Recueil des cours Nº 320/Collected Courses Vol. 320 Abstract


Recueil des cours Nº 320/Collected Courses Vol. 320 Abstract
Recueil des cours Nº 320/Collected Courses Vol. 320
Abstract texts in French and English
La Cohabitation hors Mariage en Droit international privé:
Gérald Goldstein
Gérald Goldstein, Professeur à la faculté de droit de l’Université de Montréal, entend dans ce
cours étudier les conflits de lois touchant les situations de cohabitation hors mariage. Centré sur
le droit international privé, le sujet exclut l’étude comparative approfondie et exhaustive des
diverses dispositions de droit interne touchant l’union libre ou ayant organisé une institution plus
élaborée comme le partenariat.
Le Professeur Goldstein retient comme définition de la « cohabitation hors mariage », les
relations de nature patrimoniale ou extrapatrimoniales de personnes formant un couple non
marié, vivant ensemble de façon maritale ou habitant ensemble comme une famille. Les conflits
de lois touchant cette situation peuvent concerner soit les relations du couple lui-même, soit les
relations de ce couple avec les tiers, enfant, tiers contractuel ou extracontractuel.
L’ auteur s’intéresse tout d’abord à la détermination de la loi applicable à la cohabitation hors
mariage : méthodes pertinentes de résolution des conflits de lois, qualification et contenu d’une
catégorie de rattachement propre aux situations de « cohabitation hors mariage », rattachement
approprié des situations de cohabitation hors mariage.
Le Professeur Goldstein aborde dans la seconde partie la question de la condition des couples
cohabitant hors mariage : conditions de formation de la cohabitation hors mariage, effets de la
cohabitation hors mariage, et dissolution de la cohabitation hors mariage.
In this course, Professor Gérald Goldstein of the Faculty of Law of the University of Montreal
examines the conflicts of laws concerning cohabitation outside marriage. As the focus is on
private international law, the subject excludes the in-depth and exhaustive comparative study of
the various domestic law provisions affecting cohabitation or that have been formalized into
more elaborate institutions such as partnerships.
Professor Goldstein defines "cohabitation outside marriage" as a pecuniary or non-pecuniary
relationship between two unmarried persons that live together as a married couple or live
together as a family. The conflicts of law that are affected by this situation concern either the
relationship of the couple itself, or the relationship of the couple with a third party, a child, a
contractual third party, or an extra-contractual third party.
The author first of all focuses on the determination of the law applicable to cohabitation outside
marriage: relevant methods of resolving the conflicts of law, qualification and content of a
fundamental category of choice of law rule specific to situations of "cohabitation outside
marriage", appropriate choice of law rules concerning cohabitation outside marriage.
In the second part of his course, Professor Goldstein examines the couples' prerequisites for
cohabitating outside marriage: what are the prerequisites for such a couple, what are the
consequences of cohabitating outside marriage and how can it be dissolved.

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