to pdf version - Asbury United Methodist Church Cedar


to pdf version - Asbury United Methodist Church Cedar
February 2016
350 27th Avenue SW Cedar Rapids, Iowa 319-364-3188
February Birthdays
Travis Pike
Alicia Johnson
Alice Lindsey
Kimberly Volesky
Andrew Rieck
Jordan McArtor
Rande Baty
Todd Pollock
Jo Myers
Robert Grady
Carol Mauck
Wayne Handeland
Sharon Hills
Laura Booth
Charlene Goodreau
Jim & Jerry Buttleman
Neal & Peggy Johnson
United Methodist Women
February 4 1:00 pm
Executive Directors Clint Twedt-Ball
and Eric Christenson from Matthew 25 will speak
on gardening
Hostess: Billie Forrestall
Recent changes resulting in BIG savings
1. Reduce the size of the bulletin - $41.60 per year
2. Eliminate color from the bulletin - $270.40 per year
3. New improved web site, cost reduced from $99.96
per month to $8.99 per month - ($1,091.64 per year
4. Change garbage collection from $253.53 per month
to $129.43 per month by reducing pick ups
($1,498.20 per year savings)
5. Remove cable TV - $372.00 per year savings
6. Stop printing sermons - $72.80 per year savings
Hot off the Press
If you have internet service and would like to make sure you get the next copy of The Pulse "hot
off the press" then make sure that your email address is on file with Sharon in the church office. This process helps reduce our print costs and also allows global emails that could be of interest and importance to our members. To sign up, simply email a request to Sharon @
[email protected] and she will include you in the next electronic Pulse.
A message from the Finance Committee
Asbury has the ability to have your tithes and offerings transferred electronically. This can be a
benefit to you and to Asbury in that it helps maintain a consistent budgeted transaction. If you are
interested in this option please see anyone on the finance committee for instructions on getting
and completing the bank forms required.
Weather closings: Please watch channel 9 (KCRG)
and the church website ( for
information regarding church closings due to inclement weather.
Isaiah 40:29-3 (NKJV)
He gives power to the weak, and to those who have no might He increases
strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men
shall utterly fall, but those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength;
They shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary,
they shall walk and not faint.
I have many 'favorite' Bible verses, but this one is at the top of my list. It
reminds me that no matter how weary I am, God is here to provide me with
what I need to do what needs to be done.
Husband Mike loves to drive through the countryside and enjoy God's
creation. So, I spend time in the car with him doing just that. From time to
time, we see eagles perched high atop the trees or soaring through the forested areas. They are such majestic creatures. Even when the winds are
blowing and smaller birds are being tossed to and fro as they try to fly, the
eagle appears to possess the strength needed to stay focused aloft.
The American Bald Eagle has a wing span of 72 to 90 inches. Wow! I'm
66 inches tall, so that wingspan is wider than I am tall! and it's eyesight is
reportedly four times better than a human with perfect vision. Isn't it amazing to think about the way that God has equipped the eagle?
Our church is a busy place. We are accomplishing much for God, but
there's always more that needs to be done. Sometimes we may feel just
worn out and ready to give up. But God has an unlimited amount of strength
and energy to give to us when we ask. We are never too old or too young to
do God's work. I love Asbury Church and am excited to see what things will
happen herein 2016. And whatever it is that God intends for us to accomplish, He promises to give us the strength and energy to do it. Our strength
shall be renewed!
Serving Jesus with you, Pastor Diane
A bit of Asbury History
1957 - Asbury Methodist Church organized
1958 - John Huss Methodist merged with Asbury
1959 - May - Ground breaking for Asbury Church
1959 - September - Corner stone laid
1959 - December - First Service in new sanctuary
1960 - Consecration service
1966 - Corner stone laid for Educational building addition
1967 - Educational building consecration
1992 - Asbury House built
1997 - Kitchen/Elevator addition
Rev. Diane Townsley
319-551-3648 Cell
Change a Child’s Story
On Monday, January 25, 8 of us from Asbury will begin a reading program at Taylor School. We will only
be reading to Kindergarten, 1st & 2nd grades. These
are the most important years as all children need to
be reading in their grade level by 3rd grade. Iowa statistics on this are not good. If not reading on 4 th
grade level by 4th grade, a large percentage will leave
school, have trouble finding jobs and many times end
up in prison. This is a UMC Mission all over Iowa.
Please continue to donate new or gently used
books for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grades only.
Thanks for the many donated already. 55 of these have gone to Matthew 25 as they are
heavily involved in the Bishop’s mission “Thru Poverty to Opportunity.”
Information can be found on the web and face book under “Change a Child’s Story”
or “Thru Poverty to Opportunity.”
Billie Forrestall
Valentine Dinner
February 13
4:30 to 6:30 PM
Free will offering with funds raised going to camperships
February is Heart Month:
Each Sunday a special
collection will be taken to
help the homeless and
Menu: Pork Loin or Turkey, Scalloped Potatoes,
Business Administrator
Sharon Busch
Office hours:
9:00 am to 3:00 pm
Choir Director
Alice Lindsey
Nicole Day
Kids Club Coordinators
Kim Pilkington,
Valorie Bowman,
Nicole Day
Volunteer Coordinator
Janice Kralik
Green Beans, Corn, Dessert and Beverage
Attention all groups using the church:
The good news is we are a very busy church. Unfortunately, sometimes we become overbooked. Please
check with the church office when planning events to
avoid over scheduling of our facility.
International French
Rev. Patrick Munyakazi
Asbury House Manager
Mary Glasford
Please give generously.
Sermon texts for February
February 7: Luke 9:28-36 (Transfiguration)
February 10: Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21 (Priorities)
February 14: (Deuteronomy 26:1-11 (What's in our basket that we give to God?)
February 21: Genesis 15: 1-6 (Trusting God)
February 28: 1 Corinthians 10:1-13 (Old Testament influences on the New Testament)
Some religions don’t eat meat
on Friday because there’s a
separation of church and steak..
Qu'est-ce que la repentance ?
Cet article vient du web site je le partge avec vous car cela
parle de la repentance. Soyez benis
Le mot repentance est la traduction du Grec "metanoia" qui veut dire : changer de
mentalité, d’intention. C’est la tristesse qu’on éprouve de ses péchés, et la douleur
d’avoir offensé Dieu.
Nous comprenons en lisant cette parole que la repentance est produite par une
nouvelle attitude mentale à l'égard du Dieu Saint, et de notre état de pécheur.
C'est ce que nous retrouvons dans les enseignements de Jésus.
Le publicain, se tenant à distance, n’osait même pas lever les yeux au ciel; mais il
se frappait la poitrine, en disant: O Dieu, sois apaisé envers moi, qui suis un pécheur. Luc 18:13
Les sentiments d'une réelle repentance sont :
. une profonde tristesse, une douleur, lorsque nous sommes affligés d'avoir commis
une offense.
. l'humiliation, nous nous sentons humiliés, coupables, misérables.
. de nouvelles résolutions, le désir profond de changer, d'être délivrés de notre tendance au péché.
Nous parvenons à la repentance (la tristesse selon Dieu) lorsque nous prenons conscience de notre situation.
Alors devant l'évidence nous pouvons choisir entre deux comportements :
. soit que cela nous laisse indifférents, car nous endurcissons notre cœur,
. soit que nous nous éprouvons une réelle tristesse, qui nous conduit à demander
pardon de nos péchés.
Nous réalisons alors, par une sorte de révélation, la gravité du péché par rapport à
Dieu ou à ceux que nous avons offensés.
En fait lorsque notre conscience est éveillée à la réalité et à la gravité du péché,
nous éprouvons un malaise intérieur qui ne peut être apaisé que par le pardon.
Ce malaise intérieur qui produit la tristesse et le repentir, peut se traduire par des
pleurs et parfois même de grands cris, des tremblements ou la prostration. Nous le
voyons dans la Bible et cela s'est souvent produit dans les réveils évangéliques.
La repentance nous amène à rechercher le pardon.
Lorsque nous sommes animés des sentiments de la repentance, nous aspirons à une
restauration intérieure, retrouver la paix, la sérénité de l'âme tourmentée par son
péché, nous désirons une relation rétablie avec Dieu ou avec ceux que nous avons
offensés. Pour cela être pardonné est indispensable. Or le pardon est accordé à
ceux qui se repentent sincèrement et le demandent en confessant leurs fautes.
Si nous confessons nos péchés, Dieu est fidèle et juste pour nous les pardonner, et
pour nous purifier de toute iniquité. 1 Jean 1:9
Lorsque l'être humain quitte son orgueil, son arrogance et reconnaît sa misère de
pécheur, tout devient possible à Dieu, car je crois que "l'Éternel Tsebha’ot", ElSchaddai, n'est pas indifférent à la démarche des hommes, lorsqu'ils se repentent et
s'humilient de leurs péchés. Rappelons-nous Ninive. (Jonas 1)
A chaque fois qu'un peuple ou un individu s'est tourné vers Dieu en reconnaissant sa
misère et son péché, il a trouvé grâce auprès du Seigneur Tout-Puissant et miséricordieux.
Il y a un passage obligé pour le pardon des péchés et le salut de tout être humain :
. la repentance envers Dieu
. la foi en notre Seigneur Jésus-Christ
. la conversion
Ces trois étapes successives, lorsque nous les vivons, nous amènent à l'endroit où
Dieu désire trouver chacun : dans sa présence, réconciliés avec lui, dans la paix du
pardon et d'une nouvelle relation.
Que Dieu vous benisse
Rev. Patrick Munyakazi