Anne ANTONI - University of Warwick


Anne ANTONI - University of Warwick
(Birth name: GRAVELLE)
28 Plymouth place
CV31 1HN Leamington Spa, UK
Tel: +44 (0)7460 433 268
E-m@il : [email protected]
French Nationality
2013-2017 PhD in Organizational Behavior, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
Main courses (2013-2014): Philosophy of Social Sciences, Practice of Social Research, Qualitative Research Methods,
Quantitative Research Methods.
PhD thesis (in progress): Ethical Behavior in Work Organizations. Under the supervision of Julianne Reinecke and
Marianna Fotaki. ESRC and WBS funded.
2012-2013 4th year of university in Social and Work Psychology– Paris 8 University (distance learning program)
Main courses: Psychosocial Pragmatics of Communication, Social Psychology of Health, Organizational PsychoSociology, Categorization and Social Representation, Social Interactions, Socio-Cognitive Approaches, Research
Methodology in Psychology (grade 15.8/20)
Master Thesis: Professional Representations of the Manager: Sociopsychological Anchorings and Practice. Under the
direction of Edith Salès-Wuillemin.
2003-2008 Bachelor degree in Psychology with honors - Paris 8 University (distance learning program)
Main courses: Cognitive Psychology, Social Psychology, Developmental Psychology, Clinical Psychology, Physiological
Psychology, Statistics, Cognitive Ergonomics and Research Methodology.
Research project (incl. literature reviewing, elaborating hypotheses, designing research and projecting discussions):
Specificity of Mother-Child and Father-Child Attachment Relationships: Roles with Socio-Cultural rather than
Biological Origins? Under the direction of Françoise Morange-Majoux, with highest honors (grade 17/20)
2001-2005 Master of Business Administration1, high honors - ESSEC - Cergy
Main courses: Marketing, Economics, Finance, Social and Human Sciences, Business Strategy, Accounting, Law,
Statistics, English, German, and Spanish.
Significant dissertations from researches:
Otherness in Organizations (course: Business Ethics, Professor Marc Grassin), with high honors (grade 15/20)
High Potential Tracking Systems: Illustrations from Alcan and LVMH (course: Social Strategy and Company
Performance, Professor Jean-Marie Peretti), with highest honors (grade 16/20)
How to Integrate Casual Basketball Players into Conventional Club Structures? (course: Individual Research Sports Marketing, Professor Thierry Lardinoit), with high honors (grade 15/20)
International Exchange Program: Fall 2004 at Fuqua School of Business (Duke University)
1999-2001 Preparatory class for entrance in Business Grandes Ecoles – Lycée Kléber - Strasbourg
Main courses: Mathematics (advanced), Economic History, Philosophy, French, German, and English.
ESSEC degree Grande Ecole
2011-2013 Professional Training Manager - Veolia Environment Campus - Nantes
Educational engineering: analysing needs for skills, conducting field researches, identifying capable trainer,
elaborating training programs, teaching methods and supports, assessing training action efficiency.
E.g.: “Managing stress in occupational situations”, “Promoting corporate diversity”, “becoming a coach as a
manager”, “Mastering behavioral aspects for selling water services”, ”Legal basis for contracting”,
”Mastering financial indicators of water services projects”, “Becoming a professional eco-driver”, etc.
Teaching: Corporate Diversity; Stereotypes and Prejudices.
Managing change for a significant reorganization project (field research for analysing existing organization, designing
new organization, conducting change).
2006-2011 Researcher and Human Factors Research Referee– Veolia Environment Research and Innovation –
Designing and conducting Human Factors studies.
Defining new projects and managing budget and intellectual properties aspects.
Leading the Human Factor team, organizing thesis progress and managing research internships (2 to 4 a year).
Research areas:
- Ergonomics: human machine interaction, organizational design, usability (waste sorting automation, ecodriving training efficiency for waste collection, drive assist system for passenger transportation, etc.)
- Social psychology: factors of pro-environmental behaviours, behavioural levers (energy consumption
behaviors at work, noise annoyance of waste collection, waste composting, Sustainable Land Development,
- Use of various social research methodologies: bibliographic research and synthesis, qualitative methods
(semi-structured interviews, semantic analysis, etc.) and quantitative methods (experimental design, lab
tests, questionnaires, statistical analysis, etc.)
=> For detailed research activities see paragraph below
2005-2006 Junior Consultant – IDRH – Paris
Organizational effectiveness, human resources and change leading consulting (reorganised a Human resources
Department and a City Cultural Affairs Department, settled in a new public service for handicapped persons).
2002-2004 Apprenticeship – SC Johnson Wax – Saint Ouen l’Aumône
Managing Sales and Operations Planning through various departments and managing an ECR (Efficient Customer
Response) partnership.
2001 Internship – PSA Peugeot Citroën –Paris La Défense
Financial Analyst at the Purchase Department
Conferences Presentations with Acts (Peer-reviewed)
Maxime Beaudoin and Anne Antoni (2011). La place de l’ergonomie dans un projet de conception d’une R&D
industrielle, le cas du tri des déchets télé-opéré, 23rd French-speaking conference on Human Machine
Interactions, Conference Proceedings, Nice.
Anne Antoni, Yannik Ladegaillerie, Amandine De Coninck and Johanna Le Conte (2011). Lutter contre les nuisances
sonores de la collecte des déchets : Une évaluation psychosociale en appui de la caractérisation acoustique, 4th
scientific days of ARPEnv Conference Proceedings, Lyon-Bron. Link to 4th scientific days of ARPEnv Conference
Acts (Noise Annoyance).
Fanny Vicard, Johanna Le Conte, Raphaële Ferzli, Anne Antoni and Olivier Aznar (2011). Quels sont les moyens mis
en œuvre par les collectivités pour encourager leurs usagers à mieux gérer leurs déchets ? 4th scientific days of
ARPEnv Conference Proceedings, Lyon-Bron
Maxime Beaudoin, Anne Antoni and Françoise Darses (2009). Du tri manuel au tri automatisé des déchets
recyclables : intégration de l’analyse des stratégies individuelles et collectives des trieurs, 44th Congress of the
French –Speaking Society for Ergonomics, Conference Proceedings, Toulouse. Link to Conference Acts of 44th
Congress of SELF (article p. 381).
Conferences Presentations without Acts (Peer-reviewed)
Anne Antoni, Amandine De Coninck and Johanna Le Conte (2011). La gêne sonore, ce n’est pas que des décibels: le
cas de la collecte des ordures ménagères. 9th International Conference of Applied Psychology (CIPSA),
Anne Antoni, Sophie Gaborit, Séverine Jacob and Johanna Le Conte (2011). Goûts et odeurs de l’eau du robinet:
quelle perception des usagers ? 53rd National Congress of Société Française de Psychologie [French Society of
Psychology], Metz
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publication
Fanny Vicard, Johanna Le Conte, Anne Antoni, Olivier Aznar and R. Ferzli and Julie Gouet (2013). Gestion des déchets
ménagers : comment les collectivités mobilisent-elles leurs usagers ? Vertigo, electronic journal of
environmental sciences, Vol13no1
Research Reports (Veolia Group and Partners Publication Only)
Olivier Aznar, Anne Antoni, Raphaële Ferzli, Johanna Le Conte, and Fanny Vicard (2011). Projet MES-COOP: Les
stratégies des collectivités pour favoriser la coopération des usagers du service public de collecte des déchets
ménagers. Final report for ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency), Waste and Society
Anne Antoni and Amandine de Coninck (2010). Etude des facteurs psychosociaux de la gêne sonore liée à la collecte
des ordures ménagères, Research report
Anne Antoni and Julie Gouet (2009). Les facteurs de persistance des formations à l’éco-conduite des bennes à ordures
ménagères, Research report
Anne Antoni et Julie Gouet (2009). Les facteurs d’efficacité de la formation professionnelle, bibliographical report
Anne Antoni and Maxime Beaudoin (2009). Facteur humain et automatisation du tri : le cas de TSA2, Research report
Anne Antoni, Maxime Beaudoin, Aude Maitrot (2008). Projet DAD : Résultats des tests ergonomiques sur films
artificiels, Test report.
Anne Antoni, Ella Labonne and Xabier Martinez (2008). Automatisation du tri des déchets, rapport tests TSA2 :
l’opérateur qualité, Test report
Anne Antoni (2007). Note de synthèse bibliographique sur les relations entre automatisation du process de
production et organisation du travail, Bibliographical report
Research Grants (Research projects I conceived and proposed that were selected for financial funding)
ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) call for proposals: Waste and Society – Individuals
and Actors Games, 2009. Project title: Local Authorities’ Measures to Foster Cooperation of Users of Waste
Collection Public Services: Influence of Territorial Attributes and Service Performance (MES-COOP). Veolia
partners and coordinators of the project: Cemagref – UMR Metafort. Grant obtained: 53KEUR.
ADEME (French Environment and Energy Management Agency) call for proposals: Demonstrator project in Energy
New Technologies, 2009. Project title: Forecast and Increase of Electric Flexibility Response Factor for
Intelligent Networks (ReFlexE). Veolia partners: Alstom, SagemCom, CEA-Ines, Supélec. Grant obtained for the
Human Factor part of the project: 200KEUR (on total grant: 4.5MEUR).
EGOS (European Group for Organizational Studies): since 2014
SELF (Ergonomic French-Speaking Society): from 2007 to 2011.
AFIHM (French Human-Machine Interaction Association): from 2009 to 2011.
ARPenv (Association for Environmental Psychology Promotion): since 2010.
Basketball in competition for 15 years (and formerly coach), piano (and formerly harp), cinema.