Raindrops - Odyssey Nursery


Raindrops - Odyssey Nursery
Inside this issue:
Welcome to
1. Infants Class
2. Toddlers Class
3. Preschoolers Class
4. Nursery Class
5. Upcoming events
Everything We Do, Is Designed for Learning
Dear Parents,
The month of December is a busy and exciting time of the
year. It’s bound to be filled with fun activities and cheer. We look
forward to our newly opened classrooms that will be packed with
smiling, creative, and healthy children ready to begin their journey of
learning. Our Main Theme will be all about Winter Time.
We will be discussing with the children the topic of those in
need and this is always a perfect time of year, since everyone is
thinking and talking about giving, spreading good cheer and growing
a heart full of GRATITUDE.
Over the month of December, most of the children will be
spending time with many members of their families, immediate and
extended. The children love to talk about this special time, so we are
spending the first 2 weeks in December devoted to our families
celebrating holidays around the world and sharing a special tradition
from their home country. We would love to have parents involved in
the classroom and/or grandparents come in to share a special
holiday tradition with us. The children will have the chance to share
personal interests & experiences during circle. If you have any time
to spare or ideas on your own family traditions to share, please
contact us in order to assign a specific day at 056484 5510 or 050
784 1823 or email us at [email protected].
The last week of December we are trying something new! We
all love the smells and flavors of GINGERBREAD! Of course, we will
be making gingerbread cookies, but we are also incorporating some
painting with ginger scented paint, making our own gingerbread play
dough and much, much, more. We will be reading age appropriate
literature regarding our little gingerbread people, as well.
RAINDROPS Winter is upon us and Odyssey nursery is preparing to bedazzle
our children with glistening art activities and to invite them
into a Winter Wonderland to explore the many senses that
surround us during this magical time of year.
Our Raindrops (babies) class will be experiencing winter sounds
using bells. They will explore their senses with the use of ‘snow
dust’ and have the opportunity to crawl through a sensory
Winter Wonderland. Their cognitive skills will be engaged with
the use of a ‘snowball’ drop and beautiful snowflake sensory
bottles will capture their gaze. In Addition, they will enjoy
tummy time and strolls in the fresh air and lots of songs in
French, English and Arabic.
SEASHELLS/ LA ROSEE Our Seashells class will be
engrossed with ‘seasoned’ playdough to warm their senses with
winter spices. Listening to winter
songs and dancing to musicpretending to be a snowflake in
flight as it drifts through the
Library & Literacy: Exploring the featured Books: How
Much Is That Doggie in the Window? by Iza Trapani; The Itsy
Bitsy Spider by Iza Trapani; Listening to vocabulary words that
describe emotions, colors, and foods
Sensory: Gloop to experience the feeling of snow, playing
with jingle bells
Motor: Crawling through a Winter Wonderland
La Rosée (Section des Petits Pas)
vivra l'expérience de l’hiver et
enrichira son vocabulaire à travers
des contes et des histoires qui nous
feront voyager vers un monde
merveilleux de glace et de neige.
Nous terminons notre lettre en
Cognitive: Posting snowballs,
Preschool CLASS 2-3 Twiglets/ Brins De Laine The Twiglets class will have the
opportunity to build an igloo in
their block area and try to catch
fish with a pole. Their creativity
will be unleashed as they go wild
with ice painting.
Library & Literacy : Exploring nursery-rhyme magnets,
winter books, and nursery-rhyme or fairy-tale books; Featured
Books: Five Little Ducks by Child's Play, This Old Man by Child's
Creative Arts: Creating fingerpaint prints
Sensory: Water exploration with tools to scoop and pour
Les Brins de laine (Toute Petite
Section) exploreront des activités qui
éveilleront leurs 5 sens, de l'atelier
pâtisserie à la recherche des flocons
perdus en passant par la découverte
des pommes de pin. Notre Poesie…
Le premier jour de l’an
Les sept jours frappent à la porte.
Chacun d’eux vous dit : lève-toi !
Soufflant le chaud, soufflant le froid,
Soufflant des temps de toutes sortes,
Quatre saisons et leur escorte
Se partagent les douze mois.
Au bout de l’an, le vieux portier
Ouvre toute grande la porte
Et d’une voix beaucoup plus forte
Crie à tous vents : Premier Janvier !
Dramatic Play: Using dress-up clothes and props to
pretend to be on "the stage"
Pierre Menanteau (1895-1992)
Nursery Class 3-4
Pebbles/ Les Bourgeons
The Pebbles class will be
exploring photographs and
books about winter. Once
their imagination has been
captured with stories of
‘Snowmen’ it will be time to
build a snowman. What will he
look like? What will he wear?
What does he smell like and
does he have hair? Surrounded
by music and spoilt for stories
the children will be cosy and
snuggled, all ready for
gingerbread baking and
Library & Literacy: Writing with chalk and
crayons; Exploring photo cards and books about
winter; Featured Book: The Mitten by Jan Brett
Creative Arts: Painting with colored ice
cubes; Creating frosted paintings at the easel
Science & Sensory: Making birdfeeders;
Exploring whipped snow
Math & Manipulatives: Calculating the
melting rates of ice cubes; Building animal
Bonjour monsieur l’hiver, cela faisait
longtemps… bienvenu sur notre terre
et sortons nos bonnets !
Vent frais, vent du matin! Les
Bourgeons (Petite Section) vont
découvrir les différentes activités
fabriquer un bonhomme de neige, et
se déguiser avec les habits associés à
l’hiver (l’anorak, bonnet, gants,
pantoufles…) pendant nos jeux de
Themes: WINTER • December 7, is our Orientation
Day. Parents and children come in
at 8:00 and will stay for one hour in
the classrooms with their teachers in
order to familiarize themselves with
their new environment. Dec. 7th ~21st …Families/ traditions around the World Dec.28th~31st… Gingerbread Fun REMINDERS: The Nursery will be closed on December 25 and January 1 •
Keep following us on our Facebook
page for the latest updates. • Our Term begins on January 4,
2015. Registration is open. There is a lot going on at Odyssey this month: 1-­‐ Ice Day, 2-­‐ Snow Day 3-­‐ The Zoo Trip 4-­‐ Family Fun Day 5-­‐ Gingerbread Baking and much more… Keep up with the dates by following our monthly calendar and newsletter. Calendar
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday 1 7 Orientation Day
9 15 10 28 16 22 Ice Day 23 18 24 13 19 25 Nursery Closed
20 26 27 31 Gingerbread
Baking Day 12 Trip to
Emirates Zoo Family Fun Day
share a Holiday
tradition with
your child 30 11 Winter Dress
Day 17 29 Snow Day 6 Volunteers
Human Rights
Day 21 5 Nursery Closed
8:00-9:00 am
4 14 3 Nursery Closed
Saturday Nursery Closed
8 2 World Aids Day
Friday UAE National
Rosa Parks Day
UAE National
Celebrations at
Nursery. Thursday