CV -


CV -
Curriculum Vitae
Current addresses:
Lund university
Centre for languages and literature
Box 201
SE-221 00 LUND
Personal homepage:
Östratornsvägen 16
SE-224 68 LUND
E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +46-(0)46-222 48 14 (work)
Tel: +46-(0)46 389058 (home)
Date/place of birth: 14 September 1971 in Eskilstuna (Sweden)
Swedish nationality
Married, two children
Current and previous position(s)____________________________________________
2005Current: Assistant Professor of French Linguistics (forskarassistent)
Lund university, Centre for languages and literature, French (75% research)
2003-2005 Lecturer French (appr. 30%), researcher (appr. 30%), IT-pedagogue Humanist lab,
Centre for Languages and Literature (25-50%)
1999-2003 Phd-student, Lund university, Department of Romance Languages
Current and previous research project(s)_________________________________________
2005Current: Project leader and main researcher Direkt Profil, Lund university (Swedish/French)
Financed by The Swedish Research Council (VR)
2003-2005 Project leader and main researcher in “Inlärningsgångar i skriven L2
franska” (Developmental sequences in written L2 French” (together
with S. Schlyter) Erik Philip Sörensens stiftelse
External collaborator in the project L’espace dans la langue et dans la cognition.
[Space in language and in cognition] Maya Hickmann & Christian Champaud
(Université de Paris V, Paris, France)
1999-2002 Researcher in the DURS-project, Lund university
(Swedish only)
Project financed by the The Swedish Research Council
in Humanities and Social Science (HSFR/VR)
PhD in French linguistics. Lund University
Thesis title: L’Acquisition des categories fonctionnelles. Étude comparative du
développement du DP français chez des enfants et des adultes.
[The acquisition of functional categories. A comparative study of the development
of the French DP in children and adult learners.]
Supervisor: Professor Suzanne Schlyter, Lund
Co-supervisor: Professor Verner Egerland, Lund
Oscar II’s Scholarship The scholarship is awarded to the author of the best thesis of
the year in each faculty of Lund University
Listed among 33 young “supertalents” in research in a survey published by Svenska
Parental leaves______________________________________________________________
2000-10-01–2001- 04-30 100% parental leave
2004-01-01–2004-07-31 50% parental leave
Other research experience________________________________________
2008Principal director (huvudhandledare) for one PhD-student
2004Co-director of one PhD-student
2002Regular referee for different international reviews (Bilingualism,
Second Language Acquisition Research, etc)
1998-2000 Technician and administrator.
Computer maintenance and support (part time)
Department of Romance languages, Lund University
2005-2007 Bologna coordinator for the Department of Romance Languages, Lund university
especially French.
2003-2005 Teacher of Information Technology in language teaching and linguistic research,
Beta lab and Humanist lab, Lund university
2003Lecturer of French
Department of Romance languages, Lund University.
1996 - 2003 Teacher of French (grammar, literature etc)
Department of Romance languages, Lund university.
1997-1998 Teacher of French, Swedish and Media
Upper Secondary School of ProCivitas Gymnasium, Helsingborg
1997- 1998 CALL-developer (Computer Assisted Language
Learning) Department of Romance languages, Lund University
Employed in the LAFIN-project
(Learner Autonomy in French Assisted by Internet News) financed by
the Council for the Renewal of Undergraduate Education (together
with Paul Touati)
French: fluent
English: fluent
Italian: reading skills
Spanish: reading skills
List of publication as of 2007-12-03
[24 items]
Edited volumes
1. Granfeldt, J. & Schlyter, S. (eds.) (2005) Acquistion et production de la morphologie
flexionnelle. Actes du "Festival de la morphologie. PERLES, No 20.
2. Granfeldt, J. (ed.) (2007) Studies in Romance Bilingual Acquisition – Age of Onset and
Development of French and Spanish PERLES No 24.
3. Granfeldt, J., Håkansson, G., Källkvist, M., Schlyter, S. (utgv. under utarbetande)
Språkinlärning, språkdidaktik och teknologi. Rapport från ASLAs höstsymposium i Lund
8-9 november 2007.
Refereed articles and book chapters
4. Granfeldt (2006a) "Evaluation du niveau lexical et grammatical en français langue
étrangère écrit: l'apport des analyses automatiques". Revue Française de Linguistique
Appliquée 11(1): 103-119.
5. Granfeldt J. (2005) ”The development of gender assignement in bilingual first and second
language French”. In Dewaele, J.M (ed.) Focus on French a Foreign Language:
multidisciplinary approaches, pp 164-190. Clevdon : Multilingual Matters.
6. Granfeldt J. & Schlyter, S (2004) “Cliticisation in the acquisition of French as L1 and
L2”. In Paradis, J. & Prévost, P. (eds.) The Acquisition of French in Different Contexts:
Focus on Functional Categories, pp. 333-370. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Bejamins
7. Granfeldt, J. (2004) « Domaines syntaxiques et acquisition du français langue étrangère.
L'exemple du DP ». Acquisition et Interaction en Langue Étrangère (AILE) 21: 47-84.
8. Granfeldt, J. (2000a) “The acquisition of the Determiner Phrase in bilingual and second
language French”. Bilingualism : Language and Cognition, 3(3) : 263-280. Special issue:
Syntactic aspects of bilingual acquisition Guest editor: Fred Genesee.
Conferences with referees
9. Granfeldt, J. & Ågren, M. (in press) ”Grammatisk profilanalys och lärarbedömning: en
korrelationsstudie”. I Granfeldt, J. Håkansson, G., Källkvist, M. & Schlyter, S. (utgiv.)
Språkinlärning, språkdidaktik och teknologi. Rapport från ASLAs höstsymposium 8-9
november 2007 i Lund. [ca 16 sidor]
10. Granfeldt, J. (2008) Speaking and writing in L2 French: Exploring Effects on Fluency,
Accuracy and Complexity. Housen, A., van Daele, S & Pierrard, M. (eds.) Proceedings of
the conference on Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning
and Teaching. Brussels March 29-30, 2007. [ca 15 sidor].
11. Schlyter, S., Granfeldt, J. & Ågren, M. (2008) "Stades de développement en français –
perspectives historiques et futures". Proceedings of the conference on Complexity,
Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning and Teaching. Brussels March
29-30, 2007.
12. Granfeldt, J. & Nugues, P. (2007a). Evaluating stages of development in second language
French: A machine-learning approach. In Joakim Nivre, Heiki-Jaan Kaalep, Kadri
Muischnek, and Mare Koit (eds), NODALIDA 2007 Conference Proceedings, pages 7380, Tartu, May 25-26 2007. [8 sidor]
13. Granfeldt, J. & Nugues, P. (2007b). Évaluation des stades de développement en français
langue étrangère. In Nabil Hathout and Philippe Muller (eds), Actes de la 14e conférence
sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles (communications orales), volume
1, pages 357-366, Toulouse, 5-8 juin 2007. [10 sidor]
14. Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P. et al. (2006) "CEFLE and Direkt Profil: A New Computer
Learner Corpus in French L2 and a System for Grammatical Profiling". In Proceedings of
the 5th International Conference on Language Ressources and Evaluation, pages 565-570.
Genoa, Italy 22-28 May 2006.
15. Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P. et al. (2005) “Direkt profil: A system for evaluating texts of
second language learners of French based on developmental sequences”. In Proceedings
of The Second Workshop on Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language
Processing, 43rd Annual Meeting of the Association of Computational Linguistics, pages
53–60, Ann Arbor, June 29 2005.
16. Granfeldt, J. Nugues, P et al. (2005) « Direkt profil : un système d’évaluation de textes
d’élèves de français langue étrangère fondé sur les itinéraires d’acquisition ». In Actes de
la conférence Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles, TALN & RECITAL 2005,
Tome 1 – Conférences principales, pages 113–122, Dourdan, France, 6-10 juin 2005.
17. Granfeldt, J. (2003) « L’Acquisition des Catégories Fonctionnelles. Étude comparative du
développement du DP français chez des enfants et des apprenants adultes ». Etudes
romanes de Lund, 67. Institut d'Etudes romanes de Lund, Université de Lund.
18. Granfeldt, J., (2000b) ”Le développement morphosyntaxique du syntagme nominal chez
des enfants et des adultes-approche générativiste”. In PERLES no 9, Institut d'Etudes
Romanes de Lund. Licentiatavhandling.
Other publications (working papers and conference proceedings)
19. Granfeldt, J., Schlyter, S. & Kihlstedt, M. (2007) ”French as cL2, 2L1 and L1 in preschool children”. In Granfeldt, J. (ed.) Studies in Romance Bilingual Acquisition – Age of
Onset and Development of French and Spanish, PERLES No 24, pp. 6-42, Centre for
Languages and literature, University of Lund.
20. Granfeldt, J. (to appear) "Corpus et outils informatisés dans les recherches sur
l'acquisition des langues: méthodes, quelques résultats et perspectives". À paraître dans
Noyau, C. (ed.) Actes de la journée d'étude ' L'Acquisition des langues, une
interdisciplinarité nécessaire: Entre typologie des langues, linguistique textuelle et
psycholinguistique. Paris X-Nanterre, le 20 janvier 2006.
21. Granfeldt, J. (2006b) "Profils grammaticaux et lexicaux - à la recherche d'un rapport." In
Actes du XVIème Congrès des Romanistes Scandinaves. Publiés sur l'Internet par
l'Université de Roskilde.
22. Granfeldt, J. (2005) "Direkt Profil et deux études sur la morphologie verbale et les stades
de développement". In Granfeldt, J. et Schlyter, S. (éds.) "Acquistion et production de la
morphologie flexionnelle. Actes du "Festival de la morphologie", PERLES, No 20, pp.6588. Institut d'études romanes de Lund, Université de Lund
23. Granfeldt, J. & Schlyter, S., (2001) ”Acquisition of French subject pronouns in child and
adult learners”. In K.F Cantone & M-O. Hinzelin (eds.) Proceedings from the colloquium
on Structure, Acquisition and Change of Grammars: Phonological and Syntactic Aspects
[Working papers in Multilingualism, 26], pp. 89-105. Universität Hamburg.
24. Granfeldt, J. (1998) ”Acquisition de la place de l’adjectif épithète par des apprenants de
français langue étrangère”. In Actes du premier Congrès des Romanistes Scandinaves
pour étudiants en doctorat, PERLES no 6, 163-170, Institut d’Etudes Romanes, Lund.
Conference presentations
Invited speaker
(6) Schlyter, S. & Granfeldt, J. (2007) « Stades de développement en français – perspectives
historiques et futures ». Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Use, Learning &
Teaching March 29-30, 2007 Palace of the Academies, Brussels
(5) Granfeldt, J. (2007) ”Direkt Profil : ett program för utvecklingsgångar och utvecklingsstadier i
franska”. Seminarium, NAFS (Nationella provgruppen), Göteborgs universitet, 2007-03-09
(4) Granfeldt, J. (2006) “ Direkt Profil : a program for grammatical profiling and assessment of
L2 French”. Conference on Second Language Acquisition and Language Teaching. Universität
Paderborn, Germany, 2006-12-15.
(3) Granfeldt, J. (2006) ”Direkt Profil : ett program för utvecklingsgångar och utvecklingsstadier
i franska”. Fakultetsseminarium, Stockholms universitet, 2006-03-24.
(2) Granfeldt, J. (2006) "Corpus et outils informatisés dans les recherches sur l'acquisition des
langues: méthodes, quelques résultats et perspectives" Journée d'étude : L'acquisition des
langues, une interdisciplinarité nécessaire : Entre typologie des langues, linguistique textuelle et
psycholinguistique Paris X Nanterre, Paris, France 2006-01-20.
(1) Granfeldt, J. (2005) « Direkt Profil et le développement de la morphologie du français écrit
chez des apprenants suédophones » Journées francon-suédoises de linguistique. Organisées par le
Laboratoire ModyCo et Université de Paris X Nanterre Le vendredi 24 et le samedi 25 juin 2005
Presentations at conferences with reviews (examples)
(18) Granfeldt, J. & Nugues, P. (2008, september) “Working with the CEFR proficiency levels in
written L2 French: Some insights from the Direkt Profil project” Language Learning Roundtable
Pre-conference to EUROSLA 18. Aix-en-Provence, 10-13 september, 2008.
(17) Granfeldt, J. (2008, august) “Direkt Profil: a System for Grammatical Profiling and
Assessment of L2 development” AILA Conference Essen, Germany, 24-29 august.
(16) Granfeldt, J. (2008, june) A New Look at Modality Effects in L2 French: Grammatical Complexity
and Accuracy in Writing 11th international conference of the EARLI Special Interest Group on
Writing, Lund 11-13 June 2008.
(15) Granfeldt, J. (2007) A data-mining approach to stages of development in second language
French. EUROSLA 17, Newcastle, England, September 11-14 2007.
(14) Granfeldt, J. (2007) “Speaking and Writing Across Genres in L2 French: Exploring effects
on Fluency, Complexity and Accuracy. Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language
Use, Learning and Teaching. Brussels March 29-30, 2007. Poster-presentation and oral
(13) Granfeldt, J. (2006) “Speaking and Writing Across Genres in L2 French: Exploring effects
on Fluency, Complexity and Accuracy. Joint Annual Conference of the American Association for
Applied Linguistics and the Canadian Association for Applied Linguistics. Montreal, Canada, 1720 June 2006.
(12) Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P. et al. (2005) “Direkt profil: A system for evaluating texts of second
language learners of French based on developmental sequences”. EUROSLA 15, Dubrovnik,
September 2005. Poster-presentation (Malin Ågren presenterade).
(11) Granfeldt, J. (2005) ”Profils grammaticaux et lexicaux – à la recherche d’un rapport”
XVIème Congrès des Romanistes Scandinaves, Universités de Copenhague et de Roskilde,
Danemark, 24 - 28 août 2005.
(10) Granfeldt, J. (2005) « Direkt Profil et le développement de la morphologie du français écrit
chez des apprenants suédophones » Journées franco-suédoises de linguistique. Organisées par le
Laboratoire ModyCo et Université de Paris X Nanterre, Paris, France, le vendredi 24 et le samedi
25 juin 2005.
(9) Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P. et al. (2005) "Direkt Profil: A System for Evaluating Texts of
Second Language Learners of French Based on Developmental Sequences". Nordiska
DatalingvistikDagar (NODALIDA), Joensuu, Finland 2005 20-21 Maj.
(8) Granfeldt, J., Nugues, P. et al. (2005) “Direkt profil: A system for evaluating texts of second
language learners of French based on developmental sequences”. The Second Workshop on
Building Educational Applications Using Natural Language Processing, 43rd Annual Meeting of
the Association of Computational Linguistics, Ann Arbor, USA, June 29 2005. [Emil Persson
(7) Granfeldt, J. Nugues, P et al. (2005) « Direkt profil : un système d’évaluation de textes
d’élèves de français langue étrangère fondé sur les itinéraires d’acquisition ». Traitement
Automatique des Langues Naturelles, TALN & RECITAL 2005, Dourdan, France, 6-10 juin 2005.
(6) Granfeldt, J. (2004) "Heads and maximal projections in the acquisition of French Approaching differences between children and adult learners" The Romance Turn Conference,
Universidad de Madrid, September.
(5) Granfeldt, J. (2004) "Heads and maximal projections in the acquisition of French Approaching differences between children and adult learners" EUROSLA 14, University of the
Basque Country, September.
(5) Granfeldt, J. (2002) ”Sur le statut syntaxique de l’article défini”. Linguistic development in
French, 18-19 juli. University of Southampton.
(4) Granfeldt, J (2001) ”Le développement de l’attribution/l’accord du genre en français une
comparaison de l’acquisition L2 et 2L1”. EUROSLA 11, september. Universität Paderborn.
(3) Granfeldt J. & Schlyter, S. (2000) ”Acquisition of French subject pronouns in child and adult
learners” Structure, Acquisition and Change of Grammars: Phonological and Syntactic Aspects,
oktober. Universität Hamburg.
(2) Granfeldt, J. (1999)”The acquisition of the DP in bilingual and second language French”
EUROSLA 9, 10-12 juni. Lunds universitet.
(1) Granfeldt, J. (1998)”The acquisition of DP-structures in French. A study of formal vs.
informal learners”. The doctoral workshop at EUROSLA 8, 10-12 september, Paris. The British
Institute of Paris.
Other presentations (examples)
(6) Föredrag för föräldrarna på St Louis skolan i Stockholm. Maj 2007.
(5) Granfeldt, J. (2006) Tre faser i en forskningsmiljös liv och unga forskare. Presentation vid
HT-seminariet Hur förbättrar vi forskningsmiljön för unga forskare? September 2006.
(4) Granfeldt, J. (2005) Datorstödd språkinlärning. Några reflektioner över samtida och framtida
tillämpningar. Presentation vid språkdag för gymnasielärare i Skåne. Polhemsskolan, 2005-02-01.
(3) Granfeldt, J. (2003). "Le eller La? – Varför är det lättare att lära sig genus i franska när man är
barn?" Humanistdagar/Humaniorafestival, Lund 25-27 April
(2) Schlyter, S. & Granfeldt, J. (2003) ”Inlärningsgångar och inlärarstadier i franska – kan de
användas för diagnos?”. Humanislabbsseminariet, October, Lund university.