Clubde lecture


Clubde lecture
Club de
Book Notes
Geronimo Stilton : S.O.S. Souris en orbite! IN A mysterious
professor takes control of the communication network of Sourisia,
through a hidden satellite. Geronimo decides to launch himself
into orbit to try to stop his evil plans.
Le mystérieux voisin. IN Who is Ernest's new neighbour? Is he a
dangerous trafficker, an alien or could he turn out to be someone
even more surprising?
Munsch Les classiques : Le papa de David. PB David’s dad is a bit
different. But having a giant as a father could be cool too!
Connais-tu? : Nelson Mandela. NF He was the first black
president of South Africa, he was in prison for 27 years and he won
the Nobel Peace Prize. Discover more about Nelson Mandela’s life.
En route, Nicolas! PB Nicolas and his family are going on
vacation. He is so excited that he’s been sleeping with his
backpack and snowboard boots for the last three days!
Le petit collectionneur de couleurs. PB, H What is the colour
of the world? Is it yellow? Red? Blue? Brown? Green? Purple?
The little colour collector would really like to know!
Allez Hop, on dessine! Noël. C, H with colour pencils Would you
like to learn how to draw a snowman? A Christmas tree? An
angel? This step by step book will show you how to create
beautiful Christmas drawings.
Julie et la chasse-galerie. N After hearing the legend of the
Chasse-Galerie, Julie suspects that her neighbours are preparing
for a magical canoe trip.
Un chef monstre. PB Marcel can’t seem to frighten anyone. What a
useless monster! Will he ever manage to scare children?
17.J’apprends à lire – Les avions : Courageux pompiers. PB Dusty
must complete his training to become a courageous firefighter.
18.J’aime mon métier. PB, 8 books A great series to get to know the
jobs and daily routines of people who help us in the community.
19.Il neige grand-papa! PB Hurry up grandpa! There is snow outside
and I want to go to play in the park!
20.Vole, Freddy, vole! PB Freddy would like to soar through the air
like his friends the seagulls, but unfortunately he can’t fly. Will he
learn to love himself the way he is?
21.Les saisons des animaux. PB, 4 books What do Paulette, Mimi,
Martin and Cajou like to do during their favourite seasons?
22.Activités amusantes. A, 3 books Three activity books to keep you
entertained during the Christmas holidays!
23.Cherche et trouve : Joies d’hiver. PB Join the Disney princesses in
these snowy landscapes.
24.Ma petite école. A, S, 2 books with diplomas Learning how to
read is exciting and with your Disney friends, it is even better! Let
them take you on an educational journey.
25.Je suis capable! : C’est Noël! PB I can do everything! Even help to
get ready for Christmas!
26.La nuit de Noël. PB, H A classic Christmas poem from Clement
Moore made very Canadian through Barbara Reid’s fantastic
animal illustrations.
27.Le lutin trop petit. PB + elf plush Olivier might be too small to
work in Santa’s workshop but he is not too small to spread the
magic of Christmas!
10.Frisson l’écureuil se prépare pour Noël. PB, H Christmas can be
28.Le petit Nicolas : Papa casse mes jouets! IN “Whoever breaks it
11.Gédéon au magasin. PB Sophie and Gédéon are invited to a
29.Les bêtises du père Noël. IN Santa is so distracted. Or could it be
pretty stressful, especially for Frisson. Here is his hilarious guide to
safely prepare for Christmas.
birthday party. It’s the perfect occasion to take Gédéon shopping
for the first time!
12.Mes premiers petits livres – Série C. PB, 5 books Short, easy to
read stories that will encourage beginners to start reading.
13.Je peux lire! Nestor mon trésor. PB, 3 books Enjoy learning to
read with this mischievous puppy!
buys it!” Nicolas’ dad always says. Will he follow his own rules when
he breaks Alceste’s toy?
the elves playing tricks on him?
30.Romans rigolos. IN, 3 books Three fun chapter books to keep you
busy during Christmas time.
31.Un tas de chose à trouver et à colorier – Noël. A Look, find, and
colour this Christmas!
32.La sorcière de notre rue. IN Aunt Mathilde makes amazing
14.Gigantosaure. PB Gigantosaure is in the vicinity but four little
dinosaurs ignore the signs. Can they survive this terrifying
15.Scooby-Doo : Gare aux loups-garous! PB It’s a full moon and we
can hear some strange howls outside. Let’s call on Scooby-Doo to
16.Je suis un... B, 4 books I am a train, I am a dump truck, I am a fire
homemade ketchup. She is a real culinary genious! Or could she
be a witch?
33.L’arc-en-ciel magique : Tiffany la fée du tennis. IN The tennis club
is invaded by goblins. Rachel and Karine need to find Tiffany’s
magic raquet!
34.Dans l’espace. NF, 6 books + solar system model A great gift for
your budding astronomer.
truck, I am a garbage truck.
A: activity book
B: boardbook
C: craft
CD: audio CD
CDB: CD book
CO: comic book
F: with flaps
G: game
GN: graphic novel
H: hardcover
IN: illustrated novel
J: journal
M: manipulative
P: with pen or pencil
PB: picture book
PC: picture clue book
PCO: padded cover
PU: puzzle
R: reference
S: with stickers
ST: short stories
35.La boîte à lecture : L’autobus magique. PB, 12 books Hop
aboard the Magic School Bus for fantastic school trips with
Madame Friselis.
36.Le monde à portée de la main. NF If we were to compare our
galaxy to a plate or our life to a pizza, it might be easier to
visualize and understand. Discover the vastness of our world at
a simplified and smaller scale.
37.Papeterie Renard. Stationery with 10 envelopes, 20 printed
sheets of paper, 2 sticker sheets, 2 erasers, sticky notes, and a
feather pen in a 15,5 x 20,5 cm box The perfect set to write
notes to your friends and family.
38.Savais-tu? : Les Renards. NF Did you know that, depending on
the species, foxes can be found in dry deserts, arctic tundras or
urban centres?
39.National Geographic Kids : Les poneys. NF Are you fascinated
by ponies? Here is a book full of stunning photos and pertinent
info for you to enjoy.
40.L’album des chiots. IN, 3 books + bracelet Join Catou, Béatrice,
and Maya in these three canine adventures.
41.Méchant Minou. IN, 3 books Méchant Minou has a lot of
surprises and lots of laughter in store for you!
42.Camion de pompiers et véhicules d’urgence. A, S This
interactive book invites youngsters to build a foot-long fire
truck with an extendable ladder!
43.Klutz : Salon de pompons monstres. A, C + construction
materials Make your own pompons and style them to give them
a monstrous look!
44.Pulsar Powerballs. A Choose between eight different colours of
crystals, add water, and build five brilliant bouncing balls!
52.Mission princesses – Le livre dont tu es l’héroïne : Princesse à
la cour du Roi Louis. N, H It’s 1683, you are a princess in the
court of Louis XIV in Versailles. What are you to do when the
king’s son gets kidnapped? Intrigue, action, deception…
choose your own adventure!
53.Napoléon Ratté, le conquérant du mont Chapeau. N
Napoléon’s grand-father is determined to climb the mountain
Mont Chapeau and there is no way to change his mind. The
only solution is to join him!
54.C’est moi le héros : Unité spéciale. N The president’s daughter
is in danger. As the hero, take part in complex missions to try to
save her.
55. L
e journal d’une grosse nouille : Une compet’ al dente. IN
Nikki signs up for a figure skating competition hoping to be
able to use the prize money to save the Animals’ Hotel. The only
problem: she doesn’t know how to skate…
56.Duo bonbon-poison. N, 2 books A perfect Christmas present.
57.Lego® Brickmaster Friends : Chasse au trésor à Heartlake City.
H, M with 103 bricks and 2 minifigurines Read, build, and play
with Mia and Chloé in the wonderful city of Heartlake.
58.L’Agent Jean! : L’ultime symbole absolu. CO Jean is promoted
to the title of AAA agent, Théodore is kidnapped, Castor hacks
into the communication system of the Agency, and Billy and
Polo get married. Can Jean protect the world one more time
from an imminent destruction?
59.La classe de madame Zoé : Surprise sur glace. IN The boys in
the class claim that girls are not good at playing hockey. But
Héloïse has a nice surprise in store for them…
60.National Geographic Kids : Bizarre mais vrai! NF Did you know
that girls have more taste buds than boys? And that nobody
really knows what colours were the dinosaurs? More than 300
fun facts on animals, science, space and more!
61.Mots cachés secrets. A Hundreds of word searches and
45.Ricky Ricotta et son robot géant contre les moustiques
mutants de Mercure. IN When Mr. Moustique invades Earth
with an Army of Mutant Mosquitoes from Mercury, we have to
call Ricky Ricotta and his Robot to come to the rescue!
46.Garfield : Drôles de bestioles! CO Garfield can be friends with
mice, but don’t talk to him about spiders or goldfish!
47.Nate : Imbattable. GN With a little help from Chad, Nate gets in
the zone! But will his good luck last?
48.Nate : Le seul et unique. GN Nate is unique! He’s brilliant. He’ll
do great things. But in the meantime, he mostly messes up.
49.Les Doddridge : Les Dupont aux abois. N 16 year old Jean
Doddridge is in love with his 26 year old neighbour, Anémone.
The only problem is that, obviously, she does not feel the same
for him…
50.Drôles de romans. N, 2 books Two novels filled with humour.
crosswords to keep you entertained during the holiday.
62.Ce livre a mangé mon chien! PB This book is hungry. It eats
everything, including my dog! Can we do anything to stop it?
63.Mes petites comptines : Joyeux Noël! B, CDB + lyrics Entre le
bœuf et l’âne gris, Trois anges sont venus, D’où viens-tu bergère?...
Listen and sing along to these 15 Christmas nursery rhymes.
64.Les hypnotiseurs. N Jackson Opus has always been persuasive,
but he didn’t know that he’s descended from the two of the
most powerful hypnotist bloodlines on the planet!
65.Noël c’est pas un cadeau. CO, H Chimneys badly swept, spoiled
children, jealous husbands…It is not an easy job for Santa to
deliver the gifts. A hilarious read!
66.La vie moins compliquée de Maude M. Bérubé : La reine des
abeilles. N Maude M. Bérubé is Léa Olivier’s sworn enemy. She
seems to have the perfect life. But things aren’t always as they
51.Changement de ligne. N JT Macdonald’s dad volunteers his
services as substitute coach for his son’s hockey team. But
things turn sour for JT when the new coach leads the team to a
big loss…
A: activity book
B: boardbook
C: craft
CD: audio CD
CDB: CD book
CO: comic book
F: with flaps
G: game
GN: graphic novel
H: hardcover
IN: illustrated novel
J: journal
M: manipulative
P: with pen or pencil
PB: picture book
PC: picture clue book
PCO: padded cover
PU: puzzle
R: reference
S: with stickers
ST: short stories