Liste d`ouvrages à numériser


Liste d`ouvrages à numériser
ICCROM Scanning Project / Projet de numérisation de l’ICCROM
(as of 19 December 2012 / à partir du 19 décembre 2012)
The ICCROM Library and Communications Service are very happy to announce
the scanning and digitization of past ICCROM and ICCM (International Council of
the Conservation of Mosaics) publications.
La Bibliothèque de l’ICCROM et le Service de communication sont très heureux
d’annoncer la numérisation des anciennes publications de l’ICCROM et de
l’ICCM (Comité international pour la conservation des mosaïques).
Book scanning list / Liste d’ouvrages à numériser
International inventory of the museum laboratories and restoration
workshops / Répertoire des laboratoires de musée et ateliers de
restauration, 1960
Iniguez, Alteración de calizas y areniscas como materiales de construcción,
Iniguez, Altération des calcaires et des grès utilisés dans la construction,
Massari, L'umidità nei monumenti, 1969
Schutze, Techniques de conservation et de restauration des monuments :
terrains et foundations, 1970
Massari, Humidity in Monuments, 1971
Foramitti, Mesures de sécurité et d'urgence pour la protection des biens
culturels, 1972
Mühlethaler, Conservation of Waterlogged Wood and Wet Leather, 1973
Foramitti, La Photogrammétrie au service des conservateurs, 2e ed., 1973
10. Carbonell, Quelques aspects du relevé photogrammétrique des monuments
et des centres historiques = Photogrammetry applied to the study and
conservation of historic centres, 1974
11. Marasovic, Methodological proceedings for the protection and revitalization
of historic sites : Experiences of Split, 1975
ICCROM Scanning Project, 19 Dec 2012 / Projet de numérisation de l’ICCROM, 19 déc 2012
12. Gazzola, The Past in the Future, 2nd ed., 1975
13. Rockwell (ed.), Conservation dans les musées : éclairage = Museum
conservation : lighting = Conservazione nei musei : illuminazione, 1975
14. Bachmann, La conservation durant les expositions temporaires =
Conservation during temporary exhibitions, 1975
15. Stambolov, The deterioration and conservation of porous building materials
in monuments : 2nd enlarged ed., 1976
16. Sécurité dans les musées, le vol. Museum security, theft. Sicurezza nei
musei, il furto, 1977
17. Mora, Philippot, La conservation des peintures murales, 1977
18. Mosaique n. 1. Deterioration et conservation. Actes du premier symposium
international sur la conservation des mosaiques, Rome, 2 - 5 novembre
19. Architectural conservation and environmental education : conclusions of the
symposium, Rome 1975 = Conservation architecturale et education à
l'environnement : conclusions du symposium, Rome, 1975
20. Torraca, Solubilité et solvants utilisés pour la conservation des biens
culturels, 1980
21. Third international symposium on mudbrick (adobe) preservation. Ankara,
29 September-4 October 1980
22. France-Lanord, Ancient metals, structure and characteristics : technical
cards = Métaux anciens, structure et caracteristiques : fiches techniques,
23. Mosaics n. 1. Deterioration and conservation. Proceedings of the first
international symposium on the conservation of mosaics, Rome, 2 - 5 Nov.
24. Mosaique n. 2: sauvegarde, Carthage 1978, Périgueux 1980
25. Torraca, Solubilidad y disolventes en los problemas de conservación, 1a ed.,
26. Mortars, cements and grouts used in the conservation of historic buildings :
symposium, Rome, 3-6 Nov. 1981 = Mortiers, ciments et coulis utilisés dans
ICCROM Scanning Project, 19 Dec 2012 / Projet de numérisation de l’ICCROM, 19 déc 2012
27. De Angelis D’Ossat, Guide to the methodical study of monuments and
causes of their deterioration = Guida allo studio metodico dei monumenti e
delle loro cause di deterioramento, 1982
28. De Angelis D’Ossat, Estudio de los monumentos desde el punto de vista
histórico, artistico y técnico, 1982
29. Réunion internationale des coordinateurs pour la formation en conservation
architecturale = International meeting of coordinators of training in
architectural conservation, 1983
30. Mosaics no. 2: safeguard, Carthage 1978, Perigueux 1980, publ. 1983
31. Stanley-Price, La conservación en excavaciones arqueológicas, 1984
32. Conservation in situ : proceedings of the 3rd conference of the international
committee for the conservation of mosaics. Aquileia, 3-7 Oct. 1983, publ.
33. Rockwell, García (eds.), Ironworks and iron monuments : study,
conservation and adaptive use = Etude conservation et reutilisation de
forges et monuments en fer : symposium Ironbridge, 23-25 October 1984,
publ. 1985
34. Gallo, Biological factors in deterioration of paper = Facteurs biologiques de
détérioration du papier, 1985
35. Brock, Giuliani, Moisescu, Il centro antico di Capua. Metodi d'analisi per la
pianificazione architettonico-urbanistica = The Ancient Centre of Capua Analytical Methods for Urban Planning, 1973
36. Preventive measures during excavation and site protection: conference,
Ghent, 6-8 November 1985 = Mesures préventives en cours de fouilles et
protection du site: conférence, Gand, 6-8 novembre 1985, publ. 1986
37. Torraca, Matériaux de construction poreux : science des matériaux pour la
conservation architecturale, 1986
38. Conservation of metal statuary and architectural decoration in open-air
exposure = Conservation des oeuvres d'art et decorations en métal
exposées en plein air : symposium, Paris, 6-8.X.1986, publ. 1987
ICCROM Scanning Project, 19 Dec 2012 / Projet de numérisation de l’ICCROM, 19 déc 2012
39. Guichen, El clima en los museos. Medición. Fichas tecnicas / Guichen, Gael
De , Lima/roma: Pnud/unesco. Iccrom, 1987 ; 48, ill., 20 cm ,
40. Mosaics no. 2: safeguard [Arabic], 1987
41. Conservación in situ, Soria, 1986 (Mosaicos n. 4, mosaique n. 4, mosaics n.
4, 3a conferencia general del comite internacional para la conservación de
mosaicos) publ 1987
42. Guichen, Climate in museums: measurement = Climat dans le musée:
mesure, 2nd ed., 1984 repr. 1988
43. Alva Balderrama, 5th International Meeting of Experts on the Conservation
of Earthen Architecture = 5e Réunion internationale d'experts sur la
conservation de l'architecture de terre, 1987, publ. 1988
44. Massari, Humidity in monuments [Arabic], 1988
45. Carbonell, Photogrammétrie appliquée aux relevés des monuments et des
centres historiques = Photogrammetry applied to surveys of monuments
and historic centres, 1989
46. Guichen, Climate in museums: measurement, technical cards [Arabic], 1989
47. Agrawal, Conservation of metals in humid climate: proceedings of the Asian
Regional Seminar held from 7-12 December, 1987 publ. 1989
48. Torraca, Solubilità e solventi: note per restauratori, 1989
49. Stuctural conservation of stone masonry : International technical conference,
Athens, 31.X.-3.XI.1989 = Conservation structurelle de la maçonnerie en
Pierre : conférence internationale technique, Athènes, 31.X-3.XI.1989 publ.
50. Caneva, Nugari, Salvadori, Biology in the conservation of works of art, 1991
51. Ferretti, Scientific investigations of works of art, 1993
52. Gallo, Il biodeterioramento di libri e documenti, 1992
53. Massari, Damp buildings, old and new, 1993
54. Charola, Koestler, Lombardi (eds.), Lavas and volcanic tuffs: proceedings of
the international meeting, Easter Island, Chile, 25-31 October 1990 publ.
ICCROM Scanning Project, 19 Dec 2012 / Projet de numérisation de l’ICCROM, 19 déc 2012
55. Conservación in situ, Palencia, 1990 (Mosaicos, N. 5, Conférence générale
du Comité international sur la mosaïque n. 4) publ 1994
56. Conservation, protection, presentation = Conservação, protecção,
apresentação: fifth conference of the International Committee for the
conservation of mosaics, Faro - Conimbriga, 4-8 October 1993 (Mosaics, N.
6) publ 1994
57. Masschelein-Kleiner, Ancient binding media, varnishes and adhesives, 2nd
ed., 1995
58. The safeguard of the rock-hewn churches of the Göreme valley:
proceedings of an international seminar, Ürgüp, Cappadocia, Turkey, 5-10
September 1993, publ. 1995
59. Stanley-Price, Conservation on archaeological excavations: with particular
reference to the Mediterranean area, 2nd ed., 1995
60. Methods of evaluating products for the conservation of porous building
materials in monuments: preprints of the international colloquium, Rome,
19-21 June 1995
61. Feilden, Jokilehto, Guide de gestion des sites du patrimoine culturel mondial,
62. Western medieval wall paintings: studies and conservation experiences.
Sighisoara, Romania, 31 August - 3 September 1995, publ. 1997
63. Feilden, Jokilehto, Management guidelines for World Cultural Heritage sites,
2nd ed., 1998
64. Mora, Philippot, La conservazione delle pitture murali, 1999
65. ICCROM & Italia: quarant'anni per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale =
ICCROM & Italie: quarante ans pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine culturel,
66. ICCROM & Italia: quarant'anni per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale =
ICCROM & Italy: forty years for the safeguard of cultural heritage, 2000
67. University postgraduate curricula for conservation scientists: proceedings of
the international seminar, Bologna, Italy, 26-27 November 1999 publ 2000
68. Blondé (ed.), Jeunes et sauvegarde du patrimoine = Youth and the
safeguard of heritage, 2000
ICCROM Scanning Project, 19 Dec 2012 / Projet de numérisation de l’ICCROM, 19 déc 2012
69. Pardo (ed.), Presse et sauvegarde du patrimoine = The press and the
safeguard of heritage, 2000
70. Schmidt (ed.), GRADOC, Graphic documentation systems in mural painting
conservation, research seminar, Rome, 16-20 November 1999 publ. 2000
71. Michaelides (ed.), Mosaics make a site: the conservation in situ of mosaics
on archaeological sites : proceedings of the VIth conference of the
International Committee for the Conservation of Mosaics, Nicosia, Cyprus,
72. Stovel, Preparación ante el riesgo: un manual para el manejo del patrimonio
cultural mundial, 2003
73. Feilden, Jokilehto, Manual para el manejo de los sitios del patrimonio
cultural mundial, 2003
74. Blanc, Blanc-Bijon (eds.), Les mosaïques: conserver pour présenter?
VIIème conférence du Comité international pour la conservation des
mosaïques, 22-28 novembre 1999, Arles, France: actes = Mosaics:
conserve to display? VIIth Conference of the international committee for the
conservation of mosaics, 22-28 November 1999, Arles : proceedings, publ
75. Feilden, Jokilehto, Management guidelines for World Cultural Heritage sites
[Arabic], 2005
76. Torraca, Solubility and solvents for conservation problems, 4th ed.,
reprinted 2005
77. Torraca, Solubility and solvents for conservation problems [Arabic]
78. Torraca, Porous building materials : materials science for architectural
conservation, reprinted 2005
79. Bakirtzis, Conference (VIIIth) of the International Committee for the
conservation of mosaics (ICCM). Wall and floor mosaics: conservation,
maintenance, presentation: Thessaloniki, 29 October - 3 November 2002:
proceedings, publ 2005
80. Stovel, Risk preparedness: a management manual for World Cultural
Heritage [Arabic], 2007
ICCROM Scanning Project, 19 Dec 2012 / Projet de numérisation de l’ICCROM, 19 déc 2012