Issue no. 1/2006


Issue no. 1/2006
EDITORIAL OFFICE: Republicii no. 24, 400015 Cluj‐Napoca ♦ Phone 0264‐40.53.52 SUMAR – CONTENTS – SOMMAIRE – INHALT D O C T O R H O N O R I S C A U S A MARIUS JUCAN Laudatio Zoltán Abády‐Nagy ...................................................................................5 ZOLTÁN ABÁDY‐NAGY Higher Education Culture. Inaugural Speech .......................................................11 I N T E R N A T I O N A L R E L A T I O N S A N D P O L I T I C A L S C I E N C E ANAMARIA STROIA The Kyoto Protocol in a Global, European and Romanian Perspective ............25 ZOLTÁN BÚZÁS Another Happy Marriage: Constructivism and European Multi‐Level Governance ................................................................................................................43 IOANA ANDREEA TIRITEU “Power as Influence” or “Power as Capabilities”? The EU’s Political Division during the Iraq Crisis of 2001‐2003 into “Old” versus “New” According to American Criteria ..............................................................................61 LOREDANA MIHAELA NABĂR La philosophie pratique des relations internationals. Habermas et la reform de l’ONU........................................................................................................75 H I S T O R Y LUCIAN BUTARU De l’âme du Professeur Docteur Nicolae C. Paulescu..........................................91 SILVIU MILOIU Finnish Views and Political Attitudes Concerning the Romanian‐
Hungarian Clash over Transylvania (1941‐1942)................................................105 HORAȚIU DAMIAN A Public Relations Campaign in the XVIIIth Century: The Federalist Papers........................................................................................................................121 E U R O P E A N E C O N O M Y. E U R O P E A N I N F O R M A T I O N S O C I E T Y VIRGINIE DELSART, NICOLAS VANEECLOO Une interprétation du développement de la flexibilité de l’emploi en Europe.......................................................................................................................135 PHILIPPE MAITRE, RADU NECHITA La garantie française des dépôts: une analyse en terme d’aléa moral .............153 ROXANA NANU E‐Banking in Candidate Countries and New Member States ..........................177 L A W A N D P U B L I C A D M I N I S T R A T I O N SÉBASTIEN JAKUBOWSKI Les effets des changements organisationnels sur les representations professionelles. Le cas de la gendarmerie française ...........................................193 ALEXANDRA MIHAI Romanian Central Public Administration – Ready for the EU? Assessment of the Pre‐Accession Period ...................................................................................217 ALINA ŞTEFANIA UJUPAN Multi‐Level Governance or Multi‐Level Participation: Assessment of the Implementation of European Structural Funds in England ..............................233 E U R O P E A N C U L T U R E, P H I L O S O P H Y, A N D A N T H R O P O L O G Y BIANCA BICAN Arbeit und moderne Gesellschaft. Eine kritische Erkundung mit Hannah Arendt .......................................................................................................................255 SAROLTA SIMIGNÉ FENYŐ The Relationship between Translation and Gender.............................................273 F O R U M ROXANA BIANCA BOBÎRCĂ Business, a Game of Strategy. Game Theory in Practice ....................................285 LUCIAN BOGDAN An Overview of Benjamin Franklin’s Moral and Ethical Thought. From Religious to Civil Virtues .......................................................................................297 B O O K R E V I E W VASILE MUSCĂ Andrei Marga, Die kulturelle Wende. Philosophische Konsequenzen der Transformation. Cotitura culturală. Consecințe filosofice ale tranziției, Cluj University Press, 2004.............................................................................................317 LAURA HERȚA GONGOLA Sergiu Mişcoiu, Le Front national et ses répercussions sur l’échiquier politique français, Cluj‐Napoca, EFES, 2005, 135 p ..............................................................323 VAL CODRIN TĂUT Yves‐Charles Zarka, Faut‐il reviser la loi de 1905?, Presses Universitaires de France, 2005, 207 p. .................................................................................................327 VERONICA MATEESCU Charles Hampden‐Turner, Fons Trompenaars, Au‐delà du choc des cultures. Dépasser les oppositions pour mieux travailler ensemble, Editions d’Organisation, 2003. ..............................................................................................335 LOREDANA BABA Donatella Schmidt, Antropologia del grigio. L’altro visto dall’altro, Unipress Publishing House, Padova, 2001 ..........................................................................339 ABSTRACTS – RÉSUMÉS – ZUSAMMENFASSUNGEN THE KYOTO PROTOCOL IN A GLOBAL, EUROPEAN AND ROMANIAN PERSPECTIVE Anamaria Stroia Abstract The paper focuses on the issue of climate change and on the policy designed to solve the climatic disturbances that the world confronts with. The article presents in brief the Kyoto Protocol, describing its innovative flexible mechanisms: the Emission Trading Scheme, the Joint Implementation and the Clean Development Mechanism. A further look is being paid at the implementation process of the Protocol: at the European level, the implementation already began, the European Union being the forefront actor in the climate policy. In Romania, the implementation process is just at the beginning. Having an inside look at the process shows a challenging picture in regard to the implementation and the enforcement of the Protocol. ANOTHER HAPPY MARRIAGE: CONSTRUCTIVISM AND EUROPEAN MULTI‐LEVEL GOVERNANCE Zoltán Búzás Abstract In the present paper I advocate the application of social constructivist theories to the practice of multi‐level governance (MLG) in Europe. This would help fill both MLG’s “theoretical vacuum” and constructivism’s “empirical vacuum.” After discussing the growing disconnect between EU integration theories and European MLG practice, I set up a framework for analyzing governance. Next, I use this framework to depict the classic social constructivist approach to governance. Further, I show that traditional integration theories are less appropriate to account for MLG than constructivism is. Finally, I propose a brief research agenda, through which constructivism and MLG could come together in a fruitful “marriage.” “POWER AS INFLUENCE” OR “POWER AS CAPABILITIES”? THE EU’S POLITICAL DIVISION DURING THE IRAQ CRISIS OF 2001‐
2003 INTO “OLD” VERSUS “NEW” ACCORDING TO AMERICAN CRITERIA Ioana Andreea Tiriteu Abstract The Iraq crisis of 2001‐2003 was a controversial and challenging moment for the European diplomacy and not only. Intending to reflect on the events that tormented the European political landscape and led to the “divide et impera” scenario within the European Union, the following research paper will address – from Kenneth Waltz’s structural realist perspective – the question regarding the insights of power that stimulated a de facto European political division in the Iraq crisis framework. The analysis will basically focus on the new American “post‐atlanticist” order and its effects on the EU’s fragile Common Foreign and Security Policy. LA PHILOSOPHIE PRATIQUE DES RELATIONS INTERNATIONALES. HABERMAS ET LA RÉFORME DE L’ONU Loredana Mihaela Nabăr Abstract The main objective of this article is to present some general guidelines that might serve to the understanding of Jurgen Habermas’s approach towards the reform the United Nations Organisation. By encapsulating its thinking within the framework of the advanced analysis of the Critical School, this article will show the distinct approach that Habermas proposes – an approach that concentrates upon the solving of the democratic deficit of the UN by founding the global epistemic community that should be based upon the inter‐individual communication. DE L’ÂME DU PROFESSEUR DR. NICOLAE C. PAULESCU Lucian Butaru Abstract N. C. Paulescu was a brilliant researcher in physiology, a mediocre thinker in sociology and a cruel preacher in politics. “The soul” is the key‐concept of Paulescu’s “tractatus theologico‐physiologicus” – and the anti‐Semitism is a natural consequence of his inappropriate understanding of society. Unbinding the structure of his political, theological, scientific and common sense arguments, the present article tries to reveal the limits of this approach. In despite of the polemical tone, we are not arguing with Paulescu, but with the use and the abuse of Paulescu’s writings. This article is not a pleading against the interdisciplinary approaches, but a pleading for a clear delimitation between the domains of competence of each methodology. FINNISH VIEWS AND POLITICAL ATTITUDES CONCERNING THE ROMANIAN‐HUNGARIAN CLASH OVER TRANSYLVANIA (1941‐1942) Silviu Miloiu Abstract The scope of this article is to study the way Romania’s arguments with Hungary over Transylvania had been understood in the Finnish diplomatic and political circles during 1941‐1942 . Though by no means unanimous, Finnish top leaders understood not to take sides when not directly expressing their approval of Romania’s position concerning Transylvania. The dispute of opinions between the Finnish diplomats in Budapest and Bucharest was followed with interest by the Finnish diplomacy who concluded that a Finnish balanced policy in relation with the two countries was not misplaced. A PUBLIC RELATIONS CAMPAIGN IN THE XVIIITH CENTURY.THE FEDERALIST PAPERS Horațiu Damian Abstract The essay analyses the campaign led by two of the Founding Fathers, Alexander Hamilton and James Madison, in order to ensure the adoption of the American Constitution by the New York Legislature in 1788. In a series of articles published under the title The Federalist, from October 1787 to July 1788, the main points of criticism of the constitution were addressed and dismantled. The essay maintains that this enterprise presents all the characteristics of a Public Relations campaign and analyses it as such. UNE INTERPRÉTATION DU DÉVELOPPEMENT DE LA FLEXIBILITÉ DE LʹEMPLOI EN EUROPE Virginie Delsart Nicolas Vaneecloo Abstract The development of flexible forms of employment in Europe is often related to structural modifications (the « tertiarisation » phenomenon) and to conjonctural uncertainties concerning these economies. This article shows that a third interpretation is more adapted to account for employment flexibility. We refer here to changes in the way firms adjust to infra‐annual fluctuations of demand addressed to them. LA GARANTIE FRANÇAISE DES DÉPÔTS : UNE ANALYSE EN TERME DʹALÉA MORAL Philippe Maitre Radu Nechita Abstract The objective assigned to deposit insurance is twofold. First, it aims at preventing the deposit liquidity risk if a bankruptcy occurs. Secondly, it intends to reduce banksʹ exposure to systemic risk. However, depositors, bank managers and/or shareholders behavior might be influenced by moral hazard incentives. From this perspective, the French mechanism was not much documented, even though significant changes occurred in the French legal framework. This paper is especially focusing on legal, regulatory and institutional responses to such moral hazard incentives. Moral hazard incentives could be reduced if the following measures were adopted: limits on maximum amounts and scope of deposit insurance; strict liability imposed on managers; as well as the definition of rules for a mandatory intervention of the authorities. E‐BANKING IN CANDIDATE COUNTRIES AND NEW MEMBER STATES Roxana Nanu Abstract Modern e‐banks take a particular place in e‐economy. Their importance for development of new economy has been emphasised in the e‐Europe programme, that is one of the Lisbon Strategy principles. E‐banking makes it possible to perform such services as: electronic tax clearings, unemployment benefit or scholarship payments. However, the rapid development of e‐banking capabilities carries benefits as well as risks. LES EFFETS DES CHANGEMENTS ORGANISATIONNELS SUR LES REPRÉSENTATIONS PROFESSIONNELLES : LE CAS DE LA GENDARMERIE NATIONALE FRANCAISE Sébastien Jakubowski Abstract The French national Gendarmerie has known notorious changes for a few years. These modifications are meant as well in terms of rationalization of the action and of the means as of legitimacy of the missions entrusted to the gendarmes. The transformation of this institution of State calls, consequently, with an analysis of the identity and professional representations due to these evolutions. ROMANIAN CENTRAL PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION – READY FOR THE EU? ASSESSMENT OF THE PRE‐ACCESSION PERIOD Alexandra Mihai Abstract La Roumanie se trouve dans le dernier stage avant de devenir plein membre de lʹUnion Européenne. Pourtant, loin dʹêtre un tout droit ʺdernier cent mètresʺ, dans cette période la Roumanie doit sʹengager a accélérer le tempo des reformes, afin dʹobtenir des résultats visibles. La ʺfiche de parcoursʺ a été crée par la Commission Européenne, en se concentrant sur certaines aspects de lʹacquis communautaire. Comme même, au delà de lʹacquis, il yʹa dʹautres aspects qui influencent directement la performance de la Roumanie. La reforme de lʹadministration publique a été un des priorités des Gouvernements roumaines depuis les années 1990. La pression de lʹUnion Européenne a favorisé lʹétablissement dʹun cadre législative et institutionnel compatible avec celui des pays Ouest‐
européennes. Est‐il suffisant pour assurer la fonction efficiente de lʹadministration centrale et ces interactions avec le system européen? Est‐ce quʹon peut parler dʹun vrai procès dʹEuropéanisation dans ce domaine, en touchant les traites essentielles de la capacité administrative? Et, finalement, est‐ce quʹon peut identifier le lent procès de reforme de lʹadministration publique comme un des principaux obstacles sur le chemin dʹintégration de la Roumanie dans lʹUnion Européenne? MULTI‐LEVEL GOVERNANCE OR MULTI‐LEVEL PARTICIPATION: ASSESSMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF EUROPEAN STRUCTURAL FUNDS IN ENGLAND Alina‐Ştefania Ujupan Abstract The implementation of the European Structural Funds in England has always been identified with a central government led process. Nonetheless, the regionalization that is taking place together with European pressures for enforcing partnerships in the English regions are reasons to believe that the situation has changed. By applying Hooghe and Marks’ criteria for assessing governance in a political system, the paper demonstrates that the implementation of the European Structural Funds in England takes place within a system of early stages multi‐level governance. ARBEIT UND MODERNE GESELLSCHAFT. EINE KRITISCHE ERKUNDUNG MIT HANNAH ARENDT Bianca Bican Abstract Looking back on theoretical approaches of basic themes like „work“ and „production“ in the modern world, equally applied on liberal as well as on communist societies, Hannah Arendts critique, especially on Karl Marx, is shown to be not an ideologic motivated rejection of the marxistic ideas. Reffering to the antique society model of Athen democracy, Arendt shows the main topics of the difference between an philosophical ideal and his interpretation in both modern Western and Eastern societies. Therefor, a look on todays post‐communist society through Arendts theories shows intriguing results in gender specific and also in general areas of private or social behaviour. THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TRANSLATION AND GENDER Sarolta Simigné Fenyő Abstract Diese Studie stellt ein interdisziplinäres Forschungsgebiet vor, das sich im Schnittpunkt der Übersetzungswissenschaft und der Gender‐Studien befindet. Früher wurde die Übersetzung als Transfer zwischen Sprachen aufgefasst. Heute vertritt man eine andere Auffassung. Die Übersetzung wird heutigentags immer mehr als Transfer zwischen Kulturen, sogar Ideologien betrachtet. Dies kann einerseits mit den verschiedenen Konnotationen, andererseits mit den unterschiedlichen sprachlichen Ausdrucksmitteln im Zusammenhang stehen. In Bezug auf den Ausgangstext werden oft männliche Rollen assoziiert, während die Übersetzung mit weiblichen Rollen verkleidet wird. Die Unterschiede in den grammatischen Systemen machen es möglich, daß die Übersetzungen auch ein ideologisches Plus ausdrücken, also durch sie werden auch politische Ideologien vermittelt. Da die Sprachen mit unterschiedlichen grammatischen und lexikalischen Mitteln auf die Geschlechter referieren, hängt der Ideologische Transfer von der Natur der Ausgangs‐ bzw. Zielsprache ab, aber auch von der Richtung der Übersetzung. Die Rolle des Übersetzers wird dadurch verantwortlicher, indem er den Ausgangstext auch aus dem Aspekt des Gender zu analysieren hat. Es muß unbedingt entschieden werden, welche politischen Ideen im Text in der Zielsprache ausgedrückt werden, wie der Text in der Zielsprache auf die Leserschaft auch in diesem Zusammenhang wirken soll. BUSINESS, A GAME OF STRATEGY. GAME THEORY IN PRACTICE Roxana Bianca Bobîrcă Abstract This paper offers a brand new perspective on how game theory influences players actions in business. The general scope of this analysis is to stress the importance of game theory, as an useful instrument for prediction, regarding the way future events might take place. Game theory focuses directly on the most pressing issue of all: finding the right strategies and making the right decisions. I decided to take into consideration this subject because game theory could become a highly efficient instrument for managers, as long as they use it cautiously (taking into consideration the limits of this instrument). AN OVERVIEW OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN’S MORAL AND ETHICAL THOUGHT. FROM RELIGIOUS TO CIVIL VIRTUES Bogdan Lucian Abstract L’article « Une perspective sur les pensées morales et éthiques de Benjamin Franklin. Des vertus religieuses devenues civiles », analyse la façon dont l’un des plus signifiants Déistes américains a adapte les vertus d’origine religieuse chrétienne (especiallement, mais pas nécessairement protestante) aux réalités de la société américaine de son temps, quand se posaient les bases de la société civile et du entrepreneurialisme moderne. En éliminant les récits des miracles divins et gardant la structure éthique d’inspiration religieuse, l’assaisonnant tout cependant d’éléments laïques, Franklin nous a offert un modèle de conduite applicable aussi de nos jours, independamment de notre confession religieuse.