Acknowledgement -


Acknowledgement -
Portions of the introduction and individual lesson plans were created using guidelines from the
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education Core French curriculum. I acknowledge that the Saskatchewan
Ministry of Education is the copyright holder of that material. I have received authorization from the
Honorable Donna Harpauer, Saskatchewan Minister of Education, to use the curriculum to develop my own
program for non-commercial use.
Louise H. Tanguay-Ricker
Elementary School French Language Lesson Sample
Suggested grades: 1st – 5th
Topic to be Developed:
Louise Tanguay-Ricker
Spring/Summer 2011
Presentation of a skit on “Le Banquet de Noël”
Laptop and projector (if a White Board is not available, a projector screen will be needed)
for accessing website
If older students have computer access, the laptop/projector will not be needed.
Le Noël des Bonhommes de Neige – Scholastic (Canada) –
Auteur: Caralyn Buehner- Illustrations de Mark Buehner
(Texte français de Claudine Àzoulay) ISBN 0-439-94171-7
Annexe 1
Annexe 2
Le Banquet de Noël
Song “Vive le Vent”
-Plain paper for taking notes
-Colored and Plain pencils
Tablecloth, paper plates, cups, plastic silverware and napkins for 8 people, Christmas bells.
Suggested Steps:
1. Read a Christmas story /Explore a Website about Christmas.
2. Brainstorm traditions of Christmas.
3. Discuss the kinds of foods that are served at Christmas.
4. Presentation of a skit: Le Banquet de Noël.
5. Learn Christmas song: Vive le Vent
Learning Objectives:
• Students will learn to communicate their ideas about Christmas traditions
• Students will learn about the traditional Franco-American Christmas celebration
• Students will participate in a variety of language activities on the topic of Christmas
• Students will develop group skills and improve their presentation skills
1. Read a Christmas story /Explore a Website about Christmas
Grades K-3: 1.1
Teacher will read « Le Noël des Bonhommes de Neige ».
Students are encouraged to discuss the story and share their favorite part.
Ex: Ma partie préférée est...
Teacher introduces new words from the story and encourages students to guess
their meaning.
Some suggested vocabulary from book:
Bonhomme de Neige
Boules de Neige
To assess comprehension, teacher asks questions to the students
(using TPR – acting out)
Qu’est-ce qu’il y a sur le sapin?
Une étoile...comme dans le ciel (pointing at the sky), etc.
Combien y –a-t-il de boules de neige dans le sapin?
On compte : un, deux, trois, etc.
*Grade 4 &5: 1.1
Explore website
The website could be projected on a white board/screen from teacher’s laptop
and students could explore the website with the teacher.
Students could work alone in front of a computer.
(Teacher should familiarize herself/himself with the website prior to teaching the lesson.)
The purpose of exploring the website should be to acquire new vocabulary.
Teacher could quiz students and give them several vocabulary words.
Students must try to find what the words mean by finding them on the website.
For example, on the website the word SAPIN is next to a Christmas tree. This
would indicate to the student that sapin means Christmas tree.
Some suggested vocabulary from website:
Teacher could choose to let students: Play a game, look up a recipe, etc.
*If computers not available: Start with Step 2 for Grades 4 & 5.
2. Brainstorm traditions of Christmas
Teacher questions students about their family’s tradition around Christmas:
Qui célèbre Noël? Tu célèbres Noël?
Teacher will begin by talking about how her (or his) family celebrates Christmas:
Ex: Dans ma famille (pointing at herself/himself), on s’habille bien, on met ses plus beaux
habits; on va à la messe de 10:00 (ou minuit), on revient à la maison, et il y a des
cadeaux sous l’arbre de Noël! Ensuite, on ouvre les cadeaux et on mange! Etc.
Teacher guides students to include the traditions of families getting together for a Christmas
meal and encourages students to share how their family celebrates Christmas:
Tu vas à l’église à Noël?
TEACHER continues to use TPR(total physical response) to facilitate comprehension:
Quand vous revenez de l’église, vous mangez un GROS repas ou un petit repas?
Vous ouvrez vos cadeaux tout de suite? La veille de Noël?
Quand ouvrez-vous vos cadeaux le matin de Noël?
Teacher introduces the Franco-American tradition: Le “Réveillon de Noël”
(Note: Franco-American children are often not aware that their family’s Christmas ritual is very French.
They are always pleasantly surprised.)
Le réveillon de Noël est célébré durant la soirée du 24 décembre qui précède Noël. Il est
l'occasion d'organiser un repas festif au sein des familles, car Noël restant un instant magique
pour les enfants, le réveillon doit y contribuer. Ce repas est souvent constitué d'une dinde de
Noël, des tourtières, et se termine avec une bûche de Noël. Le réveillon de Noël suit
normalement la messe de minuit qui reste encore très populaire, même si elle est souvent dite en
début de soirée plutôt qu'à minuit pour des raisons pratiques (un seul prêtre pouvant ainsi
célébrer plusieurs messes dans diverses églises). Au retour de la messe ou à minuit, il est de
tradition qu'un enfant ajoute le personnage de l'Enfant Jésus dans la crèche pour signifier qu'il
est né. À minuit, il est courant de se souhaiter un « Joyeux Noël ». Dans certaines familles,
c'est le moment d'ouvrir les cadeaux. D'autres familles attendront le lendemain matin.
3. Discuss the kinds of foods that are served at Christmas
Teacher asks students what they eat at Christmas:
Tu manges de la dinde?
Qui mange de la dinde?
Teacher will list different dishes on the board, dividing them in 4 categories:
Hors-d’œuvre - Met principal - Desserts – Breuvages
After listing two or three on the board, teacher can begin asking:
« Est-ce que c’est un hors d’oeuvre ou un dessert? »
« C’est un met principal? »
Teacher asks students if they are familiar with Franco-American traditional
dishes around Christmas, emphasizing that some of them date far back;
some came from Canada and others from France.
Example: Tourtière, Dinde, Bûche de Noël, Tarte au Sucre, Tarte au Raisin
(for Christmas theme)
La messe de minuit
Le réveillon
La crèche
Les bergers
Les Rois Mages
Un âne
Un boeuf
Une cheminée
Père Noël
Le Pôle Nord
Un renne
Le Sapin de Noël
Boules de Noël
Bas de Noël
Canne en bonbon
La couronne
Le cadeau
La tourtière
La dinde
La bûche de Noël
La tarte au sucre
La tarte au raisin
- Christmas
- Midnight mass - Christmas Eve dinner
- the manger
- the star
- the shepherds
- The Wise Kings
- donkey
- ox
- chimney
- Santa Claus
- North Pole
- reindeer
- Christmas tree
- Christmas balls
- Christmas stocking
- Candy cane
- wreath
- present/gift
- toys
- traditional meat pie
- turkey
- yule log
- sugar pie
- raisin pie
- to eat
- to hang
- to decorate
Joyeux Noël
Meilleurs voeux
Joyeuses Fêtes
Bonne (et heureuse) Année
- Merry Christmas
- Best Wishes
- Happy Holidays
- Happy New Year
4. Presentation of a skit: Le Banquet de Noël
For this activity, a few desks should be pushed together to make up
a dinner table. Chairs should be set-up around the pretend dinner table.
Optional: Teacher could use a tablecloth, paper plates, cups, some napkins, plastic forks and
knives to make the experience more authentic (making sure students don’t put anything
in their mouth.)
Students are divided in groups of 7 or 8. Each group will mime a family eating the
Christmas dinner: “Le Banquet de Noël”
Teacher asks that each student chooses which family member he or she will be within
the group, without telling members of the other groups who will have to guess.
Suggested Family Members:
grand-père (pépère), grand-mère (mémère), père, mère, oncle, tante, enfants
Each group will construct its own scenario. Together, students will choose what various
family members will be doing before, during and after the meal. Students must decide
what the menu will be and they must help their audience “guess” what is on the menu
by the way they are eating.
The first group presents its sketch in front of the classroom. Students will mime all their
actions. (Teacher might choose to set a timeline to avoid long elaborated sketches.)
Students (the audience) will write down their observations and try to guess what
was on the menu. Younger students could draw pictures of what they think is on the menu
and what they saw at this Banquet de Noël. See Annexe 1 for younger students.
Once the sketch is over, students discuss their observations and assess accuracy.
The next group takes its turn.
Note that throughout this activity, teacher will guide students to use newly acquired vocabulary.
Annexe 1
5. Learn Christmas song: Vive le Vent
Annexe 2
Teach this modified version of Jingle Bells in French. The use of Christmas bells adds a great touch!
Sur le long chemin tout blanc de neige blanche
Un vieux monsieur s'avance, sa canne dans la main
Et tout là-haut le vent qui siffle dans les branches
Lui souffle la romance qu'il chantait petit enfant
Oh vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver
Qui s'en va sifflant soufflant dans les grands sapins verts
Oh vive le temps, vive le temps, vive le temps d'hiver
Boules de neige et jour de l'an et bonne année grand-mère
Joyeux, joyeux Noël aux mille bougies
Qu'enchantent vers le ciel les cloches de la nuit
Oh vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver
Qui s'en va sifflant soufflant dans les grands sapins verts
Oh vive le temps, vive le temps, vive le temps d'hiver
Boules de neige et jour de l'an et bonne année grand-mère

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