English Language Arts - École secondaire du Sommet


English Language Arts - École secondaire du Sommet
English Language Arts
6 th grade
Christine Léger, École secondaire du Sommet, 2010 -2011
The English Language Arts program reflects a continuum of learning. Grades 4 through 6
make up a key stage in this continuum with similarities in general outcomes and
objectives. Specific expectations from students increase within the framework of these
outcomes as students progress from grade 4 through grade 6. The following areas are the
general curriculum outcomes of this program.
Curriculum Outcomes
By the end of this stage of the curriculum, students should be able to:
 speak, and listen to explore, extend, clarify, and reflect on their thoughts, ideas,
feelings and experiences
 communicate information and ideas effectively and clearly, and to respond
personally and critically
 interact with sensitivity and respect, considering the situation, audience, and
 select read and view with understanding a range of literature, information, media,
and visual texts
 interpret, select and combine information using a variety of strategies, resources,
and technologies
 respond personally and critically to a range of texts
 use writing and other forms of representation to explore, clarify, and reflect on
their thoughts, feelings, experiences, and learning; and to use their imaginations
 create texts collaboratively and independently, using a variety of forms for a
range of audiences and purposes
 use a range of strategies to develop effective writing and other ways of
representing and to enhance their clarity, precision, and effectiveness.
Course outline
The grade 6 course will revolve around the following language processes; reading,
writing, speaking, listening, viewing and representing. These will be developed
interdependently through a variety of methods and activities. We will be doing a in class
novel study of The Island of the Blue Dolphin. Futhermore, students in grade 6 will learn
the writing process and learn the steps to effectively develop their ideas into properly
written works. Students will be working on different writing formats, such as letters,
narrative, expository, poetry and reading responses. Grammar and spelling skills will be a
reoccurring theme throughout the year with the use of the Language Power series. Each
student will also be expected to independently study a minimum of three novels and will
be encouraged to read independently throughout the year.
Writing portfolio
Reading responses
Major assignments / reports / projects / tests
Oral presentations
Classroom work
L’élève démontre de façon constante l’atteinte des résultats
d’apprentissage visés au cours de la période concernée. Le travail de l’élève
surpasse parfois les attentes du cours.
L’élève démontre l’atteinte de la plupart des résultats d’apprentissage visés
au cours de la période concernée. Le travail de l’élève rencontre les
attentes du cours.
L’élève démontre l’atteinte de certains résultats d’apprentissage visés au
cours de la période concernée. Le travail de l’élève est assez près des
attentes du cours.
L’élève a de la difficulté à atteindre les résultats d’apprentissage visés au
cours de la période concernée. Le travail de l’élève rencontre partiellement
les attentes du cours.
L’élève ne démontre pas l’atteinte des résultats d’apprentissage visés au
cours de la période concernée. Le travail de l’élève ne rencontre pas les
attentes du cours.
Je vous encourage à communiquer avec moi pour tout commentaire ou question au
numéro de téléphone de l’école au 832-4302 ou en m’envoyant un courriel à
l’adresse suivante : [email protected].
Je vous souhaite une excellente année scolaire!
Christine Léger
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J’ai pris connaissance des composantes de ce programme.
Signature de l’élève
Signature d’un parent / tuteur