Compétences à évaluer


Compétences à évaluer
Année Scolaire 2011-2012
Composition du 3e trimestre
Classe : 5e
Durée :1h 30
Compétences à évaluer
 Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réagir de façon précise et
appropriée à des messages lus ou entendus.
 Compétence disciplinaire n°3 : Produire de façon appropriée des
textes de types et de fonctions variés.
IRéaction à un texte écrit
Contexte :
Les arbres constituent l’un des elements de l’environnement qui
contribuent à l’alimentation, au logement et au recouvrement de la
santé de l’homme. Le texte ci-dessous nous présente le baobab.
Text :
The baobab tree grows in many African countries. This unusual
tree is sometimes called ‘’the upside down tree’’ because its branches
look like roots, it is also called ‘’the tree of life ‘’ because it is so useful.
Baobabs are tough and difficult to kill. Baobabs are tough and difficult
to kill. Researchers say that they can live for up to 3000 years. These
trees are never cut down because people believe that this will bring bad
luck. Baobabs grow in the grasslands of Africa. They are grow in
Australia. In the rainy season, green leaves grow on their branches and
make the trees even more beautiful. The baobab has white flower and
grey fruit and trunk.
All parts of the tree are useful. The leaves are made into powder,
which is used to flavor food. The powder is also used as a medicine. The
fruit has a skin with a sweet pulp that is called ‘’monkey bread’’, which
is used to make juices and ice cream.
Item 1: Answer by true or false
1-Boabab is also named ‘’ the tree of life’’
2-it is difficult to kill the baobab.
3-The baobab tree has a trunk, branches, leaves and flowers.
4-the baobab tree gives medicine and food.
Item2 : Answer these questions on the text.
1-Why are baobab never cut down ?
2-Where do baobab grow?
3-What is called ‘’monkey bread?
4-is baobab an animal?
Item 3 : Complete the table below with the appropriate adjective or
345- Australia
6- luck
4 : Supply the correct tense for the verbs in brackets.
The tree just (give ) some fruits.
Three years ago, I (drink ) baobab juice.
Scientists (make ) a medicine with leaves. Now.
How many trees (be ) there in Benin?
B/ La production d’un texte de type particulier
De retour de service, papa constate que sa tenue blanche porte des
traces noires de fumée. Tu es invité (e) à lui proposer une explication
sur l’origine de ces traces et sa conséquence sur l’environnement et la
Writing :
Write a short paragraph about air pollution, its causes and
NB : Toutes les réponses doivent être en anglais.
Tu montreras ta capacité à produire un texte de type particulier en
-tenant compte du contexte
-faisant usage de l’orthographe et de la ponctuation appropriées
-construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes
-construisant un paragraphe cohérent.