
Année scolaire 2012-2013
Composition du 2e trimestre
Classe :1ère AB
Durée : 3h
 Compétence disciplinaire n°2 : Réagir de façon précise et approprié à
des messages écrits.
 Compétences disciplinaires n°3 : Produire de façon appropriée un texte
de type particulier.
Contexte :
Tous les pays du monde ont des traditions et des coutumes qu’ils essaient
de conserver. Le Bénin à l’instar des autres pays, continue de préserver ses
traditions à travers des manifestations bien connues.
Support :
Text : Voodoo Festival, one of the Customs and Traditions in Benin
1-Thousands of followers have gathered in Benin in the seaside town of
Ouidah to celebrate National Voodoo Day. They met at a beach called ‘’ the point
of no return’’, where slaves left on ships for the Americas centuries ago, taking
their religion with them.
2-Followers of the once-banned religion have been dancing, drumming,
playing as animals are slaughtered in ceremonies.
3-Of Benin’s seven million citizens, 65% believe in Voodoo. The day has
been a national holiday for a decade. ‘’ There is little resembling the popular
western imagination on show- no dolls with pins stuck in them and certainly no
zombie-like creatures lumbering around, described the BBC’s James Copnall,
who is at the festival. Instead there were speeches praising the religion,
emphasizing the positive impact it has on people’s lives’’ why are there animal
4-Voodoo followers that all life is driven by spiritual forces of natural
phenomena such as water, fire earth and air and that these should be honoured
through rituals like animal sacrifices.
5-Followers acknowledge the existence of both a supreme being and many
smaller gods which can intercede with the supreme being on behalf of humans.
6-Martine De Souza, a former creator of the Voodoo Museum in Benin and
an expert on the religion rejects criticism of Voodoo from many Africans. She
said: ‘’people have a negative image of voodoo because of some of the bad
practices, a sort of witchcraft, where you can put a bad spell on someone when
you are jealous of that person.’’ She added : that bad practice is totally different
from Voodoo.
Tuesday , January 10, 2006 BBC News website
Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu l’as compris en:
-montrant ta compréhension globale et détaillée du texte ;
-manifestant ta maitrise de la formation de certains mots du texte
-reformulant des phrases,
-traduisant un passage de l’anglais en français
NB : Tu traiteras les items sur le texte en anglais à l’exception de la traduction
Item1 : Write True or False according to the text write numbers and answers
1- The celebration of the Voodoo Festival took place I Ouidah
2- Black slaves were taken to the Americas a century ago.
3- The ceremony resembled a European ceremony totally
4- The followers’ behaviours were exposed to every body
5- Voodoo followers can speak to the supreme being directly
6- Martine asserts that Voodoo is different from withchcraft.
Item 2 : Answer the following questions on the text
1-what did the slaves take with them when they left for the Americas?
2-What is the percentage of Beninese citizens who do not believe in Voodooo?
3-What is considered as a bad practice by Martine de Souza?
Item 3 : Use the correct form of the words in numbers and answers only.
1-The (celebrate) of the Voodoo festival takes place every year.
2-Voodoo is celebrated (national ) wide
3-Voodoo followers know that a supreme being (existence)
4-many Africans (criticism) Voodoo as a belief of bad practices.
Item 4: Put the verbs into the correct tense or form.
1-the Voodoo festival is very interesting. It is worth (to see)
2-Voodoo ‘s followers would rather their priest (to come) tomorrow
3-the Pope Benoit XVI can’t help (to renounce) his mission because he is getting
older and older
4-if his money (not to steal) he’d have bought form cars at the same time.
5-we’ll wait till their parents (to phone ) us
Item 5: Turn these sentences either into active or passive
1-Nobody can do this exercise easily
2-a new market is being built in calavi by the mayor
3-she was said to kill her husband by witchcraft
4-people say that Voodoo ‘s followers kill people by using withchcraft
5-Did they tell you the truth?
Item 6 : Rephrase these sentences by using the prompts given
1-what a pity they didn’t meet their teacher
-I wish………………………………………………………………………………………….
2-He didn’t learn his lesson and he failed
3-Nobody is going to accept these conditions these conditions…………………..
-There is no…………………………………………………………………………………..
4-it is not necessary for you to go there
-There is no …………………………………………………………………………………..
5-Don’t cheat during the English test.
-you’d better…………………………………………………………………………………...
Item 7 : Translate into French from :
‘’thousands of followers have gathered’’
Down to ………….. ‘’taking their religion with them’’
B-compétence disciplinaire n° 3 produire de façon appropriée des textes de
types et de functions varies.
Contexte :
Certaines personnes pensent qu’en général les pratiques traditionnelles
sont retrogrades et nuisibles au développement harmonieux des pays africains.
Cependant, des aspects de la culture africaine peuvent être considérés comme
bénéfiques pour l’évolution des pays.
Tâche : Tu montreras ta compétence à rédiger un texte argumentatif en
anglais en :
-respectant le type de texte :
-respectant la logique interne du texte
-construisant des phrases grammaticalement correctes ;
-utilisant le vocabulaire adéquat, l’orthographe et la ponctuation appropriée.
Some people say that African culture and traditions are backward and should be
In a coherent argumentation, show the positive aspects of some African
traditions, and how they can contribute to the development of the continent.