Patrick MIDOUX - Centre de biophysique moléculaire


Patrick MIDOUX - Centre de biophysique moléculaire
Patrick MIDOUX
02/08/1954 56 years old
Citizenship: France
Research Director at Institut National de la Santé et de la Recherche Médicale (INSERM).
- Current position:
Deputy General Director of Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS UPR4301 in Orléans. Rue
Charles Sadron 45071 Orléans cedex 2, France E-mail : [email protected]
Scientific leader of “Gene transfer by synthetic vectors” Team , 12 members.
- Education:
Doctor es Sciences (1987), University of Orléans. Thesis title: Drug and immunomodulator targeting
using monoclonal antibodies and glycoconjugates.
Doctorat de 3ème cycle (1980), University of Orléans. Thesis title: Protein-sugar interaction :
spectroscopy study of the interaction between Wheat germ agglutinin (WGA) and
N-acetyl-D-glucosamine derivatives.
- Academic Appointments: INSERM position in 1985 as Research Assistant and in 1994 as Research
Director at CNRS UPR4301, Orléans. 2008-present Deputy General Director of Centre de Biophysique
Moléculaire, CNRS UPR4301,
- Total Publications: h-index: 33, Total citations 2896, 81 articles, 9 reviews, 14 book chapters, 8
patents, 20 invited conferences.
Management Skills.
Since 2008, Deputy General Director of Centre de Biophysique Moléculaire, CNRS UPR4301.
Scientific team leader of “Gene transfer by synthetic vectors”. Coordinator of “New therapeutic targets
and vectorology: molecular and cellular approaches” Department (2007-2008).
Principal investigator of 31 academic grants and Partner in CEE BIO4-97-2216 in 1997-2000.
Research formation.
Jury of 10 Ph.D; Jury of 2 HDR; Supervisor of 10 Ph.D theses and 9 PostDoct.
Major committee assignments.
- INSERM: 2008-2011; Elected Member at CSS7.
- CNRS: 2006 -2008: Member at the Laboratory and Scientific Committees of UPR4301.
- Association Française contre les Myopathes (AFM). 2010-2014 Member at Scientific Council of the
“Gene and-or Cell therapy of rare disorders” committee.
Member at the Committee for General Overview of the AFM Strategic and Therapeutic Development
(COSET) (2010-2013):
- Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer: 2008-2011; Member at the Committee for Project Evaluation.
- INCa: 2006 ; Member of the Committee for project evaluation : Projets libres et réseaux structurants
en Biologie du cancer dans la commission « Technologies innovantes en imagerie et radiothérapie »
- Vaincre la Mucoviscidose
- Fondation pour la Recherche Médicale: 2009; Member at the Steering Committee of the call « Les
recherches sur les cellules iPS comme modèles physiopathologiques ou outils de criblage de
molécules thérapeutiques.
- ANR: 2009; Member at the Evaluation Committee of ANR EmergenceBio.
- University of Nice: 2009; Member at the Committee of the Recruitment Selection for Professor 32ème
- University of Orléans :
2009: President at the Committee of the Recruitment Selection for Assistant Professor 64ème -65ème
2009: Membre du Comité scientifique disciplinaire
2006-2008: Membre de la commission de spécialiste 64-65ème section.
- AERES: 2008, 2009; Member at 4 Evaluation Committees.
Responsibility in a Scientific Society.
- French Society of Cell and Gene Therapy. Board member since 2008
Editorial-Board member.
Journal of Gene Medicine (since 2003); Human Gene Therapy (since 2009).
Teaching duty.
Master 2 Sciences: 4h/year; Biochimie moléculaire et cellulaire Univ Orléans
Master 2 Sciences: 2009 30h; Biotechnologies: transfert de gènes Univ Zagreb (Croatie)
Master 1 et 2 Sciences : 6h/year; Transfert de gènes: Bases expérimentales et applications
physiopathologiques et thérapeutiques Univ Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI
Master Professionnel: 4h/year; Techniques Bio-Industrielles :Thérapie génique et cellulaire Univ
Master Biotechnologies: 2h/year; transfert de gènes Univ Jagiellonian, Cracovie (Pologne).