PSL brochure - Die Nacht der Philosophie


PSL brochure - Die Nacht der Philosophie
S enior Administration
A university open
to the world
P SL’ s c ult ural , s o cial
and internati o nal m issi o ns
PSL is a research university that plays an active role
in addressing the major issues facing today ’s world.
P resident: Monique CANTO - SPERBER
Vice -P resident: Jean-Louis BOUGERET
Dean of Research: Antoine TRILLER
Deans of Teaching: Blaise WILFERT-P ORTAL, Isabelle CAT TO
Dean of Valorization: Jacques LEWINER
C h i m i e Pa r i s Te c h , Co l l è g e d e Fra n ce , Co n s e r vat o i re n at i o n a l s up é r i e u r d ’ A rt
dramatique, Conservatoire national supérieur de musique et de danse de Paris, École
nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, École nationale supérieure des beaux- arts,
École normale supérieure, ESP CI ParisTech, Fondation Pierre - Gilles de G ennes, IBP CFondation Edmond de Rothschild, Institut Curie, Institut Louis Bachelier, La Fémis –
École nationale supérieure des métiers de l’image et du son, Lycée Henri IV, Mines
ParisTech, Observatoire de Paris, Université Paris-Dauphine, CNRS, INRIA, INSERM.
Founding Members
Its ambition is thre efold:
To m a k e t h e u n i v e r s i t y a m a j o r i n t e l l e c t u a l
a n d c u lt u r a l hu b, o p e n t o t h e g e n e ra l p u b l i c :
c o n fe re n c e s, d e b ate s, ex h i b it i o n s, p e r fo r m a n ce s,
concerts, a knowle dge p ortal, the P SL museums
network, etc.
To guarantee equal access to all students.
To play host to leading members of the international
a c a d e m i c c o m m u n i t y a n d s o t o t h e exc h a n g e o f
ide as.
Associate Members
each year
Research Organizations
Couverture : © Chimie ParisTech, Serge Chapuis — Thomas Pons, Le 12 e homme, Grand projet Cinéma d’animation
2012 © EnsAD — © Mines Paris Tech / Page 2 : © Chimie ParisTech, Serge Chapuis — Bertrand Desprez
© Université de Paris-Dauphine — Bertrand Desprez © Université de Paris-Dauphine — Atelier de tissage © EnsAD
Philippe Chancel / Page 3 : © Ferrante Ferranti, CNSMDP — © ENSBA — © ESPCI ParisTech / Page 4 : © Mines
ParisTech — © Artkas, Musée Curie — © CNSAD, Anne Gayan / Page 5 : © PROXIMA, ESPCI — © La Mano Le
film français, La Fémis / Page 6 : © ENS — © ACJC / Musée Curie — © Gérard Servajean, Observatoire de Paris
Conception graphique : Hélène Mulot
foreign students
and postdoctoral
each year
CYAN : 82
JAUNE : 28
NOIR : 52
CYAN : 90
JAUNE : 28
NOIR : 22
CYAN : 100
NOIR : 28
CYAN : 57
NOIR : 13
Villa Pasteur
62 bis rue Gay Lussac - 75005 PARIS
with foreign
[email protected]
CYAN : 82
JAUNE : 28
NOIR : 52
on the move
Teaching at PSL
Research at PSL
a pedagogic model of teaching through
research and of success for all
a unique environment geared
towards creativity and innovation
From undergraduate to PhD level, P SL provides an
exceptional university education that offers the best
ca re e r p ro s p e c t s i n b o t h t h e p u b l i c a n d p r ivate
sectors. All academic disciplines are taught at P SL.
Boasting more than 100 laboratories, a 2,500-strong
re s e arch and te aching staf f, an out standing
s t u d e n t c o m m u n i t y a t M a s t e r ’s a n d P h D l e v e l ,
12 endowed research institutes (Labex) and many
cutting-edge scientific facilities (Equipex), P SL enjoys
an exceptional p ote nt i a l for re s e a rc h , m atc h e d by
a n a m b it i ou s s c i e nt i fi c s t rate g y t h at put s it o n a
p a r w it h t h e greatest universities worldwide.
It aims:
To offer not only first-rate disciplinary te aching, but
a l s o t o p rov i d e a l l s t u d e n t s w i t h a well rounde d
education t h at w i l l serve them for life.
To provide an excellent environment to each and
every student.
R e s e a rc h at P S L cove rs a l l a ca d e m i c fi e l d s . T h e
d i f f e re n t d i s c i p l i n e s a c ro s s t h e s e f i e l d s a re i n
on g oi n g d i a l o gu e with e a c h o t h e r, co l l a b o rat i n g
in major cross- discipline research.
To develop innovative new study pro grams, such
as the multidisciplinary P SL-Henri IV syllabus and
the SACRe doctorate in the creative arts, the P SL-ITI
new doctorate (innovation and entrepreneurship).
To offer an enriching and dynamic campus in the
he art of th e L atin Quarter – th i rty- e i ght l i b ra r i e s,
digital workspaces, a doctoral studies center, a choir
and a symphonic orchestra, a range of physical and
sporting activities and so on.
PSL, a unique Research
University in France
21 Nobel P rizes
10 Fields Medals
29 CNRS G old Medals
4 INSERM Grand P rizes
1 INRIA Grand P rize
PSL Research University was born as a result of the
strategic alliance between twenty-one prestigious
French institutions sharing common values and
practices, based on scientific excellence and on
the outstanding potential of their students. PSL
member institutions are united in a common desire
to create a unique Research University in order
to enhance their profile and so compete with the
greatest universities across the world.
Labeled as an “Excellence Initiative ”, PSL is the
institutional response to a shared ambition: to
encourage innovation and creativity, to attract
the most outstanding researchers, professors and
students, to equip students to take on the major
challenges of the future, and to make research a
genuine factor of economic growth.
10 in Physics
5 in Chemistry
3 i n Literature
1 in Economics
or Medicine
2 in Physiology
Technology transfer at PSL
21 member
students, 70%
of which are
at the service of innovation
and economic growth
The eight French “Excellence Initiatives” (Initiatives d’Excellence) are large -scale
research and higher education projects chosen by an international panel of experts
to receive significant endowment.
In order to transform the exceptional results of their
re s e a rc h i nto a p owe r fu l e n g i n e fo r g row t h , P S L
and its members have committed to ensuring the
effe ctive management of their intelle ctual prop erty
a n d t o u n d e r t a k i n g a d y n a m i c c o l l a b o ra t i v e
re s e a rc h s t rate g y. P S L p l ays a n a c t ive ro l e in the
creation of start-up companies.