Seven Stress Reducers


Seven Stress Reducers
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Seven Simple Stress Reducers
(Youtube 2010)
Stress is a part of life. These tips can help bring some relief.
We all have stress in our lives. Whether it’s from long hours at work, the challenges of raising a family
or day-to-day annoyances, like traffic.
Reducing stress is a good way to increase productivity, stay healthy and enjoy life more.
Here are a few simple ways to get started.
One powerful way to prevent stress is to incorporate regular exercise into your daily routine. Walking
just twenty minutes a day can change your body chemistry in a way that reduces stress significantly. This
is because aerobic exercise causes the body to produce endorphins which are neurotransmitters that
resembles opiates, and create a sense of well being. It’s a legal drug. Endorphin stands for endogenous
or internal morphine, which is how the name came about.
Making dietary changes can help keep stress levels low. Reducing consumption of stimulants like
caffeine and sugar, which can make you more susceptible to stress, helps get your body back into balance.
Sometimes people drink alcohol to relieve stress, but be aware that this can be counter-productive
because alcohol is a depressant.
Taking a daily multi-vitamin can also help strengthen your body to better cope with stress. Many
nutritionists also recommend taking vitamin C and calcium supplements in addition to your daily vitamin.
Getting enough oxygen into your body is critical when stress starts to build. If you’re feeling anxious,
focus on breathing deeply, in through your nose, and out through your mouth repeatedly. This can also
help to slow your heart rate.
Even if you’re very busy, it is useful to take time out for yourself during the day, to clear your mind and
to take a mental break.
When you get back to work, you’ll often find that you can work more efficiently and with less stress.
Research shows that smiling releases endorphins, just like exercise. So the simple act of smiling can
actually help you feel better. Good ways to smile are to say things like ‘money’ that cause the lips to
approximate a smile. Of course, you can just become more friendly and smile at people. And they might
start smiling back at you.
Also, thinking of pleasing things, like puppies, can take you out of a stressful moment and into a better
frame of mind.
Learning to control our anxiety through breathing, exercise and short breaks can be very helpful in
reducing stress.
With these tips, you can become calmer in the center of a storm.
Wanna learn more? Check out other videos or sources on this site for more information.
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Résumé of the 7 tips:
Do regular exercise
Make dietary changes
Take a multi-vitamin
Get enough oxygen
Take time out ( a break) for yourself
Smile more
Think of pleasant things
1. tips
“trucs”, conseils
2. whether it be
que ce soit
3. relief
4. to raise a family
élever une famille
5. annoyances
ennuis, contrariétés
6. a sense of well being
un sentiment de bien-être
7. endorphin stands for
signifie (avoir pour abbréviation)
8. dietary
9. consumption
10. to cope with stress
11. to focus on
se concentrer sur
12. breath deeply
respirer profondément
13. in through the nose
inspirer par le nez
14. out through the mouth
expirer par la bouche
15. take time out
faire une pause
16. puppies
des chiots
17. a frame of mind
un état d’esprit
18. in the center of the storm
en pleine tempête (dans des moments
19. wanna learn more?
= do you want to learn more?
20. check out