High-profile Speakers and Celebrities Scheduled to Attend


High-profile Speakers and Celebrities Scheduled to Attend
News release
For immediate distribution
High-profile Speakers
and Celebrities Scheduled to Attend
Montreal, February 25, 2013 – Hosted and organized by Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec, the
5th National Conference to Defeat Cancer, under the theme Living with Dignity, will welcome highprofile speakers and a wide range of celebrities, all of whom are engaged in one way or another in the
battle against cancer, under the tutelage of the event’s patron, the one and only Sœur Angèle.
“The 5th National Conference to Defeat Cancer is the place to be for people who are concerned by
this cause. There will be something for every taste and palate: patients, survivors, informal caregivers,
community organization representatives and healthcare professionals. I am honoured to be the patron
of this splendid national conference and I am looking forward to meeting many participants,” says
Sœur Angèle, patron of the 5th National Conference to Defeat Cancer scheduled to be held on
April 11-12 at the Montreal Bonaventure Hilton.
Moderated by independent journalist Ariane Émond, the 5th National Conference to Defeat Cancer will
welcome special guests like Dr. Réjean Hébert, minister of Health and Social Services, who will
address the participants, as well as Dr. Jean Latreille, head of the Direction québécoise de
A wide range of celebrities will be in attendance
This year’s scientific conferences will be interspersed with special events featuring a more human and
entertaining touch, such as:
Cooking to defeat cancer, a culinary event with Sœur Angèle, who will prepare, on stage, a
recipe from Dr. Richard Béliveau’s book “Les aliments pour vaincre le cancer”.
A round table discussion moderated by Jean Pagé, journalist, host and spokesperson for
PROCURE – Halte au cancer de la prostate. With panelists Jean-François Dumas, president,
Influences Communications, Jean-Jacques Stréliski, associate professor, HEC Montréal – image
strategy specialist, Marie-Claude Lortie, columnist and journalist, La Presse, and Florence
Girod-DeLambertini, head of communication strategies, Cossette Communications, the
discussion will focus on the impact that cancer awareness campaigns have on the behaviour of
Janette Bertrand and Dominique Lajeunesse will talk about their battle
against breast cancer
The event “A Meeting with…” will mark the conclusion of the National Conference to Defeat Cancer.
Winston McQuade, host, prostate cancer survivor, spokesperson for PROCURE – Halte au cancer de
la prostate and patron of the Coalition’s Cancer Patients and Survivors Committee, will greet author,
actress and well-known host Janette Bertrand accompanied by her daughter Dominique
Lajeunesse, an actress in her own right.
Finally, another exclusive event, « the Celebrity Breakfast », scheduled to take place on the
morning of day 2, will afford participants an opportunity to meet personalities involved in the
Coalition’s activities, and discuss with them some of the issues at the heart of the battle against
cancer. Come meet and talk to people like Sœur Angèle, Jean Pagé, Winston McQuade, Richard
Petit, Jason Burns, Anne-Lagacée Dawson, Ale Dee and several other personalities who will be
on hand.
Pat Burns Award – 2nd edition
Hosted by its president, Jason Burns, the Pat Burns Award presentation ceremony is once again
being held, with a view to honouring informal caregivers who have done an outstanding job of
providing assistance and support to people with cancer. Ale Dee, public figure, spokesman for the 2nd
edition of the Pat Burns Award, Quebec rap scene musician and singer, and informal caregiver to his
mother who has cancer, will once again be singing “La Femme de ma vie”, which has become
the theme song of the Pat Burns Award.
Moving testimonials
Cancer patients and informal caregivers will deliver touching accounts of their experiences, on both
stage and screen.
High-profile speakers will be on hand
High-profile speakers will be delivering scientific conferences that focus on current hot news topics
dealing with the battle against cancer. The roster will include: (in alphabetical order)
Gerald Batist, M.D., FACP, professor, head of McGill University’s Department of Oncology, and
director of the Jewish General Hospital’s Segal Cancer Centre;
Pierre Boucher, senior economist, PBA Économistes-conseils;
Yves Duquette, president and head of Creative, Lajeunesse communication;
Jean-Marc Duru, psychologist, Palliative home-care Society of Greater Montreal;
Daniel Houde, M.D., professor, Sherbrooke University, Faculty of Nuclear Medicine, Centre
hospitalier de l’Université de Sherbrooke;
Hélène Lefebvre, vice-dean of research, University of Montreal’s Faculty of Nursing;
Nathalie Letarte, oncological pharmacist, Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal, Hôpital
Notre-Dame – assistant clinical professor, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Montreal;
Jocelyn Morettini, psychologist / neuropsychologist, private practice, and affiliate of the Institut de
réadaptation Gingras-Lindsay de Montréal
– Réseau universitaire intégré de santé , University of
Montreal, Centre d'expertise en gestion de douleur chronique ;
David Mulder, M.D., oncologist, Montreal General Hospital – physician and head surgeon of the
Montreal Canadiens hockey team;
Félix Nguyen, M.D., radio-oncologist, Centre Hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal;
Anne Plante, specialized-care nurse counsellor at Charles-LeMoyne Hospital;
Danis Prud’homme, general manager, Réseau FADOQ;
André Robidoux, M.D., oncological surgeon, Hôtel-Dieu de Montréal Hospital – representing Quebec
on the board of directors of the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer;
Odette Roy, assistant, Nursing Division, Maisonneuve-Rosemont Hospital – professor, Faculty of
Nursing, University of Montreal;
Benoit Samson, M.D., hematologist and oncologist, Charles-LeMoyne Hospital;
Andréanne Saucier, associate director of nursing, Cancer Mission and Respiratory Services, McGill
University Health Centre;
Marc Steben, M.D., medical advisor, Direction des risques biologiques et de la santé au travail ,
Institut national de santé publique du Québec - medical director, Clinic A;
Soumya Tamouro, director, health programs, Alliance des communautés culturelles pour l’égalité
dans les soins et services sociaux;
Guylaine Vaillancourt, music therapist accredited by the Canadian Association for Music Therapy,
assistant professor of mucic therapy, Department of Art Therapy, Faculty of Arts, Concordia
To register, consult the preliminary program and/or obtain information
regarding the event, visit the Website: www.conferencecancer.com
About the Coalition
Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec was founded in 2001 to protect, support and give a voice to
people affected by cancer (patients, survivors, informal caregivers, their families and their loved
ones, as well as cancer-related community organizations and health professionals) and to help
organize the fight against cancer.
The Coalition’s membership represents close to 1.5 million people.
Alliance du personnel professionnel et technique de la santé et des services sociaux (APTS), Association des radio-oncologues
du Québec (AROQ), Association du cancer de l'Est du Québec, Association des laryngectomisés de Montréal Inc, Care-RingVoice Network, Canadian Breast Cancer Network (CBCN), Colorectal Cancer Association of Canada (CCAC), Association
québécoise des registraires en oncologie (AQRO), Association des retraitées et retraités de l’éducation et des autres services
publics du Québec (AREQ), Centre d'action bénévole de Bellechasse - Lévis - Lotbinière (Espoir Cancer), Chaire de recherche en
environnement cancer Guzzo de l’université de Montréal, Chaire de recherche et de traitement du cancer de l’UQAM, Conseil
pour la protection des malades (CPM), Quebec Clinical Research Organization in Cancer (Q-CROC), Fédération des comités des
usagers et de résidents du Québec (FCURQ), Fédération des travailleurs et travailleuses du Québec (FTQ), Fondation Rêvez la
vie, Foundation of Stars, Hope and Cope / L'espoir c'est la vie, HPV Awareness Corporation, Institut de l'anémie - Recherche et
éducation (IARE), Lymphoma Foundation Canada, Lymphedema Association of Quebec, Leukemia & Lymphoma Society of
Canada, Mains de l’espoir de Charlevoix, Myeloma Canada, Nova Montréal, Ordre des technologues en imagerie médicale, en
radio-oncologie et en électrophysiologie médicale du Québec (OTIMROEPMQ), Ordre professionnel des technologistes médicaux
du Québec (OPTMQ), Organisme gaspésien pour les personnes atteintes de cancer (OGPAC), Organisation québécoise pour les
personnes atteintes de cancer (OQPAC); Ovaire espoir Québec, Ovarian Cancer Canada (OCC), Palliative Home-care Society of
Greater Montreal, ProCure-The Force Against Prostate Cancer, Professionnals Networking for Caregivers, Quebec Lung
Association (QLA), Regroupement provincial des comités des usagers (RPCU), Réseau des femmes en environnement, Réseau
FADOQ, Save Your Skin Foundation, The Alliance of the Cultural Communities for Equality in Health and Social Services
(ACCÉSSS), The Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia Society of Canada.
-30Source : Coalition Priorité Cancer au Québec
Site internet : www.coalitioncancer.com
Information : Sylvie Piché, 514-868-2009 ext 225, [email protected]