picture of Our Lady of Fatima


picture of Our Lady of Fatima
to proof' /1..-ctoQ"
When the Blessed Virgin Mary
appeared at Fatima in 1917, She said that
She would return to "ask for the
Consecration ofRussia to My Immaculate
Heart" in order to bring peace-true
peace-to the world. She also warned that
ifHer requests were not granted,
"Russia will spread its errors
throughout the world, raising up
wars and persecutions against the
Church. The good will be
martyred, the Holy Father will
have much to suffer and various
unfulfilled. The grievous results are
everywhere to be seen: tens of millions of
abortions each year, bloody conflict in
country after country, chaos and
confusion in our Church, the
disintegration of fami ly life, violence,
drugs and disorder among our youth, the
continued decline of our cities and
Now is truly the time when every
believing Catholic needs to stand up and
be counted in the effort to fu lfill Our
Lady's re.9.uest for Russia's consecration.
i~IO ~.1943 ~.IIS011 aq~ ~I.Id
lSOm s,J;Jl{lOW p;JSS;JIH 1no lStq ln UYitlJ Ol sdoqs~q
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"lJn;JH ;Jlnln~nmmJ J;JHJO qdmnpl ;Jl{l
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IDA\ pOOf) JO SJaq~O put
I1Y o~ paddy puaAJUfi
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proof' /C..IIcLt'Q"
unfulfilled. The grievous results are
When the Blessed Virgin Mary
appeared at Fatima in 191 7, She said that
everywhere to be seen: tens of millions of
She would return to "ask for the
abortions each year, bloody conflict in
Consecration ofRussia to My Immaculate
country after country, chaos and
Heart" in order to bring peace-true
confusion in our Church , the
peace- to the world. She also warned that
disintegration of family life, violence,
ifHer requests were not granted,
drugs and disorder among our youth, the
"Russia will spread its errors
continued decline of our cities and
throughout the world, raising up
wars and persecutions against the
Now is truly the time when every
believing Catholic needs to stand up and
Church. The good will be
martyred, the Holy Father will
be counted in the effort to fulfill Our
have much to suffer and various
Lady's request for Russia's consecration.
nations will be annihilated."
We must also do what Our Lord Himself
As She promised, Our Lady appeared
commanded regarding the delay in
again to the last surviving Fatima seer,
heeding Our Lady's request: "Pray a great
deal for the Holy Father."
Sister Lucia, on June 13, 1929, to tell her
We beg you to add your name to those
"The moment has come in which
of the more than five million faithful
God asks the Holy Father to make,
Catholics, respectfully asking the Holy
Father to fulfill Our Lady's request for the
in union with all the bishops ofthe
world, the Consecration of Russia
Consecration of Russia. Please complete
the petition at the bottom of this flyer
to My Immaculate Heart,
promising to save Russia by this
and send it back to us. (See below.) We
will forward your petition to the Holy
Sister Lucia, for more than seventy
French Translation
years, explained again and again in
Quand Ia Tn\s Sainte Vierge Marie est apparue a
numerous letters , memoirs and
Fatima en 19 17, Elle disait qu 'Elle retoumerait afin de
"demander Ia Consecration de Ia Russie a Mon Coeur
statements, both private and public, that
lmmaculee" pour Ia paix - Ia vraie paix - au monde. Elle
the only way this request can be fulfilled is
a aveni aussi que si Sa demande ne sera it pas accorde,
for the Pope, together with all the Catholic
" Ia Russie propagera ses erreurs dans le monde entier,
creant des guerres, et des persecutions contre I' Eglise.
bishops in the world, to consecrate
Les bons seront martyrises, le Saint Perc aura beaucoup
Russia (and specifically Russia) to the
asouffrir, et plusieurs nations sero nt aneanties."
Immaculate Heart of Mary on the same
Tel que promise, Notre Dame est apparue encore
une fo is aIa demiere survivante des voyantes de Fatima,
day and at the same hour in a solemn and
Ia Soeur Lucia, le 13 juin, 1929, afin de lui dire que " le
public ceremony.
moment etait venu quand Dieu demande au Saint Perc
Sister Lucia repeatedly affirmed Our
de faire Ia Consecration de Ia Russie a Mon Coeur
lmmaculee en union avec tous les eveques du monde,
Lady's warning that until this request is
promettant par ce moyen de sauver Ia Russie."
heeded, the world will be punished by
Pour plus de soixante-di x ans, Ia Soeur Lucia a
war, famine, persecution of the Church
explique dans beacoup d'communiques publics que Ia
seule fa9on que le Saint Perc, ensemble avec tous les
and the Holy Father, and, if the delay in
eveques catholiques du monde, puisse rempli r ce
heeding Her request continues much
demande est de consacrer Ia Russie (et Ia Russie
longer, the annihilation of various
specifiquement) au Coeur lmmaculee de Marie /e miime
jour et au miime heure dans une ceremonie publique et
nations. Sister Lucia clearly stated:
"Many times the Blessed Virgin
La Soeur Lucia a affirme a plusieurs reprises que le
Mary told me and my cousins
avenissement de Notre Dame que j usqu 'a cette
demande est acco rde le monde sera puni par Ia guerre, Ia
Jacinta and Francisco that Russia
famine, Ia persecution de l'Eglise et du Saint Perc, et, si
is the instrument of chastisement
le delai dans !'execution de Ses demandes continue, il y
chosen by Heaven to punish the
aura !'annihilation de plusieurs nations.
Encore aujourd'hui Ia demande de Notre Dame
whole world (for its sins) if we do
pour Ia Consecration de Ia Russie demeure pas
not beforehand obtain the
accomplie. Les resultats douloureux sont pan out: des
conversion of that poor nation."
dizaines de millions d 'avonements chaque annee, des
confl it sanglants dans pays apnls pays, le chaos et Ia
But the only way to obtain the
confusion dans notre Eglise. Ia desintegration de Ia vie
converBion of Russia is the ConseGration
familiale, Ia violence, Ia drogue, et le desordre parmi
of Russia. We know this because Our
nos jeunes, le declin continu dans nos villes et nos
Lady Herself stated to Sister Lucia:
C'estle moment pour chaque Catholique croyantde
"Make it known to the Holy Father
se mettre debout et d 'etre denombre dans !'effort pour
that I am always awaiting the
accomplir le demande de Notre Dame pour Ia
Consecration of Russia to My
Consecration de Ia Russie. Nous devons fa ire aussi ce
que Notre Seigneur Lui-meme a commande concernant
Immaculate Heart. Without the
le delai d 'accomplir Ia demande de Notre Dame: " Priez
Consecration, Russia will not be
beacoup pour le Saint Perc."
able to convert, nor will the world
No us vous prions d'ajouter votre nom aceux de plus
de 5 millions de Catholiques fideles qui demande
have peace."
respectueusement au Saint Pere qu ' il accompli! Ia
Sister Lucia died on February 13, 2005.
demande de Notre Dame pour Ia Consecration de Ia
Still, in 2009, Our Lady 's request for
Russie. S' il vous plait, completez Ia petition dessous
et Ia no us renvoyez a:
Russia 's consecration
International Fatima Rosary Crusade
U.S.A.l7000 State Route 30, Constable, NY 12926
CANADA: 452 Kraft Road, Fort Erie, ON L2A 4M7
ROME/ITALY: Piazza Risorgimento 14, Scala B int.9, 00192 Roma
PORTUGAL: Apartado 4066, 3030-901 , Coimbra
INDIA: # 1/33 , Bharathidasan Street, Palavakkam, Chennai 600 041
PHILIPPINES: 1165 Vergara Street, Quiapo I 00 I, Metro Manila
"The moment has come in which
God asks the Holy Father to make,
in union with all the bishops ofthe
world, the Consecration of Russia
to My Immaculate Heart,
promising to save Russia by this
Sister Lucia, for more than seventy
years, explained again and again in
numerous letters , memoirs and
statements, both private and public, that
the only way this request can be fulfilled is
for the Pope, together with all the Catholic
bishops in the world, to consecrate
Russia (and specifically Russia) to the
Immaculate Heart of Mary on the same
day and at the same hour in a solemn and
public ceremony.
Sister Lucia repeatedly affirmed Our
Lady's warning that until this request is
heeded, the world will be punished by
war, famine, persecution of the Church
and the Holy Father, and, if the delay in
heeding Her request continues much
longer, the annihilation of various
nations. Sister Lucia clearly stated:
"Many times the Blessed Virgin
Mary told me and my cousins
Jacinta and Francisco that Russia
is the instrument of chastisement
chosen by Heaven to punish the
whole world (for its sins) if we do
not beforehand obtain the
conversion of that poor nation."
But the only way to obtain the
conversion of Russia is the Consecration
of Russia. We know this because Our
Lady Herself stated to Sister Lucia:
"Make it known to the Holy Father
that I am always awaiting the
Consecration of Russia to My
Immaculate Heart. Without the
Consecration, Russia will not be
able to convert, nor will the world
have peace."
Sister Lucia died on February 13, 2005.
Still, in 2009, Our Lady's request for
Russia's consecration remains
nc uc~;; yvu LV auu yvur name tO mose
of the more than five million faithful
Catholics, respectfully asking the Holy
Father to fulfill Our Lady's request for the
Consecration of Russia. Please complete
the petition at the bottom of this flyer
and send it back to us. (See below.) We
will forward your petition to the Holy
French Tran slation
Quand Ia Tres Sainte Vierge Marie est apparue a
Fatima en 1917, Elle disait qu'Elle retoumerait afin de
"demander Ia Consecration de la Russie a Mon Coeur
Jmmacuh\e" pour la paix -Ia vraie paix- au monde. Elle
a averti aussi que si Sa demande ne serait pas accorde,
"la Russie propagera ses erreurs dans le monde entier,
creant des guerres, et des persecutions contre l'Eglise.
Les bons seront martyrises, le Saint Perc aura beaucoup
asouffiir, ct plusieurs nations seront aneanties."
Tel que promise, Notre Dame est apparue encore
une fois aIa demiere survivante des voyantes de Fatima,
Ia Soeur Lucia, le 13 juin, 1929, a fin de lui dire que "le
moment etait venu quand Dieu demande au Saint Perc
de faire Ia Consecration de la Russie a Mon Coeur
lmmaculee en union avec tous les eveques du monde,
promettant par ce moyen de sauver Ia Russie."
Pour plus de soixante-dix ans, la Soeur Lucia a
explique dans beacoup d'communiques publics que la
seule fac;on que le Saint Perc, ensemble avec tous les
eveques catholiques du monde, puisse remplir ce
demande est de consacrer Ia Russie (et Ia Russie
specifiquement) au Coeur lmmaculee de Marie le meme
jour et au meme heure dans une ceremonie publique et
La Soeur Lucia a affirrne a plusieurs reprises que le
avertissement de Notre Dame que jusqu 'a cette
demande est accorde le monde sera puni par Ia guerre, Ia
famine, Ia persecution de I'Eglise et du Saint Perc, et, si
le delai dans !'execution de Ses demandes continue, il y
aura )'annihilation de plusieurs nations.
Encore aujourd'hui la demande de Notre Dame
pour la Consecration de Ia Russie demeure pas
accomplie. Les resultats douloureux sont partout: des
dizaines de millions d'avortements chaque annee, des
conflit sanglants dans pays apres pays, le chaos et la
confusion dans notre Eglisec laQesintegration de Ia vic
familiale, Ia violence, la drogue, et le desordre parmi
nos jeunes, le declin continu dans nos villes et nos
C'estle moment pourchaqueCatholique croyantde
se mettre debout et d'etre denombre dans !'effort pour
accomplir le demande de Notre Dame pour la
Consecration de Ia Russie. Nous devons faire aussi ce
que Notre Seigneur Lui-meme acommandO concernant
le dClai d'accomplir la demande de Notre Dame: "Priez
beacoup pour le Saint Perc."
No us vous prions d'ajoutervotre nom aceux de plus
de 5 millions de Catholiques fideles qui demande
respectueusement au Saint Perc qu ' il accompli! Ia
demande de Notre Dame pour la Consecration de Ia
Russie. S'il vous plait, completez Ia petition dessous
et Ia no us renvoyez a:
International Fatima Rosary Crusade
U.S.A.l7000 State Route 30, Constable, NY 12926
CANADA: 452 Kraft Road, Fort Erie, ON L2A 4M7
ROME/ITALY: Piazza Risorgimento 14, Scala B int.9, 00192 Roma
PORTUGAL : Apartado 4066, 3030-901 , Coimbra
INDIA: #1/33, Bharathidasan Street, Palavakkam, Chennai 600 041
PHILIPPINES: 1165 Vergara Street, Quiapo I 001, Metro Manila
IRELAND: PO Box 165, Newry, Northern Ireland, BT34 2WZ
BRAZIL: Caixa Postal 350, 75001-970,
polis, GO
SPAIN: Apartado 4100, 36200 Vigo
Q _
.... -............ ------------------------- . --- .... -................ - ........ ---- .. --PETITION TO THE HOLY FATHER
Your Holiness:
We respectfully pray and petition that Your Holiness will, together with all the
Catholic bishops, heed the heartfelt pleas of millions of faithful Catholics and
consecrate RUSSIA (and specifically RUSSIA) to the Immaculate Heart of Mary in the
exact manner requested by the Blessed Virgin Mary. As Our Lady of Fatima told Sister
Lucia at Tuy on June 13, 1929, only "by this means" will Russia be converted, peace
brought to the world and terrible consequences avoided: war, famine, persecution of the
Church, and the annihilation of nations. May Our Lady deliver the Church and the
world from these calamities! May God bless you and Our Lady protect you, Holy
Siqnature ...................... ................................ Name._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
City _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Zip/Postal Code _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __
Web: www.fatima.orq • E-mail: [email protected]
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