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Yves Jégourel
University of Bordeaux
Avenue Léon Duguit, 33608 Pessac
[email protected]
Born on October 17, 1973.
French citizen.
Current academic position
Associate professor, University of Bordeaux (France), 2009-present.
Other appointments
Non-resident fellow, Office chérifien des phosphates (OCP) Policy center (Morrocco), 2014-present.
Past appointments
- Assistant professor, University of Bordeaux, 2001-2009.
- Research engineer, University of Bordeaux, 1997-2001.
- HDR (French post-doctoral research certificate to supervise PhD students), 2011.
- Auditor of the Institute of Higher National Defence Studies (IHEDN), 2007.
- PhD Economics, University of Bordeaux, 2000.
- DEA (Master’s degree) Economics, University of Bordeaux,1996.
- B.A. European Economics, Middlesex University (United Kingdom), 1994.
Peer-reviewed academic journals
1. Futures prices volatility, exchange rates uncertainty and cereals exports: empirical evidence from
France, under revision, The European review of agricultural economics. Co-author: R. Chiappini. Cat. 2
Yves Jégourel
2. Futures market, speculation and destabilisation of commodity sectors: a comprehensive analysis.
The International journal of economics and accounting, 6(4), Co-author: J-F. Verdié.
3. Public authorities and the private equity industry: a critical appraisal(in french), Revue française de
gestion, 2014, 241. DOI:10.3166/RFG.241.31-44. Cat. 4 CNRS
4. Social responsability in the asset management industry: an analysis of the financial performance of
ethical funds (in french), Revue du financier, 2012, 193. Co-author: J.F. Verdié.
5. The reality of local microfinance: the example of Aquitaine (in french), Revue d’économie rurale et
urbaine, 2011.Co-author: S. Brana. DOI : 10.3917/reru.112.0245 Cat. 3 CNRS
6. An assessment of variances and covariances of European SRI funds returns: does the intensity of
extra-financial negative screening matter?, Economics bulletin, 2010, 30(1). Co-author: S. Maveyraud.
Cat. 3 CNRS
7. The Financial performance of solidarity investment funds: the French case, Bankers, markets and
investors, 2009, 103.Co-author: S. Maveyraud. Cat. 3 CNRS
8. Commercial microfinance investment vehicles: a new niche for ethical finance? (in french), Revue
d’économie financière, 2008, 93. Cat. 4 CNRS
9. Sovereign wealth funds: toward a new way to regulate financial capitalism? (in french), Revue de la
régulation, 2008, 5. Cat. 4 CNRS
10. Financial globalisation and the autonomy of monetary policy: the role of capital controls (in french),
Revue économique, 2001, 52(2).Co-author: J. Teiletche. Cat. 2 CNRS
11. Forex market liquidity and volatility: a microstructural approach to the Tobin tax (in french),
Economie et sociétes, 1999, 52(2).Co-author: J. Teiletche.
Unsubmitted articles
1. Fine wines as a financial asset: are they liquid enough?". Co-author: J-M. Figuet.
2. L’organisation de la filière café au Vietnam: quel avenir pour les marchés financiers de gestion des
risques? Co-author: N. N’Guyen.
3. The role of microcredit in promoting The creation of new businesses amongst socially deprived
entrepreneurs In France. Co-authors: M. Kamaha, N. Washington. Cat. 4 CNRS
4. What drives fertilizers markets ? A multivariate dynamic conditional correlation model approach.
Co-author: R. Chiappini.
5. Do financial commodity markets influence international trade? The example of cocoa. Co-author: R.
Other articles
1. Crise de l’élevage : vers une financiarisation du marché du porc, Les Echos, 2016, 08/04.
2. Potash: a typical price war, OCPPC Policy Brief, 2016,16/09.
3. A chequered African history of commodity markets. Part II: cocoa, OCPPC Policy Brief, 2016,16/07.
4. The development of the liquefied natural gas spot market: origin and implications, OCPPC Policy
Brief, 2016,16/02.
Yves Jégourel
5. Managing natural resources: an attempt to clarify the debate, OCPPC Policy Brief, 2015, 16/01.
6. Matières premières: une nouvelle ère, OCPPC Policy Brief, 2015, 15/26.
7. Donner un prix au carbone : le cas d’école de l’aluminium, Les Echos, 2015, 24/11.
8. Fonds souverains de stabilisation et fin du super-cycle des matières premières: quels enjeux? OCPPC
Policy Brief, 2015, 15/23.
9. Les mines ont-elles un avenir en France? Les Echos, 2015, 28/08.
10. A chequered African history of commodity markets, part one: bauxite and aluminium OCPPC Policy
Brief, 2015, 15/21.
11. The roller-coaster ride of Chinese commodity markets OCPPC Policy Brief, 2015, 15/19.
12. La culture du risque dans les PME? Peut mieux faire! Harvard business review France, 2015, 06/07.
13. Free markets vs.a producer price system: why are commodity markets becoming financialized?,
OCPPC Policy Brief, 2015, 15/18.
14. Commodities and downstream integration policies: the challenges of a complex strategy,OCPPC
Policy Brief, 2015, 15/15.
15. The securitization technique: a relevant tool for financing the mining sector?, OCPPC Policy Brief,
2015, 15/12.
16. Changes in the commodities market - Part 3: what implications for producers and end users?,
OCPPC Policy Brief, 2015, 15/10.
17. Changes in the Commodities market - Part 2: what is the role for international trading companies?,
OCPPC Policy Brief, 2015, 15/05.
18. Changes in the commodities market - Part 1: prudential regulation and disengagement of the banking sector, OCPPC Policy Brief, 2015, 15/02.
19. Gagnants et perdants : les effets macro-économiques de la chute des prix de l énergie, OCPPC Policy
Brief, 2015, 15/01.
20. Capital markets: a liberal ideal? (in french), Problèmes économiques- hors série, 2015, n. 7.
21. La discrète offensive de la Chine sur les marchés financiers de matières premières, Le Cercle les échos,
2014, april 3.
22. La filière plasturgie doit-elle se financiariser? (in french) Le Cercle les échos, 2014, march 21.
23. USA, Europe : un tour d’horizon des réformes bancaires et financières, Les Cahiers français, 2013, 375.
24. Les prémisses d’une taxation sur les mouvements internationaux de capitaux, Les Cahiers français,
2013, 373.
25. Fonds souverains: doit-on repenser le capitalisme d’Etat?, Géoeconomie, 2012, 63.
26. La bulle internet, Problémes économiques, special issue nř2.
27. Le système financier français dans la globalisation financière, Problémes économiques, special issue
28. Du consommateur citoyen à l’investissement citoyen, Le Monde, 2012, May 30.
Yves Jégourel
29. Redressement productif : la bataille de la compétitivité, Sud-ouest, 2012, September 27.
30. L’inquiétante valse des prix des matières premières, Sud-ouest, 2012, February 10
31. Les ambiguïtés politiques de la taxe Tobin, Sud-ouest, 2012, january 14.
32. La sécurisation des approvisionnements en métaux stratégiques: entre économie et géopolitique,
Revue internationale et stratégique, 2011, 84.
33. De la modélisation des décisions d?investissement en univers incertain aux théories des crises financières : quarante ans d?économie de la finance, Les Cahiers français, 2011, 365.
34. Les produits dérivés: outils d’assurance ou dangereux instruments de spéculation?, Les Cahiers
français, 2013, nř361.
35. Géopolitique de la finance, Revue internationale et stratégique, 2009, 61.
36. Enjeux et zones d’ombre des principes de Santiago, Capital finance, nř 907, november 3. Co-author:
L. Restelli.
37. Les fonds souverains (in french), Ecoflash, 2008, nř229.
38. Microfinance : entre performance sociale et performance financière, Regards croisés sur l’économie,
2008, march.
39. Une crise financière inacheée, Sud-ouest, 2008, january 14.
40. La diversité des organismes de placements collectifs: des OPCVM a vocation générale aux organismes de placements collectifs dans l?immobilier ż, La Revue du Trésor, january.
41. Responsible investment or socially responsible investment? (in french), Le Monde, 2008, April 25.
Co-author: X. De Bayser.
42. La finance et le social, Sud-ouest, 2007, november 27.
43. La microfinance : une finance au secours des pauvres ?, Ecoflash nř201, 2005, Centre national de
documentation pd́agogique.
44. Aide au développement: les promesses n’engagent que ceux qui y croient, Le Monde, 2004, september
45. Vers un pacte de stabilité moins stupide (in french), Le Monde, 2002, december 3.
46. Doit-on taxer les mouvements de capitaux? (in french), Le Monde, 1998, April 7.
Books and monographs
1. - Matières premières: les dynamiques instables, forthcoming, ed. Eyrolles (Paris), 2016.
2. - Rapport Cyclope Afrique, forthcoming, ed. Economica (Paris), 2016.
3. - Pouvoirs publics et financement de l’économie, ed: La Documentation française (Paris), 2015.
4. The future of Phosphate rock and fertilizers (in french), Office chérifien des phosphates Policy Center,
2014 (unpublished).
5. - Les produits dérivés financiers, coll. Repères, ed : La Découverte (Paris), 2nd edition, 2010 (first
edition: 2005).
Yves Jégourel
6. - Microfinance, acteurs et territoires : une analyse du secteur de la microfinance en Aquitaine ż in
Itçaina X. (ed), La politique du lien. Les nouvelles dynamiques territoriales de l?économie sociale et solidaire,
Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009.
7. - Sovereign wealth funds: towards a new geofinancial context ?(in french) in Arthuis J. (ed) The role
of SWF, Report for the French Senate, nř 336, 2007-2008.
8. - SWF: the stake of strategic intelligence, French Ministry of Defence, 2008 (unpublished).
9. - International finance (in french) collection ECO SUP, ed : Dunod (Paris), 2006. Co-authors: M.
Dupuy, J.M. Cardebat.
10. - The Tobin tax (in french), coll. Repères, ed : La Découverte (Paris), 2001.
1. UNCTAD Multi-year Expert Meeting on Commodities and Development, eighth session, Geneva,
2016, april, 21-22.
2. 20th International Panel Data Conference, Tokyo, 2014, july 9-10.
3. 31st Symposium in Money Banking and Finance, European Research Group on Money Banking and
Finance, 2014, Lyon (France), june, 19-20.
4. 63rd Annual Meeting of the French Economic Association, 2014, Lyon (France), june, 16-18.
5. 28th Symposium in Money Banking and Finance, European Research Group on Money Banking and
Finance,2012, Nantes, june, 19-20.
6. New financial intermediaries, international workshop, University of Nice Sofia-antipolis, 2009, 16-17
october, 16-17.
7. Annual conference of the Money macro finance Research Group 2008, , London, september, 10-12.
Teaching experience
1. University of Bordeaux (2001-)
Commodity trading
Banks and financial markets
FX risk management
Financial derivatives
2. Bordeaux/Kedge Management school (2008-)
Currency risk management
Forward transactions and futures
International finance
Advanced Corporate finance
3. Toulouse Business School (2012-)
Commodity trading
Yves Jégourel
Financial derivatives
FX risk management
Last updated: November 14, 2016