École secondaire catholique Sainte


École secondaire catholique Sainte
École secondaire catholique Sainte-Trinité
2600, Grand Oak Trail Oakville, ON, L6M 0R4 Tél. 905-339-0812
Site Internet : www.esst.csdccs.edu.on.ca
Claire Lapierre, Directrice
Tammie Hayes, Directrice-adjointe
Tiffany Clarke/ Vincent Charbonneau, Services à
Course Syllabus 2016-2017
Course code: English EAE 1D1
Course level: Grade 9, Academic
Course date: September 2016-June 2017
Teacher’s name: Mme Marie-Josée Desroches
[email protected]
Course prerequisite: S/O
General description of the course:
This course emphasizes analytic reading, writing, oral communication, and thinking skills that
students need for success in secondary school academic programs and their daily lives. Students will
study and interpret texts from contemporary and historical periods, including short stories, poems,
novels, plays, and short essays. They will also investigate and create media works. An important
focus will be the correct and effective use of spoken and written language.
!IB Rationale
Equally, the students will enrich their learning through the IB program. The International Baccalaureate is a
program of international education designed to help students develop the knowledge, understanding,
attitudes and skills necessary to participate actively and responsibly in a changing world.
Course Outline
Frame :
Unit title:
Unit Description :
Types of evaluation
and criteria :
Semester 1
Term 1
Mythology and
Short Stories
Students will study a variety of Greek myths in order
to understand the ancient Greek society, compare
the creation of the world according to Greeks and
Christians, to understand the plot graph, character
traits (character webs), the importance and role of
women in Greek myths, media’s manipulation of
myths and the importance of myths to current day
Reading Comprehension Test:
Criteria A, D
Also, students will be asked to complete a creative
task, the creation of an original Greek Myth, based on
nature, thereby allowing them to creatively
demonstrate the ideas learned and understood about
this type of text at study.
Written task (creation of an
original Greek myth based on
Criteria B, C, D
Finally, they will write a critique of an interpretation
of a Greek myth and compare the written story to
the media’s interpretation to further analytical and
comparative skills.
Written task (critique):
Criteria A, B, C, D
Semester 1
Term 2
Drama Unit:
The Merchant
of Venice
Students will study William Shakespeare’s Merchant
of Venice. They will take an in depth look at life in
Elizabethan England, why studying Shakespeare is
important today, Shakespearean English (to be more
comfortable with the study of this great English
playwright), Judaism and anti-Semitism (specific
topics to the study of the play),character analysis
and figurative language analysis (with direct links to
the mythology unit studied).
Students will write and perform a soliloquy in modern
English in order to show their understanding of the
work studied.
Comprehension Test:
Criteria A, D
Oral Presentation (soliloquy):
Criteria B, C, D
The presentation will be accompanied by a critique Written task (soliloquy and
of how their elements compare to the original and its critique):
the links between the two pieces of writing; this Criteria A, B, C ,D
writing will also allow them to further practice the
writing process steps (brainstorming, outline, rough
draft, editing and finally publishing).
Semester 2
Term 1
March 2017
Students will study several forms of poetry
(narrative, lyric, haiku, ballad, and sonnet) and
further their exploration of how figurative language
(metaphor, iambic pentameter, etc.) can help to
enrich a text.
Also, students will look at how to analyse poetry
(speaker, audience, meaning) and follow the steps of
the writing process to properly and effectively
publish their work.
Comprehension Test:
Criteria A, D
Written Task and oral
presentation (sonnet):
Students will write a few poems but ultimately they Criteria A, B, C, D
will publish their sonnet (this allows them to become
very familiar with William Shakespeare’s format
thereby making them more comfortable in the study
of a Shakespearian play) and present their sonnet
with visual stimulation to the class.
Semester 2
Term 2
Novel Study:
Students will read the novel The Ear, The Eye And Comprehension Test:
The Arm and study the elements of fiction (plot, Criteria A, D
characters, setting, POV…). They will develop their
critical thinking skills as they analyse the novel
(figurative language, allegory…).
Nancy Farmer’s
The Ear, The
Eye and The
Also, they will learn about the essay and study the
organization of the essay (specifically the outline,
form, diction, and content of the essay). Ultimately,
they will learn how to build essay arguments using Written Task
quotes and how to properly structure a Works Cited (essay outline):
page, by reading various examples.
Criteria A, B, D
Finally, they will write an essay outline to help them
practice this important skill by arranging ideas into
pertinent body paragraphs, using supporting
quotations to help illustrate and explain analysis, and
finally writing the introduction and body to help
properly structure the presentation of ideas.
* Students will also complete a response journal assignment, composing 8 to 10 entries throughout the
school year. The response journal will be evaluated on two separate occasions by the teacher, at the end of
term 1 and term 2.
** Please note that the order in which the units are studied and/or it’s content could be
modified as needed. The evaluations assigned to each unit may vary to best answer the
students’ needs.
Resources and specific requirements for the course :
!The teacher will use a variety of resources including a novel, play, anthologies, electronic and print
media, as well as videos.
!It is highly recommended that students procure a two-inch wide binder; a notebook and a memory stick
for their English class.
Student code of conduct :
!Students are expected to abide by the school’s code of conduct. Please note that there is a new
policy in place regarding the use of cellphones and other electronic devices. Upon entering the
classroom, students will be asked to place their electronic devices into a basket provided with the
teacher. Students will only be permitted to use their electronic devices with the permission of their
teacher and for educational purposes; otherwise, a student’s electronic device will be confiscated.
À l’école secondaire catholique Sainte-Trinité, le programme d’études est élaboré à partir des attentes du
curriculum de l’Ontario ainsi que des objectifs spécifiques du Programme d’éducation intermédiaire (7e-10e)
ou du Programme du Diplôme (11e-12e) du Baccalauréat International. Pour plus d’information, vous pouvez
consulter les curriculums du MÉO au site http://www.edu.on.ca ainsi que les guides matières du BI au site
http://www.ib.org. Les syllabus de cours sont rédigés à partir des programmes ci-haut mentionnés.
!L’objectif premier de l’évaluation consiste à améliorer l’apprentissage de l’élève. Les données provenant
de diverses sources sont recueillies au moyen d’évaluation en cours d’apprentissage. Celles-ci fournissent à
chaque élève des rétroactions descriptives continues, signifiantes et ponctuelles afin de l’aider à
s’améliorer. Pour plus d’information, vous pouvez consulter le guide « Faire croître de succès, évaluation et
communication, 2010 » au site http://www.edu.on.ca.
!Le niveau de rendement global atteint pour l’ensemble des évaluations sommatives données au cours du
semestre sera transformé en pourcentage et sera ensuite calculé sur 70%. Un examen final de 30% doit être
passé à la fin du semestre lequel reprend l’ensemble de la matière vue tout au long du semestre. La note
sur le bulletin sera le total de la note obtenue sur 70% et de celle obtenue sur 30%.
Student’s signature:_____________________________________________________________
Parent/guardian’s signature: _____________________________________________________