How many people are there in the room ? When was Tommy born


How many people are there in the room ? When was Tommy born
How many people are there in the room ?
When was Tommy born ?
How old is Teddy ?
What time does the bus leave ?
How long does your English lesson last ?
How much is the mobile phone ?
What is Tina’s phone number ?
Which mark did you get for your last English test ?
Mystery question : posez la question de votre choix à votre
interlocuteur. Seule condition : il doit y avoir un nombre dans la
réponse que vous attendez.
There are ……. people in the room.
Tommy was born in 1986.
Teddy is 13 years old.
The bus leaves at 11 o’clock.
My English lesson lasts 55 minutes.
The mobile phone is 49 pounds.
Tina’s phone number is
Attention : lire les chiffres un par un / “zéro se prononce “o” comme
la lettre / quand on a un chiffre identique on dit “double”.
At my last English test, I got 10 out of 20.
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