Report Action A6 - Bear-friendly products


Report Action A6 - Bear-friendly products
LIFE 04NAT/IT/000144 - COEX
Report Action A6 – LIFE COEX
Table of contents
1. CROATIA .......................................................................................................3
1.1 Background..............................................................................................................................3
1.2 Description of the actual situation .....................................................................................3
1.3 Action taken .............................................................................................................................3
2. FRANCE.........................................................................................................4
2.1 Personnes/structures impliquées dans l’action: ...........................................................4
2.2 Actions menées, déroulement.............................................................................................4
2.2.1 en 2005..............................................................................................................................4
2.2.2 En 2006 .............................................................................................................................4
2.3 Réunions, entretiens ..............................................................................................................4
2.4 Indicateurs de succès............................................................................................................4
2.5 Problèmes rencontrés/solutions apportées ....................................................................4
Report Action A6 – LIFE COEX
1.1 Background
In the beginning of the ´90s Croatia has converted from centrally planned economy to a market
economy. Result of the transition period, when barriers on imports from foreign countries were
removed and consequently domestic production dramatically decreased, was the overflow of
cheaper western made products on the domestic market.
Trade was mostly taken over by big international chains.
The same trend is continuing and remaining Croatian companies are loosing their market share,
mainly because they aren’t able to compete with foreign companies. Situation of a few survived
smaller companies (or sole proprietor and smaller companies that appeared in 90’s) that operate
on a limited local markets is even harder and they perspective for future is rather black.
1.2 Description of the actual situation
In the bear habitat most of the producers are small family holdings in the field of agriculture,
woodcraft, forestry, some of them are producing dairy products, local alcoholic spirits, jams, herbs
and spices. The area is also famous for its lamb. Most of those products are produced and sold in
small quantities on local, regional markets. Products are mostly sold to neighbours, friends,
occasional tourists and on some local trade fairs. In the same area, there are only a few larger
companies, majority within the activity of forestry and wood processing.
Most of the companies, sole traders and farmers operating in the area are faced with unexploited
production potential, because price, quality, promotion or distributing channels of their product line
aren’t satisfying enough.
Their knowledge and skills are particularly weak in the field of promotion. Usually they aren’t even
aware that next to the quality of product they produce, element of promotion is essential for their
success on the market. Systematic and professional approach in building brands, establishing
communication channels is almost none existing.
We have come to the conclusion that the best help we can provide for those local producers is to
support them in a term of promotion in a way, that we establish a unique umbrella brand “Bear
friendly”. That would represent local products from bear habitat, which are not exclusively ecoproducts, but are produced in a way that doesn’t harm the nature, large carnivores and specially
Within the brand “Bear friendly”, consumers could recognize those products not only after quality
of local products but also after incorporated philosophy of producing goods in accordance of
coexistence with bears. Target segment of costumers are tourists and other people, particularly
those who are ecologically aware.
Establishing successful brand will directly help local producers, but will also influence the buyers
that will get to know more about the problems of coexistence with large carnivores and their
Negative large carnivore image is primarily a product of the damages they do (killing of sheep,
destroying of beehives...). If those local producers will earn additional profit when selling their
products marked with “Bear friendly”, they won’t recognize the bear as their competitor for land
and as a problematic carnivore, but as a figure that can help them sell their products.
1.3 Action taken
The idea and the logo have been presented to the potential partners (during our other project
activities), their reply is positive and they have shown the interest to participate in the action.
We have designed the logo and prepared the agreements that will be signed with producers. We
will advertise their products trough our activities (launching the brand “Bear friendly”) and so we
will support them in their marketing.. Label stickers and informational folders will be printed and
distributed to farmers.
Report Action A6 – LIFE COEX
2.1 Personnes/structures impliquées dans l’action:
6 éleveurs d’ovins des Pyrénées Centrales (Ariège et Haute-Garonne)
1 association d’éleveurs favorable à la cohabitation: l’Association Cohabitation Pastorale
1 association des éleveurs producteurs de broutards créée pour assurer la commercialisation:
Estive du Pays de l’Ours
2.2 Actions menées, déroulement
2.2.1 en 2005
- Bilan de la saison de commercialisation 2004-2005: printemps
- Stratégie commerciale pour la saison 2005-2006: printemps
- Edition et diffusion des dépliants (5000 ex) et affiches (1000 ex) de promotion: septembre
- Diagnostics individuels de fonctionnement des exploitations: printemps et été
2.2.2 En 2006
- Bilan de la saison de commercialisation 2005-2006: printemps
- Stratégie commerciale pour la saison 2006-2007: printemps
- Diagnostics individuels de durabilité des exploitations: printemps
2.3 Réunions, entretiens
6 réunions collectives avec les 6 éleveurs, dont 3 avec le bureau d’études Midi marketing
suivant le projet
24 entretiens individuels chez les éleveurs / diagnostics
2.4 Indicateurs de succès
Saison 2005-2006 décevante / production faible.
Saison 2006-2007 prometteuse: production en hausse; perspective d’adhésion de nouveaux
2.5 Problèmes rencontrés/solutions apportées
Contexte conflictuel de la réintroduction d’ours en cours dans les Pyrénées. Forte pression sur
les éleveurs participants et susceptibles de participer. Pas de solution immédiate. Patientons
en attendant la normalisation de la situation.
- Aléas technico-économiques:
- production d’agneaux faibles en 2005-2006 (problèmes météo, maladies).
Vente précoces d’agneaux en 2005-2006 / problèmes de trésorerie. Question traitée en réunion;
essai de solution pour 2006-2007 (emprunt). Solution plus durable en cours de réflexion pour
l’avenir (avance sur ventes au printemps?).

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