Memory, Public Space and the Right to the City. Looking back and


Memory, Public Space and the Right to the City. Looking back and
Public Talk No. 6
Memory, Public Space and the Right to the City. Looking back and looking
Lecturer: Claire Levy-Vroelant
Email address: [email protected]
Claire Lévy-Vroelant
Professeure de sociologie
Université de Paris 8-Saint-Denis
2, rue de la Liberté
93526 Saint-Denis Cedex
(00)33 1 49 40 68 18
----Centre de recherche sur l'habitat
Ecole nationale supérieure d'architecture de Paris-Val de Seine
3-15, quai Panhard et Levassor
75013 Paris
(00) 33 1 72 69 63 94
Claire Lévy-Vroelant is a professor of Sociology at the University of Paris 8 Saint-Denis
(France) and researcher at Centre de recherche sur l’Habitat (CRH-LAVUE of CNRS) where
she is part of the Scientific Committee.
Her work intersects the fields of Urban, Migration, Housing, and more recently Memory
Studies, with a particular attention to long term approaches – due to her background as an
historian. More precisely, she deals with questions of housing policies and social issues in a
globalizing context. She has recently published a book about Parisian furnished hostels as
“Lieux de mémoire” for migrants. She is working currently on the meanings of hospitality.
She is member of several international editorial boards (Housing Studies, International
Journal of Housing Policy, and European Journal of Homelessness, Citades Communidades e
Territorios). She is the director of the collection “Habitat and Sociétés”, L’Harmattan (Paris).
She is consulted as an expert in the field of urban changes, housing and marginalization. She
is in charge of the Program “Penser la ville contemporaine” of the Maison des Sciences de
She is invited professor at the University of Vienna (Austria)
English and French. All levels from bachelor to PHD, Methodology. Urban sociology.
Sociology of Housing, Migration and Memory, Intensive courses in Vienna University since
2007; professional training (CNFPT)
INVITED CONFERENCES abroad since 2010
London School of Economics, UK; CCHPR University of Cambridge, UK; City University of
Hong Kong, China; Minzu University, department of ethnic minorities studies, Peking, China;
Istanbul Technical University, Turkey; University of Vienna, Austria; University of Fribourg,
Switzerland; University of Lisbon, ISCHTE-IUL, Portugal; Colegio de Mexico city, Mexico;
ACTO-TDCP Toronto, Canada
PUBLICATIONS selection, since 2007
- ne chambre en ville. H tels meublés et garnis Paris
-1990, en collaboration avec
Alain Faure, Grâne, Créaphis, 2007, 456 pages
- “Social Housing in France”, with Christian Tutin, in Social housing in Europe, collective, Kath
Scalon and Christine Withehead ed., LSE London, 2007 (new edition 2014)
- Le logement social en Europe au début du 21ème siècle : la révision générale, with
Christian Tutin, eds. PUR, Paris, 2010
- “Housing the poor in Paris and Vienna”, with Christoph Reinprecht, in Social housing in
Europe II. A review of policies and outcomes, London School of Economics, December 2008
(new edition 2014)
- “Temporary Housing”, in The International Encyclopaedia of Housing and Home, 2010
- “Housing vulnerable groups: the development of a new public action sector”, Policy review.
International Journal of Housing Policy, Routledge. Print ISSN: 1461-6718, December 2010
- “Housing as welfare? Social Housing and the welfare state in question”, in Social Housing
across Europe, Noémie Houard ed, La Documentation française, 2011, pp. 191-214
- “Habiter chez autrui: pourquoi et comment ? Trajectoires et expériences de jeunes
hébergés en région parisienne”, in collaboration with Hélène Béguin, n° 61
Agora débats/jeunesses, Presses de Sciences Po, mai 2012
- H tels meublés Paris. Enquêtes sur une mémoire de l’immigration, en collaboration avec
Céline Barrère, Créaphis, mars 2012
- « Comment décrire ? Comment raconter ? (…) La mémoire perdue des h tels meublés
parisiens », dossier spécial mémoire et colonisation, Revue Européenne des Migrations
Internationales, 2013, 29 (1), pp. 91-111
- « The (enforceable) right to housing: a paradoxical French passion (1990-2012), avec
Noémie Houard, International Journal of Housing Policy, London, Routledge, Vol. 13, No. 2,
- “Contradictory Narratives on French Social Housing: Looking back and looking forward”,
Housing Studies, Manuscript ID: 882498, forthcoming 2014
- « Le mal-logement est-il soluble dans le logement social ? De l’émergence de la demande
au refus d’attribution », Informations sociales. Juillet-août. 2014, n°184, Dossier sur le mallogement, coordination : Nadia Kesteman, avec Didier Vanoni (FORS Recherche sociale)
- « Right to housing in France: lessons from the hotel Opera drama, April 2005 », (article in
preparation for Journal of Law and Social Policy - JLSP)
- « Accueillir, disent-ils… », sur les photos d’Olivier Pasquiers, Métropolitiques, 12 février
2014. URL :
- Agir sur les vulnérabilités sociales. Les interventions de première ligne entre
routines, expérimentation et travail à la marge, with Michel Joubert and Christoph
Reinprecht (coord.), PUV, Paris (forthcoming)
- Mediapart, interview-débat : « Le logement, baromètre de la question sociale », 5 mars
- Tribune, le, 1er mars 2012 : « Construire plus pour loger moins. Le logement
entre consensus et paradoxes »
- débat télévisé, « Les réformes des politiques de logement et les propositions de Cécile
Duflot », Emission ‘2 minutes’, Arte, décembre 2 2
- « Loi de mobilisation pour le logement : Symboliquement fort, mais concrètement
suffisant ? » Point de vue, Etudes Foncières 159, Sept-Oct. 2012
- « Le jugement de l'incendie de l'hôtel Opéra laisse intactes les causes du mal », le, février 2014,