The Language of Recruitment


The Language of Recruitment
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Des forma ons linguis ques qui répondent à vos besoins ... Interface Business Languages vous propose des presta ons linguis ques et de communica on professionnelle de qualité et nous assurons un suivi pédagogique et administra f complet et efficace. Nos domaines de compétences sont les suivants : • Forma ons linguis ques personnalisées • Audits linguis ques complets • Immersions à l’étranger sur mesure • Solu ons « Blended » efficaces • Ateliers professionnels dynamiques • Service de traduc on de qualité • Concep on de sites mobiles ludiques •
The Language of Teleconferencing The Language of Mee ngs The Language of Telephoning The Language of Emails The Language of Nego a ng The Language of Presen ng Socialising in English Cross Cultural Communica on English for Human Ressources Recruitment Interview Ques ons English for Banking & Finance English for Marke ng English for IT Business Idioms & Phrasal Verbs Business Colloca ons Maintenant, écoutez les phrases sur votre smartphone ! Interface Business Languages Des forma ons linguis ques qui répondent à vos besoins Recruitment Interview Ques ons Les ques ons les plus fréquemment posées lors d’un entre en d’embauche
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Notre slogan : “Fun and professionalism” Interface Business Languages 19, Place de l'Iris 92400 Courbevoie - La Défense 01 47 76 51 60
Tél.: 01 47 76 51 60 L’entre en de recrutement — les ques ons Préparez votre prochain entre en d'embauche en anglais en revoyant les ques ons les plus fréquemment posées par les employeurs et quelques ques ons à poser. •
How good is your Spanish ? How would your boss describe your work? If we asked for a reference, what would it say about you? What makes you think you can be successful with us? •
What do you look for in a subordinate? What's your defini on of a challenge? Début de l’entre en Situa ons par culières Plan de carrière •
Did you find us easily? Did you have a good trip? Did you get my last email? Have you brought all your papers with you? •
Expérience professionnelle •
Could you start by telling me something about your career so far. What made you become an engineer? Why did you choose the IT business? How did you get into human resources? What was your greatest contribu on to your previous company? What was your biggest success while you were working for HSBC? Tell me about your best/worst professional experience so far. What was your most important contribu on to your last job ? Why did you leave your last job? Why do you want to leave your current job? Do you have any overseas experience? Do you have any experience of living or working abroad? How did your first/last job influence your career? What do you think is your most important achievement? What did you learn while you were working for IBM? What training have you had for this job? Which of your jobs has given you the greatest sa sfac on? Why are you considering a move from your present company? Why are you dissa sfied with your present job? Why are you leaving your current job? Why were you made redundant? Why were you out of work for so long? •
Mo va ons •
Méthode de travail et préférences •
What do you know about our company? What made you apply for this job? Why do you want to work for us/this company? Why should we offer you this job? How does the job sound to you? What mo vates you? What really excites you in your professional life? Compétences What can you contribute to this company? Why do you think we should give you this job? How would you add value to our company? What are you good at? What are you not so good at? What do you think your best/strongest quali es are? What are your main strengths? What are your main weaknesses/weak points? Give me three adjec ves which describe you par cularly well. Tell me three posi ve things about yourself. Tell me three nega ve things about yourself. What decisions do you find easy/difficult to take? Are you flexible? Would you describe yourself as a flexible person? Would you describe yourself as reliable ? How many foreign languages do you speak? Tell me about something you think you did par cularly well last year? What has been your greatest professional or personal success during the past year? Give me an example of a situa on where one of your weaknesses created problems for you? Describe a difficult situa on you've experienced and what you did about it. Describe a me when you felt things were not going too well. Describe a me when you felt you were doing well. Tell me about a high-risk decision you have had to take. Give me an example of a serious conflict which you have experienced. Tell me about a success/failure you have experienced. When were you most happy at work? •
How would you approach this job? What's your ideal job? What do you enjoy most about your present job? Do you prefer to work in a team or on your own? Do you prefer to work in an open plan office or an office of your own? Are you free to travel? / Are you prepared to work abroad? What kind of role do you usually play in teams? What characteris cs in other people disturb you most? How do you get things done? How do you manage your day? How do your respond to stress? What kind of working environment suits you best? •
Préten ons salariales •
Ques ons personnelles •
Détails pra ques et fin de l’entre en •
Tell me something about yourself? What sort of person are you? What sort of person are you socially? How do other people see you? What do other people think of you? Is your family happy with the career choices you have made so far? What do you do in your spare me? How do you spend your free me? Do you think you have a good balance between your personal and your professional life? How have you changed over the last five years? If you did not have to work, what would you do? What are you reading at the moment? When do you plan to re re? What will you do? How important is your work to you? What do you miss most about your work when you're on holiday? •
How much do you expect to earn in your next job? What benefits do you expect from your next job? Given the achievements described in your applica on, why is your salary so low? Philosophie et style de management What skiIls do you need to be a good manager? What is your defini on of a challenge? What, in your opinion, are the most important shared values for a successful business organiza on? How do you get he best out of people? How do you manage your staff? How could your boss improve his management of you? How do you typically approach a new project? If you could change your current job/company in any way, what would you do? ln your view, what are the major challenges/opportunities facing this company? What do you look for in a manager? How do you see this job developing? How does this job fit in with your career plan? How long do you plan to stay with us? Where do you hope to be 3 years’ me? Where are you heading? What is your view/vision of the future of the ... business? How much no ce do you have to give in your present job? When could you start? Do you have any more ques ons? You should hear from us in the next few days /week. Thank you for coming. Quelques ques ons à poser à l’employeur •
What is the company’s management style? How would you describe a typical day or week in this job? How would you describe the responsibili es of the posi on? What are the prospects for growth and advancement? Why did the last person leave this job? Do you have a policy for training new employees? What are the biggest rewards of working at this job and for this company? What else can I tell you about my qualifica ons? Are there any other ques ons I can answer for you? When can I expect to hear from you? If I am offered this job, how soon would you like me to start?