
África General
BRYCESON, D. & POTTS, D. (eds.): African Urban Economies: Viability, Vitality or
Vitiation? Palgrave, Londres, 2005.
CHABAL, P.; ENGEL, U. & GENTILI, A.M. (eds.): Is Violence Inevitable in Africa? Theories of Conflict and Approaches to Conflict Prevention. Brill, Leiden, 2005.
CHANSON JABEUR & GOERG, O. (eds.): Mama Africa. Hommage à Catherine Cocquery-Vidrovitch. L’Harmattan, París, 2005.
CLARENCE-SMITH, W.G.: Islam and the Abolition of Slavery. Hurst, Londres, 2006.
HYDEN, G.: African Politics in Comparative Perspectiva. Cambridge University
Press, Cambridge, 2006.
MUBESALA LANZA, B.: La religión traditionnelle africaine. Permanences et mutations. L’Harmattan, París, 2006.
OYEWUMI, O. (ed.): African Gender Studies: A Reader. Palgrave, Londres, 2005.
SOUTHALL, R. & MELBER, H. (eds.): Legacies of Power: Leadership Change and Former Presidents in African Politics. Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala, 2006.
TWADDLE, M.: The Making of Modern Africa. Oxford University Press, Oxford,
WALLERSTEIN, I.: Africa: The Politics of Independence and Unity. University of Nebraska Press, USA, 2005.
África del Norte - Magreb
BENGUERBA, M.: L’Algérie en péril. Gouvernance, hydrocarbures et devenir du Sud.
L’Harmattan, París, 2006.
LE SUEUR, J.: Incivil War: Intellectuals and Identity Politics During the Decolonization of Algeria. University of Nebraska Press, USA, 2006.
MEINARDUS, O.F.A.: Christians in Egypt. Orthodox, Catholic and Ptotestant Communities Past and Present. American University in Cairo Press, El Cairo, 2006.
MOUZAÏA, L.: Le féminin pluriel dans l’intégration. Trois générations de femmes
kabyles. Karthala, París, 2006.
N’GAIDE, A.: La Mauritanie à l’épreuve du Millénaire. Ma foi de «citoyen». L’Harmattan, París, 2006.
ROSELLO, M.: France and the Maghreb. Performative Encounters. University Press of
Florida, USA, 2005.
RUEDY, J.: Modern Algeria. Indiana University Press, Bloomington, 2005.
VANDEWALLE, D.: A History of Modern Lybia. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2006.
África Occidental
AKYEAMPONG, E. (ed.): Themes in West Africa’s History. James Currey Publishers,
Londres, 2006.
DOH-DJANHOUNDY, T.: Autopsie de la crise ivoirienne. La nation au coeur du conflit. L’Harmattan, París, 2006.
FAWOLE, W. & UKEGE, C. (eds.): The Crisis of the State and Regionalism in West
Africa: Identity, Citizenship and Conflict. Codesria, Dakar, 2005.
FOURCHARD, L.; MARY, A. & OTAYEK, R.: Réseaux religieux et entreprises transnacionales en Afrique de l’Ouest. Karthala, París, 2005.
JULIL, K.: Tribes, Tenure and Turbulence: The effects of drought-related migration on
tenure sigues and resource management in Northern Senegal. Lit. Verlag, Alemania, 2005.
KUBA, R. & LENTZ, C. (eds.): Land and the Politics of Belonging in West Africa. Brill,
Leiden, 2005.
MIRAN, M.: Musulmans d’Abidjan. Islam, histoire et modernité en Côte d’Ivoire.
Karthala, París, 2006.
MORAN, M.H.: Liberia: The Violence of Democracy. Pennsylvania University Press,
USA, 2005.
OMEJE, K.: High Stakes and Stakeholders: Oil Conflict and Security in Nigeria. Ashgate Publishers, Londres, 2006.
África Central
BEBE BESHELEMU, E.: Presse écrite et éxperiences démocratiques au Congo-Zaïre.
L’Harmattan, París, 2006.
BIRMINGHAM, D.: Empire in Africa. Angola and Its Neighbours. Ohio University
Press, USA, 2006.
HARTWIG, E.: Rural African Women as Subjects of Social and Political Change: A
Case Study of Women in Northwestern Cameroon. Lit. Verlag, Alemania, 2005.
KONDE, E.: African Women and Politics: Knowledge, Gender and Power in MaleDominated Cameroon. Edwin Messen Press, USA, 2005.
NEST, M.; GRIGNON, F. & KISANGANI, E.F. (eds.): Democratic Republico of Congo:
Economic Dimensions of War and Peace. Lynne Rienner, USA, 2006.
SEIBERT, K.G.: Comrades, Clients and Cousins. Colonialism, Socialism and Democratization in São Tomé y Príncipe. Brill, Leiden, 2006.
VANSINA, J.: How Societies are Born. Governance in West Central Africa Before
1600. University of Virginia Press, USA, 2005.
África Oriental - Cuerno de África
ALLEN, T.: Trial Justice: The Internacional Criminal Court and the Lord’s Resistance
Army. Zed Books, Londres, 2006.
ASEKA, E.M. (ed.): Transformational Leadership in East Africa: Politics, Ideology and
Community. Fountain Publishers, Kampala, 2005.
BESWICK, S.: Sudan’s Blood Memory: The Legacy of War, Ethnicity and Slavery in
Early South Sudan. University of Rochester Press, USA, 2006.
FARAH, A.O.: Somalia: Diaspora and State Reconstruction in the Horn of Africa.
Adonis & Abbey Publishers, Londres, 2006.
FAULKNER, M.: Overtly Muslim, Covertly Boni: Competing Calls of Religious Allegiance on the Kenyan COSAT. Brill, Leiden, 2005.
JALATA, A.: Oromia and Ethiopia. State-Formation and Ethnonational Conflict, 18682004. Red Sea Press, USA, 2005.
LAREBO, H.M.: The Building of an Empire: Italian Land Policy and Practice in Ethiopia. Africa World Press, USA, 2006.
NASONG’O, S.: Contending Political Paradigms in Africa: Rationality and the Politics
of Democratization in Kenya and Zambia. Routledge, Londres, 2006.
TURTON, D. (ed.): Ethnic Federalism: The Ethiopian Experience in Comparative
Perspectiva. James Currey Publishers, Londres, 2006.
África Austral
ADHIKARI, M.: Between Black and White. Racial Identity in the South African Coloured Community. Ohio University Press, USA, 2006.
DINERMAN, A.: Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Revisionism in Post-Colonial
Africa: The Case of Mozambique, 1975-1994. Routledge, Londres, 2006.
EICHER C.K. et al. (eds.): Mozambique’s Experience in Building a Nacional Extension System. Michigan University Press, USA, 2005.
GOEBEL, A.: Gender and Land Reform: The Zimbabwe Experience. McGill-Queen’s
University Press, Canadá, 2005.
GORDON, D.R.: Transformation and Trouble: Crime, Justice and Participation in Democratic South Africa. University of Michigan Press, USA, 2006.
GUY, J.: The Maphumulo Uprising. War, Law and Ritual in the Zulu Rebellion. University of KwaZulu-Natal Press, Sudáfrica, 2005.
NTSEBEZA, L.: Democracy Compromised. Chiefs and the Politics of the Land in
South Africa. Brill, Leiden, 2005.
Madagascar - Islas del Índico
BABAULT, S.: Langues, école et société à Madagascar. Normes scolaires, pratiques
langagières, enjeux sociaux. L’Harmattan, París, 2006.
GOGUEL, A-M.: Aux origines du mai malgache. Desir d’école et compétition sociale, 1951-1972. Karthala. París. 2006.
AFOLABI, S.: A Life Elsewhere. Jonathan Cape, Londres, 2006.
BADJOKO, L.: Jo vaig ser un nen soldat. La Campana, Barcelona, 2006.
BELCHER, S. (ed.): African Myths of Origin. Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 2006.
BURNESS, D.: Ossobo: Essays on the Literature of Sao Tomé y Príncipe. Africa World
Press, USA, 2006.
COHEN-MOR (ed.): Arab Women Writers: An Anthology of Short Stories. State University of New York, USA, 2005.
GORDIMER, N.: Atrapa la vida. Edicions 62, Barcelona, 2006.
KIKAMBA, S.: Going Home. Kwela Books, Ciudad del Cabo, 2005.
LE ROUX, E. et al. (eds.): Gender, Literature and Religion in Africa. Codesria, Dakar,
MANUEL CUENCA, C.: L’ànima de les negres. Poesia de dones afroamericanes dels
segles XVIII i XIX. Brosquil, València, 2005.
MCCALL SMITH, A.: Academia Kalahari de Mecanografia per a homes. La Campana,
Barcelona, 2005.
OYEYEMI, H.: The Icarus Girl. Bloomsbury, Londres, 2006.