho de votre message auprès des dirigeants que je rencontre ».
Ils ont approuvé l’action continue de l’UNESCO pour attirer l’attention et partager l’information relative au
statut du patrimoine syrien, notamment les six sites du pays inscrits sur la Liste du patrimoine mondial, les
sites archéologiques importants, le patrimoine mobilier, présents notamment dans les musées et dans d’autres
L’UNESCO a organisé des formations à destination des professionnels du patrimoine syriens et de la région en vue de protéger les biens culturels et les collections de la destruction, du pillage et du trafic illégal.
L’Organisation a également communiqué l’information dont elle disposait sur les dégâts causés à tous les types
de patrimoine afin d’alerter les services des douanes et les marchands d’art sur le patrimoine volé et permettre
le respect de l’interdiction internationale du commerce des biens pillés (Convention de 1970) concernant les
mesures à prendre pour interdire et empêcher l’importation, l’exportation et le transfert de propriété illicites
des biens culturels et la Convention de 1954 pour la protection des biens culturels en cas de conflit armé et son
premier protocole).
Au cours de cette réunion, l’UNESCO a rappelé son expérience en matière de coordination des actions destinées à préserver le patrimoine en période de conflit, comme ce fut le cas récemment au Mali, en Libye et en
« Il n’y a pas de culture sans peuple, ni de société sans culture », a déclaré la Directrice générale en clôture
de la réunion.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/in-focus-articles/stop-the-destruction-urges-unescodirector-general/
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO déplore les
dégâts causés au patrimoine culturel en Egypte
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a exprimé aujourd’hui sa vive inquiétude concernant le patrimoine culturel égyptien, suite à des informations faisant état de pillages du Malawi National Museum dans la ville de Minya en Haute Egypte et de la destruction de plusieurs édifices religieux,
notamment des églises et des mosquées, en Haute-Egypte, à Fayoum et au Caire.
« Je condamne avec fermeté les attaques contre les institutions culturelles du pays et le pillage de ses biens
culturels », a déclaré Irina Bokova. « Il s’agit de dommages irréversibles pour l’histoire et l’identité du peuple
égyptien ».
La Directrice générale a exhorté les autorités égyptiennes à assurer la protection et l’intégrité des musées, des
sites et des monuments historiques, notamment religieux.
Irina Bokova a également appelé les autorités égyptiennes à prévenir le trafic des biens culturels volés au
Malawi National Museum. Elle a rappelé que l’UNESCO était prête à fournir une aide technique dans ce do-
Lettre d’information FUUP - http://universiteetpatrimoine.net
maine et à mobiliser les organisations partenaires de la Convention de 1970 contre le trafic illicite des biens
culturels, notamment l’ICOM, l’ICOMOS, INTERPOL et l’Organisation mondiale des douanes.
« Le patrimoine culturel exceptionnel de l’Egypte n’est pas seulement un héritage du passé, reflétant son
histoire riche et plurielle, c’est également un legs pour les générations à venir et sa destruction fragilise les
fondations de la société égyptienne », a déclaré Irina Bokova.
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/unesco_director_general_deplores_
Wildlife crime is robbing the future of Africa Jeune Afrique
Given the current rate of poaching, children from West or Central
Africa will one day speak of elephants and rhinoceros as we speak of
mammoths: as magnificent creatures belonging to the past.
Over recent years, the massacre of wild species has reached an industrial
scale, in particular the poaching of animals for their ivory. In Gabon alone, some 11,000 elephants have been killed illegally since 2004. In 2012,
almost 700 rhinoceros were poached in South Africa. Just this past April,
an armed militia went into the Sangha Trinational transboundary World
Heritage site (Cameroon, Central African Republic, and Congo) and slaughtered at least 26 elephants in
Central African Republic in the space of a few days.
Throughout most of sub-Saharan Africa, elephants are now being killed faster than they can reproduce, with
2012 the bloodiest year in decades. This unprecedented increase reflects a change of scale in the way poaching
is conducted: it is now no longer done in a ‘traditional way’ but is conducted by heavily armed groups with
a lot of equipment, determined to sell their spoils to the highest bidder in the global market--which is fueled
by soaring prices and demand for ivory and rhino horn, primarily in Asia.
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/1063
Report on the Purple Economy :
An Objective, An Opportunity
Conclusions of the First inter-institutional working group on the purple economy
Año: 2013
The purple economy refers to taking account of cultural aspects in
It designates an economy that adapts to the human diversity in globalization and that relies on the cultural dimension to give value to goods
and services.
The term made its first public appearance in France on 19 May 2011, at
the initiative of the association, Diversum, in a manifesto published on
Le Monde.fr, the day before the World Day for Cultural Diversity for
Dialogue and Development.
The 1st International Purple Economy Forum, organized by Diversum,
was later held in Paris, from 11 to 13 October 2011, under the patronage of
UNESCO, the European Parliament and the European Commission.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/The_purple_economy.pdf
Lettre d’information FUUP - http://universiteetpatrimoine.net
Architecture de terre
Architecture de terre
Video - Conseervation of an 8th century Egyptian tunic - Victoria & Albert
Museum - London - United Kingdom
Elizabeth-Anne Haldane, Textile Conservator at the V&A, describes the conservation
work undertaken on an 8th-century Egyptian tunic, one of the exhibits to be displayed
in the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries.
+ info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cdhnORIAvo&feature=youtu.be
Origins of Wine, Health of Neandertals
New BIOMOLECULAR aRCHAEOLOGICAL Evidence Points to the Beginnings of Viniculture in
France 9,000 Year Old Ancient Near Eastern “Wine Culture,” Traveling Land and Sea, Reaches
Southern Coastal France, Via Ancient Etruscans of Italy, in 6th--5th Century BCE.
France is renowned the world over as a leader in the crafts of viticulture and winemaking—but
the beginnings of French viniculture have been largely unknown, until now.
Imported ancient Etruscan amphoras and a limestone press platform, discovered at the ancient
port site of Lattara in southern France, have provided the earliest known biomolecular
archaeological evidence of grape wine and winemaking—and point to the beginnings of a Celtic or Gallic vinicultural
industry in France circa 500-400 BCE. Details of the discovery are published as “The Beginning of Viniculture in France” in
the June 3, 2013 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Dr. Patrick McGovern, Director of the
Biomolecular Archaeology Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and
author of Ancient Wine: The Search for the Origins of Viniculture (Princeton University Press, 2006) is the lead author on
the paper, which was researched and written in collaboration with colleagues from France and the United States…
+ info: http://www.penn.museum/press-releases/961-origins-of-winemaking-in-france.html
El curso sobre las claves del Románico analiza el expolio del patrimonio
El refectorio del monasterio Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo acogió ayer la
inauguración de la decimocuarta edición del curso, que lleva por título ‘La diáspora del
románico hispánico. De la protección al expolio’. Expertos de diferentes universidades
españolas, así como del Museo Arqueológico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Arte de
Cataluña, analizarán en este curso múltiples aspectos del expolio artístico, desde el
contexto histórico en el que surgen hasta las lamentables consecuencias que registra.
Los expertos debaten sobre las piezas románicas que han sufrido el azote del expolio y el
destino final al que han llegado, sobre las causas que favorecieron su desaparición y las circunstancias que rodearon cada
caso y sobre los protagonistas que intervinieron en la trama…
+ info: http://www.elnortedecastilla.es/20130803/local/palencia/curso-sobre-claves-romanico-201308031221.html
Le théorème de Sbeïtla ou le patrimoine au coeur du développement - Tunisie
Sbeïtla, est une ville historique, au centre-ouest de la Tunisie, attenante au gouvernorat de
Kasserine. Magnifiquement intégrée dans les paysages grandioses, elle se démarque par la
richesse d'un patrimoine remontant loin dans l'antiquité, et qui doit être préservé et
transmis intact aux générations à venir. Pour ce faire, un long travail va être mis en
Sbeïtla, l'ancienne Sufetula, est une cité fondée par les Romains, sous la dynastie des
Flaviens, dans la deuxième moitié du 1er siècle après Jésus-Christ. On en retrouve des
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Architecture de terre
traces à travers divers monuments de l'époque romaine, tels que des forums et théâtres, ou de l'époque byzantine avec la
présence d'églises…
+ info: http://www.kapitalis.com/culture/16789-tunisie-le-theoreme-de-sbeitla-ou-le-patrimoine-au-coeur-dudeveloppement.html
Hallan restos arqueológicos de la época Colonial en
dependencias de la Universidad de Chile
Un importante hallazgo arqueológico se realizó en la Plaza Blest de
la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Chile, en el contexto
de la excavación por la construcción de la estación “Hospitales” de
la futura línea 3 del Metro de Santiago.
El descubrimiento consiste en una estructura compuesta por
patios de huevillo, pisos de ladrillo y muros, que da cuenta de lo
que sería un inmueble de grandes dimensiones que continuaría más allá del sitio excavado. Además, se han hallado
vestigios de diversos elementos, como metal, loza, cerámica, vidrio e incluso fragmentos de restos óseos humanos…
+ info: http://www.elmorrocotudo.cl/node/66390
New evidence contributes to unprecedented portrait of enslaved life at James
Madison's Montpelier- Orange - Virginia - USA
The Montpelier Foundation today announced findings from new archaeological excavations at
the lifelong home of James Madison – Father of the Constitution, Architect of the Bill of
Rights, and Fourth President of the United States. Discovered by teams of professional
archaeology staff, students and visitors participating in special “Archaeology Expeditions,”
two newly revealed subfloor pits provide an initial footprint for field slave quarters on the
Montpelier landscape…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64104/New-evidence-contributes-to-unprecedented-portrait-of-enslaved-life-at-JamesMadison-s-Montpelier#.UiX3_T9GPnh
Israel Antiquities Authority finds part of an enormous 1,000 year old hospital
building - Jerusalem
The Israel Antiquities Authority conducted an excavation in the impressive Crusader building,
which is similar in appearance to the Knights Halls in Akko and stands 6 meters high, prior to
the construction of a restaurant by the Grand Bazaar Company Part of an enormous
structure dating to the Crusader period (1099–1291 CE), which was a busy hospital, has
currently been revealed to the public following excavations and research by the Israel
Antiquities Authority there in cooperation with the Grand Bazaar Company of East Jerusalem.
The building, owned by the Waqf, is situated in the heart of the Christian Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem, in a region
known as “Muristan” (a corruption of the Persian word for hospital), near David Street, the main road in the Old City…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64207/Israel-Antiquities-Authority-finds-part-of-an-enormous-1-000-year-old-hospitalbuilding--#.UiX3Mz9GPnh
"Pompeii from the British Museum" brings ancient Roman history to life in
exclusive cinema event
Offering an exclusive look deep into the ancient past of a lost Roman civilization, NCM
Fathom Events and More2Screen present “Pompeii from the British Museum*” on
Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. local time. Presented in select movie theaters nationwide
for only one night, the event tells the story of life in the Roman cities of Pompeii and
Herculaneum nearly 2,000 years ago before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
“Pompeii from the British Museum” marks the first cinema event to be produced by a
museum for a major exhibition, providing a private view of the British Museum’s blockbuster show Life and Death in
Pompeii and Herculaneum. Accompanied by music, poetry and eyewitness accounts, attendees will be taken behind the
scenes to explore the homes and lives of the inhabitants of the thriving industrial hub of Pompeii and the small seaside
town of Herculaneum prior to the devastating volcanic eruption of the volcano, Mount Vesuvius…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64211/-Pompeii-from-the-British-Museum--brings-ancient-Roman-history-to-life-inexclusive-cinema-event#.UiX3xj9GPnh
Spanish dig in the caves of Atapuerca seeks prehistoric ancestors of Europeans Spain
A picture taken on July 11, 2013 shows workers carrying out an excavation at the Gran
Dolonia site, part of the Archaeological Site of Atapuerca, in the Sierra de Atapuerca,
province of Burgos. Fossils and stone tools of the earliest known hominids in Europe, dating
to between 780,000 and 1 million years ago, were discovered at the Atapuerca's
Archaeological site which was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2000. In
2007 the archaeological team found in the caves of the Elephant, a jaw and a human
phalanx dating back 1.2 million years and considered to be the remains of the "oldest European".
With trowels and paintbrushes, dozens of archaeologists in white hard-hats patiently sift the reddish-brown earth in the
caves of Atapuerca, searching for remains a million years old. From under strata spanning hundreds of millenia at this site
in northern Spain, they unearth ancient mouse bones and the teeth of horses -- but what they most hope for is a sign of
prehistoric humans that could write a new chapter in our evolution…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63953/Spanish-dig-in-the-caves-of-Atapuerca-seeks-prehistoric-ancestors-of-Europeans-
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Architecture de terre
Britons should get a say on car park King Richard III's remains: judge said todayLeicester Cathedral - United Kingdom
A file picture taken on February 4, 2013 shows a painting of England's King Richard III in
Leicester Cathedral in central England. The British public should be consulted on the final
resting place of Richard III, the 15th-century king whose skeleton was found under a car
park, a judge ruled on August 16, 2013. The bones of Richard III were dug up last year
outside a municipal building in Leicester, central England. The University of Leicester, whose
archaeologists found the site, plans to rebury them at Leicester Cathedral. However,
descendants of the king and other campaigners want him buried in York, the northern city which formed his power base.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64425/Britons-should-get-a-say-on-car-park-King-Richard-III-s-remains--judge-saidtoday
Choquequirao: las ruinas a las que se llegará en teleférico
Es conocida como la “hermana sagrada” de Machu Picchu por la similitud de las estructuras y su ubicación
estratégica; pero a diferencia de la famosísima ciudadela, Choquequirao recibe al día, un número de
turistas que se cuentan con los dedos de la mano. Está en el Cusco (Anta), pero el único acceso a ella es
por tierra a través de la limítrofe Apurímac y tras una dura y larga caminata, apta para un puñado de
En los próximos días se anunciará el lanzamiento del proyecto de teleférico que pasará sobre el cañón del
río Apurímac y que permitirá acceder a las ruinas. Como resultado se espera, en principio, elevar el
número de visitantes a 800 por día…
+ info: http://ilam.org/patrimonio/sos-patrimonio/noticias-patrimonio/1272-teleferico.html
En Neuquén, descubren una nueva especie de dinosaurio herbívoro
Se trata de un "Overosaurus paradasorum" que fue descubierto en un área cercana a la localidad
neuquina de Rincón de los Sauces. El hallazgo que permitió luego el trabajo de investigación fue
realizado por miembros de la familia Parada (de allí la denominación del dinosaurio), vecinos de Rincón
de los Sauces, quienes desde hace años colaboran en el rescate y puesta en valor del patrimonio
paleontológico de esa área.
Los investigadores denominaron "Overosaurus paradasorum" al dinosaurio, hallado hace más de una
década, y lo identificaron como una especie de titanosaurio herbívoro de fines del Cretácico Superior
descubierto en la formación geológica Anacleto, 50 kilómetros al suroeste de Rincón de los Sauces…
+ info: http://ilam.org/patrimonio/sos-patrimonio/noticias-patrimonio/1269-oversaurus.html
Investigadores de la UPV/EHU descubren un recinto militar del siglo XIX en el
castillo de Labastida
El recinto, que dominaba todo el valle del Ebro, estuvo en uso durante la primera y la tercera
guerra carlista
El Grupo de investigación en Patrimonio y Paisajes Culturales de la Universidad del País
Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) han desarrollado en las últimas semanas un
proyecto arqueológico en el castillo de Labastida (Álava), con el apoyo financiero de la
Diputación Foral de Álava, que ha supuesto el descubrimiento de un importante recinto
militar del siglo XIX en el castillo.
En un comunicado, la Universidad Pública vasca ha recordado que la existencia de un castillo en Labastida es conocida a
través de un importante documento medieval del año 1370 en la que el rey Enrique II de Castilla concedió a Diego Gómez
Sarmiento, el primer conde de Salinas, el señorío de la villa de Labastida con su castillo…
+ info: http://www.europapress.es/euskadi/noticia-investigadores-upv-ehu-descubren-recinto-militar-siglo-xix-castillolabastida-alava-20130819112238.html
Italy calls for German assistance as Pompeii falls further into ruin
With the greatest number of Unesco world heritage sites, and state coffers that do not
have much to spare for the culture sector, Italy has long worried how to protect its
heritage.from ruin Now it is resorting to overseas help to find a solution for Pompeii.
In recent years Italy has experimented with private sponsors for various projects, with
shoe company Tod's funding a revamp of the Colosseum and Fendi sprucing up the Trevi
fountain. The Pompeii Sustainable Preservation project (PSP) draws on the resources of
international institutions as researchers from the Technische Universität in Munich (TUM),
the Fraunhofer Institute and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
(ICCROM) embark on a 10-year, €10m (£8.6m) effort to prevent the world-famous site in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius
"from falling further into ruin"…
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/30/pompeii-ruins-italy-preservation-2014?CMP=twt_gu
Crannogs – Timber and stone riddles wrapped in water
The cold, dark waters of Scottish lochs hold a certain place in the imagination – conjuring up
images of the Loch Ness monster, or for others, the animistic water spirits of Scottish folklore
known as ‘kelpies’, not to mention the stunning backdrop for numerous movies.
However, for a handful of of archaeologists, the dark water of Scottish lochs hold a different,
more tangible riddle – island dwellings, typically represented by the crannog, a type of small
artificial islet, and the Hebridean ‘island dun’.
While the concept of an island dwelling is relatively straightforward, current terminology employs
a number of overlapping labels. The Gaelic word crannog literally translates as ‘son of tree’ or ‘young tree’. However, the
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Architecture de terre
term also applies to numerous wooden tools or implements ranging from ship masts to butter churns no less, leaving us
with open-ended meanings…
+ info: http://www.heritagedaily.com/2013/08/crannogs-timber-and-stone-riddles-wrapped-in-water/98753
Jornadas de Reflexión en Patrimonio Cultural 2013
6 & 11 septembre 2013. Bogotá. Colombie. Entrada libre
Organizateurs: Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura y Programa de
Urbanismo & Asociación Restauradores Sin Fronteras A-RSF, Grupo Colombia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 sep 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/JORNADAS-PATRIMONIO-2013.pdf
XIVéme Congrès International sur le Patrimoine Géologique et Minier
12 - 15 septembre 2013 Piedrasblancas, Asturias. Espagne
Organizateurs: La Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero (SEDPGYM) en colaboración con el
Ayuntamiento de Castrillón y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.sedpgym.es/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: AMARÉ TAFALLA, María Pilar
Metals Working Group triennial meeting
16 - 20 septembre 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.metal2013.org/
I Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Socialización del Patrimonio en el Medio Rural
18 - 21 septembre 2013 Malpartida de Cáceres. Espagne
Organizateurs: Ayuntamiento de Malpartida de Cáceres, la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de
Extremadura y Underground Arqueología
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sopa13.blogspot.com.es/
Coloquio internacional "El patrimonio desde las Ciencias sociales y las Humanidades"
25 - 27 septembre 2013 San Luis Potosí. Mexique
Organizateurs: El Colegio de San Luis, A.C.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.colsan.edu.mx/investigacion/historia/patrimonio/default.html
X Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura en Tierra, Tradición e Innovación - CIATTI 2013
27 - 29 septembre 2013 Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid. Espagne
Organizateurs: Grupo Tierra - Universidad de Valladolid
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 29 jun 2013
+ info: http://www5.uva.es/grupotierra/2013xcongreso.html
Cemetery Preservation Summit
08 - 10 octobre 2013 Niagara Falls, New York. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), United States
Contact: Jason Church - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 6 may 2013
+ info: http://ncptt.nps.gov/call-for-presentations-international-cemetery-preservation-summit/
IV Simposio Latinoamericano de métodos de química y física en arqueología, arte y conservación de
patrimonio cultural - LASMAC 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Bogotá. Colombie
Organizateurs: Asociación Química Colombiana; HAERENTIA; Archivo General de la Nacion Colombia; Comité Científico
Internacional de LASMAC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.lasmac2013.com/
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Architecture de terre
VI Autumn Conference of the Centre for Excellence in Cultural Theory
30 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 University of Tartu. Estonie
Organizateurs: Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (EU, European Regional Development Fund), University of Tartu,
Tallinn University
Contact: Monika Tasa, Email: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.ut.ee/CECT/tegevus/sygiskonverentsid.html
18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 18 2013)
11 - 13 novembre 2013 Viena. Autriche
Organizateurs: Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 28 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.stadtarchaeologie.at/?goback=.gde_1623567_member_246552594
XIIIème Festival International du Cinéma Archéologique de la Bidassoa
25 - 30 novembre 2013 Irun, Gipuzkoa. Espagne
Organizateurs: Museo Romano Oiasso de Irun, Ayuntamiento de Irun
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.irun.org/oiasso/home.aspx?tabid=1
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
Appel de Communications - 47e Colloque sur l’archéologie historique et subaquatique (SHA 2014)
07 - 12 janvier 2014 Québec. Canada
Organizateurs: Society for Historical Archaeology
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 jun 2013
+ info: http://sha2014.com/index.html
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings
and Structures
19 - 21 mars 2014 Tomar. Portugal
Organizateurs: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2013
+ info: http://rehab2014.greenlines-institute.org/rehab2014website/conference_scope.html
40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA)
19 - 23 mai 2014 Los Angeles. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States
DATE LIMITE: 16 dic 2013
+ info: http://www.archaeometry2014.com/
26th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference
08 - 12 septembre 2014 Gothenburg & Mariestad. Suède
Organizateurs: hosted by the University of Gothenburg.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info: http://www.pecsrl2014.com/
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 septembre 2014 Hong Kong. Chine
Organizateurs: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
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Architecture de terre
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Conservation/eng/iic/congress.htm
Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artefacts
Edited by P Dillmann, CNRS/CEA, France, D Watkinson, Cardiff University, UK, E Angelini, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy and A Adriaens, Ghent University, Belgium.
European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series No. 65
Année: 2013
The conservation of metallic archaeological and historic artefacts is a major challenge whether they are
ancient bronzes or relics of our more recent industrial past. Based on the work of Working Party 21
Corrosion of Archaeological and Historical Artefacts within the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), this
important book summarises key recent research on analytical techniques, understanding corrosion processes and
preventing the corrosion of cultural heritage metallic artefacts…
+ info: http://www.woodheadpublishing.com/en/book.aspx?bookID=3218
Syracuse - Ville Antique - Italie
Par silvio luiz cordeiro
Année: 2013
Syracuse - Ville Antique présente les impressions de six habitants de Syracuse
contemporains sur leur ville méditerranéenne. Fondée par les Grecs de Corinthe dans le
VIII siècle avant J.-C., cette ville fut successivement occupée par les différents peuples
qui ont imprimé dans son paysage urbain ces leurs marques spécifiques. Cependant, le
documentaire ne vise pas à résumer la longue histoire de Syracuse: son but n'est pas
de la raconter. En un sens, cette vidéo cherche à échapper le lieu commun d'approches actuelles en ce qui concerne
l'histoire de Syracuse qui, généralement, aborde des thèmes comme la vie d'Archimède ou de la défaite des Athéniens dans
la guerre contre la colonie sicilienne.
+ info: http://www.academia.edu/4039934/Syracuse_Ancient_City
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
Prix & distinctions
2013 Cultural Policy Research Award: 6 finalists in the running for the
10,000 Euro Award!
ENCATC, the leading European Network on arts and cultural management and
policy education and the European Cultural Foundation, officially announce today
the 6 finalists nominated for the 2013 Cultural Policy Research Award (CPRA).
The 2013 final CPRA winner will be publicly unveiled on 5 November 2013 during
10th Cultural Policy Research Award Ceremony to be held in the framework of the
opening of the 21st ENCATC Annual Conference “Rethinking Education on Arts
and Cultural Management” in Antwerp, Belgium (5-7 November 2013).
From a selection of 36 high-quality applications from 17 different countries on the wider European continent, the six
talented young cultural researchers who are now in the running for the CPRA 2013 are: Nicolás Barbieri (Italy), Martha
Mary Friel (Italy), Ana Gonçalves (Portugal), Višnja Kisic (Serbia), Arne Saeys (Belgium), and Loes Veldpaus (The
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=19
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Cogliandro, Giannalia. Belgium
Remise du diplôme du Prix Europa Nostra à la Fondation du patrimoine (France),
lauréate du prix du patrimoine culturel de l'Union
Lors d’une cérémonie qui s’est déroulée le 16 juin à l'Odéon d'Hérode Atticus à Athènes,
Domingo Placido, président d’Europa Nostra, et Androulla Vassiliou, commissaire européenne
à l’éducation, à la culture, au multilinguisme et à la jeunesse, ont remis le diplôme du Prix
du patrimoine culturel de l’Union européenne à la Fondation du Patrimoine, représentée par
Guy Sallavuard, directeur des relations institutionnelles et de l'action internationale.
Le Prix du patrimoine culturel de l’Union européenne / Europa Nostra a honoré cette année
30 initiatives exemplaires en faveur de la conservation et de la mise en valeur du patrimoine européen. Le prix vise à
communiquer à un large public la beauté et la valeur économique et sociale de notre patrimoine culturel. Il vise aussi à
promouvoir l’excellence, à inspirer des vocations et des décisions au travers du « pouvoir de l’exemple » et favorise
l’échange des meilleures pratiques dans le domaine du patrimoine à travers l’Europe…
+ info: www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-remise-du-diplome-du-prix-europa-nostra-1854
La ville parfaite selon Rui Vasques, designer - Prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE
2012 - Portugal
Rui Vasques, 25 ans, designer, a créé le modèle de la ville parfaite, Eco-Village Community.
Cette étude lui a valu le prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE 2012 et une présentation de
son projet dans tout le pays. Sa création prend en compte plusieurs facteurs, tels que la
protection de l'environnement, le design des bâtiments et de la ville, les constructions...
Le projet Eco-Village Community est né dans le cadre de son Master en design en reliant quatre
thèmes - culturel, scientifique, expérimental et logistique - et en introduisant des domaines tels
que l'écologie, l'anthropologie, la sociologie, les neurosciences, l'art, la bioconstruction, le marketing vert…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73664.htm
Scottish neo-classical palladian mansion Kinross House announced as winner of
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
restoration award - United Kingdom
The Historic Houses Association and Sotheby’s announced that the 2013 Restoration Award
has been awarded to Kinross House, Scotland’s first neo-classical Palladian mansion. Built in
1685 by Sir William Bruce, one of the foremost architects of the classical form, the historic
house was in need of extensive restoration when its present owner, Mr Donald Fothergill,
acquired the property in 2011. In a labour of love, Kinross House and Gardens have been
saved from disrepair and meticulously restored to their former glory. Six other applicants from across the UK have been
commended or shortlisted for this year’s Award. “The major restoration programme which has been undertaken over the
past two years at Kinross has saved and revitalised this hugely important house from deterioration and possible future loss.
The scale of the renovation is magnificent, and the house can now be seen by more people than perhaps ever in its long
history - it is terrific to see the house coming back to life and being filled once again. Active use of the house is already
having a beneficial effect on employment and incomes in the surrounding area. I would also like to congratulate all those
projects which the judges have commended as well as those on the shortlist” - Richard Compton, President of the Historic
Houses Association…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64263/Scottish-neo-classical-palladian-mansion-announced-as-winner-of-restorationaward
Access City Award 2014 - Date limite : 10 septembre 2013
Les villes de l’UE sont invitées à participer à la quatrième édition de l’Access City Award, le prix européen qui récompense
les villes qui améliorent leur accessibilité aux personnes handicapées et âgées. La Commission européenne continue
d’encourager les villes de plus de 50 000 habitants de tous les États membres à présenter leurs activités et leurs stratégies
visant à améliorer l’accessibilité et la qualité de vie pour tous. C’est l’occasion pour les villes de l’UE de présenter et de
partager leurs travaux et leurs projets en matière d’accessibilité.
Un processus de sélection nationale aura d’abord lieu pour choisir les candidats de la sélection européenne. À l’issue du
processus de sélection nationale, les villes candidates sauront à quel volet de leur candidature les jurys nationaux ont
attribué la note la plus élevée et quel volet a obtenu la note la plus basse.
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/justice/events/access-city-award-2014/index_fr.htm
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Steenbergen, Marieke. Países Bajos
Boasberg Fellowship Continues in Summer 2013
The Cultural Landscape Foundation's Sally Boasberg Founder’s Fellowship continued into its second year this
summer, filled by recent University of Pennsylvania graduate Karina Bishop, who was selected from a pool
of more than 40 applicants. The Fellowship position carries forth Sally’s spirit and energy by funding the
work of clever, entrepreneurial and passionate students at TCLF (Learn more about Sally’s life and
The program involves Fellows in researching and promoting the work of those who have shaped the
American landscape - designed significant works of landscape architecture - and contributes to the
organization’s mission of “stewardship through education.”
+ info: http://tclf.org/news/features/boasberg-fellowship-continues-summer-2013
La Fundación del Patrimonio concede becas para investigar y difundir los
bienes de Castilla y León (España)
La Fundación del Patrimonio Histórico ha concedido cuatro nuevas becas en la décima
convocatoria que realiza y que representa una apuesta decidida por la investigación
universitaria hacia el estudio y la difusión de los bienes culturales de Castilla y León.
Con una inversión de 50.400 euros, los estudios merecedores de las becas de este año
2013 se destinan para el estudio de la difusión cultural y del patrimonio a través de
internet en Castilla y León; el funcionamiento y problemas de las techumbres de
madera de la comunidad; las rutas del wolframio en El Bierzo, Zamora y Salamanca, y el poblamiento romano y
tardoantiguo en el sureste de la provincia de Salamanca…
+ info: http://www.elnortedecastilla.es/20130819/cultura/mecenas-legado-cultural-castilla-201308181944.html
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
1ère édition du concours "Patrimoine et Efficacité énergétique"- Date limite des
inscriptions: 30 septembre 2013
Le prix Patrimoine et Efficacité énergétique est organisé par la Fondation du Patrimoine et la
Société Primagaz.
Il récompense des communes de moins de 5 000 habitants, ainsi que des communautés de
communes ayant mené une restauration de bâti ancien alliant à la fois respect de l'intérêt
patrimonial de l'édifice et performances énergétiques.
Doté de 10 000 euros, ce prix national met à l'honneur une ou plusieurs collectivités locales
qui auront concilié enjeux environnementaux et patrimoniaux.
Les candidats doivent adresser leur dossier avant le 30 septembre 2013 à la Fondation du Patrimoine, cachet de la poste
faisant foi.
La remise du prix aura lieu au Salon des Maires et des Collectivités Locales, à Paris, le 20 Novembre 2013, en présence des
organisateurs du concours et des membres du jury
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/alsace-1/actualites-3/detail-1ere-edition-du-concours-patrimoine-etefficacite-energetique-1851
Competition - Five London Firms Shortlisted for Met Police HQ - London - United
Five London-based firms - AHMM, Allies & Morrison, Foster & Partners, Keith Williams Architects
and Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands - have been selected to compete for the “Scotland Yard”
redevelopment of the abandoned Curtis Green MPS building on the Victoria Embankment. As
reported by BDOnline, the shortlisted firms will each propose a “landmark building for London”
that will provide a “modern and efficient working environment” for the new Metropolitan Police
Service Headquarters. The judging panel, spearheaded by architect Bill Taylor and RIBA Adviser
Taylor Snell, will review the proposals in September.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408939/five-london-firms-shortlisted-for-met-police-hq
Concours Ifrecor 2013 : les collectivités d'outre-mer invitées à préserver les coraux - Date limite des
candidatures: 18 octobre 2013
L'initiative française pour les récifs coralliens (Ifrecor) lance le 1er août l'édition 2013 de son concours visant à
récompenser les élus des collectivités françaises d'outre-mer pour leur gestion durable des récifs coralliens et des
écosystèmes associés (mangroves, herbiers).
Les dossiers de candidature, disponibles en ligne sur le site de l'Ifrecor , doivent être envoyés avant le 18 octobre 2013. En
2012, le conseil régional de la Martinique et le département de Mayotte étaient lauréats du concours. Ils ont remporté "la
Palme Ifrecor" visant à promouvoir leurs "bonnes pratiques".
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/concours-ifrecor-2013-candidature-collectivites-outer-mer-coraux19217.php4
Competitions - 28ème édition du concours « Maisons Paysannes de France – René
Fontaine » France. Date limite des candidatures: 1er octobre 2013
Depuis 1965, Maisons Paysannes de France, association nationale faisant partie du G8 Patrimoine, a
pour ambition de faire connaître et de préserver le bâti ancien non protégé. Elle possède un réseau
de 80 délégations départementales et de plus 8 000 adhérents qui lui permet d’entretenir et de
restaurer ce patrimoine. Devenue une référence pour tous ceux qui souhaitent restaurer leur
maison ancienne, elle répond à la fois aux demandes des particuliers et des professionnels via des
conférences, un site internet, une revue trimestrielle, un service de conseils …
+ info: http://patrimoine-environnement.fr/28eme-edition-du-concours-maisons-paysannes-de-france-rene-fontaine/
Competitions - Grand Prix de l'Habillage Urbain - Ouvert aux communes de plus de 50
000 habitants, particuliers et associations - France - Date limite des candidature: 30
septembre 2013
La préservation des savoir-faire et la promotion des matériaux traditionnels fait partie des
priorités de la Fondation du Patrimoine. Elle a ainsi souhaité, dans le cadre du Club des
Partenaires, créer un concours annuel avec la Tuilerie Aléonard, acteur renommé dans la
restauration des toitures en tuiles labellisées Monument historique.
Doté d’un montant de 5 000 €, il offre chaque année l’opportunité aux porteurs de projets publics et associatifs de
présenter leur candidature pour des projets de restauration d’édifices , protégés ou non au titre des Monuments
historiques, dont la toiture a été entièrement restaurée avec des tuiles Aléonard.
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/la-fondation-du-patrimoine-5/concours-et-prix-185/detailconcours-fondation-du-patrimoine-aleonard-718
Concours - Prix Patrimoine et Efficacité énergétique - Ouvert aux communes de moins de 5 000 habitants et
communautés de communes - France - Date limite de candidature: 30 septembre 2013
Créé en 2013, le prix Patrimoine et Efficacité énergétique est organisé par la Fondation du Patrimoine et la Société
Primagaz. Il récompense des communes de moins de 5 000 habitants et des communautés de communes ayant mené une
restauration de bâti ancien alliant à la fois respect de l'intérêt patrimonial de l'édifice et performances énergétiques.
Doté de 10 000 euros, ce prix national met à l'honneur une ou plusieurs collectivités locales qui auront concilié enjeux
environnementaux et patrimoniaux.
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Prix, distinctions, bourses, concours et offres d'emplois
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/la-fondation-du-patrimoine-5/concours-et-prix-185/detail-prixpatrimoine-et-efficacite-energetique-1804
Concours - Deux nouveaux concours pour la Fondation du Patrimoine (France) Date
limite de candidature: 30 septembre 2013
En partenariat avec la Société Primagaz, la Fondation du Patrimoine a créé le prix « Patrimoine
et Efficacité énergétique » afin de récompenser des restaurations de bâti ancien alliant respect
de l’intérêt patrimonial et performances énergétiques.
Ce concours s’adresse aux communes de moins de 5 000 habitants et aux communautés de
communes qui proposent des projets environnementaux et patrimoniaux. Le prix décerné
s’élève à 10 000 euros…
+ info: http://patrimoine-environnement.fr/deux-nouveaux-concours-pour-la-fondation-du-patrimoine/
The European Student Competition on Sustainable Architecture. Deadline: 15 October
The european student competition on sustainable architecture was launched in 2006 by the Cité
de l’architecture & du patrimoine, together with a Europe- wide network of partner schools;
“Leading European Universities in Sustainable Architecture”. The schools of the network
contribute to the competition by organizing parallel activities: introductory lectures and seminars;
joint workshops and summer schools on the subject of the competition. Following on from the
first three editions achieved by the presentation 1:1 prototypes during the Venice Biennale and
the publication of a book on the three competition rounds in 2006 to 2012, in August 2012, the fourth session is now
launched on subject “The subversive cottage”.
+ info: http://studentcompetition.citechaillot.fr/
Offres d¡emploi
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Missing lynx: Climate change to wipe out rarest cat
Within 50 years, climate change will probably wipe out the world's most endangered feline,
the Iberian lynx, even if the world meets its target for curbing carbon emissions, biologists
said on Sunday. The gloomy forecast, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, says
that without a dramatic shift in conservative strategy, the charismatic little wildcat seems
doomed. The lynx -- Latin name Lynx pardinus -- grows to about a metre (3.25 feet) in
length, weighs up to 15 kilos (33 pounds), and is characterised by its spotted beige fur, pale
yellow eyes and tufted ears and cheeks. Only around 250 of the animals live in the wild,
holed up in two regions in southern Spain, the Sierra Morena and the Donana National Park, according to estimates
published last year…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63938/Missing-lynx--Climate-change-to-wipe-out-rarest-cat-#.Uh8LVT9GPnh
“Crocodile farm” seizure signals implementation of strengthened Russian
Acting on a tip-off, Russian authorities closed down a “crocodile farm” on 10th July and
seized more than 130 crocodiles plus other reptiles on suspicion they may have been
smuggled into the country, according to a statement issued by Moscow’s Environment
Conservation Department.
The majority of the seized reptiles were Nile Crocodiles Crocodylus niloticus, a species
protected under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora).
When challenged, the reptiles’ owner was unable to produce the paperwork to confirm the animals had been obtained in
accordance with CITES regulations through importation or legal captive breeding within the country…
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2013/7/18/crocodile-farm-seizure-signals-implementation-of-strengthene.html
Two Indus River dolphin calves successfully rescued in eastern Pakistan
A joint team of WWF-Pakistan and the Sindh Wildlife Department recently rescued two stray
Indus River dolphin calves caught in a canal in eastern Pakistan.
The calves, a male and female, were stranded in the Dehar Wah canal for two hours before
the successful rescue saw them released 80 km downstream.
Joint rescue teams from WWF-Pakistan and the Sindh Wildlife Department regularly carry out
these operations. The stranded dolphins are carefully captured, placed on a stretcher, kept
moist with water and wet towels, and transported in a sound-proof vehicle and released in
the main stream of the Indus River.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/?209334/Indus-River-dolphin-calves-successfully-rescued-in-easternPakistan&utm_source=WWF+International&utm_campaign=5ad0aa19c0Popular_News_Indus_River_Dolphin_Rescue7_17_2013
Un important trafiquant d'ivoire arrêté au Togo
Un important trafiquant d'ivoire, soupçonné d'avoir écoulé les défenses de dizaines de
milliers d'éléphants depuis 37 ans, a été arrêté cette semaine au Togo. L'enquête, menée
clandestinement par des défenseurs de la faune, a conduit à l'interpellation de près de 900
personnes au total.
Le commerçant togolais de 58 ans et un de ses associés originaire de Guinée ont été
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appréhendés mardi et mercredi à Lomé. La police togolaise a saisi à cette occasion 725 kg
d'ivoire, principalement sous forme d'objets sculptés et de figurines…
+ info: http://www.lematin.ch/monde/afrique/Un-important-trafiquant-d-ivoire-arrete-au-Togo/story/15779012
Save The Elephants
One of the world's foremost authorities on the African elephant, Iain DouglasHamilton pioneered the first in-depth scientific study of elephant social behaviour
in Tanzania's Lake Manyara National Park at age 23.
He received a D Phil in zoology from Oxford University for the work. During the
1970s he investigated the status of elephants throughout Africa and was the first
to alert the world to the ivory poaching holocaust.
+ info: http://www.savetheelephants.org/
The David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust
Born from one family’s passion for Kenya and its wilderness, the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust is
today the most successful orphan-elephant rescue and rehabilitation program in the world and
one of the pioneering conservation organisations for wildlife and habitat protection in East Africa.
Founded in 1977 by Dr. Dame Daphne Sheldrick D.B.E, in honour of the memory of her late
husband, famous naturalist and founding Warden of Tsavo East National Park, David Leslie
William Sheldrick MBE, the DSWT claims a rich and deeply rooted family history in wildlife and
+ info: http://www.sheldrickwildlifetrust.org/
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) - Virunga National Park is at risk of becoming Africa’s newest oil field
An oil company, Soco International PLC is intending to explore for oil in Virunga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you
believe this line should not be crossed, add your name now.
More than 95,000 people have already joined us.
Together we can draw the line and keep oil exploration out of Africa’s oldest national park.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/congo_basin_forests/problems/draw_the_line_pledge.cfm
Hunting for butterflies in Pakistan - with cheese
In the mountains of Pakistan, a Frenchman is on a mission. Armed with a net and a smelly
cheese, Jerome Pages braves the perils of Taliban militants to chase his obsession:
butterflies. For two decades the 64-year-old has scoured the remote, pristine landscapes of
Pakistan's north, where the Himalayas meet the Karakoram and Hindu Kush ranges. He
scrambles across the cedar-robed hillsides of Ayubia, 100 kilometres (60 miles) northwest of
Islamabad, the majestic peaks of Kashmir on the horizon, chasing a butterfly known in India
but not in Pakistan. "What a beauty! You only find this species in the Himalayas," he
exclaims, stopping before a tiny butterfly with lime green tints on its wings. With his helper Nasir, Pages recently spent six
weeks among the woods and slopes of northern Pakistan, guarded by curious police officers wielding automatic rifles…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64291/Hunting-for-butterflies-in-Pakistan---with-cheese
Mali's fish traders get wise to wetland conservation
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:20 AM
Author: Soumaila T. Diarra At the noisy market in Mali’s central city of Mopti, 49-year-old
Alimatou Maiga complains about how hard it is to find big fish for sale these days.
Extracting a dried fish from a dish full of others, Maiga said supplies have become less plentiful
even though the region is Mali’s main source of fish. “When I started selling fish in 1984, there
was enough fish in the river and the fish trade was profitable,” she said.
Maiga and her female colleagues get their fish from the flood plains of the Inner Niger Delta, a 30,000 square km wetland
in central Mali’s semi-arid Sahel belt. “Now things have changed, as the (ethnic) Bozo fishermen who supply us can’t catch
as much fish as we need,” she said…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130814112031-rnexb/
Sea Turtle Currents E-Newsletter
After more than five years of delay, the federal government today finally proposed to protect 36 areas of
ocean habitat across six states for loggerhead sea turtles, in response to a lawsuit filed by Turtle Island and
partner organizations. Loggerhead sea turtles face serious threats from pollution, drowning and injury in
fishing gear, and loss of nesting beaches due to coastal development and sea-level rise, all of which are
preventing the recovery of this vulnerable species.
Although today’s proposal is a step forward for turtle conservation, the plan limits protections to waters
offshore of southeastern nesting beaches, even though loggerheads regularly go as far north as
Massachusetts. It also fails to protect areas where the turtles are known to feed on both east and west coasts and in the
Gulf of Mexico…
+ info: http://www.seaturtles.org/article.php?id=2510
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Oaxaca 2013 - XII Congrès mondial de l'Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial "Villes patrimoniales,
Villes durables"
19 - 22 novembre 2013 Oaxaca. Mexique
Organizateurs: l’OVPM (Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://ocpmoaxaca2013.org/?lang=fr
Un nouveau rapport de l'ONU met en garde contre l'avenir incertain des éléphants africains
Printed by Birkeland Trykkeri AS, Norway
ISBN: 978-82-7701-111-0
Année: 2013
Les populations d'éléphants en Afrique continuent à être sous une menace sérieuse en raison de
l'augmentation du commerce illégal d'ivoire qui double le nombre d'éléphants tués et triple les
quantités d'ivoire saisies, au cours de la dernière décennie.
Selon un nouveau rapport de l'ONU intitulé "Elephants in the Dust the African Elephant Crises " (Les éléphants dans la
poussière les crises des éléphants africains) l'augmentation des niveaux de braconnage, de même que la perte des
habitats, menacent la survie des populations d'éléphants en Afrique centrale ainsi que les populations préalablement
protégées en Afrique de l'Ouest, du Sud et de l'Est…
+ info: http://www.unep.org/newscentre/default.aspx?DocumentID=2711&ArticleID=9436&l=fr
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Patrimoine bâti
Patrimoine bâti
First list of ‘The 7 Most Endangered’ Monuments and Sites in Europe presented at press
On a press conference held at the European Parliament Office in Athens, Denis de Kergorlay,
Executive President of Europa Nostra, and Guy Clausse, Director and Special Advisor to the
Director General of the European Investment Bank, announced the 7 most endangered landmarks
in Europe.
Among the listed monuments and sites are the Roman amphitheatre in Durrës in Albania, the
Renaissance monastery of San Benedetto Po in Italy and the historic mining landscape of Rosia
Montana in Romania.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/news/340/
First ever exhibition of Antarctic Architecture - Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Commissioned by the British Council and curated by the Arts Catalyst, Ice Lab: New
Architecture and Science in Antarctica is a new international touring exhibition that illustrates
how innovative contemporary architecture is enabling scientists to live and work in one of
the most extreme environments on our planet. The exhibition features five imaginative
designs for Antarctic research stations and opens at Architecture and Design Scotland, The
Lighthouse in Glasgow from 26 July to 2 October 2013 before touring to MOSI (Museum of
Science & Industry) as part of Manchester Science Festival (21 October - 6 January) and
then internationally. From the newly opened British Antarctic Survey’s Halley VI Research station to the speculative Iceberg
Living Station, Ice Lab gives visitors a unique view of the inspiration, ingenuity and creativity behind architecture in the
coldest, windiest, driest and most isolated place on earth…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64010/First-ever-exhibition-of-Antarctic-Architecture-opens-in-Glasgow
Preservation: Not for Facades Only
A stirring piece by the Philadelphia Inquirer Architecture Critic, Inga Saffron, calls for the
preservation—both inside and out—of architecture under threat by “warp-speed
gentrification.” Saffron uses as her examples two traditionally black, historic event halls, the
Royal Theater and the Blue Horizon, that are “now controlled by developers who would gut
their innards and insert soulless structures behind the thin veneer of their facades, a parking
garage in the case of the Blue Horizon. That would leave the public with the equivalent of a
cardboard cutout of the once-glamorous venues, perfect for photo-ops but lacking in
architectural flesh and blood.” The article is a spirited call to preserve not just facades, but also the inner life of
architecture: what, according to Saffron, makes a building vibrant and preservation-worthy in the first place.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405524/preservation-not-for-facades-only/
‘Archaeology of the Digital’ Exhibition - Canadian Centre for Architecture - Montreal, Quebec - (Canada) Until
13 October 2013
Curated by architect Greg Lynn, the ’Archaeology of the Digital‘ exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture is
currently on display until October 13. Conceived as an investigation into the foundations of digital architecture at the end of
the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, the exhibit features four seminal projects that established bold new directions
for architectural research by experimenting with novel digital tools: The Lewis Residence by Frank Gehry (1985–1995),
Peter Eisenman’s unrealized Biocentrum (1987), Chuck Hoberman’s Expanding Sphere (1992) and Shoei Yoh’s roof
structures for Odawara (1991) and Galaxy Toyama (1992) Gymnasiums…
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/04.html (1 de 6) [09/09/2013 16:20:54]
Patrimoine bâti
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/404184/archaeology-of-the-digital-exhibition-2/
“El patrimonio tiene que ser para la gente, no para los expertos”
Lo señaló el arquitecto Carlos Moreno, de la Comisión Nacional de Museos, Monumentos y Lugares Históricos, quien vino a
la provincia para visitar obras. El profesional recorrió, entre el lunes y el martes de esta semana, obras que están
realizándose en Tafí del Valle, Chicligasta y San Miguel de Tucumán, y se reunió con la Comisión de Patrimonio Cultural de
la Provincia de Tucumán, organismo que conforman, entre otras instituciones, el Ente Cultural de Tucumán, la Universidad
Nacional de Tucumán (UNT), la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), la Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino y
En los valles, Moreno visitó el Museo Histórico Capilla Jesuita de La Banda; en Chicligasta, la capilla Nuestra Señora de la
Candelaria; y en la capital tucumana, las obras del ex Cine Plaza (próximo centro cultural Mercedes Sosa), la Casa Padilla y
la iglesia de San Francisco…
+ info: http://www.tucumanoticias.com.ar/noticia/tucuman/el-patrimonio-tiene-que-ser-para-la-gente-no-para-losexpertos-103770.html
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the UK’s professional body for built and historic
environment conservation, has kick-started its ‘global conservation’ news service
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the UK’s professional body for built and historic environment
conservation, has kick-started its ‘global conservation’ news service by offering to post links and headlines to conservationrelated news features from across the world…
+ info: http://ihbconline.co.uk/newsachive/?p=6250&goback=.gde_3297985_member_263136750
Pactan el rescate del patrimonio histórico
El rescate del patrimonio histórico cultural edificado es uno de los objetivos del Plan Estatal de Desarrollo en el gobierno
que encabeza Egidio Torre Cantú, por lo que en coordinación con la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, ha dado inicio la
restauración arquitectónica del interior del Palacio Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Tampico.
Para llevar a cabo este proyecto la Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Medio Ambiente, así como la Universidad Autónoma
de Tamaulipas a través de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (FADU), firmaron un acuerdo de colaboración
que servirá de base para la realización de estos trabajos que dan continuidad a la restauración de la fachada del edificio de
la presidencia municipal, así como el Kisoco y Plaza de Armas del referido Puerto…
+ info: http://www.gaceta.mx/noticia.aspx?idnota=55656
Video: “La USACH a través de la Historia: Patrimonio arquitectónico” Una charla de Catalina Jara
En abril se realizó una charla en torno al tema del patrimonio arquitectónico de la USACH, el evento contó con la ponencia
de Catalina Saldaña, Historiadora y Magíster en Historia de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile, y la ponencia de Catalina
Jara, Arquitecta de la Universidad de Santiago de Chile y Magíster en Arquitectura UC, quien habló de “La Universidad a
través de la Historia: Patrimonio arquitectónico”. Este video es el registro de dicha presentación en particular, teniendo
como caso de estudio la mítica Casona de San José de Chuchunco (actual edificio de Ingeniería geográfica) y toda la Unidad
Universitaria proyectado por la prestigiosa oficina de arquitectos Bresciani, Valdés, Castillo, Huidobro (BVCH). Queremos
compartir con ustedes este video ya que creemos que es de vital importancia para las ciudades hoy en día tener en cuenta
el patrimonio, su conservación y/o reutilización, dando nuevos aires a través de nuevos programas que integren tales
edificios a nuestra vida diaria, creciendo y pensando la ciudad del futuro, pero sin abandonar nuestro pasado.
+ info: http://www.plataformaarquitectura.cl/2013/08/17/video-la-usach-a-traves-de-la-historia-patrimonio-arquitectonicouna-charla-de-catalina-jara/
The “Fondazione Ca 'Romanino” and the Municipality of Urbino promote Re-reading Giancarlo De
The “Fondazione Ca 'Romanino” and the Municipality of Urbino promote a public and shared reading
marathon of the texts by Giancarlo De Carlo, many of which were inspired by the city of Urbino and
addressed to it. Giancarlo De Carlo’s significant theoretical contribution to the debate on cities, architecture
and landscape in Italy in the late twentieth century deserves to be included in the educational process of
architecture and engineering schools, and can be important for the education of the young students to the
heritage values.
The reading marathon will therefore be entrusted to the students and housed in De Carlo's places and architectures in the
city of Urbino. The marathon should be realized as a form of a relay race with the participation of Italian and foreign
universities visiting Urbino. The students sight will move from theory to the project and then the work of architecture…
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/rileggere-rereading_Giancarlo-De-Carlo.pdf
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Patrimoine bâti
5th International conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation
02 - 04 septembre 2013 Cape Town. Afrique du Sud
Organizateurs: University of Cape Town (UCT)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 oct 2012
+ info: http://www.semc.uct.ac.za/seismic-behaviour-and-earthquake-resistant-design-of-long-period-structures/
5th International conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation
02 - 04 septembre 2013 Cape Town. Afrique du Sud
Organizateurs: University of Cape Town (UCT)
Contact: Prof. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, [email protected]
+ info: http://www.semc.uct.ac.za/seismic-behaviour-and-earthquake-resistant-design-of-long-period-structures/
RICS & SPAB Building Conservation Summer School
08 - 12 septembre 2013 Cirencester. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: RICS Building Conservation Forum in conjunction with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
+ info: http://www.rics.org/uk/training-events/conferences-seminars/rics--spab-building-conservation-summer-school/
Congresso Internacional "O que é uma escola de Projeto na contemporaneidade? - Questões de ensino e
critica do conhecimento em Arquitetura e Urbanismo"
09 - 11 septembre 2013 São Paulo. Brésil
Organizateurs: FAU UPM – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. São Paulo,
Brasil. INIFAUA – Instituto de Investigación – Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes. Universidad Nacional de
Ingeniería. Lima, Peru.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 25 jul 2013
+ info: http://projetocontemporaneo.wordpress.com/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
Curso de verano "Ciudad, bienes culturales y patrimonio mundial: ejemplaridad e intervención"
18 - 20 septembre 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional Andaluza en colaboración con la Cátedra UNESCO de Interculturalidad y Derechos
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.unia.es/component/option,com_hotproperty/task,view/id,985/pid,5/Itemid,445/
Jornada de ICOMOS Argentina "El patrimonio. La sustentabilidad y el desafío del desarrollo"
19 - 20 septembre 2013 Córdoba. Argentine
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Argentina en el marco de la celebración del 40º Aniversario del Comité Argentino de ICOMOS,
conmemorado el día 21 de mayo de 2013.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 ago 2013
+ info: http://icomoschile.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/el-patrimonio-sustentabilidad-y.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier. Chile
12th Edition of The Best in Heritage
19 - 21 septembre 2013 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: The Best in Heritage Association in partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA under Special Patronage of ICOM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/programme/
X Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura en Tierra, Tradición e Innovación - CIATTI 2013
27 - 29 septembre 2013 Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid. Espagne
Organizateurs: Grupo Tierra - Universidad de Valladolid
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 29 jun 2013
+ info: http://www5.uva.es/grupotierra/2013xcongreso.html
X Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Castellón, Comunitat Valenciana. Espagne
Organizateurs: Instituto Valenciano de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales (IVC+R), el Instituto del
Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE) y la Universitat de València
Contact: [email protected] - Clodoaldo Roldán
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
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Patrimoine bâti
+ info: https://arqueometria.ivcr.es/site/arqueometria2013/
5ème Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen - RIPAM 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine (CICRP) avec le concours des
Archives municipales de Marseille
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.cicrp.fr/docs/ripam1.pdf
Exposition - 1925, quand l'Art Déco séduit le monde
16 octobre 2013 - 17 février 2014 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine
+ info: http://www.citechaillot.fr/fr/expositions/expositions_temporaires/25226-1925_quand_lart_deco_seduit_le_monde.
Patrimoine numérique 2013
28 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with
local research institutions Provence (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.digitalheritage2013.org/
Third Church Buildings Council International Symposium
31 octobre 2013 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: ChurchCare
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.churchcare.co.uk/about-us/our-events/event-booking/event/5-conservation-strategies-for-churchbuildings
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Pedro Gaspar. Portugal
Conference - Problems and experience of the engineering protection of the urbanized territories and a
safeguarding of the heritage under conditions of the geo-ecological risk
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Kiev. Ukraine
Organizateurs: National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”; National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical Cultural Preserve &
Charitable organization "Charitable Fund St. Sophia’’
Contact: Mss.Vira Losytska - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 may 2013
+ info: http://new.sophiakievska.org/en
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Yuriy Maslov
3º Seminário Ibero-americano: Arquitetura e Documentaçao
12 - 14 novembre 2013 Belo Horizonte. Brésil
Organizateurs: Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.forumpatrimonio.com.br/2013/
Shrinking Cities: Expanding Landscapes
14 - 15 novembre 2013 Edimburgo, Escocia. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: http://expandinglandscapes.wordpress.com/
International Conference Built Heritage 2013 "Monitoring Conservation Management"
18 - 20 novembre 2013 Milan. Italie
Organizateurs: Politecnico di Milano
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.bh2013.polimi.it
VIII Congreso DOCOMOMO Ibérico
25 - 30 novembre 2013 Málaga. Espagne
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Patrimoine bâti
Organizateurs: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Málaga, el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio
Histórico de la Consejería de Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía, el Ayuntamiento de Málaga, la Diputación de
Málaga y Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/sites/docomomo2013/index.html
Cours ICCROM sur la conservation du patrimoine bâti 2014 (CBH14)
28 février - 30 avril 2014 Rome. Italie
Organizateurs: Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels - ICCROM
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/01train_fr/announce_fr/2014_02BuiltHeritage_fr.shtml
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings
and Structures
19 - 21 mars 2014 Tomar. Portugal
Organizateurs: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2013
+ info: http://rehab2014.greenlines-institute.org/rehab2014website/conference_scope.html
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 avril 2014 Austin, Texas. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.sah.org/conferences-and-programs/2014-conference-austin
XV Universeum Meeting
12 - 14 juin 2014 Hamburg. Belgique
Organizateurs: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.universeum.it/
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 septembre 2014 Hong Kong. Chine
Organizateurs: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Conservation/eng/iic/congress.htm
Di Corrado Balistreri e Dario Zanverdiani con un saggio di Egle Renata Trincanato
ISBN: 978-88-548-5938-8
Editore: Aracne
Année: 2013
Il volume, che illustra l’evoluzione architettonica ed urbana della città di Venezia, dalle origini leggendarie
dell’insediamento lagunare alla fine della Repubblica Serenissima, è concepito come atlante storico in cui
una cronologia di Egle Renata Trincanato è affiancata da 38 tavole a colori con piante della forma urbis
divise in sezioni tematiche (edifici religiosi, edifici pubblici ed opere d’urbanizzazione, palazzi patrizi e cittadineschi, case
borghesi e popolari, corti collettive ed edilizia a schiera) corredate da 1780 schede relative agli edifici individuati
topograficamente nelle piante stesse.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854859388detail.html
Curvare la pietra
Autore: Simona Ottieri
Editore: Aracne
ISBN: 978-88-548-6158-9
Année: 2013
Questo libro costituisce uno dei primi contributi rivolti ad evidenziare, in un ambito di pura ricerca
scientifica, le possibilità tecnologiche e progettuali legate al tema della curvtura dei materiali lapidei
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Patrimoine bâti
artificiali. Questo lavoro è l'esito di un triennio di ricerche condotto dall'autrice presso il Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dei Materiali dell'Universita Federico II° di Napoli nell'ambito del Dottorato di ricerca. È, quindi, un libro che
sonda le possibilità espressive e tecniche in campo architettonico di sostanze apparentemente non modellabili e pertanto il
suo esito rappresenta un risultato particolarmente originale ed interessante dal punto di vista scientifico.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854861589detail.html
FREE ARCHITECTURE: Boundaries Review issue n. 7
Edited by: Luca Sampò.
Language: English
Année: 2013
In this issue we have chosen to showcase multiple and diverse views of the topic, seen as a ground
for discussion, not free from contradictions and duality, leaving many questions open rather than
providing answers, and trying to stimulate debate and considerations, rather than offering solutions.
The projects are presented by license, in order of decreasing degrees of freedom. I believe that in the
field of architecture – in contrast to computers – we are still far away from a shared definition of what open-source
architecture could mean, and from a correct understanding of all the potentials, both social and cultural, of this practice;
and, moreover, of all the possible consequences of its adoption on a large scale.
The selection of the work therefore intends to reflect one of the features that distinguishes «Boundaries» from its origins:
to recognize and enhance diversity as a form of enrichment necessary for the full manifestation of human creativity, while
respecting the fundamental freedoms and rights of human beings
+ info: http://bookstore.boundaries.it/en/boundaries/18-free-2239033207.html
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et
Comment les forêts se comportent-elles lors d'une augmentation de dioxyde de
carbone dans l'atmosphère ?
... En collaboration avec des scientifiques de l'Université de Harvard, de l'Université d'Etat
d'Ohio, de l'Université de l'Indiana et de l'USDA Forest Service, M. Schmid a évalué les mesures
prises dans sept endroits des forêts du Midwest et du Nord-Est des Etats-Unis, et a comparé
celles-ci avec quatorze autres sites forestiers de l'hémisphère nord. Les forêts étudiées
représentaient trois compositions d'espèces différentes, typiques des zones tempérées et
tempérées froides de l'hémisphère nord et n'étaient pas exploitées. L'analyse des mesures
montre une augmentation significative de l'efficacité d'utilisation de l'eau au cours des deux dernières décennies. Pour
expliquer cette évolution, les chercheurs ont testé différentes hypothèses concurrentes. En plus de l'augmentation de la
concentration de dioxyde de carbone, ils ont également examiné des facteurs tels que la disponibilité croissante d'azote, les
changements dans la structure de la végétation due à la croissance, le couplage mécanique et thermique entre la canopée
et l'atmosphère ainsi que les déviations à long terme des appareils de mesure…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73592.htm
Nouvelle approche pour estimer le rôle des régions dans l’augmentation du CO2
L’évolution des émissions de CO2 diffère selon les régions, en fonction du développement industriel mais aussi de la
capacité des puits de carbone à absorber le CO2. Une affectation des émissions de CO2 à l’échelle régionale, corrigée de
leur absorption par les puits terrestres et océaniques, vient de faire l’objet d’une première modélisation historique par une
équipe internationale conduite par le Laboratoire des sciences du climat et de l’environnement (LSCE/IPSL, CEA/CNRS/
UVSQ). L’étude a été publiée le 14 juillet sur le site internet de la revue Nature Climate Change.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/4442
Missing lynx: Climate change to wipe out rarest cat
Within 50 years, climate change will probably wipe out the world's most endangered feline,
the Iberian lynx, even if the world meets its target for curbing carbon emissions, biologists
said on Sunday. The gloomy forecast, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, says
that without a dramatic shift in conservative strategy, the charismatic little wildcat seems
doomed. The lynx -- Latin name Lynx pardinus -- grows to about a metre (3.25 feet) in
length, weighs up to 15 kilos (33 pounds), and is characterised by its spotted beige fur, pale
yellow eyes and tufted ears and cheeks. Only around 250 of the animals live in the wild,
holed up in two regions in southern Spain, the Sierra Morena and the Donana National Park, according to estimates
published last year…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63938/Missing-lynx--Climate-change-to-wipe-out-rarest-cat-#.Uh8LVT9GPnh
Videos - Entretiens avec Valérie Masson-Delmotte : Les mécanismes
physiques du climat
CINAPS-TV, 2013, 4 films d’environ 15 min
Dans l'émission "Culture Physiques" de la chaîne CINAPS-TV, Étienne Klein
s'entretient avec Valérie Masson-Delmotte, climatologue au LSCE/IPSL.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/4435
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Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
Fonte des calotte glaciaires : quand la Science nuance
Selon des scientifiques du Centre de recherche allemand pour les géosciences (GFZ), à Potsdam (Brandebourg), en
coopération avec l'Université de Bristol (Angleterre), la période d'observation par satellite des calottes glaciaires du
Groenland et de l'Antarctique est encore trop courte pour être en mesure de formuler une conclusion définitive sur la fonte
accélérée des calottes polaires, et sa persistance dans l'avenir. L'étude menée par Bert Wouters et son équipe a été publiée
dans l'édition en ligne de "Nature Geosciences"…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73593.htm
Climate science: Vast costs of Arctic change
by Gail Whiteman, Chris Hope & Peter Wadhams
Nature Review 499, 401–403 (25 July 2013) doi:10.1038/499401a
Published online: 24 July 2013 Unlike the loss of sea ice, the vulnerability of polar bears and
the rising human population, the economic impacts of a warming Arctic are being ignored.
Most economic discussion so far assumes that opening up the region will be beneficial. The
Arctic is thought to be home to 30% of the world's undiscovered gas and 13% of its undiscovered oil, and new polar
shipping routes would increase regional trade. The insurance market Lloyd's of London estimates that investment in the
Arctic could reach US$100 billion within ten years…
+ info: http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v499/n7459/full/499401a.html
First ever exhibition of Antarctic Architecture - Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Commissioned by the British Council and curated by the Arts Catalyst, Ice Lab: New
Architecture and Science in Antarctica is a new international touring exhibition that illustrates
how innovative contemporary architecture is enabling scientists to live and work in one of
the most extreme environments on our planet. The exhibition features five imaginative
designs for Antarctic research stations and opens at Architecture and Design Scotland, The
Lighthouse in Glasgow from 26 July to 2 October 2013 before touring to MOSI (Museum of
Science & Industry) as part of Manchester Science Festival (21 October - 6 January) and
then internationally. From the newly opened British Antarctic Survey’s Halley VI Research station to the speculative Iceberg
Living Station, Ice Lab gives visitors a unique view of the inspiration, ingenuity and creativity behind architecture in the
coldest, windiest, driest and most isolated place on earth…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64010/First-ever-exhibition-of-Antarctic-Architecture-opens-in-Glasgow#.Uh3ioT9GPnh
Exhibition - Museum looks at prospective ecological disasters through lens of Dust
Bowl - Lawrence, Kansas (USA)
In a pair of interrelated exhibitions, Conversation XV: Dust and 1 Kansas Farmer, the
Spencer Museum explores both the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and the relevance of its lessons
for farmers, environmentalists, artists, and scientists today. The Dust Bowl represents a
remarkable moment in human history. Tremendous artistic documentation of the Dust Bowl,
much of it federally-sponsored, is etched into the collective American memory. Images
created by such artists as Dorothea Lange, Arthur Rothstein, Herschel Logan, and others
have become iconic symbols representing both the hardship suffered by rural Americans in the 1930s and the humanity
that triumphed in its wake. These images endure not only as expressions of the spirit of an era, but also as historic
documents containing significant information that allows researchers to comprehend the ecological disaster that sparked
the Dust Bowl and the transformation of the land following the storm…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64169/Museum-looks-at-prospective-ecological-disasters-through-lens-of-Dust-Bowl
Colloque : impact de l’anthropisation et des changements climatiques sur les arbres forestiers
29 - 30 août 2013 Paris. France
Organizateurs: L’Université Paris-Sud
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/agenda/manif/colloque-impact-lanthropisation-et-changementsclimatiques-sur-arbres-foresti-18126.php4
3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation (EWCHP 2013)
16 - 18 septembre 2013 Bolzano. Italie
Organizateurs: The European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC), Italy
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.3encult.eu/en/ewchp/
ICOMOS Conference Water and Heritage "Protecting Deltas: Heritage Helps!"
23 - 28 septembre 2013 Amsterdam. Pays-Bas
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/05.html (2 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:20:58]
Impacts du changement climatique sur le patrimoine culturel et naturel
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Netherlands
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.icomosconference.nl/
Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management (EMECS 10 - MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference)
30 octobre - 03 novembre 2013 Marmaris. Turquie
Organizateurs: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 feb 2013
+ info: http://www.medcoast.org.tr/MC13/Global_Congress_Call_for_Abstracts_digital.pdf
Signs of new climate normal apparent in hot 2012 - report
Author: Reuters
By Environment Correspondent Deborah Zabarenko
Année: 2013
Last year was one of the 10 hottest on record, with sea levels at record highs, Arctic ice at
historic lows and extreme weather in various corners of the globe signaling a "new
normal," scientists said Tuesday in the 2012 State of the Climate report.
Meant to be a guide for policymakers, the report did not attribute the changes in climate to
any one factor, but made note of continued increases in heat-trapping greenhouse gases including carbon dioxide, methane
and nitrous oxide…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130806220838-an6i1
Short-term action needed to meet 2° warming goal - report
Author: Erin Berger
Année: 2013
International pledges to reduce greenhouse gas emissions up to 2020 are nowhere near
enough to limit global temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius, and countries will have to
do much more outside U.N. climate negotiations to close this “mitigation gap”, says a new
The aggregate of mitigation pledges by all countries would not amount to even half of what
is needed to meet the 2 degree limit beyond which scientists say the world will experience dangerous climate change,
according to the report from Germanwatch, a development and environment group. And that is under a best-case scenario
in which nations meet their pledges in full - unlikely since most are not legally binding, it said.
U.N. climate negotiations alone won’t be sufficient to push for more ambitious efforts, the report added.
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130814095322-or04e/
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/05.html (3 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:20:58]
Patrimoine Culturel
Patrimoine Culturel
Heterotopia And Hegemony: Power And Culture In Setomaa
I started my fieldwork in Setomaa (Seto country), a region on the southeast Estonian border with Russia, just prior to
Easter 2003. The next day, I joined a crowd of people at Easter Vigil, and participated in a traditional egg-rolling event in
another village the followingafternoon. A week later, having joined a local 'leelo' choir of ladies mostly in their 50s to70s, I
learned that April was the beginning of a season of various events and celebrations. Afew days later, we traveled in an
ancient yellow Soviet PAZ bus to a Seto singing event,which brought together choirs from all over the region. Soon,
'Jüripäiv' (St George's Day)celebrations followed, with many villagers bringing food and drink to the graves of their
ancestors buried at the cemetery of St George's church and celebrating there with their friendsand relatives…
+ info: http://www.academia.edu/3565392/Heterotopia_And_Hegemony_Power_And_Culture_In_Setomaa
The first World Heritage Management MA diploma was awarded to the students of the Budapest College of
Communication and Business being the initial member of Central Europe in the UNESCO-UNITWIN “Culture,
Tourism, Development” network
Early July of 2013, seven students proved their knowledge in English language about UNESCO and World Heritage. The
three term management training introduced them through UNESCO’s organisational operation to the issues of intangible
and world heritage. They have got to know the values and preserving organisations of the world that by their cooperation,
contribute to the safeguarding of the world’s cultural treasures…
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Budapest_MA.doc
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Lia Bassa
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 57 | Le 01/08/2013 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/newsletter-36
Remise du diplôme du Prix Europa Nostra à la Fondation du patrimoine (France),
lauréate du prix du patrimoine culturel de l'Union
Lors d’une cérémonie qui s’est déroulée le 16 juin à l'Odéon d'Hérode Atticus à Athènes,
Domingo Placido, président d’Europa Nostra, et Androulla Vassiliou, commissaire européenne
à l’éducation, à la culture, au multilinguisme et à la jeunesse, ont remis le diplôme du Prix
du patrimoine culturel de l’Union européenne à la Fondation du Patrimoine, représentée par
Guy Sallavuard, directeur des relations institutionnelles et de l'action internationale.
Le Prix du patrimoine culturel de l’Union européenne / Europa Nostra a honoré cette année
30 initiatives exemplaires en faveur de la conservation et de la mise en valeur du patrimoine européen. Le prix vise à
communiquer à un large public la beauté et la valeur économique et sociale de notre patrimoine culturel. Il vise aussi à
promouvoir l’excellence, à inspirer des vocations et des décisions au travers du « pouvoir de l’exemple » et favorise
l’échange des meilleures pratiques dans le domaine du patrimoine à travers l’Europe…
+ info: www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-remise-du-diplome-du-prix-europa-nostra-1854
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC) welcomes Wales Heritage Bill consultation - United
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (1 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
Trefor Thorpe, speaking as President of The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the UK’s professional body
for building and historic environment conservation specialists, has welcomed the launch of the Welsh Government’s
consultation on the content of its proposed Heritage Bill, which closes on 11 October.
Trefor Thorpe said: ‘It is great to see the extensive consultation process that underpins this publication coming to fruition
at last, not least as the IHBC has played such a central role in so many of the discussions to date.
+ info: http://ihbconline.co.uk/newsachive/?p=6165&goback=.gde_3297985_member_259890564
First list of ‘The 7 Most Endangered’ Monuments and Sites in Europe presented at press
On a press conference held at the European Parliament Office in Athens, Denis de Kergorlay,
Executive President of Europa Nostra, and Guy Clausse, Director and Special Advisor to the
Director General of the European Investment Bank, announced the 7 most endangered landmarks
in Europe.
Among the listed monuments and sites are the Roman amphitheatre in Durrës in Albania, the
Renaissance monastery of San Benedetto Po in Italy and the historic mining landscape of Rosia
Montana in Romania.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/news/340/
Réseau Art Nouveau Network – Newsletter Nº 31 - juillet 2013
Le Réseau Art Nouveau Network est fier d’annoncer qu’il a reçu une “mention
spéciale du jury” du Concours Europa Nostra 2013 (Prix du patrimoine culturel
de l’Union européenne) le 16 juin 2013 lors de la cérémonie à Athènes !
Cette importante reconnaissance du travail commun accompli depuis 1999
encourage les membres du Réseau à poursuivre ensemble leur action de
sensibilisation, de sauvegarde et de valorisation du patrimoine Art nouveau en
N’oubliez pas de réserver la date du 4 octobre 2013, ouverture de notre exposition itinérante inédite « Natures de l’Art
nouveau » simultanément à Helsinki et Bruxelles !
En attendant ce grand événement, découvrez vite les différentes activités de nos membres…
+ info: http://www.artnouveau-net.eu/Actualit%C3%A9s/%C3%89v%C3%A9nements/Newsletter/NewsletterNo31/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Horth, Elisabeth. Belgium, Bélgica, Belgique
Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot voit rouge… jaune, rose, vert et bleu !- France
Après trois ans d’incertitude, le manoir dit Château Lalande à Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot (Lot-etGaronne) a trouvé acheteur… et restaurateur.
Depuis octobre 2008, cette bâtisse des XIII et XVIIIème siècles réhabilitée en palace quatre
étoiles était mis en liquidation et tombait à l’abandon. Cette période de flottement prend fin
en 2011 lorsque Philippe Ginestet, PDG et fondateur du groupe GIFI, rachète les neuf
hectares du domaine pour 780 000 euros. Il entreprend d’ouvrir de nouveau un hôtel de luxe
(prévue en 2014) et d’apporter sa touche personnelle à ces pierres.
C’est là que le bât blesse : les extravagances ornementales prévues par Philippe Ginestet laissent perplexe. Rose, jaune,
bleu, vert et rouge pétants. Voici de quoi l’avenir des façades de ce château sera fait. Question audace, le projet reçoit
10/10. Question patrimoine, la note dégringole…
+ info: http://patrimoine-environnement.fr/saint-sylvestre-sur-lot-voit-rouge-jaune-rose-vert-et-bleu/
Preservation: Not for Facades Only
A stirring piece by the Philadelphia Inquirer Architecture Critic, Inga Saffron, calls for the
preservation—both inside and out—of architecture under threat by “warp-speed
gentrification.” Saffron uses as her examples two traditionally black, historic event halls, the
Royal Theater and the Blue Horizon, that are “now controlled by developers who would gut
their innards and insert soulless structures behind the thin veneer of their facades, a parking
garage in the case of the Blue Horizon. That would leave the public with the equivalent of a
cardboard cutout of the once-glamorous venues, perfect for photo-ops but lacking in
architectural flesh and blood.” The article is a spirited call to preserve not just facades, but also the inner life of
architecture: what, according to Saffron, makes a building vibrant and preservation-worthy in the first place.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405524/preservation-not-for-facades-only/
Il pavimiento piu bello piu grande e magnifico mai realizzato - Siena - Italia
- di Martina Castelli - Il pavimento del Duomo di Siena si mostra al pubblico dal 18 agosto al
27 ottobre: speciali visite guidate permetteranno di ammirare quello che Giorgio Vasari
definì il pavimento più bello, più grande e magnifico mai realizzato prima.
Per poche settimane, dal 18 Agosto al 27 Ottobre 2013, il meraviglioso pavimento del
Duomo di Siena tornerà a vivere tra le sue colonne.
In questa occasione i milletrecento metri quadrati di tarsie marmoree saranno liberati dalle
assi di legno che solitamente li tengono nascosti per motivi di conservazione, e sarà svelato
un impianto iconografico ricco e complesso…
+ info: http://www.tafter.it/2013/08/07/vi-mostriamo-il-pavimento-piu-bello-piu-grande-e-magnifico-mai-realizzato/
La piscine du Havre retrouve ses statues - Le Havre - France
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (2 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
Dans le cadre de la restauration de la façade de la piscine du cours de la République, la
Fondation du Patrimoine s’est associée à la commune du Havre pour la restitution des
deux baigneurs réalisés pour orner l'entrée principale de l'édifice.
La souscription lancée en décembre 2011 par la délégation Haute-Normandie de la
Fondation du Patrimoine a permis de collecter plus de 24 000 €. Grâce au mécénat de la
Fondation Total, la Fondation du Patrimoine a apporté un soutien supplémentaire de 150
000 €…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-la-piscine-du-havre-retrouve-ses-statues1905
Une série de 5 épisodes vidéos sur le patrimoine haut-normand - France
L’action de la délégation Haute-Normandie de la Fondation du patrimoine est mise à l’honneur cette semaine au travers
d’une série de cinq épisodes diffusés tous les soirs sur France 3 Haute-Normandie à 19h. Voyagez du Pays de Bray, dans la
vallée de la Bresle, au pays de Caux et à Sotteville ! Cinq projets faisant l’objet d’une aide spécifique de la Fondation sont
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-une-serie-de-5-episodes-sur-le-patrimoinehaut-normand-1951#xtor=ES-5002-[flash-info-une-serie-de-5-episodes-sur-le-patrimoine-haut-normand]-20130806[http://www.fondation-patrimoine.or
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the UK’s professional body for built and historic
environment conservation, has kick-started its ‘global conservation’ news service
The Institute of Historic Building Conservation (IHBC), the UK’s professional body for built and historic environment
conservation, has kick-started its ‘global conservation’ news service by offering to post links and headlines to conservationrelated news features from across the world…
+ info: http://ihbconline.co.uk/newsachive/?p=6250&goback=.gde_3297985_member_263136750
Trois nouveaux projets soutenus par le Fonds national pour la valorisation des métiers
du patrimoine - France
La restauration du patrimoine, dans les meilleures conditions de qualité, étant étroitement liée
aux savoir-faire de professionnels talentueux et bien formés, la Fondation du Patrimoine a
souhaité renforcer son action en faveur de la valorisation des métiers directement liés à sa
mission de sauvegarde du patrimoine, tant bâti que mobilier, en créant un Fonds national pour
la valorisation des métiers du patrimoine.
La Fondation du Patrimoine dédie, pour 2013, un fonds spécifique de 300 000 euros, financé sur
ses ressources propres, au soutien à des actions entrant dans ce programme. Ce fonds est abondé par la Fondation
Bettencourt-Schueller et la Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, à hauteur de 50 000 euros chacune…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-trois-nouveaux-projets-soutenus-par-lefonds-national-pour-la-valorisation-des-metiers-du-patrimoine-1892#xtor=ES-5002-[lettre-d-information-de-la-fondationdu-patrimoine-n-57-le-01-08Scottish neo-classical palladian mansion Kinross House announced as winner of
restoration award - United Kingdom
The Historic Houses Association and Sotheby’s announced that the 2013 Restoration Award
has been awarded to Kinross House, Scotland’s first neo-classical Palladian mansion. Built in
1685 by Sir William Bruce, one of the foremost architects of the classical form, the historic
house was in need of extensive restoration when its present owner, Mr Donald Fothergill,
acquired the property in 2011. In a labour of love, Kinross House and Gardens have been
saved from disrepair and meticulously restored to their former glory. Six other applicants
from across the UK have been commended or shortlisted for this year’s Award. “The major restoration programme which
has been undertaken over the past two years at Kinross has saved and revitalised this hugely important house from
deterioration and possible future loss. The scale of the renovation is magnificent, and the house can now be seen by more
people than perhaps ever in its long history - it is terrific to see the house coming back to life and being filled once again.
Active use of the house is already having a beneficial effect on employment and incomes in the surrounding area. I would
also like to congratulate all those projects which the judges have commended as well as those on the shortlist” - Richard
Compton, President of the Historic Houses Association…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64263/Scottish-neo-classical-palladian-mansion-announced-as-winner-of-restorationaward
Program keeps lesser-used languages alive by teaching immigrants' kids
Christina Deirmenjian is on a mission to learn all she can about her cultural heritage. Born in
San Francisco and raised in Los Angeles, the 17-year-old began her summer with a two
week trip back to her parent’s native homeland of Armenia. Her twin sister and two brothers
had other summer plans, so Deimenjian and her father went alone.
Upon returning from what she described as an “incredible” experience the high school senior
threw herself into a five-week intensive Armenian language course at UCLA.
It’s a unique class run by the university's Heritage Language Resource Center. Rather than
focus on Spanish or French, the program is meant to keep lesser-known languages alive among the children of immigrants.
Among the languages taught: Hindi-Urdu, Persian, Russian and Arabic. All of them target teenagers…
+ info: http://www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2013/08/12/14429/program-keeps-lesser-used-languages-alive-by-teach/
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (3 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
Agricultura ecológica, poesía, patrimonio y estudios ingleses, desde este lunes en Baeza, Jaén (España)
La agricultura ecológica, la poesía, los estudios ingleses y la música en los medios de comunicación serán temas abordados
desde este lunes en los cursos de verano que la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA) organiza en su sede de
Baeza (Jaén).
La primera semana de actividad académica en la Baeza comienza con cinco cursos que se desarrollarán hasta el próximo
jueves. Además, en Baeza se abordarán las consecuencias de la negación del patrimonio y se analizará la cuestión del
expolio cultural a lo largo de la historia durante el encuentro 'Patrimonio olvidado - patrimonio negado'.
+ info: http://noticias.lainformacion.com/arte-cultura-y-espectaculos/poesia/agricultura-ecologica-poesia-patrimonio-yestudios-ingleses-desde-este-lunes-en-baeza_qH6lsDd6D8dhYUWBVrDv71/
Syrian Cultural Heritage Must Not be Overlooked, Says UNESCO
While the world agonizes over how to prevent more civilian deaths in Syria, UNESCO
warned on Thursday in Paris that precious cultural treasures are being destroyed in
the current conflict.
Syria's cultural heritage is threatened by plundered archeological sites, smuggling of
important artworks across borders and destruction, either deliberate or accidental, of
major historical sites.
The U.N.'s cultural Director-General Irina Bokova met with UN special envoy to Syria
Lakhdar Brahimi and a team of experts at the UNESCO headquarters…
+ info: http://www.ntd.tv/en/news/world/europe/20130830/82501-syrian-cultural-heritage-must-not-be-overlooked-saysunesco.html
Kashmir to digitize rare manuscripts to preserve cultural heritage
In an endeavour to preserve the art and culture of Kashmir and make the future generations aware about the rich heritage,
authorities have take steps to digitize six hundred rarest of the rare manuscripts.
Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages began the digitization process a few months ago under the
supervision of experts who were sent from Delhi to Kashmir.
Mohammad Ashraf Taak, Chief Editor, Culture Academy, said the manuscripts were on various topics…
+ info: http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ani/kashmir-to-digitize-rare-manuscripts-to-preserve-culturalheritage-113073100837_1.html
Jornadas de Reflexión en Patrimonio Cultural 2013
6 & 11 septembre 2013. Bogotá. Colombie. Entrada libre
Organizateurs: Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura y Programa de
Urbanismo & Asociación Restauradores Sin Fronteras A-RSF, Grupo Colombia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 sep 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/JORNADAS-PATRIMONIO-2013.pdf
RICS & SPAB Building Conservation Summer School
08 - 12 septembre 2013 Cirencester. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: RICS Building Conservation Forum in conjunction with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
+ info: http://www.rics.org/uk/training-events/conferences-seminars/rics--spab-building-conservation-summer-school/
Congresso Internacional "O que é uma escola de Projeto na contemporaneidade? - Questões de ensino e
critica do conhecimento em Arquitetura e Urbanismo"
09 - 11 septembre 2013 São Paulo. Brésil
Organizateurs: FAU UPM – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. São Paulo,
Brasil. INIFAUA – Instituto de Investigación – Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes. Universidad Nacional de
Ingeniería. Lima, Peru.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 25 jul 2013
+ info: http://projetocontemporaneo.wordpress.com/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
Journées européennes du patrimoine « 1913-2013 : cent ans de protection » - France
14 - 15 septembre 2013 France
Organizateurs: Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
+ info: http://www.journeesdupatrimoine.culture.fr/
3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation (EWCHP 2013)
16 - 18 septembre 2013 Bolzano. Italie
Organizateurs: The European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC), Italy
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (4 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
+ info: http://www.3encult.eu/en/ewchp/
Curso de verano "Ciudad, bienes culturales y patrimonio mundial: ejemplaridad e intervención"
18 - 20 septembre 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional Andaluza en colaboración con la Cátedra UNESCO de Interculturalidad y Derechos
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.unia.es/component/option,com_hotproperty/task,view/id,985/pid,5/Itemid,445/
I Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Socialización del Patrimonio en el Medio Rural
18 - 21 septembre 2013 Malpartida de Cáceres. Espagne
Organizateurs: Ayuntamiento de Malpartida de Cáceres, la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de
Extremadura y Underground Arqueología
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sopa13.blogspot.com.es/
Curso "Ciudad, bienes culturales y patrimonio mundial: ejemplaridad e intervención" en la UNIA
18 - 20 septembre 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA)
+ info: http://www.unia.es/component/option,com_hotproperty/task,view/id,985/pid,5/Itemid,445/
Jornada de ICOMOS Argentina "El patrimonio. La sustentabilidad y el desafío del desarrollo"
19 - 20 septembre 2013 Córdoba. Argentine
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Argentina en el marco de la celebración del 40º Aniversario del Comité Argentino de ICOMOS,
conmemorado el día 21 de mayo de 2013.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 ago 2013
+ info: http://icomoschile.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/el-patrimonio-sustentabilidad-y.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier. Chile
12th Edition of The Best in Heritage
19 - 21 septembre 2013 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: The Best in Heritage Association in partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA under Special Patronage of ICOM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/programme/
Characterisation - Making Sense of Place - Bristol - United Kingdom - 20 September 2013
20 septembre 2013 Bristol. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Institute of historic Building Conservation (IHBC) suported by peterbrett
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://swcc2013.ihbc.org.uk/index.html
ICOMOS Conference Water and Heritage "Protecting Deltas: Heritage Helps!"
23 - 28 septembre 2013 Amsterdam. Pays-Bas
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.icomosconference.nl/
II Foro de Economía y Cultura
24 - 26 septembre 2013 Ciudad de México. Mexique
Organizateurs: La Academia de Arte y Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM) a
través de la Coordinación Académica, el Colegio de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; la División de Ciencias y Artes para el
Diseño y el Departamento de Investigación y Conocimiento de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad
Azcapotzalco (UAM-Azc.); y la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Contact: Mtro. Alberto Zárate Rosales - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 19 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.uacm.edu.mx/portals/0/avisosyconvoca/2013/ForoEconomia.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
Coloquio internacional "El patrimonio desde las Ciencias sociales y las Humanidades"
25 - 27 septembre 2013 San Luis Potosí. Mexique
Organizateurs: El Colegio de San Luis, A.C.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.colsan.edu.mx/investigacion/historia/patrimonio/default.html
"Divided – united!" International Conference with ICOMOS
25 - 29 septembre 2013 Hildesheim. Allemagne
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (5 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
Organizateurs: Hornemann Institute in cooperation with ICOMOS Deutsches Nationalkomitee and ICOMOS international;
Geisteswissenschaftliches Zentrum Geschichte und Kultur Ostmitteleuropas an der Universität Leipzig (GWZO) and a
Working Group of German and Polish Art Historians and Conservators
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 sep 2013
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/events/1014
Colloque international sur "L'Art nouveau et l'Asie"
26 - 28 septembre 2013 Nice. France
Organizateurs: Le programme FEDERPAC de l’IrASIA, Aix-Marseille Université avec la collaboration du Réseau Art Nouveau
Européen et de l’Université de Nice.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2012
+ info: http://www.google.es/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=colloque
Aula Forum UNESCO UPV. El patrimonio en proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo
30 septembre - 07 octobre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/aula-forum-unesco-upv--el-patrimonio-en-proyectos-decooperacion-al-desarrollo_idiomaes-menuupvtrue-cid34296.html
Formation gestion intégrée des sites patrimoniaux 2013
07 - 18 octobre 2013 Cluny et Bourgogne. France
Organizateurs: Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Contact: Lucie Para - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.polepatrimoine.org/activites/ateliers-et-formations-a-venir
Envoyée par membre FUUP: PARA, Lucie
Training Day - Managing major building projects in places of worship
08 octobre 2013 Bristol. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Historic Religious Buildings Aliance
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.hrballiance.org.uk/?page_id=5
LATAN - Curso internacional de gestión de riesgos para el patrimonio cultural
07 - 25 octobre 2013 Santiago de Chile. Chili
Organizateurs: El ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property); la
Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos de Chile (dibam) y el Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de Chile
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2013_10latam_risk_CHL_en.shtml
Call for Abstracts - Post-Conflict, Cultural Heritage and Regional Development: An International Conference
09 - 11 octobre 2013 Wageningen. Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: The Liberation Day Committee 1945 Wageningen (as member of the European Network of Places of Peace),
Wageningen University and Inholland University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 8 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.peaceconference.org/call_for_abstracts
Colloque international : Les photographes et la commande industrielle en Europe au XXe siècle
10 - 13 octobre 2013 Saint-Etienne. France
Organizateurs: CIEREC (Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude et de Recherches sur l’Expression contemporaine) de l’Université
Jean Monnet, et par le Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne.
Contact: Danièle Méaux - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 abr 2013
+ info: http://portail.univ-st-etienne.fr/bienvenue/actualites/cierec-colloque-international-les-photographes-et-lacommande-industrielle-en-europe-au-xxe-siecle--408855.kjsp?RH=actu
Envoyée par membre FUUP: PIERROT, Nicolas. France
International Conference on Sustainable Cultural Heritage Management
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Roma Tre University
Contact: [email protected]
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (6 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.netmuse.eu/
Master in World Heritage and Cultural projects for Development
14 octobre 2013 - 30 septembre 2014 -- distant learning and face to face learning in Turin, Italy
Organizateurs: University of barcelona, University of Torino, the Politecnico di Torino, the International Training Centre of
the ILO (ITCILO), and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 7 jul 2013
+ info: http://worldheritage.itcilo.org/home
North West Branch of the IHBC launches digital Day conference 2013 ‘Digital Heritage – new technology for
the historic environment’
16 octobre 2013 Manchester. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: IHBC (Institute of Historic Building Conservation) supported by English Heritage and 53NOMA
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://digitalheritage.ihbc.org.uk/
IV Simposio Latinoamericano de métodos de química y física en arqueología, arte y conservación de
patrimonio cultural - LASMAC 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Bogotá. Colombie
Organizateurs: Asociación Química Colombiana; HAERENTIA; Archivo General de la Nacion Colombia; Comité Científico
Internacional de LASMAC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.lasmac2013.com/
Exposition - 1925, quand l'Art Déco séduit le monde
16 octobre 2013 - 17 février 2014 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine
+ info: http://www.citechaillot.fr/fr/expositions/expositions_temporaires/25226-1925_quand_lart_deco_seduit_le_monde.
4° Foro Internacional de Multiculturalidad
22 - 26 octobre 2013 Taxco. Mexique
Organizateurs: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 ago 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ForoMulticulturalidad2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Olimpia Niglio. Italy
XIIème Conférence "Culture européenne"
24 - 26 octobre 2013 Barcelone. Espagne
Organizateurs: El Instituto Carlomagno de Estudios Europeos. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.uic.es/es/cultura-europea
Patrimoine numérique 2013
28 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with
local research institutions Provence (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.digitalheritage2013.org/
I Congreso Internacional sobre Patrimonio Cultural "Códices y manuscritos prehispánicos y novohispanos"
29 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Morelos. Mexique
Organizateurs: El Gobierno del Estado de Morelos, el Instituto nacional de Antropología e Historia, la Universidad Autónoma
del Estado de Morelos y el Centro de investigación y Docencia en Humanidades del Estado de Morelos
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://patrimonio-cultural.com
4th International Fair of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage “Baština 2013” as well as The 4th
International Convention of Cultural Tourism
29 - 30 octobre 2013 Sremska Mitrovica, Voivodina. Serbie (République de)
Organizateurs: Kulturni Forum & Sirmium PALATIUM IMPERIAL
Contact: [email protected]
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (7 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2013_en/field_en/06_18_KulturniForum_SER.pdf
VI Autumn Conference of the Centre for Excellence in Cultural Theory
30 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 University of Tartu. Estonie
Organizateurs: Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (EU, European Regional Development Fund), University of Tartu,
Tallinn University
Contact: Monika Tasa, Email: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.ut.ee/CECT/tegevus/sygiskonverentsid.html
LCCHP Fifth Conference on 'The Monuments Men, Social Media, the Law and Cultural Heritage'
01 novembre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP), Fordham Law School, and the American
Society of International Law (ASIL)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://culturalheritagelaw.org/monumentsmen
7th Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum 2013
04 - 05 novembre 2013 Brussels. Belgique
Organizateurs: The European Cultural Foundation, ECF and ENCATC
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 7 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=83
Envoyée par membre FUUP: COGLIANDRO, Giannalia. Belgium
Conference - Problems and experience of the engineering protection of the urbanized territories and a
safeguarding of the heritage under conditions of the geo-ecological risk
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Kiev. Ukraine
Organizateurs: National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”; National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical Cultural Preserve &
Charitable organization "Charitable Fund St. Sophia’’
Contact: Mss.Vira Losytska - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 may 2013
+ info: http://new.sophiakievska.org/en
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Yuriy Maslov
4th Annual Research Session “Rethinking education on arts and cultural management and policy”
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Antwerp. Belgique
Organizateurs: 21st ENCATC Annual Conference
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 5 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=202
21st ENCATC Annual Conference & the 4th Annual ENCATC Research Session
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Brussels and Antwerp. Belgique
Organizateurs: ENCATC in parthership with and hosted by Universiteit Antwerpen and supported by European Union
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=104
Envoyée par membre FUUP: COGLIANDRO, Giannalia
18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 18 2013)
11 - 13 novembre 2013 Viena. Autriche
Organizateurs: Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 28 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.stadtarchaeologie.at/?goback=.gde_1623567_member_246552594
Museos y análisis museológicos
12 - 18 novembre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: CFP - Universitat Politècnica de València (España)
Contact: Mª Teresa Molto - [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/museos-y-analisis-museograficos_codper378658
European Academic Heritage Day "Down the Rabbit hole", backstage of knowledge production
18 novembre 2013 -- All European Continent
Organizateurs: UNIVERSEUM European Network
Contact: Sofia Talas ([email protected])
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (8 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
+ info: http://www.universeum.it/docs/UNIVERSEUM_%2018%20November%202013.pdf
Oaxaca 2013 - XII Congrès mondial de l'Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial "Villes patrimoniales,
Villes durables"
19 - 22 novembre 2013 Oaxaca. Mexique
Organizateurs: l’OVPM (Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://ocpmoaxaca2013.org/?lang=fr
2nd ENCATC Academy on Cultural Relations & Diplomacy "Middle East, Northern Africa & the Arabian
21 - 22 novembre 2013 Brussels. Belgique
Organizateurs: ENCATC in partnership with Goldsmiths University of London and supported by European Union
Contact: Giannalia Cogliandro - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 nov 2013
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=271
Call for papers: “Revisiting Kathmandu. Safeguarding living urban heritage”
25 - 29 novembre 2013 Kathmandu. Népal
Organizateurs: UNESCO Office in Kathmandu and ICOMOS Nepal
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 25 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/culture/revisiting-kathmandu/
8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
03 - 05 décembre 2013 Putrajaya. Malaisie
Organizateurs: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/sustainable-city-2013.html
2e Rencontres scientifiques internationales du MuCEM "Exposer, s'exposer : de quoi le musée est-il le
contemporain ?"
05 - 07 décembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM)
Contact: Malika Médouni, [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 24 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.mucem.org/fr/exposer-sexposer-de-quoi-le-musee-est-il-le-contemporain
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
Call for Papers - Digital Past 2014
12 - 13 février 2014 Llandudno. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 11 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.rcahmw.gov.uk/HI/ENG/Our+Services/Outreach+/
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 mars 2014 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 14 sep 2013
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=37326
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
XV Universeum Meeting
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (9 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
12 - 14 juin 2014 Hamburg. Belgique
Organizateurs: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.universeum.it/
Memorias del V Simposio Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo "Sentidos y prácticas de las
expresiones culturales en los territorios"
Febrero de 2013
Museo de Antioquia, Medellín (Colombia)
Année: 2013
Desde el año 2009, el Museo de Antioquia a través del área de Museo y Territorios realiza el Simposio de
Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo, espacio que se ha convertido en el escenario de encuentro de los líderes
que hemos conocido a partir de nuestro recorrido por el territorio, y por medio del cual se ha dialogado
alrededor de diferentes temas relacionados con el arte y la cultura.
Para nosotros es un gusto compartir las memorias del V Simposio que abordó el tema de para qué la Cultura: Sentidos y
prácticas de las expresiones culturales en los territorios; Encuentro que reunió a 191 personas líderes de diferentes
experiencias culturales locales e internacionales que desde los escenarios del arte y la cultura le aportan al fortalecimiento
del tejido social.
+ info: http://www.flipsnack.com/9DE5E7BA9F7/fcjab53p
ENCATC Newsletter - ISSUE 4/2013
Année: 2013
ENCATC is the leading European network on Cultural Management and Cultural Policy education and
training. It is a membership NGO gathering over 100 members in 40 countries.
ENCATC holds the status of associate partner of UNESCO and of observer to the Steering Committee for
Culture of the Council of Europe. ENCATC was founded in 1992 to promote education and training in the
field of cultural management and cultural policy by providing educators, researchers, students,
policymakers and cultural managers and operators with a long lasting forum for transfer of knowledge and
professional networking. ENCATC also aims to contribute to future thinking by monitoring trends and developments that
affect the future of arts and culture, by supporting businesses and organizations with strategy development by means of
scenario planning, and by developing new educational and training opportunities based on these scenarios to
professionalize the sector
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/NEWSLETTER_2013_N4.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP : COGLIANDRO, Giannalia. Belgium – Bélgica – Belgique
REPORT: Responding to the crisis with culture:Towards new governance & business models for the artscultural sector
Année: 2013
As consequence of the economic crisis, public expenditures for arts and culture have decreased dramatically. Arts-cultural
institutions and organisations find themselves at a turning point where new ways of managing and funding culture need to
be explored.
This was the concept behind the ENCATC Policy Debate organised on 5 July in Brussels attended and by over 90
participants from Europe and beyond.
Like all other sectors affected, arts and culture organisations and those who govern them are standing at a crossing. Now is
the time to consider new models and funding systems. As the waves of budget cuts continue to hit, many are asking is
possible to save costs while at the same time increase revenue? Can restructuring how cultural organisations operate lead
to increased efficiency and better management practices? How will the role of cultural managers evolve in light of these
structural changes?
try to answer to some of this questions. it includes summaries of the presentations given by eight experts on arts and
cultural management, and representing museums, orchestras, cultural and creative industries, and heritage shared their
knowledge, inspiring case studies, and suggestions for new models of governance for their sector.
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/fileadmin/user_upload/2013/Policy_Debate_Report_2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP : COGLIANDRO, Giannalia. Belgium – Bélgica – Belgique
Framework document: The protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict. From the lessons learned in
strategic design
Authors: Ignacio Rodríguez Temiño & Daniel González Acuña
Année: 2013
The destruction of cultural heritage during armed conflict has been a constant concern of the international community's
interest in subsidiary respect for human rights in these tragic episodes. There is a ius in bello specially directed to minimize
this type of damage, but, to be effective must be accompanied by an awareness of governments and armies of the value of
cultural heritage as an instrument of social post-war recovery. A difficult task when it comes to the contestants, but more
feasible when expeditionary forces are aimed at those scenarios involved in international organizations mandated with
missions related to the processes of peacekeeping. This paper summarizes the current situation in this area, especially
after what happened in Iraq in 2003, and proposes the incorporation of Spain to the group of countries aware of the value
added by the introduction of this type of action in military missions abroad.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/06.html (10 de 11) [09/09/2013 16:21:03]
Patrimoine Culturel
+ info: http://www.ieee.es/en/contenido/noticias/2013/08/DIEEEM15-2013.html?__locale=en
Envoyée par membre FUUP : González, Daniel
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Paysages culturels
Paysages culturels
La Universidad del País Vasco crea la cátedra de Territorio,
Paisaje y Patrimonio con apoyo del Gobierno Vasco
El rector de la Universidad del País Vasco, Iñaki Goirizelaia, y la
consejera de Medio Ambiente y Política Territorial del Ejecutivo
autónomo, Ana Oregi, suscribieron ayer un convenio para la creación
de la cátedra de 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio'. Dirigida por el
profesor Agustín Azkarate, se constituye como un «instrumento»
para impulsar y difundir actividades relacionadas con la investigación
y la proyección social de estas materias. La cátedra fomentará las relaciones de intercambio y cooperación, en especial, con
la Red Mundial de Cátedras Unesco. «La cátedra 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio' tiene como fin reflexionar sobre uno de
los ámbitos de gestión más importantes y complejos de una sociedad humana: el territorio», detalló Goirizelaia. La
consejera Ana Oregi resaltó que «se ponen en marcha en el terreno de la Universidad políticas de paisaje, que cobran una
especial relevancia con el patrimonio cultural». Para el periodo 2013-2015 se ha fijado un presupuesto de 225.000 euros.
+ info: http://www.diariovasco.com/v/20130723/al-dia-local/crea-catedra-territorio-paisaje-20130723.html
Biography of Satoru Nishita - USA - 1927-2013
Nishita entered the University of California Berkeley under the G.I. Bill, commenting years later, “After
World War II, the men attending the University were serious. We wanted to get back into the mainstream
of society, and there was very little fooling around.” He graduated in 1951 with a Bachelor of Science in
Landscape Architecture. At Berkeley, his path of studies drew from his childhood experiences in working
landscapes, but he was also “… very moved by the words of John Muir, the first president of the Sierra
Club,” and by Frederick Law Olmsted’s urban parks, and particularly Olmsted’s Stanford campus design…
+ info: http://tclf.org/pioneer/satoru-nishita/biography-satoru-nishita
At Peavey Plaza, demolition halted - Minneapolis - Minnesota
Demolition of M. Paul Friedberg’s Peavey Plaza, which in January
was listed to the National Register of Historic Places, has been
avoided. The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) and the
Preservation Alliance of Minnesota (PAM) issued the following joint
statement after a Minneapolis Star-Tribune blog report stated the
site would “likely avoid the wrecking ball” following the expiration in
June of a demolition permit.
+ info: http://tclf.org/landslides/peavey-plaza-demolition-halted
The Mount: Edith Wharton's Home - Lenox - Massachusetts (USA)
Borrowing the scenery of the central Berkshire Mountains, this 50-acre estate was the seasonal
residence of American novelist Edith Wharton from 1902 to 1911. Wharton commissioned architect
Francis L.V. Hoppin to design the Georgian-Revival manor, while Wharton herself designed the formal
gardens to the east and south of the house…
+ info: http://tclf.org/landscapes/mount-edith-whartons-home
Boasberg Fellowship Continues in Summer 2013
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/07.html (1 de 5) [09/09/2013 16:21:06]
Paysages culturels
The Cultural Landscape Foundation's Sally Boasberg Founder’s Fellowship continued into its second year this
summer, filled by recent University of Pennsylvania graduate Karina Bishop, who was selected from a pool
of more than 40 applicants. The Fellowship position carries forth Sally’s spirit and energy by funding the
work of clever, entrepreneurial and passionate students at TCLF (Learn more about Sally’s life and
The program involves Fellows in researching and promoting the work of those who have shaped the
American landscape - designed significant works of landscape architecture - and contributes to the
organization’s mission of “stewardship through education.”
+ info: http://tclf.org/news/features/boasberg-fellowship-continues-summer-2013
Investigadores de la UPV/EHU descubren un recinto militar del siglo XIX en el
castillo de Labastida
El recinto, que dominaba todo el valle del Ebro, estuvo en uso durante la primera y la tercera
guerra carlista
El Grupo de investigación en Patrimonio y Paisajes Culturales de la Universidad del País
Vasco/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU) han desarrollado en las últimas semanas un
proyecto arqueológico en el castillo de Labastida (Álava), con el apoyo financiero de la
Diputación Foral de Álava, que ha supuesto el descubrimiento de un importante recinto
militar del siglo XIX en el castillo.
En un comunicado, la Universidad Pública vasca ha recordado que la existencia de un castillo en Labastida es conocida a
través de un importante documento medieval del año 1370 en la que el rey Enrique II de Castilla concedió a Diego Gómez
Sarmiento, el primer conde de Salinas, el señorío de la villa de Labastida con su castillo…
+ info: http://www.europapress.es/euskadi/noticia-investigadores-upv-ehu-descubren-recinto-militar-siglo-xix-castillolabastida-alava-20130819112238.html
Congresso Internacional "O que é uma escola de Projeto na contemporaneidade? - Questões de ensino e
critica do conhecimento em Arquitetura e Urbanismo"
09 - 11 septembre 2013 São Paulo. Brésil
Organizateurs: FAU UPM – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. São Paulo,
Brasil. INIFAUA – Instituto de Investigación – Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes. Universidad Nacional de
Ingeniería. Lima, Peru.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 25 jul 2013
+ info: http://projetocontemporaneo.wordpress.com/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
5th European River Restoration Conference
11 - 13 septembre 2013 Vienna. Autriche
Organizateurs: The ECRR European network
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.errc2013.eu/
Conférence MINaH 2013 "Entre nature universelle et cultures locales"
11 - 13 septembre 2013 Clermont-Ferrand. France
Organizateurs: Clermont University's pole for Research and Higher Education; Auvergne Institute for Country Developping;
Local council of the Puy-de-Dôme; et Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Park
Contact: Yves Michelin, professor at VetAgroSup: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://minah.vetagro-sup.fr/
GONDWANA, la Fête des plantes méditerranéennes
05 - 06 octobre 2013 Le Rayol. France
Organizateurs: France Bleu Provence
+ info: http://www.domainedurayol.org/evenement-GONDWANA+la+Fete+des+plantes+mediterraneennes-422.html
Cemetery Preservation Summit
08 - 10 octobre 2013 Niagara Falls, New York. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), United States
Contact: Jason Church - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 6 may 2013
+ info: http://ncptt.nps.gov/call-for-presentations-international-cemetery-preservation-summit/
Seminario-Taller - Métodos de evaluación de los paisajes para el ordenamiento, la planificación y la gestión
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Paysages culturels
14 - 15 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: Prof. Dr. Eduardo Salinas Chávez. LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto
Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico de España
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://coibrecopa.com.ar/seminario.html
3rd IFLA Africa Symposium: People and landscapes
14 - 18 octobre 2013 Abuja. Nigéria
Organizateurs: IFLA (landscapes)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://iflaafrica2013.com/main/
International Scientific Workshop: VERSUS - Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture (CIAV 2013)
16 octobre - 20 octobre 2013 Vila Nova de Cerveira. Portugal
Organizateurs: Escola Superior Gallaecia & ICOMOS-CIAV
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.esg.pt/ciav2013/
COIBRECOPA 2013 - III Congreso Iberoamericano - XI Jornada "Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del
16 octobre - 18 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: CIC - LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.coibrecopa.com.ar/
8º Congreso Iberoamericano de Parques y Jardines Públicos (PARJAP): Tendencias en el Paisajismo Cultural
29 - 31 octobre 2013 La Antigua. Guatemala
Organizateurs: Asociación Española de Parques y Jardines Públicos con el apoyo de Gobierno de Guatemala y el
Ayuntamiento de La Antigua
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.parjapguatemala2013.com/sitio/
VI Autumn Conference of the Centre for Excellence in Cultural Theory
30 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 University of Tartu. Estonie
Organizateurs: Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (EU, European Regional Development Fund), University of Tartu,
Tallinn University
Contact: Monika Tasa, Email: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.ut.ee/CECT/tegevus/sygiskonverentsid.html
Shrinking Cities: Expanding Landscapes
14 - 15 novembre 2013 Edimburgo, Escocia. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: http://expandinglandscapes.wordpress.com/
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 avril 2014 Austin, Texas. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.sah.org/conferences-and-programs/2014-conference-austin
26th session of the PECSRL biennial international conference
08 - 12 septembre 2014 Gothenburg & Mariestad. Suède
Organizateurs: hosted by the University of Gothenburg.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/07.html (3 de 5) [09/09/2013 16:21:06]
Paysages culturels
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2014
+ info: http://www.pecsrl2014.com/
Di Corrado Balistreri e Dario Zanverdiani con un saggio di Egle Renata Trincanato
ISBN: 978-88-548-5938-8
Editore: Aracne
Année: 2013
Il volume, che illustra l’evoluzione architettonica ed urbana della città di Venezia, dalle origini leggendarie
dell’insediamento lagunare alla fine della Repubblica Serenissima, è concepito come atlante storico in cui
una cronologia di Egle Renata Trincanato è affiancata da 38 tavole a colori con piante della forma urbis
divise in sezioni tematiche (edifici religiosi, edifici pubblici ed opere d’urbanizzazione, palazzi patrizi e cittadineschi, case
borghesi e popolari, corti collettive ed edilizia a schiera) corredate da 1780 schede relative agli edifici individuati
topograficamente nelle piante stesse.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854859388detail.html
Geografie, storie, paesaggi per un’Italia da cambiare
A cura di Gabriella Bonini, Chiara Visentin
Editore: Aracne
ISBN: 978-88-548-5983-8
Année: 2013
I saggi raccolti nel volume intendono fare riflettere le istituzioni ma anche la comunità civile su quelle che
sono state le scelte di ieri e le intenzioni di oggi in alcune politiche territoriali globali. Il valore della scelta
indirizza da sempre percorsi che sono il più delle volte irrimediabili, per questo la dinamica del fare
dovrebbe sempre connotarsi di una qualità etica ad ogni livello di azione: politica, scientifica, progettuale, comunicativa,
esecutiva, individuale. Diversi ma interconnessi sono i percorsi presentati nel volume, per valutazioni politiche, per metodo
scientifico, per approfondimenti culturali o artistici, o, più semplicemente, per appartenenza geografica. Il volume riporta in
appendice il saggio di Emilio Sereni Strutture e “blocco storico”. Città e campagne nell’Italia preromana apparso sul
numero 3, maggio-giugno 1966, di «Critica Marxista». L’autore della Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano ci lascia uno
studio fondamentale sulla concezione contemporanea della città accostando quella antica greco-romana alla moderna,
accomunate dalla supremazia della città sulla campagna. Una riflessione storica e sociologica di incredibile attualità nel
dibattito sul rapporto città-campagna che percorre molta della storia urbana e sociale del nostro Paese, fino ad oggi.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854859838detail.html
Un nouveau guide pour l’amélioration des paysages agricoles - France
Le CAUE du Rhône, en partenariat avec la DREAL Rhône-Alpes (Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de
l’Aménagement et du Logement) et la Chambre d’agriculture du Rhône
Année: 2013
Le Guide Paysage et Bâtiments agricoles propose des recommandations architecturales et paysagères,
simples et efficaces, pour valoriser les abords et les accès des exploitations agricoles dans les paysages du
Beaujolais et du Lyonnais. Ces conseils sont applicables aux agriculteurs mais également aux
administrations, aux organisations professionnelles agricoles, aux élus ou encore aux organismes de
recherche et de formation agricole.
Parmi ces recommandations, le CAUE propose, par exemple, de prolonger ou de créer des haies, de rattacher le bâtiment à
une route par le végétal, d’aménager une aire déserte ou de mettre en avant des matériaux, couleurs ou végétaux
rattachant ainsi une exploitation au paysage.
Ce guide est basé sur des missions d’accompagnements des agriculteurs dans les projets de réhabilitation des PMBE (Plan
de Modernisation des Bâtiments d’Élevage) et du « 1% paysage et développement »1 de la région Rhône-Alpes.
+ info: http://patrimoine-environnement.fr/un-nouveau-guide-pour-lamelioration-des-paysages-agricoles/
Paradise on the Earth: Role of Water, Tree and Geometry in the Formation of Persian Gardens
By A. Moghaddasi, A. Zamanifard
Issue No 3 (19), Scientific Herald of the Voronezh State University of Architecture and Civil Engineering. Construction and
ISSN 2075-0811
Année: 2013
Statement of the problem: Design of garden in Persia as shown by its historical evolution tries to demonstrate a terrestrial
imagination of “Eden” as in the everlasting world. We can see the Pasargadae in the Fars province which was built in 600 B.
C. by Cyrus the great. Eastern arts have always tried to implicate on abstract concepts. The issue which has a mysterious
influence in configuration of Persian garden can be seen in the employment of tree, water and geometry.
Results and conclusions: In this paper, firstly, we have reviewed on the paradise chronicle and its etymology. Then we
employed an analytical-descriptive method for our research. In the next steps, we have studied about fundamentals in
Persian gardens. Since the ancient times sanctification of water and planting the trees have always been recommended by
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Paysages culturels
Persians. Throughout the research process authors found out that Safavid gardens were very succeed to show off a
paradise on the earth.
+ info: http://vestnikvgasu.wmsite.ru/ftpgetfile.php?id=378
Painted Landscapes: Contemporary Views
By Lauren P. Della Monica
ISBN13: 9780764343582
Année: 2013
This book explores American landscape painting today, its relevance in the contemporary art world, and
its historic roots. This volume profiles sixty individual living artists whose contributions distinguish
important aspects of the genre and address land use, nature appreciation, and ecology through landscape
painting. Encompassing every style from traditional realism (with a contemporary edge) to abstraction
and non-objectivity, these contemporary artists range from today’s art stars to emerging or regionally recognized talent in
the eastern, western, and southwestern regions of the nation. An additional chapter addresses urban landscapes nationally.
The range of styles and reputations presented creates an encompassing survey of the trends and enduring elements in this
genre of painting and the art market today.
+ info: http://www.schifferbooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_book_info&products_id=5177
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Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées, fleuves...)
Routes et itinéraires culturels (routes, canaux, voies ferrées,
Rutas patrimoniales en la UN: apropiación del patrimonio universitario
Como parte del proyecto “Puesta en valor del Paisaje Cultural e Histórico de la Ciudad
Universitaria de Bogotá (CUB) y como coadyuvante de la Gobernanza Cultural de la Sede
Bogotá”, arrancaron las rutas patrimoniales para estudiantes de la UN.
La iniciativa adelantada por la Dirección de Museos y Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad
Nacional de Colombia, “espera que el estudiante entre a la Ciudad Universitaria, con una
visión transversal como de abanico abierto respecto a la complejidad y particularidad de esta
Institución Universitaria. Normalmente los estudiantes llegamos a estudiar una u otra carrera
y llegamos con un imaginario que la Universidad logra profundizar en cada uno; pero que sigue siendo una mirada muy
lineal con la cual nos volvemos hacia nuestros lugares de origen o nos desconectamos, sin haber conocido y descubierto la
diversidad de situaciones y de hechos que significa la CUB”, así lo afirmó el arquitecto y coordinador del proyecto,
Alejandro Armesto…
+ info: http://www.museos.unal.edu.co//sccs/noticias.php?mr=417&tipo=noti
5th European River Restoration Conference
11 - 13 septembre 2013 Vienna. Autriche
Organizateurs: The ECRR European network
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.errc2013.eu/
III Edición - Experto propio en Itinerarios Culturales Cooperación al Desarrollo/Desarrollo Local
15 septembre - 15 mars 2013 Granada. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad de Granada
Contact: [email protected] / [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 sep 2013
+ info: http://posgrado.fundacionugrempresa.es/component/posgrados/?view=posgrado&Id=479
Curso - “Diseño y gestión de rutas e itinerarios culturales”
11 novembre 2013 - 31 mars 2014 Barcelona. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universitat de Barcelona
Contact: Jordi Tresserras - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 oct 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ItinerariosCulturales2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Tresserras, jordi. España
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U.N. bodies, Chinese foundation to tackle desertification and green opportunities
Two United Nations bodies have partnered with the Beijing-based Elion Foundation to tackle the
issue of desertification, and to harness the economic potential of drylands through renewable
energy, desert tourism, and other sustainable projects.
The United Nations Environment Program, U.N. Convention to Combat Desertification, and the
non-profit organization Elion Foundation have signed a Memoranda of Understanding that aim
to improve the management of dryland ecosystems. The partnership was announced at the
Kubuqi International Desert Forum, an international forum dedicated to supporting the green
development of the world’s deserts…
+ info: http://www.ecoseed.org/politics/16868-u-n-bodies-chinese-foundation-to-tackle-desertification-and-greenopportunities
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/09.html [09/09/2013 16:21:09]
Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
First list of ‘The 7 Most Endangered’ Monuments and Sites in Europe presented at press
On a press conference held at the European Parliament Office in Athens, Denis de Kergorlay,
Executive President of Europa Nostra, and Guy Clausse, Director and Special Advisor to the
Director General of the European Investment Bank, announced the 7 most endangered landmarks
in Europe.
Among the listed monuments and sites are the Roman amphitheatre in Durrës in Albania, the
Renaissance monastery of San Benedetto Po in Italy and the historic mining landscape of Rosia
Montana in Romania.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/news/340/
Himalaya 'tsunami' shows need for science in disaster plans
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - Author: Erin Berger As India’s northern state of
Uttarakhand recovers from mid-June’s devastating flash floods and residents wonder when
their lives might return to normal, another question lingers: How can similar tragedies be
prevented in a country already prone to natural disasters?
India is already equipped with many of the scientific resources necessary for good disaster
management, argues a policy brief from Integrated Action on Resilience and Global
Sustainability. The problem is a lack of collaboration between knowledge-creating and policy-
making bodies…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130725143032-leioh
The 13 Most Devastating Architecture Disasters in History
This article on io9 counts down the worst architectural disasters in recorded history, from the
failure of Yarmouth Bridge back in 1845 to the horrific collapse of Rana Plaza in Savar,
Bangladesh this April – revealing the latter as the most catastrophic structural failure in
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/402944/the-most-devastating-architecture-disasters-inhistory/
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) - Virunga National Park is at risk of becoming Africa’s newest oil field
An oil company, Soco International PLC is intending to explore for oil in Virunga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you
believe this line should not be crossed, add your name now.
More than 95,000 people have already joined us.
Together we can draw the line and keep oil exploration out of Africa’s oldest national park.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/congo_basin_forests/problems/draw_the_line_pledge.cfm
Analizan el impacto de la contaminación y el tráfico en el patrimonio
El tráfico y la contaminación devoran el patrimonio. Un estudio conjunto de la
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, el Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH) y la
empresa Ecomimesis alerta del "deterioro acelerado" que sufren los monumentos a
causa de las emisiones del tráfico, en especial de óxido de azufre. Esta conclusión
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Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
que, a priori, podría parecer una obviedad supone toda una novedad en el campo
científico, ya que en Andalucía no existían estudios sobre este particular a pesar de la
importancia del patrimonio regional. Pedro Caro, arquitecto de la oficina del casco histórico de Córdoba, confirma que a
nivel genérico no hay ningún estudio en la ciudad, aunque se haya podido estudiar puntualmente el mal de la piedra en
algún edificio. Angel Rebollo, director técnico de la Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo, señala además la peculiaridad de la
piedra arenisca, utilizada en el 90% de las iglesias cordobesas.
+ info: http://www.diariocordoba.com/noticias/cordobalocal/analizan-impacto-de-contaminacion-y-trafico-en-patrimoniocordobes_821750.html
Syrian Cultural Heritage Must Not be Overlooked, Says UNESCO
While the world agonizes over how to prevent more civilian deaths in Syria, UNESCO
warned on Thursday in Paris that precious cultural treasures are being destroyed in
the current conflict.
Syria's cultural heritage is threatened by plundered archeological sites, smuggling of
important artworks across borders and destruction, either deliberate or accidental, of
major historical sites.
The U.N.'s cultural Director-General Irina Bokova met with UN special envoy to Syria
Lakhdar Brahimi and a team of experts at the UNESCO headquarters…
+ info: http://www.ntd.tv/en/news/world/europe/20130830/82501-syrian-cultural-heritage-must-not-be-overlooked-saysunesco.html
17th Triennial Conference: "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 septembre 2013 Melbourne. Australie
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 26 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.icom-cc2014.org/
LATAN - Curso internacional de gestión de riesgos para el patrimonio cultural
07 - 25 octobre 2013 Santiago de Chile. Chili
Organizateurs: El ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property); la
Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos de Chile (dibam) y el Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de Chile
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2013_10latam_risk_CHL_en.shtml
Encuentro Internacional de Directores de Museos "Bienes culturales en tránisito"
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Posadas. Argentine
Organizateurs: ADiMRA
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://museomaritimo.com/adimra/Museos/ficha_encuentro.php
International Scientific Workshop: VERSUS - Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture (CIAV 2013)
16 - 20 octobre 2013 Vila Nova de Cerveira. Portugal
Organizateurs: Escola Superior Gallaecia & ICOMOS-CIAV
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.esg.pt/ciav2013/
Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management (EMECS 10 - MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference)
30 octobre - 03 novembre 2013 Marmaris. Turquie
Organizateurs: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 feb 2013
+ info: http://www.medcoast.org.tr/MC13/Global_Congress_Call_for_Abstracts_digital.pdf
5th International conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation
02 - 04 septembre 2013 Cape Town. Afrique du Sud
Organizateurs: University of Cape Town (UCT)
Contact: [email protected]
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Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
DATE LIMITE: 30 oct 2012
+ info: http://www.semc.uct.ac.za/seismic-behaviour-and-earthquake-resistant-design-of-long-period-structures/
Conference - Problems and experience of the engineering protection of the urbanized territories and a
safeguarding of the heritage under conditions of the geo-ecological risk
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Kiev. Ukraine
Organizateurs: National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”; National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical Cultural Preserve &
Charitable organization "Charitable Fund St. Sophia’’
Contact: Mss.Vira Losytska - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 may 2013
+ info: http://new.sophiakievska.org/en
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Yuriy Maslov
International Conference Built Heritage 2013 "Monitoring Conservation Management"
18 - 20 novembre 2013 Milan. Italie
Organizateurs: Politecnico di Milano
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.bh2013.polimi.it
8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
03 - 05 décembre 2013 Putrajaya. Malaisie
Organizateurs: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/sustainable-city-2013.html
Third United Nations World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR)
14 mars - 18 mai 2015 Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture. Japon
Organizateurs: United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) hosted by the Government of Japan
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.unisdr.org/we/coordinate/hfa-post2015
Population Résiliente - Planète Résiliente
Synthèse du Président - Quatrième Session de la Plate-forme Mondiale pour la Réduction des Risques de Catastrophe.
Genève, 21-23 mai 2013
Année: 2013
La quatrième session de la Plate-forme Mondiale biennale pour la Réduction des Risques de Catastrophe s'est tenue à
Genève du 21 au 23 mai 2013. Présidée par la Suisse, l'événement a réuni plus de 3 500 participants originaires de 172
pays et représentant les gouvernements nationaux et locaux, les organisations intergouvernementales, la Fédération
Internationale de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge, les organisations non gouvernementales, les maires et les
parlementaires, les représentants des collectivités locales, les populations indigènes, les enfants et la jeunesse, les
personnes handicapées, ainsi que des dirigeants d'entreprises et
représentants du monde universitaire et de la science. Cette session s’appuie sur les discussions des plates-formes
régionales organisées en Afrique, dans le s Amériques, en Asie Pacifique, dans les Etats Arabes et en Europe ainsi que sur
de nombreuses consultations et réunions préparatoires organisées par la société civile, les gouvernements nationaux et
locaux et les sociétés nationales de la Croix Rouge et du Croissant Rouge…
+ info: http://www.preventionweb.net/files/33306_synthseduprsident.fr.revcr040713.cl.pdf
Call for Abstracts to the 2015 Global Assessment Report (GAR15)
Année: 2013
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is issuing a Call for Abstracts as part of the development of
the 2015 Global Assessment Report (GAR15). The GAR15 will be published prior to the World Conference on Disaster Risk
Reduction in 2015, in which governments will adopt a successor framework to the Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA).
The purpose of this Call for Abstracts is to encourage more research investigating the degree to which the HFA has been fitfor-purpose in affecting change in the management of disaster risk, and in so doing, contribute to both the formulation of
the successor framework to the HFA (the HFA2), as well as the development of indicators for effectively measuring the
impact of the forthcoming framework…
Should you require more information contact UNISDR: Rhea Katsanakis ([email protected]).
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Réduction et Gestion des catastrophes et des risques
+ info: http://www.preventionweb.net/english/professional/networks/private/hfa-thematic-review/
The Proceedings of the Fourth Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction
Année: 2013
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR) is pleased to announce that the proceedings of the Fourth
Session of the Global Platform for Disaster Risk Reduction held 19-23 May 2013 in Geneva is now available online.
The English version of the proceedings can be downloaded immediately. The translated versions in other UN languages
(Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian and Spanish) and the printed publication will be available in early September 2013.
For any further information about the proceedings, please contact Ms. Elena Dokhlik at [email protected]
+ info: http://www.preventionweb.net/globalplatform/2013/news/view/34344
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Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
The Russian Federation releases manuscript of banned wartime classic
Russia's security service on Thursday released from its secret archives the manuscript of a
classic World War II novel described as the "War and Peace" of the 20th century, over 50
years after it was confiscated by the Soviet authorities. Vassily Grossman's epic novel "Life
and Fate", completed in 1960, was banned in the Soviet Union until the late 1980s but is
now considered to be one of the greatest of all Russian novels. The Federal Security Service
(FSB), the successor to the Soviet KGB, handed the novel's manuscript over to Russia's
literary archives where it can now be consulted by scholars, state ITAR-TASS news agency
reported. "Taking into account its uniqueness and the value of the manuscript, the head of the FSB Alexander Bortnikov
has decided to hand it permanently to the literary archives," the FSB said in a statement…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64062/Russia-releases-manuscript-of-banned-wartime-classic#.UiX4nD9GPnh
L'informatique au service de l'Histoire du Peuple juif
... Plus récemment, un projet de l'université de Tel-Aviv vise à utiliser la puissance de plus de 100
ordinateurs afin d'analyser 157.514 fragments, et vérifier un total de plus de 12 milliards de
combinaisons afin de reconstituer les documents. Le projet s'est déroulé entre le 16 mai et le 12
juillet 2013. Une fois que ces 12 milliards de combinaisons potentielles ont été comparées par
l'algorithme, l'ordinateur présente une liste des quelques centaines de combinaisons probables,
mais ce sera aux chercheurs, ou aux amateurs, de les confirmer…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73625.htm
Sweden recovers two stolen books that originally belonged to the Swedish Royal
Two rare books that were stolen from Sweden's National Library were handed back here on
Wednesday, after being tracked down in the United States. New York District Attorney Preet
Bharara presented two volumes that originally belonged to the Swedish Royal Family to the
library's CEO Gunilla Herdenberg at a ceremony in Manhattan. "I'm very happy to bring
these books back to Sweden and to make them available for the public and for research
again," Herdenberg said in a speech thanking the US authorities and the book dealer who
had ensured their safe return. The books, which have an estimated combined value of $100,000, were among at least 56
volumes stolen from the library between 1995 and 2004 by the former head of its manuscript department Anders Burius,
who committed suicide shortly after confessing to the thefts in 2004…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63975/Sweden-recovers-two-stolen-books-that-originally-belonged-to-the-Swedish-RoyalFamily-#.UiX4OT9GPnh
District of Columbia Public Library / The Freelon Group Architects - 2011 Washington D.C. - USA
From the architect: The Tenley-Friendship Library has space devoted to children’s services,
including online access, a large collection of print and non-print resources (CD books, DVDs,
mixed-media kits, etc.) for children from birth to age twelve. Children’s librarians provide
regular story programs in which they model early literacy behaviors and reader’s advisory
services to children and their caregivers to encourage reading and early literacy.
Tenley Library is a welcoming civic building that provides a variety of spaces to meet a wide
range of community needs. Spaces include a large public meeting room (for approximately 100 people), two smaller
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/10.html (1 de 4) [09/09/2013 16:21:17]
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
meeting rooms, a children’s program room, as well as smaller rooms for group study and for tutoring…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/403937/district-of-columbia-public-library-the-freelon-group-architects/
Archives display sheds light on city's motor industry past- Wolverhampton - United
A new exhibition that opened at Wolverhampton City Archives this weekend explores the
city’s once-thriving motor industry. The Wolverhampton Motor Industry Exhibition (Saturday
3 August – Monday 30 September) both celebrates and examines the history of this industry
through original documents, photographs and other material taken from the collections of
Wolverhampton City Archives. The exhibition focuses in particular on Guy Motors, Sunbeam
and its land speed record achievements, AJS and two once-successful companies which failed
to stand the test of time – Clyno and Star…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64200/Archives-display-sheds-light-on-city-s-motor-industry-past#.UiX3kT9GPnh
Bayuquan Library / DSD - Bayuquan, Yingkou, Liaoning, China
Bayuquan library is another project designed by DSD in Bayuquan near Bayuquan Theatre. The idea of this
design was from two rotated books. And the rotated blocks provide a best view. The library is mainly made
up of 3 parts including the basement block containing 2 levels, the cantilever (3rd floor) and the connection.
The roof of the lower block provide exterior space for outdoor activities. In order to have a better view
inside, the cantilever employs a full curtain wall. Additionally, the triangular atrium ensures enough daylight
of the reading room.
The library use the similar material and construction strategy as the Bayuquan theatre.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/412874/bayuquan-library-sh-dsd/
Kashmir to digitize rare manuscripts to preserve cultural heritage
In an endeavour to preserve the art and culture of Kashmir and make the future generations aware about the rich heritage,
authorities have take steps to digitize six hundred rarest of the rare manuscripts.
Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages began the digitization process a few months ago under the
supervision of experts who were sent from Delhi to Kashmir.
Mohammad Ashraf Taak, Chief Editor, Culture Academy, said the manuscripts were on various topics…
+ info: http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ani/kashmir-to-digitize-rare-manuscripts-to-preserve-culturalheritage-113073100837_1.html
Exhibition - The Gender Show explores how photographs have presented gender from 19th century to today
10 août - 13 octobre 2013 Rochester, New York State. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: George Eastman's House
+ info: http://www.eastmanhouse.org/events/detail.php?title=gendershow_2013
SOIMA 2013 : Protéger les collections de sons et d’images
23 septembre - 16 octobre 2013 Nairobi. Kenya
Organizateurs: ICCROM - Centre International d'Etudes pour la Conservation et la Restauration des Biens Culturels et Trust
for African Rock Art (TARA) en collaboration avec National Museums of Kenya
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/01train_fr/announce_fr/2013_09SoimaKEN_fr.shtml
Coloquio internacional "El patrimonio desde las Ciencias sociales y las Humanidades"
25 - 27 septembre 2013 San Luis Potosí. Mexique
Organizateurs: El Colegio de San Luis, A.C.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.colsan.edu.mx/investigacion/historia/patrimonio/default.html
Taller ILAM - Uso del software ABC para la optimización de tu Centro de Documentación
27 septembre - 08 novembre 2013 -- Modalidad virtual - Profesor: Álvaro Agudo Guevara
Organizateurs: La Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/854.html?task=view
Taller ILAM - Como marcar y preservar bienes culturales en depósito
18 octobre - 29 novembre 2013 -- Modalidad virtual
Organizateurs: La Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/10.html (2 de 4) [09/09/2013 16:21:17]
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/460.html?task=view
Workshop: Managing indoor climate risks
20 - 25 octobre 2013 Yogyakarta. Indonésie
Organizateurs: The Directorate of Heritage Conservation and Museums Indonesia and the The Gadjah Mada University in
collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) and the Tropen Museum Amsterdam
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.cultureelerfgoed.nl/en/managing-indoor-climate-risks
Patrimoine numérique 2013
28 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with
local research institutions Provence (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.digitalheritage2013.org/
I Congreso Internacional sobre Patrimonio Cultural "Códices y manuscritos prehispánicos y novohispanos"
29 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Morelos. Mexique
Organizateurs: El Gobierno del Estado de Morelos, el Instituto nacional de Antropología e Historia, la Universidad Autónoma
del Estado de Morelos y el Centro de investigación y Docencia en Humanidades del Estado de Morelos
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://patrimonio-cultural.com
Conference on CULTURE & ARCHIVES: Safeguarding Image Collections
31 octobre 2013 Brussels. Belgique
Organizateurs: Institut royal du Patrimoine artistique in partnership with ICCROM and SOIMA
Contact: Hilke Arijs ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 15 oct 2013
+ info: http://org.kikirpa.be/coma2013/
3º Seminário Ibero-americano: Arquitetura e Documentaçao
12 - 14 novembre 2013 Belo Horizonte. Brésil
Organizateurs: Universidad Federal de Minas Gerais - UFMG
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.forumpatrimonio.com.br/2013/
Exposition - La photographie en 100 chefs-d’œuvre
13 novembre - 17 février 2013 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Bibliothèque nationale de France
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.bnf.fr/fr/evenements_et_culture/anx_expositions/f.100_chefs_doeuvre.html
XIIIème Festival International du Cinéma Archéologique de la Bidassoa
25 - 30 novembre 2013 Irun, Gipuzkoa. Espagne
Organizateurs: Museo Romano Oiasso de Irun, Ayuntamiento de Irun
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.irun.org/oiasso/home.aspx?tabid=1
Call for Papers - Digital Past 2014
12 - 13 février 2014 Llandudno. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 11 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.rcahmw.gov.uk/HI/ENG/Our+Services/Outreach+/
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/10.html (3 de 4) [09/09/2013 16:21:17]
Patrimoine documentaire, audiovisuel et numérique. Archives
24 - 28 mars 2014 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 14 sep 2013
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=37326
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
XV Universeum Meeting
12 - 14 juin 2014 Hamburg. Belgique
Organizateurs: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.universeum.it/
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/10.html (4 de 4) [09/09/2013 16:21:17]
Architecture de terre
Architecture de terre
La ville parfaite selon Rui Vasques, designer - Prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE
2012 - Portugal
Rui Vasques, 25 ans, designer, a créé le modèle de la ville parfaite, Eco-Village Community.
Cette étude lui a valu le prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE 2012 et une présentation de
son projet dans tout le pays. Sa création prend en compte plusieurs facteurs, tels que la
protection de l'environnement, le design des bâtiments et de la ville, les constructions...
Le projet Eco-Village Community est né dans le cadre de son Master en design en reliant quatre
thèmes - culturel, scientifique, expérimental et logistique - et en introduisant des domaines tels
que l'écologie, l'anthropologie, la sociologie, les neurosciences, l'art, la bioconstruction, le marketing vert…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73664.htm
5th International conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation
02 - 04 septembre 2013 Cape Town. Afrique du Sud
Organizateurs: University of Cape Town (UCT)
Contact: Prof. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, [email protected]
+ info: http://www.semc.uct.ac.za/seismic-behaviour-and-earthquake-resistant-design-of-long-period-structures/
X Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura en Tierra, Tradición e Innovación - CIATTI 2013
27 - 29 septembre 2013 Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid. Espagne
Organizateurs: Grupo Tierra - Universidad de Valladolid
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 29 jun 2013
+ info: http://www5.uva.es/grupotierra/2013xcongreso.html
International Scientific Workshop: VERSUS - Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture (CIAV 2013)
16 - 20 octobre 2013 Vila Nova de Cerveira. Portugal
Organizateurs: Escola Superior Gallaecia & ICOMOS-CIAV
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.esg.pt/ciav2013/
International Conference on Conservation of Stone and Earthen Architectural Heritage
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/11.html (1 de 2) [09/09/2013 16:21:18]
Architecture de terre
20 - 23 mai 2014 Gongju. République de Corée
Organizateurs: ICOMOS-ISCS
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2013_en/field_en/04_18_1st_KoreaISCSf_KORf.pdf
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/11.html (2 de 2) [09/09/2013 16:21:18]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
La Universidad del País Vasco crea la cátedra de Territorio,
Paisaje y Patrimonio con apoyo del Gobierno Vasco
El rector de la Universidad del País Vasco, Iñaki Goirizelaia, y la
consejera de Medio Ambiente y Política Territorial del Ejecutivo
autónomo, Ana Oregi, suscribieron ayer un convenio para la creación
de la cátedra de 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio'. Dirigida por el
profesor Agustín Azkarate, se constituye como un «instrumento»
para impulsar y difundir actividades relacionadas con la investigación
y la proyección social de estas materias. La cátedra fomentará las relaciones de intercambio y cooperación, en especial, con
la Red Mundial de Cátedras Unesco. «La cátedra 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio' tiene como fin reflexionar sobre uno de
los ámbitos de gestión más importantes y complejos de una sociedad humana: el territorio», detalló Goirizelaia. La
consejera Ana Oregi resaltó que «se ponen en marcha en el terreno de la Universidad políticas de paisaje, que cobran una
especial relevancia con el patrimonio cultural». Para el periodo 2013-2015 se ha fijado un presupuesto de 225.000 euros.
+ info: http://www.diariovasco.com/v/20130723/al-dia-local/crea-catedra-territorio-paisaje-20130723.html
La Universidad de Murcia ofrece con la Armada un máster en Historia y Patrimonio Naval
La Universidad de Murcia oferta para el curso 2013/2014, en colaboración con la Armada española, el Máster en Historia y
Patrimonio Naval, una formación oficial de posgrado sobre los distintos aspectos relacionados con la investigación,
conservación, gestión y difusión del Patrimonio Naval que ha llegado hasta nuestros días.
Dirigido por los profesores Juan José Sánchez Baena y Celia Chaín, el Máster va destinado tanto a titulados universitarios,
como a oficiales de las Fuerzas Armadas, que llevarán a cabo prácticas en archivos, bibliotecas y museos navales.
Las clases se impartirán en el Museo y Archivo Naval de Cartagena, en horario de tarde.
Del 11 al 20 de septiembre se abrirá la siguiente fase de solicitudes de admisión.
+ info: http://www.murcia.com/noticias/2013/07/24-la-universidad-de-murcia-ofrece-con-la-armada-un-master-enhistoria-y-patrimonio-naval.asp
2013-2014 PROGRAM OF INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS WORKSHOPS Fondazione Romualdo Del Bianco-Life Beyond Tourism
Each University interested in taking part in a workshop should select a Tutor and a
group of students following the instruction give by the Workshop Coordinator of
the choosen workshop. Before registering to the workshop all participants
(professors and students) are requested to read the “Guidelines for participation”
and the “Guidelines for Uploading the Students works“ that can be found in the
download area of this page.
If you would like to propose a new international workshop for students to the Foundation, please fill up the "Call for
proposal and Guidelines for participation" found in the download area below and send it to [email protected].
+ info: http://www.lifebeyondtourism.org/evento/390/2013-2014-PROGRAM-OF-INTERNATIONAL-STUDENTS-WORKSHOPS
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Del Bianco, Paolo. Italy
Comienza el curso de la Fundación Santa María la Real donde expertos abordarán el expolio del patrimonio
El refectorio del monasterio Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) ha acogido este viernes la inauguración
de la decimocuarta edición del curso 'Las Claves del Románico, que lleva por título "La diáspora del románico hispánico. De
la protección al expolio".
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/12.html (1 de 7) [09/09/2013 16:21:23]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Expertos de diferentes universidades españolas, así como del Museo Arqueológico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Arte de
Cataluña, analizarán múltiples aspectos del expolio artístico, desde el contexto histórico en el que surgen hasta las
lamentables consecuencias que registra.
María José Martínez Ruiz, profesora de la Universidad de Valladolid, ha sido la primera en intervenir con la conferencia 'La
venta y expolio del patrimonio románico de Castilla y León: el caso de las pinturas murales'. José Antonio Fernández Flórez,
de la Universidad de Burgos, ha continuado posteriormente con la charla 'Los otros hijos de la diáspora: beatos y códices
de Castilla y León en el exilio'.
+ info: http://www.europapress.es/castilla-y-leon/noticia-comienza-curso-fundacion-santa-maria-real-donde-expertosabordaran-expolio-patrimonio-20130802152442.html
El curso sobre las claves del Románico analiza el expolio del patrimonio
El refectorio del monasterio Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo acogió ayer la
inauguración de la decimocuarta edición del curso, que lleva por título ‘La diáspora del
románico hispánico. De la protección al expolio’. Expertos de diferentes universidades
españolas, así como del Museo Arqueológico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Arte de
Cataluña, analizarán en este curso múltiples aspectos del expolio artístico, desde el
contexto histórico en el que surgen hasta las lamentables consecuencias que registra.
Los expertos debaten sobre las piezas románicas que han sufrido el azote del expolio y el
destino final al que han llegado, sobre las causas que favorecieron su desaparición y las circunstancias que rodearon cada
caso y sobre los protagonistas que intervinieron en la trama…
+ info: http://www.elnortedecastilla.es/20130803/local/palencia/curso-sobre-claves-romanico-201308031221.html
Le théorème de Sbeïtla ou le patrimoine au coeur du développement - Tunisie
Sbeïtla, est une ville historique, au centre-ouest de la Tunisie, attenante au gouvernorat de
Kasserine. Magnifiquement intégrée dans les paysages grandioses, elle se démarque par la
richesse d'un patrimoine remontant loin dans l'antiquité, et qui doit être préservé et
transmis intact aux générations à venir. Pour ce faire, un long travail va être mis en
Sbeïtla, l'ancienne Sufetula, est une cité fondée par les Romains, sous la dynastie des
Flaviens, dans la deuxième moitié du 1er siècle après Jésus-Christ. On en retrouve des
traces à travers divers monuments de l'époque romaine, tels que des forums et théâtres, ou de l'époque byzantine avec la
présence d'églises…
+ info: http://www.kapitalis.com/culture/16789-tunisie-le-theoreme-de-sbeitla-ou-le-patrimoine-au-coeur-dudeveloppement.html
La Alhambra, más internacional con su escuela de patrimonio (España)
El Patronato de la Alhambra, la Junta de Andalucía y la Universidad de Granada ven ya como una realidad el
futuro Centro Internacional de Estudios Avanzados de Patrimonio que, tras dos años de preparación del
proyecto, parece que verá pronto la luz. Ayer ya se avanzó parte del programa de estudios.
Durante la presentación, a la que acudieron el consejero de Cultura y Deporte, Luciano Alonso; la directora
general del Patronato de la Alhambra, María del Mar Villafranca y el rector de la Universidad de Granada,
Francisco González Lodeiro, se desglosó la distribución del proyecto académico en el que se impartirán distintos
cursos, másteres y cátedras que se ofrecerán tanto a grupos de recién licenciados como a expertos en la
+ info: http://www.diariodesevilla.es/article/ocio/1579582/la/alhambra/mas/internacional/con/su/escuela/patrimonio.html
Trois nouveaux projets soutenus par le Fonds national pour la valorisation des métiers
du patrimoine - France
La restauration du patrimoine, dans les meilleures conditions de qualité, étant étroitement liée
aux savoir-faire de professionnels talentueux et bien formés, la Fondation du Patrimoine a
souhaité renforcer son action en faveur de la valorisation des métiers directement liés à sa
mission de sauvegarde du patrimoine, tant bâti que mobilier, en créant un Fonds national pour
la valorisation des métiers du patrimoine.
La Fondation du Patrimoine dédie, pour 2013, un fonds spécifique de 300 000 euros, financé sur
ses ressources propres, au soutien à des actions entrant dans ce programme. Ce fonds est abondé par la Fondation
Bettencourt-Schueller et la Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, à hauteur de 50 000 euros chacune…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-trois-nouveaux-projets-soutenus-par-lefonds-national-pour-la-valorisation-des-metiers-du-patrimoine-1892#xtor=ES-5002-[lettre-d-information-de-la-fondationdu-patrimoine-n-57-le-01-08Une série de 5 épisodes vidéos sur le patrimoine haut-normand - France
L’action de la délégation Haute-Normandie de la Fondation du patrimoine est mise à l’honneur cette semaine au travers
d’une série de cinq épisodes diffusés tous les soirs sur France 3 Haute-Normandie à 19h. Voyagez du Pays de Bray, dans la
vallée de la Bresle, au pays de Caux et à Sotteville ! Cinq projets faisant l’objet d’une aide spécifique de la Fondation sont
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-une-serie-de-5-episodes-sur-le-patrimoinehaut-normand-1951#xtor=ES-5002-[flash-info-une-serie-de-5-episodes-sur-le-patrimoine-haut-normand]-20130806[http://www.fondation-patrimoine.or
Agricultura ecológica, poesía, patrimonio y estudios ingleses, desde este lunes en Baeza, Jaén (España)
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/12.html (2 de 7) [09/09/2013 16:21:23]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
La agricultura ecológica, la poesía, los estudios ingleses y la música en los medios de comunicación serán temas abordados
desde este lunes en los cursos de verano que la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA) organiza en su sede de
Baeza (Jaén).
La primera semana de actividad académica en la Baeza comienza con cinco cursos que se desarrollarán hasta el próximo
jueves. Además, en Baeza se abordarán las consecuencias de la negación del patrimonio y se analizará la cuestión del
expolio cultural a lo largo de la historia durante el encuentro 'Patrimonio olvidado - patrimonio negado'.
+ info: http://noticias.lainformacion.com/arte-cultura-y-espectaculos/poesia/agricultura-ecologica-poesia-patrimonio-yestudios-ingleses-desde-este-lunes-en-baeza_qH6lsDd6D8dhYUWBVrDv71/
British Museum's Africa programme update - London - United Kingdom
Since 2005, the British Museum’s Africa Programme has been working closely with national
and independent museums across the African continent to develop training initiatives, as well
as sharing skills and expertise for mutual benefit and in direct response to local needs and
priorities. Africa Programme aims to support capacity-building in museums and encourage
long-term commitment to the heritage profession, with a current focus on East and West
Africa. Generously funded by the Getty Foundation and the Ford Foundation, the Africa
Programme is an essential part of the Museum’s international activity…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64424/British-Museum-s-Africa-programme-update#.Uh8skj9GPnh
The “Fondazione Ca 'Romanino” and the Municipality of Urbino promote Re-reading Giancarlo De
The “Fondazione Ca 'Romanino” and the Municipality of Urbino promote a public and shared reading
marathon of the texts by Giancarlo De Carlo, many of which were inspired by the city of Urbino and
addressed to it. Giancarlo De Carlo’s significant theoretical contribution to the debate on cities, architecture
and landscape in Italy in the late twentieth century deserves to be included in the educational process of
architecture and engineering schools, and can be important for the education of the young students to the
heritage values.
The reading marathon will therefore be entrusted to the students and housed in De Carlo's places and architectures in the
city of Urbino. The marathon should be realized as a form of a relay race with the participation of Italian and foreign
universities visiting Urbino. The students sight will move from theory to the project and then the work of architecture…
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/rileggere-rereading_Giancarlo-De-Carlo.pdf
3ª Edición del Máster Internacional en Proyectos Culturales
Tras la excelente acogida de las dos primeras ediciones, con alumnos residentes en
España, Colombia, Brasil, Ecuador y Japón, la Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de
Toledo (España) y la Fundación ILAM – (Costa Rica), organizan la 3ª Edición del Máster
Internacional en Proyectos Culturales (MPC), que comenzará este próximo Octubre de
El MPC tiene como objetivo la formación de profesionales de primer nivel en el diseño y
gestión de proyectos viables y sostenibles, que tengan los bienes culturales, tangibles e
intangibles, como recurso.
Se imparte en la modalidad E-Learning (Distancia) (con o sin webinars).
La utilización de plataformas docentes y virtuales para el aporte de textos y materiales, y para la celebración de webinars
(clases on line en conexión directa profesor/alumno y en tiempo real), posibilita al alumno la autogestión de su tiempo de
estudio, y hace posible que sea compatible con el desempeño profesional, pudiendo realizarlo el alumno desde su lugar de
Los organizadores ofrecen para esta 3ª Edición quince becas de 1.000 euros cada una, para aquellos alumnos cuyo
currículum académico o situación profesional amerite esta ayuda.
+ info: http://masterproyectosculturales.org/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Dominguez, Rosa
Primer Master Internacional en Estudio y Gestión de Arte Contemporáneo
La Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Toledo (España) y la Fundación ILAM –
(Costa Rica), organizan y presentan el Máster Internacional en Estudio y Gestión de Arte
Contemporáneo (MEGAC), que comenzará este próximo Octubre de 2013.
Su objetivo es la formación de profesionales de primer nivel en actividades relacionadas
con el estudio y la gestión del arte contemporáneo, ofreciendo un sólido proyecto docente
para posgraduados y/o profesionales vinculados a instituciones públicas o empresas
El MEGAC se imparte en la modalidad E-Learning (Distancia) (con o sin webinars).
Esta metodología, fundamentada en la utilización de plataformas docentes y virtuales para el aporte de textos y materiales,
y para la celebración de webinars (clases on line en conexión directa profesor/alumno y en tiempo real), posibilita al
alumno la autogestión de su tiempo de estudio, y hace posible que sea compatible con el desempeño profesional, pudiendo
realizarlo el alumno desde su lugar de residencia.
Los organizadores y patrocinadores ofrecen para esta edición quince becas de 1.000 euros cada una, para aquellos
alumnos cuyo currículum académico o situación profesional amerite esta ayuda.
+ info: http://www.masterartecontemporaneo.com
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Dominguez, Rosa
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/12.html (3 de 7) [09/09/2013 16:21:23]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
International Training Course on Disaster Risk Management of Cultural Heritage 2013
07 - 21 septembre 2013 Kyoto, Kobe, Tohoku. Japon
Organizateurs: UNESCO Chair Program on Cultural Heritage and Risk Management in cooperation with UNESCO World
Heritage Centre, ICCROM, ICOMOS
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 may 2013
+ info: http://www.rits-dmuch.jp/en/project/itc_2013.html
RICS & SPAB Building Conservation Summer School
08 - 12 septembre 2013 Cirencester. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: RICS Building Conservation Forum in conjunction with the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings
+ info: http://www.rics.org/uk/training-events/conferences-seminars/rics--spab-building-conservation-summer-school/
III Edición - Experto propio en Itinerarios Culturales Cooperación al Desarrollo/Desarrollo Local
15 septembre - 15 mars 2013 Granada. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad de Granada
Contact: [email protected] / [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 sep 2013
+ info: http://posgrado.fundacionugrempresa.es/component/posgrados/?view=posgrado&Id=479
I Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Socialización del Patrimonio en el Medio Rural
18 - 21 septembre 2013 Malpartida de Cáceres. Espagne
Organizateurs: Ayuntamiento de Malpartida de Cáceres, la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de
Extremadura y Underground Arqueología
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sopa13.blogspot.com.es/
Curso de verano "Ciudad, bienes culturales y patrimonio mundial: ejemplaridad e intervención"
18 - 20 septembre 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional Andaluza en colaboración con la Cátedra UNESCO de Interculturalidad y Derechos
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.unia.es/component/option,com_hotproperty/task,view/id,985/pid,5/Itemid,445/
Course: Owning a Mill
27 septembre 2013 Cambridgeshire. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Institute of Historic Building Conservation - IHBC
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ihbc.org.uk/events/?p=4394&goback=.gde_3297985_member_261913603
Aula Forum UNESCO UPV. El patrimonio en proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo
30 septembre - 07 octobre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/aula-forum-unesco-upv--el-patrimonio-en-proyectos-decooperacion-al-desarrollo_idiomaes-menuupvtrue-cid34296.html
Formation gestion intégrée des sites patrimoniaux 2013
07 - 18 octobre 2013 Cluny et Bourgogne. France
Organizateurs: Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Contact: Lucie Para - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.polepatrimoine.org/activites/ateliers-et-formations-a-venir
Envoyée par membre FUUP: PARA, Lucie
LATAN - Curso internacional de gestión de riesgos para el patrimonio cultural
07 - 25 octobre 2013 Santiago de Chile. Chili
Organizateurs: El ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property); la
Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos de Chile (dibam) y el Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de Chile
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2013_10latam_risk_CHL_en.shtml
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/12.html (4 de 7) [09/09/2013 16:21:23]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Curso a distancia “Turismo sostenible y Desarrollo Local”
11 octobre 2013 - 30 mai 2014 -- Curso online
Organizateurs: Delnet, Programa de Empresa, Microfinanzas y Desarrollo Local (EMDL) del Centro Internacional de
Formación de la OIT
Contact: Erika Valdevenito - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2013
+ info: http://emld.itcilo.org/es?set_language=es
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Toselli, Claudia. Argentina
Master in World Heritage and Cultural projects for Development
14 octobre 2013 - 30 septembre 2014 -- distant learning and face to face learning in Turin, Italy
Organizateurs: University of barcelona, University of Torino, the Politecnico di Torino, the International Training Centre of
the ILO (ITCILO), and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 7 jul 2013
+ info: http://worldheritage.itcilo.org/home
Curso de especialización - Curso Superior de Intervención en Bienes Muebles: el Proyecto de Conservación
17 octobre - 27 juin 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/canales/formacion/cursos/detalle.jsp?curso=3104
4° Foro Internacional de Multiculturalidad
22 - 26 octobre 2013 Taxco. Mexique
Organizateurs: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 ago 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ForoMulticulturalidad2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Olimpia Niglio. Italy
Call for Volunteers - Australia International Council on Monuments and Sites 2013 Centenary of Canberra Museum of Australian Democracy
30 octobre - 03 novembre 2013 Canberra, Australian Capital Territory. Australie
Organizateurs: Australia ICOMOS
Contact: Tracy Ireland - [email protected]
+ info: http://australia.icomos.org/e-news/australia-icomos-e-mail-news-no-528/#9.
XIII Edizione - Corso EuroMediterraneo di Giornalismo Ambientale Laura Conti
04 novembre - 13 décembre 2013 Savona. Italie
Organizateurs: Organizzata in collaborazione con Legambiente e in partenariato con l’Istituto Nazionale di Geologia e
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.corsolauraconti.it/
7th Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum 2013
04 - 05 novembre 2013 Brussels. Belgique
Organizateurs: The European Cultural Foundation, ECF and ENCATC
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 7 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=83
Envoyée par membre FUUP: COGLIANDRO, Giannalia. Belgium
Curso - “Diseño y gestión de rutas e itinerarios culturales”
11 novembre 2013 - 31 mars 2014 Barcelona. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universitat de Barcelona
Contact: Jordi Tresserras - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 oct 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ItinerariosCulturales2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Tresserras, jordi. España
Museos y análisis museológicos
12 - 18 novembre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: CFP - Universitat Politècnica de València (España)
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/12.html (5 de 7) [09/09/2013 16:21:23]
Education, formation, jeunesse et volontariat
Contact: Mª Teresa Molto - [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/museos-y-analisis-museograficos_codper378658
VIII Congreso DOCOMOMO Ibérico
25 - 30 novembre 2013 Málaga. Espagne
Organizateurs: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Málaga, el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio
Histórico de la Consejería de Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía, el Ayuntamiento de Málaga, la Diputación de
Málaga y Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/sites/docomomo2013/index.html
Cours ICCROM sur la conservation du patrimoine bâti 2014 (CBH14)
28 février - 30 avril 2014 Rome. Italie
Organizateurs: Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels - ICCROM
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/01train_fr/announce_fr/2014_02BuiltHeritage_fr.shtml
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 mars 2014 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 14 sep 2013
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=37326
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
16ème édition du cours international sur la technologie de la conservation du bois - ICWCT 2014
21 mai - 27 juin 2014 Oslo. Norvège
Organizateurs: ICCROM; Riksantikvaren - Bureau norvégien du patrimoine culturel, Norvège et NTNU - Université
norvégienne de la science et de la technologie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/01train_fr/announce_fr/2014_05woodNor_fr.shtml
La Universidad ¿Reforma o experimento?
Corporate author: ©UNESCO-IESALC (Instituto Internacional de la UNESCO para la Educación Superior en América Latina y
el Caribe)
ISBN: 978-980-7175-17-3
Année: 2013
El discurso académico contemporáneo según las perspectivas de los organismos internacionales: los aprendizajes para la
universidad venezolana y latinoamericana
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002217/221731s.pdf
Understanding Photosynthesis - Comic Book
Autor Liam O'Donnell
ISBN: 978- 0736868410, 97-80736868419
Publisher: Capstone Press
Année: 2007
In Understanding Photosynthesis with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Liam O’Donnell, Max Axiom
introduces young botanists to the word photosynthesis, explains how molecules are mixed and formed in
the cholorplasts of plant cells, explains the role photosynthesis plays in the water cycle, and explains why
plants cannot keep the air clean and the Earth healthy all by themselves. Max Axiom accomplishes all this in a
conversational tone and without smothering readers with technical terms.
+ info: http://artplantaetoday.com/2013/07/12/photosynthesis-comic-book/?goback=.gde_114276_member_257668449
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West, Central Africa agree security force to protect forests, seas
West and Central African leaders are to put in place a joint security force with the aim of
better protecting the Congo Basin’s forest resources and combating pirate attacks in the Gulf
of Guinea.
Meeting at a summit in late June in Yaounde, Cameroon, 15 governments agreed to create a
regional security network to protect their common heritage. The countries involved are
Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso, Democratic Republic of Congo, Republic of
Congo, Chad, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tomé-et-
Principe, Togo and Gambia.
At the summit’s close, Cameroonian President Paul Biya said the military initiative – for which each country will make
troops available as needed - would ensure adequate protection of Central and West African resources…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130719151542-5udcb/
Comment les forêts se comportent-elles lors d'une augmentation de dioxyde de
carbone dans l'atmosphère ?
... En collaboration avec des scientifiques de l'Université de Harvard, de l'Université d'Etat
d'Ohio, de l'Université de l'Indiana et de l'USDA Forest Service, M. Schmid a évalué les mesures
prises dans sept endroits des forêts du Midwest et du Nord-Est des Etats-Unis, et a comparé
celles-ci avec quatorze autres sites forestiers de l'hémisphère nord. Les forêts étudiées
représentaient trois compositions d'espèces différentes, typiques des zones tempérées et
tempérées froides de l'hémisphère nord et n'étaient pas exploitées. L'analyse des mesures
montre une augmentation significative de l'efficacité d'utilisation de l'eau au cours des deux dernières décennies. Pour
expliquer cette évolution, les chercheurs ont testé différentes hypothèses concurrentes. En plus de l'augmentation de la
concentration de dioxyde de carbone, ils ont également examiné des facteurs tels que la disponibilité croissante d'azote, les
changements dans la structure de la végétation due à la croissance, le couplage mécanique et thermique entre la canopée
et l'atmosphère ainsi que les déviations à long terme des appareils de mesure…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73592.htm
Colloque : impact de l’anthropisation et des changements climatiques sur les arbres forestiers
29 - 30 août 2013 Paris. France
Organizateurs: L’Université Paris-Sud
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/agenda/manif/colloque-impact-lanthropisation-et-changementsclimatiques-sur-arbres-foresti-18126.php4
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/13.html (1 de 2) [09/09/2013 16:21:24]
State and evolution of the African rainforests between 1990 and 2010
Philippe Mayaux, Jean-François Pekel, Baudouin Desclée, François Donnay, Andrea Lupi, Frédéric Achard, Marco Clerici,
Catherine Bodart, Andreas Brink, Robert Nasi and Alan Belward
Année: 2013
This paper presents a map of Africa's rainforests for 2005. Derived from moderate resolution imaging spectroradiometer
data at a spatial resolution of 250 m and with an overall accuracy of 84%, this map provides new levels of spatial and
thematic detail. The map is accompanied by measurements of deforestation between 1990, 2000 and 2010 for West Africa,
Central Africa and Madagascar derived from a systematic sample of Landsat images—imagery from equivalent platforms is
used to fill gaps in the Landsat record. Net deforestation is estimated at 0.28% yr−1 for the period 1990–2000 and 0.14%
yr−1 for the period 2000–2010. West Africa and Madagascar exhibit a much higher deforestation rate than the Congo
Basin, for example, three times higher for West Africa and nine times higher for Madagascar. Analysis of variance over the
Congo Basin is then used to show that expanding agriculture and increasing fuelwood demands are key drivers of
deforestation in the region, whereas well-controlled timber exploitation programmes have little or no direct influence on
forest-cover reduction at present. Rural and urban population concentrations and fluxes are also identified as strong
underlying causes of deforestation in this study.
+ info: http://rstb.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/368/1625/20120300
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Généalogie et héraldique
Généalogie et héraldique
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/14.html [09/09/2013 16:21:25]
Patrimoine géologique
Patrimoine géologique
Gruta do Escoural / Nuno Simões + DNSJ.arq - 2011 - Escoural, Montemor-o-novo, Alentejo,
From the architect: The assignment was to build a new structure to replace the former temporary
structure which was in very poor condition and a new antechamber. The antechamber, needed to
control the thermal exchanges,was thought like a new “perfect rock” among the others existing ones.
The main concerns of the structure to allow visitors inside the cave, was to be able to run a clean and
dry construction, considering the impossibility of using construction techniques that would require
welding and/or in situ concrete and the use of enduring materials capable of withstanding the passage
of time in a particularly hostile environment. We decided that this structure should be opaque and black in sharp contrast
with the light color of the limestone cave…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408774/gruta-do-escoural-nuno-simoes-dnsj-arq/
Voyage au coeur d'un cratère d'impact dans l'arctique Canadien
Trois chercheurs du CEREGE (CNRS/AMU), J. Gattacceca, Y. Quesnel et P. Rochette, reviennent
d'une expédition dirigée par G. Osinski (Western University de London, Canada) sur l'île de
Devon, la plus grande île déserte du monde (latitude 75,3 N) située dans la province du
Nunavut (Canada). Il s'agissait pour l'équipe du CEREGE, financée par l'IPEV et l'INSU-CNRS,
de comprendre l'origine d'une anomalie géophysique inhabituelle située exactement au centre
du cratère d'impact de Haughton, d'un diamètre de 23 km et d'un âge de 39 millions d'années.
Les participants canadiens ont travaillé, quant à eux, sur les méthodes de spectroscopie de
terrain des roches impactées, en vue de valider les protocoles de mesure des sondes spatiales, tandis que l’astronaute de
l’Agence spatiale canadienne, Jeremy Hansen, se formait à la géologie dans des conditions approchant les surfaces lunaires
ou martiennes.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/4451
How arts can enhance a heritage site - Why should we choose between arts and heritage when one project on
the Jurassic coast has given teeth and bite to both? - United Kingdom
In 2001, the whole length of British coastline from Exmouth to Studland was designated by Unesco as a natural World
Heritage Site – natural heritage so precious that it must be conserved, protected and passed on to future generations
intact. The coast is the only place in the world that records 185 million years of the earth's history in just 95 miles, telling
the story of the Mesozoic era of the world, from 250 to 65 million years ago.
This designation led to an explosion of activity along the coast as local organisations got to grips with how this could impact
positively on their work. In 2005, a new interpretation action plan acknowledged the role of the arts in engaging people
with the site. This led to an ambitious cultural strategy, which in turn led to the development of a multi-faceted arts
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/culture-professionals-network/culture-professionals-blog/2013/jul/25/jurassic-coastarts-heritage-unesco
En Neuquén, descubren una nueva especie de dinosaurio herbívoro
Se trata de un "Overosaurus paradasorum" que fue descubierto en un área cercana a la localidad
neuquina de Rincón de los Sauces. El hallazgo que permitió luego el trabajo de investigación fue
realizado por miembros de la familia Parada (de allí la denominación del dinosaurio), vecinos de Rincón
de los Sauces, quienes desde hace años colaboran en el rescate y puesta en valor del patrimonio
paleontológico de esa área.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/15.html (1 de 2) [09/09/2013 16:21:27]
Patrimoine géologique
Los investigadores denominaron "Overosaurus paradasorum" al dinosaurio, hallado hace más de una
década, y lo identificaron como una especie de titanosaurio herbívoro de fines del Cretácico Superior
descubierto en la formación geológica Anacleto, 50 kilómetros al suroeste de Rincón de los Sauces…
+ info: http://ilam.org/patrimonio/sos-patrimonio/noticias-patrimonio/1269-oversaurus.html
XIVéme Congrès International sur le Patrimoine Géologique et Minier
12 - 15 septembre 2013 Piedrasblancas, Asturias. Espagne
Organizateurs: La Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero (SEDPGYM) en colaboración con el
Ayuntamiento de Castrillón y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.sedpgym.es/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: AMARÉ TAFALLA, María Pilar
AGU Fall Meeting 2013 Session: ED023. Global Partnerships in Geoheritage and Improved Earth Science
09 - 13 décembre 2013 San Francisco, California. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: AGU - The American Geophysical Union
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 6 ago 2013
+ info: http://fallmeeting.agu.org/2013/
24e édition de la Réunion des Sciences de la Terre
27 - 31 octobre 2014 Pau. France
Organizateurs: L’Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour, sous l’égide de la Société de la Société Géologique de France
Contact: Charles Aubourg - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 3 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/4285?utm_source=DNI&utm_medium=Newsletters
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Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
War Free World Heritage Listed Cities Newsletter no. 7
The seventh issue of War Free World Heritage Listed Cities project newsletter is available also online.
In addition you have the possibility to download past issues of the newsletter on the project website:
We are making our best to get exclusive news for you on subjects of interest for all those concerned
about the protection of Cultural Heritage especially in areas of conflict.
+ info: http://www.warfreeheritage.net/category/newsletter/
Who's Stealing Afghanistan's Cultural Treasures?
...Although the scale of looting in Afghanistan is unique, the plundering of war zones is not.
From the wars in Iraq to the bitter civil war in Syria, down to the sacking of Rome by the
Vandals, the looting of antiquities and valuables has gone hand-in-hand with warfare. "We
generally see industrial-scale looting begin to occur when there is a withdrawal of
government stability, when there is a period of lawlessness," says Brian Daniels, the director
of research and programs at the University of Pennsylvania's Penn Cultural Heritage Center
and a specialist in cultural heritage policy…
+ info: http://news.nationalgeographic.com/news/whos-stealing-afghanistan-cultural-treasures/
UNESCO, The UN's cultural organisation, urges Syrian belligerents to spare heritage
The UN's cultural organisation on Thursday urged Syria's regime and rebels to spare multimillennial heritage that is being ravaged by shelling, theft and illegal digs. "I urge all parties
to take the necessary measures to prevent further damage to this heritage, which is among
the most precious in the Islamic world," UNESCO chief Irina Bokova said. "The protection of
heritage is not a political issue," she told reporters after a meeting of experts held in Paris
and attended by UN special envoy for Syria Lakhdar Brahimi. The meeting took place as
Western powers were mulling military action against the regime of Syrian President Bashar
al-Assad over alleged chemical weapons use in deadly attacks last week…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64682/UNESCO--The-UN-s-cultural-organisation--urges-Syrian-belligerents-to-spareheritageLa Directrice générale de l’UNESCO déplore les dégâts causés au patrimoine
culturel en Egypte
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a exprimé aujourd’hui sa vive inquiétude
concernant le patrimoine culturel égyptien, suite à des informations faisant état de pillages
du Malawi National Museum dans la ville de Minya en Haute Egypte et de la destruction de
plusieurs édifices religieux, notamment des églises et des mosquées, en Haute-Egypte, à
Fayoum et au Caire.
« Je condamne avec fermeté les attaques contre les institutions culturelles du pays et le
pillage de ses biens culturels », a déclaré Irina Bokova. « Il s’agit de dommages irréversibles pour l’histoire et l’identité du
peuple égyptien ».
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
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Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
« Arrêtez les destructions ! », exhorte la Directrice
générale de l’UNESCO
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a appelé
aujourd’hui toutes les parties prenantes au conflit en Syrie à
sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel du pays et à prendre les
mesures qui s’imposent afin d’éviter d’autres destructions.
L’appel de la Directrice générale fait suite à une réunion
d’experts qui s’est tenue aujourd’hui au siège de
l’Organisation dont l’objectif était d’explorer les différentes pistes afin d’éviter des pertes supplémentaires et réparer les
dégâts quand ce sera possible et dans les zones où ce sera possible.
« L’UNESCO est prête à utiliser son expertise et ses réseaux pour aider le peuple syrien à préserver son patrimoine culturel
exceptionnel », a déclaré la Directrice générale. « La protection du patrimoine est indissociable de la protection des
populations, car le patrimoine véhicule les valeurs et les identités d’un peuple »…
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/in-focus-articles/stop-the-destruction-urges-unesco-directorgeneral/
Syrian Cultural Heritage Must Not be Overlooked, Says UNESCO
While the world agonizes over how to prevent more civilian deaths in Syria, UNESCO
warned on Thursday in Paris that precious cultural treasures are being destroyed in
the current conflict.
Syria's cultural heritage is threatened by plundered archeological sites, smuggling of
important artworks across borders and destruction, either deliberate or accidental, of
major historical sites.
The U.N.'s cultural Director-General Irina Bokova met with UN special envoy to Syria
Lakhdar Brahimi and a team of experts at the UNESCO headquarters…
+ info: http://www.ntd.tv/en/news/world/europe/20130830/82501-syrian-cultural-heritage-must-not-be-overlooked-saysunesco.html
Post-Conflict, Cultural Heritage and Regional Development: An International Conference
09 - 11 octobre 2013 Wageningen. Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: The Liberation Day Committee 1945 Wageningen (as member of the European Network of Places of Peace),
Wageningen University and Inholland University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 8 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.peaceconference.org/call_for_abstracts
Encuentro Internacional de Directores de Museos "Bienes culturales en tránisito"
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Posadas. Argentine
Organizateurs: ADiMRA
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://museomaritimo.com/adimra/Museos/ficha_encuentro.php
LCCHP Fifth Conference on 'The Monuments Men, Social Media, the Law and Cultural Heritage'
01 novembre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP), Fordham Law School, and the American
Society of International Law (ASIL)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://culturalheritagelaw.org/monumentsmen
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Conservation du patrimoine en situations de conflit ou de post-conflit
Framework document: The protection of cultural heritage in armed conflict. From the lessons learned in
strategic design
Authors: Ignacio Rodríguez Temiño & Daniel González Acuña
Année: 2013
The destruction of cultural heritage during armed conflict has been a constant concern of the international community's
interest in subsidiary respect for human rights in these tragic episodes. There is a ius in bello specially directed to minimize
this type of damage, but, to be effective must be accompanied by an awareness of governments and armies of the value of
cultural heritage as an instrument of social post-war recovery. A difficult task when it comes to the contestants, but more
feasible when expeditionary forces are aimed at those scenarios involved in international organizations mandated with
missions related to the processes of peacekeeping. This paper summarizes the current situation in this area, especially
after what happened in Iraq in 2003, and proposes the incorporation of Spain to the group of countries aware of the value
added by the introduction of this type of action in military missions abroad.
+ info: http://www.ieee.es/en/contenido/noticias/2013/08/DIEEEM15-2013.html?__locale=en
Envoyée par membre FUUP : González, Daniel
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Economie du patrimoine
Economie du patrimoine
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 57 | Le 01/08/2013 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/newsletter-36
Plus de 600 donateurs pour la restauration du thônier "Biche" - France
En 2004, une première souscription est lancée par la délégation Bretagne de la Fondation du
Patrimoine et l'association Les amis du Biche, pour la restauration du thonier Biche, alors à
l'état d'épave sur la côte de Douarnenez.
Aujourd'hui et après huit années de travaux, 600 donateurs ont permis de collecter 234 000
euros. Afin de récompenser cette mobilisation populaire, près de 100 000 euros de subventions
ont été versés par la délégation Bretagne de la Fondation du Patrimoine. Ce projet de
souscription, le plus important lancé par la délégation Bretagne, est exemplaire. La délégation
Bretagne a su réunir une grande diversité d'outils financiers pour accompagner ce projet…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-plus-de-600-donateurs-pour-la-restaurationdu-thonier-biche-1929
La piscine du Havre retrouve ses statues - Le Havre - France
Dans le cadre de la restauration de la façade de la piscine du cours de la République, la
Fondation du Patrimoine s’est associée à la commune du Havre pour la restitution des
deux baigneurs réalisés pour orner l'entrée principale de l'édifice.
La souscription lancée en décembre 2011 par la délégation Haute-Normandie de la
Fondation du Patrimoine a permis de collecter plus de 24 000 €. Grâce au mécénat de la
Fondation Total, la Fondation du Patrimoine a apporté un soutien supplémentaire de 150
000 €…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-la-piscine-du-havre-retrouve-ses-statues1905
Trois nouveaux projets soutenus par le Fonds national pour la valorisation des métiers
du patrimoine - France
La restauration du patrimoine, dans les meilleures conditions de qualité, étant étroitement liée
aux savoir-faire de professionnels talentueux et bien formés, la Fondation du Patrimoine a
souhaité renforcer son action en faveur de la valorisation des métiers directement liés à sa
mission de sauvegarde du patrimoine, tant bâti que mobilier, en créant un Fonds national pour
la valorisation des métiers du patrimoine.
La Fondation du Patrimoine dédie, pour 2013, un fonds spécifique de 300 000 euros, financé sur
ses ressources propres, au soutien à des actions entrant dans ce programme. Ce fonds est abondé par la Fondation
Bettencourt-Schueller et la Fondation Daniel et Nina Carasso, à hauteur de 50 000 euros chacune…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-trois-nouveaux-projets-soutenus-par-lefonds-national-pour-la-valorisation-des-metiers-du-patrimoine-1892#xtor=ES-5002-[lettre-d-information-de-la-fondation-
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Economie du patrimoine
du-patrimoine-n-57-le-01-08Mali's fish traders get wise to wetland conservation
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:20 AM
Author: Soumaila T. Diarra At the noisy market in Mali’s central city of Mopti, 49-year-old
Alimatou Maiga complains about how hard it is to find big fish for sale these days.
Extracting a dried fish from a dish full of others, Maiga said supplies have become less plentiful
even though the region is Mali’s main source of fish. “When I started selling fish in 1984, there
was enough fish in the river and the fish trade was profitable,” she said.
Maiga and her female colleagues get their fish from the flood plains of the Inner Niger Delta, a 30,000 square km wetland
in central Mali’s semi-arid Sahel belt. “Now things have changed, as the (ethnic) Bozo fishermen who supply us can’t catch
as much fish as we need,” she said…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130814112031-rnexb/
Italy calls for German assistance as Pompeii falls further into ruin
With the greatest number of Unesco world heritage sites, and state coffers that do not
have much to spare for the culture sector, Italy has long worried how to protect its
heritage.from ruin Now it is resorting to overseas help to find a solution for Pompeii.
In recent years Italy has experimented with private sponsors for various projects, with
shoe company Tod's funding a revamp of the Colosseum and Fendi sprucing up the Trevi
fountain. The Pompeii Sustainable Preservation project (PSP) draws on the resources of
international institutions as researchers from the Technische Universität in Munich (TUM),
the Fraunhofer Institute and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
(ICCROM) embark on a 10-year, €10m (£8.6m) effort to prevent the world-famous site in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius
"from falling further into ruin"…
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/30/pompeii-ruins-italy-preservation-2014?CMP=twt_gu
Jornada de ICOMOS Argentina "El patrimonio. La sustentabilidad y el desafío del desarrollo"
19 - 20 septembre 2013 Córdoba. Argentine
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Argentina en el marco de la celebración del 40º Aniversario del Comité Argentino de ICOMOS,
conmemorado el día 21 de mayo de 2013.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 ago 2013
+ info: http://icomoschile.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/el-patrimonio-sustentabilidad-y.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier. Chile
II Foro de Economía y Cultura
24 - 26 septembre 2013 Ciudad de México. Mexique
Organizateurs: La Academia de Arte y Patrimonio Cultural de la Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México (UACM) a
través de la Coordinación Académica, el Colegio de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales; la División de Ciencias y Artes para el
Diseño y el Departamento de Investigación y Conocimiento de la Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad
Azcapotzalco (UAM-Azc.); y la Facultad de Economía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM)
Contact: Mtro. Alberto Zárate Rosales - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 19 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.uacm.edu.mx/portals/0/avisosyconvoca/2013/ForoEconomia.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
X Congreso Internacional de Arquitectura en Tierra, Tradición e Innovación - CIATTI 2013
27 - 29 septembre 2013 Cuenca de Campos, Valladolid. Espagne
Organizateurs: Grupo Tierra - Universidad de Valladolid
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 29 jun 2013
+ info: http://www5.uva.es/grupotierra/2013xcongreso.html
Aula Forum UNESCO UPV. El patrimonio en proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo
30 septembre - 07 octobre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/aula-forum-unesco-upv--el-patrimonio-en-proyectos-decooperacion-al-desarrollo_idiomaes-menuupvtrue-cid34296.html
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Economie du patrimoine
COIBRECOPA 2013 - III Congreso Iberoamericano - XI Jornada "Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del
16 - 18 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: CIC - LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.coibrecopa.com.ar/
Report on the Purple Economy : An Objective, An Opportunity
Conclusions of the First inter-institutional working group on the purple economy
Année: 2013
The purple economy refers to taking account of cultural aspects in economics.
It designates an economy that adapts to the human diversity in globalization and that relies on the cultural
dimension to give value to goods and services.
The term made its first public appearance in France on 19 May 2011, at the initiative of the association,
Diversum, in a manifesto published on Le Monde.fr, the day before the World Day for Cultural Diversity for
Dialogue and Development.
The 1st International Purple Economy Forum, organized by Diversum, was later held in Paris, from 11 to 13 October 2011,
under the patronage of UNESCO, the European Parliament and the European Commission.
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/The_purple_economy.pdf
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Communautés du patrimoine
Communautés du patrimoine
Distancing and Rapproching: LocalCommunities and Monuments in theAegean Sea — A Case Study from
theIsland of Naxos
This paper argues that the distancing of the Greek public from its archaeo-logical heritage and the omnipresence of
superficial, touristic narratives isan issue not efficiently addressed by the relevant dialectics of cultural herit-age
management. In order to understand the roots and dynamics of thisphenomenon, its theoretical and practical
manifestations are approached,mainly in the context of the communities of the Aegean. Within this contextand drawing
from the author’s experience of working for the Greek non-profit organization of MONUMENTA on the island of Naxos, this
paperexamines the aims and methodologies of the programme ‘Local Communi-ties and Monuments’; a public outreach
programme with objectives toexamine the bonds between local communities and the cultural heritage thatsurrounds them
and raise awareness.
+ info: http://www.academia.edu/3557138/Distancing_and_Rapproching_Local_Communities
Le théorème de Sbeïtla ou le patrimoine au coeur du développement - Tunisie
Sbeïtla, est une ville historique, au centre-ouest de la Tunisie, attenante au gouvernorat de
Kasserine. Magnifiquement intégrée dans les paysages grandioses, elle se démarque par la
richesse d'un patrimoine remontant loin dans l'antiquité, et qui doit être préservé et
transmis intact aux générations à venir. Pour ce faire, un long travail va être mis en
Sbeïtla, l'ancienne Sufetula, est une cité fondée par les Romains, sous la dynastie des
Flaviens, dans la deuxième moitié du 1er siècle après Jésus-Christ. On en retrouve des
traces à travers divers monuments de l'époque romaine, tels que des forums et théâtres, ou de l'époque byzantine avec la
présence d'églises…
+ info: http://www.kapitalis.com/culture/16789-tunisie-le-theoreme-de-sbeitla-ou-le-patrimoine-au-coeur-dudeveloppement.html
“El patrimonio tiene que ser para la gente, no para los expertos”
Lo señaló el arquitecto Carlos Moreno, de la Comisión Nacional de Museos, Monumentos y Lugares Históricos, quien vino a
la provincia para visitar obras. El profesional recorrió, entre el lunes y el martes de esta semana, obras que están
realizándose en Tafí del Valle, Chicligasta y San Miguel de Tucumán, y se reunió con la Comisión de Patrimonio Cultural de
la Provincia de Tucumán, organismo que conforman, entre otras instituciones, el Ente Cultural de Tucumán, la Universidad
Nacional de Tucumán (UNT), la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), la Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino y
En los valles, Moreno visitó el Museo Histórico Capilla Jesuita de La Banda; en Chicligasta, la capilla Nuestra Señora de la
Candelaria; y en la capital tucumana, las obras del ex Cine Plaza (próximo centro cultural Mercedes Sosa), la Casa Padilla y
la iglesia de San Francisco…
+ info: http://www.tucumanoticias.com.ar/noticia/tucuman/el-patrimonio-tiene-que-ser-para-la-gente-no-para-losexpertos-103770.html
Mali's fish traders get wise to wetland conservation
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:20 AM
Author: Soumaila T. Diarra At the noisy market in Mali’s central city of Mopti, 49-year-old
Alimatou Maiga complains about how hard it is to find big fish for sale these days.
Extracting a dried fish from a dish full of others, Maiga said supplies have become less plentiful
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Communautés du patrimoine
even though the region is Mali’s main source of fish. “When I started selling fish in 1984, there
was enough fish in the river and the fish trade was profitable,” she said.
Maiga and her female colleagues get their fish from the flood plains of the Inner Niger Delta, a 30,000 square km wetland
in central Mali’s semi-arid Sahel belt. “Now things have changed, as the (ethnic) Bozo fishermen who supply us can’t catch
as much fish as we need,” she said…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130814112031-rnexb/
Britons should get a say on car park King Richard III's remains: judge said todayLeicester Cathedral - United Kingdom
A file picture taken on February 4, 2013 shows a painting of England's King Richard III in
Leicester Cathedral in central England. The British public should be consulted on the final
resting place of Richard III, the 15th-century king whose skeleton was found under a car
park, a judge ruled on August 16, 2013. The bones of Richard III were dug up last year
outside a municipal building in Leicester, central England. The University of Leicester, whose
archaeologists found the site, plans to rebury them at Leicester Cathedral. However,
descendants of the king and other campaigners want him buried in York, the northern city which formed his power base.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64425/Britons-should-get-a-say-on-car-park-King-Richard-III-s-remains--judge-saidtoday
Italy calls for German assistance as Pompeii falls further into ruin
With the greatest number of Unesco world heritage sites, and state coffers that do not
have much to spare for the culture sector, Italy has long worried how to protect its
heritage.from ruin Now it is resorting to overseas help to find a solution for Pompeii.
In recent years Italy has experimented with private sponsors for various projects, with
shoe company Tod's funding a revamp of the Colosseum and Fendi sprucing up the Trevi
fountain. The Pompeii Sustainable Preservation project (PSP) draws on the resources of
international institutions as researchers from the Technische Universität in Munich (TUM),
the Fraunhofer Institute and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
(ICCROM) embark on a 10-year, €10m (£8.6m) effort to prevent the world-famous site in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius
"from falling further into ruin"…
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/30/pompeii-ruins-italy-preservation-2014?CMP=twt_gu
Conférence MINaH 2013 "Entre nature universelle et cultures locales"
11 - 13 septembre 2013 Clermont-Ferrand. France
Organizateurs: Clermont University's pole for Research and Higher Education; Auvergne Institute for Country Developping;
Local council of the Puy-de-Dôme; et Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Park
Contact: Yves Michelin, professor at VetAgroSup: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 juin 2013
+ info: http://minah.vetagro-sup.fr/
17th Triennial Conference: "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 septembre 2013 Melbourne. Australie
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 26 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.icom-cc2014.org/
Aula Forum UNESCO UPV. El patrimonio en proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo
30 septembre - 07 octobre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/aula-forum-unesco-upv--el-patrimonio-en-proyectos-decooperacion-al-desarrollo_idiomaes-menuupvtrue-cid34296.html
7ª Conferència Internacional sobre Turisme Responsable en Destinacions
03 - 04 octobre 2013 Barcelone. Espagne
Organizateurs: l’Observatori de Turisme Responsable, TSI-Turisme Sant Ignasi (Universitat Ramon Llull)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 jul 2013
+ info: http://rtd7.org/
International Conference on Sustainable Cultural Heritage Management
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/15C.html (2 de 4) [09/09/2013 16:21:32]
Communautés du patrimoine
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Roma Tre University
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.netmuse.eu/
VI Autumn Conference of the Centre for Excellence in Cultural Theory
30 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 University of Tartu. Estonie
Organizateurs: Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (EU, European Regional Development Fund), University of Tartu,
Tallinn University
Contact: Monika Tasa, Email: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.ut.ee/CECT/tegevus/sygiskonverentsid.html
XIIIème Festival International du Cinéma Archéologique de la Bidassoa
25 - 30 novembre 2013 Irun, Gipuzkoa. Espagne
Organizateurs: Museo Romano Oiasso de Irun, Ayuntamiento de Irun
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.irun.org/oiasso/home.aspx?tabid=1
8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
03 - 05 décembre 2013 Putrajaya. Malaisie
Organizateurs: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/sustainable-city-2013.html
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
VIII Simposio Internacional Desafío en el Manejo y Gestión de las Ciudades "Por la preservación del legado
01 - 04 février 2014 Camagúey. Cuba
Organizateurs: Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de Camaguey
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 nov 2013
+ info: http://www.ohcamaguey.cu/index.php/es/simposio-ciudades-historicas.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings
and Structures
19 - 21 mars 2014 Tomar. Portugal
Organizateurs: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2013
+ info: http://rehab2014.greenlines-institute.org/rehab2014website/conference_scope.html
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 septembre 2014 Hong Kong. Chine
Organizateurs: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Conservation/eng/iic/congress.htm
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Communautés du patrimoine
Memorias del V Simposio Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo "Sentidos y prácticas de las
expresiones culturales en los territorios"
Febrero de 2013
Museo de Antioquia, Medellín (Colombia)
Année: 2013
Desde el año 2009, el Museo de Antioquia a través del área de Museo y Territorios realiza el Simposio de
Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo, espacio que se ha convertido en el escenario de encuentro de los líderes
que hemos conocido a partir de nuestro recorrido por el territorio, y por medio del cual se ha dialogado
alrededor de diferentes temas relacionados con el arte y la cultura.
Para nosotros es un gusto compartir las memorias del V Simposio que abordó el tema de para qué la Cultura: Sentidos y
prácticas de las expresiones culturales en los territorios; Encuentro que reunió a 191 personas líderes de diferentes
experiencias culturales locales e internacionales que desde los escenarios del arte y la cultura le aportan al fortalecimiento
del tejido social.
+ info: http://www.flipsnack.com/9DE5E7BA9F7/fcjab53p
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et
“Crocodile farm” seizure signals implementation of strengthened Russian
Acting on a tip-off, Russian authorities closed down a “crocodile farm” on 10th July and
seized more than 130 crocodiles plus other reptiles on suspicion they may have been
smuggled into the country, according to a statement issued by Moscow’s Environment
Conservation Department.
The majority of the seized reptiles were Nile Crocodiles Crocodylus niloticus, a species
protected under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora).
When challenged, the reptiles’ owner was unable to produce the paperwork to confirm the animals had been obtained in
accordance with CITES regulations through importation or legal captive breeding within the country…
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2013/7/18/crocodile-farm-seizure-signals-implementation-of-strengthene.html
Sweden recovers two stolen books that originally belonged to the Swedish Royal
Two rare books that were stolen from Sweden's National Library were handed back here on
Wednesday, after being tracked down in the United States. New York District Attorney Preet
Bharara presented two volumes that originally belonged to the Swedish Royal Family to the
library's CEO Gunilla Herdenberg at a ceremony in Manhattan. "I'm very happy to bring
these books back to Sweden and to make them available for the public and for research
again," Herdenberg said in a speech thanking the US authorities and the book dealer who
had ensured their safe return. The books, which have an estimated combined value of $100,000, were among at least 56
volumes stolen from the library between 1995 and 2004 by the former head of its manuscript department Anders Burius,
who committed suicide shortly after confessing to the thefts in 2004…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63975/Sweden-recovers-two-stolen-books-that-originally-belonged-to-the-Swedish-RoyalFamily-#.UiX4OT9GPnh
Romania recovers ancient gold coins stolen from the capital of the ancient Dacian
Romania recovered gold coins and silver jewels dating back to the first century BC that were
stolen from the site of Sarmizegetusa Regia, the capital of the ancient Dacian people, the
national history museum said Tuesday. "The recovery of five coins and 14 pieces of jewellery
is the crowning of more than two years of efforts made by prosecutors, policemen and by
Romanian and German experts," the museum said in a statement. The coins, from the era of
king Koson (1st century BC), were stolen from Sarmizegetusa between 2004 and 2007,
museum director Ernest Oberlander-Tarnoveanu told AFP…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64098/Romania-recovers-ancient-gold-coins-stolen-from-the-capital-of-the-ancientDacian-people#.UiX4aD9GPnh
Britons should get a say on car park King Richard III's remains: judge said todayLeicester Cathedral - United Kingdom
A file picture taken on February 4, 2013 shows a painting of England's King Richard III in
Leicester Cathedral in central England. The British public should be consulted on the final
resting place of Richard III, the 15th-century king whose skeleton was found under a car
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/16.html (1 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:21:35]
Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
park, a judge ruled on August 16, 2013. The bones of Richard III were dug up last year
outside a municipal building in Leicester, central England. The University of Leicester, whose
archaeologists found the site, plans to rebury them at Leicester Cathedral. However,
descendants of the king and other campaigners want him buried in York, the northern city which formed his power base.
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64425/Britons-should-get-a-say-on-car-park-King-Richard-III-s-remains--judge-saidtoday
Jornadas de Reflexión en Patrimonio Cultural 2013
6 & 11 septembre 2013. Bogotá. Colombie. Entrada libre
Organizateurs: Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura y Programa de
Urbanismo & Asociación Restauradores Sin Fronteras A-RSF, Grupo Colombia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 sep 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/JORNADAS-PATRIMONIO-2013.pdf
Journées européennes du patrimoine « 1913-2013 : cent ans de protection » - France
14 - 15 septembre 2013 France
Organizateurs: Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication
+ info: http://www.journeesdupatrimoine.culture.fr/
Jornada de ICOMOS Argentina "El patrimonio. La sustentabilidad y el desafío del desarrollo"
19 - 20 septembre 2013 Córdoba. Argentine
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Argentina en el marco de la celebración del 40º Aniversario del Comité Argentino de ICOMOS,
conmemorado el día 21 de mayo de 2013.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 ago 2013
+ info: http://icomoschile.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/el-patrimonio-sustentabilidad-y.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier. Chile
COIBRECOPA 2013 - III Congreso Iberoamericano - XI Jornada "Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del
16 - 18 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: CIC - LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.coibrecopa.com.ar/
5ème Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen - RIPAM 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine (CICRP) avec le concours des
Archives municipales de Marseille
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.cicrp.fr/docs/ripam1.pdf
LCCHP Fifth Conference on 'The Monuments Men, Social Media, the Law and Cultural Heritage'
01 novembre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP), Fordham Law School, and the American
Society of International Law (ASIL)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://culturalheritagelaw.org/monumentsmen
Shrinking Cities: Expanding Landscapes
14 - 15 novembre 2013 Edimburgo, Escocia. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: http://expandinglandscapes.wordpress.com/
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Législation (nationale et internationale), conventions, chartes et déclarations
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings
and Structures
19 - 21 mars 2014 Tomar. Portugal
Organizateurs: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2013
+ info: http://rehab2014.greenlines-institute.org/rehab2014website/conference_scope.html
International Conference on 'Authentification in Art'
07 - 09 mai 2014 The Hague. Pays-Bas
Organizateurs: Authentication in Art foundation
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 13 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.authenticationinart.org/
La signalétique patrimoniale
Principes et mise en oeuvre de Daniel Jacobi et Maryline Le Roy
ISBN 978-2-87772-527-9
Éditions Actes Sud
Année: 2013
Une signalétique bien conçue, c’est-à-dire inventive tout en étant respectueuse des règles de l’art,
représente un vecteur discret mais fort de la communication d’un site, d’un monument, d’un musée ou
d’une exposition. Elle désigne, nomme, classe et structure, par la mobilisation d’indications spécifiques, les
différents éléments de l’offre, qu’ils soient d’ordre cognitif ou esthétique ou qu’ils relèvent du confort et des services
associés à la visite. Mais une signalétique homogène, bien conçue et mise en place dans des emplacements judicieusement
choisis, devient dans les faits un système cohérent qui structure et organise les parcours. Sa trame continue et homogène
devient, ni plus ni moins, qu’un mode d’aménagement graphique de l’espace…
+ info: http://www.actes-sud.fr/catalogue/etudes-historiques/la-signaletique
Manuel de l'UNESCO sur les règles relatives aux interventions sur le patrimoine culturel
Auteurs: Maarleveld, Thijs; Guérin, Ulrike; Egger, Barbara
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-3-001122-2
Année: 2013
Les 14 chapitres de ce manuel expliquent l’Annexe de la Convention de l’UNESCO sur la protection du
patrimoine culturel subaquatique (2001) et illustrent les 36 Règles relatives aux interventions sur le
patrimoine culturel subaquatique.
Ce tutoriel électronique donne des orientations pour l’application de l’état de l’art concernant les activités sur les sites
archéologiques immergés ainsi que la gestion des sites et sa protection. De même il doit servir d’outil de référence pour les
gestionnaires de sites, des intervenants et des partenaires dans la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique et pour
les cours de formation en archéologie subaquatique.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002207/220708f.pdf
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
La Universidad del País Vasco crea la cátedra de Territorio,
Paisaje y Patrimonio con apoyo del Gobierno Vasco
El rector de la Universidad del País Vasco, Iñaki Goirizelaia, y la
consejera de Medio Ambiente y Política Territorial del Ejecutivo
autónomo, Ana Oregi, suscribieron ayer un convenio para la creación
de la cátedra de 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio'. Dirigida por el
profesor Agustín Azkarate, se constituye como un «instrumento»
para impulsar y difundir actividades relacionadas con la investigación
y la proyección social de estas materias. La cátedra fomentará las relaciones de intercambio y cooperación, en especial, con
la Red Mundial de Cátedras Unesco. «La cátedra 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio' tiene como fin reflexionar sobre uno de
los ámbitos de gestión más importantes y complejos de una sociedad humana: el territorio», detalló Goirizelaia. La
consejera Ana Oregi resaltó que «se ponen en marcha en el terreno de la Universidad políticas de paisaje, que cobran una
especial relevancia con el patrimonio cultural». Para el periodo 2013-2015 se ha fijado un presupuesto de 225.000 euros.
+ info: http://www.diariovasco.com/v/20130723/al-dia-local/crea-catedra-territorio-paisaje-20130723.html
A New Tool for Comparing Cities
For the last fifty years Richard Wurman – architect, graphic designer and founder of
the TED Conferences – has been dedicated to creating a platform that compares cities.
In Wurman’s early studies, he quickly learned that comparing global cities was no
easy task. Cities use very different languages to describe their assets, from planning
principles to land use types to social statistics. “They don’t collect their information the
same way. They don’t describe themselves with the same legend,” he tells Nate Berg
of Next City.
Thanks to sophisticated mapping tools, delving into the statistical data of numerous cities has become far more
manageable than in 1962, when Wurman produced his first comparative analysis using clay models of 50 different cities.
Wurman’s analog-driven statistical analysis has turned into the Urban Observatory, a website that allows users to choose
from 15 variables and easily compare the public data of up to 16 cities around the world in real time…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/406912/a-new-tool-for-comparing-cities/
War Free World Heritage Listed Cities Newsletter no. 7
The seventh issue of War Free World Heritage Listed Cities project newsletter is available also online.
In addition you have the possibility to download past issues of the newsletter on the project website:
We are making our best to get exclusive news for you on subjects of interest for all those concerned
about the protection of Cultural Heritage especially in areas of conflict.
+ info: http://www.warfreeheritage.net/category/newsletter/
L’UNESCO, la Turquie et le Japon lancent un projet de sauvegarde du site du
patrimoine mondial de Cappadoce (Turquie)
S.Exc. Gürcan Balik, Ambassadeur et Délégué permanent de la Turquie auprès de l’UNESCO,
et Kishore Rao, Directeur du Centre du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, ont, le 17 juillet,
signé un Plan d’opérations pour un projet de US$1,2 millions pour la sauvegarde du site du
patrimoine mondial du Parc national de Göreme et des Sites rupestres de Cappadoce. S.Exc.
M. Isao Kiso, Ambassadeur et Délégué permanent du Japon, était également présent à cette
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/17.html (1 de 6) [09/09/2013 16:21:39]
Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Le projet de coopération international, intitulé « Sauvegarde des églises rupestres de Cappadoce, Turquie : Préservation
des structures et peintures rupestres », prévu pour une durée de trois ans, est généreusement financé par le Fonds-endépôt du Japon pour la Conservation du patrimoine culturel mondial et a été créé en étroite coopération avec le Ministère
de la culture et du tourisme de la Turquie…
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/1057/
Bloomberg’s Legacy: The Construction Boom of NYC - New York City - New York
State - USA
New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s twelve years in office will leave an undeniable
impression on the physical landscape of the city for future generations. The new and revised
policies of this administration have encouraged unprecedented growth of New York City and
its outer boroughs in the years following 9/11. According to a new series called The
Bloomberg Years by WNYC, and this article by Matthew Schuerman, Bloomberg’s three
consecutive terms have made New York City taller, more attractive and, in turn, more
One of the mayor’s major motivations for running aggressive policies that promote growth came from a need to sustain the
city’s fiscal health during the shaky times that followed 9/11. Aside from the major work that has been done by the Port
Authority at the World Trade Center site, the city has boomed with new building reaching new heights, covering revitalized
neighborhoods throughout all five boroughs. During the past twelve years, 7 of the 20 tallest buildings in New York City
were built under Bloomberg…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405955/bloomberg-s-legacy/
Is This the Best Planned City in the World?
This discussion on Quora, entitled “which is the most well planned city in the world?”
certainly got us thinking; not only because of the interesting and diverse answers to the
question, but also because of the different reasons which were used to support these
Currently the most popular answer seems to be Zurich, on account of its excellent (and
obsessively punctual) public transport, organized waste disposal and numerous public
drinking fountains. Other cities which are commended for their public transport and
cleanliness are Singapore and Seoul. But other contributors seem to have a very different idea of what makes a wellplanned city – read on to find out more…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/407244/is-this-the-best-planned-city-in-the-world/
The Legacy of London’s Skyscraper Boom - London - United Kingdom
A recent profile in Architectural Record highlights the career of Peter Wynne Rees, the chief planner of the
City of London: the famous ‘square mile’ which contains the major financial district of Greater London, as
well as some of its great tourist attractions, such as St Paul’s Cathedral.
The profile focuses on the new crop of skyscrapers which Rees has ushered in in his 27 years as chief
planner, something which has been contentious for preservationists. When he came to the job in 1985,
the City of London had just one skyscraper: Tower 42, built in 1980. With the success of the Gherkin in
the early 2000s, the surrounding area has seen many more high profile skyscrapers, such as the Heron
Tower, 122 Leadenhall Street (The Cheesegrater) and 20 Fenchurch Street (The Walkie-Talkie)…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/410333
Bloomberg Moves Forward with Controversial Seaport City - New York City - New York
State - USA
Before he leaves office at the end of this year, Mayor Bloomberg has high hopes that his PostSandy plans will get off the ground. Most of his ideas have been met with consensus, however,
one has stirred quite a bit of controversy: adding acres of land to Lower Manhattan in order to
create apartment/office towers-cum-levees.
Critics have launched a variety of arguments against the “Seaport City”: (1) practical feasibility
– beyond the “tough regulatory hurdles,” the unpredictable nature of rising sea levels makes it
difficult to predict how high these levee towers will actually need to be for them to safely withstand future storm surges;
(2) economic feasibility – the plan would cost a whopping $20 billion dollars ($5 billion of which has yet too be accounted
for); and (3) local character – local businesses are unlikely to care for their waterfront property suddenly becoming inland
property, a transformation that would alter the character of the neighborhood entirely…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/410992/
La ville parfaite selon Rui Vasques, designer - Prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE
2012 - Portugal
Rui Vasques, 25 ans, designer, a créé le modèle de la ville parfaite, Eco-Village Community.
Cette étude lui a valu le prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE 2012 et une présentation de
son projet dans tout le pays. Sa création prend en compte plusieurs facteurs, tels que la
protection de l'environnement, le design des bâtiments et de la ville, les constructions...
Le projet Eco-Village Community est né dans le cadre de son Master en design en reliant quatre
thèmes - culturel, scientifique, expérimental et logistique - et en introduisant des domaines tels
que l'écologie, l'anthropologie, la sociologie, les neurosciences, l'art, la bioconstruction, le marketing vert…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73664.htm
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Pactan el rescate del patrimonio histórico
El rescate del patrimonio histórico cultural edificado es uno de los objetivos del Plan Estatal de Desarrollo en el gobierno
que encabeza Egidio Torre Cantú, por lo que en coordinación con la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, ha dado inicio la
restauración arquitectónica del interior del Palacio Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Tampico.
Para llevar a cabo este proyecto la Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Medio Ambiente, así como la Universidad Autónoma
de Tamaulipas a través de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (FADU), firmaron un acuerdo de colaboración
que servirá de base para la realización de estos trabajos que dan continuidad a la restauración de la fachada del edificio de
la presidencia municipal, así como el Kisoco y Plaza de Armas del referido Puerto…
+ info: http://www.gaceta.mx/noticia.aspx?idnota=55656
Analizan el impacto de la contaminación y el tráfico en el patrimonio
El tráfico y la contaminación devoran el patrimonio. Un estudio conjunto de la
Universidad Pablo de Olavide, el Instituto Andaluz de Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH) y la
empresa Ecomimesis alerta del "deterioro acelerado" que sufren los monumentos a
causa de las emisiones del tráfico, en especial de óxido de azufre. Esta conclusión
que, a priori, podría parecer una obviedad supone toda una novedad en el campo
científico, ya que en Andalucía no existían estudios sobre este particular a pesar de la
importancia del patrimonio regional. Pedro Caro, arquitecto de la oficina del casco histórico de Córdoba, confirma que a
nivel genérico no hay ningún estudio en la ciudad, aunque se haya podido estudiar puntualmente el mal de la piedra en
algún edificio. Angel Rebollo, director técnico de la Gerencia Municipal de Urbanismo, señala además la peculiaridad de la
piedra arenisca, utilizada en el 90% de las iglesias cordobesas.
+ info: http://www.diariocordoba.com/noticias/cordobalocal/analizan-impacto-de-contaminacion-y-trafico-en-patrimoniocordobes_821750.html
Exhibition "Urban Fabric: Building New York's Garment District"
10 août - 31 octobre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Skyscraper Museum
+ info: http://www.skyscraper.org/
Jornadas de Reflexión en Patrimonio Cultural 2013
6 & 11 septembre 2013. Bogotá. Colombie. Entrada libre
Organizateurs: Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura y Programa de
Urbanismo & Asociación Restauradores Sin Fronteras A-RSF, Grupo Colombia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 sep 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/JORNADAS-PATRIMONIO-2013.pdf
21e Journée de Solidarité des Villes de Patrimoine Mondial
08 septembre 2013 Fez. Maroc
Organizateurs: l’Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial (OVPM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ovpm.org/fr/
Congresso Internacional "O que é uma escola de Projeto na contemporaneidade? - Questões de ensino e
critica do conhecimento em Arquitetura e Urbanismo"
09 - 11 septembre 2013 São Paulo. Brésil
Organizateurs: FAU UPM – Faculdade de Arquitetura e Urbanismo – Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie. São Paulo,
Brasil. INIFAUA – Instituto de Investigación – Facultad de Arquitectura, Urbanismo y Artes. Universidad Nacional de
Ingeniería. Lima, Peru.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 25 jul 2013
+ info: http://projetocontemporaneo.wordpress.com/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
5º Coloquio internacional Ciudades del turismo: 'El imaginario y la construcción del territorio turístico'
24 - 25 octobre 2013 Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Mexique
Organizateurs: Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.colson.edu.mx/Documents/Conv_Ciudades_del_Turismo_2013.pdf
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
Conference - Problems and experience of the engineering protection of the urbanized territories and a
safeguarding of the heritage under conditions of the geo-ecological risk
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Kiev. Ukraine
Organizateurs: National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”; National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical Cultural Preserve &
Charitable organization "Charitable Fund St. Sophia’’
Contact: Mss.Vira Losytska - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 may 2013
+ info: http://new.sophiakievska.org/en
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Yuriy Maslov
Shrinking Cities: Expanding Landscapes
14 - 15 novembre 2013 Edimburgo, Escocia. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Edinburgh School of Architecture and Landscape Architecture (ESALA)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: http://expandinglandscapes.wordpress.com/
Cities under Restoration – International Symposium
18 - 21 novembre 2013 Kolkata. Inde
Organizateurs: CBE (Centre for Built Environment)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.cbecitysymposium2.org/index.html
Oaxaca 2013 - XII Congrès mondial de l'Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial "Villes patrimoniales,
Villes durables"
19 - 22 novembre 2013 Oaxaca. Mexique
Organizateurs: l’OVPM (Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://ocpmoaxaca2013.org/?lang=fr
Call for papers: “Revisiting Kathmandu. Safeguarding living urban heritage”
25 - 29 novembre 2013 Kathmandu. Népal
Organizateurs: UNESCO Office in Kathmandu and ICOMOS Nepal
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 25 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/culture/revisiting-kathmandu/
8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
03 - 05 décembre 2013 Putrajaya. Malaisie
Organizateurs: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/sustainable-city-2013.html
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
VIII Simposio Internacional Desafío en el Manejo y Gestión de las Ciudades "Por la preservación del legado
01 - 04 février 2014 Camagúey. Cuba
Organizateurs: Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de Camaguey
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 nov 2013
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Villes et centres historiques. Paysages urbains historiques
+ info: http://www.ohcamaguey.cu/index.php/es/simposio-ciudades-historicas.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 avril 2014 Austin, Texas. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.sah.org/conferences-and-programs/2014-conference-austin
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 septembre 2014 Hong Kong. Chine
Organizateurs: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Conservation/eng/iic/congress.htm
Di Corrado Balistreri e Dario Zanverdiani con un saggio di Egle Renata Trincanato
ISBN: 978-88-548-5938-8
Editore: Aracne
Année: 2013
Il volume, che illustra l’evoluzione architettonica ed urbana della città di Venezia, dalle origini leggendarie
dell’insediamento lagunare alla fine della Repubblica Serenissima, è concepito come atlante storico in cui
una cronologia di Egle Renata Trincanato è affiancata da 38 tavole a colori con piante della forma urbis
divise in sezioni tematiche (edifici religiosi, edifici pubblici ed opere d’urbanizzazione, palazzi patrizi e cittadineschi, case
borghesi e popolari, corti collettive ed edilizia a schiera) corredate da 1780 schede relative agli edifici individuati
topograficamente nelle piante stesse.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854859388detail.html
Geografie, storie, paesaggi per un’Italia da cambiare
A cura di Gabriella Bonini, Chiara Visentin
Editore: Aracne
ISBN: 978-88-548-5983-8
Année: 2013
I saggi raccolti nel volume intendono fare riflettere le istituzioni ma anche la comunità civile su quelle che
sono state le scelte di ieri e le intenzioni di oggi in alcune politiche territoriali globali. Il valore della scelta
indirizza da sempre percorsi che sono il più delle volte irrimediabili, per questo la dinamica del fare
dovrebbe sempre connotarsi di una qualità etica ad ogni livello di azione: politica, scientifica, progettuale, comunicativa,
esecutiva, individuale. Diversi ma interconnessi sono i percorsi presentati nel volume, per valutazioni politiche, per metodo
scientifico, per approfondimenti culturali o artistici, o, più semplicemente, per appartenenza geografica. Il volume riporta in
appendice il saggio di Emilio Sereni Strutture e “blocco storico”. Città e campagne nell’Italia preromana apparso sul
numero 3, maggio-giugno 1966, di «Critica Marxista». L’autore della Storia del paesaggio agrario italiano ci lascia uno
studio fondamentale sulla concezione contemporanea della città accostando quella antica greco-romana alla moderna,
accomunate dalla supremazia della città sulla campagna. Una riflessione storica e sociologica di incredibile attualità nel
dibattito sul rapporto città-campagna che percorre molta della storia urbana e sociale del nostro Paese, fino ad oggi.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854859838detail.html
Syracuse - Ville Antique - Italie
Par silvio luiz cordeiro
Année: 2013
Syracuse - Ville Antique présente les impressions de six habitants de Syracuse
contemporains sur leur ville méditerranéenne. Fondée par les Grecs de Corinthe dans le
VIII siècle avant J.-C., cette ville fut successivement occupée par les différents peuples
qui ont imprimé dans son paysage urbain ces leurs marques spécifiques. Cependant, le
documentaire ne vise pas à résumer la longue histoire de Syracuse: son but n'est pas
de la raconter. En un sens, cette vidéo cherche à échapper le lieu commun d'approches actuelles en ce qui concerne
l'histoire de Syracuse qui, généralement, aborde des thèmes comme la vie d'Archimède ou de la défaite des Athéniens dans
la guerre contre la colonie sicilienne.
+ info: http://www.academia.edu/4039934/Syracuse_Ancient_City
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/17.html (5 de 6) [09/09/2013 16:21:39]
Trafic illicite des biens culturels
Trafic illicite des biens culturels
“Crocodile farm” seizure signals implementation of strengthened Russian
Acting on a tip-off, Russian authorities closed down a “crocodile farm” on 10th July and
seized more than 130 crocodiles plus other reptiles on suspicion they may have been
smuggled into the country, according to a statement issued by Moscow’s Environment
Conservation Department.
The majority of the seized reptiles were Nile Crocodiles Crocodylus niloticus, a species
protected under CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora).
When challenged, the reptiles’ owner was unable to produce the paperwork to confirm the animals had been obtained in
accordance with CITES regulations through importation or legal captive breeding within the country…
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2013/7/18/crocodile-farm-seizure-signals-implementation-of-strengthene.html
Comienza el curso de la Fundación Santa María la Real donde expertos abordarán el expolio del patrimonio
El refectorio del monasterio Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) ha acogido este viernes la inauguración
de la decimocuarta edición del curso 'Las Claves del Románico, que lleva por título "La diáspora del románico hispánico. De
la protección al expolio".
Expertos de diferentes universidades españolas, así como del Museo Arqueológico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Arte de
Cataluña, analizarán múltiples aspectos del expolio artístico, desde el contexto histórico en el que surgen hasta las
lamentables consecuencias que registra.
María José Martínez Ruiz, profesora de la Universidad de Valladolid, ha sido la primera en intervenir con la conferencia 'La
venta y expolio del patrimonio románico de Castilla y León: el caso de las pinturas murales'. José Antonio Fernández Flórez,
de la Universidad de Burgos, ha continuado posteriormente con la charla 'Los otros hijos de la diáspora: beatos y códices
de Castilla y León en el exilio'.
+ info: http://www.europapress.es/castilla-y-leon/noticia-comienza-curso-fundacion-santa-maria-real-donde-expertosabordaran-expolio-patrimonio-20130802152442.html
El curso sobre las claves del Románico analiza el expolio del patrimonio
El refectorio del monasterio Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo acogió ayer la
inauguración de la decimocuarta edición del curso, que lleva por título ‘La diáspora del
románico hispánico. De la protección al expolio’. Expertos de diferentes universidades
españolas, así como del Museo Arqueológico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Arte de
Cataluña, analizarán en este curso múltiples aspectos del expolio artístico, desde el
contexto histórico en el que surgen hasta las lamentables consecuencias que registra.
Los expertos debaten sobre las piezas románicas que han sufrido el azote del expolio y el
destino final al que han llegado, sobre las causas que favorecieron su desaparición y las circunstancias que rodearon cada
caso y sobre los protagonistas que intervinieron en la trama…
+ info: http://www.elnortedecastilla.es/20130803/local/palencia/curso-sobre-claves-romanico-201308031221.html
Un important trafiquant d'ivoire arrêté au Togo
Un important trafiquant d'ivoire, soupçonné d'avoir écoulé les défenses de dizaines de
milliers d'éléphants depuis 37 ans, a été arrêté cette semaine au Togo. L'enquête, menée
clandestinement par des défenseurs de la faune, a conduit à l'interpellation de près de 900
personnes au total.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/17A.html (1 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:21:41]
Trafic illicite des biens culturels
Le commerçant togolais de 58 ans et un de ses associés originaire de Guinée ont été
appréhendés mardi et mercredi à Lomé. La police togolaise a saisi à cette occasion 725 kg
d'ivoire, principalement sous forme d'objets sculptés et de figurines…
+ info: http://www.lematin.ch/monde/afrique/Un-important-trafiquant-d-ivoire-arrete-au-Togo/story/15779012
Save The Elephants
One of the world's foremost authorities on the African elephant, Iain DouglasHamilton pioneered the first in-depth scientific study of elephant social behaviour
in Tanzania's Lake Manyara National Park at age 23.
He received a D Phil in zoology from Oxford University for the work. During the
1970s he investigated the status of elephants throughout Africa and was the first
to alert the world to the ivory poaching holocaust.
+ info: http://www.savetheelephants.org/
Seizure of 1,148 ivory tusks underscores Hong Kong’s transit role in illicit trade
UPDATE: Hong Kong, 7th August--On 6th August, Hong Kong Customs seized a further 1,120
ivory tusks, 13 rhino horns and five pieces of leopard skin weighing a combined total of 2.266t
from a 20 ft container arriving from Nigeria and declared as "Red Cam Process Wood".
Hong Kong, 19th July 2013—Hong Kong Customs today announced the seizure, on 18th July,
of 1,148 ivory tusks weighing 2.183 tonnes. The tusks were declared as timber and concealed
in a 20 foot (6 m) container that arrived on a vessel from the West African country of Togo…
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2013/8/7/seizure-of-1148-ivory-tusks-underscores-hongkongs-transit-r.html
Lista Roja Dominicana: bienes en peligro
El Consejo internacional de Museos (ICOM), asociado a la Unesco, publicará una Lista Roja de bienes
culturales dominicanos en peligro, en su lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de piezas valiosas que abarcan los
períodos prehispánico, colonial y republicano de índoles religiosos, monedas y esculturas.
+ info: http://ilam.org/patrimonio/sos-patrimonio/noticias-patrimonio/1271-rd-listaroja.html
Agricultura ecológica, poesía, patrimonio y estudios ingleses, desde este lunes en Baeza, Jaén
La agricultura ecológica, la poesía, los estudios ingleses y la música en los medios de comunicación serán temas abordados
desde este lunes en los cursos de verano que la Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA) organiza en su sede de
Baeza (Jaén).
La primera semana de actividad académica en la Baeza comienza con cinco cursos que se desarrollarán hasta el próximo
jueves. Además, en Baeza se abordarán las consecuencias de la negación del patrimonio y se analizará la cuestión del
expolio cultural a lo largo de la historia durante el encuentro 'Patrimonio olvidado - patrimonio negado'.
+ info: http://noticias.lainformacion.com/arte-cultura-y-espectaculos/poesia/agricultura-ecologica-poesia-patrimonio-yestudios-ingleses-desde-este-lunes-en-baeza_qH6lsDd6D8dhYUWBVrDv71/
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO déplore les dégâts causés au patrimoine
culturel en Egypte
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a exprimé aujourd’hui sa vive inquiétude
concernant le patrimoine culturel égyptien, suite à des informations faisant état de pillages
du Malawi National Museum dans la ville de Minya en Haute Egypte et de la destruction de
plusieurs édifices religieux, notamment des églises et des mosquées, en Haute-Egypte, à
Fayoum et au Caire.
« Je condamne avec fermeté les attaques contre les institutions culturelles du pays et le
pillage de ses biens culturels », a déclaré Irina Bokova. « Il s’agit de dommages irréversibles pour l’histoire et l’identité du
peuple égyptien ».
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
"Unissons-nous contre le braconnage en Afrique" - Jeune Afrique
Au rythme où vont les choses, demain les enfants d'Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale parleront
des éléphants et des rhinocéros comme nous parlons des mammouths: des créatures
magnifiques appartenant au passé.
En quelques années, le massacre des espèces sauvages a pris des proportions industrielles,
en particulier le braconnage des animaux tués pour leur ivoire. Au Gabon, environ 11 000
éléphants ont été tués illégalement depuis 2004. Près de 700 rhinocéros ont été braconnés
en Afrique du Sud en 2012. En avril dernier, une milice armée est entrée dans le site du
patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco Tri-national de la Sangha (entre le Cameroun, la République centrafricaine et le Congo),
abattant 26 éléphants en quelques jours seulement…
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/1063
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Trafic illicite des biens culturels
Encuentro Internacional de Directores de Museos "Bienes culturales en tránisito"
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Posadas. Argentine
Organizateurs: ADiMRA
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://museomaritimo.com/adimra/Museos/ficha_encuentro.php
LCCHP Fifth Conference on 'The Monuments Men, Social Media, the Law and Cultural Heritage'
01 novembre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Lawyers’ Committee for Cultural Heritage Preservation (LCCHP), Fordham Law School, and the American
Society of International Law (ASIL)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://culturalheritagelaw.org/monumentsmen
Un nouveau rapport de l'ONU met en garde contre l'avenir incertain des éléphants africains
Printed by Birkeland Trykkeri AS, Norway
ISBN: 978-82-7701-111-0
Année: 2013
Les populations d'éléphants en Afrique continuent à être sous une menace sérieuse en raison de
l'augmentation du commerce illégal d'ivoire qui double le nombre d'éléphants tués et triple les
quantités d'ivoire saisies, au cours de la dernière décennie.
Selon un nouveau rapport de l'ONU intitulé "Elephants in the Dust the African Elephant Crises " (Les éléphants dans la
poussière les crises des éléphants africains) l'augmentation des niveaux de braconnage, de même que la perte des
habitats, menacent la survie des populations d'éléphants en Afrique centrale ainsi que les populations préalablement
protégées en Afrique de l'Ouest, du Sud et de l'Est…
+ info: http://www.unep.org/newscentre/default.aspx?DocumentID=2711&ArticleID=9436&l=fr
Communicating shark conservation to Chinese communities around the Coral Triangle
Année: 2013
As part of its efforts to raise awareness on shark conservation and the need to hamper the illegal trade and
consumption of shark products among Chinese communities, WWF-Hong Kong has produced a Chinese
translation of the report, “An Overview of Shark Utilization in the Coral Triangle Region.” (PDF, 2.7 MB)
The report, which was jointly produced by TRAFFIC and WWF and launched in English in late 2012,
examines the catch, trade, and management of sharks in waters of the five Coral Triangle countries:
Indonesia, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, the Philippines, and Solomon Islands, plus the neighbouring
countries of Viet Nam and Fiji.
The report shows the need for a more concerted effort in managing shark fisheries in the Coral Triangle, to help conserve
dwindling populations of these threatened species.
+ info: http://www.traffic.org/home/2013/8/7/communicating-shark-conservation-to-chinese-communities-arou.html
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Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) appliquées au patrimoine
Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC)
appliquées au patrimoine
The first World Heritage Management MA diploma was awarded to the students of the Budapest College of
Communication and Business being the initial member of Central Europe in the UNESCO-UNITWIN “Culture,
Tourism, Development” network
Early July of 2013, seven students proved their knowledge in English language about UNESCO and World Heritage. The
three term management training introduced them through UNESCO’s organisational operation to the issues of intangible
and world heritage. They have got to know the values and preserving organisations of the world that by their cooperation,
contribute to the safeguarding of the world’s cultural treasures…
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Budapest_MA.doc
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Lia Bassa
‘Archaeology of the Digital’ Exhibition - Canadian Centre for Architecture - Montreal, Quebec - (Canada) Until
13 October 2013
Curated by architect Greg Lynn, the ’Archaeology of the Digital‘ exhibition at the Canadian Centre for Architecture is
currently on display until October 13. Conceived as an investigation into the foundations of digital architecture at the end of
the 1980s and the beginning of the 1990s, the exhibit features four seminal projects that established bold new directions
for architectural research by experimenting with novel digital tools: The Lewis Residence by Frank Gehry (1985–1995),
Peter Eisenman’s unrealized Biocentrum (1987), Chuck Hoberman’s Expanding Sphere (1992) and Shoei Yoh’s roof
structures for Odawara (1991) and Galaxy Toyama (1992) Gymnasiums…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/404184/archaeology-of-the-digital-exhibition-2/
L'informatique au service de l'Histoire du Peuple juif
... Plus récemment, un projet de l'université de Tel-Aviv vise à utiliser la puissance de plus de 100
ordinateurs afin d'analyser 157.514 fragments, et vérifier un total de plus de 12 milliards de
combinaisons afin de reconstituer les documents. Le projet s'est déroulé entre le 16 mai et le 12
juillet 2013. Une fois que ces 12 milliards de combinaisons potentielles ont été comparées par
l'algorithme, l'ordinateur présente une liste des quelques centaines de combinaisons probables,
mais ce sera aux chercheurs, ou aux amateurs, de les confirmer…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73625.htm
"Pompeii from the British Museum" brings ancient Roman history to life in
exclusive cinema event
Offering an exclusive look deep into the ancient past of a lost Roman civilization, NCM
Fathom Events and More2Screen present “Pompeii from the British Museum*” on
Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. local time. Presented in select movie theaters nationwide
for only one night, the event tells the story of life in the Roman cities of Pompeii and
Herculaneum nearly 2,000 years ago before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
“Pompeii from the British Museum” marks the first cinema event to be produced by a
museum for a major exhibition, providing a private view of the British Museum’s blockbuster show Life and Death in
Pompeii and Herculaneum. Accompanied by music, poetry and eyewitness accounts, attendees will be taken behind the
scenes to explore the homes and lives of the inhabitants of the thriving industrial hub of Pompeii and the small seaside
town of Herculaneum prior to the devastating volcanic eruption of the volcano, Mount Vesuvius…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64211/-Pompeii-from-the-British-Museum--brings-ancient-Roman-history-to-life-in-
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Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) appliquées au patrimoine
17th Triennial Conference: "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 septembre 2013 Melbourne. Australie
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 26 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.icom-cc2014.org/
Taller ILAM - Uso del software ABC para la optimización de tu Centro de Documentación
27 septembre - 08 novembre 2013 -- Modalidad virtual - Profesor: Álvaro Agudo Guevara
Organizateurs: La Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/854.html?task=view
International Conference on Sustainable Cultural Heritage Management
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Roma Tre University
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.netmuse.eu/
North West Branch of the IHBC launches digital Day conference 2013 ‘Digital Heritage – new technology for
the historic environment’
16 octobre 2013 Manchester. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: IHBC (Institute of Historic Building Conservation) supported by English Heritage and 53NOMA
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://digitalheritage.ihbc.org.uk/
4° Foro Internacional de Multiculturalidad
22 - 26 octobre 2013 Taxco. Mexique
Organizateurs: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 ago 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ForoMulticulturalidad2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Olimpia Niglio. Italy
Patrimoine numérique 2013
28 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with
local research institutions Provence (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.digitalheritage2013.org/
18th International Conference on Cultural Heritage and New Technologies (CHNT 18 2013)
11 - 13 novembre 2013 Viena. Autriche
Organizateurs: Museen der Stadt Wien – Stadtarchäologie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 28 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.stadtarchaeologie.at/?goback=.gde_1623567_member_246552594
nternational Conference Built Heritage 2013 "Monitoring Conservation Management"
18 - 20 novembre 2013 Milan. Italie
Organizateurs: Politecnico di Milano
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.bh2013.polimi.it
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Technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) appliquées au patrimoine
Call for Papers - Digital Past 2014
12 - 13 février 2014 Llandudno. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 11 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.rcahmw.gov.uk/HI/ENG/Our+Services/Outreach+/
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 mars 2014 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 14 sep 2013
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=37326
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
WorldCIST'14 - World Conference on Information Systems and Technologies
15 - 18 avril 2014 Madeira Island. Portugal
Organizateurs: WorldCIST Secretariat
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 nov 2013
+ info: http://www.aisti.eu/worldcist14/
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Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
Le dernier des Moynet Jupiter volera à nouveau en 2015 ! - La restauration
d'un avion mythique
Cette année au salon du Bourget, l’unique exemplaire restaurable en état de vol du
Moynet Jupiter 360-6 a été exposé en l’état, par la délégation Maine-et-Loire de la
Fondation du Patrimoine et le Musée régional de l’Air de Marcé.
La restauration exceptionnelle de cet avion a été rendue possible grâce à la
souscription lancée sous l’égide de la délégation de Maine-et-Loire de la Fondation du
Patrimoine, et au mécénat du club d’entreprises « Mécènes d’Aujourd’hui ».
La Fondation du Patrimoine et le Musée de l'Air de Marcé ont souhaité réitérer leur partenariat suite à une première - et
excellente - collaboration autour de la restauration de l'avion Bobcat…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-le-dernier-des-moynet-jupiter-volera-anouveau-en-2015-1849#xtor=ES-5002-[lettre-d-information-de-la-fondation-du-patrimoine-n-56-le-15-07-2013]20130715-[http://www.fondation-patrimoin
DUSSELDORF / Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners - Düsseldorf Germany
From the architect: Bruno Erpicum was the architect entrusted with designing this
warehouse conversion. It is now the home of a couple with a passion for architecture who
were keen to make one of Düsseldorf’s rare ruins their own. The reconversion was closely
overseen by the administrative authorities, since this old factory in the city centre
miraculously avoided damage during the many bombings of World War II.
Across from the coachman’s passageway are some garages that stand in front of the
entrance court. The court is dotted with screens that flank the entrance and seclude off the “day patio”. The history of the
city is reflected in the glass panels, reminding you of the building’s heritage. A facade made entirely of glass stands
completely independently of the old structures, showing off their immense scale…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408604/
FABRA & COATS / Manuel Ruisánchez arquitecto & Francesc
Bacardit architects - 2012 - Barcelona (Spain)
From the architect. The central structure of the Fabra & Coats complex is a
four-storey building which consists of three juxtaposed bodies. A large
edifice located to the west and two smaller ones oriented to the east and
north. Leaning on the east facade of this great building, a single-storey
construction houses the ‘boiler room’, which used to supply energy to the
whole Fabra & Coats compound. The building, built in 1910, has a total of
14,000 m2.
The intervention in Fabra & Coats was highly respectful of the existing building. More of a transformation, it is a recovery of
an industrial space. Despite the complexity of the functional program – a ‘factory’ of artistic creation, a school of arts and a
Heritage Conservation Center and also including a ‘Museum of labor’ – constructive and structural elements were kept, as
well as some of the original systems and facilities…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/404188/fabra-and-coats-manuel-ruisanchez-and-francesc-bacardit-architects/
Archives display sheds light on city's motor industry past- Wolverhampton - United
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/18.html (1 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:21:44]
Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
A new exhibition that opened at Wolverhampton City Archives this weekend explores the
city’s once-thriving motor industry. The Wolverhampton Motor Industry Exhibition (Saturday
3 August – Monday 30 September) both celebrates and examines the history of this industry
through original documents, photographs and other material taken from the collections of
Wolverhampton City Archives. The exhibition focuses in particular on Guy Motors, Sunbeam
and its land speed record achievements, AJS and two once-successful companies which failed
to stand the test of time – Clyno and Star…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64200/Archives-display-sheds-light-on-city-s-motor-industry-past#.UiX3kT9GPnh
Iconic Southern California Museum unveils plan for a stunning sculptured metal
exterior - Los Angeles - California (USA)
The Petersen Automotive Museum announced today that it will mark its 20th anniversary in
2014 by commencing a complete exterior transformation and a dynamic redesign of the
interior, resulting in a world class museum that will showcase the art, experience, culture
and heritage of the automobile. Displays will feature the prominence of the automobile in
Southern California, as well as cars, trucks and motorcycles from around the world. In
addition to the facility upgrade, the new Petersen will feature a refined and upgraded
permanent collection and an expansion of rotating displays, galleries, technology and story-telling, providing visitors with
fresh, new experiences throughout the year…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64464/Iconic-Southern-California-Museum-unveils-plan-for-a-stunning-sculptured-metalexterior
Exhibition "Urban Fabric: Building New York's Garment District"
10 août - 31 octobre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Skyscraper Museum
+ info: http://www.skyscraper.org/
XIVéme Congrès International sur le Patrimoine Géologique et Minier
12 - 15 septembre 2013 Piedrasblancas, Asturias. Espagne
Organizateurs: La Sociedad Española para la Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico y Minero (SEDPGYM) en colaboración con el
Ayuntamiento de Castrillón y el Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.sedpgym.es/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: AMARÉ TAFALLA, María Pilar
Coloquio internacional "El patrimonio desde las Ciencias sociales y las Humanidades"
25 - 27 septembre 2013 San Luis Potosí. Mexique
Organizateurs: El Colegio de San Luis, A.C.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.colsan.edu.mx/investigacion/historia/patrimonio/default.html
15ème conférence annuelle de l'association INCUNA sur le patrimoine industriel
25 - 28 septembre 2013 Gijón, Asturias. Espagne
Organizateurs: INCUNA, “Asociación Arqueología Industrial, Patrimonio Cultural y Natural. Máximo Fuertes Acevedo”
Contact: Irene García - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 jul 2013
+ info: http://incuna.es/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: ÁLVAREZ, Miguel Ángel
Colloque international : Les photographes et la commande industrielle en Europe au XXe siècle
10 - 13 octobre 2013 Saint-Etienne. France
Organizateurs: CIEREC (Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Etude et de Recherches sur l’Expression contemporaine) de l’Université
Jean Monnet, et par le Musée d’Art Moderne de Saint-Etienne.
Contact: Danièle Méaux - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 abr 2013
+ info: http://portail.univ-st-etienne.fr/bienvenue/actualites/cierec-colloque-international-les-photographes-et-lacommande-industrielle-en-europe-au-xxe-siecle--408855.kjsp?RH=actu
Envoyée par membre FUUP: PIERROT, Nicolas. France
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/18.html (2 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:21:44]
Patrimoine scientifique, astronomique, technologique et industriel
COIBRECOPA 2013 - III Congreso Iberoamericano - XI Jornada "Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del
16 octobre - 18 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: CIC - LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.coibrecopa.com.ar/
III Jornadas de Patrimonio Industrial Activo
15 - 16 novembre 2013 Murcia. Espagne
Organizateurs: Asociación Llámpara de Patrimonio Industrial, la Universidad de Murcia y la Universidad a Distancia de
Contact: Vanessa Vilar - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 sep 2013
+ info: http://patrindustrial.blogspot.com.es/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: López, Mónica
REHAB 2014 – International Conference on Preservation, Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Historic Buildings
and Structures
19 - 21 mars 2014 Tomar. Portugal
Organizateurs: Green Lines Institute for Sustainable Development
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 jun 2013
+ info: http://rehab2014.greenlines-institute.org/rehab2014website/conference_scope.html
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Patrimoine immatériel
Patrimoine immatériel
Origins of Wine, Health of Neandertals
New BIOMOLECULAR aRCHAEOLOGICAL Evidence Points to the Beginnings of Viniculture in
France 9,000 Year Old Ancient Near Eastern “Wine Culture,” Traveling Land and Sea, Reaches
Southern Coastal France, Via Ancient Etruscans of Italy, in 6th--5th Century BCE.
France is renowned the world over as a leader in the crafts of viticulture and winemaking—but
the beginnings of French viniculture have been largely unknown, until now.
Imported ancient Etruscan amphoras and a limestone press platform, discovered at the ancient
port site of Lattara in southern France, have provided the earliest known biomolecular
archaeological evidence of grape wine and winemaking—and point to the beginnings of a Celtic or Gallic vinicultural
industry in France circa 500-400 BCE. Details of the discovery are published as “The Beginning of Viniculture in France” in
the June 3, 2013 issue of Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). Dr. Patrick McGovern, Director of the
Biomolecular Archaeology Laboratory at the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology and
author of Ancient Wine: The Search for the Origins of Viniculture (Princeton University Press, 2006) is the lead author on
the paper, which was researched and written in collaboration with colleagues from France and the United States…
+ info: http://www.penn.museum/press-releases/961-origins-of-winemaking-in-france.html
Unesco investiga el patrimonio cultural melillense del siglo XX a través de un nuevo
La presidenta del Instituto de las Culturas, Fadela Mohatar, presentó ayer un nuevo proyecto de
investigación que está llevando a cabo Unesco Melilla a través de un convenio de colaboración. Se
trata de catalogar y elaborar un estudio sobre el patrimonio cultural e inmaterial de la ciudad,
centrándose en el siglo XX.
Los encargados de poner en marcha esta actividad son un componente de la comisión del Ministerio
de Cultura que salvaguarda el patrimonio cultural e inmaterial, Pedro Timón, y la alumna de la
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Desiree Aguado. Ésta participa en este proyecto gracias al acuerdo que hay entre el
Instituto de las Culturas y esta universidad para acoger a estudiantes en Melilla que analicen la diversidad cultural de la
+ info: http://www.elfarodigital.es/melilla/cultura/128822-unesco-investiga-el-patrimonio-cultural-melillense-del-siglo-xxa-traves-de-un-nuevo-proyecto.html
Program keeps lesser-used languages alive by teaching immigrants' kids
Christina Deirmenjian is on a mission to learn all she can about her cultural heritage. Born in
San Francisco and raised in Los Angeles, the 17-year-old began her summer with a two
week trip back to her parent’s native homeland of Armenia. Her twin sister and two brothers
had other summer plans, so Deimenjian and her father went alone.
Upon returning from what she described as an “incredible” experience the high school senior
threw herself into a five-week intensive Armenian language course at UCLA.
It’s a unique class run by the university's Heritage Language Resource Center. Rather than
focus on Spanish or French, the program is meant to keep lesser-known languages alive among the children of immigrants.
Among the languages taught: Hindi-Urdu, Persian, Russian and Arabic. All of them target teenagers…
+ info: http://www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2013/08/12/14429/program-keeps-lesser-used-languages-alive-by-teach/
3ª Edición del Máster Internacional en Proyectos Culturales
Tras la excelente acogida de las dos primeras ediciones, con alumnos residentes en
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Patrimoine immatériel
España, Colombia, Brasil, Ecuador y Japón, la Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de
Toledo (España) y la Fundación ILAM – (Costa Rica), organizan la 3ª Edición del Máster
Internacional en Proyectos Culturales (MPC), que comenzará este próximo Octubre de
El MPC tiene como objetivo la formación de profesionales de primer nivel en el diseño y
gestión de proyectos viables y sostenibles, que tengan los bienes culturales, tangibles e
intangibles, como recurso.
Se imparte en la modalidad E-Learning (Distancia) (con o sin webinars).
La utilización de plataformas docentes y virtuales para el aporte de textos y materiales, y para la celebración de webinars
(clases on line en conexión directa profesor/alumno y en tiempo real), posibilita al alumno la autogestión de su tiempo de
estudio, y hace posible que sea compatible con el desempeño profesional, pudiendo realizarlo el alumno desde su lugar de
Los organizadores ofrecen para esta 3ª Edición quince becas de 1.000 euros cada una, para aquellos alumnos cuyo
currículum académico o situación profesional amerite esta ayuda.
+ info: http://masterproyectosculturales.org/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Dominguez, Rosa
Séminaire international : Enseigner le patrimoine culturel immatériel? Le "PCI" dans les formations
universitaires en Europe
05 - 06 septembre 2013 Vitre. France
Organizateurs: Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.culturecommunication.gouv.fr/index.php/Disciplines-et-secteurs/Patrimoine-culturel-immateriel/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: WAHBA MONTOYA, Yamila. Colombia – Colombia- Colombie
I Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Socialización del Patrimonio en el Medio Rural
18 - 21 septembre 2013 Malpartida de Cáceres. Espagne
Organizateurs: Ayuntamiento de Malpartida de Cáceres, la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de
Extremadura y Underground Arqueología
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sopa13.blogspot.com.es/
Coloquio internacional "El patrimonio desde las Ciencias sociales y las Humanidades"
25 septembre - 27 septembre 2013 San Luis Potosí. Mexique
Organizateurs: El Colegio de San Luis, A.C.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.colsan.edu.mx/investigacion/historia/patrimonio/default.html
4° Foro Internacional de Multiculturalidad
22 - 26 octobre 2013 Taxco. Mexique
Organizateurs: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 ago 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ForoMulticulturalidad2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Olimpia Niglio. Italy
Patrimoine numérique 2013
28 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with
local research institutions Provence (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.digitalheritage2013.org/
4th International Fair of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage “Baština 2013” as well as The 4th
International Convention of Cultural Tourism
29 - 30 octobre 2013 Sremska Mitrovica, Voivodina. Serbie (République de)
Organizateurs: Kulturni Forum & Sirmium PALATIUM IMPERIAL
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2013_en/field_en/06_18_KulturniForum_SER.pdf
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Patrimoine immatériel
Jornadas de patrimonio cultural inmaterial a través de sus protagonistas
29 - 31 octobre 2013 Madrid. Espagne
Organizateurs: Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info: http://ipce.mcu.es/pdfs/PatrimonioInmaterialProtagonistas.pdf
VI Autumn Conference of the Centre for Excellence in Cultural Theory
30 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 University of Tartu. Estonie
Organizateurs: Centre of Excellence in Cultural Theory (EU, European Regional Development Fund), University of Tartu,
Tallinn University
Contact: Monika Tasa, Email: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.ut.ee/CECT/tegevus/sygiskonverentsid.html
Museos y análisis museológicos
12 - 18 novembre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: CFP - Universitat Politècnica de València (España)
Contact: Mª Teresa Molto - [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/museos-y-analisis-museograficos_codper378658
Oaxaca 2013 - XII Congrès mondial de l'Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial "Villes patrimoniales,
Villes durables"
19 novembre - 22 novembre 2013 Oaxaca. Mexique
Organizateurs: l’OVPM (Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://ocpmoaxaca2013.org/?lang=fr
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 septembre 2014 Hong Kong. Chine
Organizateurs: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Conservation/eng/iic/congress.htm
Memorias del V Simposio Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo "Sentidos y prácticas de las
expresiones culturales en los territorios"
Febrero de 2013
Museo de Antioquia, Medellín (Colombia)
Année: 2013
Desde el año 2009, el Museo de Antioquia a través del área de Museo y Territorios realiza el Simposio de
Líderes Culturales por el Desarrollo, espacio que se ha convertido en el escenario de encuentro de los líderes
que hemos conocido a partir de nuestro recorrido por el territorio, y por medio del cual se ha dialogado
alrededor de diferentes temas relacionados con el arte y la cultura.
Para nosotros es un gusto compartir las memorias del V Simposio que abordó el tema de para qué la Cultura: Sentidos y
prácticas de las expresiones culturales en los territorios; Encuentro que reunió a 191 personas líderes de diferentes
experiencias culturales locales e internacionales que desde los escenarios del arte y la cultura le aportan al fortalecimiento
del tejido social.
+ info: http://www.flipsnack.com/9DE5E7BA9F7/fcjab53p
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Langues et toponymie
Langues et toponymie
Language expert to visit the island
The last 20 years have seen a remarkable growth in interest and support for the Manx
language in the island but what Manx people often don’t release is the international interest in
this revival.
What has been achieved here is being closely followed throughout the world an interest that is
illustrated by this year’s Ned Maddrell Lecture which will be delivered by Peter Muhlhausler,
professor of linguistics at the University of Adelaide, Australia.
Prof Muhlhausler is visiting the island to see what lessons he can learn that may help benefit
languages in Australia…
+ info: http://www.iomtoday.co.im/news/isle-of-man-news/language-expert-to-visit-the-island-1-6008859
Program keeps lesser-used languages alive by teaching immigrants' kids
Christina Deirmenjian is on a mission to learn all she can about her cultural heritage. Born in
San Francisco and raised in Los Angeles, the 17-year-old began her summer with a two
week trip back to her parent’s native homeland of Armenia. Her twin sister and two brothers
had other summer plans, so Deimenjian and her father went alone.
Upon returning from what she described as an “incredible” experience the high school senior
threw herself into a five-week intensive Armenian language course at UCLA.
It’s a unique class run by the university's Heritage Language Resource Center. Rather than
focus on Spanish or French, the program is meant to keep lesser-known languages alive among the children of immigrants.
Among the languages taught: Hindi-Urdu, Persian, Russian and Arabic. All of them target teenagers…
+ info: http://www.scpr.org/blogs/education/2013/08/12/14429/program-keeps-lesser-used-languages-alive-by-teach/
Kashmir to digitize rare manuscripts to preserve cultural heritage
In an endeavour to preserve the art and culture of Kashmir and make the future generations aware about the rich heritage,
authorities have take steps to digitize six hundred rarest of the rare manuscripts.
Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages began the digitization process a few months ago under the
supervision of experts who were sent from Delhi to Kashmir.
Mohammad Ashraf Taak, Chief Editor, Culture Academy, said the manuscripts were on various topics…
+ info: http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ani/kashmir-to-digitize-rare-manuscripts-to-preserve-culturalheritage-113073100837_1.html
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
Biodiversité marine et côtière
Cartographie des organismes planctoniques marins
Après avoir effectué un énorme travail de récupération puis de traitement de plus d’un demi-million de
données existantes, une collaboration internationale de modélisateurs marins et d’analystes de données
de terrain vient d’éditer le premier atlas global de la biomasse et de la diversité des onze principaux
groupes planctoniques marins. L’exploitation de cette mine d’information, qui n’en est qu’à ses débuts,
apporte déjà des résultats étonnants. Destiné à être enrichi de toutes nouvelles données, cet atlas
permettra notamment de suivre l’évolution des stocks des espèces étudiées…
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/4444?utm_source=DNI&utm_medium=Newsletters
Cocos Island Research Expedition: Volunteer Opportunity to Tag Sea Turtles and
Hammerhead Sharks - November 10-22, 2013
You’re invited to join me, Todd Steiner, Executive Director of the Sea Turtle Restoration
Project, on a 12 day live-aboard dive research expedition to Cocos Island National Park to
help study the sea turtles and sharks of the region. Our aim is to better understand these
species' movements, and collect data necessary to advocate for marine protected
“swimways.” Joining us for this expedition will be award-winning conservationist Randall
Arauz and marine biologists Dr. Boris Worm and Dr. Alex Hearn. Your participation as a
volunteer research assistant may be tax-deductible*.
These trips rank as my most memorable lifetime diving experiences, and offer some of the most spectacular opportunities
to view and photograph the incredible marine biodiversity of the East Pacific. Expedition participants will get to dive among
schooling hammerheads, several species of sea turtles, and schools of thousands of fish, as they support conservation
efforts directly at the site…
+ info: http://seaturtles.org/article.php?id=1703
Two Indus River dolphin calves successfully rescued in eastern Pakistan
A joint team of WWF-Pakistan and the Sindh Wildlife Department recently rescued two stray
Indus River dolphin calves caught in a canal in eastern Pakistan.
The calves, a male and female, were stranded in the Dehar Wah canal for two hours before
the successful rescue saw them released 80 km downstream.
Joint rescue teams from WWF-Pakistan and the Sindh Wildlife Department regularly carry out
these operations. The stranded dolphins are carefully captured, placed on a stretcher, kept
moist with water and wet towels, and transported in a sound-proof vehicle and released in
the main stream of the Indus River.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/?209334/Indus-River-dolphin-calves-successfully-rescued-in-easternPakistan&utm_source=WWF+International&utm_campaign=5ad0aa19c0Popular_News_Indus_River_Dolphin_Rescue7_17_2013
Stratégie nationale de la mer et du littoral : premières pistes
d'élaboration - France
Après six mois de concertation, les Assises réunissant les acteurs du
secteur, ont présenté le 18 juillet leurs propositions pour élaborer la
future stratégie nationale de la mer et du littoral et tendre vers la
croissance "bleue".
Au terme de six mois de concertation, les Assises réunissant les
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
acteurs des secteurs liés à la mer et au littoral, ont dévoilé jeudi 18
juillet leurs contributions visant à élaborer la stratégie nationale dédiée que le gouvernement adoptera par décret en
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/assises-littoral-mer-propositions-strategie-nationale-2014-cuvillier19121.php4
50 Ways to Help Save the Ocean - Responsible Recreational Fishing
The world's oceans face a mounting crisis of abuse and overuse--but you can help! Just by
taking small, common-sense steps that reduce your impact, you join a growing movement
of ocean awareness that's good for the ocean....and good for you.
+ info: http://www.seaturtles.org/section.php?id=39
West, Central Africa agree security force to protect
forests, seas
West and Central African leaders are to put in place a joint
security force with the aim of better protecting the Congo
Basin’s forest resources and combating pirate attacks in the
Gulf of Guinea.
Meeting at a summit in late June in Yaounde, Cameroon, 15
governments agreed to create a regional security network
to protect their common heritage. The countries involved are Cameroon, Ivory Coast, Benin, Burkina Faso, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Republic of Congo, Chad, Gabon, Guinea Bissau, Equatorial Guinea, Niger, Nigeria, Sao Tomé-etPrincipe, Togo and Gambia.
At the summit’s close, Cameroonian President Paul Biya said the military initiative – for which each country will make
troops available as needed - would ensure adequate protection of Central and West African resources…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130719151542-5udcb/
Les milieux marins de la Guadeloupe cartographiés par l'AAMP ( Agence française des aires marines
protégées )- France
11 millions de km², c'est la surface de l'espace maritime français, qui héberge 10% des récifs coralliens, 20% des atolls,
6% des monts sous-marins mondiaux. Dans le cadre de sa mission d'acquisition de connaissances de ces milieux naturels,
l'agence française des aires marines protégées (AAMP) doit dresser l'inventaire des écosystèmes et espèces pour chaque
région. Elle vient de rendre publique les données relatives à la Guadeloupe.
Le document fait dans un premier temps l'inventaire du patrimoine naturel marin et de la biodiversité marine locaux – des
éponges aux mammifères, en passant par les algues, les mollusques, les poissons et les oiseaux. Puis, il étudie les usages
et pressions que subit le milieu marin (pêche, aquaculture, plaisance …), les pollutions et perturbations d'origine terrestre
et les pressions d'origine naturelle (blanchissement des récifs coralliens, tempêtes tropicales et cyclones...)
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/milieux-marins-guadeloupe-aamp-19150.php4
Concours Ifrecor 2013 : les collectivités d'outre-mer invitées à préserver les coraux - Date limite des
candidatures: 18 octobre 2013
L'initiative française pour les récifs coralliens (Ifrecor) lance le 1er août l'édition 2013 de son concours visant à
récompenser les élus des collectivités françaises d'outre-mer pour leur gestion durable des récifs coralliens et des
écosystèmes associés (mangroves, herbiers).
Les dossiers de candidature, disponibles en ligne sur le site de l'Ifrecor , doivent être envoyés avant le 18 octobre 2013. En
2012, le conseil régional de la Martinique et le département de Mayotte étaient lauréats du concours. Ils ont remporté "la
Palme Ifrecor" visant à promouvoir leurs "bonnes pratiques".
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/concours-ifrecor-2013-candidature-collectivites-outer-mer-coraux19217.php4
Une nouvelle espèce de corail décrite aux îles Gambier, Polynésie française
Une nouvelle espèce de corail, nommée Echinophyllia tarae, vient d'être décrite suite aux
prélèvements effectués en 2011 aux îles Gambier (Polynésie française) lors de l'expédition
scientifique internationale Tara Oceans. Cette expédition était la première à s'intéresser au
fragile écosystème corallien de l'archipel depuis près de 40 ans.
+ info: http://oceans.taraexpeditions.org/fr/tara-discovers-a-new-coral-reef-species-fromthe-gambier-islands-french-polynesia.php?id_page=1451
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Biodiversité marine et côtière
International Beach Day 2013
14 septembre 2013 Quiberon, La Teste-de-Buch et Cassis. France
Organizateurs: Surfrider Foundation Europe
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.beachday.eu
Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management (EMECS 10 - MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference)
30 octobre - 03 novembre 2013 Marmaris. Turquie
Organizateurs: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 feb 2013
+ info: http://www.medcoast.org.tr/MC13/Global_Congress_Call_for_Abstracts_digital.pdf
Marinebrazil : Colloque franco-brésilien sur les sciences de la mer
03 - 08 novembre 2013 Buzios. Brésil
Organizateurs: UFF; IFREMER; UERJ; IRD; UFC, IUEM, USP/Leste UPMC-Roscoff et le Consulado Geral da France no Rio de
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info: http://marinebrazil.sciencesconf.org/
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Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
La Universidad de Murcia ofrece con la Armada un máster en Historia y Patrimonio Naval
La Universidad de Murcia oferta para el curso 2013/2014, en colaboración con la Armada española, el Máster en Historia y
Patrimonio Naval, una formación oficial de posgrado sobre los distintos aspectos relacionados con la investigación,
conservación, gestión y difusión del Patrimonio Naval que ha llegado hasta nuestros días.
Dirigido por los profesores Juan José Sánchez Baena y Celia Chaín, el Máster va destinado tanto a titulados universitarios,
como a oficiales de las Fuerzas Armadas, que llevarán a cabo prácticas en archivos, bibliotecas y museos navales.
Las clases se impartirán en el Museo y Archivo Naval de Cartagena, en horario de tarde.
Del 11 al 20 de septiembre se abrirá la siguiente fase de solicitudes de admisión.
+ info: http://www.murcia.com/noticias/2013/07/24-la-universidad-de-murcia-ofrece-con-la-armada-un-master-enhistoria-y-patrimonio-naval.asp
Ex Unione Militare Refurbishment / Fuksas Design - 2013 - Rome - Italy
From the architect: A new architecture redefines the urban landscape of Rome historic
centre according to contemporary taste. It’s the steel and glass «Lantern» of the “Ex Unione
Militare” building, situated between Via del Corso and Via Tomacelli, that crosses the four
floors of the building from the ground-floor up to the panoramic terrace with a view of the
dome of the Basilica of Saint Ambrose and Carlo al Corso.
A contemporary interpretation of the historic centre has led to a minor intervention on the
outside of the building, whose original construction dates back to the end of the XIX
century, focusing on the renovation of the interiors and roofing. The restoration of the outside has focused on the
recovering and valorization of the original architectural features of the building. The architecture of the facades has been
highlighted through a minimal light design intervention, which gives a touch of contemporary to the building whilst putting
it in connection to the city…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/404989/
Plus de 600 donateurs pour la restauration du thônier "Biche" - France
En 2004, une première souscription est lancée par la délégation Bretagne de la Fondation du
Patrimoine et l'association Les amis du Biche, pour la restauration du thonier Biche, alors à
l'état d'épave sur la côte de Douarnenez.
Aujourd'hui et après huit années de travaux, 600 donateurs ont permis de collecter 234 000
euros. Afin de récompenser cette mobilisation populaire, près de 100 000 euros de subventions
ont été versés par la délégation Bretagne de la Fondation du Patrimoine. Ce projet de
souscription, le plus important lancé par la délégation Bretagne, est exemplaire. La délégation
Bretagne a su réunir une grande diversité d'outils financiers pour accompagner ce projet…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-plus-de-600-donateurs-pour-la-restaurationdu-thonier-biche-1929
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/22.html (1 de 2) [09/09/2013 16:22:02]
Patrimoine cultural maritime et militaire/défensif
Exhibition - Perry’s Victory: The Battle of Lake Erie- Toledo Museum of Art
09 août - 10 novembre 2013 Toledo, Ohio. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Toledo Museum of Art
+ info: http://www.toledomuseum.org/exhibitions/the-battle-of-lake-erie/
15ème conférence annuelle de l'association INCUNA sur le patrimoine industriel
25 - 28 septembre 2013 Gijón, Asturias. Espagne
Organizateurs: INCUNA, “Asociación Arqueología Industrial, Patrimonio Cultural y Natural. Máximo Fuertes Acevedo”
Contact: Irene García - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 jul 2013
+ info: http://incuna.es/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: ÁLVAREZ, Miguel Ángel
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Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
AD Classics: The Portland Building / Michael Graves - 1982 - Portland - Oregon - USA
The Portland Building, by architect and product designer Michael Graves, is considered the first major
built work of Postmodernist architecture. The design, which displays numerous symbolic elements on its
monumental facades, stands in purposeful contrast to the functional Modernist architecture that was
dominant at the time. As Graves explains of his architecture: it’s “a symbolic gesture, an attempt to reestablish a language of architecture and values that are not a part of modernist homogeneity.”
In 1979 the City of Portland sponsored a competition for the design of the Portland Service Building,
located on a 40,000 square-foot block in downtown Portland. The project, aimed to hold the city’s
municipal offices, was uniquely located adjacent to City Hall, the County Courthouse and the Chapman Square Park…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/407522/ad-classics-the-portland-building-michael-graves/
AD Classics: Habitat 67 / Moshe Safdie - 1967 - Montreal - Quebec - Canada
Habitat 67, designed by the Israeli-Canadian architect Moshe Safdie at the World Exposition
of 1967, was originally intended as an experimental solution for high-quality housing in
dense urban environments. Safdie explored the possibilities of prefabricated modular units
to reduce housing costs and allow for a new housing typology that could integrate the
qualities of a suburban home into an urban high-rise.
Reflecting on the project’s significance in “A look back at habitat ’67” Safdie stated that
“Habitat ‘67 is really two ideas in one. One is about prefabrication, and the other is about
rethinking apartment-building design in the new paradigm.”
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/404803/ad-classics-habitat-67-moshe-safdie/
Mivtachim Sanitarium / Jacob Rechter - 1968 - Hapisga, Zikhron Ya’akov Israel
The Mivtachim sanitarium in Zichron Ya’akov is a brutalist masterpiece set on the
forested slopes of Mount Carmel, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. The simple yet
complex design of the serpentine-shaped modular structure makes it appear to be
“crowning” the mountain.
The building was designed by the Israeli architect Jacob Rechter in 1968 and
immediately gained world-wide recognition, appearing in numerous international
magazines and earning Rechter the prestigious Israel Award for architecture in 1973. Along with other brutalist icons, the
Mivtachim Sanitarium was an idealistic, utopian structure, encapsulating the socialist ideas prevalent in 1960′s Israel…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/412005/ad-classics-mivtachim-sanitarium-jacob-rechter
Unesco investiga el patrimonio cultural melillense del siglo XX a través de un nuevo
La presidenta del Instituto de las Culturas, Fadela Mohatar, presentó ayer un nuevo proyecto de
investigación que está llevando a cabo Unesco Melilla a través de un convenio de colaboración. Se
trata de catalogar y elaborar un estudio sobre el patrimonio cultural e inmaterial de la ciudad,
centrándose en el siglo XX.
Los encargados de poner en marcha esta actividad son un componente de la comisión del Ministerio
de Cultura que salvaguarda el patrimonio cultural e inmaterial, Pedro Timón, y la alumna de la
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Desiree Aguado. Ésta participa en este proyecto gracias al acuerdo que hay entre el
Instituto de las Culturas y esta universidad para acoger a estudiantes en Melilla que analicen la diversidad cultural de la
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/23.html (1 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:22:04]
Patrimoine moderne et contemporain
+ info: http://www.elfarodigital.es/melilla/cultura/128822-unesco-investiga-el-patrimonio-cultural-melillense-del-siglo-xxa-traves-de-un-nuevo-proyecto.html
Primer Master Internacional en Estudio y Gestión de Arte Contemporáneo
La Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Toledo (España) y la Fundación ILAM –
(Costa Rica), organizan y presentan el Máster Internacional en Estudio y Gestión de Arte
Contemporáneo (MEGAC), que comenzará este próximo Octubre de 2013.
Su objetivo es la formación de profesionales de primer nivel en actividades relacionadas
con el estudio y la gestión del arte contemporáneo, ofreciendo un sólido proyecto docente
para posgraduados y/o profesionales vinculados a instituciones públicas o empresas
El MEGAC se imparte en la modalidad E-Learning (Distancia) (con o sin webinars).
Esta metodología, fundamentada en la utilización de plataformas docentes y virtuales para el aporte de textos y materiales,
y para la celebración de webinars (clases on line en conexión directa profesor/alumno y en tiempo real), posibilita al
alumno la autogestión de su tiempo de estudio, y hace posible que sea compatible con el desempeño profesional, pudiendo
realizarlo el alumno desde su lugar de residencia.
Los organizadores y patrocinadores ofrecen para esta edición quince becas de 1.000 euros cada una, para aquellos
alumnos cuyo currículum académico o situación profesional amerite esta ayuda.
+ info: http://www.masterartecontemporaneo.com
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Dominguez, Rosa
VIII Congreso DOCOMOMO Ibérico
25 - 30 novembre 2013 Málaga. Espagne
Organizateurs: Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de la Universidad de Málaga, el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio
Histórico de la Consejería de Cultura y Deporte de la Junta de Andalucía, el Ayuntamiento de Málaga, la Diputación de
Málaga y Instituto del Patrimonio Cultural de España del Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/sites/docomomo2013/index.html
2e Rencontres scientifiques internationales du MuCEM "Exposer, s'exposer : de quoi le musée est-il le
contemporain ?"
05 - 07 décembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM)
Contact: Malika Médouni, [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 24 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.mucem.org/fr/exposer-sexposer-de-quoi-le-musee-est-il-le-contemporain
67th SAH Annual Conference
09 - 13 avril 2014 Austin, Texas. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Society of Architectural Historians
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.sah.org/conferences-and-programs/2014-conference-austin
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/23.html (2 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:22:04]
Montagnes et glaciers
Fonte des calotte glaciaires : quand la Science nuance
Selon des scientifiques du Centre de recherche allemand pour les géosciences (GFZ), à Potsdam (Brandebourg), en
coopération avec l'Université de Bristol (Angleterre), la période d'observation par satellite des calottes glaciaires du
Groenland et de l'Antarctique est encore trop courte pour être en mesure de formuler une conclusion définitive sur la fonte
accélérée des calottes polaires, et sa persistance dans l'avenir. L'étude menée par Bert Wouters et son équipe a été publiée
dans l'édition en ligne de "Nature Geosciences"…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73593.htm
Le glacier des Bossons protège le sommet du Mont Blanc de l’érosion
Grâce à l’analyse géochronologique U/Pb et granulométrique des sédiments en provenance du
glacier des Bossons, des chercheurs des laboratoires d’ISTerre1, Biogéosciences2, Magmas &
Volcans3 et LISTIC4 viennent de montrer que l’érosion sous glaciaire de la partie sommitale du
Mont-Blanc, couverte par de la glace froide adhérente à son substratum est très faible
(inférieure à 0.03 mm/an) ; alors que l’érosion sous la langue terminale du glacier, dont la base
est située à la limite du point de fusion et glisse sur son substratum, atteint par contre 0.5 mm/
an. Ainsi, sous l’effet de la surrection régionale qui affecte cette partie des Alpes, le sommet
rocheux du Mont-Blanc s’élève progressivement alors que la base des versants conserve son altitude. Cette étude est
publiée dans la revue Earth and Planetary Science Lettres de juillet 2013.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/4437
First ever exhibition of Antarctic Architecture - Glasgow (United Kingdom)
Commissioned by the British Council and curated by the Arts Catalyst, Ice Lab: New
Architecture and Science in Antarctica is a new international touring exhibition that illustrates
how innovative contemporary architecture is enabling scientists to live and work in one of
the most extreme environments on our planet. The exhibition features five imaginative
designs for Antarctic research stations and opens at Architecture and Design Scotland, The
Lighthouse in Glasgow from 26 July to 2 October 2013 before touring to MOSI (Museum of
Science & Industry) as part of Manchester Science Festival (21 October - 6 January) and
then internationally. From the newly opened British Antarctic Survey’s Halley VI Research station to the speculative Iceberg
Living Station, Ice Lab gives visitors a unique view of the inspiration, ingenuity and creativity behind architecture in the
coldest, windiest, driest and most isolated place on earth…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64010/First-ever-exhibition-of-Antarctic-Architecture-opens-in-Glasgow#.Uh3ioT9GPnh
Messner Mountain Museum at Plan de Corones Proposal / Zaha Hadid Architects - Plan de
Corones - Tyrol - Italy
Zaha Hadid Architects recently announced they are building the sixth and final Messner Mountain
Museum at Plan de Corones, South Tyrol, Italy which is set to be completed in the summer of 2014. In
collaboration with Reinhold Messner, one of the world’s most renowned mountaineers, as well as
Kronplatz, the largest ski resort in the region, the Messner Mountain Museum (MMM Corones) is
embedded within Mount Kronplatz. A composition of fluid, interconnected volumes, the 1000 sq. m.
MMM Corones design is carved within the mountain and informed by the geology and topography of its
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405351/
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Voyage au coeur d'un cratère d'impact dans l'arctique Canadien
Trois chercheurs du CEREGE (CNRS/AMU), J. Gattacceca, Y. Quesnel et P. Rochette, reviennent
d'une expédition dirigée par G. Osinski (Western University de London, Canada) sur l'île de
Devon, la plus grande île déserte du monde (latitude 75,3 N) située dans la province du
Nunavut (Canada). Il s'agissait pour l'équipe du CEREGE, financée par l'IPEV et l'INSU-CNRS,
de comprendre l'origine d'une anomalie géophysique inhabituelle située exactement au centre
du cratère d'impact de Haughton, d'un diamètre de 23 km et d'un âge de 39 millions d'années.
Les participants canadiens ont travaillé, quant à eux, sur les méthodes de spectroscopie de
terrain des roches impactées, en vue de valider les protocoles de mesure des sondes spatiales, tandis que l’astronaute de
l’Agence spatiale canadienne, Jeremy Hansen, se formait à la géologie dans des conditions approchant les surfaces lunaires
ou martiennes.
+ info: http://www.insu.cnrs.fr/node/4451
Penn Study Finds Earlier Peak for Spain’s Glaciers
The last glacial maximum was a time when Earth’s far northern and far southern latitudes were
largely covered in ice sheets and sea levels were low. Over much of the planet, glaciers were at
their greatest extent roughly 20,000 years ago. But according to a study headed by University of
Pennsylvania geologist Jane Willenbring, that wasn’t true in at least one part of southern Europe.
Due to local effects of temperature and precipitation, the local glacial maximum occurred
considerably earlier, around 26,000 years ago.
The finding sheds new light on how regional climate has varied over time, providing information
that could lead to more-accurate global climate models, which predict what changes Earth will experience in the future…
+ info: http://www.upenn.edu/pennnews/news/penn-study-finds-earlier-peak-spain-s-glaciers
Soot suspect in mid-1800s Alps glacier retreat
A study of the abrupt retreat of mountain glaciers in the European Alps in the 1860s has
uncovered strong evidence that absorption of sunlight in snow by soot, or black carbon,
released by a rapidly industrializing Europe was to blame.
The study, led by NASA and co-authored by a researcher at the University of California,
Davis, is published Sept. 3 in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.
The research may help to resolve a longstanding scientific debate over when the "Little Ice
Age" actually ended and why the Alps' glaciers retreated decades before global temperatures
started increasing again. The Little Ice Age was a cooling period roughly between the 14th and 19th centuries, though
scientists do not agree on when it specifically began and ended…
+ info: http://news.ucdavis.edu/search/news_detail.lasso?id=10706
Soot From European Industrial Age Melted Alps Glaciers, Prematurely
Stopped ‘Little Ice Age’
Soot from the mid-1800s may be to blame for the retreat of mountain glaciers in the
European Alps.
According to a new study published in the Journal Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences, soot, or black carbon, produced during the period of rapid
industrialization caused the abrupt retreat of mountain glaciers after the long cold
spell known as the Little Ice Age.
...“This study offers a very elegant and plausible explanation for the glacier conundrum. It appears that in central Europe
soot prematurely stopped the Little Ice Age,” Andreas Vieli, a glaciologist at the University of Zurich in Switzerland who was
not involved in the study, told Nature.com…
+ info: http://www.ibtimes.com/soot-european-industrial-age-melted-alps-glaciers-prematurely-stopped-little-ice-age1402467
Scientists Discover Protective “Ghost Glaciers” in Greenland
It’s common knowledge that those giant masses of ice known as glaciers play a key role in
shaping Earth’s landscape – transporting rocks and soil as they move and scraping away
land to carve out new, dramatic shapes like valleys, fjords and sharp mountain peaks. But in
northwestern Greenland, researchers have discovered that so-called “ghost glaciers,” which
cover the landscape but are incapable of eroding it, have actually helped to protect some
ancient rock formations and leave them relatively unscathed for more than 800,000 years.
...According to lead study author Lee Corbett, who conducted the Upernavik research as a
master’s student at the University of Vermont at Burlington and is now a doctoral student at Dartmouth College: “These
ghost glaciers come and go, and leave very little evidence of their presence.” Despite their tremendous erosive power,
glaciers need water in order to facilitate their grinding motion across mountains. In this case, Corbett and her colleagues
suspect that a cold climate and high elevation combined to freeze the glaciers to the bedrock below, preventing them from
eroding or shaping the landscape. Such glaciers covered the landscape, but were incapable of eroding it, so they receded
without leaving any geologic evidence of their presence…
+ info: http://www.history.com/news/scientists-discover-protective-ghost-glaciers-in-greenland
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Colloque franco-japonais - Productivité marine: perturbation et résilience des socio-éco-systèmes côtiers
17 - 18 octobre 2013 Boulogne-sur-mer. France
Organizateurs: SFJO France; l’Universit é de Kinki; Fisheries Research Agency; l’Ifremer; CNRS et Nausicaa
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://wwz.ifremer.fr/productivite_marine_2013/Le-colloque-franco-japonais-d-Oceanographie-de-Boulogne-1
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/24.html (3 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:22:07]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Musées, Muséologie, Médiation et Patrimoine mobilier
Réseau Art Nouveau Network – Newsletter Nº 31 - juillet 2013
Le Réseau Art Nouveau Network est fier d’annoncer qu’il a reçu une “mention
spéciale du jury” du Concours Europa Nostra 2013 (Prix du patrimoine culturel
de l’Union européenne) le 16 juin 2013 lors de la cérémonie à Athènes !
Cette importante reconnaissance du travail commun accompli depuis 1999
encourage les membres du Réseau à poursuivre ensemble leur action de
sensibilisation, de sauvegarde et de valorisation du patrimoine Art nouveau en
N’oubliez pas de réserver la date du 4 octobre 2013, ouverture de notre exposition itinérante inédite « Natures de l’Art
nouveau » simultanément à Helsinki et Bruxelles !
En attendant ce grand événement, découvrez vite les différentes activités de nos membres…
+ info: http://www.artnouveau-net.eu/Actualit%C3%A9s/%C3%89v%C3%A9nements/Newsletter/NewsletterNo31/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Horth, Elisabeth. Belgium, Bélgica, Belgique
The Andy Warhol Temporary Museum / LIKEarchitects - 2013 - Lisbon - Portugal
From the architect. The Temporary Andy Warhol Museum is a cultural space within a commercial
space. It was designed to host the exhibition ‘Andy Warhol – Icons | Psaier Artworks and the Factory’,
which was opened between April 11 and July 11, in Colombo Shopping Mall, in Lisbon, and included a
total of 32 original works by the American artist.
The museological space avoids the idea of having neutral white exhibition spaces and relates to the
exhibited artworks through the creation of a strong visual context that uses the artist’s imaginary. The
museum recreates an environment that is both pop and industrial, through an unusual materiality
resulting from the use of metal paint cans. The expository structure, set in the central plaza of the mall, features an
abstract exterior that is extremely appealing and assumes an iconographic character with clear links to the Pop Art…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/406437/the-andy-warhol-temporary-museum-likearchitects/
Buk Seoul Museum of Art / Samoo Architects &Engineers - 2013 - Seoul - Republic of
From the architect: Relatively lacking cultural facilities, the North-eastern part of Seoul
required a new cultural space that would provide citizens with equal opportunities to enjoy
cultural lives. Reviving the memories of Nowon which used to be a field of reeds, the design
team visualized a cultural hill that would harmonize with the gallery park. Like a serene white
mass integrated into the hill, Buk Seoul Museum of Art revitalizes the region which is mostly
composed of monotonous high-rises apartments and provides a nature-friendly cultural space
in which the green flow of the park integrates with the art museum to become a single entity. In particular, diversified
circulation patterns create a space of ‘connectivity’ where various elements of people, nature, and art converge to create
new possibilities in communication & collaborations…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/406753/buk-seoul-museum-of-art-samoo-architects-and-engineers/
Pingtan Art Museum / MAD- 2011 - Pingtan - China
Chinese firm MAD sends us their latest museum project: Pingtang Art Museum. With a
projected area of over 40,000 square meters and as the largest private museum in Asia,
the museum will display thousands of pieces of national treasures.
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/25.html (1 de 9) [09/09/2013 16:22:13]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
From the Architect: Being the largest island in the Fujian province, Pingtan is also the
Chinese island nearest to Taiwan. In 2010, the ‘Comprehensive Experimental Zone’
project in Pingtan was officially launched; the island is expected to become the primary
location for trade and cultural communication between Taiwan and the mainland in the
foreseeable future. The island, which is currently home to fisheries and a military base, will quickly be transformed into an
large-scale urban development zone.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405687/pingtan-art-museum-mad
Jean Nouvel Selected to Design National Art Museum of China - Beijing - China
The rumors are true: Jean Nouvel has been selected as the official winner of the highly
acclaimed National Art Museum of China (NAMOC) competition in Beijing. According to
Dezeen, the news has been confirmed by Nouvel’s adviser, Oliver Schmitt. Though little
has been released about the winning design, earlier reports have described it as a “vast
structure” based on the simplicity of a single line – “a single brush stroke.”
In an interview with Financial Times, Nouvel quoted the Chinese artist Shi Tao (16421707): “A single line is the source of everything in existence. [...] We started with
calligraphy. [...] Pupils used to spend half a year just on that first line with a brush. That first line contains all of Chinese
culture – painting, writing and the energy of Chi.”
An official announcement from the Chinese government has yet to be released. We will keep you updated as the details
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/407078/jean-nouvel-named-as-winner-of-national-art-museum-of-china-competition/
Historic Toledo Museum of Art Goes Off Grid - Toledo - Ohio - USA
The 101-year old historic building that houses the Toledo Museum of Art in Ohio has
gone off grid, reports Candace Pearson of Architectural Record. Through a series of
upgrades that began in the early ‘90s, including covering 60% of the roof with solar
panels, the Toledo Museum has gone from purchasing 700,000 kW of electricity a
month to returning energy back to the grid – making it an exemplar of adaptability
and sustainability in century-old public buildings. Find out how they did it at
Architectural Record.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/406585/toledo-museum-of-art-achieves-energy-independence/
Video - Conseervation of an 8th century Egyptian tunic - Victoria & Albert
Museum - London - United Kingdom
Elizabeth-Anne Haldane, Textile Conservator at the V&A, describes the conservation
work undertaken on an 8th-century Egyptian tunic, one of the exhibits to be displayed
in the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries.
+ info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cdhnORIAvo&feature=youtu.be
Cloudscapes at MOT / Tetsuo Kondo Architects + TRANSSOLAR / Matthias Schuler - 2012 Tokyo - Japan
From the architect: We created a small bank of clouds in the Sunken Garden of the Museum of
Contemporary Art Tokyo.•
The clouds billow softly in a compact, transparent container and can be seen from the entrance hall,
exhibition galleries, outdoor plaza, and other parts of the museum.
Climb the stairs inside the clouds’ container. When you climb beyond the clouds to reach the top, the
the surrounding buildings, and the sky stretch out above the clouds. The edges of the clouds are sharp yet soft, and always
in motion. Their color, density and brightness are constantly changing in tune with the weather and time of day. The
temperature and humidity inside the container are controlled to keep the clouds at their designed height. The air inside the
container forms three distinct strata, one cool and dry, at the bottom, a warm and humid middle stratum, and a hot and
dry stratum at the top. The warm, humid layer is where the clouds form.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/402883/
Messner Mountain Museum at Plan de Corones Proposal / Zaha Hadid Architects - Plan de
Corones - Tyrol - Italy
Zaha Hadid Architects recently announced they are building the sixth and final Messner Mountain
Museum at Plan de Corones, South Tyrol, Italy which is set to be completed in the summer of 2014. In
collaboration with Reinhold Messner, one of the world’s most renowned mountaineers, as well as
Kronplatz, the largest ski resort in the region, the Messner Mountain Museum (MMM Corones) is
embedded within Mount Kronplatz. A composition of fluid, interconnected volumes, the 1000 sq. m.
MMM Corones design is carved within the mountain and informed by the geology and topography of its
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405351/
Romania recovers ancient gold coins stolen from the capital of the ancient Dacian
Romania recovered gold coins and silver jewels dating back to the first century BC that were
stolen from the site of Sarmizegetusa Regia, the capital of the ancient Dacian people, the
national history museum said Tuesday. "The recovery of five coins and 14 pieces of jewellery
is the crowning of more than two years of efforts made by prosecutors, policemen and by
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Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Romanian and German experts," the museum said in a statement. The coins, from the era of
king Koson (1st century BC), were stolen from Sarmizegetusa between 2004 and 2007,
museum director Ernest Oberlander-Tarnoveanu told AFP…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64098/Romania-recovers-ancient-gold-coins-stolen-from-the-capital-of-the-ancientDacian-people#.UiX4aD9GPnh
Koç Contemporary Art Museum Winning Proposal / Grimshaw - Istanbul - Turkey
Grimshaw just announced that they have been selected by the Vehbi Koç Foundation to design
Koç Contemporary, a new contemporary art museum in Istanbul. Due to open to the public in
2016, the new project has been conceived to fulfill the Foundation’s vision of showcasing the
growing Koç collection to the broadest possible audience and to place these works in a national,
regional and international context of contemporary artists.
The site for Koç Contemporary is situated in the Beyoglu area of Istanbul, which is undergoing
rapid redevelopment and fast becoming one of the most dynamic districts in Europe. Grimshaw’s
design will create a building which is an extension of this vibrant public realm where the boundary between inside and out
is blurred and where passing pedestrians are tempted through exciting public spaces, which are rich in activity and
surprise. The creation of Koç Contemporary will result in a landmark building entirely derived from its context with the
mosaic tiled forms of traditional Ottoman architecture providing the inspiration for the design’s materials concept…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405092/
Comienza el curso de la Fundación Santa María la Real donde expertos abordarán el expolio del patrimonio
El refectorio del monasterio Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo (Palencia) ha acogido este viernes la inauguración
de la decimocuarta edición del curso 'Las Claves del Románico, que lleva por título "La diáspora del románico hispánico. De
la protección al expolio".
Expertos de diferentes universidades españolas, así como del Museo Arqueológico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Arte de
Cataluña, analizarán múltiples aspectos del expolio artístico, desde el contexto histórico en el que surgen hasta las
lamentables consecuencias que registra.
María José Martínez Ruiz, profesora de la Universidad de Valladolid, ha sido la primera en intervenir con la conferencia 'La
venta y expolio del patrimonio románico de Castilla y León: el caso de las pinturas murales'. José Antonio Fernández Flórez,
de la Universidad de Burgos, ha continuado posteriormente con la charla 'Los otros hijos de la diáspora: beatos y códices
de Castilla y León en el exilio'.
+ info: http://www.europapress.es/castilla-y-leon/noticia-comienza-curso-fundacion-santa-maria-real-donde-expertosabordaran-expolio-patrimonio-20130802152442.html
El curso sobre las claves del Románico analiza el expolio del patrimonio
El refectorio del monasterio Santa María la Real de Aguilar de Campoo acogió ayer la
inauguración de la decimocuarta edición del curso, que lleva por título ‘La diáspora del
románico hispánico. De la protección al expolio’. Expertos de diferentes universidades
españolas, así como del Museo Arqueológico Nacional y el Museo Nacional de Arte de
Cataluña, analizarán en este curso múltiples aspectos del expolio artístico, desde el
contexto histórico en el que surgen hasta las lamentables consecuencias que registra.
Los expertos debaten sobre las piezas románicas que han sufrido el azote del expolio y el
destino final al que han llegado, sobre las causas que favorecieron su desaparición y las circunstancias que rodearon cada
caso y sobre los protagonistas que intervinieron en la trama…
+ info: http://www.elnortedecastilla.es/20130803/local/palencia/curso-sobre-claves-romanico-201308031221.html
Mianzhu Museum Fianl / Zhenggong Feng - 2011 - Mianzhu - China
Since the Wenchuan Earthquake in May 12th, 2009, local residents not only need the
physical reconstruction, but also need the spiritual revival. As a stage revealing human
society development and cultural value, museum architecture has important meaning for
cities and people who both have been hurt by natural disasters. Secondary, the architectural
trend of designing globally and internationally is becoming more and more serious. In this
process, local architectural culture and regional culture are fainting that fewer buildings
have regional culture characteristics.
Mianzhu Museum reflects introspection for the phenomenon that globalization and urbanization erode regional architecture
features, trying to discuss regional culture’s constructing strategy in the new context based on site spirit, spatial experience
and material behave. It firms our future confidence of proposing regional culture…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/410783/mianzhu-museum-fianl-zhenggong-feng/
The Chazen Museum of Art / Machado and Silvetti Associates - 2011. Madison,
Wisconsin (USA)
...In contrast to the third level’s continuous band, the first and second levels are
composed of a series of “boxes” that project and recede from beneath it. Their material
expressions are conceived to be distinct from the third level, comprised of bronze/
copper plate, board-formed concrete, and glass. The addition’s façade aims to be far
more transparent and inviting to the public than its existing counterpart in areas where
it can afford to do so. As an example of this, the public lobby consists of a large twostory glass volume that orients itself towards what will be a significant courtyard space along a portion of the East Campus
Mall, making itself and the new museum entrance visible from both the pedestrian mall and University Avenue.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408439/the-chazen-museum-of-art-machado-and-silvetti-associates/
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/25.html (3 de 9) [09/09/2013 16:22:13]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
“El patrimonio tiene que ser para la gente, no para los expertos”
Lo señaló el arquitecto Carlos Moreno, de la Comisión Nacional de Museos, Monumentos y Lugares Históricos, quien vino a
la provincia para visitar obras. El profesional recorrió, entre el lunes y el martes de esta semana, obras que están
realizándose en Tafí del Valle, Chicligasta y San Miguel de Tucumán, y se reunió con la Comisión de Patrimonio Cultural de
la Provincia de Tucumán, organismo que conforman, entre otras instituciones, el Ente Cultural de Tucumán, la Universidad
Nacional de Tucumán (UNT), la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional (UTN), la Universidad del Norte Santo Tomás de Aquino y
En los valles, Moreno visitó el Museo Histórico Capilla Jesuita de La Banda; en Chicligasta, la capilla Nuestra Señora de la
Candelaria; y en la capital tucumana, las obras del ex Cine Plaza (próximo centro cultural Mercedes Sosa), la Casa Padilla y
la iglesia de San Francisco…
+ info: http://www.tucumanoticias.com.ar/noticia/tucuman/el-patrimonio-tiene-que-ser-para-la-gente-no-para-losexpertos-103770.html
"Pompeii from the British Museum" brings ancient Roman history to life in
exclusive cinema event
Offering an exclusive look deep into the ancient past of a lost Roman civilization, NCM
Fathom Events and More2Screen present “Pompeii from the British Museum*” on
Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. local time. Presented in select movie theaters nationwide
for only one night, the event tells the story of life in the Roman cities of Pompeii and
Herculaneum nearly 2,000 years ago before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
“Pompeii from the British Museum” marks the first cinema event to be produced by a
museum for a major exhibition, providing a private view of the British Museum’s blockbuster show Life and Death in
Pompeii and Herculaneum. Accompanied by music, poetry and eyewitness accounts, attendees will be taken behind the
scenes to explore the homes and lives of the inhabitants of the thriving industrial hub of Pompeii and the small seaside
town of Herculaneum prior to the devastating volcanic eruption of the volcano, Mount Vesuvius…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64211/-Pompeii-from-the-British-Museum--brings-ancient-Roman-history-to-life-inexclusive-cinema-event#.UiX3xj9GPnh
Moscow introduces museum tours by scooter - Russian Federation
An inter-museum navigation system will link the Moscow Manege with a number of other
museums. This is the essence of the new project, "TurKultur," giving people the opportunity
to visit several museums in the center of the city in one day, moving from one point to
another by scooter.
At the same time, participants willbe learning about all the sights that they will see along the
way. The tour offers 10 different routes in total, each lasting from anywhere between 15
minutes and 120 minutes…
+ info: http://rbth.ru/arts/2013/07/27/moscow_introduces_museum_tours_by_scooter_28433.html
Video: Weaving narratives in museum galleries
As the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York, Thomas P. Campbell thinks deeply about curating—not just
selecting art objects, but placing them in a setting where the public can learn their stories. With glorious images, he shows
how his curation philosophy works for displaying medieval tapestries—and for the over-the-top fashion/art of Alexander
TEDTalks is a daily video podcast of the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world's leading
thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on Technology, Entertainment and
Design -- plus science, business, global issues, the arts and much more.
+ info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zuYzOn0U2PY&feature=youtu.be
Exhibition - Museum looks at prospective ecological disasters through lens of Dust
Bowl - Lawrence, Kansas (USA)
In a pair of interrelated exhibitions, Conversation XV: Dust and 1 Kansas Farmer, the
Spencer Museum explores both the Dust Bowl of the 1930s and the relevance of its lessons
for farmers, environmentalists, artists, and scientists today. The Dust Bowl represents a
remarkable moment in human history. Tremendous artistic documentation of the Dust Bowl,
much of it federally-sponsored, is etched into the collective American memory. Images
created by such artists as Dorothea Lange, Arthur Rothstein, Herschel Logan, and others
have become iconic symbols representing both the hardship suffered by rural Americans in the 1930s and the humanity
that triumphed in its wake. These images endure not only as expressions of the spirit of an era, but also as historic
documents containing significant information that allows researchers to comprehend the ecological disaster that sparked
the Dust Bowl and the transformation of the land following the storm…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64169/Museum-looks-at-prospective-ecological-disasters-through-lens-of-Dust-Bowl
The Wellin Museum of Art / Machado and Silvetti Associates - 2012 Clinton, New York State (USA)
The Wellin Museum is prominently sited on a corner lot, across the road from the
Art History department and across a gracious lawn from the future Theatre and
Studio Arts Building. This collection of art buildings around a reconstructed pond,
designed with Reed Hilderbrand Associates, will create a new arts quad at Hamilton
and help develop visual and pedestrian connections between the two sides of
campus, a stated goal of the College. Working closely with the faculty, Machado and
Silvetti Associates developed a design, which brings museum visitors directly from campus paths and outdoor sculpture
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/25.html (4 de 9) [09/09/2013 16:22:13]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
areas through a monumental two-story glass archive hall that showcases the College’s unique collection…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408463/the-wellin-museum-of-art-machado-and-silvetti-associates/
Des scientifiques à la recherche de la véritable Mona Lisa - Italie
C'est désormais une tradition, presque aussi ancrée que le Palio à Sienne ou la Pâque à
Rome. Chaque été, le pseudo-chercheur Silvano Vinceti y va de sa pseudo-découverte,
de préférence sous les caméras. Dernière en date: sonder la crypte bien connue de la
basilique de Florence - la Santissima Annunziata - dans l'espoir d'identifier le modèle de
La Joconde . On sait que Léonard de Vinci est bien parti d'un modèle précis, à savoir
Lisa Gherardini, qui était la jeune épouse du commanditaire, Francesco di Bartolomeo
del Giocondo, un marchand de soie. Mais le maître toscan a gardé et retravaillé le
portrait durant des années et jusqu'à sa mort en France, pour aboutir à une figure idéale. Celle de la Femme, de la Beauté,
de l'idéal humain en harmonie avec la nature…
+ info: http://www.lefigaro.fr/arts-expositions/2013/08/12/03015-20130812ARTFIG00334-un-chercheur-sur-la-piste-de-lavraie-joconde.php
Iconic Southern California Museum unveils plan for a stunning sculptured metal
exterior - Los Angeles - California (USA)
The Petersen Automotive Museum announced today that it will mark its 20th anniversary in
2014 by commencing a complete exterior transformation and a dynamic redesign of the
interior, resulting in a world class museum that will showcase the art, experience, culture
and heritage of the automobile. Displays will feature the prominence of the automobile in
Southern California, as well as cars, trucks and motorcycles from around the world. In
addition to the facility upgrade, the new Petersen will feature a refined and upgraded
permanent collection and an expansion of rotating displays, galleries, technology and story-telling, providing visitors with
fresh, new experiences throughout the year…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64464/Iconic-Southern-California-Museum-unveils-plan-for-a-stunning-sculptured-metalexterior
Lista Roja Dominicana: bienes en peligro
El Consejo internacional de Museos (ICOM), asociado a la Unesco, publicará una Lista Roja de bienes
culturales dominicanos en peligro, en su lucha contra el tráfico ilícito de piezas valiosas que abarcan los
períodos prehispánico, colonial y republicano de índoles religiosos, monedas y esculturas.
+ info: http://ilam.org/patrimonio/sos-patrimonio/noticias-patrimonio/1271-rd-listaroja.html
British Museum's Africa programme update - London - United Kingdom
Since 2005, the British Museum’s Africa Programme has been working closely
with national and independent museums across the African continent to
develop training initiatives, as well as sharing skills and expertise for mutual
benefit and in direct response to local needs and priorities. Africa Programme
aims to support capacity-building in museums and encourage long-term
commitment to the heritage profession, with a current focus on East and West
Africa. Generously funded by the Getty Foundation and the Ford Foundation,
the Africa Programme is an essential part of the Museum’s international activity…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64424/British-Museum-s-Africa-programme-update#.Uh8skj9GPnh
Primer Master Internacional en Estudio y Gestión de Arte Contemporáneo
La Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de Toledo (España) y la Fundación ILAM –
(Costa Rica), organizan y presentan el Máster Internacional en Estudio y Gestión de Arte
Contemporáneo (MEGAC), que comenzará este próximo Octubre de 2013.
Su objetivo es la formación de profesionales de primer nivel en actividades relacionadas
con el estudio y la gestión del arte contemporáneo, ofreciendo un sólido proyecto docente
para posgraduados y/o profesionales vinculados a instituciones públicas o empresas
El MEGAC se imparte en la modalidad E-Learning (Distancia) (con o sin webinars).
Esta metodología, fundamentada en la utilización de plataformas docentes y virtuales para el aporte de textos y materiales,
y para la celebración de webinars (clases on line en conexión directa profesor/alumno y en tiempo real), posibilita al
alumno la autogestión de su tiempo de estudio, y hace posible que sea compatible con el desempeño profesional, pudiendo
realizarlo el alumno desde su lugar de residencia.
Los organizadores y patrocinadores ofrecen para esta edición quince becas de 1.000 euros cada una, para aquellos
alumnos cuyo currículum académico o situación profesional amerite esta ayuda.
+ info: http://www.masterartecontemporaneo.com
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Dominguez, Rosa
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/25.html (5 de 9) [09/09/2013 16:22:13]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Exhibition - Perry’s Victory: The Battle of Lake Erie- Toledo Museum of Art
09 août - 10 novembre 2013 Toledo, Ohio. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: Toledo Museum of Art
+ info: http://www.toledomuseum.org/exhibitions/the-battle-of-lake-erie/
First exhibition at MoMA wholly dedicated to sound as a form of artistic expression opens
10 août - 03 novembre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Museum of Modern Art
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64293/First-exhibition-at-MoMA-wholly-dedicated-to-sound-as-a-form-of-artisticexpression-opens
Exhibition "Urban Fabric: Building New York's Garment District"
10 août - 31 octobre 2013 New York City. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Skyscraper Museum
+ info: http://www.skyscraper.org/
Exhibition - The Gender Show explores how photographs have presented gender from 19th century to today
10 août - 13 octobre 2013 Rochester, New York State. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: George Eastman's House
+ info: http://www.eastmanhouse.org/events/detail.php?title=gendershow_2013
12th Edition of The Best in Heritage
19 - 21 septembre 2013 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: The Best in Heritage Association in partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA under Special Patronage of ICOM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/programme/
SOIMA 2013 : Protéger les collections de sons et d’images
23 septembre - 16 octobre 2013 Nairobi. Kenya
Organizateurs: ICCROM - Centre International d'Etudes pour la Conservation et la Restauration des Biens Culturels et Trust
for African Rock Art (TARA) en collaboration avec National Museums of Kenya
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/fra/01train_fr/announce_fr/2013_09SoimaKEN_fr.shtml
Formation gestion intégrée des sites patrimoniaux 2013
07 - 18 octobre 2013 Cluny et Bourgogne. France
Organizateurs: Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Contact: Lucie Para - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.polepatrimoine.org/activites/ateliers-et-formations-a-venir
Envoyée par membre FUUP: PARA, Lucie
Encuentro Internacional de Directores de Museos "Bienes culturales en tránisito"
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Posadas. Argentine
Organizateurs: ADiMRA
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://museomaritimo.com/adimra/Museos/ficha_encuentro.php
International Conference on Sustainable Cultural Heritage Management
11 - 12 octobre 2013 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Roma Tre University
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 5 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.netmuse.eu/
Exposition - 1925, quand l'Art Déco séduit le monde
16 octobre 2013 - 17 février 2014 Paris. France
Organizateurs: Cité de l'architecture & du patrimoine
+ info: http://www.citechaillot.fr/fr/expositions/expositions_temporaires/25226-1925_quand_lart_deco_seduit_le_monde.
IXème Congrès « Musées et espaces patrimoniaux. Quels publics »
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/25.html (6 de 9) [09/09/2013 16:22:13]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
17 - 18 octobre 2013 San Sebastián, Gipuzkoa. Espagne
Organizateurs: OIASSO Musée Romain et y la Facultad de Filosofía y Ciencias de la Educación. Université du Pays Basque
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.irun.org/oiasso/home.aspx?tabid=994
Envoyée par membre FUUP: DOMíNGUEZ, Pablo ÁLVAREZ
Taller ILAM - Como marcar y preservar bienes culturales en depósito
18 octobre - 29 novembre 2013 -- Modalidad virtual
Organizateurs: La Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/460.html?task=view
Workshop: Managing indoor climate risks
20 - 25 octobre 2013 Yogyakarta. Indonésie
Organizateurs: The Directorate of Heritage Conservation and Museums Indonesia and the The Gadjah Mada University in
collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) and the Tropen Museum Amsterdam
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.cultureelerfgoed.nl/en/managing-indoor-climate-risks
2013 UMIS conference "Research in Museums: Museums in Research"
31 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 St Andrews, Écosse. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: UMIS - University Museums in Scotland
Contact: Ella Voce: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 11 oct 2013
+ info: http://onlineshop.st-andrews.ac.uk/browse/extra_info.asp?compid=1&modid=2&catid=75&prodid=339
7th Young Cultural Policy Researchers Forum 2013
04 - 05 novembre 2013 Brussels. Belgique
Organizateurs: The European Cultural Foundation, ECF and ENCATC
Contact: Elizabeth Darley ([email protected])
DATE LIMITE: 7 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.encatc.org/pages/index.php?id=83
Envoyée par membre FUUP: COGLIANDRO, Giannalia. Belgium
Taller ILAM - Del guión científico al guión museográfico
08 novembre - 18 décembre 2013 -- Modalidad virtual - Profesores: Carlos Vázquez y David García
Organizateurs: La Fundación ILAM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ilam.org/component/content/1083.html?task=view
MUSEUMS & WELL-BEING: Museum Association Conference and Exhibition
11 - 12 novembre 2013 Liverpool. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The Museums Association
+ info: http://www.museumsassociation.org/conference
Museos y análisis museológicos
12 - 18 novembre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: CFP - Universitat Politècnica de València (España)
Contact: Mª Teresa Molto - [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/museos-y-analisis-museograficos_codper378658
XIIIème Festival International du Cinéma Archéologique de la Bidassoa
25 - 30 novembre 2013 Irun, Gipuzkoa. Espagne
Organizateurs: Museo Romano Oiasso de Irun, Ayuntamiento de Irun
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.irun.org/oiasso/home.aspx?tabid=1
2e Rencontres scientifiques internationales du MuCEM "Exposer, s'exposer : de quoi le musée est-il le
contemporain ?"
05 - 07 décembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Musée des Civilisations de l’Europe et de la Méditerranée (MuCEM)
Contact: Malika Médouni, [email protected]
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/25.html (7 de 9) [09/09/2013 16:22:13]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
DATE LIMITE: 24 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.mucem.org/fr/exposer-sexposer-de-quoi-le-musee-est-il-le-contemporain
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
Call for Papers - Digital Past 2014
12 - 13 février 2014 Llandudno. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical Monuments of Wales
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 11 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.rcahmw.gov.uk/HI/ENG/Our+Services/Outreach+/
Training course - Digital storytelling in Museums: a tool to engage adults and to evaluate the impact
24 - 28 mars 2014 Roma. Italie
Organizateurs: Meltingpro.Laboratorio per la Cultura. DIAMOND Project (European Union Lifelong Learning Programme)
Contact: Antonia Silvaggi - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 14 sep 2013
+ info: http://ec.europa.eu/education/trainingdatabase/index.cfm?fuseaction=DisplayCourse&cid=37326
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Silvaggi, Antonia. Italy
XV Universeum Meeting
12 - 14 juin 2014 Hamburg. Belgique
Organizateurs: UNIVERSIUM European network in collaboration with University of Hamburg
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.universeum.it/
Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artefacts
Edited by P Dillmann, CNRS/CEA, France, D Watkinson, Cardiff University, UK, E Angelini, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy and A Adriaens, Ghent University, Belgium.
European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series No. 65
Année: 2013
The conservation of metallic archaeological and historic artefacts is a major challenge whether they are
ancient bronzes or relics of our more recent industrial past. Based on the work of Working Party 21
Corrosion of Archaeological and Historical Artefacts within the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), this
important book summarises key recent research on analytical techniques, understanding corrosion processes and
preventing the corrosion of cultural heritage metallic artefacts…
+ info: http://www.woodheadpublishing.com/en/book.aspx?bookID=3218
La signalétique patrimoniale
Principes et mise en oeuvre de Daniel Jacobi et Maryline Le Roy
ISBN 978-2-87772-527-9
Éditions Actes Sud
Année: 2013
Une signalétique bien conçue, c’est-à-dire inventive tout en étant respectueuse des règles de l’art,
représente un vecteur discret mais fort de la communication d’un site, d’un monument, d’un musée ou
d’une exposition. Elle désigne, nomme, classe et structure, par la mobilisation d’indications spécifiques, les
différents éléments de l’offre, qu’ils soient d’ordre cognitif ou esthétique ou qu’ils relèvent du confort et des services
associés à la visite. Mais une signalétique homogène, bien conçue et mise en place dans des emplacements judicieusement
choisis, devient dans les faits un système cohérent qui structure et organise les parcours. Sa trame continue et homogène
devient, ni plus ni moins, qu’un mode d’aménagement graphique de l’espace…
+ info: http://www.actes-sud.fr/catalogue/etudes-historiques/la-signaletique
Understanding Photosynthesis - Comic Book
Autor Liam O'Donnell
ISBN: 978- 0736868410, 97-80736868419
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/25.html (8 de 9) [09/09/2013 16:22:13]
Musées, Muséologie et Patrimoine mobilier
Publisher: Capstone Press
Année: 2007
In Understanding Photosynthesis with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Liam O’Donnell, Max Axiom
introduces young botanists to the word photosynthesis, explains how molecules are mixed and formed in
the cholorplasts of plant cells, explains the role photosynthesis plays in the water cycle, and explains why plants cannot
keep the air clean and the Earth healthy all by themselves. Max Axiom accomplishes all this in a conversational tone and
without smothering readers with technical terms.
+ info: http://artplantaetoday.com/2013/07/12/photosynthesis-comic-book/?goback=.gde_114276_member_257668449
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Missing lynx: Climate change to wipe out rarest cat
Within 50 years, climate change will probably wipe out the world's most endangered feline,
the Iberian lynx, even if the world meets its target for curbing carbon emissions, biologists
said on Sunday. The gloomy forecast, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, says
that without a dramatic shift in conservative strategy, the charismatic little wildcat seems
doomed. The lynx -- Latin name Lynx pardinus -- grows to about a metre (3.25 feet) in
length, weighs up to 15 kilos (33 pounds), and is characterised by its spotted beige fur, pale
yellow eyes and tufted ears and cheeks. Only around 250 of the animals live in the wild,
holed up in two regions in southern Spain, the Sierra Morena and the Donana National Park, according to estimates
published last year…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63938/Missing-lynx--Climate-change-to-wipe-out-rarest-cat-#.Uh8LVT9GPnh
Un important trafiquant d'ivoire arrêté au Togo
Un important trafiquant d'ivoire, soupçonné d'avoir écoulé les défenses de dizaines de
milliers d'éléphants depuis 37 ans, a été arrêté cette semaine au Togo. L'enquête, menée
clandestinement par des défenseurs de la faune, a conduit à l'interpellation de près de 900
personnes au total.
Le commerçant togolais de 58 ans et un de ses associés originaire de Guinée ont été
appréhendés mardi et mercredi à Lomé. La police togolaise a saisi à cette occasion 725 kg
d'ivoire, principalement sous forme d'objets sculptés et de figurines…
+ info: http://www.lematin.ch/monde/afrique/Un-important-trafiquant-d-ivoire-arrete-au-Togo/story/15779012
Lake Rotsee Refuge / AFGH - 2012 - Lake Rotsee - Lucerne - Switzerland
The finish tower is part of the first phase of the Naturarena Rotsee area development. The
opening of the rowing center is scheduled for july 2016. The finish tower and the future rowing
center will form one architectural ensemble, perceivable by the mutual materialization,
constructive and aesthetic themes. The three story high, prefabricated wood construction is
carried by a pillared concrete platform above the water level.
The statically active concrete platform, provides access to the tower from the water and the
shore. In combination with the stairway on the rear, but no less prominent facade of the building,
the concrete structure anchors the building close to the lakeshore.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/409866/
Save The Elephants
One of the world's foremost authorities on the African elephant, Iain DouglasHamilton pioneered the first in-depth scientific study of elephant social behaviour
in Tanzania's Lake Manyara National Park at age 23.
He received a D Phil in zoology from Oxford University for the work. During the
1970s he investigated the status of elephants throughout Africa and was the first
to alert the world to the ivory poaching holocaust.
+ info: http://www.savetheelephants.org/
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) - Virunga National Park is at risk of becoming Africa’s newest oil field
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/26.html (1 de 4) [09/09/2013 16:22:14]
Patrimoine naturel et environnement
An oil company, Soco International PLC is intending to explore for oil in Virunga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you
believe this line should not be crossed, add your name now.
More than 95,000 people have already joined us.
Together we can draw the line and keep oil exploration out of Africa’s oldest national park.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/congo_basin_forests/problems/draw_the_line_pledge.cfm
How arts can enhance a heritage site - Why should we choose between arts and heritage when one project on
the Jurassic coast has given teeth and bite to both? - United Kingdom
In 2001, the whole length of British coastline from Exmouth to Studland was designated by Unesco as a natural World
Heritage Site – natural heritage so precious that it must be conserved, protected and passed on to future generations
intact. The coast is the only place in the world that records 185 million years of the earth's history in just 95 miles, telling
the story of the Mesozoic era of the world, from 250 to 65 million years ago.
This designation led to an explosion of activity along the coast as local organisations got to grips with how this could impact
positively on their work. In 2005, a new interpretation action plan acknowledged the role of the arts in engaging people
with the site. This led to an ambitious cultural strategy, which in turn led to the development of a multi-faceted arts
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/culture-professionals-network/culture-professionals-blog/2013/jul/25/jurassic-coastarts-heritage-unesco
Mali's fish traders get wise to wetland conservation
Source: Thomson Reuters Foundation - Wed, 14 Aug 2013 11:20 AM
Author: Soumaila T. Diarra At the noisy market in Mali’s central city of Mopti, 49-year-old
Alimatou Maiga complains about how hard it is to find big fish for sale these days.
Extracting a dried fish from a dish full of others, Maiga said supplies have become less plentiful
even though the region is Mali’s main source of fish. “When I started selling fish in 1984, there
was enough fish in the river and the fish trade was profitable,” she said.
Maiga and her female colleagues get their fish from the flood plains of the Inner Niger Delta, a 30,000 square km wetland
in central Mali’s semi-arid Sahel belt. “Now things have changed, as the (ethnic) Bozo fishermen who supply us can’t catch
as much fish as we need,” she said…
+ info: http://www.trust.org/item/20130814112031-rnexb/
"Unissons-nous contre le braconnage en Afrique" - Jeune Afrique
Au rythme où vont les choses, demain les enfants d'Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale parleront
des éléphants et des rhinocéros comme nous parlons des mammouths: des créatures
magnifiques appartenant au passé.
En quelques années, le massacre des espèces sauvages a pris des proportions industrielles,
en particulier le braconnage des animaux tués pour leur ivoire. Au Gabon, environ 11 000
éléphants ont été tués illégalement depuis 2004. Près de 700 rhinocéros ont été braconnés
en Afrique du Sud en 2012. En avril dernier, une milice armée est entrée dans le site du
patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco Tri-national de la Sangha (entre le Cameroun, la République centrafricaine et le Congo),
abattant 26 éléphants en quelques jours seulement…
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/1063
Jornadas de Reflexión en Patrimonio Cultural 2013
6 & 11 septembre 2013. Bogotá. Colombie. Entrada libre
Organizateurs: Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura y Programa de
Urbanismo & Asociación Restauradores Sin Fronteras A-RSF, Grupo Colombia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 sep 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/JORNADAS-PATRIMONIO-2013.pdf
Conférence MINaH 2013 "Entre nature universelle et cultures locales"
11 - 13 septembre 2013 Clermont-Ferrand. France
Organizateurs: Clermont University's pole for Research and Higher Education; Auvergne Institute for Country Developping;
Local council of the Puy-de-Dôme; et Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Park
Contact: Yves Michelin, professor at VetAgroSup: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 juin 2013
+ info: http://minah.vetagro-sup.fr/
23 - 28 septembre 2013, Amsterdam, Belgique
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Netherlands
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icomosconference.nl/
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
Formation gestion intégrée des sites patrimoniaux 2013
07 - 18 octobre 2013 Cluny et Bourgogne. France
Organizateurs: Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Contact: Lucie Para - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.polepatrimoine.org/activites/ateliers-et-formations-a-venir
Envoyée par membre FUUP: PARA, Lucie
5ème Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen - RIPAM 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine (CICRP) avec le concours des
Archives municipales de Marseille
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.cicrp.fr/docs/ripam1.pdf
4° Foro Internacional de Multiculturalidad
22 - 26 octobre 2013 Taxco. Mexique
Organizateurs: Universidad Autónoma de Guerrero, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 ago 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/ForoMulticulturalidad2013.pdf
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Olimpia Niglio. Italy
Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management (EMECS 10 - MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference)
30 octobre - 03 novembre 2013 Marmaris. Turquie
Organizateurs: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 feb 2013
+ info: http://www.medcoast.org.tr/MC13/Global_Congress_Call_for_Abstracts_digital.pdf
XIII Edizione - Corso EuroMediterraneo di Giornalismo Ambientale Laura Conti
04 novembre - 13 décembre 2013 Savona. Italie
Organizateurs: Organizzata in collaborazione con Legambiente e in partenariato con l’Istituto Nazionale di Geologia e
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.corsolauraconti.it/
Conference - Problems and experience of the engineering protection of the urbanized territories and a
safeguarding of the heritage under conditions of the geo-ecological risk
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Kiev. Ukraine
Organizateurs: National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”; National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical Cultural Preserve &
Charitable organization "Charitable Fund St. Sophia’’
Contact: Mss.Vira Losytska - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 may 2013
+ info: http://new.sophiakievska.org/en
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Yuriy Maslov
Museos y análisis museológicos
12 - 18 novembre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: CFP - Universitat Politècnica de València (España)
Contact: Mª Teresa Molto - [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/museos-y-analisis-museograficos_codper378658
Oaxaca 2013 - XII Congrès mondial de l'Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial "Villes patrimoniales,
Villes durables"
19 - 22 novembre 2013 Oaxaca. Mexique
Organizateurs: l’OVPM (Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://ocpmoaxaca2013.org/?lang=fr
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Patrimoine naturel et environnement
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
Glossaire International d'hydrologie
Auteurs : Organisation météorologique mondiale et UNESCO
ISBN: 978-92-3-001154-3; 978-92-63-03385-8
Année: 2012
UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization have released the 3rd edition of the International
Glossary of Hydrology.This work defines technical and scientific terms in English, French, Russian, and
Spanish to facilitate translation of publications and stimulate progress in the water sciences. The 2013
release of the 3rd edition coincides with the International Year of Water Cooperation, adopted by the UN in
Resolution A/RES/65/154.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002218/221862m.pdf
Understanding Photosynthesis - Comic Book
Autor Liam O'Donnell
ISBN: 978- 0736868410, 97-80736868419
Publisher: Capstone Press
Année: 2007
In Understanding Photosynthesis with Max Axiom, Super Scientist by Liam O’Donnell, Max Axiom
introduces young botanists to the word photosynthesis, explains how molecules are mixed and formed in
the cholorplasts of plant cells, explains the role photosynthesis plays in the water cycle, and explains why
plants cannot keep the air clean and the Earth healthy all by themselves. Max Axiom accomplishes all this in a
conversational tone and without smothering readers with technical terms.
+ info: http://artplantaetoday.com/2013/07/12/photosynthesis-comic-book/?goback=.gde_114276_member_257668449
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
Video - Conseervation of an 8th century Egyptian tunic - Victoria & Albert
Museum - London - United Kingdom
Elizabeth-Anne Haldane, Textile Conservator at the V&A, describes the conservation
work undertaken on an 8th-century Egyptian tunic, one of the exhibits to be displayed
in the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries.
+ info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cdhnORIAvo&feature=youtu.be
Authentification d'un tableau de Gustave Klimt par une chercheuse de
l'Université de Coimbra - Portugal
Benilde Costa, scientifique à l'Université de Coimbra et experte en spectrométrie
Mössbauer, a authentifié un tableau de Gustave Klimt, le Trumpeting Putto.
Le principe de la méthode est le suivant : un échantillon solide est exposé à des rayons
gamma, et un détecteur mesure l'intensité du rayonnement transmis à travers
l'échantillon. L'échantillon est excité par ce rayonnement gamma (photons) dont on peut
faire varier l'énergie autour d'une énergie de transition nucléaire. Lorsque l'énergie du
rayonnement incident correspond à l'énergie d'une transition électronique de cet échantillon, le rayonnement est absorbé,
et donc l'intensité du rayonnement collecté par le récepteur est faible. Il s'agit donc d'une spectrométrie d'absorption…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73665.htm
Diocletian’s palace gets laser facelift - Roman Emperor’s palace in Croatia cleaned in a
ten-year project - Croatia
Conservators in Croatia have completed a ten-year project to remove more than 1,700 years of
grime from the courtyard of the palace of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (AD244-311), in the
coastal city of Split. Lasers were used as the primary method to clean the peristyle of the fourthcentury imperial residence—an innovative technique that is normally reserved for cleaning
individual sculptures or details of larger architectural elements, as opposed to whole structures.
According to the architect Goran Niksic, who works for the city, this is the first time lasers have
been used on this scale in Croatia to clean stone…
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Diocletians-palace-gets-laser-facelift/30058?goback=.
Des scientifiques à la recherche de la véritable Mona Lisa - Italie
C'est désormais une tradition, presque aussi ancrée que le Palio à Sienne ou la Pâque à
Rome. Chaque été, le pseudo-chercheur Silvano Vinceti y va de sa pseudo-découverte,
de préférence sous les caméras. Dernière en date: sonder la crypte bien connue de la
basilique de Florence - la Santissima Annunziata - dans l'espoir d'identifier le modèle de
La Joconde . On sait que Léonard de Vinci est bien parti d'un modèle précis, à savoir
Lisa Gherardini, qui était la jeune épouse du commanditaire, Francesco di Bartolomeo
del Giocondo, un marchand de soie. Mais le maître toscan a gardé et retravaillé le
portrait durant des années et jusqu'à sa mort en France, pour aboutir à une figure idéale. Celle de la Femme, de la Beauté,
de l'idéal humain en harmonie avec la nature…
+ info: http://www.lefigaro.fr/arts-expositions/2013/08/12/03015-20130812ARTFIG00334-un-chercheur-sur-la-piste-de-lavraie-joconde.php
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
5th International conference on structural engineering, mechanics and computation
02 - 04 septembre 2013 Cape Town. Afrique du Sud
Organizateurs: University of Cape Town (UCT)
Contact: Prof. Abolhassan Astaneh-Asl, [email protected]
+ info: http://www.semc.uct.ac.za/seismic-behaviour-and-earthquake-resistant-design-of-long-period-structures/
Metals Working Group triennial meeting
16 - 20 septembre 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.metal2013.org/
LATAN - Curso internacional de gestión de riesgos para el patrimonio cultural
07 - 25 octobre 2013 Santiago de Chile. Chili
Organizateurs: El ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property); la
Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos de Chile (dibam) y el Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de Chile
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2013_10latam_risk_CHL_en.shtml
Cemetery Preservation Summit
08 - 10 octobre 2013 Niagara Falls, New York. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), United States
Contact: Jason Church - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 6 may 2013
+ info: http://ncptt.nps.gov/call-for-presentations-international-cemetery-preservation-summit/
5ème Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen - RIPAM 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine (CICRP) avec le concours des
Archives municipales de Marseille
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.cicrp.fr/docs/ripam1.pdf
X Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Castellón, Comunitat Valenciana. Espagne
Organizateurs: Instituto Valenciano de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales (IVC+R), el Instituto del
Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE) y la Universitat de València
Contact: [email protected] - Clodoaldo Roldán
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: https://arqueometria.ivcr.es/site/arqueometria2013/
IV Simposio Latinoamericano de métodos de química y física en arqueología, arte y conservación de
patrimonio cultural - LASMAC 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Bogotá. Colombie
Organizateurs: Asociación Química Colombiana; HAERENTIA; Archivo General de la Nacion Colombia; Comité Científico
Internacional de LASMAC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.lasmac2013.com/
International Scientific Workshop: VERSUS - Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture (CIAV 2013)
16 - 20 octobre 2013 Vila Nova de Cerveira. Portugal
Organizateurs: Escola Superior Gallaecia & ICOMOS-CIAV
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.esg.pt/ciav2013/
COIBRECOPA 2013 - III Congreso Iberoamericano - XI Jornada "Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
16 - 18 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: CIC - LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.coibrecopa.com.ar/
Curso de especialización - Curso Superior de Intervención en Bienes Muebles: el Proyecto de Conservación
17 octobre - 27 juin 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/canales/formacion/cursos/detalle.jsp?curso=3104
AICCM National Conference "Contexts for Conservation"
23 - 25 octobre 2013 Adelaide, SA. Australie
Organizateurs: The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM), Australie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 abr 2013
+ info: http://tasted13.mywepundit.com/browser.php?indx=7962993&item=32
Call for Papers - Metals Group Autumn Conference & AGM - Amazing Technicoloured Dreamcoats: Protective
surface finishes for metals
08 novembre 2013 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: The Icon Metals Group
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.icon.org.uk/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=2122
40th International Symposium on Archaeometry (ISA)
19 - 23 mai 2014 Los Angeles. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) and the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), United States
DATE LIMITE: 16 dic 2013
+ info: http://www.archaeometry2014.com/
Curvare la pietra
Autore: Simona Ottieri
Editore: Aracne
ISBN: 978-88-548-6158-9
Année: 2013
Questo libro costituisce uno dei primi contributi rivolti ad evidenziare, in un ambito di pura ricerca
scientifica, le possibilità tecnologiche e progettuali legate al tema della curvtura dei materiali lapidei
artificiali. Questo lavoro è l'esito di un triennio di ricerche condotto dall'autrice presso il Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dei Materiali dell'Universita Federico II° di Napoli nell'ambito del Dottorato di ricerca. È, quindi, un libro che
sonda le possibilità espressive e tecniche in campo architettonico di sostanze apparentemente non modellabili e pertanto il
suo esito rappresenta un risultato particolarmente originale ed interessante dal punto di vista scientifico.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854861589detail.html
Corrosion and conservation of cultural heritage metallic artefacts
Edited by P Dillmann, CNRS/CEA, France, D Watkinson, Cardiff University, UK, E Angelini, Politecnico di
Torino, Italy and A Adriaens, Ghent University, Belgium.
European Federation of Corrosion (EFC) Series No. 65
Année: 2013
The conservation of metallic archaeological and historic artefacts is a major challenge whether they are
ancient bronzes or relics of our more recent industrial past. Based on the work of Working Party 21
Corrosion of Archaeological and Historical Artefacts within the European Federation of Corrosion (EFC), this
important book summarises key recent research on analytical techniques, understanding corrosion processes and
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Recherche en physique et chimie des matériaux
preventing the corrosion of cultural heritage metallic artefacts…
+ info: http://www.woodheadpublishing.com/en/book.aspx?bookID=3218
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Restauration et conservation
Restauration et conservation
Video - Conseervation of an 8th century Egyptian tunic - Victoria & Albert
Museum - London - United Kingdom
Elizabeth-Anne Haldane, Textile Conservator at the V&A, describes the conservation
work undertaken on an 8th-century Egyptian tunic, one of the exhibits to be displayed
in the Medieval and Renaissance Galleries.
+ info: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cdhnORIAvo&feature=youtu.be
Competition - Five London Firms Shortlisted for Met Police HQ - London - United
Five London-based firms - AHMM, Allies & Morrison, Foster & Partners, Keith Williams Architects
and Lifschutz Davidson Sandilands - have been selected to compete for the “Scotland Yard”
redevelopment of the abandoned Curtis Green MPS building on the Victoria Embankment. As
reported by BDOnline, the shortlisted firms will each propose a “landmark building for London”
that will provide a “modern and efficient working environment” for the new Metropolitan Police
Service Headquarters. The judging panel, spearheaded by architect Bill Taylor and RIBA Adviser
Taylor Snell, will review the proposals in September.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408939/five-london-firms-shortlisted-for-met-police-hq
Ex Unione Militare Refurbishment / Fuksas Design - 2013 - Rome - Italy
From the architect: A new architecture redefines the urban landscape of Rome historic
centre according to contemporary taste. It’s the steel and glass «Lantern» of the “Ex Unione
Militare” building, situated between Via del Corso and Via Tomacelli, that crosses the four
floors of the building from the ground-floor up to the panoramic terrace with a view of the
dome of the Basilica of Saint Ambrose and Carlo al Corso.
A contemporary interpretation of the historic centre has led to a minor intervention on the
outside of the building, whose original construction dates back to the end of the XIX
century, focusing on the renovation of the interiors and roofing. The restoration of the outside has focused on the
recovering and valorization of the original architectural features of the building. The architecture of the facades has been
highlighted through a minimal light design intervention, which gives a touch of contemporary to the building whilst putting
it in connection to the city…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/404989/
FABRA & COATS / Manuel Ruisánchez arquitecto & Francesc
Bacardit architects - 2012 - Barcelona (Spain)
From the architect. The central structure of the Fabra & Coats complex is a
four-storey building which consists of three juxtaposed bodies. A large
edifice located to the west and two smaller ones oriented to the east and
north. Leaning on the east facade of this great building, a single-storey
construction houses the ‘boiler room’, which used to supply energy to the
whole Fabra & Coats compound. The building, built in 1910, has a total of
14,000 m2.
The intervention in Fabra & Coats was highly respectful of the existing building. More of a transformation, it is a recovery of
an industrial space. Despite the complexity of the functional program – a ‘factory’ of artistic creation, a school of arts and a
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Restauration et conservation
Heritage Conservation Center and also including a ‘Museum of labor’ – constructive and structural elements were kept, as
well as some of the original systems and facilities…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/404188/fabra-and-coats-manuel-ruisanchez-and-francesc-bacardit-architects/
DUSSELDORF / Atelier d’Architecture Bruno Erpicum & Partners - Düsseldorf Germany
From the architect: Bruno Erpicum was the architect entrusted with designing this
warehouse conversion. It is now the home of a couple with a passion for architecture who
were keen to make one of Düsseldorf’s rare ruins their own. The reconversion was closely
overseen by the administrative authorities, since this old factory in the city centre
miraculously avoided damage during the many bombings of World War II.
Across from the coachman’s passageway are some garages that stand in front of the
entrance court. The court is dotted with screens that flank the entrance and seclude off the “day patio”. The history of the
city is reflected in the glass panels, reminding you of the building’s heritage. A facade made entirely of glass stands
completely independently of the old structures, showing off their immense scale…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408604/
Diocletian’s palace gets laser facelift - Roman Emperor’s palace in Croatia cleaned in a
ten-year project - Croatia
Conservators in Croatia have completed a ten-year project to remove more than 1,700 years of
grime from the courtyard of the palace of the Roman Emperor Diocletian (AD244-311), in the
coastal city of Split. Lasers were used as the primary method to clean the peristyle of the fourthcentury imperial residence—an innovative technique that is normally reserved for cleaning
individual sculptures or details of larger architectural elements, as opposed to whole structures.
According to the architect Goran Niksic, who works for the city, this is the first time lasers have
been used on this scale in Croatia to clean stone…
+ info: http://www.theartnewspaper.com/articles/Diocletians-palace-gets-laser-facelift/30058?goback=.
Pactan el rescate del patrimonio histórico
El rescate del patrimonio histórico cultural edificado es uno de los objetivos del Plan Estatal de Desarrollo en el gobierno
que encabeza Egidio Torre Cantú, por lo que en coordinación con la Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas, ha dado inicio la
restauración arquitectónica del interior del Palacio Municipal del Ayuntamiento de Tampico.
Para llevar a cabo este proyecto la Secretaría de Desarrollo Urbano y Medio Ambiente, así como la Universidad Autónoma
de Tamaulipas a través de la Facultad de Arquitectura, Diseño y Urbanismo (FADU), firmaron un acuerdo de colaboración
que servirá de base para la realización de estos trabajos que dan continuidad a la restauración de la fachada del edificio de
la presidencia municipal, así como el Kisoco y Plaza de Armas del referido Puerto…
+ info: http://www.gaceta.mx/noticia.aspx?idnota=55656
La piscine du Havre retrouve ses statues - Le Havre - France
Dans le cadre de la restauration de la façade de la piscine du cours de la République, la
Fondation du Patrimoine s’est associée à la commune du Havre pour la restitution des
deux baigneurs réalisés pour orner l'entrée principale de l'édifice.
La souscription lancée en décembre 2011 par la délégation Haute-Normandie de la
Fondation du Patrimoine a permis de collecter plus de 24 000 €. Grâce au mécénat de la
Fondation Total, la Fondation du Patrimoine a apporté un soutien supplémentaire de 150
000 €…
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/fr/national-0/actualites-3/detail-la-piscine-du-havre-retrouve-ses-statues1905
Scottish neo-classical palladian mansion Kinross House announced as winner of
restoration award - United Kingdom
The Historic Houses Association and Sotheby’s announced that the 2013 Restoration Award
has been awarded to Kinross House, Scotland’s first neo-classical Palladian mansion. Built in
1685 by Sir William Bruce, one of the foremost architects of the classical form, the historic
house was in need of extensive restoration when its present owner, Mr Donald Fothergill,
acquired the property in 2011. In a labour of love, Kinross House and Gardens have been
saved from disrepair and meticulously restored to their former glory. Six other applicants
from across the UK have been commended or shortlisted for this year’s Award. “The major restoration programme which
has been undertaken over the past two years at Kinross has saved and revitalised this hugely important house from
deterioration and possible future loss. The scale of the renovation is magnificent, and the house can now be seen by more
people than perhaps ever in its long history - it is terrific to see the house coming back to life and being filled once again.
Active use of the house is already having a beneficial effect on employment and incomes in the surrounding area. I would
also like to congratulate all those projects which the judges have commended as well as those on the shortlist” - Richard
Compton, President of the Historic Houses Association…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64263/Scottish-neo-classical-palladian-mansion-announced-as-winner-of-restorationaward
Italy calls for German assistance as Pompeii falls further into ruin
With the greatest number of Unesco world heritage sites, and state coffers that do not
have much to spare for the culture sector, Italy has long worried how to protect its
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Restauration et conservation
heritage.from ruin Now it is resorting to overseas help to find a solution for Pompeii.
In recent years Italy has experimented with private sponsors for various projects, with
shoe company Tod's funding a revamp of the Colosseum and Fendi sprucing up the Trevi
fountain. The Pompeii Sustainable Preservation project (PSP) draws on the resources of
international institutions as researchers from the Technische Universität in Munich (TUM),
the Fraunhofer Institute and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
(ICCROM) embark on a 10-year, €10m (£8.6m) effort to prevent the world-famous site in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius
"from falling further into ruin"…
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/30/pompeii-ruins-italy-preservation-2014?CMP=twt_gu
17th Triennial Conference: "Building Strong Culture through Conservation"
15 - 19 septembre 2013 Melbourne. Australie
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 26 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.icom-cc2014.org/
3rd European Workshop on Cultural Heritage Preservation (EWCHP 2013)
16 - 18 septembre 2013 Bolzano. Italie
Organizateurs: The European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC), Italy
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.3encult.eu/en/ewchp/
Metals Working Group triennial meeting
16 - 20 septembre 2013 Edinburgh, Scotland. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: ICOM-CC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.metal2013.org/
Curso de verano "Ciudad, bienes culturales y patrimonio mundial: ejemplaridad e intervención"
18 - 20 septembre 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional Andaluza en colaboración con la Cátedra UNESCO de Interculturalidad y Derechos
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.unia.es/component/option,com_hotproperty/task,view/id,985/pid,5/Itemid,445/
Curso - La Conservación y restauración del mosaico
05 octobre - 23 novembre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: CFP - Universitat Politècnica de València
Contact: Esther Nebot - [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/la-conservacion-y-restauracion-del-mosaico_idiomaesmenuupvtrue-cid34020.html
LATAN - Curso internacional de gestión de riesgos para el patrimonio cultural
07 - 25 octobre 2013 Santiago de Chile. Chili
Organizateurs: El ICCROM (International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property); la
Dirección de Bibliotecas, Archivos y Museos de Chile (dibam) y el Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración de Chile
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/01train_en/announce_en/2013_10latam_risk_CHL_en.shtml
Cemetery Preservation Summit
08 - 10 octobre 2013 Niagara Falls, New York. États-Unis d'Amérique
Organizateurs: The National Center for Preservation Technology and Training (NCPTT), United States
Contact: Jason Church - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 6 may 2013
+ info: http://ncptt.nps.gov/call-for-presentations-international-cemetery-preservation-summit/
IV Simposio Latinoamericano de métodos de química y física en arqueología, arte y conservación de
patrimonio cultural - LASMAC 2013
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Restauration et conservation
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Bogotá. Colombie
Organizateurs: Asociación Química Colombiana; HAERENTIA; Archivo General de la Nacion Colombia; Comité Científico
Internacional de LASMAC
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.lasmac2013.com/
COIBRECOPA 2013 - III Congreso Iberoamericano - XI Jornada "Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del
16 - 18 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: CIC - LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.coibrecopa.com.ar/
X Congreso Ibérico de Arqueometría
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Castellón, Comunitat Valenciana. Espagne
Organizateurs: Instituto Valenciano de Conservación y Restauración de Bienes Culturales (IVC+R), el Instituto del
Patrimonio Cultural de España (IPCE) y la Universitat de València
Contact: [email protected] - Clodoaldo Roldán
DATE LIMITE: 1 abr 2013
+ info: https://arqueometria.ivcr.es/site/arqueometria2013/
5ème Rencontres Internationales du Patrimoine Architectural Méditerranéen - RIPAM 2013
16 - 18 octobre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: Centre Interdisciplinaire de Conservation et de Restauration du Patrimoine (CICRP) avec le concours des
Archives municipales de Marseille
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.cicrp.fr/docs/ripam1.pdf
Curso de especialización - Curso Superior de Intervención en Bienes Muebles: el Proyecto de Conservación
17 octobre - 27 juin 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: El Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico (IAPH)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.iaph.es/web/canales/formacion/cursos/detalle.jsp?curso=3104
Workshop: Managing indoor climate risks
20 - 25 octobre 2013 Yogyakarta. Indonésie
Organizateurs: The Directorate of Heritage Conservation and Museums Indonesia and the The Gadjah Mada University in
collaboration with the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands (RCE) and the Tropen Museum Amsterdam
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.cultureelerfgoed.nl/en/managing-indoor-climate-risks
AICCM National Conference "Contexts for Conservation"
23 - 25 octobre 2013 Adelaide, SA. Australie
Organizateurs: The Australian Institute for the Conservation of Cultural Material (AICCM), Australie
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 12 abr 2013
+ info: http://tasted13.mywepundit.com/browser.php?indx=7962993&item=32
Third Church Buildings Council International Symposium
31 octobre 2013 London. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: ChurchCare
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.churchcare.co.uk/about-us/our-events/event-booking/event/5-conservation-strategies-for-churchbuildings
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Pedro Gaspar. Portugal
4th International Fair of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage “Baština 2013” as well as The 4th
International Convention of Cultural Tourism
29 - 30 octobre 2013 Sremska Mitrovica, Voivodina. Serbie (République de)
Organizateurs: Kulturni Forum & Sirmium PALATIUM IMPERIAL
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2013_en/field_en/06_18_KulturniForum_SER.pdf
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Restauration et conservation
International Conference Built Heritage 2013 "Monitoring Conservation Management"
18 - 20 novembre 2013 Milan. Italie
Organizateurs: Politecnico di Milano
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 mar 2013
+ info: http://www.bh2013.polimi.it
Cities under Restoration – International Symposium
18 - 21 novembre 2013 Kolkata. Inde
Organizateurs: CBE (Centre for Built Environment)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.cbecitysymposium2.org/index.html
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
IIC 2014: An Unbroken History: Conserving East Asian Works of Art and Heritage
22 - 26 septembre 2014 Hong Kong. Chine
Organizateurs: International Institute for conservation of historic and artistic works (ICC)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 17 may 2013
+ info: http://www.lcsd.gov.hk/CE/Museum/Conservation/eng/iic/congress.htm
Curvare la pietra
Autore: Simona Ottieri
Editore: Aracne
ISBN: 978-88-548-6158-9
Année: 2013
Questo libro costituisce uno dei primi contributi rivolti ad evidenziare, in un ambito di pura ricerca
scientifica, le possibilità tecnologiche e progettuali legate al tema della curvtura dei materiali lapidei
artificiali. Questo lavoro è l'esito di un triennio di ricerche condotto dall'autrice presso il Dipartimento di
Ingegneria dei Materiali dell'Universita Federico II° di Napoli nell'ambito del Dottorato di ricerca. È, quindi, un libro che
sonda le possibilità espressive e tecniche in campo architettonico di sostanze apparentemente non modellabili e pertanto il
suo esito rappresenta un risultato particolarmente originale ed interessante dal punto di vista scientifico.
+ info: http://www.aracneeditrice.it/aracneweb/index.php/catalogo/area/ingegneria-civile-e-architettura/9788854861589detail.html
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Peinture et art rupestre
Art rupestre et patrimoine préhistorique
Gruta do Escoural / Nuno Simões + DNSJ.arq - 2011 - Escoural, Montemor-o-novo, Alentejo,
From the architect: The assignment was to build a new structure to replace the former temporary
structure which was in very poor condition and a new antechamber. The antechamber, needed to
control the thermal exchanges,was thought like a new “perfect rock” among the others existing ones.
The main concerns of the structure to allow visitors inside the cave, was to be able to run a clean and
dry construction, considering the impossibility of using construction techniques that would require
welding and/or in situ concrete and the use of enduring materials capable of withstanding the passage
of time in a particularly hostile environment. We decided that this structure should be opaque and black in sharp contrast
with the light color of the limestone cave…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/408774/gruta-do-escoural-nuno-simoes-dnsj-arq/
Genetic study says skeletons probably linked with first settlers of the American
continent - Mexico DF - Mexico
Nearly 30 human skeletons, dated back to the second millennia before our era, which were
found in the La Sepultura cave, in the state of Tamaulipas, could be related with the first
settlers of the American continent, according to the genetic study headed by experts of the
National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH). Based on the osteometric studies,
ancient DNA and radiocarbon tests, applied to the osseous remains recovered at the
municipality of Tula in the Eastern Sierra Madre, archaeologists can “demonstrate that in this
area they have found evidence of one of the most ancient genetic lineages in America”. These remains are therefore
associated with the men that crossed the Bering Strait 12 or 10 million years before. The radiocarbon dating of the osseous
remains (teeth) and a fragment of a grass mat found in the same cave, place them among the years 1397 through 1195
BC and 1313 and 914 BC…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64223/Genetic-study-says-skeletons-probably-linked-with-first-settlers-of-the-Americancontinent#.UiX27D9GPnh
Spanish dig in the caves of Atapuerca seeks prehistoric ancestors of Europeans Spain
A picture taken on July 11, 2013 shows workers carrying out an excavation at the Gran
Dolonia site, part of the Archaeological Site of Atapuerca, in the Sierra de Atapuerca,
province of Burgos. Fossils and stone tools of the earliest known hominids in Europe, dating
to between 780,000 and 1 million years ago, were discovered at the Atapuerca's
Archaeological site which was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2000. In
2007 the archaeological team found in the caves of the Elephant, a jaw and a human
phalanx dating back 1.2 million years and considered to be the remains of the "oldest European".
With trowels and paintbrushes, dozens of archaeologists in white hard-hats patiently sift the reddish-brown earth in the
caves of Atapuerca, searching for remains a million years old. From under strata spanning hundreds of millenia at this site
in northern Spain, they unearth ancient mouse bones and the teeth of horses -- but what they most hope for is a sign of
prehistoric humans that could write a new chapter in our evolution…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63953/Spanish-dig-in-the-caves-of-Atapuerca-seeks-prehistoric-ancestors-of-Europeans-
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
The first World Heritage Management MA diploma was awarded to the students of the Budapest College of
Communication and Business being the initial member of Central Europe in the UNESCO-UNITWIN “Culture,
Tourism, Development” network
Early July of 2013, seven students proved their knowledge in English language about UNESCO and World Heritage. The
three term management training introduced them through UNESCO’s organisational operation to the issues of intangible
and world heritage. They have got to know the values and preserving organisations of the world that by their cooperation,
contribute to the safeguarding of the world’s cultural treasures…
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Budapest_MA.doc
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Lia Bassa
First list of ‘The 7 Most Endangered’ Monuments and Sites in Europe presented at press
On a press conference held at the European Parliament Office in Athens, Denis de Kergorlay,
Executive President of Europa Nostra, and Guy Clausse, Director and Special Advisor to the
Director General of the European Investment Bank, announced the 7 most endangered landmarks
in Europe.
Among the listed monuments and sites are the Roman amphitheatre in Durrës in Albania, the
Renaissance monastery of San Benedetto Po in Italy and the historic mining landscape of Rosia
Montana in Romania.
+ info: http://www.europanostra.org/news/340/
L’UNESCO, la Turquie et le Japon lancent un projet de sauvegarde du site du
patrimoine mondial de Cappadoce (Turquie)
S.Exc. Gürcan Balik, Ambassadeur et Délégué permanent de la Turquie auprès de l’UNESCO,
et Kishore Rao, Directeur du Centre du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, ont, le 17 juillet,
signé un Plan d’opérations pour un projet de US$1,2 millions pour la sauvegarde du site du
patrimoine mondial du Parc national de Göreme et des Sites rupestres de Cappadoce. S.Exc.
M. Isao Kiso, Ambassadeur et Délégué permanent du Japon, était également présent à cette
Le projet de coopération international, intitulé « Sauvegarde des églises rupestres de Cappadoce, Turquie : Préservation
des structures et peintures rupestres », prévu pour une durée de trois ans, est généreusement financé par le Fonds-endépôt du Japon pour la Conservation du patrimoine culturel mondial et a été créé en étroite coopération avec le Ministère
de la culture et du tourisme de la Turquie…
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/1057/
Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot voit rouge… jaune, rose, vert et bleu !- France
Après trois ans d’incertitude, le manoir dit Château Lalande à Saint-Sylvestre-sur-Lot (Lot-etGaronne) a trouvé acheteur… et restaurateur.
Depuis octobre 2008, cette bâtisse des XIII et XVIIIème siècles réhabilitée en palace quatre
étoiles était mis en liquidation et tombait à l’abandon. Cette période de flottement prend fin
en 2011 lorsque Philippe Ginestet, PDG et fondateur du groupe GIFI, rachète les neuf
hectares du domaine pour 780 000 euros. Il entreprend d’ouvrir de nouveau un hôtel de luxe
(prévue en 2014) et d’apporter sa touche personnelle à ces pierres.
C’est là que le bât blesse : les extravagances ornementales prévues par Philippe Ginestet laissent perplexe. Rose, jaune,
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
bleu, vert et rouge pétants. Voici de quoi l’avenir des façades de ce château sera fait. Question audace, le projet reçoit
10/10. Question patrimoine, la note dégringole…
+ info: http://patrimoine-environnement.fr/saint-sylvestre-sur-lot-voit-rouge-jaune-rose-vert-et-bleu/
Panguipulli Hotel / GArquitectos - 2012 - Panguipulli - Chile
From the architect. The idea of designing a project in the south lead us to imagine the great
roofs of the Colona warehouses. Made of rusted zinc, their strong presence builds a dialogue
with the distant geography, with the ability to hold an image between the historic of our
architectural heritage, and the beauty of a rugged terrain. Thus, this relationship sets a
characteristic heritage landscape.
From the idea or capacity of these structures to make evident a new landscape, we
considered as a first point (almost a bit rushed), a project that could embody this
responsibility from afar, avoiding an obvious conformation of home, hotel, or warehouse. We got closer to the
contemporary idea of a clearly horizontal artifact. A black roof long enough to suggest a dialogue with the distant
geography, a new profile, which as a plinth, would support the image of three volcanoes…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405241/panguipulli-hotel-garquitectos/
Le théorème de Sbeïtla ou le patrimoine au coeur du développement - Tunisie
Sbeïtla, est une ville historique, au centre-ouest de la Tunisie, attenante au gouvernorat de
Kasserine. Magnifiquement intégrée dans les paysages grandioses, elle se démarque par la
richesse d'un patrimoine remontant loin dans l'antiquité, et qui doit être préservé et
transmis intact aux générations à venir. Pour ce faire, un long travail va être mis en
Sbeïtla, l'ancienne Sufetula, est une cité fondée par les Romains, sous la dynastie des
Flaviens, dans la deuxième moitié du 1er siècle après Jésus-Christ. On en retrouve des
traces à travers divers monuments de l'époque romaine, tels que des forums et théâtres, ou de l'époque byzantine avec la
présence d'églises…
+ info: http://www.kapitalis.com/culture/16789-tunisie-le-theoreme-de-sbeitla-ou-le-patrimoine-au-coeur-dudeveloppement.html
La ville parfaite selon Rui Vasques, designer - Prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE
2012 - Portugal
Rui Vasques, 25 ans, designer, a créé le modèle de la ville parfaite, Eco-Village Community.
Cette étude lui a valu le prix du Meilleur Etudiant du Cours IADE 2012 et une présentation de
son projet dans tout le pays. Sa création prend en compte plusieurs facteurs, tels que la
protection de l'environnement, le design des bâtiments et de la ville, les constructions...
Le projet Eco-Village Community est né dans le cadre de son Master en design en reliant quatre
thèmes - culturel, scientifique, expérimental et logistique - et en introduisant des domaines tels
que l'écologie, l'anthropologie, la sociologie, les neurosciences, l'art, la bioconstruction, le marketing vert…
+ info: http://www.bulletins-electroniques.com/actualites/73664.htm
Moscow introduces museum tours by scooter - Russian Federation
An inter-museum navigation system will link the Moscow Manege with a number of other
museums. This is the essence of the new project, "TurKultur," giving people the opportunity
to visit several museums in the center of the city in one day, moving from one point to
another by scooter.
At the same time, participants willbe learning about all the sights that they will see along the
way. The tour offers 10 different routes in total, each lasting from anywhere between 15
minutes and 120 minutes…
+ info: http://rbth.ru/arts/2013/07/27/moscow_introduces_museum_tours_by_scooter_28433.html
Mystic Hill / FDS Arquitectos - 2012 - Lavallejo - Uruguay
A good friend calls us to design a small hotel, 4 or 6 rooms on the hills of Lavalleja, Uruguay.
The area is very well known for its spiritual tourism, as it is a very energetic place.
… there is definitely something very special about the energy of the hill: it is quite
inaccessible, it is covered by low native vegetation. There are formations belonging to the
earliest inhabitants of the place and archeological remains difficult to date. The views from
up there are breathtaking. Our friend and his family are in love with the place, we feel
incredibly motivated and challenged by the task.
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/411979/mystic-hill-fds-arquitectos
Choquequirao: las ruinas a las que se llegará en teleférico
Es conocida como la “hermana sagrada” de Machu Picchu por la similitud de las estructuras y su ubicación
estratégica; pero a diferencia de la famosísima ciudadela, Choquequirao recibe al día, un número de
turistas que se cuentan con los dedos de la mano. Está en el Cusco (Anta), pero el único acceso a ella es
por tierra a través de la limítrofe Apurímac y tras una dura y larga caminata, apta para un puñado de
En los próximos días se anunciará el lanzamiento del proyecto de teleférico que pasará sobre el cañón del
río Apurímac y que permitirá acceder a las ruinas. Como resultado se espera, en principio, elevar el
número de visitantes a 800 por día…
+ info: http://ilam.org/patrimonio/sos-patrimonio/noticias-patrimonio/1272-teleferico.html
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Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
3ª Edición del Máster Internacional en Proyectos Culturales
Tras la excelente acogida de las dos primeras ediciones, con alumnos residentes en
España, Colombia, Brasil, Ecuador y Japón, la Cámara Oficial de Comercio e Industria de
Toledo (España) y la Fundación ILAM – (Costa Rica), organizan la 3ª Edición del Máster
Internacional en Proyectos Culturales (MPC), que comenzará este próximo Octubre de
El MPC tiene como objetivo la formación de profesionales de primer nivel en el diseño y
gestión de proyectos viables y sostenibles, que tengan los bienes culturales, tangibles e
intangibles, como recurso.
Se imparte en la modalidad E-Learning (Distancia) (con o sin webinars).
La utilización de plataformas docentes y virtuales para el aporte de textos y materiales, y para la celebración de webinars
(clases on line en conexión directa profesor/alumno y en tiempo real), posibilita al alumno la autogestión de su tiempo de
estudio, y hace posible que sea compatible con el desempeño profesional, pudiendo realizarlo el alumno desde su lugar de
Los organizadores ofrecen para esta 3ª Edición quince becas de 1.000 euros cada una, para aquellos alumnos cuyo
currículum académico o situación profesional amerite esta ayuda.
+ info: http://masterproyectosculturales.org/
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Dominguez, Rosa
I Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Socialización del Patrimonio en el Medio Rural
18 - 21 septembre 2013 Malpartida de Cáceres. Espagne
Organizateurs: Ayuntamiento de Malpartida de Cáceres, la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de
Extremadura y Underground Arqueología
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sopa13.blogspot.com.es/
Jornada de ICOMOS Argentina "El patrimonio. La sustentabilidad y el desafío del desarrollo"
19 - 20 septembre 2013 Córdoba. Argentine
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Argentina en el marco de la celebración del 40º Aniversario del Comité Argentino de ICOMOS,
conmemorado el día 21 de mayo de 2013.
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 30 ago 2013
+ info: http://icomoschile.blogspot.com.es/2013/08/el-patrimonio-sustentabilidad-y.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Ramírez Hinrichsen, Javier. Chile
12th Edition of The Best in Heritage
19 - 21 septembre 2013 Dubrovnik. Croatie
Organizateurs: The Best in Heritage Association in partnership with EUROPA NOSTRA under Special Patronage of ICOM
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.thebestinheritage.com/conference/programme/
7ª Conferència Internacional sobre Turisme Responsable en Destinacions
03 - 04 octobre 2013 Barcelone. Espagne
Organizateurs: l’Observatori de Turisme Responsable, TSI-Turisme Sant Ignasi (Universitat Ramon Llull)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 23 jul 2013
+ info: http://rtd7.org/
Curso a distancia “Turismo sostenible y Desarrollo Local”
11 octobre 2013 - 30 mai 2014 -- Curso online
Organizateurs: Delnet, Programa de Empresa, Microfinanzas y Desarrollo Local (EMDL) del Centro Internacional de
Formación de la OIT
Contact: Erika Valdevenito - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 sep 2013
+ info: http://emld.itcilo.org/es?set_language=es
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Toselli, Claudia. Argentina
North West Branch of the IHBC launches digital Day conference 2013 ‘Digital Heritage – new technology for
the historic environment’
16 octobre 2013 Manchester. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: IHBC (Institute of Historic Building Conservation) supported by English Heritage and 53NOMA
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://digitalheritage.ihbc.org.uk/
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/30.html (3 de 5) [09/09/2013 16:22:44]
Tourisme : tourisme culturel et écotourisme
5º Coloquio internacional Ciudades del turismo: 'El imaginario y la construcción del territorio turístico'
24 - 25 octobre 2013 Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Mexique
Organizateurs: Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.colson.edu.mx/Documents/Conv_Ciudades_del_Turismo_2013.pdf
4th International Fair of Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Heritage “Baština 2013” as well as The 4th
International Convention of Cultural Tourism
29 - 30 octobre 2013 Sremska Mitrovica, Voivodina. Serbie (République de)
Organizateurs: Kulturni Forum & Sirmium PALATIUM IMPERIAL
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.iccrom.org/eng/news_en/2013_en/field_en/06_18_KulturniForum_SER.pdf
Global Congress on Integrated Coastal Management (EMECS 10 - MEDCOAST 2013 Joint Conference)
30 octobre - 03 novembre 2013 Marmaris. Turquie
Organizateurs: MEDCOAST Foundation
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 feb 2013
+ info: http://www.medcoast.org.tr/MC13/Global_Congress_Call_for_Abstracts_digital.pdf
COIBRECOPA 2013 - III Congreso Iberoamericano - XI Jornada "Técnicas de Restauración y Conservación del
16 - 18 octobre 2013 La Plata. Argentine
Organizateurs: CIC - LEMIT en colaboración con la provincia de Buenos Aires y el Instituto Andaluz del Patrimonio Histórico
de España
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 abr 2013
+ info: http://www.coibrecopa.com.ar/
Oaxaca 2013 - XII Congrès mondial de l'Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial "Villes patrimoniales,
Villes durables"
19 - 22 novembre 2013 Oaxaca. Mexique
Organizateurs: l’OVPM (Organisation des Villes du Patrimoine Mondial)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 mar 2013
+ info: http://ocpmoaxaca2013.org/?lang=fr
8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
03 - 05 décembre 2013 Putrajaya. Malaisie
Organizateurs: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/sustainable-city-2013.html
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/30.html (4 de 5) [09/09/2013 16:22:44]
Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
Texas State professor studies history at the bottom of the sea
After spending a week in the Gulf of Mexico, then three in Colombia, documenting and excavating shipwrecks, Fritz
Hanselmann has docked back in Central Texas.
An underwater archaeologist at Texas State University, Hanselmann has studied wrecks dating from the 16th century to
the World War II era, some belonging to legendary explorers such as Captain Henry Morgan and Captain William Kidd…
+ info: http://www.menafn.com/fc755292-4b70-403b-b1bd-6238a0342614/Texas-State-professor-studies-history-at-thebottom-of-the-sea?src=main
Colonial Shipwrecks of Colombia: Looking to the Future
National Geographic Grantee and Texas State University Research Faculty Frederick “Fritz” Hanselmann
and a top-notch team of archaeologists from Colombia and the United States are leading an expedition to
locate and document historic shipwrecks off of the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Follow along with Fritz’s
updates from the field.
+ info: http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2013/08/21/colonial-shipwrecks-of-colombia-looking-tothe-future/
Crannogs – Timber and stone riddles wrapped in water
The cold, dark waters of Scottish lochs hold a certain place in the imagination – conjuring up
images of the Loch Ness monster, or for others, the animistic water spirits of Scottish folklore
known as ‘kelpies’, not to mention the stunning backdrop for numerous movies.
However, for a handful of of archaeologists, the dark water of Scottish lochs hold a different,
more tangible riddle – island dwellings, typically represented by the crannog, a type of small
artificial islet, and the Hebridean ‘island dun’.
While the concept of an island dwelling is relatively straightforward, current terminology employs
a number of overlapping labels. The Gaelic word crannog literally translates as ‘son of tree’ or ‘young tree’. However, the
term also applies to numerous wooden tools or implements ranging from ship masts to butter churns no less, leaving us
with open-ended meanings…
+ info: http://www.heritagedaily.com/2013/08/crannogs-timber-and-stone-riddles-wrapped-in-water/98753
19th century U.S. Coast Survey steamer wreck identified by archaeologists
More than 153 years after it was lost in a violent collision at sea, government and university
maritime archaeologists have identified the wreck of the ship Robert J. Walker, a steamer that
served in the U.S. Coast Survey, a predecessor agency of NOAA.
The Walker, while now largely forgotten, served a vital role as a survey ship, charting the Gulf
Coast ‒ including Mobile Bay and the Florida Keys ‒ in the decade before the Civil War. It also
conducted early work plotting the movement of the Gulf Stream along the Atlantic Coast…
+ info: http://www.heritagedaily.com/2013/08/19th-century-u-s-coast-survey-steamer-wreckidentified-by-archaeologists/98882
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/31.html (1 de 2) [09/09/2013 16:22:47]
Patrimoine subaquatique. Archéologie subaquatique
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
Appel de Communications - 47e Colloque sur l’archéologie historique et subaquatique (SHA 2014)
07 - 12 janvier 2014 Québec. Canada
Organizateurs: Society for Historical Archaeology
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 jun 2013
+ info: http://sha2014.com/index.html
Manuel de l'UNESCO sur les règles relatives aux interventions sur le patrimoine culturel
Auteurs: Maarleveld, Thijs; Guérin, Ulrike; Egger, Barbara
ISBN ISSN: 978-92-3-001122-2
Année: 2013
Les 14 chapitres de ce manuel expliquent l’Annexe de la Convention de l’UNESCO sur la protection du
patrimoine culturel subaquatique (2001) et illustrent les 36 Règles relatives aux interventions sur le
patrimoine culturel subaquatique.
Ce tutoriel électronique donne des orientations pour l’application de l’état de l’art concernant les activités sur les sites
archéologiques immergés ainsi que la gestion des sites et sa protection. De même il doit servir d’outil de référence pour les
gestionnaires de sites, des intervenants et des partenaires dans la protection du patrimoine culturel subaquatique et pour
les cours de formation en archéologie subaquatique.
+ info: http://unesdoc.unesco.org/images/0022/002207/220708f.pdf
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Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO déplore les dégâts causés au patrimoine
culturel en Egypte
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a exprimé aujourd’hui sa vive inquiétude
concernant le patrimoine culturel égyptien, suite à des informations faisant état de pillages
du Malawi National Museum dans la ville de Minya en Haute Egypte et de la destruction de
plusieurs édifices religieux, notamment des églises et des mosquées, en Haute-Egypte, à
Fayoum et au Caire.
« Je condamne avec fermeté les attaques contre les institutions culturelles du pays et le
pillage de ses biens culturels », a déclaré Irina Bokova. « Il s’agit de dommages irréversibles pour l’histoire et l’identité du
peuple égyptien ».
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/single-view/news/
Syrian Cultural Heritage Must Not be Overlooked, Says UNESCO
While the world agonizes over how to prevent more civilian deaths in Syria, UNESCO
warned on Thursday in Paris that precious cultural treasures are being destroyed in
the current conflict.
Syria's cultural heritage is threatened by plundered archeological sites, smuggling of
important artworks across borders and destruction, either deliberate or accidental, of
major historical sites.
The U.N.'s cultural Director-General Irina Bokova met with UN special envoy to Syria
Lakhdar Brahimi and a team of experts at the UNESCO headquarters…
+ info: http://www.ntd.tv/en/news/world/europe/20130830/82501-syrian-cultural-heritage-must-not-be-overlooked-saysunesco.html
« Arrêtez les destructions ! », exhorte la Directrice générale de l’UNESCO
La Directrice générale de l’UNESCO, Irina Bokova, a appelé aujourd’hui toutes les parties
prenantes au conflit en Syrie à sauvegarder le patrimoine culturel du pays et à prendre les
mesures qui s’imposent afin d’éviter d’autres destructions. L’appel de la Directrice générale
fait suite à une réunion d’experts qui s’est tenue aujourd’hui au siège de l’Organisation dont
l’objectif était d’explorer les différentes pistes afin d’éviter des pertes supplémentaires et
réparer les dégâts quand ce sera possible et dans les zones où ce sera possible.
« L’UNESCO est prête à utiliser son expertise et ses réseaux pour aider le peuple syrien à
préserver son patrimoine culturel exceptionnel », a déclaré la Directrice générale. « La protection du patrimoine est
indissociable de la protection des populations, car le patrimoine véhicule les valeurs et les identités d’un peuple »…
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/fr/media-services/in-focus-articles/stop-the-destruction-urges-unesco-directorgeneral/
War Threatens Palmyra, UNESCO Pleads for Syrian Heritage Protection
It's another urgent call to protect Syria's irreplaceable historical sites amidst the fog of
war, loss of life and limb, and steady drumbeat of outside intervention.
"UNESCO is determined to use its expertise and its networks to help the Syrian people
preserve their exceptional cultural heritage," said the organization's director general,
Irina Bokova. "Protecting heritage is inseparable from protecting populations, because
heritage enshrines a people's values and identities."
It's not the first time Bokova has called on all parties involved in the two- and-a-halfhttp://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/32.html (1 de 2) [09/09/2013 16:22:48]
Activités de la Directrice générale dans le domaine du patrimoine
year conflict in Syria to safeguard the country's treasures…
+ info: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/magda-abufadil/war-threatens-palmyra-une_b_3854846.html
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Patrimoine vernaculaire
Patrimoine vernaculaire
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 57 | Le 01/08/2013 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non protégé. Maisons,
églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les types de patrimoine de proximité sont
éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires
publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets, permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs
travaux, et mobilise le mécénat d’entreprise.
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/newsletter-36
Panguipulli Hotel / GArquitectos - 2012 - Panguipulli - Chile
From the architect. The idea of designing a project in the south lead us to imagine the great
roofs of the Colona warehouses. Made of rusted zinc, their strong presence builds a dialogue
with the distant geography, with the ability to hold an image between the historic of our
architectural heritage, and the beauty of a rugged terrain. Thus, this relationship sets a
characteristic heritage landscape.
From the idea or capacity of these structures to make evident a new landscape, we
considered as a first point (almost a bit rushed), a project that could embody this
responsibility from afar, avoiding an obvious conformation of home, hotel, or warehouse. We got closer to the
contemporary idea of a clearly horizontal artifact. A black roof long enough to suggest a dialogue with the distant
geography, a new profile, which as a plinth, would support the image of three volcanoes…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/405241/panguipulli-hotel-garquitectos/
Lettre d'information de la Fondation du Patrimoine n° 58 | Le 14/08/2013 - France
La Fondation du Patrimoine a pour but essentiel de sauvegarder et de valoriser le patrimoine rural non
protégé. Maisons, églises, ponts, lavoirs, moulins, patrimoine industriel, mobilier, naturel… tous les
types de patrimoine de proximité sont éligibles à l'action de la Fondation. Aux côtés de l'Etat et des
principaux acteurs du secteur, elle aide les propriétaires publics et associatifs à financer leurs projets,
permet aux propriétaires privés de défiscaliser tout ou partie de leurs travaux, et mobilise le mécénat
+ info: http://www.fondation-patrimoine.org/newsletter-39
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Patrimoine vernaculaire
Conférence MINaH 2013 "Entre nature universelle et cultures locales"
11 - 13 septembre 2013 Clermont-Ferrand. France
Organizateurs: Clermont University's pole for Research and Higher Education; Auvergne Institute for Country Developping;
Local council of the Puy-de-Dôme; et Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Park
Contact: Yves Michelin, professor at VetAgroSup: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://minah.vetagro-sup.fr/
I Congreso Internacional sobre Educación y Socialización del Patrimonio en el Medio Rural
18 - 21 septembre 2013 Malpartida de Cáceres. Espagne
Organizateurs: Ayuntamiento de Malpartida de Cáceres, la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de
Extremadura y Underground Arqueología
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://sopa13.blogspot.com.es/
Course: Owning a Mill
27 septembre 2013 Cambridgeshire. Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
Organizateurs: Institute of Historic Building Conservation - IHBC
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://ihbc.org.uk/events/?p=4394&goback=.gde_3297985_member_261913603
International Scientific Workshop: VERSUS - Vernacular Heritage Sustainable Architecture (CIAV 2013)
16 - 20 octobre 2013 Vila Nova de Cerveira. Portugal
Organizateurs: Escola Superior Gallaecia & ICOMOS-CIAV
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 ene 2013
+ info: http://www.esg.pt/ciav2013/
8th International Conference on Urban Regeneration and Sustainability
03 - 05 décembre 2013 Putrajaya. Malaisie
Organizateurs: Wessex Institute of Technology, UK; Universiti Teknologi Mara, Malaysia
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.wessex.ac.uk/13-conferences/sustainable-city-2013.html
16º Simposio sobre Centros Históricos y Patrimonio Cultural de Canarias
12 - 14 décembre 2013 Villa de San Juan de la Rambla, Tenerife. Espagne
Organizateurs: Fundación CICOP
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 oct 2013
+ info: http://www.ruraltroop.com/fundacion/simposio/index.asp
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/33.html (2 de 3) [09/09/2013 16:22:50]
Patrimoine vernaculaire
Un nouveau guide pour l’amélioration des paysages agricoles - France
Le CAUE du Rhône, en partenariat avec la DREAL Rhône-Alpes (Direction Régionale de l’Environnement, de
l’Aménagement et du Logement) et la Chambre d’agriculture du Rhône
Année: 2013
Le Guide Paysage et Bâtiments agricoles propose des recommandations architecturales et paysagères,
simples et efficaces, pour valoriser les abords et les accès des exploitations agricoles dans les paysages du
Beaujolais et du Lyonnais. Ces conseils sont applicables aux agriculteurs mais également aux
administrations, aux organisations professionnelles agricoles, aux élus ou encore aux organismes de
recherche et de formation agricole.
Parmi ces recommandations, le CAUE propose, par exemple, de prolonger ou de créer des haies, de rattacher le bâtiment à
une route par le végétal, d’aménager une aire déserte ou de mettre en avant des matériaux, couleurs ou végétaux
rattachant ainsi une exploitation au paysage.
Ce guide est basé sur des missions d’accompagnements des agriculteurs dans les projets de réhabilitation des PMBE (Plan
de Modernisation des Bâtiments d’Élevage) et du « 1% paysage et développement »1 de la région Rhône-Alpes.
+ info: http://patrimoine-environnement.fr/un-nouveau-guide-pour-lamelioration-des-paysages-agricoles/
Les baraques à foin : Un morceau de l’histoire de Terre-Neuve aujourd’hui disparu - Canada
Par Dale Jarvis
Heritage Canada Foundation. Volum XVI, Number 2
Année: 2013
Le 7 août 1893, l’Evening Telegram de St.John’s a publié un avis de vente aux enchères publiques de
la propriété de la succession
de P. Summers, « magnifiquement située sur le chemin Topsail, à 3 milles à peine du chemin Cross à
Riverhead. La ferme fait 10 acres, dont 8½ sont cultivés, sur lesquels se trouvent un grand chalet,
deux granges et des baraques à foin ».
Aujourd’hui, tous ces termes restent familiers: chalet, granges, terres cultivées. Le seul élément qui pourrait confondre un
lecteur de
journal moderne est « baraques à foin ».
Qu’est-ce donc qu’une baraque à foin? C’est un morceau de l’histoire de Terre-Neuve aujourd’hui disparu, une structure
particulière de l’architecture agricole vernaculaire qui ne se voit plus dans les champs de la province...
+ info: http://www.heritagecanada.org/sites/www.heritagecanada.org/files/UC-02%2013-20130515.pdf
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Patrimoine mondial
Patrimoine mondial
The first World Heritage Management MA diploma was awarded to the students of the Budapest College of
Communication and Business being the initial member of Central Europe in the UNESCO-UNITWIN “Culture,
Tourism, Development” network
Early July of 2013, seven students proved their knowledge in English language about UNESCO and World Heritage. The
three term management training introduced them through UNESCO’s organisational operation to the issues of intangible
and world heritage. They have got to know the values and preserving organisations of the world that by their cooperation,
contribute to the safeguarding of the world’s cultural treasures…
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/Budapest_MA.doc
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Lia Bassa
La Universidad del País Vasco crea la cátedra de Territorio,
Paisaje y Patrimonio con apoyo del Gobierno Vasco
El rector de la Universidad del País Vasco, Iñaki Goirizelaia, y la
consejera de Medio Ambiente y Política Territorial del Ejecutivo
autónomo, Ana Oregi, suscribieron ayer un convenio para la creación
de la cátedra de 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio'. Dirigida por el
profesor Agustín Azkarate, se constituye como un «instrumento»
para impulsar y difundir actividades relacionadas con la investigación
y la proyección social de estas materias. La cátedra fomentará las relaciones de intercambio y cooperación, en especial, con
la Red Mundial de Cátedras Unesco. «La cátedra 'Territorio, Paisaje y Patrimonio' tiene como fin reflexionar sobre uno de
los ámbitos de gestión más importantes y complejos de una sociedad humana: el territorio», detalló Goirizelaia. La
consejera Ana Oregi resaltó que «se ponen en marcha en el terreno de la Universidad políticas de paisaje, que cobran una
especial relevancia con el patrimonio cultural». Para el periodo 2013-2015 se ha fijado un presupuesto de 225.000 euros.
+ info: http://www.diariovasco.com/v/20130723/al-dia-local/crea-catedra-territorio-paisaje-20130723.html
Val de Loire patrimoine mondial : esquisse du programme d'actions de l'orientation VIII du Plan de gestion
Ce présent document fait suite à la série des « rencontres des médiateurs du patrimoine mondial » organisées en mars et
avril 2013. Quatre réunions, une dans chaque département, ont été organisées pour rappeler les raisons et les
conséquences de l’inscription, pour avoir un retour sur l’activité, les outils et le positionnement de la Mission Val de Loire et
pour présenter l’orientation du plan de gestion concernant l’appropriation de l’inscription.
L’intention intégrait la volonté de lancer un processus de co-construction du programme d’actions de cette orientation du
plan de gestion. Le présent document reprend donc les différentes suggestions des participants ainsi que les actions
prévues par la Mission Val de Loire…
+ info: http://programme.valdeloire.org/
Missing lynx: Climate change to wipe out rarest cat
Within 50 years, climate change will probably wipe out the world's most endangered feline,
the Iberian lynx, even if the world meets its target for curbing carbon emissions, biologists
said on Sunday. The gloomy forecast, published in the journal Nature Climate Change, says
that without a dramatic shift in conservative strategy, the charismatic little wildcat seems
doomed. The lynx -- Latin name Lynx pardinus -- grows to about a metre (3.25 feet) in
length, weighs up to 15 kilos (33 pounds), and is characterised by its spotted beige fur, pale
yellow eyes and tufted ears and cheeks. Only around 250 of the animals live in the wild,
holed up in two regions in southern Spain, the Sierra Morena and the Donana National Park, according to estimates
http://universityandheritage.net/fra/noticias/newsletter_94/34.html (1 de 7) [09/09/2013 16:22:52]
Patrimoine mondial
published last year…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63938/Missing-lynx--Climate-change-to-wipe-out-rarest-cat-#.Uh8LVT9GPnh
La Commission européenne débloque 10 millions d'euros pour préserver le Mont SaintMichel - France
La Commission européenne a annoncé le 22 juillet débloquer 10 millions d'euros issus du Fonds
européen de développement régional (Feder) pour le rétablissement du caractère maritime du
Mont Saint-Michel en France, classé au patrimoine mondial de l'Unesco depuis 1979.
Ces fonds européens contribuent à la deuxième phase du projet de restauration du site dont
l'investissement global est estimé à 210,6 millions d'euros. L'objectif du projet est de préserver
la biodiversité, de protéger l'écosystème, de réduire les émissions de CO2 sur le site et de
renforcer l'activité touristique "en améliorant l'attractivité du lieu", a rappelé la Commission européenne dans un
communiqué. Le projet prévoit notamment des aménagements hydrauliques en amont du barrage sur le Couesnon, afin de
renforcer sa capacité de stockage, la destruction du parking au pied du Mont et la construction d'un nouveau pontpasserelle intégré au paysage.
+ info: http://www.actu-environnement.com/ae/news/mont-saint-michel-preservation-site-feder-commission-europe19128.php4
War Free World Heritage Listed Cities Newsletter no. 7
The seventh issue of War Free World Heritage Listed Cities project newsletter is available also online.
In addition you have the possibility to download past issues of the newsletter on the project website:
We are making our best to get exclusive news for you on subjects of interest for all those concerned
about the protection of Cultural Heritage especially in areas of conflict.
+ info: http://www.warfreeheritage.net/category/newsletter/
L’UNESCO, la Turquie et le Japon lancent un projet de sauvegarde du site du
patrimoine mondial de Cappadoce (Turquie)
S.Exc. Gürcan Balik, Ambassadeur et Délégué permanent de la Turquie auprès de l’UNESCO,
et Kishore Rao, Directeur du Centre du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO, ont, le 17 juillet,
signé un Plan d’opérations pour un projet de US$1,2 millions pour la sauvegarde du site du
patrimoine mondial du Parc national de Göreme et des Sites rupestres de Cappadoce. S.Exc.
M. Isao Kiso, Ambassadeur et Délégué permanent du Japon, était également présent à cette
Le projet de coopération international, intitulé « Sauvegarde des églises rupestres de Cappadoce, Turquie : Préservation
des structures et peintures rupestres », prévu pour une durée de trois ans, est généreusement financé par le Fonds-endépôt du Japon pour la Conservation du patrimoine culturel mondial et a été créé en étroite coopération avec le Ministère
de la culture et du tourisme de la Turquie…
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/fr/actualites/1057/
Is This the Best Planned City in the World?
This discussion on Quora, entitled “which is the most well planned city in the world?”
certainly got us thinking; not only because of the interesting and diverse answers to the
question, but also because of the different reasons which were used to support these
Currently the most popular answer seems to be Zurich, on account of its excellent (and
obsessively punctual) public transport, organized waste disposal and numerous public
drinking fountains. Other cities which are commended for their public transport and
cleanliness are Singapore and Seoul. But other contributors seem to have a very different idea of what makes a wellplanned city – read on to find out more…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/407244/is-this-the-best-planned-city-in-the-world/
Romania recovers ancient gold coins stolen from the capital of the ancient Dacian
Romania recovered gold coins and silver jewels dating back to the first century BC that were
stolen from the site of Sarmizegetusa Regia, the capital of the ancient Dacian people, the
national history museum said Tuesday. "The recovery of five coins and 14 pieces of jewellery
is the crowning of more than two years of efforts made by prosecutors, policemen and by
Romanian and German experts," the museum said in a statement. The coins, from the era of
king Koson (1st century BC), were stolen from Sarmizegetusa between 2004 and 2007,
museum director Ernest Oberlander-Tarnoveanu told AFP…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64098/Romania-recovers-ancient-gold-coins-stolen-from-the-capital-of-the-ancientDacian-people#.UiX4aD9GPnh
The Legacy of London’s Skyscraper Boom - London - United Kingdom
A recent profile in Architectural Record highlights the career of Peter Wynne Rees, the chief planner of the
City of London: the famous ‘square mile’ which contains the major financial district of Greater London, as
well as some of its great tourist attractions, such as St Paul’s Cathedral.
The profile focuses on the new crop of skyscrapers which Rees has ushered in in his 27 years as chief
planner, something which has been contentious for preservationists. When he came to the job in 1985,
the City of London had just one skyscraper: Tower 42, built in 1980. With the success of the Gherkin in
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Patrimoine mondial
the early 2000s, the surrounding area has seen many more high profile skyscrapers, such as the Heron
Tower, 122 Leadenhall Street (The Cheesegrater) and 20 Fenchurch Street (The Walkie-Talkie)…
+ info: http://www.archdaily.com/410333
La Alhambra, más internacional con su escuela de patrimonio (España)
El Patronato de la Alhambra, la Junta de Andalucía y la Universidad de Granada ven ya como una realidad el
futuro Centro Internacional de Estudios Avanzados de Patrimonio que, tras dos años de preparación del
proyecto, parece que verá pronto la luz. Ayer ya se avanzó parte del programa de estudios.
Durante la presentación, a la que acudieron el consejero de Cultura y Deporte, Luciano Alonso; la directora
general del Patronato de la Alhambra, María del Mar Villafranca y el rector de la Universidad de Granada,
Francisco González Lodeiro, se desglosó la distribución del proyecto académico en el que se impartirán distintos
cursos, másteres y cátedras que se ofrecerán tanto a grupos de recién licenciados como a expertos en la
+ info: http://www.diariodesevilla.es/article/ocio/1579582/la/alhambra/mas/internacional/con/su/escuela/patrimonio.html
"Pompeii from the British Museum" brings ancient Roman history to life in
exclusive cinema event
Offering an exclusive look deep into the ancient past of a lost Roman civilization, NCM
Fathom Events and More2Screen present “Pompeii from the British Museum*” on
Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 7:30 p.m. local time. Presented in select movie theaters nationwide
for only one night, the event tells the story of life in the Roman cities of Pompeii and
Herculaneum nearly 2,000 years ago before the eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD.
“Pompeii from the British Museum” marks the first cinema event to be produced by a
museum for a major exhibition, providing a private view of the British Museum’s blockbuster show Life and Death in
Pompeii and Herculaneum. Accompanied by music, poetry and eyewitness accounts, attendees will be taken behind the
scenes to explore the homes and lives of the inhabitants of the thriving industrial hub of Pompeii and the small seaside
town of Herculaneum prior to the devastating volcanic eruption of the volcano, Mount Vesuvius…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/64211/-Pompeii-from-the-British-Museum--brings-ancient-Roman-history-to-life-inexclusive-cinema-event#.UiX3xj9GPnh
WWF (World Wildlife Fund) - Virunga National Park is at risk of becoming Africa’s newest oil field
An oil company, Soco International PLC is intending to explore for oil in Virunga, a UNESCO World Heritage Site. If you
believe this line should not be crossed, add your name now.
More than 95,000 people have already joined us.
Together we can draw the line and keep oil exploration out of Africa’s oldest national park.
+ info: http://wwf.panda.org/what_we_do/where_we_work/congo_basin_forests/problems/draw_the_line_pledge.cfm
How arts can enhance a heritage site - Why should we choose between arts and heritage when one project on
the Jurassic coast has given teeth and bite to both? - United Kingdom
In 2001, the whole length of British coastline from Exmouth to Studland was designated by Unesco as a natural World
Heritage Site – natural heritage so precious that it must be conserved, protected and passed on to future generations
intact. The coast is the only place in the world that records 185 million years of the earth's history in just 95 miles, telling
the story of the Mesozoic era of the world, from 250 to 65 million years ago.
This designation led to an explosion of activity along the coast as local organisations got to grips with how this could impact
positively on their work. In 2005, a new interpretation action plan acknowledged the role of the arts in engaging people
with the site. This led to an ambitious cultural strategy, which in turn led to the development of a multi-faceted arts
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/culture-professionals-network/culture-professionals-blog/2013/jul/25/jurassic-coastarts-heritage-unesco
Spanish dig in the caves of Atapuerca seeks prehistoric ancestors of Europeans Spain
A picture taken on July 11, 2013 shows workers carrying out an excavation at the Gran
Dolonia site, part of the Archaeological Site of Atapuerca, in the Sierra de Atapuerca,
province of Burgos. Fossils and stone tools of the earliest known hominids in Europe, dating
to between 780,000 and 1 million years ago, were discovered at the Atapuerca's
Archaeological site which was added to the UNESCO list of World Heritage Sites in 2000. In
2007 the archaeological team found in the caves of the Elephant, a jaw and a human
phalanx dating back 1.2 million years and considered to be the remains of the "oldest European".
With trowels and paintbrushes, dozens of archaeologists in white hard-hats patiently sift the reddish-brown earth in the
caves of Atapuerca, searching for remains a million years old. From under strata spanning hundreds of millenia at this site
in northern Spain, they unearth ancient mouse bones and the teeth of horses -- but what they most hope for is a sign of
prehistoric humans that could write a new chapter in our evolution…
+ info: http://artdaily.com/news/63953/Spanish-dig-in-the-caves-of-Atapuerca
Arquitectos trabajan en Mbanza Kongo para análisis de patrimonio - Luanda
Una delegación mixta compuesta por técnicos del Ministerio de la Cultura y arquitectos de las Universidades Agostinho Neto
y Lusíada trabaja desde el miércoles (14) en la provincia de Zaire, en el ámbito del dossier de candidatura de la ciudad de
Mbanza Kongo a Patrimonio Mundial.
Según una nota del Ministerio de la Cultura enviada el jueves, a la Angop, la delegación es encabezada por la ministra de la
Cultura, Rosa Cruz e Silva, y termina los trabajos el próximo día 27 de este mes.
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Patrimoine mondial
Por parte del Ministerio de la Cultura integran la delegación, la coordinadora del proyecto, Sónia Domingos, Victor Suama,
Domingas Cahango, Josina de Carvalho, Simão Souindoula y Nzuzi da Costa…
+ info: http://www.portalangop.co.ao/angola/es_es/noticias/lazer-e-cultura/2013/7/33/
Choquequirao: las ruinas a las que se llegará en teleférico
Es conocida como la “hermana sagrada” de Machu Picchu por la similitud de las estructuras y su ubicación
estratégica; pero a diferencia de la famosísima ciudadela, Choquequirao recibe al día, un número de
turistas que se cuentan con los dedos de la mano. Está en el Cusco (Anta), pero el único acceso a ella es
por tierra a través de la limítrofe Apurímac y tras una dura y larga caminata, apta para un puñado de
En los próximos días se anunciará el lanzamiento del proyecto de teleférico que pasará sobre el cañón del
río Apurímac y que permitirá acceder a las ruinas. Como resultado se espera, en principio, elevar el
número de visitantes a 800 por día…
+ info: http://ilam.org/patrimonio/sos-patrimonio/noticias-patrimonio/1272-teleferico.html
Italy calls for German assistance as Pompeii falls further into ruin
With the greatest number of Unesco world heritage sites, and state coffers that do not
have much to spare for the culture sector, Italy has long worried how to protect its
heritage.from ruin Now it is resorting to overseas help to find a solution for Pompeii.
In recent years Italy has experimented with private sponsors for various projects, with
shoe company Tod's funding a revamp of the Colosseum and Fendi sprucing up the Trevi
fountain. The Pompeii Sustainable Preservation project (PSP) draws on the resources of
international institutions as researchers from the Technische Universität in Munich (TUM),
the Fraunhofer Institute and the International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Restoration of Cultural Property
(ICCROM) embark on a 10-year, €10m (£8.6m) effort to prevent the world-famous site in the shadow of Mount Vesuvius
"from falling further into ruin"…
+ info: http://www.theguardian.com/world/2013/aug/30/pompeii-ruins-italy-preservation-2014?CMP=twt_gu
Kashmir to digitize rare manuscripts to preserve cultural heritage
In an endeavour to preserve the art and culture of Kashmir and make the future generations aware about the rich heritage,
authorities have take steps to digitize six hundred rarest of the rare manuscripts.
Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages began the digitization process a few months ago under the
supervision of experts who were sent from Delhi to Kashmir.
Mohammad Ashraf Taak, Chief Editor, Culture Academy, said the manuscripts were on various topics…
+ info: http://www.business-standard.com/article/news-ani/kashmir-to-digitize-rare-manuscripts-to-preserve-culturalheritage-113073100837_1.html
"Unissons-nous contre le braconnage en Afrique" - Jeune Afrique
Au rythme où vont les choses, demain les enfants d'Afrique de l'Ouest et Centrale parleront
des éléphants et des rhinocéros comme nous parlons des mammouths: des créatures
magnifiques appartenant au passé.
En quelques années, le massacre des espèces sauvages a pris des proportions industrielles,
en particulier le braconnage des animaux tués pour leur ivoire. Au Gabon, environ 11 000
éléphants ont été tués illégalement depuis 2004. Près de 700 rhinocéros ont été braconnés
en Afrique du Sud en 2012. En avril dernier, une milice armée est entrée dans le site du
patrimoine mondial de l’Unesco Tri-national de la Sangha (entre le Cameroun, la République centrafricaine et le Congo),
abattant 26 éléphants en quelques jours seulement…
+ info: http://whc.unesco.org/en/news/1063
Jornadas de Reflexión en Patrimonio Cultural 2013
6 & 11 septembre 2013. Bogotá. Colombie. Entrada libre
Organizateurs: Universidad de La Salle, Facultad de Ciencias del Hábitat. Programa de Arquitectura y Programa de
Urbanismo & Asociación Restauradores Sin Fronteras A-RSF, Grupo Colombia
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 4 sep 2013
+ info: http://universidadypatrimonio.net/doc/JORNADAS-PATRIMONIO-2013.pdf
21e Journée de Solidarité des Villes de Patrimoine Mondial
08 septembre 2013 Fez. Maroc
Organizateurs: l’Organisation des villes du patrimoine mondial (OVPM)
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.ovpm.org/fr/nouvelles/21e_journee_de_solidarite_des_villes_de_patrimoine_mondial
Conférence MINaH 2013 "Entre nature universelle et cultures locales"
11 - 13 septembre 2013 Clermont-Ferrand. France
Organizateurs: Clermont University's pole for Research and Higher Education; Auvergne Institute for Country Developping;
Local council of the Puy-de-Dôme; et Auvergne Volcanoes Regional Park
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Patrimoine mondial
Contact: Yves Michelin, professor at VetAgroSup: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://minah.vetagro-sup.fr/
International Beach Day 2013
14 septembre 2013 Quiberon, La Teste-de-Buch et Cassis. France
Organizateurs: Surfrider Foundation Europe
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.beachday.eu
Curso "Ciudad, bienes culturales y patrimonio mundial: ejemplaridad e intervención" en la UNIA
18 - 20 septembre 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: La Universidad Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA)
+ info: http://www.unia.es/component/option,com_hotproperty/task,view/id,985/pid,5/Itemid,445/
Curso de verano "Ciudad, bienes culturales y patrimonio mundial: ejemplaridad e intervención"
18 - 20 septembre 2013 Sevilla. Espagne
Organizateurs: Universidad Internacional Andaluza en colaboración con la Cátedra UNESCO de Interculturalidad y Derechos
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 16 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.unia.es/component/option,com_hotproperty/task,view/id,985/pid,5/Itemid,445/
23 - 28 septembre 2013, Amsterdam, Belgique
Organizateurs: ICOMOS Netherlands
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: http://www.icomosconference.nl/
ICOMOS Conference Water and Heritage "Protecting Deltas: Heritage Helps!"
23 - 28 septembre 2013 Amsterdam. Pays-Bas
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 jul 2013
+ info: http://www.icomosconference.nl/
Aula Forum UNESCO UPV. El patrimonio en proyectos de cooperación al desarrollo
30 septembre - 07 octobre 2013 Valencia. Espagne
Organizateurs: Forum UNESCO - Universidad y Patrimonio
Contact: [email protected]
+ info: https://www.cfp.upv.es/formacion-permanente/cursos/aula-forum-unesco-upv--el-patrimonio-en-proyectos-decooperacion-al-desarrollo_idiomaes-menuupvtrue-cid34296.html
Master in World Heritage and Cultural projects for Development
14 octobre 2013 - 30 septembre 2014 -- distant learning and face to face learning in Turin, Italy
Organizateurs: University of barcelona, University of Torino, the Politecnico di Torino, the International Training Centre of
the ILO (ITCILO), and the UNESCO World Heritage Centre.
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 7 jul 2013
+ info: http://worldheritage.itcilo.org/home
Formation gestion intégrée des sites patrimoniaux 2013
07 - 18 octobre 2013 Cluny et Bourgogne. France
Organizateurs: Réseau des Grands Sites de France
Contact: Lucie Para - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.polepatrimoine.org/activites/ateliers-et-formations-a-venir
Envoyée par membre FUUP: PARA, Lucie
Congreso Ikuwa V “Un patrimonio para la humanidad”
15 - 19 octobre 2014 Cartagena. Espagne
Organizateurs: Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte y el Museo Nacional de Arqueología Subacuática (ARQUA)
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 31 oct 2013
+ info: http://museoarqua.mcu.es/actividades/ikuwa/index.html
5º Coloquio internacional Ciudades del turismo: 'El imaginario y la construcción del territorio turístico'
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Patrimoine mondial
24 - 25 octobre 2013 Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Mexique
Organizateurs: Facultad de Arquitectura de la Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, México
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 may 2013
+ info: http://www.colson.edu.mx/Documents/Conv_Ciudades_del_Turismo_2013.pdf
Patrimoine numérique 2013
28 octobre - 01 novembre 2013 Marseille. France
Organizateurs: CNRS (french National Center for Scientific Research) on behalf of the MAP Laboratory, in collaboration with
local research institutions Provence (Aix-Marseille University, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, CICRP, School of Architecture and
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 9 jun 2013
+ info: http://www.digitalheritage2013.org/
Conference - Problems and experience of the engineering protection of the urbanized territories and a
safeguarding of the heritage under conditions of the geo-ecological risk
05 - 07 novembre 2013 Kiev. Ukraine
Organizateurs: National Conservation Area “St. Sophia of Kyiv”; National Kyiv-Pechersk Historical Cultural Preserve &
Charitable organization "Charitable Fund St. Sophia’’
Contact: Mss.Vira Losytska - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 20 may 2013
+ info: http://new.sophiakievska.org/en
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Yuriy Maslov
Call for Papers - Conference: “Between dream and reality: Debating the impact of World Heritage Listing”
14 - 15 novembre 2013 Oslo. Norvège
Organizateurs: University of Oslo
Contact: Beate Trandem - [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 1 sep 2013
+ info: http://www.uio.no/forskning/tverrfak/kultrans/aktuelt/konferanser/world-heritage/cfp/?goback=.
Call for papers: “Revisiting Kathmandu. Safeguarding living urban heritage”
25 - 29 novembre 2013 Kathmandu. Népal
Organizateurs: UNESCO Office in Kathmandu and ICOMOS Nepal
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 25 ago 2013
+ info: http://www.unesco.org/new/en/kathmandu/culture/revisiting-kathmandu/
Appel de Communications - 47e Colloque sur l’archéologie historique et subaquatique (SHA 2014)
07 - 12 janvier 2014 Québec. Canada
Organizateurs: Society for Historical Archaeology
Contact: [email protected] or [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 10 jun 2013
+ info: http://sha2014.com/index.html
VIII Simposio Internacional Desafío en el Manejo y Gestión de las Ciudades "Por la preservación del legado
01 - 04 février 2014 Camagúey. Cuba
Organizateurs: Oficina del Historiador de la Ciudad de Camaguey
Contact: [email protected]
DATE LIMITE: 15 nov 2013
+ info: http://www.ohcamaguey.cu/index.php/es/simposio-ciudades-historicas.html
Envoyée par membre FUUP: Niglio, Olimpia. Italia
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