diplôme national du brevet session 2012 option internationale


diplôme national du brevet session 2012 option internationale
Durée de l'épreuve : 2 heures
Coefficient : 2
Histoire : /18 points
Analyse de documents : /8 points
Paragraphe argumenté : /10 points
Education civique : /12 points
Analyse de documents : /4 points
Paragraphe argumenté : /8 points
Repérage : /6 points
Expression écrite et orthographe :
Note finale :
/ 4 points
/40 points
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Vous traiterez l’un des deux sujets au choix
SUJET 1: The Causes of the Second World War
Topic 1
Document 1: British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain’s speech on
Appeasement in 1938 and the Czech crisis with Germany over a part of their
territory, the Sudetenland.
How horrible, fantastic, incredible it is that we should be digging trenches and trying
on gas masks here because of a quarrel in a far-away country between people of
whom we know nothing. It seems still more impossible that a quarrel which has
already been settled in principle should be the subject of war.
I can well understand the reasons why the Czech Government have felt unable to
accept the terms which have been put before them in the German memorandum. Yet
I believe after my talks with Herr Hitler that, if only time were allowed, it ought to be
possible for the arrangements for transferring the territory that the Czech
Government has agreed to give to Germany to be settled by agreement under
conditions which would assure fair treatment to the population concerned.
However much we may sympathize with a small nation confronted by a big and
powerful neighbor, we cannot in all circumstances undertake to involve the whole
British Empire in war simply on her account. If we have to fight it must be on larger
issues than that. I am myself a man of peace to the depths of my soul. Armed conflict
between nations is a nightmare to me; but if I were convinced that any nation had
made up its mind to dominate the world by fear of its force, I should feel that it must
be resisted. Under such a domination life for people who believe in liberty would not
be worth living; but war is a fearful thing, and we must be very clear, before we
embark upon it, that it is really the great issues that are at stake, and that the call to
risk everything in their defense, when all the consequences are weighed, is
Source: Neville Chamberlain, In Search of Peace (1939)
Document 2: A photo of the German army invading all of Czechoslovakia and marching
into Prague in March 1939. (Source: Independent.co.uk)
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Document 3: A cartoon from a British newspaper showing Hitler’s attitude to world
leaders in 1938. Inscribed on the backs of the leaders from right to left are the words
‘Rearmament’, ‘Rhineland fortifications’, ‘Danzig’ and ‘Boss of the universe’.
(Source: David Low, The London Evening Standard, 1936)
Questions: 8 points
1. Examine Document 1.
Cite three reasons which Neville Chamberlain gives for not going to war over the Czech crisis
with Hitler who demanded the return of a part of Czechoslovakia, The Sudetenland, to Germany
in 1938.
2. Examine Document 2.
What does the photo (document 2) reveal about the plight of Czechoslovakia in March 1939?
Your answer must refer directly to the photo.
3. Examine Documents 2 and 3.
What elements in document 3 (the cartoon) reveal Hitler’s attitude to world leaders? Your
answer must refer to the cartoon directly, while citing from Document 2 an element which
explains Hitler’s attitude as well.
Brief Essay: 10 points
Using all the documents and your own knowledge of the subject, write a brief essay of at least
twenty lines explaining the causes of the Second World War.
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Sujet 2 :
TOPIC B: Hitler and Nazi Control of Germany
Document 1: Excerpt from a Nazi propaganda book about the Nuremberg Nazi
party rally of 1927.
It was a good idea to hold the third National Socialist party rally in the old imperial city
of Nuremberg. It is a city that was at the center of German history during the great
period of the Middle Ages, but also one that threatened to become a fortress of
Marxist mass insanity during the 20th century. From 19 to 21 August, it was therefore
a symbol that the freedom fighters of the coming German national state will not allow
sites of Germany’s glorious past to become playgrounds of the Jewish-Marxist denial
of all the values of the German people. The reception the marching National Socialist
columns received was as impressive as only a mass meeting can be at which the
great ideals of the German freedom movement are welcomed by the hearts of the
enthusiastic German people.
The meetings of the party rally, joined by mass participation from the Germanminded population of Nuremberg, displayed a unique and powerful unity.
The party rally began on Friday, 19 August, with the arrival of the delegates and the
first participants, greeted by the tested NSDAP leader of Franconia, Comrade
Streicher, and other Nuremberg party members as they entered Nuremberg’s walls.
They came from all parts of Greater Germany, from the stolen territories,
Czechoslovakia, the occupied Rhine, the Saar, German-Austria, Berlin, the Ruhr,
from the north and the south. On foot or bicycle, on motorcycles or in trucks, they had
rushed here to participate in the great gathering of the German freedom movement.
The Nuremberg population enthusiastically greeted the Brown Shirts and National
Socialists. Swastika flags hung from many private dwellings. The participants were
greeted with the colors black-white-gold, white-blue and red white (Nuremberg’s city
colors). Everywhere there were shouts of “Heil” and meetings of old acquaintances
from past German rallies.
Source: from Alfred Rosenberg and Wilhelm Weiß, Reichsparteitag der NSDAP
Nürnberg 19./21. August 1927, (Verlag Frz. Eher, 1927), www.calvin.edu, 2000
Document 2:
A Nazi propaganda poster from the 1930s depicting a
smiling family under the wings of a Nazi eagle,
encouraging people to turn to Nazi-led community
groups for help and advice.
Translation: Comrades... if you need advice and help,
apply at the local [municipality].
Source: Prints and Photographs, Library of Congress,
www.loc.gov, ca 1940
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Document 3: A propaganda image of the 1934 Nuremberg Rally showing the omnipotent
Führer (with Himmler and Lutze) in front of 160,000 Germans arraigned in perfect
geometrical formation.
(Source: www.worldhistoryplace.com, 2000)
Questions: 8 points
1. Examine Document 1.
Cite three specific examples of how this propaganda excerpt gives the impression of united
Germans behind the National Socialist party of Hitler.
2. Examine Documents 1 and 2.
Explain how the Nazi propaganda poster encourages Germans to belong to a national
community (volksgemeinschaft) led by the Nazi party. Your answer must refer to the poster
directly, while citing an example of unity from Document 1 as well.
3. Examine Document 1 and 3.
What elements of the photo promote the idea of Hitler as the Fuhrer of the people. Your answer
must refer to the photo directly, while citing an example of his party’s power from Document 1
as well.
Brief essay: 10 points
Using the documents and your own knowledge of the subject, write a brief essay of at least
twenty lines explaining how the Nazis maintained their dictatorship in the years 1933-1945.
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SUJET : L’organisation des pouvoirs de la République
Document 1 : Extraits de la Constitution de 1958
« Art. 3. - La souveraineté nationale appartient au peuple qui l’exerce par ses représentants
[…] Le suffrage peut être direct ou indirect dans les conditions prévues par la Constitution. Il est
toujours universel, égal et secret. […]
Art. 4. Les partis et groupements politiques concourent à l’expression du suffrage, ils se
forment et exercent leur activité librement…
Art. 34. - La loi est votée par le parlement […]
Art. 39. - L’initiative des lois appartient concurremment au premier ministre et aux membres du
Parlement […]
Document 2 : Le texte de loi Hadopi
1 revient à l'Assemblée nationale
pour une nouvelle lecture. Plus de 500
amendements ont été déposés.
Document 3 : La loi Hadopi 2 complète Hadopi 1.
24/06/2009 : Michèle Alliot-Marie, Garde des Sceaux,
présente au Conseil des ministres le projet de loi
complémentaire pour rectifier les zones de la loi
Hadopi 1 qui ont été censurées par le Conseil
constitutionnel. Ce nouveau projet est baptisé Hadopi
Site internet www.métrofrance du 15 septembre 2009
21/09/09 : Les sénateurs ont validé lundi le projet de
loi "Hadopi 2" contre le téléchargement illégal sur
Internet. Les sénateurs ont adopté lundi le texte dans
la version résultant des travaux de la commission
mixte paritaire.
Site internet www.lemonde.fr avec AFP du 21
septembre 2009
Caricature du 29/04/2009.
Site internet
www.lesitemarketingblog.com/ 178 loihadopi
22/09/09 : Le Parlement a adopté mardi le projet de loi
Hadopi 2 […] par 258 voix contre 131. […] Le Parti
socialiste, par la voix du député Patrick Bloche, a
d'ores et déjà annoncé qu'il introduirait un recours
Site internet www.lemonde.fr avec AFP du 22
septembre 2009
22/10/2009 : Le Conseil constitutionnel valide Hadopi
2, mais censure l'article portant sur les dommages et
Site internet www.lemonde.fr avec AFP du 22 octobre
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QUESTIONS - 4 points
Document 1 (1 point)
1. Qui dispose de l’initiative de la loi d’après la Constitution de 1958 ? (1 point)
Documents 2 et 3 (1,5 point)
2. Vu ce que fait cet internaute, montrez que ses propos de cet internaute sont ironiques.
Documents 2 et 3 (1,5 point)
3. Montrez que le parcours de la loi donne lieu à un débat démocratique. (1,5 point)
En vous appuyant sur les éléments fournis par les documents et sur des exemples de votre
choix, rédigez un paragraphe argumenté d’une quinzaine de lignes pour répondre à cette
question : « Par quelles étapes passe une proposition de loi avant d’entrer en
vigueur ? »
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La France, entre histoire et géographie
Question 1 - HISTOIRE (3 points)
Complétez le tableau en indiquant les événements qui ont marqué l’histoire de la France.
1661 à 1715
Question 2 - GEOGRAPHIE (3 points)
Placez sur la carte les quatre cours d’eau suivants : la Saône, le Rhin, le Rhône et la Loire.
Placez sur la carte les deux éléments suivants : le Bassin parisien et le Bassin aquitain.
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