le jour où j`ai réussi ma vie


le jour où j`ai réussi ma vie
Le Jour où j’ai réussi ma vie (The Day I Made a Success of my Life) is an Unidentified
Literary Object. It is a short and incisive novel, taking the form of a postmodern
fable. Management discourse is its hero. The story follows the evolution of a
character called Renard (Fox), a former contortionist dismissed for lack of
flexibility, who converts into life coach and becomes the enlightened Guide of
crowds in the quest for better-being. The story of a contagious success.
The novel is about the influence of managerial ideology in our daily life and striving for performance at
any price in areas where we should have other logics in mind. This ironic novel grabs the discourse of
management, by which we all are surrounded like it or not, in order to twist it.
The main character, Renard, changes life and finds his path, to the point of wanting to change the life of
others as well, willingly or by force.After a full assessment of incompetences, professionals try to determine
his profile to promote his social and professional reintegration. Coaches guide him and help him discover
his own strengths, to set life goals and a strategy to achieve them. Fox, ecstatic, even accesses to the
revelation: the Vision. His recognized altruism brings him to share his discovery with the whole humankind,
upon payment. Undertaker of existence, Renard founds the Society of Immaterial Personal Services and
gathers together a team of experts in coaching: the consulting consultants. Let us rejoice: we are saved! The
Altercoaching is born, for the better being of the humankind, and Fox is its prophet.
He ends up writing the manual that we will all have in our hands.
Nicolas Mar-Vivo
Nicolas Mar-Vivo is a polygraph. He is a member of the First-Persons Singular Collective. He is the author
of Paroles dégelées, poems published by Éléments de langage in 2014. He lives, reads, writes in Brussels.
Title: Le Jour où j’ai réussi ma vie
Publisher: Éléments de langage
Date of publication: 2016
Original language: French
EAN13: 9782930710105
Size: 20 × 13 cm
Pages: 120
Illustration: Not illustrated
Availability of rights: in all languages
For more information: www.elementsdelangage.eu
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