Upsu.umum3u.ij iPU$u.pu.tinhMn?>vubP Jaubert


Upsu.umum3u.ij iPU$u.pu.tinhMn?>vubP Jaubert
Upsu.umum3u.ij iPU$u.pu.tinhMn?>vubP
(P. Amedee) Voyage en Arm^nle et en Perse fait dans les
A n n i e s 1805 et 1806. 1821, repr., 1970, pp. 526, with plates and a
Hlstolre de la Siounle (Slunlkh). Traduite de l'Armenien par M. F. Brosset. 2 volumes. S. Petersbourg, 1864—66,
repr., 1970, pp. iv, 300, iv, 306.
RecueiL des Historiens
des Croisades.
Academie des Inscriptions et
Belles Lettres. 16 volumes. Paris, 1841 — 1906, repr., 1966—67, pp.
13700, with maps and plans.
A facsimile reprint of this m o n u m e n t a l collection of texts and translations.
Contents: — Lois, Assises de Jerusalem (Assises de la Haute Cour. Assises de la
Cour des Bourgeois). Documents A r m e n i e n s . Historiens Grecs. Historiens Occidentaux. Historiens Orientaux.
(A. K.) Colophons of Armenian Manuscripts 1301 — 1480. A
Source for Middle Eastern History. Selected, Translated and Annotated. 1969, pp. 478, with a map. Harvard Armenian Texts and Studies, 2.
Terzian (A.) An Armenian Miscellany:
232, with 8 plates in colour.
on History. 1969, pp.
Contents: — Says Darius the King... Landscape of the Past. The Purple East. The
Longest Decade: 1913—1923. M i g r a t i o n and Expatriate Society. Review of Arnold Toynbee's Book of Memoirs Acquaintances. O l d Manuscripts.
Thevenot (Jean de) The Travels of Monsieur de Thevenot Into the Levant. In three parts, viz. into: I Turkey. II Persia. Ill The East Indies. Newly done out of French (A Lovell). 1687, repr., 1970, pp.
652, with 4 plates.
Wagner (M.) Travels in Persia, Georgia and Koordistan; with Sketches
of the Cossacks and the Caucassus. From the German. 3 volumes.
1856, repr., 1970, pp. 976.
Sirarpie Der Nersessian
The Armenians. 78 photographs, 48 line drawings, 2 maps. Thames and Hudson, London.
Contents: — I. The Land and Its Early Inhabitants. II. The History of Armenia.
III.^The K i n g d o m of Cilicia. IV. Society and Economics, V. Religion. VI Literature and Learning, V I I . Architecture. V I I I . Sculpture. I X . Painting. Bibliography.
(M. F.) Hlstolre de la Georgie depuis l'Antiquite jusqu'au 19
Slecle (En Georglen et en Fran^ais). Avec Introduction, Additions
et Eclairclssements. 7 volumes. 1849—1858, repr., 1969.
(E.) N^goclatlons de la France dans le Levant, ou Correspondances, Memolres et Actes Diplomatiques des Ambassadeurs de France
a Constantinople et des Ambassadeurs, envoyes ou Residents a divers titres a Venise, Raguse, Rome, Malte et Jerusalem, en Turquie,
Perse, Georgie, Crimee, Syrle, Egypte, etc., et dans les Etats de
Tunis, d'Alger et de Maroc. 4 volumes. 1848 ff., repr., 1966. Collection de Documents In6dits sur l'Histoire de France, Premiere Serie: Histoire Politique, Burt Franklin, Research and Source Works
Series, 116.

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