Travel and foreign operations risk policy?


Travel and foreign operations risk policy?
Enterprise Risk Management & Board members
GUBERNA Alumni Event
June 19th 2014
Prepared by Gaëtan LEFEVRE
•Do we need Risk Management ?
•The 8th EU Company Law Directive – Art 41 , 2b
•Three lines of Defense Model
•Risk Assessment
•Risk Management Committee
•Enterprise Risk Management
•Impact of company size
•Risk Manager profile
•Ferma Benchmarking Survey (2012)
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Do we need Risk Management ?
Je les connais
déjà mes risques,
c’est mon
Je n’ai pas de
risques, ils sont
tous sous
Prendre les
bons risques …
Depuis le temps,
je les connais
mes risques…
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
The 8th EU Company Law Directive – Art 41 , 2b
Article 41, section 2b:
“… the audit
committee shall, inter alia: monitor the
effectiveness of the company’s internal control, internal
audit where applicable, and risk management systems…”
•Simple statement
•“What to monitor” and “how to monitor” are considerably
more complex.
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Three lines of Defense Model
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Three lines of Defense Model
Risk Management – Internal Audit Perspective:
•Risk Management: develops risk policies and methodologies, coordinates risk based activities, support to the management “owner
of the risks” and compiles risks information.
=> Risk monitoring
•Internal Audit: audits of the risks process and provides assurance to
the board that the process is under control.
=> Risk assurance
Audit Committee Best Practices:
•Risk Management, internal control and internal audit are part of
the agenda
•Appropriate budget and time allocation
•Monitor all lines of Defense
•Report to Board of Directors
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Risk Assessment
Je n’ai pas le temps
de vous voir pour
la gestion des
risques, j’ai du
J’ai déjà été audité,
allez donc les voir
Le premier risque,
c’est de faire une
cartographie des
risques …
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
C’est agréable de
prendre du recul
sur son activité…
Risk Assessment
•To have a detailed list of the main risks areas of the
company and a risks inventory validated with Senior
•To prioritize the main risks through a risk assessment
workshops organized with Management and Corporate
•Measurement criteria  Risk Level
• Impact (event) X Exposure (event)
•To provide the Board / Audit Committee and the Senior
Management with a list of risks to be mitigated as quick as
•To provide the Internal Audit with the basis of its internal
audit program
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Risk Assessment
•Follow up Risk Assessment:
•Risk priorities to be considered and addressed by the
•Responsibility of management to define, plan and execute
mitigating actions plans with the support of Risk
Management Department
•Internal Audit :
•Management participation to internal audit missions
•Management responsibility to define and execute
corrective actions plans
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Risk Management Committee
Au final cela sert
à quoi tout
Vous êtes le Risk
Manager, c’est à
vous de gérer les
Encore du
reporting vers le
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
C’est encore un
travail de
Risk Management Committee
Set up a Risk Management Committee:
•Support to the Risk Manager
•Report to the Audit Committee
•Reporting based on
•Risk Identification & Assessment
•Follow up mitigating action plan in place
•Composition: diverse functions with a link to the risk management
•Role of the Risk Manager
Attention points:
•Role to be defined clearly
• Priorities in line with the objectives of the company
•Coordinated approach
•Added value for the business and the operational people
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Enterprise Risk Management
Although many RM initiatives and tools already exist –
Need to implement a comprehensive way of work
Goals of an ERM :
•Structure (framework)
•New angle (insight and challenge) for the decision making
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Enterprise Risk Management
Risk Management Committee
Risk Assessment
Basement of an ERM
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Enterprise Risk Management
Three phases of risk management
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Impact of company size
•Small Companies:
•CEO = Risk Manager !
•Attention point: no formal approach and assessment
•Mid-sized companies:
•A senior manager in charge of “risk management”
•Evolution of the function RM linked to the increasing of the company
•Big / Multinational companies:
•Need to have an organized and structured approach
•Compliance and legal requirements = triggers for the RM development
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Risk Manager profile
Conditions in order to give Risk Management a decisive role
within the business
• To be efficient and to prove its added value
• To be legitimate
• To be credible to the Top Management and/or the Audit
• To have excellent relationships within the company
• To be known and recognized by the outside world
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Ferma Benchmarking survey (2012)
Diversity of Risk Management in a riskier world
Risk Governance:
• Main factors triggering Risk Management: compliance &
legal requirements (61%), shareholders (33%), social
responsibility (31%), catastrophic event (26%), major
insurance issues (19%)
• Risk Management objectives: provide assurance that major
risks are under control (76%), minimize operational losses
(63%), align risk appetite and strategy (36%)
• Risk Management standards: internal framework (37%), Coso
(29%), ISO 31000 (25%)
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Ferma Benchmarking survey (2012)
Diversity of Risk Management in a riskier world
Risk Management practices:
• RM function globally report to: CFO (36%), CEO(23%), Board
of Directors (18%), Audit Committee (14%), Legal (9%)
• Different risks functions are no longer working « in silos », but
level of coordination remains limited
• Companies with more mature RM practices generate the
highest growth in EBITDA
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
•Three lines of Defense Model:
•The objective is not to add more layers of control but to better
coordinate these layers
•Risk Management = risk monitoring
•Internal Audit = risk assurance
•Importance of the Audit Committee
•Risk Management Committee + Risk Assessment = basement of ERM
•Risk Management approach to be adapted to the size of the company
•Survey results (2012):
•Main trigger for RM: compliance & legal requirements
•Main objective: major risks under control
•RM reports to Senior / Top Management
• Link between mature RM pracrices and growth in EBITDA
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014
Hope for the Best
Prepare for the Worst !
Guberna Alumni Event – 19/06/2014