admissions_annales2013_anglais 4mct


admissions_annales2013_anglais 4mct
en 4ème ANNÉE
Samedi 8 juin 2013
DURÉE : 2H30
L’examen comporte 2 exercices à rédiger sur 2 copies différentes :
- La traduction
- Le thème
en 4e ANNÉE
Russian politics
Will Russia play tough with its “foreign agent” law?
[[ Last July the Duma, Russia’s parliament, passed a law requiring NGOs that receive funding
from abroad to register as “foreign agents”. Since then the new legal provisions have been
conspicuously unenforced. No one registered and nothing happened: the law sat there, a kind of
sword of Damocles over civil-society groups that could swing down at any moment.
This moment seems to have arrived. In early March, state prosecutors – along with officers
from the tax service and justice ministry – began to make spot inspections of dozens of NGOs
across Russia, arriving unannounced to demand everything from staff lists to tax records. The
prosecutor’s office only says, blandly, that it is checking “adherence to the law”. More than 80
organisations in 22 regions have been visited so far, says Pavel Chikov of Agora, a legal-aid
NGO, though he suspects the real number is considerably higher, and could eventually climb to
more than 2,000. (Agora’s turn came on March 27th, when it received a request from
prosecutors to hand over documents by next week.)
Life has never been that easy for civic-society groups in Russia, especially for those active on
issues the state considers politically sensitive: throughout the Putin era, their work has been
complicated by opaque regulations and the targeted use of bureaucratic pressure. Some have
been singled out, such as Golos, a vote-monitoring group, which was the subject of a campaign
of harassment around the time of Duma elections in December 2011. Yet it is the first time that
so many NGOs, working on disparate issues and spread out across the country, have faced a
large, single wave of meddlesome inspections all at once. Why now? One answer is that when
the Duma first passed the “foreign agent” law, it put the justice ministry in charge of
monitoring NGOs and enforcing the new rules – a role it clearly did not relish. Alexander
Konovalov, the justice minister, told the Duma the law was effectively unenforceable and
displayed a hesitance to carry out its provisions that bordered on insubordination. ]]
In mid-February Vladimir Putin, the president gave a public speech to officers of the FSB, the
intelligence service, saying that the new laws on NGOs “should certainly be executed” and that
“interference in our internal affairs” is “unacceptable”.
The Economist, 03/28/13
en 4e ANNÉE
Le numérique au service d’un joyau du patrimoine
L’Abbaye de Fontevraud a été fondée en 1101 par Robert d’Arbrissel, un prêtre itinérant qui y
fixe sa communauté religieuse et en confie la direction à la première des trente-six abbesses
qui s’y sont succédées jusqu’en 1792. En 1804, l’édifice est transformé en prison par décret
napoléonien. Aujourd’hui, site culturel et touristique phare du patrimoine du Val de Loire, il
propose une programmation annuelle riche et diverse : conférences historiques, concerts,
expositions, débats sur des sujets de société, et séminaires.
Depuis qu’il est devenu centre culturel en 1975, ouvrant ses portes au public en 1985, il fait
l’objet d’un partenariat entre l’Etat et la Région qui en assure la gestion et le financement.
A défaut d’une véritable collection, une salle dédiée abrite des objets trouvés sur place, dont
des portraits et des objets clandestins fabriqués par des prisonniers tels qu’un cahier de
chansons, un poignard en nacre et des jeux de cartes.
Aujourd’hui la technologie numérique permet de découvrir ce lieu d’exception, d’abord via le
site web, mais aussi par des bulletins d’information, des mailings, et la présence sur les
réseaux sociaux. Le numérique est du ressort du service de communication, de même que la
production et la diffusion de contenus vidéo. Le site web dans sa version actuelle existe
depuis deux ans. Il est développé et administré en interne par le webmestre. Il attire plus
d’une dizaine de milliers de visiteurs virtuels par mois.