Example letter for voting Dear EACH members of (name country


Example letter for voting Dear EACH members of (name country
Example letter for voting
Dear EACH members of (name country),
Following the letters to ask for applications for national representative/deputy national
representative, we are happy to announce that we received (X) applications for the mandate of NR.
- (name)
- (name)
- (name)
You can find their motivation letter and CV in attachment.
You are invited to vote for one of these candidates. The person with the most votes will be appointed
as national representative for EACH, the person with the second most votes will be appointed as
Please make your vote (description of the process, by internet or by email)
The deadline for voting is (date).
Kind regards,
(name) president of EACH
Nora Moumjid,
Lyon, June 10th 2014
Dear European Association for Communication in Healthcare Scientific Committee,
This letter to apply as a Deputy National Representative for my country France, Julien Carretier being the
potential National Representative.
I’m very happy and proud to apply to this function as my country, through healthcare decision makers, is
increasingly interested in developing research projects, clinical practices for healthcare professionals,
actions, means and aids to healthcare users in order to improve communication between healthcare
professionals and healthcare users thus improving their relationship and more widely the quality of the
healthcare system. The recent report published by the National Health Authority (October 2013) entitled
Patients and Healthcare Professionals:Deciding together, to which Julien Carretier and I contributed,
clearly and strongly advocated for the development of this topic on our country.
Julien Carretier and I are working since more than 15 years now on the topic of healthcare users’
information and participation to their decision-making with a special focus on the concept of shared
decision-making in the physician-patient relationship and decision aids that could be used during the
consultation and outside. We published several papers on the topic in international and national peerreviewed journals including recently Patient Education and Counseling.
We actively participated to EACH conferences since more than 10 years now and also to the ISDM
conference since the beginning of its creation.
I believe that being Deputy National Representative for France in the EACH will help the French academic
community as well as clinicians to get more insights on the topic of healthcare users and healthcare
professionals communication through the exchanges that we can have with the international scientific
community and on the other side to improve the visibility and accessibility of French research studies.
Thanks for your confidence and support, hoping that I will have the pleasure to be appointed by your
scientific committee.
Nora Moumjid, PhD, Associate Professor
Nora MOUMJID-FERDJAOUI, PhD, Associate Professor
Date of birth: Septembre 16th 1970 in
Belleville sur Saône in France
Married, 3 kids
Postal address :
Centre Léon Bérard
28 rue Laënnec 69008 Lyon
Tel. 04 78 78 51 06/ Fax 04 78 78 28 83
e-mail : [email protected]
Current position: Associate Professor at the Faculty of Pharmacy – Department of Public Health - Claude
Bernard Lyon 1 University ; Researcher at the GATE-LSE (UMR 5824 CNRS) 2. Research interests:
Heallthcare consumers’ preferences – Information and participation in medical decision-making Decision
aids Shared decision-making in the physician-patient encounter
3. Current research projects: Development of an interactive decision board to assess cancer patients’
willingness to pay for home care vs hospital care. Development of a web-based decision, DVD and booklet
in PSA screening to elicit men’s preferences. Cancer and environment: analysis on the web of information
seekers behaviors and risk perception. For an economic analysis of shared decision-making in the physicianpatient encounter
4. Scientific activities:
Organisation of sessions in international congresses, seminars, workshops: Congress of the Society for
Medical Decision-Making, Boston, October 2006. International Shared Decision-Making Conference
(Ottawa June 2005, Freiburg June 2007, Boston June 2009). - Congress of the European Association for
Communication in HealthCare, Oslo October 2008.
International research groups: International Patient Decision Aids Standards Collaboration ; International
working group on Effective continuing professional development in shared decision-making » (Germany,
Canada, France, UK, USA, Switzerland). Collaborations with national and international researchers :
Christèle Protière (SE4S, UMR 912, INSERM) ; Vanima Mollo (Laboratoire d'ergonomie Centre de
Recherche sur le Travail et le Développement (CRTD - EA4132); Dr France Légaré (Chaire de Recherche
Santé Canada, CHU Québec, Université Laval) ; Pr Amiram Gafni (Center for Health Economics and Policy
Analysis, McMaster University, Canada) ; Dr Michael Barry (Foundation for Informed Medical DecisionMaking) ; Pr Glyn Elwyn (Swansea & Cardiff Universities)
Reviewer for peer-reviewed journals: Medical Decision-Making ; Health Expectations, Health Policy etc.
Member of the board of the French Health Economists Association.
5. Distinctions
- 2012-2013: Rhône-Alps Region Research Grant Explora Pro (international mobility).
- 2011-2012: Invited Associate Professor at Laval University in Pr France Légaré research team (Canada
Research Chair in Implementation of Shared Decision-Making in Primary Care, IRSC).
- November 2010: Invited speaker by the CHU Research Center, Saint-François d’Assise Hospital,
Knowledge Transfer and Health Technology Assessment Research Group, Université Laval. Workshop on «
Effective continuing professional development in shared decision-making”.
- October 2006: Invited speaker by the Foundation for Informed Decision-Making, 28th congress of the
Society for Medical Decision-Making, Boston, October 2006.
- May 2004: Invited speaker by the French Knowledge Association, Montreal.
- 2004: Grant of Lyons Junior Researcher in Economics.
6. Articles published in international peer-reviewed journals
1. Nguyen F, Moumjid N, Charles C, Gafni A, Carrère MO. Treatment decision-making in the medical
encounter : Comparing the attitudes of French surgeons and their patients in breast cancer care. Patient Educ
Couns, 2014 Feb;94(2):230-7.
2. Légaré F, Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Drolet R, Stacey D, Härter M, Bastian H, Beaulieu MD, Borduas F,
Charles C, Coulter A, Desroches S, Friedrich G, Gafni A, GrahamID, Labrecque M, Leblanc A, Légaré J,
Politi M, Sargeant J, Thomson R.Core competencies for shared decision making training programs : insights
from an international, interdisciplinary working group. J Contin Educ Health Prof. 2013 Sep ;33(4):267-73.
3. Protière C, Moumjid N, Bouhnik AD, Le Coroller-Soriano AG, Moatti JP. Heterogeneity of cancer
patient information-seeking behaviors. Medical Decision-Making. 2012 Mar-Apr;32(2):362-75.
4. Moumjid N, Durif-Bruckert C, Denois-Régnier V, Roux P, Soum-Pouyalet F. Shared decision-making in
the physician-patient encounter in France: a general overview in 2011. German Journal for Evidence and
Quality in Health Care. 2011 ;105(4):259-62.
5. Légaré F, Bekker H, Desroches S, Politi M, Stacey D, Borduas F, Cheater FM, Cornuz J, Coutu MF,
Donner-Banzhoff N, Ferdjaoui-Moumjid N, Griffiths F, Harter M, Jackson C, Jacques A, Krones T,
Labrecque M, Rodriguez R, Rousseau M, Sullivan M. Effective continuing professional development for
translating shared decision making in primary care: A study protocol. Implementation science 2010 : IS,
2010. 5: 83
6. Moumjid N, Charles C, Morelle M, Gafni A, Brémond A, Whelan T, Carrère MO. The statutory duty of
physicians to inform patients versus unmet patients' information needs: the case of breast cancer in France.
Health Policy 2009;91(2):162-73.
7. Moumjid N, Gafni A, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Seeking a second opinion: do patients need a second
opinion when practice guidelines exist? Health Policy 2007;80(1):43-50.
8. Moumjid N, Gafni A, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Shared decision making in the medical encounter: are
we all talking about the same thing ? Medical Decision Making 2007;539-546.
9. Moumjid N, Brémond A, Mignotte H, Faure C, Meunier A, Carrère MO. Shared decision-making in the
physician-patient encounter: a general overview. Journal for Evidence and Quality in Health Care 2007;
10. Elwyn G, O'Connor A, Stacey D, Volk R, Edwards A, Coulter A, Thomson R, Barratt A, Barry M,
Bernstein S, Butow P, Clarke A, Entwistle V, Feldman-Stewart D, Holmes-Rovner M, Llewellyn-Thomas
H, Moumjid N, Mulley A, Ruland C, Sepucha K, Sykes A, Whelan T. Developing a quality criteria
framework for patient decision aids: online international Delphi consensus process. British Medical Journal
2006 ; 333:417-419.
11. Moumjid N, Brémond A, Carrère MO. From information to shared decision-making in medicine.
Health Expectations 2003 ; 6(3):187-188.
12. Moumjid N, Callu MF. Informed consent and risk communication in France. British Medical Journal
2003 ; 327:734-735.
13. Moumjid N, Carrère MO, Charavel M, Brémond A. Clinical issues in shared decision-making applied to
breast cancer. Health Expectations 2003 ; 6(3):222-227.
14. Moumjid N, Morelle M, Carrère MO, Bachelot T, Mignotte H, Brémond A. Elaborating patient
information with patients themselves: lessons from a cancer treatment focus group. Health Expectations
2003 ; 6(2):128-139.
15. Charavel M, Brémond A, Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Mignotte H, Carrère MO. Shared decision-making in
question. Psycho Oncology 2001 ; 10(2):93-102.
16. Carrère MO, Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Charavel M, Brémond A. Eliciting patients’ preferences for
adjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer: development and validation of a bedside decision-making
instrument in a French Regional Cancer Centre. Health Expectations 2000 ; 3(2):97-113.
Articles published in national peer-reviewed journals
17. Moumjid N, Protière C, Mignotte H, Faure C, Meunier A. La décision partagée dans la rencontre
médecin-patient: évolution récente et état des lieux dans le cancer du sein en France. Journal d’Economie
Médicale 2009 ; 3 :134-45.
18. Nguyen F, Moumjid N, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Validité théorique de la méthode des choix discrets :
le cas du traitement hormonal substitutif de la ménopause. Journal d’Economie Médicale 2008 ;5 :259-68.
19. Moumjid N, Nguyen F, Brémond A, Mignotte H, Faure C, Meunier A, Carrère MO. Préférences des
patients et prise de décision : état des lieux et retour d’expérience en cancérologie. Revue d’Epidémiologie et
de Santé Publique 2008 ; 56(4) :S231-38.
20. Moumjid N, Brémond A. Révélation des préférences des patients en matière de décision de traitement
en oncologie : un point de vue actuel. Bulletin du Cancer 2006 ; 93(7):691-697.
21. Brémond A, Moumjid N, Carrère MO. Décision médicale et révélation des préférences des patients : de
l'expérimentation à la routine. Journal d'Economie Médicale 2006 ; 24(5):203-12.
22. Camhi B, Moumjid N, Brémond A. Connaissance et préférences des patients sur le droit de
l’information médicale : enquête auprès de 700 patients d’un Centre Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer.
Bulletin du Cancer 2004 ; 91(12):977-84.
23. Morelle M, Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Carrère MO, Charavel M, Brémond A. Comment évaluer la qualité
du transfert de l'information du médecin au patient ? Le choix des tests psychométriques d'un tableau de
décision dans un Centre Régional de Lutte Contre le Cancer. Revue d'Epidémiologie et de Santé Publique
2001 ; 49:299-313.
24. Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Carrère MO, Charavel M, Brémond A, Fervers B, Gratadour AC, Voog E,
Garrouste P, Philip T. La prise en compte des préférences des patients dans la décision thérapeutique en
cancérologie : développement d’un tableau de décision. Journal d’Economie Médicale 1999; 17(5):327-342.
Chapters in books
1. Moumjid N, Mignotte H. La prise de décision partagée dans le cancer du sein. In Les maladies du sein.
Editions Elsevier/Masson. 2011.
2. Protière C, Moumjid N, Malavolti L, Le Corroller-Soriano AG. Les comportements de recherche
d’information des patients in La vie deux ans après le diagnostic de cancer. La Documentation Française,
Paris ; 2008.
3. Bouhnik AB, Moumjid N, Protière C. L’implication des patients dans les choix des traitements in La vie
deux ans après le diagnostic de cancer. La Documentation Française, Paris ; 2008.
4. Moumjid N, Morelle M, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Quels sont les besoins d’information des patients ? In
Soins en réseau. Pratiques, acteurs et régulation en cancérologie. Coordination : Patrick Castel et MarieOdile Carrère. Editions John Libbey Eurotext 2007.
5. Nguyen F, Moumjid N, Brémond A, Carrère MO. La participation des patients à la décision médicale vue
par les médecins. In Soins en réseau. Pratiques, acteurs et régulation en cancérologie. Coordination :
Patrick Castel et Marie-Odile Carrère. Editions John Libbey Eurotext 2007.
6. Brémond A, Goffette J, Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N. La relation médecin-malade : entre obéir, consentir et
s’accorder. In : Médecine et sciences humaines, manuel pour les études médicales. Coordination : Jean-Marc
Mouillie, Céline Lefève et Laurent Visier. Collection Médecine & Sciences Humaines / Les Belles Lettres
2007 ; 277-282.
Other articles, reports and documents.
- Moumjid N. Rôle du patient dans les démarches d’amélioration de la qualité et de la sécurité des soins :
rapport relatifs aux séminaires sur la prise de décision partagée en France et au niveau international : état des
lieux et perspectives – Haute Autorité de Santé, juillet 2009.
- Moumjid N, Morelle M, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Quel rôle pour le patient cancéreux dans la démarche
d’amélioration de la qualité des soins ? Développement et évaluation d’un protocole d’aide au partage de la
décision médicale. Rapport final remis à la HAS septembre 2005.
- Brémond A, Moumjid N, Carrère MO. La relation médecin-malade : du consentement éclairé à la
révélation des préférences. Revue Propos, programme Pactis, 2004 ; 4:1-35.
- Moumjid N, Morelle M, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Développement d’un tableau de décision et partage de
la décision en cancérologie : quels sont les enseignements ? Santé et Systémique 2002 ; 6:223-229.
- Broclain D, Jepson R, Moumjid N. Influence of comprehensive versus partial information on consumers
screening choices. Protocole Cochrane (24 pages), 2003.
- Bachelot T, Brémond A, Carretier J, Delavigne V, Delay E, Demma F, Dilhuydy JM, Dilhuydy MH,
Esteves E, Fervers B, Fontanière, Hoarau H, Leichtnam L, Moumjid--Ferdjaoui N, Philip T, Porché M,
Saltel P, Vennin P, Veron M. Fédération Nationale des Centres de Lutte Contre le Cancer, ed. Comprendre
le cancer du sein non métastatique : guide à l'usage des patientes et de leurs proches. Suresnes : Happy Doc.
Standards, Options et Recommandations : SAVOIR, 2001.
- Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Carrère MO. La relation médecin-patient, l'information et la participation des
patients à la décision médicale : les enseignements de la littérature internationale. Revue Française des
Affaires Sociales 2000; 2:73-88.
Communications in national and international conferences (asbtracts published in the book of
- Moumjid N, Buthion V, Morelle M, Margier J. Eliciting patients’ preferences for local medical
management versus centralized technical support using a computerized decision aid based on contingent
valuation survey: an innovative method tested in cancer. 6th International Shared Decision-Making
Conference, Maastricht, 19-22 juin 2011.
- Moumjid N, Morelle M, Mignotte H, Faure C, Meunier A, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Feedback report on
the implementation of a shared decision-making approach in routine clinical practice in breast cancer. 5th
International Shared Decision-Making Conference, Boston, 14-17 juin 2009.
- Moumjid N, Brémond A, Mignotte H, Faure C, Meunier A, Carrère MO. Role expected by breast cancer
patients in treatment decision-making: first development and evaluation of a shared decision-making
approach in France. 4th International Shared Decision-Making School Conference, Freiburg 30 mai-1er juin
- Moumjid N, Gafni A, Charles C, Shepperd L, Scheibler F. Shared decision-making in general and hospital
practice in different countries: physicians' and patients' point of views in Canada, France, Australia,
Germany and Switzerland. International Conference on Communication in Healthcare, Oslo, 2-5 septembre
2008. - Moumjid N. Protière C. Bouhnik A. LeCoroller-Soriano AG. Malavolti L. Moatti JP. Do cancer
patients reach the level of involvement in treatment decision-making they wish? International Conference on
Communication in Healthcare, Oslo, 2-5 septembre 2008.
- Elwyn G, O'Connor A, Stacey D, Volk R, Edwards A, Coulter A, Thomson R, Barratt A, Barry M,
Bernstein S, Butow P, Clarke A, Entwistle V, Feldman-Stewart D, Holmes-Rovner M, Llewellyn-Thomas
H, Moumjid N, Mulley A, Ruland C, Sepucha K, Sykes A, Whelan T; International Patient Decision Aids
Standards (IPDAS) Collaboration. 28th Annual Meeting of the Society for Medical Decision-Making, Boston
15-18 octobre 2006.
- Nguyen F, Moumjid N, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Eliciting preferences of women for Hormone
Replacement Therapy using Discrete Choice Experiments. 6th European Conference on Health Economics;
Budapest, 6-9 Juillet 2006.
- Nguyen F, Moumjid N, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Révélation des préférences individuelles et aide à la
décision collective : la méthode des choix discrets appliquée au choix du traitement hormonal substitutif de
la ménopause. 28èmes Journées des Economistes de la Santé Français ; Dijon, 23-24 Novembre 2006.
- Moumjid N, Gafni A, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Shared decision-making in the medical encounter: are we
all talking about the same thing? 3rd international Shared Decision-Making conference ; Ottawa, 14-16 juin
- Moumjid N, Brémond A. Information et participation des patients à la décision de traitement : une
application au cancer du sein en France. Séminaire de recherche de l’unité de recherche en santé des
populations, université de Laval ; Québec, 10 mai 2004.
- Moumjid N, Gafni A. La décision partagée dans la rencontre médecin-patient : quelles définitions ?
Colloque « information et participation du patient à la décision en matière de santé : vers une prise de
décision partagée ». 72ème congrès de l’Association Francophone des Savoirs (ACFAS) ; Montréal, 11 mai
- Moumjid N, Morelle M, Brémond A, Farsi F, Carrère MO. Doctor-patient communication: information
needs of French breast cancer patients. International Conference on Communication in Health Care ;
Bruges, 14-17 septembre 2004.
- Moumjid N, Gafni A, Carrère MO. Seeking a second opinion: do patients need a second opinion when
practice guidelines exist? 5th European Conference on Health Economics ; Londres, 8-11 septembre 2004.
- Moumjid N, Brémond A, Morelle M, Carrère MO. Les critères de qualité pour l’élaboration des
documents d’information destinés aux patients : l’exemple du cancer du sein. 26èmes journées de la Société
Française de Sénologie et de Pathologie Mammaire ; Nancy, 12 novembre 2004.
- Moumjid N, Gafni A, Carrère MO. Seeking a second opinion: do patients need a second opinion when
practice guidelines exist? 4th World International Health Economic Association (iHEA) Conference ; San
Francisco, 16-18 juin 2003.
- Moumjid N, Morelle M, Carrère MO, Brémond A. Partnership with patients in healthcare: elaborating
patient information with patients themselves. 2nd International Shared Decision-Making Conference ;
Swansea, 2-4 septembre 2003.
- Moumjid N, Carrère MO, Gafni A. The search for a second opinion initiated by the patient: what does it
mean after the implementation of practice guidelines? 4th European Conference on Health Economics ;
Paris, 7-10 juillet 2002.
- Moumjid N, Gafni A, Carrère MO. Shared decision making in the medical encounter: is there persisting
confusion about what it means? Entretiens Jacques Cartier ; Lyon, 9-10 décembre 2002.
- Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Morelle M, Charavel M, Bachelot T, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Développer un
tableau de décision pour partager la décision en consultation ? Premiers enseignements et perspectives.
12ème Congrès de l' Association Latine d’Analyse des Systèmes de Santé (ALASS) ; Lyon, 13-15 septembre
- Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Morelle M, Charavel M, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Developing a decision board
for shared decision-making in the consultation: what does it tell us? Shared decision-making in health care,
Summer School, St Catherine's College ; Oxford, 11-13 juillet 2001.
- Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Garrouste P. Choix de traitement en cancérologie avec asymétrie d'information
entre médecin et patient : application au cancer du sein. 16èmes Journées de Micro-Economie Appliquée.
Lyon, 5 mai 1999.
- Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Roy T, Späth HM, Carrère MO. Taking patients'preferences into account at the
individual level : development of a bedside decision instrument in oncology. 15th Annual Meeting of the
International Society of Technology Assessment in Health Care. Edinburgh, Royaume-Uni, 19-23 juin 1999.
- Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Charavel M, Brémond A, Carrère MO. Eliciting patients' preferences :
development of a bedside decision instrument in oncology. Centre for Health Economics and Policy
Analysis - Treatment decision-making in the clinical encounter. Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, 20-21 mai
- Moumjid-Ferdjaoui N, Carrère MO, Charavel M, Brémond A. Communication of risks to the patients in
oncology : development of a shared decision-making model. Health and Risk:An international Symposium.
Oxford, 29 juin-1er juillet 1998.
This letter to apply as a National Representative for my country France, Nora Moumjid being the
potential Deputy National Representative.
Lyon, 06-10 2014
Dear European Association for Communication in Healthcare Scientific Committee,
I have the pleasure and honor to apply to this function as my country is widely involved in the
development of clinical practice guidelines for healthcare professionals, patient and users, and public
health actions in prevention and treatment, especially for chronic diseases, in which the
communication issues are central.
My professional background for 15 years was immediately focused on oncology for developing
evidence-based patient information materials on cancer treatments used by French comprehensive
cancer centers to improve the quality of cancer care and foster patient and public involvement in the
development of information and communication tools. My thesis work was interested by cancer
patient information process in oncology, and the development of good-quality information materials
and decision aids, dedicated to clinicians, such as clinical practice guidelines, or dedicated to patients,
such as patient information leaflets (SOR Savoir Patient, Cancer Info patient guides promoted by
French Federation of comprehensive cancer centre and National Cancer Institute), which requires
taking into account the three essential components of medical decision: current scientific data
(evidence-based medicine), professional expertise and patient values and preferences. Based on our
experience, it was possible to integrate the preferences of patients at two levels of knowledge
production: the development of written patient information in the French SOR SAVOIR Patient
program on the one hand, and development of CPG for clinicians on the other hand. The results of this
work provided a methodological contribution to improve the quality of written documents and involve
cancer patients in the development of this information.
Pursuing these topics of interest in our current research on cancer, environment and nutrition, Nora
Moumjid (who apply for Deputy National Representative for our country) and I published a recent eletter in BMJ Quality and Safety regarding the French contribution to adapt and facilitate the
integration of patients' preferences in clinical decision-making. Recent French institutional initiatives,
in which Nora and I were involved, highlight a growing awareness of the need to improve connection
at International and European level between communication in health care and approaches that may
foster the integration of research evidence and individual preferences in health care decisions, avoid
duplication of effort and enhance efficiency.
Given my constant interest in these topics I was adherent to EACH since 2000, and presented oral
communication at EACH 2004 and ISDM 2005, a poster communication at EACH 2008 (Oslo) ; a
poster communication will be presented at next EACH Conference 2014 about the French website that
we have developed for patient, users and professionals (cancer-environnement.fr).
I believe that being National Representative for France in the EACH will help the French public health
community, oncologists, French speaking colleagues involved in the field of oncology as well as
environment and health issues, to get more insights on the topic of healthcare users and healthcare
professionals communication through the exchanges at EACH.
Thank you to consider my application and remains at your disposal to any further information.
Sincerely yours,
Julien Carretier, PhD, Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, France
Office contact :
Centre Léon Bérard
28 rue Laennec
69008 Lyon
[email protected]
Home contact :
37 Quai Pierre Scize
69009 Lyon
06. 21. 63. 23. 93
[email protected]
Born the 20th of April 1974, in Nice (France) PROFESSIONAL
2009-present Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon, Cancer Environment & Nutrition Unit,
Responsible of the development of evidence-based information’s for professionals,
patients and users.
Synthesis and critical analysis of literature
Adaptation of information in language appropriate to different audiences ;
editor of www.cancer-environnement.fr
Development of research projects in the field of oncology, environment, risk
perception and nutrition
2008-2009 National Cancer Institute (INCa), Boulogne-Billancourt, Coordinator, Public
Information Department (www.e-cancer.fr)
Production of evidence-based patient information’s : patient guides, website
Assessment of the materials developed
Developing partnerships in the field of patient information’s ; collaborations with
patient associations, Consumer groups and learned societies
Organising national call of interest for the implementation and the assessment of
patient information areas in radiotherapy services
2003-2008 National Federation of Comprehensive Cancer Centres, Paris, Coordinator
SOR SAVOIR PATIENT program (www.fnclcc.fr ; www.sor-cancer.fr)
Team Management (3 methodologists, 1 linguist, 3 editorials assistants, 1 assistant)
Consultations of medical and scientific experts, patients, family members, users
Assessment of the elaboration process and the impact of the program in the
clinical setting
Strategy of dissemination and implementation at the national, EU and
international level
Development of partnerships in the oncology community and public health
Research in the field of patient involvement in guidelines, patient decision aids
Publications and communications at the national, EU and international level
(public conferences and professional meetings
Stakeholder : breast cancer (national Health Insurance), methodology in
producing written heatlh information’s for users, therapeutic patient education
recommendations en (National Health Authority)
2000-2003 Centre Léon Bérard, Lyon & FNCLCC, Project manager SOR SAVOIR PATIENT
Focus groups with patients on breast cancer, prostate cancer, brain tumors
Organisation of consultations of medical experts, nurses, social workers,
Development of a methodology to produce cancer patients information’s in
partnership with National League Against Cancer and the 20 th Comprehensive
Cancer Centers
Producing booklets on breast cancer, prostate cancer, family risk on breast and
ovarian cancer, information dedicated to family members
Promotion of the SOR SAVOIR PATIENT program at the national and EU level
Scientific publications and participation in national and EU conferences
2000 (trainee) Center for the Study, the Information and the Research on old people
Developing project on the quality of life for old people living in hospitals
Study on caregivers
2009 - present: teacher temporary, Lyon 1 University, Teaching Unit on ‘Environmental
factors and Cancer’, lecture on “Risk perception and public information on cancer
& environment”.
2013: Reviewer on the document “State of knowledge. Patient and health
professionals: decide together
Concept aid to patients and impact of "shared medical decision" (National Health
Authority, October 2013)
2009: Reviewer recommendations on breast cancer, « Recommandations Saint-Paul
de Vence Cancers du sein ».
Member of the pedagological team of DESU, Université Paris 8, Vincennes Saint-Denis
« Information, médiation, accompagnement en santé ».
2008: Reviewer of the Methodological guide « Elaborating written information
dedicated to patient and

Documents pareils

1 CV Personal data Nora Ferdjaoui (spouse Moumjid)

1 CV Personal data Nora Ferdjaoui (spouse Moumjid) what does it mean after the implementation of practice guidelines? 4th European Conference on Health Economics ; Paris, 7-10 juillet 2002. Moumjid N, Gafni A, Carrère MO. Shared decision making in ...

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