grupo boomerang tv - Lagardère Studios Distribution


grupo boomerang tv - Lagardère Studios Distribution
Basée sur le best-seller de Maria Dueña “El Tiempo Entre Costuras” (“L’Espionne de Tanger” en France)
Drame/Histoire/Espionnage, HD. Langue : espagnol sous-titré anglais
Première : 21 octobre, 2013. Antena 3 TV (Prime Time)
Versions disponibles : 8x90’, 11x70’ et 17x45’
Voyager dans un pays étranger exotique et inconnu pour suivre son grand amour, se forger une nouvelle identité et
ouvrir un atelier de couture, se retrouver impliquée dans des intrigues d’espionnage lors de la 2nde guerre mondiale,
voici quelques exemples de situations auxquelles doit faire face l’héroïne de THE TIME IN BETWEEN dans cette
nouvelle série produite par Boomerang TV et diffusée en prime time sur Antena 3.
“ Je m’appelle Sira Quiroga et je suis couturière. Je n’aurais jamais
imaginé que mon destin me pousserait un jour à traverser une ville
étrangère avec une panoplie de pistolets cachés sous ma robe. J’ai
appris une chose, notre destin n’est que le résultat de toutes les
décisions que nous avons prises, même les plus insignifiantes…Dans
mon cas, tout a commencé le jour où j’ai appris à enfiler une
La série a déjà été vendue en Roumanie (Canal Euforia) et des négociations sont en cours avec l’Italie
(Mediaset), en Russie, en Allemagne, en Croatie, au Moyen-Orient, au Portugal, aux Philippines, aux USA,
au Salvador, en ex-Yougoslavie, en Amérique Latine, en Colombie, au Mexique et au Chili.
THE TIME IN BETWEEN est une chronique de la vie de Sira Quiroga, une jeune couturière, qui, dans les mois qui précèdent
la guerre civile espagnole, quitte Madrid pour Tanger afin de suivre l’homme qu’elle aime. Mais rien ne se passe comme prévu
et elle se retrouve à affronter son destin.
Episode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 moyenne Part de marché 25,5% 26,9% 26,2% 24,6% 24,7% 25,4% 23,3% 24,3% 26,5% 25,2% 27,8% 25,5% Part de marché ménagères 30,5% 32% 31,1% 29,9% 29,6% 30,7% 28,2% 29,7% 32% 30,8% 34,1% 30,8% Moyenne quotidienne de la chaîne 16% 16,2% 15,7% 15,4% 15,5% 16,3% 15,7% 15,9% 16,8% 15,5% 16,8% 15,9% Nombre de téléspectateurs 5.018.000 5.103.000 5.093.000 4.803.000 4.688.000 4.733.000 4.455.000 4.687.000 4.877.000 5.014.000 5.536.000 4.910.000 REVUE DE PRESSE :
LA RAZÓN : “Une série bien ‘ficelée’, où des doigts de fée auraient cousu un vêtement d’exception”
EL MUNDO : “Splendide, somptueux, magnifique et remarquablement filmé. En d’autres termes, une
histoire intemporelle racontée comme jamais”
ABC : “On dirait du cinéma, particulièrement magistral grâce au jeu d’Adriana Ugarte : sans même un
mot, le regard de Sira véhicule toutes ses émotions”
HOLLYWOOD REPORTER : la 1e diffusion de The Time in Between a battu des records d’audience
face à des programmes très populaires sur les chaînes concurrentes. L’histoire de Sira Quiroga a
réuni 5.018.000 téléspectateurs avec une PDA de 25.5% (c’est le meilleur lancement d’une série
espagnole depuis 2005 avec une hausse de 9,5% par rapport à la moyenne habituelle). La case du
lundi soir est la plus concurrentielle avec THE VOICE sur Telecinco et la série ISABEL sur TVE.
DEADLINE : Avec THE TIME IN BETWEEN, est-ce que l’Espagne n’aurait pas trouvé sa propre
DOWNTON ABBEY ? Ruth Martinez de Boomerang précise que la série a été tournée comme un long
métrage avec un budget de production élevé et que c’est une des productions récentes les plus
ambitieuses des dernières années. Elle a d’ailleurs reçu de nombreuses offres de plusieurs pays
européens. Une adaptation semble également probable aux USA grâce aux audiences réalisées en
Espagne, la popularité du roman et l’attrait pour les fictions historiques.
Adriana Ugarte dans le rôle de SIRA QUIROGA
Madrid, les années 30. Sira Quiroga est la fille d’une ouvrière célibataire qui lui a enseigné la couture dès son plus jeune âge.
Follement amoureuse d’un petit escroc, elle quitte l’Espagne pour le
suivre au Maroc où il finit par l’abandonner. Elle n’a d’autre issue que
de se remettre à travailler en tant que couturière. Mais, elle réussit à s’en
sortir et ouvre un petit atelier de couture à Tetouan. Sa vie prend alors
une tournure inattendue puisqu’elle commence à travailler pour les
services secrets britanniques durant la 2e guerre mondiale.
Adriana Ugarte est une comédienne reconnue en Espagne. Après avoir remporté plusieurs récompenses à la télévision pour
Lady et El Comisario, Adriana a également joué dans des films comme “Doghead” et “Combustion”.
Raúl Arévalo dans le rôle d’ IGNACIO
Ignacio est un jeune homme sympathique et conformiste. Il rêve de devenir
fonctionnaire et de mener une vie tranquille. C’est le premier amour de Sira qui le
quitte cependant à quelques jours du mariage pour s’enfuir avec Romero.
Raúl Arévalo est un acteur reconnu en Espagne. Il a joué récemment dans les
derniers films de Pedro Almodovar, Daniel Sánchez-Arévalo et Alex de la Iglesia.
Tristán Ulloa dans le rôle de JUAN LUIS BEIGBEDER
Colonel dans l’armée nationale et Haut-Commissaire d’Espagne au Maroc. Controversé,
polyglotte, il est fasciné par la culture arabe et par sa maîtresse Rosalinda Fox
Tristán Ulloa fait partie des comédiens récurrents dans la fiction espagnole, on l’a vu dans “Sex
and Lucía”, “Asterix & Obelix” et “Salvador”.
Hannah New dans le rôle de ROSALINDA FOX
Cette jeune anglaise drôle et extravagante devient la meilleure amie de Sira et
l’introduit dans la haute société de Tetouan. Aussi frivole que généreuse, elle fait
preuve d’une grande détermination.
L’actrice anglaise Hannah New travaille aussi bien à la tv qu’au cinema dans des
productions comme “Brain Drain” et prépare actuellement “Maleficent”.
Peter Vives dans le rôle de MARCUS LOGAN
Le supposé journaliste britannique arrive à Tetouan dans l’espoir d’interviewer Beigbeder en
échange de l’aide apportée à la mère de Sira lors de sa fuite hors de Madrid. Il est attirant
mais agit de façon peu claire. Il disparaît de la vie de Sira alors qu’une idylle vient de naître
entre eux mais il la retrouvera plus tard au Portugal.
La filmographie de Peter Vives comprend entre autres « Savage Grace », « Paintball « et « Invader ».
Filipe Duarte dans le rôle de MANUEL DA SILVA
Le mystérieux homme d'affaires portugais, séducteur et coureur de jupons
collabore avec les allemands. Sira tente de l'approcher, à la demande des services
secrets britanniques afin de glaner des informations.
Comédien reconnu au Portugal, Filipe Duarte a rejoint la série après un premier
rôle en Espagne dans le film d’Imanol Uribe “Orange Honey”.
Rubén Cortada dans le rôle de RAMIRO ARRIBAS
Ce coureur de jupons sans scrupules a arraché Sira à sa vie en lui jurant un amour éternel et en
lui promettant de monter une affaire ensemble qui s’avère n’être qu’une arnaque. Quand il
l’abandonne, Sira se retrouve désemparée, il lui a volé son innocence, son argent et ses rêves. Ruben Cortada est comédien et mannequin, il défile régulièrement à l’étranger. Il poursuit sa carrière à la télévision dans THE
TIME IN BETWEEN après avoir joué dans des séries comme “Bandolera” et“The Prince”.n amor incondicional. Cuando
finalmente se vea abandonada por él, ya será demasiadorde para Sira: Ramiro se habrá llevado su inocencia, su dinero y sus
Ben Temple dans le role d’ALLAN HILGARTH
Il est Attaché Naval à l’Ambassade britannique et coordinateur des activités des
services secrets en Espagne.
Ben Temple a derrière lui une longue carrière à la télévision et au cinéma avec
des rôles dans “REC”, “Goya’s Ghosts” et “I Want to Be a Soldier”.
Producteurs exécutifs : Emilio A. Pina / Reyes Baltanás
Réalisateurs : Iñaki Mercero / Iñaki Peñafiel / Norberto López Amado
Scénario : Susana López / Carlos Montero / Alberto Grondona
Basé sur le roman de Maria Dueñas “El Tiempo entre Costuras”
Musique originale : César Benito
Chef décorateur : Luis Vallés “Koldo”
Costumes : Bina Daigeler
Maquillage et coiffure : Pepe Quetglas / Carmen Veinat
Directeur photo : Juan Molina Temboury (A.E.C.)
Montage : Ángel Armada / Cristina G. Aller
Son : Iván Marín / James Muñoz
Directrice de casting : Eva Leira / Yolanda Serrano
Boomerang TV Directeur des productions : Mª Ángeles Caballero Antena 3
Producteur délégué : Ángel Ossorio
Boomerang TV Directeur de la Fiction: Josep Cister
Antena 3 Responsable du contenu : Pablo del Amo Photographe plateau : Pipo Fernández
La série a été tournée dans plus de 100 lieux en Espagne, au Maroc et au Portugal.
Plus de 254 décors ont été utilisés afin de reconstituer avec minutie ceux de la fin
des années 30 et du début des années 40. Tout au long du tournage, l'équipe a
scrupuleusement respecté les différentes étapes du roman au Maroc, Portugal et en
Luis Valles, nominé cinq fois aux Goyas, était en charge des lieux de tournage. On retrouve parmi les endroits clés, Tanger et
Tetouan, ainsi que différents endroits au Portugal comme Lisbonne, Cascais et Estoril. En Espagne, l'équipe a tourné à Toledo,
au fort de San Francisco à Guadalajara, et à Madrid .sus localizaciones reales de Marruecos
La garde-robe de Sira est un élément
incontournable dans cette série. Elle transforme
Sira d’une petite couturière aux origines
modestes en une styliste renommée d’une maison
de couture prestigieuse, pour finir dans le rôle de
l’espionne Arihs Agoriuq.
Bina Daigeler, nominée 4 fois aux Goyas, est en
charge des costumes dans The Time In Between.
Le personnage interprété par Adriana Ugarte
porte à lui seul 34 costumes différents dans le
premier épisode. Elle a utilisé plus de 2,000
tenues créées ou importées de chez les plus
grands créateurs européens.
José Quetglas, qui a remporté six Goyas et un Bafta, est en charge du maquillage et des coiffures des comédiens.
La BO de la série est une composition
originale de César Benito, interprétée par le
célèbre Orchestre Symphonique de
Macédoine. Benito a remporté plusieurs
récompenses pour son oeuvre sur différentes
séries TV, comme A Normal Family et pour
des films comme Ways to Live Forever.
Iván Marín, qui collabore régulièrement avec Pedro Almodovar, est
en charge du son.
James Muñoz, nominé six fois aux Goyas notamment pour Buried,
est en charge du mix et du montage.
Le premier roman de María Dueñas a été publié en 2009 et a été vendu à plus de 2 millions d’exemplaires dans les territoires
hispanophones et un million dans le reste du monde (dans plus de 30 pays).
L’auteure définit ainsi son roman : THE TIME IN BETWEEN est l’histoire d’une jeune
styliste qui, par la force du destin est obligée de s’engager dans un combat dangereux où les
patrons et tissus de son commerce ne sont qu’une façade à des activités plus critiquables et
Au-delà de cette intrigue schématique, on distingue plusieurs niveaux de lecture qui font de ce
livre à la fois, un roman sur l’accomplissement personnel, un roman sur les colonies, un roman
d’amour, un roman sur les conspirations politiques et historiques et un roman d’espionnage.
On mesure le succès d’un programme à son audience. Mais d’autres indicateurs peuvent mesurer la réussite qui vont bien audelà de l’écran et de la télécommande.
The Time in Between est à ce titre un double succès. La série a atteint des records d’audiences, meilleure série en Espagne
depuis les 8 dernières années, et, depuis sa 1e diffusion, les ventes de machines à coudre ont augmenté de 135% sur
Selon le site de vente en ligne, lors de la diffusion des 4 premiers épisodes (qui se passent dans un atelier de haute couture
dirigé par une jeune couturière réfugiée à Tetouan), les ventes de machines à coudre ont plus que doublé par rapport à la
moyenne des ventes avant que la diffusion ne commence.
Les pics d’achats ont été constatés les lundis durant la diffusion de la série, entre 22.00 et 24.00, avec une augmentation de
124% par rapport à la période précédant le lancement de la série.
L’engouement pour cette série a également touché le tourisme. Désormais, des tours opérateurs organisent des voyages sur les
lieux de tournage (Tanger, Tetouan et Lisbonne). Certaines agences offrent même des visites guidées de Madrid, ‘le Madrid de
Les écoles de couture ont également bénéficié de l’effet The Time in Between avec un nombre accru d’inscriptions.
Le prénom de Sira qui était tombé en désuétude est redevenu à la mode pour les petites filles.
Le livre de poche paru en 2013 s’est également hissé dans les 10 meilleures ventes de l’année 2013.
SYNOPSIS (v. 8x90’)
Tetouan, October 1936. In a typical Moroccan neighborhood, a light in a window in the middle of the night gives us a glimpse
of what two nervous women are up to. The older woman is tying guns to the younger woman’s body. In a voice-over narration,
the younger woman tells us about the past in a different place.
Madrid, 1921 Young Sira Quiroga quickly learns to thread a needle under her mother Dolores’ loving and watchful gaze.
Mother and daughter arrive at Doña Manuela’s sewing shop, where Dolores works as a seamstress and Sira runs errands. Doña
Manuela insists that the girl will make a great seamstress. Sira has never met her father and has no real interest in meeting him.
Years later, Sira works as a seamstress at the shop with the same women who have seen her grow up to become a beautiful
young woman. Her friend Paquita is about to get married and she asks Sira to alter her mother’s wedding dress for her. Sira and
the shop’s apprentices go out dancing to celebrate Paquita’s engagement. That is how Sira meets Ignacio; he walks Sira home
and timidly kisses her. Sira and Ignacio start dating and soon become inseparable.
Ignacio passes his civil service exams and asks Sira to marry him. Sira’s mother is thrilled with the news. The political
situation is very unstable, so for Dolores it is a huge relief that Ignacio has a good job and can support Sira. Sira is not in love
with Ignacio, but she enjoys his attention.
Doña Manuela has financial problems and is forced to close the shop were Sira and her mother work. Ignacio decides that Sira
should quit sewing find someother sort of work, and he insists that Sira prepare to take a civil service exam. In order to do so,
Sira must learn to use a typewriter.
Ignacio and Sira visit a little shop that sells typewriters and that’s where Sira meets Ramiro, the shop’s breathtakingly
handsome manager. It’s love at first sight, but Sira does not want to admit it. Ramiro flirts with Sira behind Ignacio’s back and
Ignacio has no idea what is going on. When Ignacio picks out a typewriter, Ramiro insist that they should pick it up the
following day, knowing that, since Ignacio has to work, Sira will have to go back to the shop alone. The following day, a very
nervous Sira returns to the shop. As soon as she walks in the door, Ramiro grabs her by the hand and takes her out for
breakfast. At the café, Ramiro confesses that he’s obsessed with Sira. Sira panics and rushes out of the café, but she is unable to
stop thinking about him.
Days later, the typewriter they just purchased breaks down and Sira has to go back to the shop because the “S” key doesn’t
work. Ramiro helps Sira at the counter and insists that she meet him at his apartment. Sira is offended by this indecent proposal
and leaves, but, in the end, her heart wins out and she keeps the date.
Now Sira is confused. Preparations for her wedding to Ignacio are well under way.
While trying on her wedding gown, Sira realizes that she can’t marry Ignacio, and she breaks the news as they go for walk in
the park. Sira is in love with Ramiro.
When she goes back home, Sira has a huge fight with her mother who is upset that she called off the wedding, and she moves
in with Ramiro. A few days later, Dolores, still very angry, visits Sira to tell her that her father, whom Sira has never met, has
asked to see her.
Dolores and Sira go to visit Sira’s father, who sees he is close to death and wants to leave a living will. Sira’s father gives her
jewelry and money, and he tells Sira and her mother to leave Madrid because things will soon get worse there. Dolores refuses
to leave Madrid. Mother and daughter go their separate ways.
Sira goes back to the apartment she shares with Ramiro and shows him her newly acquired wealth. Ramiro convinces her to
open a branch of an important company in Morocco. Sira asks her mother to go with them, but Doña Dolores doesn’t trust
Ramiro and thinks her daughter is making a mistake, so she refuses to go with them.
Ramiro and Sira arrive in Tangier and experience its exoticism and luxury. They go out to dinner every night, stay at expensive
hotels, go to all the best bars and restaurants, and meet a lot of people from high society who unveil a way of life that is new for
Meanwhile, Sira is starting to worry because she hasn't had any news from the company Ramiro had contacted to inquire about
opening a branch in Morocco. Sira is tired of going out every night, and it makes her feel uneasy to see other women express an
obvious interest in Ramiro. It also bothers her that Ramiro is spending so much money. Ramiro has no intention of changing
his lifestyle. One night, Sira isn't feeling well and she stays at the hotel while Ramiro goes out partying alone. When Sira gets
up, she finds Ramiro drunk at the bar.
Sira is very sad and angry with Ramiro. Since she still feels ill, she decides to go to the doctor and discovers she is pregnant.
When she gets back to the hotel to give Ramiro the news, Ramiro is no longer there. He has taken all the money and the
jewelry her father gave her. All he's left is a note, where he says he loves her but wants to start again alone and recommends
that she run away from Tangier because some of their creditors are looking for them.
Sira packs her suitcase and rushes out of the hotel, very sad, disappointed and upset. She gets on a bus headed for Tetouan.
During the journey, she starts bleeding and faints. Sira wakes up to find herself handcuffed to a bed in a hospital in Tetouan.
She has had a miscarriage. Sira is arrested for leaving the hotel without paying, and because Ramiro had taken a loan out for a
huge sum of money in her name.
Chief Vázquez, the police official in charge of the case, believes Sira’s version, but he confiscates her passport and tells her
that she won’t be able to leave Morocco until she has paid the hotel.
Sira has to start from scratch in a foreign country with no money and no friends.
Chief Vázquez takes Sira to Tetouan and leaves her at a boarding house run by Candelaria, a woman who apparently had
problems with the law and is now indebted to Chief Vázquez. Candelaria agrees to take Sira in at no charge. Sira is exhausted
and, when she’s finally left alone in her tiny room, she breaks into tears. At lunchtime, Sira meets the other boarders. As soon
as the conversation begins, it is clear that the boarders sharing the meal around the table are divided into two camps. This little
domestic dispute reflects the real-life war from which they all seem to be fleeing.
Sira is very depressed and barely gets out of bed, but Candelaria insists that she has to go out, that no man deserves so many
tears. Sira offers to help out around the boarding house and she starts helping Jamila, the housekeeper, with the chores. One
day, while cleaning under one of the boarder´s beds (Andrés’), she finds a box full of falsified passports. Sira tries to blackmail
Andrés to get him to help her leave Morocco, but Andrés does not give in to her demands.
Sira is recovering and is determined to find work with Candelaria’s help, but it seems Sira is unsuited for anything Candelaria
suggests, such as working as a hairdresser.
The following day, Candelaria tears her skirt and Sira very skillfully mends it. Candelaria discovers Sira’s talent for sewing and
asks her to make her a coat. When Candelaria shows the boarders the coat at dinner, they’re all impressed, the women at the
boarding house all ask Sira to make clothes for them. Candelaria sees Sira's talent as a great business opportunity, and Sira
starts sewing for the female boarders.
Sira tries switching tactics to get Andrés to help her get a falsified passport that would allow her to return to Madrid. She leaves
the door ajar so that Andrés sees her getting undressed.
Candelaria and Sira go to the hairdresser’s. One of the customer’s there praises Candelaria’s dress and asks her who made it.
Candelaria doesn't tell her it was Sira, instead, she tells her that there's a new haute couture shop about to open in Tetouan.
Sira is hanging laundry out to dry in the courtyard at the boarding house. Andrés starts fondling Sira, but she stops him and tells
him she wants the passport first and then, afterwards, he can have her. At dinner time, Inspector Palomares arrives at the
boarding house and arrests Andrés for his illegal dealings. While Andrés is getting handcuffed, he whispers to Sira: “The third
tile”. Sira desperately searches every tile in Andrés’ room, and she and Candelaria find a bag full of weapons. If they manage to
sell those weapons, Candelaria and Sira will make a lot of money.
Candelaria and Sira find buyers for the weapons at a bar few decent women ever entre alone, but they have to take them to the
station at the crack of dawn. First, Candelaria tries to take them, but she runs Inspector Palomares on the street and he threatens
to inspect her place in the middle of the night. Candelaria can’t leave the boarding house so Sira has to tie the weapons to her
body and disguise herself as a Moroccan woman to take them to the station.
Sira gets lost in the streets of this Moroccan city and is terrified of being discovered, but manages to reach the station in time to
pull off the exchange. Going back is complicated, with the police fast on her trail; she losses her slippers and her feet start
Finally, Sira manages to reach the boarding house safe and sound, and, with the money she’s made, she starts getting ready to
open her new haute couture shop. Candelaria rents an apartment in a posh building occupied by an old lady and her son. She
gets some fashion magazines and luxurious furniture and Sira emerges with the new look of a sophisticated dressmaker.
With the shop about to open its doors, an unexpected visitor threatens to jeopardize their work. Police Chief Vázquez arrives to
investigate how Sira managed to gather the money to open the shop. With her heart in her hand, Sira begs him to turn a blind
eye and give her the chance to make an honest living doing the only thing she knows how to do: sewing. With her pleas, Sira
manages to persuade Vázquez to leave her alone, for now.
Time goes by and the shop has no clients. Sira is getting impatient. Finally, a German woman walks in the door and orders
several dresses, including a tennis outfit, something Sira doesn't know how to make and has never seen.
Sira goes back to the boarding house to ask Candelaria for help, but Candelaria isn’t there. One of the guests at the boarding
house takes an interest in Sira and suggests that she ask a student at the school of fine arts for help.
At the school of fine arts, Sira meets Félix, who turns out to be her neighbor. Félix helps draw Sira the designs for the tennis
outfit and they become good friends. The client is very happy with her tennis outfit and recommends Sira’s shop to all her
friends. The shop takes off and is a very successful.
One of the shop’s clients is Rosalinda Fox, a friendly and extroverted English woman. Rosalinda quickly gains trust in Sira and
starts telling her about her life, the countries she’s lived in and her family.
At the Police Station, Inspector Palomares finds some jewelry and Chief Vázquez quickly recognizes it: it’s the jewelry Ramiro
stole from Sira.
It’s Sira’s birthday and they’re celebrating it at the boarding house. Sira asks Candelaria to help her keep the books and handle
billing at the shop, since many of her clients ask for the bill in German marks. Sira asks her neighbor Félix for help again, and,
in addition to designing Sira’s invoices, Félix takes it upon himself to educate Sira and turn her into the well-bred sophisticated
dressmaker she is trying to project.
Chief Vázquez looks for Sira to tell her he’s found her father’s jewelry. Ramiro is probably still in Tetouan, and has probably
never left. Sira has to confront the ghosts from her past and the chance of seeing Ramiro again, and this idea terrifies her.
Sira is perturbed by the news of Ramiro’s reappearance; she had assumed he was far away from Tangier. She is terrified of
running into the man who destroyed her life and broke her heart, and she shares her anguish with Félix. To help her take her
mind off the matter, Félix teaches Sira general culture, and he starts explaining that this part of Morocco is a Spanish
While walking through the streets of Tetouan, Sira and Félix see a family of refugees escaping the Spanish Civil War arrives in
the neighborhood.
If this family was able leave, Sira thinks that maybe her mother could too.
At night, Chief Vázquez visits Sira to tell her that they’ve caught Ramiro, and that she must go in for a confrontation meeting.
Sira has no choice but to accept.
Shortly afterwards, Rosalinda Fox arrives at the shop and nervously asks Sira to make her an evening gown for the following
day; she’s been invited to a dinner at the German consulate. Rosalinda has to make a good impression; it’s the first public event
she'll attend with someone with whom she has a very special relationship. But evening gowns take time, and Sira is unable to
accept the order. Rosalinda leaves, but, while watching Jamila wring out some rags, Sira comes up with a possible solution.
When Rosalinda comes back to the shop, Sira offers to make her a dress called “Delphos”, a very elegant design that is only
available in Europe’s most prestigious fashion boutiques. The dress is made of a special fabric and Sira thinks she can get it.
Rosalinda is delighted.
Sira buys the fabric and some dye and prepares the mix in the bathtub with hot water. Next Jamila and Sira wring out the fabric
and let it dry by the fire, still rolled up into a ball. Then Sira cuts and sews the cloth. When Rosalinda arrives at the workshop,
she’s really excited about the dress, although Sira warns her that the creases are temporary and will only last one night.
Rosalinda looks splendid, an enormous car comes to pick her up and Sira and Jamila watch her leave from the window. Félix
also sees her leave and he tells Sira who Rosalinda Fox is: she is the lover of none other than Lieutenant Colonel Juan Luis
Beigbeder, one of the most powerful men in the protectorate, which makes Rosalinda one of the most influential women.
Rosalinda arrives at a luxurious building with a swastika on the door and walks down a long red carpet arm in arm with the
Lieutenant Colonel. Rosalinda makes a splash at the party.
Sira goes to the police station to confront Ramiro. The police chief tells her that Ramiro tried to escape during his arrest and
they ended up shooting him. Ramiro is dead. Sira is shocked, but she asks to see the body.
Sira enters the morgue and finds Ramiro’s handsome but lifeless face. She tells the police chief that she’ll pay for the burial. It
seems that, compared with the reality of death, all the horrible things he did to Sira have lost their meaning.
Days later, Sira goes back to the police station and asks Chief Vázquez to return her passport so she can go to Tangier and ask
the hotel to allow her to postpone the repayment of her debt. Sira has the money to pay the hotel back, but she wants to keep
part of it to bring her mother over from Madrid.
The Chief authorizes Sira to travel to Tangier and come back the same day. On her way to the bus station, Sira she runs into
Rosalinda driving a brand-new automobile and Rosalinda offers to driver her to Tangier.
During the journey, Rosalinda tells Sira how she met Beigbeder. Both Rosalinda and Beigbeder are married, but their spouses
are far away, so they carry on their affair in Tangier like two love birds.
Rosalinda also explains to Sira the political implications of her relationship with Beigbeder. The Germans don’t like the fact
that a high-ranking Spanish official has taken on an English lover, because they see that the English cause might well awaken
sympathies in the political epicenter of the Spanish uprising.
Rosalinda confesses to Sira that the Germans are right to mistrust her, because she’s willing to do whatever it takes to make
sure Juan Luis Beigbeder works to improve relations between Spain and Britain, and, should a new World War break out, she
wants Spain to be on Britain’s side, not Germany’s. Rosalinda knows that Beigbeder would to do anything for her.
Sira walks through the luxurious lobby of the hotel in Tangier, finds the manager and asks him to allow her to defer payment.
The hotel manager is unwilling to negotiate and Sira hands over all her savings to pay off the debt.
Sira’s hopes of bringing her mother over are dashed, and she tells Rosalinda about her predicament. Rosalinda promises to help
her in any way she can.
Sira and Rosalinda visit the British consulate to ask the International Red Cross to get Sira’s mother out of the war zone and
bring her to Morocco. At the Consulate,
Rosalinda takes a private call from Marcus Logan, a British citizen who claims he's a journalist and asks for a private personal
interview with Beigbeder and access to Tetouan’s social life in exchange for bringing Sira’s mother to Morocco.
Sira goes to the police station to hand her passport back to Chief Vázquez, but now Vázquez tells her she doesn’t have to return
it. He also warns her about Rosalinda, whom many in Tetouan mistrust because of her influence over Beigbeder.
Sira and Rosalinda meet up with Marcus Logan at a café. He is a very elegant and attractive man. Rosalinda confirms that she’s
arranged for everything he asked for, including an invitation to a party at the home of Serrano Suñer, Franco’s brother-in-law.
She also tells him that the High Commission will have to inspect any information he may want to take out of the country and
that they will give him special treatment if he explains that he’s a journalist friend Rosalinda’s.
Marcus informs Sira about the arrangements to bring her mother. Rosalinda has to go and leaves Marcus and Sira alone. They
have a nice time together at the café. Jamila shows up at the café looking for Sira; there’s a client waiting for her at the shop.
Sira says goodbye to Marcus and begs him to keep his promise and bring her mother to Morocco.
Chief Vázquez appears at Sira’s shop asking why she met up with Marcus Logan; he warns her not to trust Marcus. Sira
decides to kick Vázquez out of her shop, since she has now paid off her debt and has nothing pending with the law. Somewhat
intrigued by the chief’s interest in Marcus Logan, Sira sends Jamila to spy on the journalist.
Rosalinda goes to Sira’s shop to pick out a dress for the reception at Serrano Suñer’s and tells Sira that Marcus’ interview with
Beigbeder went smoothly. A while later, Jamila enters and tells Sira that she lost track of the journalist at the market.
In the morning, Sira and Marcus run into each other on the street. Marcus knows that Jamila had been following him but, even
so, Marcus and Sira chat and Marcus asks Sira to join him at the reception at Serrano Suñer’s so that she can tell him who is
who in Tetouan. Sira accepts the invitation.
Sira asks Félix for help recognizing the guests at the party.
All the high society ladies go through Sira's shop to pick up their dresses for the party. The last dress is Sira’s. Marcus Logan
picks her up at the shop and is impressed by her beauty and her evening gown.
Marcus and Sira enter the party arm in arm, and Sira points all the most important people in Tetouan out to Marcus. Rosalinda
isn't feeling well and is not at the party.
Marcus asks Sira if she can listen in on a conversation that a group of people, including Serrano Suñer, are having. Feigning
indifference, Sira approaches the group and pretends to look in her compact mirror. She manages to see the photo Serrano
Suñer is looking at with the others. When Sira gets a bit too close and drops her compact powder, she cuts herself. Serrano
Suñer himself goes up to Sira to make sure she’s OK and even complements her.
Some soldiers who are on guard accompany Sira to one of the home’s private bathrooms so she can tend to her wound.
Meanwhile, Chief Vázquez runs into Marcus Logan in the courtyard of the mansion and warns Marcus to stay away from Sira.
On her way out of the bathroom, Sira gets lost in the house. She accidentally locks herself in one of the rooms and overhears a
conversation between Serrano Suñer and a high-ranking German officer; they’re negotiating something to do with installing
antennas in the South of Spain. The Germans want to control air and maritime traffic in the Strait of Gibraltar in order to
counter English presence there.
Sira goes back to the party and tells Marcus everything. Marcus is impressed by Sira’s courage and realizes that this
information is crucial for him.
At night, Sira dreams that Marcus is holding her in his arms. She wakes up feeling restless.
The following day, she goes to visit Rosalinda, who's gotten sick after hearing the news that her husband is coming back in
Tetouan, that’s why she couldn’t go to the party. Rosalinda tells Sira the story of her marriage, a sad affair that Rosalinda
thought she had escaped forever. Now Rosalinda wants to make the most of the time she’s got before her husband’s arrival, and
they decide to go to the beach.
Sira, Marcus, Rosalinda and Félix have a picnic on the beach. There’s a record player and Marcus and Sira dance and even go
swimming. In this beautiful setting, Marcus tells Sira that her mother has left Spain and will soon arrive in Morocco.
When her husband, Peter, arrives in Morocco, Rosalinda’s fears come true. Peter is a rude drunkard and, upon arrival, he
begins to abuse the staff. Rosalinda’s life has just become a nightmare.
Two German women enter Sira’s shop and ask her to make them dresses for a wedding. They both like the same fabric, but
there’s only enough to make one dress. The bride’s mother lets the other woman, who is her husband’s boss’ wife, have the
best fabric.
Marcus bursts into Sira’s shop to let her know that her mother will be arriving that same day.
Sira and Marcus have a secret rendezvous outside the city where there's a car waiting in the middle of the road with Sira’s
mother, Doña Dolores, inside. Sira and her mother tentatively approach one another and finally embrace. Marcus witnesses the
touching reunion while Sira sincerely thanks him. Dolores keeps hugging her daughter on the way back to the city.
Sira puts her mother up at the workshop. Poor Dolores looks worn out, she is frightened to death and all she wants to do is
sleep. Sira puts her to bed and cuddles up beside her.
At Rosalinda’s house, things are going from bad to worse. Despite Rosalinda’s pleas, the housemaids have all left, scared off
by Peter’s ill temper. The couple has a major argument. Peter insults Rosalinda and threatens her.
Sira pressures her mother to go out for a walk. Dolores doesn’t want to leave the house, and, when she finally gives in to her
daughter’s insistence, a motor car drives by making a noise that sounds like an explosion and a terrified Dolores begs Sira to go
back home.
Sira pays Rosalinda a visit and Rosalinda confesses that her life has been hell since her husband came back. Rosalinda and
Peter go out for a walk with and a car stops next to them. Beigbeder himself gets out of the car and starts a very cordial
conversation with the couple. After Beigbeder leaves, Peter tells Rosalinda that he knew she had good friends, but he didn't
realize they were so influential.
At the Police Station, Inspector Palomares hands Chief Vázquez several English newspapers. Chief Vázquez confirms his
suspicions that Marcus Logan, who claims to be a journalist, isn’t actually publishing anything.
At the workshop, the two German women are very happy with their dresses for the wedding, although the bride’s mother is
sorry that she didn’t get the best fabric. Just then, Sira receives a note from Rosalinda asking her to go see her.
Rosalinda welcomes Sira into her home and tells her that Peter is going back to India and that he is determined to take
Rosalinda and Johnny with him. Sira knows that Rosalinda’s heart will break and her health will suffer if she has to leave
Beigbeder and Morocco. In desperation, Sira turns to Marcus. The journalist promises to have a man-to-man talk with Peter
and try to make him change his mind. Marcus keeps his promise, but before he can talk with him, he sees Peter talking with a
group of Germans. When the Germans leave, Marcus confronts Peter and accuses him of having relations with his country’s
Peter confesses to Marcus that he doesn’t want to take Rosalinda with him to India, but he has no choice.
Marcus tells Sira that Peter lost a huge sum of money playing cards with a high-ranking German officer, and, since he is unable
to pay the debt, the German (who is well-aware of Rosalinda’s “harmful” influence) has asked him to get his wife away from
Beigbeder. Peter knows that the German keeps several IOU’s signed by Peter in a safe in his home. If those documents
disappear, Peter’s debt will also vanish, and Rosalinda won’t have to go to India. Sira recognizes the surname of the man who
has the IOU’s; it’s the husband of the woman who ended up getting the lesser fabric for the dress she wore to her daughter’s
wedding. Marcus promises to help her, but Sira will also have to help.
Sira visits her German client and promises to make her a dress even better than her friend's dress with a new fabric. Sira makes
an appointment for the German woman to visit her shop for a fitting and keeps her busy long enough so that Marcus can break
into her house and take the documents.
Marcus manages to get into the high-ranking German officer’s house, avoid the staff and find the documents. Back at the shop,
Sira is running out of excuses to keep the German lady there, she asks her mother for help, and Doña Dolores manages to
convince the woman to order more alterations for the dress.
Marcus manages to steal the documents that implicate Peter, but he is discovered inside the house. At the last minute, Marcus
manages to escape, but Chief Vázquez issues a warrant for his arrest. Marcus stops by Sira’s shop to tell her he’s got the IOU’s,
but that he must now leave the country.
Sira goes to see Rosalinda and tells her what happened. Rosalinda no longer has to leave and she now has power over Peter.
Chief Vázquez finds Marcus at the hotel where he was staying, but Marcus manages to escape.
Rosalinda gives Peter his passport and kicks him out of the house. She also threatens to give the Germans the IOU’s if he ever
comes back. Dolores decides to help Sira out at the shop.
Sira receives a note from Marcus asking her to meet him at a stall in the market. Sira runs to find him, but, on the way there,
she runs into Chief Vázquez and has to convince him that she has no idea where Marcus is. Soon afterward, Sira arrives at the
market and Marcus reveals himself under a tunic. He tells her that he has to leave because they’re looking for him, but the he
would have liked to have stayed with her.
Marcus and Sira kiss passionately. Marcus has to leave so he hides under the tunic again and blends into the crowd. Sira is in
love again.
Some time later, Sira and her mother are listening to the radio. It’s April 1st 1939, a distant voice informs them that the Spanish
Civil War has ended with a victory for the Nationalists. The protectorate celebrates the end of the war, although there is a
certain sense of impotence and grief among the losing side.
Sira goes to Candelaria’s boarding house, and one of the Republican guests there tells them that he’s leaving for South
America. He’s afraid the worst is yet to come for the losing side.
Back at the shop, Sira receives a visit from Rosalinda. The new Spanish government has named Beigbeder Minister of External
Affairs, and Rosalinda is going to Madrid with him, even though she would like to stay in Morocco.
Before leaving Tetouan, Rosalinda organizes a huge going away party and invites all her friends to her beautiful garden. In a
moment of intimacy, Beigbeder tells Rosalinda that, if she wants, they can forget Madrid and stay in Tetouan, but Rosalinda
knows that Beigbeder’s path is to move on to Madrid.
Sira and Rosalinda have a touching farewell. Sira gives Rosalinda a little sewing kit. Rosalinda gives Sira a photo of herself at
the party wearing the “Delphos” dress that Sira made her when they first met. It was a dress meant to be worn just once.
Thanks to the photo, they’ll always remember it.
A year later, Sira receives a letter from Rosalinda explaining that the Germans are becoming increasingly influential in Madrid
and Beigbeder has been pushed aside from government because of his English lover.
A while later, Sira receives a telegram from Rosalinda asking her to meet her at a bar. The two friends have a touching reunion,
and Rosalinda offers Sira the chance to open a shop in Madrid and work for the English secret service. England is creating an
underground network of collaborators in Madrid, and they need spies who can infiltrate the power circles in order to make sure
that Spain does not side with the Germans in the war.
At first, Sira refuses, but then she asks her mother for advice. Even though the thought of being separated from Sira breaks her
heart, Dolores encourages her daughter to do what she can to prevent Spain from becoming entangled in another war.
Sira visits Alan Hilgarth, the coordinator for the Secret Service in Spain. Hilgarth tells her that they need to keep track of the
German’s social life, and that the best way to do this is by investigating their wives. Alan has created a new identity for her.
Sira will now become Arish Agoriuq, a Moroccan dressmaker who is about to open a sewing workshop in Madrid targeted at
German clients.
Trying to contain her emotion, Sira says goodbye to Félix, Candelaria, Jamila and her mother before getting in a car headed for
her new life in Madrid.
Sira returns to Madrid and arrives at the Hotel Ritz as Arish Agoriuq. Alan Hilgarth, from the British Secret Service, visits her
hotel room and explains her mission. Sira opens a sewing workshop with two German-speaking helpers. The wives of highranking German officers become Sira’s costumers, and, thanks to them, Sira obtains information about their social lives and
gatherings. Sira writes her reports in Morse Code on sewing patterns which she delivers to Alan Hilgarth in certain preestablished places.
Sira enters her new shop and meets her helpers, Dora and Martina. Sira tells them to pass themselves off as the daughters of a
wealthy Spanish family and visit her main competitor’s shop to see how she can steal their customers.
Sira organizes a fashion show to present her dresses and attract German clients, and she starts teaching her assistants how to
The show is a huge hit. Her main target, Elsa Bruchman, is delighted with the designs and wants an appointment with Sira as
soon as possible, as do most of the wives of the German high-command in Madrid. Sira asks the girls to translate and jot down
all of the women’s conversations in a notebook to help her attract more clients. Sira sends the information she gathers to
One day, Sira is frightened to realize she is being followed.
Another night, Beigbeder unexpectedly shows up in Sira’s workshop. He’s just been fired from his job. Beigbeder tells her that
he had a meeting with Franco to try to convince him not to ally himself with the Germans, but it was useless. He also confesses
to Sira his absolute discontent and disapproval of Franco’s regime. Beigbeder asks Sira to send Rosalinda some letters through
The following morning, Sira sends a message to Hilgarth using their usual means of contact. While waiting for his response,
Sira notices a mysterious man following her on the street. When she gets home, she finds Ignacio, her former fiancé, sitting on
a chair in the dark.
Sira is very nervous. Ignacio knows about her past, and he could jeopardize everything she’s built. Ignacio is now in charge of
keeping track of foreigners living in Madrid, that’s why it didn’t take him long to discover her. Ignacio interrogates her; he
doesn’t trust Sira and he knows that Beigbeder went to visit her, so he searches her house and the shop, but he doesn’t find
anything incriminating. Ignacio tells Sira what life has been like for the people she left behind in Madrid when she went to
Morocco. The stories are heart-wrenching, and Ignacio accuses Sira of being selfish.
Ignacio’s words hurt Sira and, despite the fact that Hilgarth had forbidden her to leave Madrid’s wealthiest neighborhood, Sira
goes to visit her old neighborhood.
Then Sira goes to see Hilgarth to tell her about her meeting with Beigbeder. Hilgarth explains to Sira that, with Beigbeder no
longer part of the Spanish government, German pressure on Franco will increase. Sira also tells him that the daughter of one of
the most influential men in Madrid is about to become a debutante, and all the German high-commanding officers will be at the
Sira is swamped with work at the shop, so Hilgarth agrees to let Sira hire another worker. Sira looks for Doña Manuela, her
former boss, who has been suffering from misery and hunger for the last few years.
Someone is watching Sira from a car parked outside her workshop. Doña Manuela tells Sira that Ignacio is probably having her
followed. Sira broke his heart, so now he is harassing her. Sira decides to confront Ignacio and asks him to meet her at a bar.
Ignacio is now married, but he’s never loved his wife the way he loved Sira. Sira asks him to please leave her alone, but
Ignacio threatens her. She threatens him too, saying she has very influential contacts, but Ignacio is not easily intimidated. Sira
meets up with Hilgarth to ask him to help get Ignacio off her back, but there’s nothing Hilgarth can do.
The day the young debutante comes in to have her dress fitted, she breaks down crying because she has been so nervous lately
that she’s lost weight and now the dress no longer fits. Sira fixes and, in appreciation, the young woman’s mother invites Sira
to the party. Sira immediately informs Hilgarth and meets up with him. Hilgarth explains that she must pay attention to
anything she hears about a certain Portuguese businessman named Manuel Da Silva, her new target and main priority. At the
party, Sira hears two women talking about Da Silva and quickly joins the conversation.
Sira meets with Hilgarth again and gives him all the information she gathered at the party. Da Silva is coming to Madrid.
Sira meets with Ignacio again and apologizes for having hurt him. She also asks him to stop having her followed. To her
surprise, it turns out Ignacio is not the one who has been watching her.
Sira sees another man watching her from a car parked in front of her shop. Sira is a spy who is being followed, and now she has
more than enough reasons to be worried.
Sira still doesn’t know who has been following her or who asked him to follow her. By now, he is rather boldly installed at her
front door. Doña Manuela asks her to explain what is going on, and Sira has no use but to tell her the truth, but Doña Manuela
will keep the secret and stick with her no matter what.
At another meeting, Hilgarth tells Sira that Manuel Da Silva is doing business with British companies but they suspect he’s
also in cahoots with the Germans. Mr. Da Silva is coming to Madrid and will attend an exclusive dinner. Sira must get herself
invited, start a conversation with Manuel and try to get him to talk.
In order to get an invitation, Sira first tries to attract one of the guests, Mrs. Sterling, as a client, and, to do so, she is counting
on Marita, one of the shop’s clients who is a friend of Berta Sterling’s. Marita invites Sira to go to a café with her and Mrs.
Sterling, and she also invites her to a New Year’s Eve party.
The date with Sterling is a complete failure, which makes the mission more difficult.
Days later, Sira goes to the New Year’s Eve party with Marita at the Casino in Madrid. She is surprised to find the man who
has been watching her there, as it turns out, he happens to be the right-hand-man of Marita’s father-in-law, to whom she is later
introduced. The man who is having Sira followed is none other than Gonzalo, her father.
Sira is touched by the reunion, and upset that her father has been watching her. Don Gonzalo only wanted to know how she was
doing and he feels sorry that he never fought for her before. Sira asks him not to reveal her true identity. She tells him that she
had to change her name because his son Enrique accused her of having stolen the jewels. At midnight father and daughter
celebrate the New Year together. They embrace each other for the second time in their lives. Gonzalo asks Sira if they can see
each other again, he wants to recover his relationship with his daughter. Sira agrees.
Sira manages to attract Sterling as a client and tries to befriend her in order to get invited to the dinner. This won’t be easy,
because the client is a member of the Nazi party and has very few non-German friends. Luckily, Sira manages to get her out of
a fix. Sterling’s children need uniforms for a school play and Sira sews them in record time. That’s how Sira manages to
befriend the German woman and gets invited to the dinner Manuel Da Silva is to attend.
While waiting for the day of the dinner to arrive, Sira meets her father again at the Retiro Park and they resume their
relationship. Together, they talk about politics and the tactical moves made by the Germans and the English. Gonzalo invites
Sira to a piano recital and she accepts. But, when she arrives at the concert hall, Sira realizes that she has inadvertently entered
the lion’s den. Berta Sterling is also at the recital, and Don Gonzalo chooses a seat near his British friends. Sira cannot let Mrs.
Sterling and the other Germans see her keeping company with Britons. Aside from considering it a betrayal and raising
suspicions, it could jeopardize her invitation to attend the dinner with Da Silva and her mission would be a failure. Sira
pretends to faint in order to get out of the concert hall.
Hilgarth warns Sira again about the importance of her mission and tells her that Franco has made a list of people who are
partial to the English party. Her father is on that list, so Sira must not continue to see him.
The mission is still on. Sira attends the elegant dinner party and manages to get Manuel Da Silva’s attention and start a
conversation with him. She tells him that she has a sewing workshop and Manuel tells her that one of his businesses happens to
be exporting fabrics. However, Mrs. Sterling throws her out of her house because she knows about her relations with the
English, although she doesn’t want to make a scandal, since she would lose the trust of some very influential people. However,
soon after, Sira receives a letter from Manuel Da Silva asking to see her again before leaving Madrid under the pretext of doing
business together.
In this second encounter, Sira again tries to ask Manuel about his business in order to discover whether he sides with the British
or the Germans. Manuel answers affably but does not take sides, he is elusive. He’s a perfect gentleman, but it’s clear he’s
interested in Sira. So much so, that he very politely invites her to visit his factories in Portugal and do business there. Sira
conveys her findings to Hillgarth and Alan insists that she accept the invitation. She must go to Portugal and find out which
side Manuel is on.
So, Sira takes the Lusitania Express bound for Lisbon. Manuel’s chauffer, Joao, picks her up at Santa Apolonia Station. When
they get to Estoril, Sira settles into her hotel room, where she finds a note from Da Silva. Shortly after, she goes to Manuel’s
office, where she also meets his secretary, Beatriz Oliveira. Da Silva has planned the entire visit down to the last detail, except
for one afternoon in which he has business to attend to that cannot be postponed. While Manuel is at his meeting, Sira starts a
conversation with Beatriz, trying to get information about Manuel.
With Joao and his car at her disposal, Sira decides to visit Lisbon. After a morning of shopping and sightseeing, the chauffer
insists that Sira have a coffee at a traditional coffee shop. While enjoying a delicious coffee, a familiar figure enters the café.
Sira’s heart skips a beat when she finds herself face-to-face with Marcus Logan. Marcus tries to approach her and Sira rushes
out of the bar so that no one will find out about her past and her true identity.
Later, Sira walks along the pier and can’t help crying in impotence at being unable to get back in touch with Marcus now that
he is so close.
That night, Da Silva takes Sira dancing to a bar and, to her surprise, they run into Marcus Logan. Marcus and Manuel also
know each other and, when Manuel introduces them, both Sira and Marcus pretend they’ve never met. At a certain point,
Manuel has to leave, it seems one of his workers has betrayed him and, despite the man’s pleas, they kill him. Sira and Marcus
are suddenly face-to-face. He asks her for an explanation, but she can’t give him one. Sira tells him to stay away from her and
Marcus asks her what happened to the Sira he knew in Tetouan.
At lunch time, Sira goes back to Manuel Da Silva’s office, when she knows Manuel won’t be there, hoping to talk with Beatriz
alone. Sira tries to start a conversation with the secretary, but her attempts fail until she decides to mention how disappointed
she is with Franco’s Spain. That’s when Beatriz starts to open up, and Sira hastily asks her about Da Silva’s business dealings
with the Germans. At first, Beatriz doesn’t want to tell her anything about Manuel’s business. Sira asks her to think it over.
When Sira goes back to her hotel room, she finds a note from Beatriz written on an image of the Virgin Mary asking her to
meet her at a church the following morning. Sira asks the hotel receptionist to tell her chauffer Joao that she won’t be needing
his services.
In the morning, Sira is about to take a taxi to the Church where Beatriz asked her to meet her, but Joao is waiting for her. Sira
manages to make up some harebrained story and get to the church and finally meets up with Beatriz. During the mass, Beatriz
asks Sira if she works for the British, and Sira assents. Beatriz starts talking and explains to Sira in whispers that Da Silva has
dealings with several Germans, but that only Herr Weiss ever visits the office. Beatriz also tells Sira that in 3 days' time there
will be a dinner between some Germans and some Portuguese businessmen from the Veira region in which they will seal a very
important deal, although Beatriz doesn’t know exactly what that agreement entails. After telling her all this, Beatriz asks Sira to
leave and warns her to be very careful.
That night, Sira meets Da Silva at a restaurant. Sira tells him about her German clients, so Manuel decides to invite her to the
dinner at his estate. The following day, at the office, Beatriz overhears a conversation between Manuel and Herr Weiss, who
gives Manuel a list of people Manuel must kill, all of them British. Weiss also gives Manuel a microfilm with all the
information about his business dealings. Beatriz sees where Manuel hides the microfilm and the list of names.
Sira goes to the office and meets with Manuel, who tells her that he has some new, excellent quality fabrics and wants to show
them to her. Beatriz discretely signals to Sira to follow her to the ladies' room. In the ladies’ room, Beatriz tells Sira about the
microfilm and the list of names, and they arrange to meet the following day in Da Silva’s warehouse. When Sira and Beatriz
meet in the warehouse, Beatriz tells Sira that the microfilm is at Da Silva’s estate, in his office. She also tells her about the list.
Manuel must neutralize everyone on that list. Beatriz has managed to copy the list of names for Sira on a piece of paper. Just
then, Manuel appears, and, when Beatriz tries to escape without being seen, she bumps into something and the noise gives her
away. To avoid being discovered, Beatriz tells Manuel that she followed him because she can’t stop thinking about him, and
that she’s very jealous of Arish. The lie saves her, but Manuel fires her.
Back at the hotel, Manuel apologizes to Sira for the scandal Beatriz caused, but he also tells her that Beatriz was right about
one thing: that he only has eyes for Sira. Manuel asks her to go out with him that afternoon, but Sira tells him she’s very tired
and would rather go back to her room. What neither Sira nor Manuel realize is that Marcus is watching from a corner of the
hotel lobby. When Sira finally enters her room, she quickly takes out the list and sees Marcus Logan’s name among the list of
people Manuel is going to kill. Sira decides to ask Rosalinda for help, even though she’s not supposed to contact her, but Joao
won’t leave her alone any time, day or night. Sira comes up with a plan. She waits until nightfall, escapes through the hotel’s
kitchen, and convinces an employee to take her to Lisbon in his delivery vehicle.
Sira manages to get to Rosalinda’s house and they are both touched by the reunion. Sira tells Rosalinda that she needs to see
Marcus, and Rosalinda tells her that Marcus also went to see her to ask about Sira. Rosalinda will find a way to contact Marcus
through some English friends, but she tells Sira that she needs to know why she wants to see him. Sira tells Rosalinda the
whole story with Da Silva and explains that Manuel is planning to kill some British people, including Marcus. Rosalinda has a
nightclub and she suggests that Sira take Manuel there the following night. Rosalinda will make sure Marcus is there too.
Although it’s very risky, Sira accepts the deal so that she can talk to Marcus. Then, Rosalinda tells Sira about her life since
arriving in Lisbon. Before Sira leaves, Rosalinda gives her a gold chain with an image of the Virgin of Fátima and they have a
very touching farewell.
The following night, Sira and Manuel go to Rosalinda’s nightclub “El Galgo”. Marcus appears beside Rosalinda. And Marcus
tells Manuel that he’s tried to contact him several times for an interview but was unable to locate him. Just then, Rosalinda
takes Manuel out on the dance floor and Marcus and Sira have a moment to talk. Sira gives him the list of names and asks him
to leave as soon as possible. Marcus tells Sira he won’t leave without her. Marcus warns Sira that
Da Silva is a very dangerous man, but Sira insists that she can’t leave, but won’t explain why. In order to convince Marcus to
leave Lisbon, Sira tells him that she feels nothing for him. On the way back, Manuel notices that Sira didn’t seem very happy
talking with Marcus. Sira tells him that Marcus made an inappropriate remark about Franco and that this upset her. Manuel is
reassured. When she goes back to her room, Sira starts crying uncontrollably.
Sira goes back to see Rosalinda and tells her that she had to hurt Marcus in order to save him. Rosalinda doesn’t understand
why Sira is so reluctant to have a relationship with Marcus. Sira replies that, sooner or later, Marcus would have left, and she
doesn’t want to go through what she went through with Ramiro. Sira thinks that, after the way she’s hurt him, Marcus won’t
ever want to see her again, and she can’t help feeling awful about that. She also tells Rosalinda about the dinner the following
day at Da Silva’s estate, and explains that she has to find that microfilm. To help Sira, Rosalinda sends her a blank microfilm
so that she can exchange it for the real one without raising Manuel’s suspicions. When Sira gets back to the hotel, Joao finds
out that Sira had managed to shake him off. In her room, Sira receives a letter and a plant from Rosalinda. The blank microfilm
is hidden in the plant’s leaves.
On their way to Da Silva’s estate for the dinner, Joao tells Silva that he saw her come enter the hotel through the staff entrance
that morning and he has to tell Da Silva.
Sira manages to side-step the issue by giving Joao the gold chain with the image of the Virgin of Fátima that Rosalinda gave
her as a gift for his granddaughter’s first communion. She tells Joao that she wanted it to be a surprise, a sort of thank-you for
his services during her stay in Lisbon, and that, the reason she snuck out of the hotel that morning is that she obviously couldn’t
buy it with him. She also asks Joao not to tell Manuel anything about the whole affair. On the estate, Da Silva asks Sira to
entertain the wives of the German businessmen while he finishes doing business with their husbands. The women are delighted
with Sira when they find out that she’s the famous designer, Arish Agoriuq. The Bernardts are also at the dinner, and Sira has
to be very careful with them because they knew each other in Tetouan when she was still Sira Quiroga. Mr. Bernardt
recognizes her, but he can't remember where they’ve met.
Under the pretext of having stained her dress, Sira excuses herself to go to the bathroom, but, instead, she goes to Da Silva’s
office and manages to steal the microfilm. Sira also takes a strange little rock from Da Silva’s desk. That same night, Marcus
goes to visit Rosalinda. He knows there is something strange going on with Sira; her new personality and her relationship with
Manuel da Silva. All Rosalinda tells him is that Sira loves him, not Manuel, and that she only told him that she felt nothing for
him because she wanted to hurt him in order to save him. Rosalinda gives Marcus her car keys so he can leave Lisbon as soon
as possible.
At Da Silva’s estate, while the women play cards, the men talk business. Sira manages to find out that the Portuguese own
some tungsten mines and the Germans are interested in buying them.
When Marcus Logan leaves Rosalinda’s nightclub, a man secretly follows him.
Meanwhile, at Da Silva’s dinner party, the Portuguese and the Germans finally reach an agreement and sign the contract under
Sira’s watchful gaze.
When Rosalinda leaves her house, she finds the car she had lent Marcus. The door on the driver's side has blood stains on it.
Sira and Manuel go back to the hotel after dinner and say goodnight. Joao also says goodbye to Sira. Back in her hotel room,
Sira writes all the information she’s gathered on her sewing patterns. Just then, Rosalinda comes to see her and tells Sira that
Marcus hasn’t left Lisbon and that she thinks something may have happened to him. Sira is very worried.
Manuel goes back to his office and finds some flowers from Sira’s headdress there. Now Manuel knows that Sira has betrayed
Marcus goes to visit Sira in her hotel room. Marcus is wounded, but he managed to run away from the man who tried to kill
Marcus sees the tungsten rock Sira took from Da Silva’s office and explains that tungsten is used to make weapons and that
whoever controls the tungsten will control the War. Marcus insists that Sira leave Portugal. Sira decides to take the train back
to Madrid that very afternoon, and they both declare their love for each other. Just then, Da Silva knocks on the door, and
Marcus hides, but he leaves his hat on the table. Sira lets Manuel in and tries to hide Marcus’ hat, but Manuel doesn’t say
anything. Manuel insists on accompanying her to the station, and he goes down to the hotel lobby to wait for her. After Manuel
leaves the room, Sira and Manuel say a tender goodbye. When Sira and Manuel leave the hotel and Marcus tries to sneak away
unseen, Joao goes up to Marcus and tells him that he’s fond of Sira and that she doesn’t deserve what is about to happen to her.
Manuel drops Sira off at the station and kisses her goodbye. While waiting for the train, Sira notices that several of Manuel’s
men are watching her. Just then, Marcus finds Sira and they run away from two of Manuel’s men. A chase ensues, complete
with gunshots, but Sira and Marcus manage to drive off in a car. On their way out of Lisbon, the car stops. Marcus cannot
repair it because one of the shots made a hole in the gas tank. Marcus and Sira have to continue on foot and, after a while, Sira
twists her ankle. The men who tried to kill them follow fast on their tracks. Sira and Marcus arrive at a farm house and the
farmer offers to go to the village with them to get help. Since Sira can’t walk, she stays behind waiting for them. Before he
leaves, Marcus gives Sira a gun. On their way to the village, Da Silva’s men find Marcus and the farmer and threaten them; the
farmer leads them back to the house.
When they get to the house, Sira is hiding and manages to surprise one of the men from behind, giving Marcus time to reduce
the other man. Sira and Marcus escape in the car Da Silva’s men had been driving and, by the time they get to Madrid, it is
night time. At Sira’s house, Sira and Marcus discuss what they’ll do now; they start caressing each other and end up spending
the night together.
When Sira gets up, Marcus is gone, but he’s left a note telling her that he’s at the Hotel Palace, and that he’s not planning to go
anywhere. That same morning, Sira goes to see Hilgarth to inform him about the tungsten mines. Hilgarth already knows, and
Sira begins to suspect that Marcus isn’t really a journalist like he claims to be. Sira gives Hilgarth the microfilm as well as the
sewing patterns with all the information about Da Silva.
When she goes back home, Sira finds Manuel Da Silva himself and he forces her to go with him. Manuel has killed Joao as a
traitor and now he wants to know what Sira did with the microfilm. Sira keeps silent and Manuel has no choice but to threaten
to hurt Dora, Martina and Doña Manuela. Sira then tells him that the British have the microfilm. Just then, Manuel receives a
phone call from Herr Weiss threatening to kill him unless he gets the microfilm back. Manuel calls Hilgarth and tries to
blackmail him, offering to exchange the microfilm for Sira, but Hilgarth cannot risk losing that information. Marcus Logan is
in Hilgarth’s office when Hilgarth receives Manuel’s phone call and the two men debate whether it is worse to lose an agent or
the very valuable microfilm. Marcus doesn’t know that the agent in question is Sira herself, but he insists that they must try to
save her. Finally, Hilgarth agrees to the exchange, but he takes a fake microfilm instead of the real one.
Everything is ready for the exchange. There are several undercover agents in a square. A car arrives and a man hands Marcus
an envelope. Inside the envelope is Sira’s bracelet with a letter asking Marcus to meet her at San Ignacio’s castle and come
alone or “Arish” will die. Marcus manages to steal the real microfilm from Hilgarth’s office and takes it to the place where the
exchange is to take place. Manuel, Sira and a gunman are waiting for Marcus.
The gunman points a gun at Marcus, and, when he sees that Marcus is reluctant to hand over the microfilm, Manuel points his
at Sira. When the gunman approaches Marcus, Sira takes a pair of scissors out of her pocket and stabs Da Silva in the chest,
while Logan eliminates the man who was threatening him. But Manuel does not die, and he manages to grab the gun. It looks
like there’s no way out for Marcus and Sira, but then Marcus threatens to destroy the microfilm. When Manuel hesitates for a
moment, Marcus knocks him unconscious.
The following day, Sira wakes up in her room, now well-rested, and she tells Doña Manuela that she has some important
business to attend to. Meanwhile, in Lisbon, Herr Weiss waits for Manuel Da Silva at his front door and two Nazi soldiers
escort Manuel out of the estate. Now Manuel is in the Nazi’s hands. We will not hear from him again.
In Madrid, Sira meets up with her father, who is perplexed by her change of attitude, now warm and loving and wanting to
spend more time with him. Then Sira meets with Marcus alone, and tells him that, in order to explain who she really is, Marcus
must answer her questions. Sira doesn’t want any lies or secrets.
She doesn’t want to go through anything like what happened with Ramiro. Marcus tells Sira about his past, from the time he
began his mission in Tetouan, thanks to her and Rosalinda Fox. Marcus tells her that it was the best mission in his life, because
he got to meet her. A while later, there is a knock on the door and Hilgarth appears with his wife. Sira asks Hilgarth to explain
who Sira is to both Marcus and Gonzalo (her father) so that there will be no more secrets.
Finally, Hilgarth agrees to let her continue to see her father and have no secrets between them.
In a romantic afternoon in Madrid, Sira and Marcus kiss passionately. History may not recall Marcus and Sira, but this does not
make their lives any less meaningful. We all play our role in the world’s destiny, and Sira and Marcus played their role in the
time they lived in betwee
The Time in Between Premiere | P. 32

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