an introductory mauritania bibliography


an introductory mauritania bibliography
Please send recommenda-ons, comments, ques-ons, sugges-ons and correc-ons to: [email protected] TMND: Special Project, November, 2011 E [email protected] W
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) TMND
Table of Contents
0.0. IntroducCon 1
0.1. What this Bibliography Does and Does not Include
0.2. Useful Resources Not Included Here
0.3. Otherwise
1.0. Books, Chapters & DissertaCons 4
1.1. Culture, Ethnicity & Sociology
1.2. Pre-‐‑‒Colonial
1.3. Colonial
1.4. Independence, Contemporary Politics, Conflicts & Civil Military Relations 8
2.0. ArCcles, Reports & Papers 11
2.1. Culture, Ethnicity & Sociology
2.2. Pre-‐‑‒Colonial
2.3. Colonial
2.4. Political Economy & Development
2.5. Politics, Conflicts, Geopolitics & Civil Military Relations
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1)
0.0. Introduction
This bibliography is intended to be a general resource for studying and researching contemporary Mauritanian poli7cs, oriented toward an English-­‐speaking audience. It includes some resources in languages other than English in which readers are likely to have some level of proficiency, such as French, Spanish, German, Italian and Arabic. The bibliography is divided into two sec7ons: (1.) Books, chapters and disserta7ons (including theses) and (2.) ar7cles, reports and papers. These are subdivided by subject and period. The subsec7ons are meant to be broad and easily understood. The subsec7ons do not always directly correspond in the two sec7ons; the subjec7on on “Poli7cal Economy and Development” (2.4), for example, does not correspond directly with a subjec7on in Sec7on 1. This is mostly due to limited number of books and chapters dealing specifically with poli7cal economy or development included in Sec7on 1; such sources are included in the other subjec7ons of Sec7on 1. This is structural and not intended to confuse or irritate readers. The bibliography is not meant to be totally comprehensive but aims to assist in becoming generally acquainted with Mauritania’s history and poli7cs. Future itera7ons can hopefully include more specific topical classifica7ons and include more material as the literature expands and becomes available. 0.1. What this Bibliography Does and Does not Include
The majority of the sources here are in English or French, though reports and books in Arabic, Spanish and German are included as well to compensate for the rela7ve scarcity of sources in English. Most of the sources here are from the late 1960s on and emphasis is placed on ar7cles dealing with contemporary poli7cs and poli7cal economy. Sources on cultural, ethnic and religious issues are meant to provide a basis for a general introduc7on to those issues in the context of wider social and poli7cal trends addressed in the other sec7ons. The bulk of the resources here, especially the ar7cles and papers, deal with contemporary, post-­‐independence poli7cs and government. That sec7on also emphasizes foreign rela7ons and conflicts in the last two decades. The vast majority of the resources listed here are from books and academic journals or periodicals. Newspaper and magazine ar7cles are not generally included unless they An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 1
are especially relevant to or representa7ve of some major historical event or period. Periodic reports from Human Rights Watch and Amnesty Interna7onal are also included where especially informa7ve in a similar regard. A list of Mauritanian newspapers and press sources is also not included.
0.2. Useful Resources Not Included Here
Useful annual or quarterly reports from government or UN agencies and private research groups such as the US Sate Department (human rights reports and investment guides), UN Development Program (Human Development Reports), UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD Investment Guides), UN Human Rights Council (reports on contemporary forms of slavery), The Economist Intelligence Unit (Country Reports), Africa Research Bulle7n, Africa South of the Sahara, Africa Confiden7al, Freedom House and so on are not included but ought to be sought out by those interested in the most up to date informa7on on current affairs and economic issues in Mauritania and be acquired with rela7ve ease. Government documents are not included here but can be found in the annual Africa Contemporary Record: Annual Survey and Documents, along with important economic and poli7cal informa7on. The Mauritanian Bar Associa7on publishes monthly and yearly reports on its website. The West African Arabic Manuscript Project at Northwestern University, which includes excellent online collec7ons of historic Arabic documents on a range of subjects from all over west Africa, including Mauritania, is an excellent resource for English-­‐speakers. The Bri7sh Na7onal Archives collec7on on Senegal and Mauritania is somewhat limited but can be of some general auxiliary use. There are a number of useful online bibliographies including notable Mauritania pages from Stanford University, the University of Pennsylvania, Columbia University and the US Library of Congress Country Studies. This bibliography does not include archival material or maps and other such data but the bibliographies in the longer books, especially Pazzanita’s Historical Dic-onary of Mauritania (2008), are invaluable resources for more detailed works on historical, economic and poli7cal informa7on. This bibliography does not have an independent sec7on on bibliographies about Mauritania but for readers’ benefit the most extensive and detailed such volumes include:
1. Calderini, S., Cortese, D., and Webb, J. Mauritania: World Bibliographical Series, (Oxford: Clio Press, 1992).
2. Ould Hamody, Mohamed Said. Bibliographie générale de la Mauritanie, (Nouakchoe: Centre culturel français de Nouakchoe, 1995).
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 2
Hopefully, this brief and digital bibliography can be of use to those beginning to research Mauritania’s poli7cs and foreign affairs by offering a sense of the kinds of resources and literature available on that rela7vely understudied and obscure na7on. 0.3. Otherwise
Please send comments, ques7ons, recommenda7ons/sugges7ons and correc7ons to: [email protected]. A special thanks to: Aaron Zelin, Nasser Weddady, Aron Lund, Erin Pekgrew and others for assistance and advice in compiling this bibliography. Kal
November, 2011
Boston, M.A.
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 3
1.0. Books, Chapters & Dissertations
1.1. Culture, Ethnicity & Sociology
1. Abeille, Barbara. A Study of Female Life in Mauritania, (Washington: Agency for Interna7onal Development, 1979).
2. Anthonioz, Raphaëlle. Les Imragen, pêcheurs nomades de Mauritanie (El Manghar), (Paris: École pra7que des hautes études, 1963).
3. Bibed, Fa7ma. “Les Kunta à travers quelques extraits de l'ouvrage Al-­‐Tara'if wa l'tala'id de 1756 à 1826,” (PhD thesis, Université d'Aix-­‐Marseille 1, 1997).
4. Bruce Hall, A History of Race in Muslim West Africa: 1600-­‐1960, (Cambridge: UK, Cambridge University Press, 2011).
5. Camps, G. “Beginnings of Pastoralism and Cul7va7on in north-­‐west Africa and the Sahara: Origins of the Berbers,” in eds. Clark, J. Desmond, The Cambridge History of Africa, Vol. 1, From the Earliest Times to c. 500 B.C., (Cambridge: UK, Cambridge University Press, 1982).
6. Coeon, Samuel. Silent Terror: A Journey into Contemporary African Slavery, (New York: Harlem River Press, 1998).
7. Diallo, Amadou. "Réflexions sur la ques7on na7onale en Mauritanie," in An-­‐
nuaire de l'Afrique duNord, 1982, 21, (Paris: Edi7ons du Centre Na7onal de laRecherche Scien7fique, 1984).
8. Diallo, Bios. De la naissance au mariage chez les Peuls de Mauritanie, (Paris: Karthala, 2004).
9. Gaudio, Akllio. Les popula-ons du Sahara occidental: Histoire, vie et culture, (Paris: Karthala, 1993).
10.Gerteiny, Alfred G. "Moors," in eds. Weekes, R., Muslim Peoples: A World Eth-­‐
nographic Survey, (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1978).
11.Guignard, E. Musique, honneur et plaisir au Sahara: Etude psychosociologique et musicologique de lasociété Maure, (Paris: Geuthner, 1975).
12.Hudson, Peter. Travels in Mauritania, (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1991). 13.De Laiglesia, Antonio Carlos. Breve estudio sobre las tribus moras de Maurita-­‐
nia, (Madrid: Ins7tuto Hispano Arabe de Cultura, 1985).
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 4
14.De Noray, Marie-­‐Laure. Le livre des Imraguen: pêcheurs du banc d'Arguin en Mauritanie, (Paris: Buchet-­‐Chastel, 2006).
15.Ould Ahmedou, El Ghassem. Enseignment tradi-onnel en Mauritanie: la ma-­‐
hadra ou l'école "à dos de chameau, (Paris: l’Harmaean, 1997).
16.Ould Salem, Hamadullah. ‫ـ"ى‬$‫ـ‬%‫ ا&ـ‬ ‫ ا&ـ*ـ)ـ"اء‬ +, -‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬/"‫ـ‬0‫ ا&ـ‬ -‫ـ‬,1‫ـ‬2‫ـ‬3‫ ا&ـ‬ ‫ و‬ ‫م‬6‫ـ‬78‫ا‬, (Bei-­‐
rut: Dar al-­‐Kutub al-­‐‘Ilmiyyah, 2010).
1. -ّ‫ـ‬$‫ـ‬/ّ"‫ـ‬: ‫ <ـ"ب‬ =‫ إ&ـ‬ -‫@ـ?ـ‬A‫ـ‬2‫ ا&ـ‬ ‫ر‬C‫ـ*ـ‬0‫ ا&ـ‬ DE ،)1‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬G1‫ـ‬H‫ر@ـ‬C‫ـ‬E( +‫ـ‬I‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬%‫ـ‬J‫ـ‬: ‫د‬6‫ـ‬/ L‫ر@ـ‬1‫ـ‬M Beirut: Dar al-­‐Kutub al-­‐( , .-‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬GC‫ـ‬H‫ـ?ـ‬N‫ ا&ـ‬ O‫ـ‬P‫ّو‬A‫ـ‬/‫ ا‬ -‫ دو&ـ‬ ‫ و‬ "‫ـ‬Q1‫ـ‬J‫ ا&ـ‬ ‫د‬R‫ أو‬ D‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬/ ‫ـ"ى‬$‫ـ‬%‫ا&ـ‬
.)‘Ilmiyyah, 2010
17.Sene, Sidi. The Ignored Cries of Pain and Injus-ce from Mauritania, (Blooming-­‐
ton: Trafford Publishing, 2011).
18.Stewart, C. C. Islam and Social Order in Mauritania, (London: Oxford University Press, 1973).
19.Thioune, Zahra. “Mauritania’s Poli7cal Transi7on: Ethnicity as a Central Issue in the 2007 Presiden7al Elec7ons,” (MA disserta7on, School of Oriental and Afri-­‐
can Studies, September, 2007).
20.Vaughan, James H., Jr. "Caste Systems in the Western Sudan," in eds. Tuden, A. and Plotnicov, L., Social Stra-fica-on in Africa, (New York: Free Press, 1970).
21.Whitcomb, Thomas Edward. “The Origins and Emergence of the Tribe Kunta: A Contribu7on to the History of the Western Sahara between the Almoravid Pe-­‐
riod and the Seventeenth Century,” (PhD thesis, University of London, 1978).
1.2. Pre-­‐Colonial
1. Cara7ni, Sophie. Les Rgaybāt: 1610-­‐1934 (Tome 1): Des chameliers à la con-­‐
quête d'un territoire, (Paris: L’Harmaean, 1989).
1. Les Rgaybat: 1610-­‐1934 (Tome 2): Territoire et Société, (Paris: L’Harmaean, 1989).
2. Cleaveland, Timothy. Becoming Walata: A History of Saharan Social Forma-­‐
-ons and Transforma-ons (Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, 2002).
3. Corral, José. Ciudades de las caravanas: alarifes del Islam en el desierto, (Ma-­‐
drid: Blume, 1985).
1. Ciudades de las caravanas: i-nerarios de arquitectura an-gua en Maurita-­‐
nia, 1978–1981, (Seville: Junta de Andalucía, Consejería de Cultura, 2000).
4. Gaudio, Akllio. (Ed.) Les Bibliothèques du désert, (Paris: L’Harmaean, 2002).
5. El Hamel, Chouki. La vie intellectuelle islamique dans le Sahel Ouest-­‐Africain (XVIe-­‐XIXe siècles): Une étude sociale de l’enseignement islamique en Maurita-­‐
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 5
nie et au Nord du Mali (XVIe-­‐XIXe siècles) et traduc-on annotée de Fath ash-­‐
shakur d’al-­‐Bar7li al Walata (mort en 1805) (Paris: l’Harmaean, 2002).
6. Krätli, Graziano and Lydon, Ghislaine (eds.). “The Trans-­‐Sharan Book Trade: Manuscript Culture, Arabic Literacy and Intellectual History in Muslim Africa,” Ed. Gameson, Richard. Library of the Wrijen World, Vol. 8: The Manuscript World,Vol. 3, (Boston: Brill, 2011).
7. Lydon, Ghislaine. On Trans-­‐Saharan Trails: Islamic Law, Trade Networks and Cross-­‐Cultural Exchange in Nineteenth-­‐Century Western Africa. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2009. 8. McDougall, E. Ann. "The Ijil Salt Industry: Its Role in the Pre-­‐Colonial Econ-­‐
omy of the Western Sudan," (PhD thesis, University of Birmingham, 1980).
9. Michael Taylor, Raymond. “Of Disciples and Sultans: Power, Authority, and So-­‐
ciety in the Nineteenth Century Mauritanian Gebla," PhD thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-­‐Champaign, 1996.
10.Norris, H. T. The Pilgrimage of Ahmad, Son of the Lijle Bird of Paradise: An Ac-­‐
count of a 19th Century Pilgrimage from Mauritania to Mecca, (London: Aris & Phillips, 1977).
11.Ould Cheikh, Abdel Wedoud. “Nomadisme, Islam, et pouvoir poli7que dans la société maure précoloniale (XIème siècle au XIXème siècle): Essai sur quelques aspects du tribalisme,” (Unpublished PhD disserta7on, Paris V René Descartes, 1985). 12.Ould Hamody, Mohamed Said. Mauritanie, 1445-­‐1975: Rela-ons seculaires ave l’Europe. (Paris: IMRS, 2004).
13.Ould al-­‐Husayn, al-­‐Nini. 1‫ـ‬T‫ـ‬N‫ـ‬U1‫ـ‬V‫ـ‬M ‫ و‬ 1‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬G1‫ـ‬H‫ر@ـ‬C‫ـ‬E L‫ر@ـ‬1‫ـ‬H‫ &ـ‬ -‫ـ‬7‫ درا‬ ،D‫ـ‬.‫ـ?ـ‬3‫ـ‬N‫ ا&ـ?ـ‬ ‫ـ)ـ"اء‬Q =‫ إ&ـ‬ ‫ م‬ 8 / ‫ـ‬W 2 ‫ـ"ن‬2‫ ا&ـ‬ Y‫ـ*ـ‬H‫ـ‬J‫ـ‬E DE Z‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬7C‫ ا&ـ‬ "‫ـ*ـ‬0‫ ا&ـ‬ ‫ل‬6‫ \ـ‬ +‫ـ?ـ‬.‫ـ‬N‫]ـ‬8‫ ا‬ 1‫ـ‬T‫ـ‬I‫ـ‬.‫ـ)ـ‬E ^‫ـ‬E ‫ م‬ 11 / ‫ـ‬W 5 ‫ـ"ن‬2‫ ا&ـ‬ -‫@ـ‬1‫ـ‬T‫ـ‬G, (Beirut: Dar al-­‐Madar al-­‐Islami, 2007).
14.Ould Khalifa, Abdallah. La région du Tagant en Mauritanie: L'oasis de Tijigja entre 1660 et 1960. (Paris: Karthala, 1998).
15.Rebstock, U. Sammlung arabischer Handschrinen aus Mauretanien: Kurzbeschreibungen von 2239 Handschrinenein heiten mit Indices, (Wies-­‐
baden: Harrassowitz, 1989).
1. (Eds. with Ahmed Ould M. Yahya and Ibrahim Chabbouh), ‫ت‬1`CIaE ‫"س‬T, 1.G1M‫ر‬CE -­‐ cMR‫ وو‬ c?0G, (London: Al Furqan Heritage Founda7on, 2003).
16.Stewart, Charles C. "Poli7cal Authority and Social Stra7fica7onin Mauritania," in eds. Gellner, E. and Micaud, C., Arabs and Berbers: From Tribe to Na-on in North Africa, (London: Gerald Duckworth, 1973).
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 6
17.Webb, James. Desert fron-er: ecological and economic change along the Western Sahel, 1600-­‐1850, (Madison, WI: The University of Wisconsin Press, 1995).
1.3. Colonial
1. Abou Sall, Ibrahima. Mauritanie du sud: Conquêtes et administra-on coloniales françaises, 1890-­‐1945. (Paris: Karthala, 2007).
2. Cara7ni, Sophie. L'Éduca-on saharienne d'un képi noir: Mauritanie 1933-­‐1935, (Paris: L'Harmaean, 2002).
3. Jus, Christelle. Soudan français-­‐Mauritanie, une géopoli-que coloniale (1880-­‐
1963): tracer une ligne dans le sable, (Paris: L’Harmaean, 2003).
4. Marty, Paul. Études sur l’Islam et les tribus maures: les Brakna, (Paris: E. Leroux, 1921).
1. La poli-que indigène du gouverneur général Ponty en Afrique occidentale française : in memoriam, (Paris: E. Leroux, 1915). 2. Les tribus de la Haute Mauritanie, (Paris: Comité de l’Afrique française, 1915).
3. Études sur l'Islam maure: Cheikh Sidïa. Les Fadelia. Les Ida ou Ali, (Paris E. Leroux, 1916).
4. L'Émirat des Trarzas, (Paris: E. Leroux, 1919).
5. Études sur l’Islam et les tribus maures: les Brakna, (Paris: E. Leroux, 1921). 5. McDougall, E. Ann. “Slavery, Sorcery and Colonial ‘Reality’ in Mauritania,” in eds. Youé, C. and Stapleton, T., Agency and Ac-on in Colonial Africa: Essays for John E. Flint, (Basingstoke and New York: Palgrave, 2001).
6. Ould El Bara, Yahya, “Les théologiens mauritaniens face au colonialisme fran-­‐
çais : étude de fatwas de jurisprudence musulmane,” in eds. Robinson, D. and Triaud, J., Les temps des marabouts : I-néraires et stratégies islamiques en Afrique occidentale française v. 1880-­‐1960, (Paris: Karthala, 1997).
7. Ould Miske, Ahmed-­‐Baba. Al-­‐Wasit: Tableau de la Mauritanie au début du XXe siècle, (Paris: Klincksiek, 1970).
8. Robinson, David. Paths of Accommoda-on: Muslim Socie-es and French Colo-­‐
nial Authori-es in Senegal and Mauritania, 1880-­‐1920, (Athens, OH: Ohio UP, 2000).
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 7
1.4. Independence, Contemporary PoliCcs, Conflicts & Civil Military RelaCons
1. Banegas, Richard. Mauritanie, la démocra-e au coup par coup, (Paris: Karthala, 2009).
2. de Chassey, Francis. Mauritanie 1900-­‐1975 de l'ordre colonial à l'ordre néo-­‐co-­‐
lonial entre Maghreb et Afrique Noire, (Paris: Edi7ons Anthropos, 1978).
3. Cissé, Hélène N.V. Afrique de l’ouest: L’harmonisa-on des législa-ons na-on-­‐
ales sur les armes légères: Critères de convergence appliqués au Sénégal, au Mali et au Niger, GRIP report 2005/5, (Brussels: Groupe de recherche et d’in-­‐
forma7on sur la paix et la sécurité, 2005).
4. Ciavolella, Riccardo. Les Peuls et l'état en Mauritanie: une anthropologie des marges. (Paris: Karthala, 2010).
5. Delcalo, Samuel. "Praetorianism, Corporate Grievances, andIdiosyncra7c Fac-­‐
tors in African Military Hierarchies," in eds. Doro, M. and Stultz, N., Governing in Black Africa, (New York: Africana, 1986).
6. Désiré-­‐Vuillemin, Geneviève. Histoire de la Mauritanie: des origines à l'indé-­‐
pendance, (Paris: Edi7ons Karthala, 1997).
7. Fleischman, Janet. Mauritania’s Campaign of Terror, (New York: Human Rights Watch Africa, 1994).
8. Foster, Noel. Mauritania: The Struggle for Democracy, (Boulder: First Forum Press, 2010).
9. Hamerlynck, Olivier; Duvail, Stéphanie. The Rehabilita-on of the Delta of the Senegal River in Mauritania: Fielding the Ecosystem Approach. (IUCN, 2003).
10.Hodges, Tony. The Western Sahara: The Roots of a Desert War. (Chicago: Law-­‐
rence Hill & Co., 1983)
11.Jourde, Cédric. “Dramas of Ethnic Elites Accommoda7on: The Authoritarian Restora7on in Mauritania,” Unpublished PhD disserta7on, University of Wis-­‐
consin – Madison, 2002.
12.Mahmoud, Yahia Mohamed. “Chinese Foreign Aid: The Tale of a Silent Enter-­‐
prise,” in Sörensen, Jens S7lhoff, Challenging the Aid Paradigm: Western Cur-­‐
rents and Asian Altena-ves, (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010).
13.Mohamedou, Mohamed-­‐Mahmoud. Societal Transi-on to Democracy in Mau-­‐
ritania, (Cairo: Ibn Khaldoun Center for Development and Human Rights, 1995).
14.Marchesin, Philippe. Tribus, ethnies et pouvoir en Mauritanie. (Paris: Karthala, 2010).
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 8
15.Meskerem, Brhane. “Narra7ves of the Past, Poli7cs of the Present: Iden7ty, Subordina7on and the Hara7nes of Mauritania,” (PhD disserta7on, University of Chicago, 1997). 16.Ould Ahmed Salem, Zekeria (ed.), Les trajectoires d’un état-­‐fron-ère: espaces, évolu-on poli-que, et transforma-ons sociales en Mauritanie (Dakar: CO-­‐
DESRIA, 2004).
1. “Islam in Mauritania between Poli7cal Expansion and Globaliza7on: Elites, Ins7tu7ons, Knowledge, and Networks,” in Islam and Muslim Poli-cs in Af-­‐
rica, Benjamin F. Soares and René Otayek, eds. New York: Palgrave Macmil-­‐
lan, 2007: 27-­‐46.
17.Ould Daddah, Moktar. La Mauritanie: contre vents et marées (Paris: Karthala, 2003).
18.Ould Ishedou, Mohamed. 1.G1H@‫ر‬CE +, d%)&‫ ا‬ -E‫أز‬, (Nouakchoe: Dar al-­‐Fakr, 2010).
19.Ould-­‐Mey, Mohameden. Global Restructuring and Peripheral States: The Car-­‐
rot and the S-ck in Mauritania. (Lanham: Rowman & Lielefield, 1996).
1. “Mauritania between the Hammer of Economic Globaliza7on and the Anvil of Mul7party Fac7onalism,” in Yahia Zoubir and Haizam Amirah-­‐Fernández, eds. North Africa: Poli-cs, Region, and the Limits of Transforma-on, (Lon-­‐
don: Routledge, 2008), pp. 71–89.
20.Ould Saleck, El-­‐Arby. “Le paradoxe de l'aboli7on de l'esclavage et l'enjeu poli-­‐
7que de la ques7on hara7ne en Mauritanie,” (PhD thesis, Université Paris 1, 2000).
1. Les Hara-nes: Le paysage poli-que mauritanien. (Paris: L’Harmaean, 2003).
21.Ould Sheikhna, Sid ‘Amrou. ‫ل‬62H7R‫ ا‬ -.J.f?\ ".W1gE‫ و‬ ‫ن‬6U‫ أ‬ DE. An-­‐Nasher, 2010.
22.Ould Sheikhna, Sid ‘Amrou. (-­‐1957) ‫ول‬h‫ ا‬ ‫ء‬ij&‫ ا‬ ،kl1m‫ وو‬ ‫دات‬1T: :‫"ة‬Q10o‫ ا‬ 1.G1H@‫ر‬CE
‫ م‬ 1988, (Dar al-­‐Fakr, 2010).
23.Ould Sidi Baba, Mohamed Lamine. 1‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬G1‫ـ‬H‫ر@ـ‬C‫ـ‬E +, -‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬71‫ـ‬.‫ـ‬f‫ ا&ـ‬ -‫ـ‬P‫ر‬1‫ـ‬g‫ ا&ـ?ـ‬ "‫ـ‬W1‫ـ‬p‫ـ‬E , (Beirut: Markaz Dirasat al-­‐Wahdah al-­‐‘Arabiyyah, 2005).
24.Pazzanita, Anthony G. Historical Dic-onary of Mauritania. (Lanham: Scarecrow Press, 2008) 25.Ruf, Urs Peter. Ending Slavery: Hierarchy, Dependency, and Gender in Central Mauritania, (Transcript Verlag, 2001).
26.Thompson,V. and Adlof, R. The Western Saharans: Background to Conflict. (New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1980).
27.Yatera, Samba. La Mauritanie: immigra-on et développement dans la vallée du fleuve Sénégal. (Paris: l’Harmaean, 1996). An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 9
28.Villasainte-­‐de Beauvais, Mariella, ed. Groupes serviles au sahara: approche compara-ve à par-r du cas des arabophones de Mauritanie, (Paris: CNRS, 2000).
29.Weddady, Mohamed Mahmoud. ، ‫ـ"ي‬%‫ـ‬f‫ـ‬U d‫ـ‬%‫ <ـ‬ +, +‫ـ‬GA‫ـ‬E "‫ وز@ـ‬ -‫ـ‬/"‫ـ‬j‫ـ‬M ، i‫ز@ـ‬C‫ ا&ـ‬ 1987-­‐1985, (Beirut: Dar al-­‐Arabiyyah lil-­‐Mawsu’at, 2008).
30.Westebbe, Richard M. The Economy of Mauritania, (New York: Praeger, 1971).
An Introductory Mauritania Bibliography (1) 10
2.0. Articles, Reports & Papers
2.1. Culture, Ethnicity & Sociology
1. Bernus, E. “Points cardinaux : les critères de désigna7ons chez les nomades touaregs et maures,” Bulle-n des études africaines de l'Inalco, Vol. I, No. 2 (1982)r, pp. 101-­‐105.
2. Boubrik, Rahal. Fondateur et héri7ers. “La ges7on d'une succession confréri-­‐
que (Mauritanie),” Cahiers d'Études Africaines, Vol. 40, Cahier 159 (2000), pp. 433-­‐465.
3. Brenez, Jacques. “L'observa7on démographique des milieux nomades. L'en-­‐
quête de Mauritanie,”Popula-on (Fr.), 26e Année, No. 4 (Jul. -­‐ Aug., 1971), pp. 721-­‐736.
4. Brenner, Louis and Robinson, David. “Project for the Conserva7on of Malian Arabic Manuscripts,” History in Africa, Vol. 7, (1980), pp. 329-­‐332. 5. Bullard, Alice. “Mauritanian Ac7vists' Struggle against Slavery,”Middle East Re-­‐
port, No. 223 (Summer, 2002), pp. 14-­‐17.
6. Chapelle, J. “Les nomades du Sahara méridional: les Maures,” Tropiques, No. 304, (Nov., 1948), pp. 5-­‐15.
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