– design requirements - e-Lite

Transcription – design requirements - e-Lite – design requirements
Requirements for the design of the web site on photograph sharing
and publication
Brief Introduction is a photo archival and sharing portal which allows users to store, publish and share photos
with friends. The business model lying at the basis of is based on a set of paid
functionalities offered to premium users, on advertisements and on the provision of additional services
related to pictures and photography like: photo printing, calendar making, etc.
Functional Requirements
The following functional requirements have been identified by discussing with the
management team:
Photo search: the site will offer search functionalities for retrieving pictures, results will depend on
the authorization policies enforced for the current user
The site will offer to registered users the ability to create and edit groups of personal contacts and
known or trusted users
The site will offer to registered users the ability to define picture collections that can be published
on the user profile
Registered and premium users will have the ability of publishing, and customizing a public profile
Registered users will be able to add pictures to a set of “preferred” pictures
Registered users can publish the list of preferred images
Registered and premium users will be allowed to load images and picture files, together with a set
of metadata pertaining the picture contents
The site will allow registered users to “monitor” the activities of selected users or user groups, by
inserting on the user’s profile page a list of the last actions done by “monitored” or “linked” users.
The site will provide on-line paying facilities for premium users accounts
Non Functional Requirements
The following set of non-functional requirements has been identified in agreement with the
management and publishing team:
The site must store the user accounts and the corresponding data
Several user categories are foreseen: anonymous, registered, premium, administrator, manager
The pictures will have a maximum size limit
The maximum size limit for premium users will be higher than the ones of registered users
Every loaded image will either be: private, public, shared with one or more registered users (or
groups), premium
Every non-public image can be commented by users having the right for visualizing the image
Every public image can be commented by every registered user
For each image the following mandatory metadata must be specified: Title, Tag list, Category
(selected by a predefined set)
Information Architecture
Given the above requirements the EBWA master course has been charged to define a draft web site
structure, and the underlying information architecture. EWBA members are allowed to fill up un-complete
requirements with missing details and must prepare a web site design proposal on the basis of provided