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Other News - Azerbaijan
Pakistan and Azerbaijan will start joint production of air bombs, marketing
director of Global Industrial & Defence Solutions Mohammad Salman stated.
According to the company official, discussions are being held with the
Azerbaijani side on this project.
RPB air bombs, manufactured in accordance with international standards, are
exported to various countries, APA reported.
Azerbaijan's political opposition is seeking to replicate the uprisings
that drove out authoritarian rulers in Egypt and Tunisia, this timein a
former Soviet oil province that supplies an increasing share of Europe's
President Ilham Aliyev, who took over from his father in 2003 in the first
dynastic succession in the former Soviet Union, faces the same fate that
befell Egypt's Hosni Mubarak last week if he doesn't annul the November
election that gave his supporters all but one of 125 seats in parliament,
said Isa Qambar, head of the Musavat, or Equality, political party.
The Aliyev family has dominated Azeri politics for 40 years. Heydar Aliyev,
father of the current leader, became president in 1993 after serving as the
Kremlin's local Communist Party boss from 1969 to 1982.
His son, 49, scrapped a two-term limit in 2009, allowing him to stay in
power indefinitely.
Azerbaijan is more corrupt than Tunisia and Egypt, according to Transparency
International, which in 2010 ranked the country 134 out of 178 on its
global corruption index, compared with Tunisia's 59th place and Egypt's
98th, Bloomberg reported.
/FEB 22/arminfo/
Azerbaijan and Turkey have signed an agreement on the joint production of
reactive rockets, a source in the Azerbaijani Defense Industry Ministry
told Trend on Monday. Azerbaijani Defense Industry Minister Yaver Jamalov
and Turkish Defense Minister Vecdi Gonul signed the relevant document in
the framework of the international exhibition "IDEX -2011" in Abu Dhabi.
According to the document, the Azerbaijani ministry and the Turkish company
ROKETSAN will begin the production of 107- and 120-millimeter reactivepropelled missiles.
Earlier Defense Industry Minister Yaver Jamalov said Azerbaijan has
increased its military production 3.6- fold this year as compared with last
year. The country's military production has registered a 115-fold increase
since 2006.
"The country is no longer dependent on import of ammunition," he said.
The Azerbaijani Parliament approved the country's 2011 budget. Next year
the Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense is to receive U.S. $3.1 billion.
The spokesman of U.S. Embassy in Azerbaijan alerted American citizens over
threat of terror in the country.
~SWe still believe the threat of terror in Azerbaijan to be real,~T the
spokesman stressed.
2 alerts have already been issued by U.S. State Department over the threat
of terror in Azerbaijan.
Two Azerbaijani oppositional parties, Democratic Party and Umid (Hope) have
created a new political bloc, Karabakh. The agreement was signed by leaders
of the parties Sardar Jalaloglu and Igbal Agazadeh.
The members of the Karabakh bloc intend to cooperate in a struggle against
"current anti-democratic regime of Azerbaijan within the framework of the
Constitution and in accordance with international law norms." The parties
will offer common candidates for 2013 presidential, 2014 municipal and 2015
parliamentary elections. Other political parties were invited to joint the
Azeri puppet opposition seems to have run out of control. Still, the
success of the struggle is unlikely, considering the fact that President
Aliyev is the only one to run the show in Azerbaijan. So, the new
"oppositional block" might have been created with a sole purpose of
demonstrating the "high level" of democracy and active political struggle
in Azerbaijan. The only thing that remains unclear is what Karabakh has to
do in the matter.
/FEB 25/The Messenger/
Analysts and politicians are actively speculating about the possibility of
military confrontation in Karabakh. An arms race in Azerbaijan and Armenia
is further aggravating the situation, in particular Azerbaijan is leading
making some serious moves in this direction. In 2010, it spent USD 1.59
billion on defence expenditure which was 3.95 percent of the GDP. In 2011,
the military expenditure will grow up to USD 3.1 billion, which makes 6.2
percent of the GDP.
Apart from military expenditure, around USD 1.36 billion will be spent on
the defence industry. Armenia is also increasing its military expenditure.
It comprises 4.1 percent of the GDP but overall it is several times less
than Azerbaijani expenditure. Of course it is impossible to predict any
further developments in the conflict because anywhere in the post soviet
territories there is one significant factor which could overweigh any other
factors and this is Russia.
Here are some figures - in 2010 Armenia spent for its military purposes USD
347 million, Azerbaijan 1.595 billion, Georgia – USD 519 million. In 2011
Armenia will spend USD 387 million, Azerbaijan - USD 3.1 billion, Georgia USD 390 million.
L'Azerbaidjan veut exporter plus de gaz dans l'UE via la Grèce
/FEB 26/armenews.com/
Bakou et Athènes veulent intensifier l'exportation de gaz azéri vers
l'Union Européenne, via la gazoduc ITGI devant rallier l'Italie via la
Turquie et la Grèce, a indiqué vendredi à Athènes le ministre azéri des
Affaires Etrangères, Elmar Mammadyarov.
"Un grand avenir s'ouvre à nous" en matière de coopération économique et
énergétique, a déclaré M. Mammadyarov, en visite de 48 heures à Athènes,
après s'être entretenu avec le Premier ministre Georges Papandréou puis son
homologue grec, Dimitris Droutsas.
"Le gaz azéri est sur le marché grec, avec 700 millions de m3, nous
discutons de la possibilité d'augmenter ces quantités (...) le marché grec
est très important car la Grèce est le premier pays membre de l'UE où
arrive directement le gaz naturel du bassin de la Caspienne", a-t-il
M. Droutsas a pour sa part souligné le "ferme engagement" grec à faire
avancer le gazoduc ITGI, soulignant que cet ouvrage "arrivé à maturité
(...) a gagné en attractivité avec la possibilité qu'il soit rallié à la
Sofia avait annoncé en novembre 2010 un accord avec un consortium grécoitalien pour la construction d'un tronçon de 100 kms reliant d'ici 2013 la
Bulgarie au gazoduc passant à Komotini, dans le nord-est de la Grèce.
Un mois plus tôt, le Premier ministre turc Recep Tayip Erdogan avait fixé à
2015 l'achèvement du tronçon de ITGI reliant la Grèce à l'Italie, après la
construction en 2007 du gazoduc reliant la Turquie à la Grèce, d'une
capacité maximale de 11,5 milliards de m3 par an.
Mené par le groupe italien, Edison, et les sociétés publiques gazières
grecque, Depa et turque, Botas, ce projet vise à limiter la dépendance de
l'UE du gaz russe, comme d'autres ouvrages concurrents prévoyant des
transits via la Géorgie et la Turquie puis les Balkans.
WSJ ranks Azerbaijan 10th among 85 potential hot spots
The Wall Street Journal has published a list of countries likely to be hit
by anti-government revolts in the future.
The top 10 potential hot spots are led by Kenya and Cameroon and include
Pakistan, Nigeria, Indonesia, Morocco, Jordan and Azerbaijan. Libya, Egypt,
Algeria and Tunisia are in the next 10, together with Vietnam, India and
Uzbekistan. The top 30 is then made up of countries including Colombia,
South Africa, Iran, Venezuela, Belarus, China, Kazakhstan and Brazil. Saudi
Arabia is 39 out of the 85, Russia is 40 and Kuwait is 51.
The highest-ranked European Union country is Romania at 37.
Bottom ranked is Sweden followed by Austria, Canada, Denmark and Germany.
In terms of oil producers, Norway, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates look
pretty safe.