LRCW 5 - Centre d`Etudes Alexandrines


LRCW 5 - Centre d`Etudes Alexandrines
Fifth International Conference on Late Roman
Coarse Wares, Cooking Wares and Amphorae
in the Mediterranean
Archaeology and Archaeometry
Alexandria (Egypt), 6-10 April 2014
14.30 – 14.50
Caterina Serena Martucci, Girolamo F. De
Simone, Chiara Germinario, Celestino Grifa,
Alessio Langella, Piergiulio Cappelletti &
Vincenzo Morra, Late Roman slipped or painted
wares? Technology and chronology of some Campanian
14.50 – 15.10
Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, J.M. Macias,
Evanthia Tsantini, Jeronima Riutort & Leandro
Fantuzzi, Late Roman coarse and cooking wares in
Tarragona (Spain): regional and imported fabric.
15.10 – 15.30
15.30 – 16.00
Coffee break
Day 1: Sunday 6 April: Institut Français d’Égypte
10.00 – 10.45
Welcoming the participants
10.45 – 11.00
Welcoming addresses, Véronique Rieffel, Mona
Haggag, Jean-Yves Empereur, Delphine Dixneuf
11.00 – 11.30
11.30 – 12.00
Opening lecture, Pascale Ballet, The current state
of research into common ware ceramics of Roman and
Byzantine Egypt.
Coffee break
2nd Session. Regional Contexts: Egypt
1st Session. Archaeometry and Archaeology
16.00 – 16.30 Sylvie Marchand (Invited speaker), État des
recherches céramologiques et archéologiques en Égypte
pour la période proto-byzantine.
12.00 – 12.30
Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros (Invited speaker).
12.30 – 12.50
Lisa Peloschek & Denise Katzjäger, Archaeological
and mineralogical profile of the pink clay-pottery from
Late Antique Elephantine (Upper Egypt).
16.30 – 16.50 Michel Bonifay, Claudio Capelli & Ahmet Kaan
Şenol, Amphores africaines de l’Antiquité tardive à
Alexandrie: archéologie et archéométrie.
12.50 – 13.10
Laëtitia Cavassa, Priscilla Munzi, Jean-Pierre
Brun, Chiara Germinario, Celestino Grifa,
Mariano Mercurio, Alessio Langella & Vincenzo
Morra, Cumes. Le matériel tardo-antique découvert
dans un puits: entre données typologiques et analyses
16.50 – 17.10
Grzegorz Majcherek, Looking west: African
amphorae and the economy of Late Roman Alexandria.
17.10 – 17.30
Loïc Mazou, Nouvelles données sur l’histoire des
amphores d’Afrique du Nord vers la Cyrénaïque et
l’Égypte, de la fin de l’époque romaine aux premiers
temps de la conquête arabe.
13.10 – 14.30: Lunch break
17.30 – 18.00
Day 2: Monday 7 April: Institut Français d’Égypte
2nd Session. Regional Contexts: Egypt
9.00 – 9.20
3rd Session. Regional Contexts: Eastern Mediterranean
12.20 – 12.50
Françoise Bonnet-Borel, La poterie des Kellia,
retour sur les datations à la lumière des dernières
9.20 – 9.40
Julie Marchand & Aude Simony, Nouvelles
recherches sur le site de Kôm Abou Billou (Delta
9.40 – 10.00 Roland-Pierre Gayraud & Jean-Christophe
Treglia, Céramiques culinaires et céramiques
communes des niveaux omeyyades de Fustāt Istabl
Antar (642-750 ap. J.-C.).
10.00 – 10.20
Sylvie Marchand & Marie-Odile Rousset, Cuire
les aliments à Tebtynis au Fayoum du viie au xe siècle
ap. J.-C.
10.20 – 10.50
Coffee break
10.50 – 11.10
Delphine Dixneuf, Faciès céramique du viie siècle:
l’exemple de Baouit en Moyenne-Égypte.
11.10 –11.30
Romain David, Les céramiques byzantines de Karnak
et d’Ermant.
11.30 – 11.50
Stefanie Martin-Kilcher, Syène (Assouan).
Contextes et horizons stratigraphiques, du ive au viie
siècle. Une approche nouvelle à la céramique de HauteÉgypte.
11.50 – 12.20
Paul Reynolds (Invited speaker), Ceramic
distribution and supply systems in the Byzantine East.
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break
14.30 – 14.50
Nairusz Haidar Vela, Nouvelles données sur la
céramique de Halabiyye Zénobia (Syrie): un lot du viie
14.50 – 15.10
Agnès Vokaer, Some observations on Late Roman
amphorae from Apamea in Syria.
15.10 – 15.30
Kaan Senol & Erkan Alkaç, The rediscovery of an
LRA 1 workshop in Cilicia and new evidence regarding
the existence of LRA 1 in Alexandria.
15.30 – 15.50
Gelly Fragou, Yioula Tsiloyianni & Aris
Tsaravopoulos, Late Roman amphorae from the
settlement of Kyparissia in Messenia, Greece.
15.50 – 16.20
Coffee break
16.20 – 16.40
Stefano Costa, An archaeology of domestic life in
Early Byzantine Gortyna: stratigraphy, pots and
16.40 – 17.00
Vera Klontza-Jaklova, Priniatikos Pyrgos, Crete:
Byzantine Building 2 and its ceramic assemblage of
the 7th to the beginning of the 9th century AD.
17.00 – 17.30
20.00: Reception at the Centre d’Études Alexandrines
Day 3: Tuesday 8 April: Institut français d’Égypte
12.10 – 12.30 Simonetta Menchelli, Alberto Cafaro, Claudio
Capelli, Stefano Genovesi & Paolo Sangriso,
Vada Volaterrana: a Late Roman context in the service
area of the Piccole Terme building (S. Gaetano di
Vada Rosignano, Livorno, Italy).
12.30 – 12.50
Alfonso Santoriello & Stefania Siano, Ceramiche
comuni tardoantiche dalle ricognizioni del progetto
Ancient Appia Landscapes (Benevento, Italia)
4th Session. Regional contexts:
Eastern Europe and Balkans
Andrei Opait (Invited speaker), On the local
production and imports of wine, olive oil and fish
products in the Pontic and Lower Danube areas (1st7th centuries AD): an overview.
9.00 – 9.30
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break
Andrei Sazanov, Les amphores LRA 4: problèmes de
typologie et de chronologie.
9.30 – 9.50
9.50 – 10.10
Adrian Ardeţ, Egyptian amphorae discovered in the
Diocese of Dacia (4th - 7th century AD).
10.10 – 10.30
Petra Tušlová, Late Roman pottery from the 6th
century AD house excavated at the site of Dodoparon,
10.30 – 11.00
Coffee break
11.00 – 11.30
5th Session. Regional Contexts: Italy
11.20 – 11.50
Simonetta Menchelli (Invited speaker).
11.50 – 12.10
Massimo Dadà, Fabio Fabiani, Maria Cristina
Mileti, Emanuela Paribeni & Claudia Rizzitelli
(in absentia), Un insediamento Tardo-Antico e AltoMedievale nell’ager Lunensis: gli scavi di Piazza
Mercurio a Massa.
6th Session. Regional Contexts:
Sardinia, Sicily and Tunisia
14.30 – 14.50
Laura Biccone & Alessandro Vecciu (in absentia),
Ceramiche da cucina e «polite a stecca» tra v e vii secolo
dagli scavi nell’area di San Pietro a Bosa (Sardegna,
14.50 – 16.10
Cristina Nervi, Assemblages céramique d’époque
Vandale en Sardaigne.
16.10 – 16.20
Valentina Caminneci (in absentia), Nuovi dati
dall’Emporion tardoantico e bizantino di Agrigento
(Sicilia, Italia).
16.20 – 16.40
Jihen Nacef, Nouvelles données sur un atelier
de potier d’époque tardive en Byzacène (Moknine,
16.40 – 17.00 Discussion
Day 4: Wednesday 9 April: Archaeological storerooms of
9.00 – 13.00
Day 5: Thursday 10 April: Excursion to Marea and Akademia
(Mariut lake)
9.00 – 14.00
14.00 – 15.00: Lunch break at the Centre d’études alexandrines
13.00 – 14.30: Lunch break at the French Institute
7th Session. Regional Contexts: Spain and Portugal
Carlotta Bassoli: Bithia (Loc. Chia, domus de Maria, Sardinia). Late
Roman cooking and domestic ware from the south-east area.
14.30 – 14.50
Victoria Amorós & Gabriel Lara (in absentia),
Importaciones en contextos del siglo vii del Tolmo de
Jacopo Bonetto, Giovanna Falezza & Stefania Mazzocchin: La ceramica
con ingobbio rosso dallo scavo del teatro del Pythion a Gortina (Creta).
14.50 – 15.10
Adolfo Fernández & Rui Morais, Las ànforas
tardoantiguas de San Martino de Bueu: el primer centro
de produccion de ànforas del noroeste de Hispania.
Jacopo Bonetto, Marianna Bressan, Denis Francisci, Stefania
Mazzocchin & Eleni Schindler Kaudelka: Spoglio e riuso del teatro del
Pythion di Gortina tra 300 e 365 d.C.: i contesti ceramici.
15.10 – 15.30
José Carlos Quaresma, Quinta da Bolacha
(Amadora, Lisbonne): la céramique de la villa (dernier
tiers du iiie-premier tiers du vie s.).
Clementina Caputo, Julie Marchand & Irene Soto: Pottery from the 4th
century house of Serenos in Trimithis/Amheida (Dakhla Oasis).
15.30 – 15.50
15.50 – 16.10
Coffee break
16.10 – 18.30
Poster session
19.00: Reception at the French Consulate
Francesca Carboni: Nouvelles données provenant de la Domus
Tiberiana sur le Palatin: les phases postérieures au Palais impérial.
Vittoria Carsana & Franca del Vecchio: The fifth century AD amphorae
from the buildings overlooking the port of Neapolis.
Marta Casalini: Anfore e ceramica commune dai contesti tardoantichi
delle pendici nord-orientali del Palatino.
Mihaela Ciausescu-Hockey: Villa Magna (Anagni, Fr.): transport
amphorae from Roman and Byzantine contexts (ca 200-650 AD).
Rosa Conte, Vito Giannico, Daniela Palmisano & Mariangela
Pignataro: Il contesto ceramico tardoantico del quartiere produttivo e
residenziale di Egnazia (Fasano, Italia).
Guy Lecuyot & Pascale Ballet: Une production de céramiques
communes découvertes à Bouto.
Stefano Costa: Sherd weight: a new look at the numbers.
Alessandra Loglio: Primi dati sulle anfore tardoantiche del complesso
templare della gens Flavia di Leptis Magna.
Cristina de Masi: Lucerne dal tempio Flavio di Leptis Magna (Libia).
Archer Martin: Products of Aswan at Schedia (Western Delta, Egypt).
Francesca Dell’Era: Leptis Magna, «Tempio Flavio»: prime
considerazioni sulle produzioni locali di ceramica da cucina africane.
Cristina Mondin: Late Roman-Early Byzantine trade at Kom al-Ahmer
near Alexandria (Egypt).
Angela Deodato: Late Roman cooking wares and coarse wares in Biella
area (Italy): continuity and differences compared to Imperial age.
George Nuţu & Simina Margareta Stanc: Cooking wares and diet
reconstruction from two north Scythian sites: Aeggyssus and EnisalaPestera.
Sophia Didioumi: Late Roman/Early Byzantine pottery assemblages
from Cos island (Greece).
Piotr Dyczek: Amphorae from the late constructions on the site of the
barracks of the Legio I Italica in Novae (Moesia Inferior).
Bahadir Duman: Typo-chronological table of Late Roman amphorae
from Lydian Tripolis.
Leandro Fantuzzi, Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros & Paul Reynolds:
Archaeometric analysis of Late Roman amphora 1 imports in northeastern Spain: provenance and distribution.
Adolfo Fernández: El comercio con Egipto en la fachada atlántica
durante la antigüedad tardía.
Ştefan Honcu: Late Roman-Early Byzantine kitchenware from Ibida
sector Tower 10.
Mohamed Kenawi: Late Roman amphora 1 at Kom al-Ahmer (ancient
Stanislava Kucová, Jiří Musil & Pavel Titz: El-Hayz (Bahariya, Western
Desert, Egypt): Late Roman transport amphorae and dolia.
Lila Palmieri: Trade networks between northern Italy and Africa in the
Late Roman period: new data from Calvatone-Bedriacum.
Elisa Panero: The late Roman Sesia valley: between Alpine productions
and wide-ranging imports.
Elisa Panero: Produzioni e imitazioni locali a Gortina. Alcuni exempli
dalle terme Milano.
Patrizio Pensabene, Eleonora Maria Cirrone & Lourdes Girón
Anguiozar: Dati preliminari sulle ceramiche tardoantiche provenienti
dalle terme meridionali della villa del Casale di Piazza Armerina (Italia).
Eliana Piccardi: Corsica and Late Antiquity material culture: circulation
and use. Remarks for a synthesis (map) of previously published
Alejandro Quevedo, Claudio Capelli, Josep Torres Costa & A. Aquilué:
Inscriptions sur les amphores africaines tardives: le cas des Keay 35.
Elena Quiri: Anfore tardo romane nell’arco alpino occidentale.
Jerònima Riutort Rieral, Miguel Ángel Cau Ontiveros, Jordi Roig Buxó,
Evanthia Tsantini & Leandro Fantuzzi: Archaeometric characterisation
of Late Roman cooking ware from the site of Can Gambús (Catalonia,
Andrei Sazanov: L’ensemble de la fin du vie s. du secteur nord de
Chersonèse (Crimée).
Brikena Shkodra-Rrugia: Eastern kitchen ware imports in Late Roman
Albania: a typological approach.
Giacomo M. Tabita: I mortaria romani rinvenuti nella fortezza di Kifrin
(Iraq) e il loro influsson sulle produzioni vascolari del periode “Early
Islamic” nell’area del medio corso del fiume Eufrate (VII sec. d.C.).
Institut Français d’Égypte à Alexandrie
30, Nabi Daniel Street
Tomo Mukaï, Jean-Christophe Treglia, Marc Heijmans & Erwan
Dantec: Arles, enclos Saint-Césaire. La céramique d’un dépotoir urbain
daté du viie siècle apr. J.-C.
Paola Ventura & Elena Braidottil: Aquileia (Ud.). Le anfore tardoantiche
dal pozzo di via dei Patriarchi.
Centre d’Études Alexandrines
Tel. [+20] 3 39 18 952 / 3 39 25 580
50, Soliman Yousri Street
Barbora Weissová: Distribution of Late Roman 2 amphorae within
Bulgaria with microregional GIS-based study focused on the site of
Dodoparon, Yambol region.
Tel. [+20] 3 39 13 262 / 3 39 06 962
Jacqueline Wininger: Syène. Un ensemble découvert in situ dans une
maison effondrée vers le milieu du viie siècle.
[email protected]
© Infographie et maquette Delphine Dixneuf
Dessins Khaled Zaza (Ifao) et Delphine Dixneuf (CEAlex)