Egyptology 58 - Pórtico librerías


Egyptology 58 - Pórtico librerías
16 de septiembre de 2003
Fundada en 1945
Responsable de la Sección: Carmen Alcrudo
Dirige: José Miguel Alcrudo
01 Arnaudies, A. / A. Chene: Les parois de la salle hypostyle de Karnak [DVDROM ]
2003 – 1 DVD
€ 95,00
02 Bedman, T.: Reinas de Egipto. El secreto del poder
2003 – 251 pp., lám. col. € 20,00
INDICE: La mujer real en la época tinita y en la dinastía III. «Las que contemplan al Horus-Seth» —
Las reinas de la dinastía IV. De Mer-es-Anj I a Jent-Kau-es I — La dama Rudye-Dyedet y el mito del
Papiro Westcar. Los hijos de Ra — La mujer toma el poder. Entre la reina Iput y la Soberana de las dos
tierras Nitokris — La crisis de la igualdad de la mujer. El final del imperio antiguo — El renacimiento
egipcio durante el imperio medio. De la dama Neferu a la faraona Sobek-Neferu — Las mujeres de Tebas
expulsan a los extranjeros — La dinastía de la reina Ahmés Nefertary. Hatshepsut, faraón — Las
concubinas reales asaltan el poder — El matriarcado de Aton — Las mujeres de sangre ahmósida
entregan el poder a los reyes ramésidas — Las mujeres protagonizan el final del imperio nuevo. Las
divinas adoratrices de Amon.
03 Bonwick, J.: The Great Pyramid of Giza. History and Speculation
1877, facsím. – ix + 224 pp. € 12,00
04 Bosticco, S.: Le stele egiziane, I: Le stele egiziane dall’antico al nuovo regno.
Museo archaeologico di Firenze
1959 – 75 pp., 61 lám. € 26,85
05 Bosticco, S.: Le stele egiziane, III: Le stele egiziane di epoca tarda. Museo
archaeologico di Firenze
1972 – 81 pp., 62 lám. € 26,85
06 Bovot, J.-L.: Chaouabtis. Des travailleurs pharaoniques pour l’éternité.
Exposition, Paris, Musée du Louvre du 7 mars au 30 juin 2003
2003 – 101 pp., fig., lám. col. € 25,00
INDICE: Qu’est-ce qu’un serviteur funéraire? — Chaouabtis, mode d’emploi — De la diversité dans
l’uniformité: l’apparence du serviteur funéraire — Dans la tombe — Une pratique «éternelle»,
l’histoire des serviteurs funéraires privés — De l’au-delà à ici-bas — La collection des serviteurs
funéraires du musée du Louvre — Les serviteurs funéraires des pharaons et de la famille royale
conservés au Louvre — En guise de conclusion: de la specificité du chaouabti...
07 Bresciani, E. / A. Menchetti: Nozioni elementari di grammatica demotica
2002 – 164 pp. € 10,40
08 Bulletin de l’Institut français d’archéologie orientale, 102 — 2002
2003 – ix + 622 pp., fig. € 40,00
INDICE: S. Bacot: Une nouvelle attestation de «la petra d’Apa Mèna» au sud d’Assiout — L. BaquéManzano: Further arguments on the Coptos Colossi — S. Bickel: Aspects et fonctions de la défication
d’Amenhotep III — S. Cauville: Entre exigence décorative et significations multiples: les graphies
suggestives du temple d’Hathor à Dendara — P. Collombert: Une statue thébaine d’Amemhotep fils
de Hapou trouvée à Esna — H. Cuvigny: Remarques sur l’emploi de ’ßäéïc dans le praescriptum
épistolaire — B. M. de Vliegher / M. de Dapper: Un système d’information géographique pour le site
archéologique d’Adaïma et ses environs — S. Emerit: À propos de l’origine des interdits musicaux
dans l’Égyte ancienne — H. Gaber: Différences thématiques dans la décoration des tomes thebaines
polychromes et monochromes de Deir al-Médîna — V. Ghica: Avatars méditérranéens de l’assyrien
burâšu — J.-C. Grenier: La stèle de la mère d’un Bouchis datée de Licinius et de Constantin — N.
Henein: Filets hexagonaux à oiseaux représentés dans la tombe de Méhou à Saqqâra — G. Lenzo:
Quelques manuscrits Thiératiques du Livre des Morts de la troisième période intermédiaire du
Musée égyptien de Turin — A.-el-G. Migahid: Zwei spätdemotische Zahlungsquittungen in einer
Urkunde P. Vindob. D 6850 — A.-el-G. Migahid: Eine demotische Hierodulie-Urkunde aus dem
Fajjum P. Kairo 50018 — M. Perraud: Appuis-tête à inscription magique et apotropaïa — R. Preys:
Isis et Hathor nbtyt rhyt — F. Servajean: À propos d’une hirondelle et de quelques chats à Deir alMédîna — P. Tallet: Notes sur le ouadi Maghara et sa région au moyen empire — C. Thiers: Deux
statues des dieux Philométors à Karnak (Karnak Caracol R177 + Cheikh Labib 94CL1421 et Caire JE
41218) — Y. Volokhine: Le dieu Thot au Qasr el-Agoûz Dd-h.r-p3-hb, Dh.wty-stm — S. Yamani: New
year’s bottles from Tell Marqula (Dakhla oasis) — B. Mathieu: Travaux de l’Institut français
d’archéologie orientale en 2001-2002.
09 David, R.: The Experience of Ancient Egypt
2000 – 214 pp., 14 fig., 25 fot. € 68,35
INDICE: 1. A Portrait of Ancient Egypt: The historical outline of ancient Egypt — Funerary beliefs
and customs — The religion of the living — Everday life — Literary sources — 2. The Development
of Egyptology: Classical and medieval interest in Egypt — The Renaissance period — The
decipherment of egyptian hieroglyphs — Recording the monuments — Excavating the sites — The
contribution of biomedical studies.
10 David, R. A.: The Pyramid Builders of Ancient Egypt. A Modern Investigation
of Pharaoh’s Workforce
1996 – 270 pp., fig., map., lám.
€ 28,85
11 Demaree, R. J. / A. Egberts, eds.: Deir El-Medina in the Third Millennium AD.
A Tribute to Jac. J. Janssen
2000 – 336 pp., fig., 51 lám. € 89,00
INDICE: J. von Beckerath: Bemerkungen zu Papyrus Turin 1885 verso II-III — H. van den Berg / K.
Donker van Heel: A scribe’s cache from the valley of Queens? The palaeography of documents from
Deir el-Medina: some remarks — M. L. Bierbrier: Paneb rehabilitaed? — G. Burkard: Ein säumiger
Wasserträger: O. Qurna 691 // 17/82 — B. G. Davies / J. Toivari: A letter of reproach (O. DeM 314):
corruption in the administration of the washing service at Deir el-Medina — R. J. Demarée: Ladies’
day: an unusual name list from the end of the XIXth dynasty — A. Dodson: The late eighteenth dynasty
necropolis at Deir el-Medina and the earliest «yellow» coffin of the new kingdom — H.-W. FischerElfert: Rest in pieces: fragments of absence from work in Deir el-Medina (pap. Berlin P. 14485 a-d- +
14449 c+g; i and 14448) — A. Gasse: Le K2, un cas de école? — P. Grandet: Ouvriers et «esclaves»
de Deir el-Medina: quatre ostraca inédits de l’IFAO — B. Haring: The scribe of the Mat: from agrarian
administration to local justice — M. Heerma van Voss: Eine in Deir el-Medina gestaltete Vignette und
ihre Entwicklung — K. Jansen-Winkeln: Zur Geschichte der «Çachette» von Deir el-Bahri — S. L. D.
Katary: O. Strasbourg H 106: Ramesside split holdings and a possible link to Deir el-Medina — J.M. Kruchten: Un oracle d’«Amenhotep du village» sous Ramsès III: ostracon Gardiner 103 — A.
McDowell: Teachers and students at Deir el-Medina — D. Meeks: Mots sans suite ou notations
rituelles? (O. DeM 1696 et O. Petrie 36) — B. Menu: Deir el-Medina au crible de l’économie politique
— L. Meskell: Spatial analyses of the Deir el-Medina settlement and necropoleis — D. Montserrat:
Burial practices at third century A.D. Deir el-Medina as evidenced from a roman painted shroud in the
Rijksmuseum van Oudheden, Leiden — A. J. Peden: The workmen of Deir el-Medina and the decline
of textual graffiti at west Thebes in late dynasty XX and early dynasty XXI — M. J. Raven: Objects from
Deir el-Medina in the National museum of antiquities, Leiden — A. Spalinger: Medinet Habu and Deir
el-Medina combined — E. P. Uphill: Some matters relating to the growth and walls of Deir el-Medina
— P. Vernus: La grotte de la vallée des Reines dans la piété personnelle des ouvriers de la tombe (BM
278) — R. van Walsem: Deir el-Medina as the place of origin of the coffin of Anet in the Vatican (Inv.:
XIII.2.1, XIII.2.2) — S. Wimmer: Welches Jahr 29?
12 Edwards, I. E. S.: Las pirámides de Egipto
2003 – 317 pp., fot., fig. € 23,00
INDICE: Las mastabas y las costumbres funerarias antiguas — Las pirámides escalonadas — La
transición a la pirámide perfecta — El grupo de Guiza — Las pirámides de las dinastías V y VI — Las
pirámides del reino medio — Las últimas pirámides — Construcción y finalidad — Las pirámides más
importantes del reino antiguo y del reino medio.
13 Empereur, J. -Y., ed.: Alexandrina, 2
2002 – viii + 349 pp., fig., fot. € 29,00
INDICE: J.-Y. Empereur: De nouveaux matériaux pour écrire l’histoire d’Alexandrie — Aegyptiaca
Alexandrina: P. Gallo: Aegyptiaca Alexandrina IV: une nouvelle statue du pharaon Hakoris
retrouvée à Abouqir — P. Gallo / A. Abd el-Fattah: Aegyptiaca Alesandrina V: un «directeur des
marais» du delta occidental au moyen empire — P. Gallo: Aegyptiaca Alexandrina VI: une nouvelle
statue en granite d’un prêtre portant l’«Osiris-Canope» — Une citerne au Saparéion: A. Abd elFattah: Une fouille récente au Sarapéion d’Alexandrie — I. Hairy: Une nouvelle citerne sur le site du
Sarapéion — M. Bonifay & al.: Les céramiques du remplissage de la citerne du Sarapéion à Alexandrie
— I. Hairy: Analyse de pièces architecturales d’une colonnade sur le site du Sarapéion — Autres
fouilles: J. W. Hayes / C. Harlaut: Ptolemaic and roman pottery deposits from Alexandria avec en
annexe les lampes par C. Georges — M. Seif el-Din: Un portrait de prêtresse trouvé à Alexandrie — S.
Demougin / J.-Y. Empereur: Inscriptions d’Alexandrie I: un nouveau procurateur alexandrin —
Topographie alexandrine: J.-L. Arnaud: Un outil cartographique: le cadastre informatisé
d’Alexandrie avec en annexe «Acquistion informatique du plan cadastral» par N. Martin — J.-L.
Arnaud: Sources et méthodes de restitution, les obélisques et le Césaréum d’Alexandrie — A. Hesse
& al.: L’Heptastade d’Alexandrie (Égypte) — Musée gréco-romain: F. Barakat / O. Picard: Moules
monétaires du bas empire d’Hermopolis Magna au Musée gréco-romain — A. Abd el-Fattah / F.
Queyrel: Sculptures de la Bibliotheca Alexandrina — C. Christophi / J.-Y. Empereur: Nouveau
catalogue des matrices du fabricant d’amphores rhodiennes Theumnastos.
14 Fakhry, A.: Siwa Oasis
1992, facsím. – 224 pp., 81 fig.
€ 18,15
15 Golvin, J.-C. / A. Gros de Beler: Guide de l’Egypte ancienne
2002 – 256 pp., lám. col. € 22,00
16 Griffith, F. L.: Catalogue of Demotic Papyri in the John Rylands Library,
Manchester, 3 vols. in 2
1909 – xii + 468 pp., 127 lám. € 288,00
17 Hannig, R.: Ägyptisches Wörterbuch I: Altes Reich und erste Zwischenzeit
2003 – cv + 1.681 pp. € 75,80
Hannig-Lexica, 4
18 Hawass, Z. / L. P. Brock, eds.: Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First
Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo,
2000, 1: Archaeology
2003 – xvi + 581 pp., fig., lám. € 53,07
INDICE: D. O’Connor: Egyptian archaeology in the 21st century — S. Abd el-Aal: The Mallawy
papyrus No. 602/1-602/5: A comprensive study of the document and the professional and
administrative titles — S. J. Allen: Tutankhamun’s embalming cache reconsidered — M. I. Bakr:
Excavations at Ezbet al-Tel, Kufur-Nigm: the third and fourth seasons (1998 et 1990) — L. Bareš: The
Shaft tomb of Lufaa at Abusir — H.-G. Bartel: Zur antiken Ideenähnlichkeit: Personifikationen im
Pyramidentext-Spruch 205 und der Elemente des Empedokles — S. J. Basta: Consolidation and
restoration of monuments and sites: Tomb No. 1703, Anch-lb, western cementery, Giza plateau — F.
El-Baz: Geoarchaeological evidence of the relationships between the terminal drought in north Africa
and the rise of ancient Egypt — G. A. Belova: TT 320 and the history of the royal cache during the
twenty-first dynasty — F. Berenguer: The Qurnet Marai necropolis (Thebes West) — E. Bloxam: An
alternative strategy for the transportation of quarried hard stone from lower Nubia to Giza during the
old kingdom — N. Bonacasa: The hellenistic-roman necropolises of Alexandria — E. C. Brock: The
sarcophagus lid of Queen Takhat — G. Castel: Mastaba de Khentika: gouverneur de l’oasis à la fin de
l’ancien empire — J. J. Castillos: The predynastic cemeteries at Matmar, Mostagedda, and Badari — M.
Chlodnicki: Stratigraphy and chronology of the central tell in Tell al-Farkha — S. A. Choucri: Trois
saisons de fouilles dans la vaste nécropole de Kôm Firin (terrain de Silvago) dans le gouvernorat de
Béheira — K. M. Cia³owicz: Tell al-Farkha: excavations at the western Kom (1998-1999) — L.
Coulon: Le sanctuaire de Chentayt à Karnak — P. Davoli: New archeological evidence from Bakchias
(Kom Umm al-Atl, Fayum) — F. Dunand & al.: La nécropole d’cAyn el-Labakha (Oasis de Kharga):
recherches archéologiques et anthropologiques — D. Eigner: Tell Ibrahim Awad: a sequence of temple
buildings from dynasty 0 to the middle kingdom — M. M. Eldamaty: Die Treppe des Hinaufsteigens
zum Dach des Tempels von Dendera am Neujahrsfest — M. M. Fekri: Une nouvelle enquête sur les
tombes civiles et anonymes de la Vallée des Rois — P. Fuscaldo: Tell al-Dabca: two execration pits and
a foundation deposit — P. Fuscaldo & al.: A preliminary report on the pottery from Tell al-Ghaba, a
saite settlement in North Sinai — M. Gawlikowski: The nabatean temple at Qasrawet — M.
Gawlikowski: Les travaux récents du Centre polonais d’archéologie méditerranéenne en Égypte — L.
Gestermann: Neues zu Pap.Gardiner II (BM EA 10676) — A. González y Arema: An analysis of
various anatomical parts of egyptian mummies from museum collections in Spain — R. Grilletto & al.:
Un cas de méningocèle chez un nouveau-né égyptien de la XIe dynastie — M. A. Hamdan: Quaternary
geology of Kafr Hassan Dawood, east Nile delta, Egypt — S. Hasegawa: The new kingdom necropolis
at Dahshur — H. Jaritz: The mortuary temple of Merenptah at Qurna and its building phases — A.
Jiménez-Serrano: The first Serekhs: political change and regional conventions — M. Jones: The work
of the American research center in Egypt in the tomb of Sety I in the Valley of the kings, 1998-1999 —
M. Jucha: Tell el-Farkha 1998-1999: pottery from predynastic and early dynastic strata — K.
Kindermann: Djara: prehistoric links between the desert and the Nile — J. Krejèi: Appearance of the
Abusir pyramid necropolis during the old kingdom — V. V. Lebedinsky: The potential of egyptianrussian cooperation in underwater archaeology: an historical perspective — F. Leclère: Données
nouvelles sur les inhumations de figurines osiriennes: le tombeau d’Osiris à Karnak — H. El-Leithy:
Letters to the dead in ancient and modern Egypt — L. H. Lesko: Nubian influence on the later versions
of the book of the dead — G. Majcherek: Mosaic floors from roman Triclinia in Alexandria: evolution
of techniques and design — E. Mantellini / S. Nappini: La fibrose hépatique non cirrhotique dans
l’ancienne Égypte des pharaons — Y. El-Masry: Recent explorations in the Ninth Nome of upper
Egypt — S. El-Merghani: How studies of botanical remains and animal bones contribute to the rewriting of the history of the Delta over time — K. Myœliwiec: Polish-egyptian archaeological
activities in west Saqqara — M. Nicolakaki-Kentrou: Malkata, site K: the aegean-related motifs in the
painted decoration of a demolished building of Amenhotep III — L. Pavlish & al.: Geotechnical survey
at Tell Tabilla, northeastern Nile delta, Egypt — M. C. Pérez-Die: Travaux récents (1995-1999) à
Ehnasya al-Médina (Hérakléopolis Magna) — A. Radwan: Some remarks concerning the
superstructure of some mastabas at Abusir — W. Ramadan: La chapelle de Thot à Abou Simbel — M.
J. Raven: Twenty-five years of work in the new kingdom necropolis of Saqqara: looking for structure
— H. Refai: Notes on the function of the great hypostyle hall in the egyptian temple: a theban approach
— J. Richards: The Abydos cemeteries in the late old kingdom — H. Riemer: The «Re-conquest» of the
great sand sea — J. M. Rowland / F. A. Hassan: The computerized database and potential for a
geographic information system at Kafr Hassan Dawood — A. El-Sawy: A new discovery at the Sety
I temple in Abydos — A. M. A. H. Sayed: The land of Punt: problems of the archaeology of the Red sea
and the southeastern Delta — S. J. Seidlmayer: New Rock inscriptions on Elephantine Island — I.
Shaw: New fieldwork at Gebel al-Asr: «Chephren’s diorite quarries» — P. Sheehan: Brief encounters
with the ancient landscape: urban archaeology in modern Cairo — C. M. de Simone: On a tomb
discovered at Qurnet Murai (Luxor) — R. Stadelmann: The great sphinx of Giza — R. Stadelmann: The
mortuary temple of Amenhotep III — R. Stadelmann: Report on the excavations done by the German
institute of archaeology at Dahshur — E. Strouhal: Three mummies from the royal cemetery at Abusir
— I. H. Takamiya: Prestige goods and status symbols in the Naqada period cemeteries of predynastic
Egypt — P. Tallet: New jar labels from Deir al-Medina — G. J. Tassie / J. van Wetering: Early cemeteries
of the east delta: Kafr Hassan Dawood, Minshat Abu Omar, and Tell Ibrahim Awad — T. S. Tawfik: The
extent of the new kingdom cemetery in the memphite necropolis — C. Thiers: Notes sur les inscriptions
du temple ptolémaïque et romain de Tôd, (§ 1-4) — S. Thomas: Imports at Zawiyet Umm al-Rakham —
T. L. Tucker: Bioarchaeology of Kafr Hassan Dawood: preliminary investigations — W. M. van
Haarlem: The excavations at Tell Ibrahim Awad (Sharqiya province) Seasons 1995-2000 — J.-Y.
Verd’hurt / G. Dormion: New discoveries in the pyramid of Meidum — G. Vörös: The ancient nest of
Horus above Thebes: Hungarian excavations on Thoth Hill at the temple of king Sankhkare
Montuhotep (1995-1998) — L. Watrin / O. Blin: The Nile’s early stone architecture: new data from
Macadi west — P. Wilson: Recent work at Sa al-Hagar (Sais) — S. Yoshimura / M. Saito: Waseda
university excavations in Egypt and recent works at north Saqqara.
19 Hawass, Z. / L. P. Brock, eds.: Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First
Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo,
2000, 2: History, Religion
2003 – xvi + 618 pp., fig., fot. € 53,07
INDICE: D. B. Redford: The writing of the history of ancient Egypt — E. R. Russmann: The state of
egyptology at the end of the millennium: art — H. te Velde: The history of the study of ancient egyptian
religon and its future — M. el-Abbadi: On the transmittance of egyptian learning into greek — E.
Abdel Aziz: Die Statue des šnrr-’ib: «Der Kabinettsvorsteher des Wesirs» — A. Abdel-Fattah: The
question of the presence of pharaonic antiquities in the city of Alexandria and its neighboring sites
(Alexandria pre-Alexander the great) — M. Abdel Ghani: Antaiopolite Nome and its administrative
changes under roman rule — F. Abou Bakr: The role of public doctors in ptolemaic and roman Egypt
— N. Alexanian: Social dimensions of old kingdom mastaba architecture — S. Allam: The tax
exemption of Horemheb — J. Becker: Gangsysteme im Pyramidenbau des AR und ihre Funktion im
Rahmen von Konstruktion und Bauausführhung — G. A. Belova: The eastern borders of Egypt: new
data — E. Bernhauer: Untersuchungen zur Privatplastik der 18. Dynastie — N. Billing: Text and
Tomb: some spatial properties of Nut in the pyramid texts — A. S. von Bomhard: The egyptian calendar
— J. Boor: World-systems theory and the old kingdom: a test case — M. Campagno: Another reason
for the foundation of Memphis — J. das Candeias Sales: Les monnaies de l’époque ptolemaïque au
Portugal — J. Cervelló-Autuori: Narmer, Menes, and the seals from Abydos — M. Chermette: Un page
d’histoire de la nécropole thébaine — M.-E. Colin: The Barque sanctuary project: further
investigation of key structure in the egyptian temple — A. Dodson: The burial of members of the royal
family during the eighteenth dynasty — M. Eaton-Krauss: Restorations and erasures in the postAmarna period — F. El-Fakharani: The pharaonic port on the Mediterranean: its shape, development,
and importance — E. L. Ertman: The identity of the king and queen on Tutankhamun’s golden throne
— A. D. Espinel: The boundary stelae of Djoser’s funerary complex at Saqqara: an interpretation
through artistic and textual evidence — J. M. Galán: Amenhotep son of Hapu as intermediary between
the pople and god — J. Gee, B3 sending and its implications — K. Goebs: N’iswt nh. h–kingship,
cosmos, and time — G. W. Goudchaux: Bronze statuettes of a prince of Armenia — J.-C. Goyon: le rituel
du sh. tp shmt au changement de cycle annuel. Surces et documents, un état des questions — L. Green:
¢ humors: some thoughts on comparisons between pharaonic and greco-roman medicine —
Beyond the
H. Gyõry: Interaction of magic and science in ancient egyptian medicine — M. Haggag: Two religious
buildings at byzantine Marea — N. B. Hansen: Leaping lizards! Poison geckos in ancient and modern
Egypt — M. K. Hartwig: Style and visual rhetoric in theban tomb painting — D. Heiden: N.: New
aspects on the treatment of the cult statue in the daily temple ritual — P. Hubai: Religonswechsel in
Ägypten der Römerzeit — F. H. Hussien & al.: Anthropological differences between workers and high
officials from the old kingdom at Giza — S. Ivanov: The Aegis in ancient egyptian art: aspects of
interpretation — E. Kadous: Coptic sculpture: the popular vision in egyptian art — M. Kalos / M.
Nelson: La «chapelle de la reine blanche» à Thèbes-ouest: nouvelles données sur l’histoire du site
— S. el-Kholi: The lost Colossus of the Mate of the Sphinx (Surriat Abu al-Haul) — P. I. Kousoulis:
The function of hk3
as a mobilized form in a theological environment: the apotropaic «ritual of
overthrowing Apophis» — R. Kuper: The Abu Ballas trail: pharaonic advances into the libyan desert
— J.-P. Lauer: Sur les figurations de heb-sed dans le complexe funéraire de la pyramide à Degrés — J.
Linstädter: Systems of prehistoric land use in the Gilf Kebir — M. J. López Grande: Winged Reshep:
egyptian iconographic evidence — G. Menci: New evidence for the use of the greek reed pen in the
hieratic scripts of the roman period — S. El-Menshawy: The protocol of the ancient egyptian royal
palace — D. Niedziólka: On the obelisks mentioned in the Northampton stela of Djehuit, director of
the treasury during Hatshepsut’s reign — A. Niwinski: The twenty-first dynasty on the eve of the
twenty-first century — R. A. Orehov: Earthly Hathor and heavenly Hathor — C. Orsenigo: Khay,
vizier of Ramses II: an unknown statue in a private collection and new perspectives on his role — J.
Phillips: Egypt, Nubia, and Ethiopia — G. Pinch: Redefining funerary objects — M. Poo:
Egyptology and comparative ancient history — A. Rodrigo: An ancient Mendesian industry — G.
Roulin: God and man: formulas and maxims on seal amulets — S. Rzepka: Methods of optimising
sculptors’ work during the old kingdom — A. M. Saied: Chontiamenti oder Anubis — F. Salah el-Din
Moussa: Quelques aspects de la vie quotidienne représentés à Marea Byzantine — G. Scandone
Matthiae: Les rapports entre Ebla et l’Egypte à l’ancien et au moyen empire — F. Sharkawi: The
egyptians in greek tragedy — M. A. Shata: Damietta as a gateway to Egypt in ancient and modern times
— T. A. Sherkova: Seven baboons in one boat: the interpretation of iconography in the context of the
cult belonging to the temple at Tell Ibrahim Awad — M. El-Shimy: Preparation and use of perfumes and
perfumed substances in ancient Egypt — A. Sugi: The iconographical representation of the Sun god
in new kingdom Egypt — E. G. Tolmatcheva: A reconsideration of the Benu-bird in egyptian
cosmogony — Z. Topozada: Amasis à Memphis: détails sur le culte memphite d’Osiris et d’Isis — J.
Trello: Traces of the «beautiful feast of the valley» in western christian tradition — T. L. Tucker / Z.
Hawass: Integrating history and health for the roman period of ancient Egypt — M. R. Valdesogo
Martin: Les cheveux des pleureuses dans le rituel funéraire égyptien. Le geste nwn — E. J. Walters:
Women in the cult of Isis at Hierakonopolis — L. Watrin: Lower-upper egyptian interaction during
the pre-Naqada period: from initial trade contacts to the ascendancy of southern chiefdoms — S. A.
Younis: Psamtik I and Gyges: a secret alliance — S. R. Zakrzewsky & al.: Change and continuity over
the predynastic and early dynastic periods of ancient Egypt — A. P. Zingarelli: Local exchange in new
kingdom Egypt — A. Zivie / R. Lichtenberg: Les chats du Bubasteion de Saqqâra: état de la question
et perspectives — C. Zivie-Coche: Tanis à l’époque ptolémaïque.
20 Hawass, Z. / L. P. Brock, eds.: Egyptology at the Dawn of the Twenty-First
Century. Proceedings of the Eighth International Congress of Egyptologists, Cairo,
2000, 3: Language, Conservation, Museology
2003 – xvi + 451 pp., fig., lám. € 53,07
INDICE: J. Baines: Research on egyptian literature: background, definitions, prospects — Z. Hawass:
Site management and conservation — A. Loprieno: Egyptian linguistics in the year 2000 — R. Schulz:
Museology, egyptology, and marketing interests: a contradiction? — S. Abd El-Fattah Emara:
Dangerous effects and damage to architecture and monuments caused by weeds and methods of control
— A. Abou Bakr el Khousht: The conservation of recently discovered mosaics in Alexandria — N.
Abou Lila & al.: Scientific methods used in excavating and conserving a painted mud-brick tomb on
the Giza plateau — M. S. Ali: Der Papyrus Kairo C.G. 58074 und der Bauplan auf der Rückseite — A.
R. Allam / G. A. Mahgoub: Humidity removal attempts by electrical means — M. Betrò: Faces for
mummies: 3D computerized reconstruction of egyptian mummies using computer tomography data —
R. Boano & al.: L’analyse histologique des tissus momifiés pour un monitorage sur l’état de
conservation des pièces anthropologiques — P. Brissaud: Tanis: protection du patrimoine et
recherche archéologique à la lumière des derniers travaux — M. Capasso: The restoration of egyptian
and greek papyri housed in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo (1997-2000) — F. Caramelo / M. H. Trindade
Lopes: Portuguese egyptology: new projects, museum studies, and publications — J. Dawson:
Taking care of Senneferi: problems and practicalities in the conservation of theban tomb 99 — A. ElDeeb & al.: Fungal contamination in the tomb of Petrosiris and the method of treatment — A. Delattre:
Les termes égyptiens désignant le scorpion — V. Dobrev: Builders’ inscriptions from the pyramid of
king Pepy I (sixth dynasty) — L. D’Orazio & al.: Conservation of textile artifacts recovered from the
ancient town of Bakchias — A. M. Fathy: identical familial terms in egyptian and arabic: a
sociolinguistic approach — R. Ferreira de Sousa: The notion of the heart and the idea of man: the effect
of anthropological notions on medical practices — D. P. Gold & al.: Development of a strategy for
groundwater control to preserve the temple-town of Hierakonpolis — R. Gozzoli: Piye imitates
Thutmose III: trends in a nubian historiographical text of the early phase — E. A. Gregersen: Deixis
in ancient egyptian — M. C. Guidotti: Le musée égyptien de Florence à la fin du deuxième millénaire
— O. Hassanein / N. Iskander: Shedding light on the functions of some unknown objects in the
Egyptian Museum, Cairo — S. Hodjash: Zur Restaurierung altägyptischer Objekte aus Kalkstein in
der Sammlung des Puschkin-Museums der bildenden Künste, Moskau — J. Hudec: The discovery of
sculpted stone fragments from the new kingdom — S. Ikram: The animal mummy project at the Egyptian
Museum, Cairo — R. Jaeschke: Reconstruction not restoration — W. Kolataj: Some remarks
concerning tsi, wts, wtst and their importance for a better understanding of vertical transport of
building materials in the old kingdom — A. Krol: Preservation of ancient egyptian objects in russian
museums — M. Y. Lavrentieva: On some specific features of ancient egyptian dramatic texts — C.
Leblanc & al.: Documentation, recherches et restauration au Ramesseum: bilan et perspectives — E.
Loring: Lexical machine III: terminological considerations — R. Lucarelli: Innovation versus the
tradition of the genre in the Book of the Dead of Gautseshen — L. M. de Araújo / J. Nunes Carreira:
L’Égyptologie au Portugal: le passé et le futur — A.-A. Maravelia: Some aspects of ancient egyptian
social life from the study of the principal love poem’s ostraca from Deir al-Medina — I. Marota & al:.
DNA preservation and decay in ancient papyri: comparison with DNA preservation in human
mummies and skeletal remains — B. Mathieu: La littérature narrative de l’Égypte ancienne: un bilan
— A. I. Meza: Ancient Egypt in Malta: an ancestor bust from the Delta an other objects — H. M. Noh:
Distinction (=arabic Tamyiz) and its manifestation in ancient egyptian — M. Müller: A comprehensive
iconographical databank for egyptian objects: methods and results — M. Müller: Die Rekonstruktion
zerstörter Schlachtenreliefs — I. Munro: Report on the Book of the Dead project in Bonn and Cologne
— S. M. Nakhla & al.: Ten years’ experience with silicate technology in the consolidation of egyptian
stone monuments — S. M. Nakhla & al.: Study of the mechanism of flake formation in limestone: a step
toward the stabilization of stone structures — M. V. Pereyra de Fidanza: The Amenirdis stela at the
Casa Padilla Museum — P. Piacentini: Writing tools in the Cairo museum: preparing the volume of the
CGC — G. Rosati: Working on middle kingdom stelae in Turin — A. M. Rosso: Le symbolisme
religieux des oudjats de Tell el-Ghaba: les problèmes techniques de leur préservation — N. M. Salem:
Restoring papyri in the Egyptian Museum — H. Satzinger: The egyptian conjugations withing the
afroasiatic fromework — V. V. Solkin: The sculptural representation of the prince Khaemwese from
Moscow — H. Sourouzian: Conservation of statuary — M. Trapani: Two lesser-known stelae of the
middle kingdom — A. W. Wazier: The title imy-r sš in its different forms — H.-G. Wiedemann & al.:
Comparison of the pigments on the bust of Nefertiti with those on the Karnak Talatat — C. Ziegler:
Marketing and museums of egyptology: the Louvre museum example — C. Ziegler: Recherches sur
Saqqâra au musée du Louvre: étude des collections et mission archéologique.
21 Hornung, E.: Historia de Egipto
2003 – 221 pp. € 14,00
22 Köthen-Welpot, S.: Theogonie und Genealogie im Pantheon der
2003 – xvii + 430 pp. € 34,32
23 Labrique, F., ed.: Religions mediterranéennes et orientales de l’antiquité.
Actes du colloque des 23-24 avril 1999 à Besançon
2002 – vii + 243 pp., fig. € 21,00
INDICE: J. Alvar: Dynamique de la colonisation phénicienne et acculturation religieuse à Tartessos
— A. Blomart: La phrygienne et l’athénien. Quand la mère des dieux et Apollon Patrôos se rencontrent
sur l’agora d’Athènes — M. Broze / C. van Liefferinge: L’Hermès commun du prophète Abamon.
Philosophie grecque et théologie égyptienne dans le prologue du De mysteriis de Jamblique — F.
Colin / F. Labrique: Semenekh oudjat à Bah.ariya — P. Derchain & al.: Portrait d’un divin crocodile
ou l’originalité d’un écrivain du temps de Domitien — F. Dunand: De la cendre à la myrrhe. Les usages
du corps morts en Égypte tardive — C. Jourdain-Annequin: Cet Héraclès qu’on dit égyptien — E. Le
Berre: Le taureau Apis. Un animal-dieu dans l’enquête d’Hérodote — C. Muckensturm-Poulle:
Apollonios de Tyane et la religion des gymnosophistes égyptiens — I. Papadopoulou-Belmehdi / Z.
D. Papadopoulou: Culte et musique. Le cas des Déliades — H. J. Thissen: «Der große Pan ist
gestorben». Anmerkungen zu Plutarch, De def. or. c. 17 — P.-L. van Berg: Hermès et Agni. Étude
comparative — N. Brout: Index.
24 Lalouette, C.: Contes et récits de l’Egypte ancienne
2003 – 245 pp., 2 map., 8 lám. € 7,00
25 Loprieno, A.: Ancient Egyptian. A Linguistic Introduction
1995 – xv + 322 pp., tabl. € 27,30
26 Manetón: Historia de Egipto. Traducción, introducción y notas de C. Vidal
2003 – 122 pp. € 5,50
27 Manning, J. G.: Land and Power in Ptolemaic Egypt. The Structure of Land
2003 – 356 pp., fig., tabl., map. € 75,92
INDICE:1. Issues and Historical Background: Issues and methodologies — The ptolemaic state and
its antecedents — 2. Regional Case Studies of Land Tenure: The land tenure regime in upper Egypt
— The land tenure regime in the fFayyum depression — 3. Interpretation: The ptolemaic state, the land
tenure regime, and economic power — The private transmission of land — Conclusions — Appendices:
Translation of the Edfu donation text — Ptolemaic demotic land transfers from upper Egypt —
Translation of P. Amh. gr. 49.
28 Meurer, G.: Die Feinde des Königs in den Pyramidentexten
2002 – ix + 404 pp. € 99,00
INDICE: Feide des Königs in der Götterwelt — Der Osiris-Seth-Horus Mythenkreis: Seth und sein
Gefolge als Feinde des Königs — Dämonen und weitere Gefahren als Bedrohung für den verstorbenen
König — Die Schlangensprüche der Pyramidentexte — Diesseitige Feinde des Königs — Die Sprüche
zum Schutz der Pyramide.
29 Nicholson, P. T. / I. Shaw, eds.: Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology
2000 – 720 pp., tabl., 393 fig. € 167,00
INDICE: 1. Inorganic Materials: B. G. Aston & al.: Stone — B. Kemp: Soil (including mud-brick
architecture) — L. Lee / S. Quirke: Painting materials — J. D. Bourriau & al.: Pottery — J. Ogden:
Metals — P. T. Nicholson / E. Peltenburg: Egyptian faience — P. Nicholson / J. Henderson: Glass —
2. Organic Material: B. Leach / J. Tait: Papyrus — W. Z. Wendrich: Basketry — G. VogelsangEastwood: Textiles — C. van Driel-Murray: Leatherwork and skin products — O. Krzyszkowska / R.
Morkot: Ivory and related materials — J. Phillips: Ostrich eggshells — R. Gale & al.: Wood — A. R.
David: Mummification — M. Serpico / R. White: Oil, fat and wax — M. Serpico: Resins, amber and
bitumen — R. Newman / M. Serpico: Adhesives and binders — J. Fletcher: Hair — 3. Food Technology:
M. A. Murray: Cereal production and processing — D. Samuel: Brewing and baking — M. A. Murray
& al.: Viticulture and wine production — M. A. Murray: Fruits, vegetables, pulses and condiments —
S. Ikram: Meat processing.
30 Parkinson, R. B.: Poetry and Culture in Middle Kingdom Egypt. A Dark Side
to Perfection
2002 – xxii + 393 pp. € 144,25
INDICE: 1. Approaches: The study of middle kingdom «literature» — General considerations:
definitions, genre, interpretation — 2. Context and Intertext: Texts and intertext — The social context
— Literature in culture — Literary form — The cultural themes of literature — 3. Readings: Tales —
Discourses and dialogues — Teachings — Reading the poems — Appendices: Survey of the middle
kingdom literary corpus — Kemit.
31 Pfrommer, M.: Königinnen vom Nil
2002 – 127 pp., 12 fig., lám. col. € 25,80
32 Piacentini, P.: Les scribes dans la société égyptienne de l’ancien empire, 1: Les
premières dynasties, les nécropoles memphites
2002 – 777 pp. € 46,80
33 Pino, C.: Arte y eternidad. La decoración de las tumbas privadas en el reino
2003 – 238 pp., 220 fig. € 19,00
INDICE: La necrópolis de El Kab — Las necrópolis tebanas — Las necrópolis de Amarna — Las
necrópolis menfitas.
34 Quirke, S.: La religión del antiguo Egipto
2003 – 254 pp., fot. € 14,00
35 Quirke, S.: Ra, el dios del sol
2003 – 227 pp., fig., fot. € 17,00
36 Ray, J.: Destellos de Osiris. Vidas del antiguo Egipto
2003 – 189 pp. € 19,90
INDICE: El Leonardo de Egipto (Imutes, c. 2650 a.C.) — Los problemas de un campesino (Heqanajte,
c. 1950 a.C.) — Gloriana (La reina Hatshepsut, reinante entre c. 1473-1458 a.C.) — La justicia y el Rey
de la Luna (Horemheb, rey entre c. 1323-1295 a.C.) — El primer egiptólogo (Jaemuaset, c. 1285-1225
a.C.) — La petición del escriba del templo (Petisis, c. 583-511 a.C.) — El faraón mago (Nectánebo II,
rey entre c. 360-343 a.C.) — La gente del Serapeo (Hor de Sebennito y sus compañeros, c. 200-150 a.C.).
37 Roeder, G.: Egyptian Hieroglyphic Grammar. A Handbook for Beginners
1920, facsím. – xiv + 144 pp. € 10,00
38 Seco Álvarez, M.: La colección egipcia de la Universidad Hispalense
2000 – 127 pp., 28 lám. € 9,62
39 Toivari-Viitala, J.: Women at Deir El-Medina. A Study of the Status and Roles
of the Female Inhabitants in the Workmen’s Community During the Ramesside
2001 – viii + 293 pp. € 60,98
40 Valbelle, D. / C. Bonnet: Le sanctuaire d’Hathor, maîtresse de la turquoise
1996 – 200 pp., 151 lám. € 60,00
Vandier, J.: Manuel d’archéologie égyptienne, V: Bas reliefs et peintures.
Scènes de la vie quotidienne, 2 vols. [Libro+álbum]
1969 – 1.043 pp., 235 fig., lám. € 49,00
42 Vandier, J.: Manuel d’archéologie égyptienne, VI: Bas-reliefs et peintures.
Scènes de la vie agricole à l’ancien et au moyen empire
1978 – 361 pp., 120 fig., lám. € 49,00
43 Versluys, M. J.: Aegyptiaca romana. Nilotic Scenes and the Roman Views of
2002 – xv + 509 pp., 171 fig. € 130,00
44 Zivie, A.: Les Tombeaux retrouvés de Saqqara. Photographies de P. Chapuis
2003 – 157 pp., lám. col. € 29,00