

Newsletter Published by the
Association of the Tarnowski Family
#12 – April, 2009
The newsletter is available on the Internet
President: Paul Tarnowski
Elżbieta Łastowiecka
Marta Taranczewska
Marek W. Tarnowski
1stViceAleksander Tarnowski
2nd ViceKarol Tarnowski
Secretary Maria Tarnowska
Treasurer: Jan M. Tarnowski
at Large:
Jan Spytek Tarnowski
Marcin Tarnowski
Tomek Tarnowski
Jacek Tarnowski
Jan Artur Tarnowski
Web Master: Michael Tarnowski
[email protected]
Representatives at Large
Jan M. Tarnowski
mailto:[email protected]
France /
Zdzisław (Jean) Potocki
Switzerland: [email protected]
Monika Wray
[email protected]
Paul Tarnowski
[email protected]
News, articles, photos and personal data are really appreciated.
Please send those for
The Newsletter / Genealogy: to Paul Tarnowski: [email protected]
Dear Family,
Ten years have passed since the Association of the Tarnowski Family became a reality. My
mind returns to that evening during our first family gathering in Dzików, when sitting around a
camp fire, Mariela Tarnowski-Mastrogiovanni and Władysław (Adzio) Tarnowski first came
up with the idea of creating a family Association and suggested that I carry out the project. I
remember having many apprehensions, doubts, and a vague notion of how to move forward
towards that goal.
We have come a long way since then and I will be forever grateful to my wife, Yolande, for
never wavering in her support and encouragement. The Association of the Tarnowski Family
was finally officially registered in December, 1998.
Becoming involved with the Association has facilitated for me bonding with family members
around the world. It also became an extraordinary opportunity to discover so much more about
the history of the Tarnowskis, and to meet numerous charming, interesting, and wonderful
relatives from all continents. Yolande and I are avid travellers and whenever we plan trips
abroad, we now make it a point to arrange visits with family.
As I was preparing to publish the Newsletter, I was shocked and saddened by the sudden loss
of my brother Martin. We were close and he was a strong supporter of the Family Association
from the very beginning. He devoted the last ten years of his
life to developing, improving, and updating the family
genealogy on the Association website. He even continued
when he lost the sight of one eye a year ago. It is an
extraordinary contribution and I feel he wanted it to be his
legacy to the family. I will greatly miss him, his advice and
assistance, especially in matters relating to family history and
Martin was very devoted to his family and he dearly loved
his children, daughter Christine, sons Tom, Michael and
Arthur, and his nine grandchildren. He delighted when any
of them came calling. Unfortunately in the last months, those
visits became less frequent as his pulmonary disease
progressed. He also enjoyed a warm relationship with many relatives by correspondence, but
that also became difficult at the end. He passed away peacefully on January 21, 2009. His
ashes will be brought to Poland and placed in the Family crypt at the Dominican Church in
Tarnobrzeg in 2010. Deepest appreciation is being extended by the members of Martin’s
family to those in attendance at the memorial service, and also for prayers and donations to the
Canadian-Polish Institute.
The Association has shown itself to be resilient. In spite of the stress caused by the internal
conflict resulting from “the Last Mazurka”, in the final analysis, the Association remains
united. Further in this newsletter, I urge you to read the details of the proceedings from the
General Assembly dealing with this subject.
The Family Reunion in August, 2008, was a very positive ending to the first decade in the life
of the Association. Participants numbered in the 70’s, fewer than in previous gatherings, but
the wonderfully warm family spirit and interesting activities made up for what we lacked in
numbers. A visit to the Museum of the Warsaw Uprising introduced us to the finest hour in the
history of the Polish Capital and reminded us that freedom comes at a high price. The same
day, during the Association’s General Assembly, we aired our differences and later that
evening we celebrated, danced and thoroughly enjoyed each others company. On the last day
of the Reunion, we took part in a very special exhibit “Ex Collectione Dzikoviana”. Thanks to
the efforts by Jaś (Głowa) and by Dr. Makowski, Director of the National Library, some 180
items from the Dzików Collection, which once graced our home, were displayed publicly for
the first time since WWII. The elegant and stylish arrangement of the exhibit and a multimedia
presentation of archival family photographs proved very successful. It attracted good crowds
as well as very positive reviews and we hope that it will lead to other such exhibits in the
Emphasis in the second decade must be placed on the younger generation taking over the
Association and guiding it into the future. Martin’s premature departure leaves a vacuum. The
task of replacing him will not be easy, but I am hopeful that a volunteer will come forward.
During the next term, we will pursue initiatives suggested during the last General Assembly:
e.g., organizing smaller local gatherings between official Reunions, or planning a ski holiday
during the February break.
Happy Easter to all !
Paul Tarnowski, President
Membership fees are due now, please pay them immediately
as the Association has no other means to finance its activities.
Fees Table and Payment Instructions follow on the next page
Group Photo 2008 Reunion
Opening of the Tarnowski Exhibit at the National Library in Warsaw
(From left, Jas Glowa, Pawel, Yolande & Dr. Makowski Director of the National Library)
SKŁADKI CZŁONKOWSKIE 1/01/2009 do 31/12/2011
TABLE - MEMBERSHIP FEES 1/01/2009 to 31/12/2011
Please pay Membership fees covering the next 3 year period before
June 30, 2008. Payment instructions are on the next page, entitled
Prosimy o zapłacenie składek członkowskich pokrywających następne
3 lata przed 31 czerwca, 2009, według informacii na następnej
stronie pod tytułem KONTAKTY i REJESTRACJA
Dla Członków Rzeczywistych - For Regular Members
Kraj - Country
Pełna Stawka – Full Fee
50%Zniżka - Rebate
$63 Us
400 zł
200 zł
95 Eu
48 Eu
85 ₤
43 ₤
$155 Can.
$78 Can.
Dla Członków Stowarzyszonych – For Associate Members
Kraj – Country
Pełna Stawka – Full Fee
$90 Us
50% Zniżka – Rebate
$45 US
280 zł
140 zł
65 Eu
33 Eu
60 ₤
30 ₤
$125 Can.
Seniory (Ponad 65) I Studenci (poniżej 25) 50% Zniżka
Seniors (over 65) and Students (under 25) 50% Rebate
Contacts and Registration
Prosimy o złożenie opłaty na konto Bankowe Związku Rodu Tarnowskich
Deutsche Bank PBC S.A.,Oddział Kraków, Plac Szczepański 5
Numer Konta: 66 1910 1048 4004 6758 1121 0001
Kontakt: Jan Tarnowski (Chorzelowski); tel: (022)838-0753, [email protected]
Please make cheques or money orders payable to Association of the Tarnowski Family and
forward them to Monika Wray:
16 Glebe Road, Homsey – London N8 7DB
Tel: (0208) 340-9785; e-mail: [email protected]
Please make cheques or money orders payable to Mr. Jean Potocki or Mr. L. Tarnowski
(Association de la Famille Tarnowski) and forward them to Mr. Jean Potocki:
133 Rue Ranelagh, Paris 75-016
Tel: (014) 527-9817; e-mail:[email protected]
Please make cheques or money orders payable to P. Tarnowski & M. Siemienska (Association
of the Tarnowski Family) and forward them to Paul Tarnowki:
30 Whippoorwill Dr., Ottawa, ON., K1J 7J2, CANADA
Tel: (613)746-1346: e-mail: [email protected]
FAMILY NEWS 2008-2009
Christmas Family Newsletters
Family Newsletters have become a popular manner to share good wishes and information with
relatives and friends at Christmas and New Year. Yolande and I have received many from
around the world during this Holiday Season. I have chosen three that I would like to share
with you. I take this opportunity to introduce the authors and to situate them in the family:
1. Monika Markowska married to John Wray, daughter of Lula Markowska -Tyszkiewicz
and grand daughter of Rose Tarnowska –Tyszkiewicz from Dzików. 16 Glebe Road,
London N8 7DB, England; tel: (208) 340-9785
e-mail: [email protected]
2. Tracy Thibault-Tarnowski married to Michael Tarnowski, son of Martin Tarnowski
from Dzików. 15 Donald Circle, Embrun, On. K0A 1W0, Canada; tel: (613)443-0278
e-mail: [email protected]
3. Julia Tarnowski married to John O’shannassy, daughter of Paul Tarnowski from
Dzików. Mail Box 646, Fernie British Columbia, V0B 1M0; tel: (250) 423-2685 email: [email protected]
December 2008 - Just a little family news to keep you in the loop…
Katharine (now 27) continues to work extremely happily for a record label - Nettwerk – as
their licensing and synchronisation manager. That means she sells their music to advertisers
and others to use as background to ads, trailers and so on. . . The job calls for going to lots of
gigs – and sometimes if John and Monika play their cards right - they get to go to wonderful
concerts like Eric Clapton or Leonard Cohen and more.
Natasha (now 30), while continuing to work as a fashion assistant on Elle magazine, has just
had a chance to do some free lance fashion editing and styling on a new magazine just
launched. If it takes off, the world could be her oyster and wouldn’t that be good? Meanwhile,
there are still a few champagne and cupcake parties to attend.
Monika and John stubbornly refuse to stop working – well, why would they? When not
working, they are continuing to ensure their bodies don’t seize up completely. Neither likes the
gym, but tennis, cycling and walking compensate. John occasionally gets away to the hills for
spiritual (and other, more tangible) refreshment. Unfortunately he failed for the third time to
get to the top of Mt Blanc (he blames the weather) but had lots of fun trying. There’s every
chance he’ll try again.
This year we have been:
attending our cousin Hannah’s
18th Birthday
Natasha drinking champagne
at London Fashion Week
John hanging about in the Alps
Katharine and Monika behaving
strangely in France
Monika resting
We all wish you a very happy Christmas and a great New Year for 2009
We hope
e that this greetting
Finds you
u healthy and ha
Becausse it would be sad
If your ye
ear has been cra
Two th
housand and eig
Is now down the tube
But we
w are rejoicing
For Trracy’s new boob
Yes th
he cancer is gon
And the surgery done,
ow we can shou
So no
That we’ve fought
and we’ve won!
e finally now hass
So much
h more time to play,
Now that
he’s finishe
at damn MBA.
He’s fo
ound a new gam
And is gettting better we’rre told,
With skates and a stic
But still, we’re not sold.
is growing
Mr. Alex
And he’s now thirtee
He lovess music and spo
And all things
in betwe
Miss Natasza
is ten an
She’s kin
nd and she’s sweet,
She lov
ves to play hock
And has
h size six feett.
Bailley, our pooch
Is ju
ust about four,
But she
e still goes ballisstic
When you
u come to the door.
So the Tarnowskis of Em
Are doing
just fine,,
But we’’d be much bettter
If you drop
pped in for some
e wine.
Whetther near or farr
Our liv
ves you do touc
We mig
ght not visit oftten
Because gas
g costs too much.
We hope
e that our messsage
Has been made
perfectly clear,
Have a wonderful Chrisstmas
And a joyous
New Yea
Tracy, Mike,
Alex, Tasza
& Baiiley
Paweł Tarnowski (son of Jacek and Monika
Tarnowski from Sopot) is not a stranger to the
Podium at windsurfing competitions. Last August
2008, the challenge for him was particularly
difficult. The World Windsurfing Championships
were being held over a four day period in Sopot,
Poland, his hometown.
Paweł had a poor result on the first day of
competition because of problems with his
equipment. He overcame the setback and on the
last day of racing he overtook his two major rivals,
from Great Britain and Israel, to become the World Windsurfing Champion of Techno 7.8 for
Paweł, the entire family shares in your success and congratulates you for your outstanding
achievement. We are hoping that windsurfing is added as an Olympic sport before 2012 and
wish you to become the first Tarnowski to win a medal at the Olympics.
Voyage on aTall Ship, “Frederyk Chopin”
My name is Sam Trafford and I am 18 years old. My mother is Danuta Tarnowski Trafford
and my grandfather is Jan (Glowa) Tarnowski. I live in Calgary and have graduated this spring
from Western Canada High School. I wanted to take a year
off to travel before continuing my education. I was very
happy to discover the Class Afloat program through Acadia
University in Nova Scotia, Canada. It offers a one-or twoterm program, which combines sailing on board a tall ship
with university courses. I Chose the latter program and will
live for 10 months on board the Tall Ship Frederyk Chopin.
While following classes and participating in everyday duties
onboard ship (kitchen, day or night watches, scrubbing the
decks and others), I will have the opportunity of visiting
many ports in Europe, Africa, South America and North
I am due to board the Tall Ship Frederyk Chopin on September 3, 2008 in Copenhagen,
Sweden, and my adventure will begin with a three-day training session. Then, on September 6,
we will sail for our first port of call, Szczecin in Poland. I will try to keep my Face Book page
up to date, noting regularly our activities and whereabouts. I would love to hear from members
of the Family during my travels. My e-mail address is [email protected] . However
the internet connection will only be possible while our ship is in port. For those interested to
follow our progress on this journey, Frederyk Chopin’s course is charted on the program’s
I am extremely anxious and excited to embark on this adventure and above all very grateful to
my parents for giving me this opportunity. I will try to get everything I possibly can from this
experience of a lifetime.
Report from Sam during a stop in Joao, Brazil:
“Here I am in Northern Brazil, having just completed the first half of my fantastic journey with
Class Afloat.
After remaining for 4 and 1/2 months aboard the Frederyk Chopin, I feel that the ship has
become my home and after living during that period with the same 34 kids, the 4 teachers and
the 8 crew members, they have become my family. Some of the participants are leaving the
program at the end of the first semester, but new ones will replace them. However the majority
are continuing for the second part of the program.
We have lived some pretty interesting and fascinating experiences, starting with the war
museum in Szczecin to the birth place of Napoleon in Corsica, then a camel ride into the
Sahara desert and culminating with an amazing two weeks in Senegal, where we were paired
with students from the Dakar University. The Atlantic crossing was great and we went through
the usual “rituals” as we crossed the Equator for the first time, which meant for me having my
head shaved. We also stopped for relaxing swims and visited a little Brazilian paradise called
Fernando de Noronha Islands, located about 300 miles from the coast of Brazil.
This is all I can tell you for now as there is a beach and a dune buggy calling me …
This is Sam Trafford reporting to you from aboard the Frederyk Chopin, ducked in Joao
Pessoa, Brazil.
Jaś (Głowa) Tarnowski’s 75th Birthday
A few days before June 10th, 2008, Jaś became quite agitated when
he realized that on that day it will be his 75th birthday, a milestone
in his life. He promptly decided to share this important moment
with family and friends and invited close to 100 guests.
On the morning of June 10th, 2008, torrential rains threatened to
disrupt the garden party that Marychna had organised. Głowa must
have special protection upstairs, because a couple of hours before
the guests started arriving, a bright sun appeared and the festivities
could proceed as planned. Guests milled around the garden
enjoying a delicious lunch and a special fresh strawberry torte for dessert, courtesy of Ola and
Staś Pruszyński. Good wishes were presented to Głowa on his 75th birthday in the form of a
poem by Andrzej Cybulski and were followed by the usual Polish sing song“Sto Lat”. The
celebration turned out to be a great success, and even the dogs had a good time.
May we congratulate and extend our best wishes to the newly weds
For a long life filled with love and happiness
Władysław (Adzio) Tarnowski, son of the late Juliusz and the late Róża Zamoyska, married
Maria (Marita) Sobańska on August 8, 2008. The wedding was celebrated in Paris, France.
Heartfelt congratulations to the parents and best wishes to the newly born.
Helena Gabriela Maria Tarnowska, daughter of Jan Michał Tarnowski and Anna Bzowska,
was born in Warsaw, Poland on October 28, 2008.
May the soul of the departed persons rest in peace, and may their families
find comfort and courage following their great loss.
Jan Grzegorz Mier-Jędrzejowicz, son of the late Jan Kanty and Maria Natalia Mier
Jędrzejowicz and husband of the late Zofia Dubanowicz, died June 5, 2008 in London,
England. He was buried in Zaczerń, Poland.
Marcin Juliusz Tarnowski, son of the late Rose Zamoyska and Arthur Tarnowski, died
peacefully January 21, 2009 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. His ashes will be placed in the
family crypt at the Dominican church in Tarnobrzeg, Poland.
A delightful collection of Polish poems, authored by Sophie
Tarnowska Moss, who is the daughter of Hieronim Tarnowski
from Rudnik , was launched during the 2008 Family Reunion
in Konstancin. Aunt Sophie actually composed those verses
during WW II years, while she was head of the Polish Red
Cross in Cairo. She only recently decided to publish them in a
book, which she dedicated to her beloved father, Hieronim.
She expresses in them her love and longing for her family and
friends, that she had to leave behind and for her homeland,
Poland, that has been invaded by Germany.
The book is available in Poland at a cost of 30 zł + Postage
through Jan S. Tarnowski:
Ul. Afrykanska 3/64, Warszawa 03-966, tel: (22)671-8836,
[email protected]
All proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to support the Primary School in
Tarnowska Wola, named after prof. Stanisław Tarnowski, the author’s grandfather.
Restoration of Dzików Castle – Opening of the Cellars to the Public
prepared by Paul Tarnowski with information obtained from Tarnobrzeg
The Mayor of Tarnobrzeg and Jas (Głowa)
Tarnowski presided in August, 2008, at the
opening of the restored cellars. It marked the
completion of Phase I of the project that
consisted in solidifying the structure of the
historic building, restoring and enlarging the
cellars under Dzików, and building a cement
staircase in the back of the castle leading onto a
large patio and a new entrance into the cellars.
The restored space includes six large halls that
will house:
Jas Glowa at the opening of the cellars
An exhibit dedicated to the history of Dzików
An exhibit of old ceramic and porcelain produced in the region
An area that will house a restaurant with an outside patio
Tourist information centre
Mechanical room
Cloak and rest rooms
Adam Wójcik, the project leader, speaking at the official opening of the cellars to the public,
proudly announced that results exceeded his expectations. He confirmed that Phase II of the
project, consisting in the installation of a new roof and the strengthening of its structure will
begin in early September, to be completed before the winter. I recently received confirmation
from my brother, Jaś (Głowa), that Dzików sports a new shiny roof. Mr Wójcik indicated that
staff from the city of Tarnobrzeg is currently assisting him in the preparation of detailed
documentation to obtain funding for Phase III of the project. He considers that restoring the
interior of the castle and turning it into a museum will be the most challenging part of this
undertaking. It will demand the greatest attention to detail and will require using the most
specialized workmanship, resulting in the type of high costs (7million zł), that can easily lead
to overruns. The project leader assured the citizens of Tarnobrzeg that the restoration of
Dzików and its transformation into a museum will be completed by 2012. He remains
confident that the Tarnowski family will live up to their promise of placing their collection in
Dzików, once Phase III of the restoration project has been completed.
Jaś (Głowa) indicated to me recently that he was pleasantly surprised by the quality of
workmanship and the attractive appearance of the restored cellars as well as the shiny new roof
recovering Dzików. He added that judging by the excellent results obtained in Phase I and II
of the restoration project, completing the interior of the castle and its preparation to become a
museum promises well for the future of the project.
Prof. Stanisław Tarnowski Public Trade College
Continuing the annual tradition begun in 2003, the Association offered three bursaries in 2008
of 1,000 zł each to students with the best results. Prof. dr. hab. Karol Tarnowski, prof. Paweł
Taranczewski and Elżbieta Łastowiecka represented the Family during the Official Opening of
the Academic Year 2008–2009. Prof. dr. hab. Karol Karol Tarnowski addressed the students
and presented the bursaries to:
Paulinka Kowalczuk, Pedagogy
Lucyna Kilanowska, Administration
Marek Grabowski, Sociology
In thanking the Association for the bursaries, the Rector prof. dr. hab. Kazimierz Jaremczuk
underlined the noble tradition of the Tarnowki Family that aims its support towards what is
most important to the future of Poland, education of the youth.
Report from General Assembly – Part I (15/08/2008)
1. Opening Statement
Paul Tarnowski, President of the Tarnowski Family Association, opened the proceedings by
welcoming the participants and by confirming quorum (59 members present in person or by
proxy out of a membership totalling 109). He then proposed that Marychna Tarnowska act as
Secretary during the Assembly, which was accepted unanimously.
2. President’s Report on Activities during the Term (2004-2008)
With the Family scattered around the world, the Association continues to play an important
role in maintaining ties amongst family members. It moves forward gradually, totalling, at the
end of 2008, 109 Regular and Associate Members, as well as 5 Honorary Members.
The website offers an excellent communication link and the newsletter has proven the best
method to inform the family about events and activities. I would like to take this opportunity
to thank Michael Tarnowski (Embrun, Ontario, Canada) for his valuable contribution as the
Association’s Webmaster and my brother, Martin, for maintaining current and always trying to
improve the Family Genealogy.
The Board continued the tradition of supporting social and cultural activities in the area of
Tarnobrzeg, where our family originated:
By offering annually (2004, 05, 06, 07, 08) 3,000 zł in bursaries to the students with the
best results at the prof. Stanisław Tarnowski Public Trade College in Tarnobrzeg and
by participating, whenever possible, in Special Events at the College.
By offering support of 2,000 zł in 2006 for a new school flag at the Count Stanisław
Tarnowski Primary School in Tarnowska Wola and by participating in Special
Celebrations at the same school.
By participating, when invited, in Special Events organised by the city of Tarnobrzeg,
such as in 2006 the Tribute to the Insurgents of 1863, including Juliusz Tarnowski on
the 144th Anniversary of the Battle at Komorów; the Official Opening in 2006 of an
Exhibit of Old Prints from the Dzików Collection at the Municipal Library; the Official
Opening in August 2008 of restored cellars under Dzików castle, and other similar
By supporting financially with a 3,000 zł donation to the Abandoned Children Home in
Tarnobrzeg, which was founded by Zdzisław Tarnowski. The donation helped to cover
the cost of much needed repairs to the building.
The President suggested that the current five-year term for Board Members was too long a
commitment. Similarly the coinciding five-year period between full Reunions with a General
Assembly is also too lengthy. We lose touch and grow apart. The internet cannot replace
human contact. Jacek Tarnowski (Sopot) suggested that smaller local gatherings be organised
between major reunions, with invitations to the entire family, even if only a few can attend
from outside, might be the answer. For example, Polish Christmas and New Year celebrations
in Kraków are very special, as well as a ski holiday during the school break in February,
whether in Europe or in North America. These might be organised locally and may appeal to
some family members anywhere. The President agreed that this option is worth investigating,
however the term for Board Members and the period between General Assemblies should be
reduced to three years.
In 2006, a controversy developed over parts of a book about the Tarnowski Family “The Last
Mazurka”. It brought serious complaints from Members against the author, Andrew
Tarnowski. The Board had to deal with the matter. Its decision to withdraw Andrew’s
membership in the Association created a division amongst the membership. This matter will
be addressed in more detail during PART II of the General Assembly.
3. Financial Report
At the request of our Treasurer, Piotr Mycielski, the President submitted the Financial Report
for the period January 1, 2004 to August 30, 2008. He stated that the Association will dispose
of adequate funding to begin the new term 2009 to 2011, approximately 11,000 zł. He also
indicated that the current revenues from fees adequately covered the expenses resulting from
its activities and that they could remain at the same level for the next term. The Financial
Statement submitted below has been updated to reflect the entire term, January 1, 2004 to
December 31, 2008, including revenues of over 4,000 zł from membership fees for the new
4. Acceptance of the President’s Report and the Financial Statement
Due to the absence at the General Assembly of Members from the Auditing Committee, the
President proposed submitting acceptance of the Financial Statement and the President’s
Report to a vote by the Assembly. The Secretary confirmed that the procedure was
constitutional and seconded the President’s proposal. The vote was unanimous in favour.
Financial Statement for Reunion 2008
Revenue from fees 32,945zł+ special collection during Reunion 4,170zł
Donation by Rosabelle and Yoyo T 1300zł
Hotel Konstancja: bed and food
Orchestra for Festive Evening
Buses to museum and National Library
Visit to the Warsaw Uprising Museum
Total Expenses during Reunion
Shortfall from Reunion 2008
Financial Statement for the Association of the Tarnowski Family
Covering the Period 1/01/2004 to 31/12/2008
Funds available on 1/01/2004
Revenue from fees during that period
Three additional members contributed fees during Reunion
Revenue from new memberships+Maria Tarnowska Memoirs
Revenue from Reunion + Special Collection at Reunion 4,170zł
+gift from Yoyo and Rosabelle T. 1,300zł
Total Revenues
Funds available to the Association during that period
Admin. Expenses from 1/01/2004 to 31/12/2008.
Admin expenses (publishing and distribution of newsletters and
Address Book, Website, computer related and misc)
Extraordinary Expenses during that period:
3,000zł Bursaries each yr (2004, 05, 06, 07, 08)
For prof. Stanisław Tarnowski Trade College in Tbrzg 15,000zł
Donation for a new flag to Ct. Stanisław Tarnowski
Preliminary school in Tarnowska Wola in 2005
Donation in 2005 to the Abandoned Children Home in
Tarnobrzeg, founded by Z. Tarnowski before WWII
Total Extraordinnary Expenses
Total Expenses from 1/01/2004 to 01/11/2008
Cost of Reunion 2008
Total Expenses for that period
Funds available to the association December 31, 2008
(Balance in the Bank in Poland 10,859.58 zł + about 4,300 zł in Banks abroad)
5. Elections of Board Members
The President thanked the outgoing members for serving on the Board and before submitting
the official list of candidates, he asked if there were any additional nominations from the floor.
Marek Tarnowski (Konskie) submitted three additional names to the list: Adam Tarnowski
(Genève), Stefan (Etienne) Tarnowski (Toulouse Fr.) and Rose Marie Punch (Ireland). Adam
Tarnowski declined and the other two candidates, being absent, could not confirm their
The President then submitted the list of candidates to the Board:
Paweł Tarnowski, President
Aleksander Tarnowski, 1st Vice-President
Karol Tarnowski, 2nd Vice-President
Jan Michał Tarnowski, Treasurer,
Maria Tarnowska, Secretary
Members at Large: Jacek Tarnowski (Sopot)
Jan Spytek Tarnowski (Warsaw)
Jan Artur Tarnowski (Głowa)
Tomasz Tarnowski (Sopot)
Martin Tarnowski ( Montreal) Genealogy
Michael Tarnowski( Embrun, Ontario, Canada) Webmaster.
The President also submitted the names of three candidates for the Auditing Committee:
Elżbieta Łastowiecka, Marta Taranczewska and Marek Władysław Tarnowski (Wawa)
The President confirmed that all candidates to the Board on the list and the three candidates for
the Auditing Committee had confirmed their candidacies.
Since the number of candidates to the Board and for the Auditing Committee matched the
number of positions, the candidates were elected by acclamation.
6. Changes to the Constitution
The President presented three changes to the constitution resulting from the evolution in the
Tarnowski Association:
As the President had mentioned earlier, he proposed to shorten the Board’s term to
three years and at the same time reduce the period between General Assemblies by
changing paragraph 18, 2. in the constitution from five years to three years. Following a
short discussion, the resolution was passed (40 votes to 18).
With less members participating in Reunions, constituting quorum at General
Assembly meetings is becoming more difficult. During the discussion to resolve the
problem, Jacek Tarnowski’s proposed changing paragraph 16-7 in the constitution. “In
the case quorum is lacking, the General Assembly is adjourned for a 15 minute break.
When it reconvenes, the members of the Association present constitute quorum”. The
resolution was passed unanimously.
To prevent long discussions at General Assemblies on the level of the membership fee
the President proposed that the Board set the membership fee. After a short discussion a
resolution to amend the constitution by eliminating paragraph 11, 2. 5 and by changing
the wording of paragraph 11, 2. 1 as follows, was voted on: “Joining the Association or
renewing a membership requires submitting an application to the Executive Board,
accompanied by the membership fee. The membership fee is set by the Board and
payment is required before June 30th of the year following the latest General
Assembly”. The vote was unanimous in favour.
Since this was the last item on the agenda of PART I, the President declared the meeting
Report from General Assembly PART II - August 16, 2008
Opening remarks and comments about Janosz Esterhazy’s biography
Paweł Tarnowski, President, welcomed the participants and confirmed quorum, since the same
number of members were present in person and by proxy as for Part I of the Assembly. He then
yielded the floor to Piotr Mycielski, the outgoing treasurer, who reported on a recentlypublished book about Janosz Esterhazy, the Hungarian connection in the family. The author
praises in the book Janosz’s mother, Elżbieta Tarnowska, daughter of prof. Stanisław
Tarnowski, and the Tarnowski Family for inculcating in him high ideals and moral values.
Later as an adult, he professed and defended them at the peril of his own life which ended
prematurely in a communist prison. After the fall of Communism, the people of Hungary gave
him the status of a national hero. The author writes that the Tarnowski Family is forever
linked to the History of Hungary and will always be held in high esteem by the people of this
country. Piotr indicated that, at the moment, the book was only available in Hungarian, but he
will inform the membership when it appears in Polish.
Presentation on Family Genealogy by Andrzej Cybulski
Andrzej Cybulski introduced himself as an amateur genealogist, who became involved with the
Tarnowski genealogy to satisfy his daughter’s incessant curiosity about her mother’s origins
(Zofia Bnińska). Andrzej included several interesting points in his presentation:
A large genealogical tree from Jan Stanisław Amor Tarnowski (1642 -1676), was
displayed on the wall of the hall and easily allowed members of the family present to
trace their origins.
How the Tarnowski Family became titled and the important role it played in the History
of Poland.
How Leliwa became the Coat of Arms of the Tarnowski Family.
Tarnowski relationships to the best and most influential families in Poland.
Andrzej concluded his presentation by distributing a comprehensive summary of his
The future of the Tarnowski Family Association
“The Association’s Future”, is the last item on today’s program. Paweł T. introduced it by
saying: “United we succeed and the Association will move forward! Divided we fail and the
Association will die!!!”
In 2006, following the publication of “The Last Mazurka”, the Board had a dilemma in
resolving the complaint against Andrew Tarnowski. The Board Members felt that the Author
had wronged his immediate family by including unauthorised information in his book.
However they could not agree on immediately expelling him from the Association without
further discussion or attempts at mediation. The Board Members deferred the final decision to
the four people, most affected by the “The Last Mazurka”, Sophie Tarnowska-Moss, Ada
Tarnowska, Arthur Tarnowski (London) and Marek Tarnowski (Warsaw). They unanimously
decided to immediately expel Andrew from the Tarnowski Association. The decision brought
controversy and division amongst the members.
I hope that an open discussion will bring closure to the subject and unite us again.
Marek Tarnowski (Końskie) opened the proceedings by stating that an open discussion on
the subject of Andrew’s book and his expulsion from the Association is overdue and that it
must be followed by a secret vote on a resolution to restore his membership. He added that he
represents by proxy three other members who question the Board’s decision and that it is very
important for the membership to have an opportunity in expressing their view on the Board’s
decision that resulted in Andrew’s expulsion from the Association.
Yolande Tarnowski (Paul’s wife) agreed and supported Marek’s position of a discussion to
formulate a resolution on the Board’s decision, followed by a vote on such a resolution.
Andrew was informed that he could appeal the Board’s decision at the General Assembly
through a member of the Association. He chose not to take advantage of this opportunity and
it was felt that he had no interest in having his membership restored. During interviews with
newspapers and in television, Andrew insists that he is been unjustly expelled from the
Association and shows no remorse for the harm and grief that he has caused members of his
immediate family. He acts as he has done no wrong.
Jan Spytek Tarnowski:
Is this discussion about restoring Andrew his membership in the Association or about judging
the Board on the decision that resulted in Andrew’s expulsion from the Association. In any
case, Andrew has decided not to appeal, so no vote is needed.
Marychna Tarnowska:
The program for the Assembly does not include an item about Andrew’s appeal of the Board’s
decision to expel him from the Association and a vote on restoring his membership. It does not
figure in the program because Andrew chose not to appeal. This can mean that he agrees with
the Board’s decision or that he is no longer interested in being a member. The discussion
about the “The Last Mazurka” and about Andrew’s expulsion from the Association can take
place, but it cannot lead to a vote on restoring Andrew’s membership.
Adam Tarnowski :
« Je souhaite prendre la parole au nom de la majorité de la branche de Sucha concernant
l’expulsion de l’Association de notre cousin Andrew. (Tout le monde sauf Raphaël, qui
jusqu’à présent y était indifferent, et Anna qui n’est pas au courant).
Nous comprenons parfaitement que nos cousins de Rudnik aient pu être blessés par les
révélations désagréables mais vraisemblablement exactes, contenues dans le livre de Andrew
Ö Nous leur exprimons toute notre sympathie et notre compassion en raison de leur
Ö Nous voulons croire aussi que l’expulsion d’Andrew Tarnowski ait été décidée sous le
coup de cette émotion et de cette compassion. C’est pourquoi la position que nous
défendons maintenant ne comprend ni attaque, ni reproche à l’égard de personne
Pourtant, nous ne pouvons être en accord avec cette décision pour plusieurs raisons :
Ö Pour une décision de cette nature, l’ensemble de la famille, et non un collège restreint
de 4 personnes, aurait dû être consulté.
Ö Ce collège, composé – semble-t-il – uniquement de membres de la branche de Rudnik,
lésée dans l’affaire, est juge et partie ; c’est donc une parodie de justice.
Ö À notre connaissance, la décision a été prise sans entendre l’auteur du livre et sans
produire ses justificatifs qu’il avait, sauf erreur, adressés au Comité, et qui à aucun
moment n’ont été portés à notre connaissance. Cela n’a rien à voir avec la justice.
Il ne s’agit alors que d’un procès à charge, à l’exclusion de tout élément de défense.
Cette façon de faire aboutit, en fin de compte, à une grave injustice à l’égard d’Andrew
Tarnowski qui nous choque et que nous n’acceptons pas.
Ö Pour toutes ces raisons, cette décision ne nous paraît ni juste ni justifiée
Ö Nous vivons en démocratie et croyons tous en la valeur de la liberté d’expression,
pour peu bien sûr que celle-ci soit responsable et basée sur des faits avérés.
À ce titre, condamner l’auteur d’un livre nous met très mal à l’aise et nous paraît
Ö À notre connaissance, il est reproché à Andrew la révélation de faits désagréables, non
leur authenticité. La famille Tarnowski a trop longtemps vécu dans une forme
d’idéalisme. Ayons enfin le courage d’assumer que nous ne sommes pas parfaits et la
part de faiblesse humaine de chacun de nous ou de nos parents et ancêtres.
Ö Enfin, il nous semble que le but de l’Association est de nous rassembler, de nous
tenir le coude au-delà de nos différences et de nos différends. Ériger l’Association
en gardien de la morale et en juge de la bonne conduite de ses membres, nous paraît
aller à l’encontre de ce but fondamental et là encore, nous met mal à l’aise.
Pour les raisons mentionnées, nous proposons que l’Assemblée générale de l’Association
révoque la décision du Comité et réintègre Andrew Tarnowski comme membre de plein droit
de l’Association, en ayant pris connaissance de l’ensemble des pièces du dossier.
Encore une fois, nous ne nous dressons pas contre les membres du Comité ou la branche de
Rudnik, dont nous comprenons la légitime émotion, mais nous souhaitons aboutir à une
décision vraiment juste dans la forme et le fond, sereine, et qui se prenne dans l’esprit de
responsabilité, de compréhension et de tolérance qui nous anime tous.
C’est le vœu que nous formulons. »
Jan Spytek Tarnowski responds to Adam by reading his recent letter to Adam’s brother,
Stefan, who had expressed earlier his objection to the Board’s decision concerning Andrew.
(Translation of the letter into English by Paul Tarnowski):
« Thank you for your clearly stated point of view. I respect it, but I disagree with it.
I believe that what is totally unacceptable about Andrew’s book is the fact that a son writes in
such a manner about his immediate family.
If a stranger wrote the same book, I would be unhappy about it. If he stuck to the truth, did not
include information that was hearsay, unverified, or confidential and not-for-publication, I
repeat that I would be unhappy, but I would not oppose the book because it is his right to
publish under the freedom of expression. I might even think that the Polish saying « A dog is
allowed to bark at his master » applies in this situation.
It is totally different, when a son or a brother writes it about his immediate family, more so if
he reveals information that is hearsay, unverified, or confidential and not-for-publication.
For example:
Insinuations that my father collaborated with the communist secret Police SB during his
stay in Poland in 1957 or later.
Insinuations that Zdzisław Tarnowski of Dzików was my grandmother’s father (Wanda
Relating the alleged suicide attempt by my grandfather on his wedding night, blamed
on a lack of sexual experience; Andrew learned that information from uncle Tom
Zamoyski, but was warned against publishing it, which he confirms in the « The Last
Mazurka ». Are these, the actions one expects from an experienced correspondent, or
even more so from a gentleman?
I will not even allude to the manner in which he wrote about my brother Marek, who felt
completely betrayed. What did Marek do to him to deserve such a brutal attack? Is that not
reporting on life with details worthy of the worst press from the gutter ?
You write that the Board did not allow Andrew to defend himself. He uses this argument all
the time to publicize his book during interviews with the media by maintaining that the
Association withdrew his membership without a hearing.
Who wrote the book ? Who assured immediate family during mediation by Jaś (Głowa) that
before publishing « The Last Mazurka », he would allow members of the immediate family to
read the book ? Having the media on his side, Andrew takes full advantage of it to publicise
his book by using the juiciest information, like the episode about his grandfather’s suicide
Dear Stefan, I know exactly how my father was. What was beautiful in his life and what was
unacceptable. I don’t prevent others from having a bad opinion of him because he probably
deserved it ! However I repeat again, in my opinion, a son does not have the right to publish
such a book. Andrew, if he was unable to understand his father, could have forgiven him and
told him to his face during his life time what he thought of him ! bid goodbye and leave. He
never found the courage to do it.
Thank you for sharing your views with me.
I sincerely regret that we will not see each other at the Reunion.
Adam Tarnowski (Genève) asks why the members of the family most affected by the book
turned to the Association and not to the courts?
Jan Spytek Tarnowski responds that by dragging the affair in the courts they would have
stooped to the same level as Andrew and provided free advertising for the book. The people
turned to the Association because they felt that, as a member, Andrew had conducted himself
vis à vis other members in a manner contrary to the Constitution.
Raphaël Tarnowski (Sucha) s’exprime
« En ce mois d’août 2008 : réunion Tarnowski à Konstancin près de Varsovie, deux
expositions Tarnowski au Musée National et à la Bibliothèque Nationale et un livre Tarnowski.
Coïncidences !
La famille « à l’honneur » d’un côté grâce à des évènements qui réunissent. D’un autre côté, la
famille atteinte et divisée par la mazurka d’un cousin, d’un fils, d’un frère.
Lors de notre réunion familiale, il y a évidemment beaucoup question du livre d’Andrew. Mais
entre autres sujets abordés, il a aussi été question de l’appartenance de la famille à l’aristocratie
nobiliaire européenne.
A propos de noblesse, il semble opportun de rappeler qu’être noble, ce n’est pas qu’un titre ni
une supériorité acquise ni uniquement un capital social désormais dû au souvenir. Ne s’arrêter
qu’aux titres et à la toile d’araignée de l’almanach de Gotha conduit à des comportements
« sine nobilitate », c’est-à-dire snobs ! D’autant qu’aujourd’hui, la noblesse n’est rien, si elle
n’est pas avant tout la boussole d’un comportement dicté par des qualités morales préférant
l’honneur à l’intérêt particulier ; elle n’est rien si elle n’est pas une manière d’être intégrant
sens moral, sens du devoir, sens du partage ; elle n’est rien si elle n’intègre pas également
modestie et délicatesse de sentiments.
C’est évidemment aussi affaire de culture. Culture qui devrait être formation de la conscience
et du jugement et pas seulement du savoir. L’observation révèle en effet à quel point
l’intelligence est faible lorsque le cœur est médiocre. La culture devrait donc accroître notre
humanité et être enseignement de noblesse !
En résumé, la seule noblesse qui vaille est la noblesse de l’esprit et du cœur dont tout
comportement et toute influence, à défaut de puissance, devraient découler.
Mais il ne suffit pas de le savoir.
En effet, on peut dire aujourd’hui que « savoir oblige ». Comme on disait jadis que « noblesse
obligeait » ou aurait dû le faire.
Evidemment, ce ne sont là que formules creuses et vains mots s’ils n’impliquent pas tout
simplement et en premier lieu la considération de son prochain, comme disent les chrétiens, et
la considération primordiale de l’humain, c’est-à-dire la solidarité.
En somme, quelqu’un de noble devrait être quelqu’un de bien, c’est-à-dire quelqu’un avant
tout attentif aux autres.
La décadence générale dans laquelle nous vivons aujourd’hui est due à l’affaiblissement de ces
idées là et de ces valeurs fondamentales, suivi de l’abandon de ces certitudes essentielles dans
lesquelles devraient s’alimenter les sentiments fondamentaux vis-à-vis des autres,
particulièrement les sentiments des « élites » puisqu’elles savent. Or, c’est bien loin d’être le
« L’affaire » provoquée par notre cousin illustre quelques lacunes de cet ordre.
Il est écrivain. Or, l’expérience de l’écrivain apprend les conditions à remplir pour obtenir le
positif et, lorsque c’est possible, éviter le négatif. Le critère du positif et du négatif, du bon et
du mauvais, du vrai et du faux, ne peut être fourni que par la raison et par la conscience. La
conscience, c’est le seul point de vue pour juger de ce que l’on fait et être certain d’agir pour le
bien. C’est le contraire de l’indifférence et du cynisme.
Il faut noter que dans une interview publiée en Pologne, Andrew lui-même a revendiqué le
caractère romanesque de son livre. Il a également précisé qu’il avait « affabulé » entre autres
pour des raisons commerciales réclamées par son éditeur. Et pourquoi pas ? D’autant que,
surtout dans le roman, il n’y a pas plus besoin d’apologie qu’il n’y a besoin d’appuyer là où
cela fait mal.
En l’occurrence et quelle que soit la qualité de son livre, le problème est simple : pourquoi
s’est-il arrogé le droit et pris la liberté de blesser, de bafouer, de choquer, d’offenser, de
scandaliser ? Pourquoi a-t-il pris la liberté de ternir la réputation de sa famille et surtout de sa
famille la plus proche ? De ternir le souvenir d’un père aux yeux d’une mère toujours de ce
monde ; aux yeux de frères et de sœurs qu’il a bouleversés ? De surcroît pourquoi l’a-t-il fait
publiquement ? Si nécessaire, n’aurait-il pas mieux valu « laver son linge sale en famille » ?
L’honneur est une grande chose. Pourquoi offenser en révélant des intimités subalternes sans
une raison supérieure ? La liberté individuelle n’est décidément pas tout. La responsabilité est
son corollaire obligé.
D’autre part et selon un vieil adage « toute vérité n’est pas bonne à dire ». Particulièrement
celle qui blesse, surtout lorsque la dévoiler, n’apporte rien à rien. Avant le « bon à tirer » de
son livre, il aurait probablement suffi de retrancher quelques lignes de texte sans pour autant
amputer l’ouvrage. Et il n’y aurait pas eu « d’affaire » ni de scandale ni d’exclusion. En
revanche et puisque « malheur par qui le scandale arrive », Andrew a été rejeté par les siens.
On ne peut pas priver une œuvre de ses conséquences. Surtout lorsque, en l’occurrence, on la
publie sur les bords de la Vistule et non sur le Bund à Shanghaï !
D’autre part, la liberté de l’écrivain consiste d’abord à subordonner ce qui est inférieur dans sa
nature à ce qui est supérieur. Distinguer, élever, éduquer, aider, aimer, sont des principes de
cette essence noble et chrétienne à laquelle nous nous référons, qui pour être opérante doit
avoir des conséquences pratiques. Sans quoi, elle est inexistante. Ce sont des principes que l’on
ne devrait pas prendre la liberté de ramener à soi pour les modifier à son gré. La pente vers soi
étant, comme chacun sait, le commencement de tout désordre.
En l’occurrence, l’écrivain ne devrait pas se défaire des critères de la morale et n’avoir aucun
souci de l’effet que son œuvre peut produire sur tel ou tel esprit ou en atteignant telle ou telle
personne… particulièrement dans un contexte familial. On ne peut pas se jouer des autres.
Cependant, il y a des exceptions à ces règles de base lorsque dans des ouvrages spécifiques,
l’on traite de certains personnages et de leur fonction.
En effet, lorsque les deux sont liés et que la fonction de quelqu’un le rend responsable du sort
de nombreuses personnes ou influe sur la vie d’un grand nombre, il est indispensable de
connaître la vérité sur la personne.
C’est le cas en ce qui concerne des dirigeants, des décideurs politiques ou économiques, des
banquiers, des financiers ou des orientateurs d’opinion, c’est le cas de ceux qu’on appelle, bien
à tort d’ailleurs, des « élites ».
Démystifier, révéler les diverses turpitudes des Berlusconi, Bush, Wolfowitz, JFK, Sarkozy,
Sharon, David Weil, Murdoch et autres, correspond à des opérations d’information,
d’explication et souvent de salubrité publique.
Mais lorsqu’il s’agit de personnes privées, il n’est pas indispensable de ressortir des vérités qui
n’apportent rien mais qui peuvent heurter et offenser des personnes qui n’y sont pour rien.
Andrew avait-il des regrets ou des comptes à régler avec son enfance ? Voulait-il les
exorciser ? Je ne sais. Il n’a probablement pas voulu blesser ni choquer. Mais il l’a fait. C’est
dommage car c’est inutile. Mais surtout c’est grave. Parce qu’il a blessé sa mère, ses frères et
sœurs et nombre de ses cousins. Comme quoi on n’écrit pas que pour soi.
Il suffirait peut-être de lui faire savoir à quel point il en est ainsi. Quelles que soient les
opinions qui se sont exprimées hors de la connaissance de cette cause là.
Néanmoins, les offenses, puisqu’ offense il y a, sont faites pour être pardonnées.
La noblesse consiste aussi à pardonner.
A qui demande pardon, indeed ! »
Ada Tarnowska, I have listened with great interest to your comments, Rafał, and I agree with
most of it until the last sentence. If Andrew had shown some remorse by asking forgiveness,
the family’s reaction would have been much different. But he has not done so.
Jadwiga Stachura (Królik), our discussion shows the great difference that exists between life
in Poland and that in the western world. Supposedly democracy is the same for everyone and
freedom of expression must have limits in order to protect the rights of individuals. If a person
injures someone, he or she should have enough courage to admit doing wrong and show
remorse. Then nobility, good upbringing and tradition may result in forgiveness. However
forgiveness cannot be achieved by force, nor can Andrew’s membership in the Association be
restored to him against his will, since he has never shown any remorse publicly.
Marychna Tarnowska responding to Adam
You mention that in EU freedom of expression has a very wide meaning. I want to assure you
that freedom of expression in Polish legislation as in legislation in EU countries ends where
legislation protecting the rights of individuals begins. Andrew has certainly violated that
principle and that is why the Board reacted as it did. You also mention that the Board did not
give Andrew a chance to defend himself. He stated everything in his book. What justification
could he offer since he had no intention of altering nor revoking the book ?
Gabriela Bullock, I would like to refer to the allegations in the Last Mazurka about the
collaboration by Andrew’s father with the Communist Secret Police SB. When he recently
discovered irrefutable proof from Secret Police documents, that his father was totally innocent
of those charges, Andrew communicated this information to Jan Spytek, but he made no
attempt to correct the insinuations in the book. His actions seem to show contempt for his
immediate family.
President, we all want the Family to be united and the Association to go forward. I have a
proposal that may achieve this. Let us turn to the four members of the family that made the
final decision about Andrew’s expulsion from the Association and ask them if they are
prepared to forgive Andrew if he shows remorse and makes a public statement asking
forgiveness for the grief that he has caused them. If they agree, a proposal would be extended
to Andrew that by making such a statement publicly it could lead to closer relations with his
family and to reinstatement of his membership in the Association of the Tarnowski Family.
His refusal would send a clear message that he is neither interested in making peace nor in the
Tarnowski Association.
Jan Spytek Tarnowski responds, this proposal is unacceptable ! The Board’s decision was
final and this is an underhanded way to try and bring Andrew back into the Association ! I will
not stand for it !
Marek Tarnowski (Rudnik), I do not agree with this proposal. Andrew had many
opportunities to make peace with his immediate family. He did not present an appeal to the
Board’s decision at the General Assembly. The case is closed and I will not agree to such a
proposal beeing made to Andrew.
Jan Tarnowski (Chorzelowski), Andrew’s action was so premeditated, that I don’t know
what words could adequately show his remorse.
Ada Tarnowska, I have thought over what I said before in conjunction with this proposal and
I am totally opposed to any of us four or the Association approaching Andrew first. We were
not angry at him before « The Last Mazurka » was published, He offended us, therfore he must
come to us and ask for forgiveness. This proposal must originate from Andrew.
Aleksander Tarnowski`allow me to read some excerpts from an interview with Andrew three
weeks after « The Last Mazurka » was published in England. They may help us in
understanding the reason why Andrew wrote the book and the meaning of its contents
(Translation of what appeared in Polish) :
« Reuters is considered the best information panel in the world. It demands the highest
writing standards from the correspondents. During my thirty year career, I only reported the
truth. That largely decided the form for my novel. What I describe in « The Last Mazurka »
really happened, not a single thing has been invented, nothing hidden nor suppressed. This is a
novel, therefore certain facts and dates have been given a character more acceptable to a novel,
but always arrived at by deduction. I have not changed nor overdramatized anything ; in any
case, it was not necessary as the history of my family is sufficiently dramatic... »
Andrew’s reply to the question, will the book appear in Poland ? « ...I am still reflecting if it is
really worth it. In Poland such books are not written, you can only find publications idolising
what no longer exists. My novel deals with the Polish aristocracy; since it belongs to a species
deceased, the Poles feel that it deserves an unconditional respect. I wrote my book according
to the Western model and not the Polish one. I fear my family’s reaction, as they already
resent me for writing it... » « ....However I am the oldest child in the family and I bear the
burden of telling the truth. My sisters’ and my brothers’ children do not know why such bad
relations exist in the family. We do not meet in private and for that reason certain affairs
remain unresolved. For me, I chose the only road, even if it appears unconventional, that may
improve relations within the family... »
I want to add that Board members referred to that interview, when reviewing the complaint
against Andrew.
Adam Tarnowski (Genève) This discussion has been beneficial for me and I hope for all
present to better understand the Board’s position that led to the expulsion of Andrew
Tarnowski from the Association. However the Board did not gain my support for their
decision concerning Andrew’s membership nor did I change my mind about tolerance towards
the author of “The Last Mazurka”. Nevertheless for the sake of our children, whom I want to
continue to benefit from the Association of the Tarnowski Family, I move that we close the
discussion about ``The Last Mazurka`` and that we unify our support for the Association.
President, I most certainly support this motion and the loud applause confirms the Assembly’s
unanimous agreement.
The agenda has been exhausted and I move to close the Assembly.
unanimously in favour.
All present voted