LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving problems of typology and


LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving problems of typology and
Publishers of British Archaeological Reports, BAR
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Announcing the first volume in our new series
Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery
Edited by Miguel Ángel Cau, Paul Reynolds and Michel Bonifay
LRFW 1. Late Roman Fine Wares. Solving problems of typology and chronology
A review of the evidence, debate and new contexts
edited by Miguel Ángel Cau, Paul Reynolds and Michel Bonifay
ISBN 9781905739462, xii+251 pages, illustrated throughout. £30.00
Publication offer: £25.00 including postage (February 2012 only)
With this first volume on ceramic assemblages and the dating of late Roman fine wares, we are delighted to launch a new series entitled Roman and Late Antique Mediterranean Pottery devoted to the publication of ceramics in the Roman Mediterranean and outlying territories from the late Republic to late Antiquity. LRFW Volume 1 Contents: Introductions (a) (M.A. Cau, P. Reynolds, M. Bonifay); (b): LRFW Working Group (text by M.A. Cau, P. Reynolds and M. Bonifay), An initiative for the revision of late Roman fine wares in the Mediterranean (c. AD 200‐700): The Barcelona ICREA/ESF Workshop; (c) LRFW Working Group (text by P. Reynolds, M. Bonifay and M.A. Cau), Key contexts for the dating of late Roman Mediterranean fine wares: a preliminary review and ‘seriation’; 1) Ceramica e contesti nel Quartiere Bizantino del Pythion di Gortina (Creta): alla ricerca della “complessità” nella datazione (E. Zanini and S. Costa); 2) Coins, pottery and the dating of assemblages (R. Reece); 3) Late Roman D. A matter of open(ing) or closed horizons? (J. Poblome and N. Firat); 4) A note on the development of Cypriot Late Roman D forms 2 and 9 (P. Reynolds); 5) Chronologie finale de la sigillée africaine A à partir des contextes de Chãos Salgados (Mirobriga?): différences de facies entre Orient et Occident (J.C. Quaresma); 6) Sigillatas africanas y orientales de mediados del VI d. C. procedentes de los rellenos de colmatación de una cisterna de Hispalis (Sevilla). Los contextos de la Plaza de la Pescadería (J. Vázquez Paz and E. García Vargas); 7) A 7th century pottery deposit from Byzantine Carthago Spartaria (Cartagena, Spain) (P. Reynolds); 8) Contextos cerámicos del siglo VI d.C. de Iluro (Hispania Tarraconensis) (V. Revilla Calvo); 9) Note sur les sigillées orientales tardives du port de Fos (Bouches‐du‐Rhône, France) (F. Marty); 10) L’agglomération de Constantine (Lançon‐de‐Provence, Bouches‐du‐Rhône): deux contextes du VIe siècle (G. Duperron and F. Verdin); 11) Un dépôt de céramiques du début du Ve s. apr. J.‐C. sur le site de la rue de la Douane à Porquerolles (Hyères, Var) (E. Pellegrino); 12) Un ensemble de céramiques de l’extrême fin du IVe s. apr. J.‐C. sur le site du n°43 de l’avenue du XVe Corps à Fréjus (Var) (E. Pellegrino); 13) Campiani: un ensemble du IIe siècle à Lucciana (Haute‐Corse) (S. Lang‐Desvignes); 14) Fine wares from Beirut contexts, c. 450 to the early 7th century (P. Reynolds); 15) Le mobilier céramique de la citerne C4 de la Maison de la Rotonde à Carthage (A. Bourgeois). Publication offer: £25.00 including postage (February 2012 only) Please post to: Archaeopress, 276 Banbury Road, Oxford, UK, OX2 7ED, or fax: +44 (0) 1865 311914. Payments by Mastercard, Visa,
or by £ cheque (payable to Archaeopress).
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