novedades - Nova África


novedades - Nova África
África General
ABUSHARAF, R.M. (ed).: Female Circumcision: Multicultural Perspectives. University
Press of Pennsylvania. USA. 2007.
AGUILAR, M.I. (ed).: Rethinking Age in Africa: Colonial, Post-colonial and Contemporary Interpretations of Cultural Representations. Africa World Press. USA.
CLAPHAM, C., HERBST, J & MILLS, G. (eds).: Big African States: Angola, Sudan, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Nigeria, South Africa. Witwatersrand
University Press. Sudáfrica. 2006.
CORNWALL, A. et al. (eds).: Feminisms in Development: Contradictions, Contestations and Challenges. Zed Books. Londres. 2007.
FALOLA, T. & HEATON, M.M. (eds).: Endangered Bodies: Women, Children and Health in Africa. Africa World Press. USA. 2007.
FOURCHARD, L. (dir).: Gouverner les villes d’Afrique. État, gouvernement local et
acteurs privés. Karthala. París. 2007.
KIERNAN, J. (ed).: The Power of the Occult in Modern Africa: Continuity and Innovation in the Renewal of African Cosmologies. LitVerlag. Alemania. 2006.
KONADU, K.: Indigenous Medicine and Knowledge in African Society. Routledge.
Londres. 2007.
MEMMI, A.: Decolonization and the Decolonized. University of Minnesota Press.
USA. 2006.
RIDDELL, R.: Does Foreign Aid Really Work? Oxford University Press. Oxford. 2007.
SAME KOLLE, S.: Naissance et paradoxes du discourse anthropologique africain.
L’Harmattan. París. 2007.
África del Norte - Magreb
BOURDIEU, P.: Sociología de Argelia y tres estudios de etnología cabilia. BOE. Madrid. 2006.
CAUVIN-VERNER, C.: Au désert. Un anthropologie du tourisme dans le Sud marocain. L’Harmattan. París. 2007.
GUERRAQUI, D.: La imagen de España en Marruecos. Bellaterra. Barcelona. 2006.
LAHCEN, A. & SEKKAT, K.: L’économie marocaine en questions (1956-2006). L’Harmattan. París. 2007.
MONTGOMERY HART, D.: Bandidismo en el Islam: estudios de caso en Marruecos,
Argelia y la frontera noroeste de Pakistán. Anthropos Editorial del Hombre. Barcelona. 2007.
URTEAGA, L.: Vigilia colonial: cartógrafos militares españoles en Marruecos (18821912). Bellaterra. Barcelona. 2007.
África Occidental
BIVINS, M.W.: Telling Stories, Making Histories: Women, Words, and Islam in Nineteenth Century Hausaland and the Sokoto Caliphate. Heinemann. USA. 2007.
BOAFO-ARTHUR, K. (ed).: Ghana: One Decade of the Liberal State. Zed Books. Londres. 2007.
ELLIS, S.: The Mask of Anarchy: The Destruction of Liberia and the Religious Dimension of an African Civil War. Hurst. Londres. 2007.
FOBANJONG, J. & RANUGA, T. (eds).: The Life, Thought and Legacy of Cape Verde’s
Freedom Fighter Amilcar Cabral (1924-1973): Essays on His Liberation Philosophy. Edwin Mellen. USA. 2006.
HADO, P. & OPOUBOR, A.E.: Boni Yayi, société civile et dynamique du changement
au Bénin. L’Harmattan. París. 2007.
KORIEH, C. & KOLAPO, F. (eds).: The Aftermath of Slavery: Transitions and Transformations in Southeastern Nigeria. Africa World Press. USA. 2007.
MARTIN, S.M.: Palm Oil and Protest: An Economic History of the Ngwa Region,
South-Eastern Nigeria, 1800-1980. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge.
PIERMAY, J.L. (ed).: La ville sénégalaise. Une invention aux frontières du monde.
Karthala. París. 2007.
SALIOU CAMARA, M.: Le pouvoir politique en Guinée sous Sékou Touré. L’Harmattan. París. 2007.
VILLALON, L.A.: Islamic Society and State Power in Senegal: Disciples and Citizens
in Fatick. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2006.
África Central
CHRETIEN, J.P. & DUPAQUIER, J.F.: Burundi 1972. Au bord des genocides. Karthala.
París. 2007.
DOHO, G.: People Theatre and Grassroots Empowerment in Cameroon. Africa
World Press. USA. 2006.
ENDELEY, J. & SIKOD, F.: The Social Impact of the Chad-Camerun Oil Pipeline: How
Industrial Development Affects Gender Relations, Land Tenure and Local Culture. Edwin Mellen Press. USA. 2007.
JUBE PHIRI, B.: A Political History of Zambia: From the Colonial Period to the Third
Republic. Africa World Press. USA. 2006.
KABONGO MALU, E.: Epurations éthniques en République Démocratique du Congo
(1991-1995: la question Luba-Kasaï). L’Harmattan. París. 2007.
LARMER, M.: Mineworkers in Zambia: Labour and Political Change in Post-colonial
Africa. IB Tauris. Londres. 2006.
MESSIANT, C.: 1961: L’Angola colonial, histoire et société. Les premisses du mouvement nationaliste. P.Schlettwein Publishing. Basilea. 2006.
STRAUS, S.: The Order of Genocide: Race, Power and War in Rwanda. Cornell University Press. USA. 2006.
TURNER, T.: The Congo Wars: Conflict, Myth and Reality. Zed Books. Londres.
África Oriental - Cuerno de África
ADEJUMOBI, S.A.: A History of Ethiopia. Heinemann. USA. 2007.
BENTI, G.: Addis Ababa: Migration and the Making of a Multiethnic Metropolis,
1941-1974. Red Sea Press. USA. 2007.
BURR, J.M. & COLLINS, R.O.: Darfur: The Long Road to Disaster. Markus Wiener Publications. USA. 2006.
GONZÁLEZ DE TERÁN, I.: Somalia. Los Libros de la Catarata. Madrid. 2007.
HAMESO, S.Y & HASSEN, M. (eds).: Arrested Development in Ethiopia: Essays on Underdevelopment, Democracy and Self-Determination. Red Sea Press. USA. 2006.
MAZRUI, A.: Swahili Beyond the Boundaries: Literature, Language, and Identity.
Ohio University Press. USA. 2007.
MEDARD, H. (dir).: Le royaume du Buganda ou XIXe siècle. Karthala. París. 2007.
SHADLE, B.L.: Girl Cases: Marriage and Colonialism in Gusiiland, Kenya, 18901970. Heinemann. USA. 2006.
África Austral
BENINGFIELD, J.: Frightened Land: Land, Landscape and Politics in South Africa in
the Twentieth Century. Routledge. Londres. 2006.
DE SOUSA SANTOS, B., TRINDADE, J.C. & MENESES, M.P. (eds).: Law and Justice in a
Multicultural Society: The Case of Mozambique. Codesria. Dakar. 2006.
GILMOUR, R.: Grammars of Colonialism: Representing Languages in Colonial South
Africa. Palgrave. Londres. 2006.
JEATER, D.: Law, Language and Science: The Invention of the Native Mind in Southern Rhodesia, 1890-1930. Heinemann. USA. 2006.
KRIGER, N.J.: Guerrilla Veterans in Postwar Zimbabwe: Symbolic and Violent Poli-
tics, 1980-87. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2006.
OKUPA, E.: Carrying the Sun on our Backs: Unfolding German Colonialism in Namibia from Caprivi to Kosikili. LitVerlag. Alemania. 2006.
PENN, N.: The Forgotten Frontier: Colonist and Khiosan on the Cape’s Northern
Frontier in the eighteenth century. Double Storey Books. Sudáfrica. 2006.
ROSE, L.L.: The Politics of Harmony. Land Dispute Strategies in Swaziland. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2006.
WESTERMAN, F.: El negre i jo. Viena Edicions. Barcelona. 2006.
WOLMER, W.: From Wilderness Vision to Farm Invasions: Conservation and Development in Zimbabwe’s South-East Lowveld. James Currey Publishers. Londres.
Madagascar e islas del océano Índico
ALLEN, R.B.: Slaves, Freedmen and Indentured Laborers in Colonial Mauritius. Cambridge University Press. Cambridge. 2006.
NATIVEL, D. & RAJAONAH, F.V.: Madagascar et l’Afrique. Des liens et des appartenances historiques. Karthala. París. 2007.
AFOLABI, S.: A Life Elsewhere. Vintage. Londres. 2007.
ASWANI, A.A.: L’edifici Iaqubian. Edicions de 1984. Barcelona. 2007.
BICKFORD-SMITH, V. & MENDELSOHN, R. (eds).: Black and White in Colour: African
History on Screen. James Currey Publishers. Londres. 2007.
DECORS, C.: Aquell món idíl·lic. Edicions 62. Barcelona. 2007.
HAMIDOU KANE, C.: La aventura ambigua. Elipsis. Barcelona. 2006.
NDEBELE, N.S.: Fools and Other Stories. Picador Africa. Sudáfrica. 2006.
OJAIDE, T.: In the House of Words. Malthouse. Nigèria. 2006.
POYNER, J. (ed).: J.M.Coetzee and the Idea of the Public Intellectual. Ohio University Press. USA. 2006.
SUTHERLAND-ADDY, E. & DIAW, A. (dir).: Des femmes écrivent l’Afrique. L’Afrique
de l’Ouest et le Sahel. Karthala. París. 2007.

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