

Associate Professeur
1 rue de la Libération
E-mail: [email protected]
University of Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France, Ph. D. (Management), summa cum laude,
University of Paris-Dauphine, Paris, France, Master of Sciences (DEA, Scientific
Methods for Management), awarded with honors,
University of Lille II, France, Master of Management (Management Systems),
awarded with honors,
Ecole Centrale Lille, France, Engineering Degree.
Paper selected for the Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management, Technology
Innovation Management Division,
Entrepreneurship Chair Grant, (€ 30,000/year for 2 years granted by the Chambre de
Commerce et d’Industrie de Paris)
Two papers selected for the Best Paper Proceedings, Academy of Management,
Technology Innovation Management Division,
Short listed for the Stephan Shrader Award, Academy Of management, Technology
Innovation management Division
Winner of the Innovation prize of Vinci Corp.
Fulbright fellowship (visiting scholar at the Stern Business School, New York
University, invited by Prof. Zur Shapira)
Nominated for the best Ph. D. thesis Prize at University Paris Dauphine
“Rectorat de Paris” Scholarship
French Government Scholarship for outstanding students
Tunisian Government Scholarship for outstanding students
Areas of Interest
Strategic Management of Innovation
Project management
New Product Development
Teaching experience
January 2006
HEC School of Management, Paris, Associate Professor, Department of Operations
Management & IT,
This version: May 2008
University of Paris-Sud 11, Assistant Professor, Economics and Management
University of Cergy Pontoise, France, Lecturer, Economics and Management
University of Marne-la-Vallée, France, Lecturer, Economics and Management
Academic Publications
Enhancing discontinuous innovation through knowledge combination: The case of an
exploratory unit within an established automotive firm (with F. Charue-Duboc),
Creativity and Innovation Management, (forthcoming)
Absorptive Capacity and Source-Recipient Complementarity in Designing New
Products: An Empirically Derived Framework, (with C. Abecassis-Moedas),
Journal of Product Innovation Management, (forthcoming)
Concept generation process: Customer involvement for radical innovation, (with F.
Charue-Duboc), In Best paper proceedings of the sixty-seventh annual meeting of
the Academy of Management, G. T. Solomon (Ed.), Anaheim, CA.
Favoriser l'innovation radicale dans une entreprise multidivisionnelle : Extension du
modèle ambidextre à partir de l'analyse d'un cas, (with F. Charue-Duboc. and F.
Fourcade), Finance Contrôle Stratégie, 10(3)
Source-Recipient Knowledge Complementarity: A Framework of Design Absorption
Process in NPD, (with C. Abecassis-Moedas)., Best paper proceedings of the
sixty-sixth annual meeting of the Academy of Management, George T. Solomon
(Ed.), Philadelphia, PA.
Multilevel Integration of Exploration Units: Beyond the Ambidextrous Organization,
(with F. Charue-Duboc, and F. Fourcade), Best paper proceedings of the sixtysixth annual meeting of the Academy of Management, George T. Solomon (Ed.),
Philadelphia, PA.
Quand l'évaluation constitue un objet d'apprentissage significatif pour l'entreprise
innovante en création, (with S. Charreire-Petit and N. Claret), La Revue des
Sciences de Gestion, 219. 45-55.
Conception d’un projet de service dans une bureaucratie professionnelle : Le cas d’un
projet immobilier et de soin, Sciences de Gestion, 45.
Time to market vs. Time to delivery. Managing Speed in Engineering Procurement
and Construction Projects, (with G. Garel and C. Midler), International Journal of
Project Management, 22, 359-367
Savoirs d’interaction et recomposition des filières de conception, (with C. AbecassisMoedas and T. Paris), Revue Française de Gestion, 30(149), 69-84
Innovative based supply strategies in the construction industry, Construction
Management and Economics, 18, 643-650
Compétition par l'innovation et dynamique des systèmes de conception dans les
entreprises françaises. Remarques à partir de la confrontation, de trois secteurs,
(with C. Midler), Entreprises et Histoire, 23, 36-62
Published Proceedings
Managing Concepts Generation for Discontinuous Innovations: an Organizational
Creativity Perspective, (with F. Charue-Duboc), Proceedings of the International
Research Network on Organizing by Projects IRNOP Conference, Brighton(UK).
This version: May 2008
Aftermarket as a premarket for breakthrough Innovation, (with J. Forero and C.
Midler), Proceeding of the 14th International Product Development Management
Conference (IPDMC), Porto (Portugal), and Proceeding of the IEEE International
Engineering Management Conference, Austin, Texas (USA).
Managing Concepts Generation for Discontinuous Innovations: an Organizational
Creativity Perspective, (with F. Charue-Duboc), Proceeding of the EURAM
conference, Paris(France).
Product development in a platform-driven organization, (with S. Lenfle and C.
Derousseaux), Proceeding of the EURAM conference, Paris(France).
The innovation Domain: A new organizational entity to enhance breakthrough
innovation at a first tier supplier (with F. Charue-Duboc and F. Fourcade),
Proceeding of the Research conference of the IMVP, MIT Boston (USA).
Pilotage d'une stratégie d'innovation radicale dans une grande entreprise
multidivisionnelle. Création d'une entité spécifique: le domaine d'innovation, (with
F. Charue-Duboc and F. Fourcade), Proceeding of the 15th conference of AIMS
(International Association of Strategic Management), Annecy (France).
Managing Creativity process in innovation driven competition, (with F. CharueDuboc and F. Fourcade), Proceeding of the 13th International Product
Development Management Conference (IPDMC), Milan (Italy).
L’évaluation: un élément clef du dispositif d’accompagnement des projets incubés ? ,
(with S. Charreire-Petit and N. Claret), Proceeding of the Entrerpreneurship
Academy, Paris(France).
Business model and time management in product development. Time to delivery,
Time to market, and Time to Initial public offering, Proceeding of the 11th
International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC),
Savoirs d’interaction et recomposition des filières de conception, (with C. AbecassisMoedas and T. Pari), Proceeding of the 13th conference of the AIMS
(International Association of Strategic Management), Le Havre(France).
Apprentissages pour la conduite de projet immobilier et de soins à l’hôpital. Analyse
de la phase de définition du projet , (with C. Midler), Proceeding of the AFITEP
Conference, Paris(France), and Proceeding of the 17th Conference of the IAE,
Les leviers de pilotage de la vitesse dans les projets à coûts contrôlés, (with G. Garel
and C. Midler), Proceeding of the 16th Conference of the IAE, Sciences de gestion
et pratiques managériales, Economica, Paris(France).
Vitesse et performance économique des projets : le cas des projets à coûts contrôlés,
(with G. Garel and C. Midler), Proceeding of the 11th conference of the AIMS
(International Association of Strategic Management), Paris(France), Selected in
the best paper Proceedings.
Speeed and economics performances: the case of “controlled” cost projects, (with G.
Garel and C. Midler), Proceedinsg of the 5th conference of the International
Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP), Renesse (Netherlands).
2001 Conception et savoirs d’interaction, (with O. Chadoin, E. Henry and T. Paris),
Proceeding of the AFITEP Conference, Paris (France).
Innovation based competition and processes for the design of innovative market
supply flow. The case of major general contractors in the french construction
industry, Proceedings of 6th International product development management
conference (IPDMC), Cambridge (UK).
This version: May 2008
Stratégies d'offres innovantes et processus de conception. Le cas des grandes
entreprises générales de Bâtiment françaises, Proceeding of the 8th conference of
the AIMS (International Association of Strategic Management), Paris (France).
La coopération en conception et la complémentarité entre maître d'ouvrage et maître
d’œuvre", Proceeding of the AFITEP Conference, Paris (France).
Exploring new proactive supply-based strategies: the conditions on project
management in major french general building contractors, Proceeding of 3rd
International Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP),
Selected for the Best paper proceedings.
L'ingénierie concourante dans le Bâtiment: Synthèse des travaux du Groupe de
Réflexion sur le Management de Projet, (with C. Midler), Proceeding of the 3rd
Conference of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of
Management (IFSAM), Paris(France).
Cooperative engineering in the building industry : synthesis of the work carried out
by the Think-tank on project management, (with C. Midler), Proceeding of 12th
Conference of the AFITEP & the IPMA'96 World Congress, Paris(France).
Other Publications
Co-conception et savoirs d’interaction, PUCA, Paris, 290 pages
L'ingénierie concourante dans le Bâtiment, (with C. Milder), PCA, 230 pages.
Réseaux Dimensions Organisationnelles et Stratégiques (with N. Claret, S.
Edouard, S. Geindre and C. Voisin), Economica.
Book Chapters
Conjuguer management des projets et management des connaissances in Capital
immatériel : connaissance et performance, A. Bounfour (Ed.), L'Harmattan.
Pratiques de projet en conception : L’interaction entre la conception du produit et du
process in Maîtres d’ouvrage, maître d’œuvre et entreprises. De nouveaux enjeux
pour les pratiques de projet, Terrin J.J. (Ed.), Eyrolles.
Pilotage du temps et création de valeur dans les projets, (with J.-J. Pluchart) in Faire
de la recherche en gestion de projet, G. Garel, V. Giard and C. Midler (Eds),
Les coopérations inter-entreprises dans les projets de développement, (with R. Calvi),
in Faire de la recherche en gestion de projet, G. Garel, V. Giard and C. Midler
(Eds), Vuibert.
Le management des connaissances et des apprentissages dans les entreprises multiprojet, in Faire de la recherche en gestion de projet, G. Garel, V. Giard and C.
Midler (Eds), Vuibert.
Une approche managériale de l’organisation réseau, (with N. Claret, S. Edouard, S.
Geindre and C. Voisin), in Les Réseaux Dimensions Organisationnelles et
Stratégiques, S. Ben Mahmoud-Jouini, N. Claret, S. Edouard, S. Geindre and C.
Voisin (Eds), Economica.
This version: May 2008
Vitesse et performance économique des projets : le cas des projets à coûts contrôlés,
(with G. Garel and C. Midler), in Perspectives en management stratégique, H.
Laroche, F. Fréry and P. Joffre (Eds), 293-316, EMS Management et sociétés.
Comment passer d’une démarche réactive à une démarche proactive fondée sur
stratégies d’offres innovantes ? Le cas des grandes entreprises générales de
Bâtiment Françaises, in De l’Idée au Marché. Innovation et lancement de produits,
A. Bloch and D. Manceau (Eds), Vuibert
A Longitudinal Analysis of the Design Dynamics in Industrial Firms. A comparison
between automobile, chemical and construction companies, (with F. Charue-Duboc
and C. Midler), in Innovation based competition & design systems dynamics.
Lessons from French Innovative Firms and Organizational Issues for the Next
Decade, F. Charue-Duboc, P.-J. Benghozi and C. Midler (Eds), L’Harmattan.
Design Process and Innovation Based Supplies Strategy. The case of major contractors
in the French construction industry, in Innovation based competition & design
systems dynamics. Lessons from French Innovative Firms and Organizational
Issues for the Next Decade, F. Charue-Duboc, P.-J. Benghozi and C. Midler (Eds),
Supply based strategies. The case of French building contractors, in Projects for
innovation and change, F. Hartman, R. Lundin and C. Navarre (Eds), Kluwer.
Working Papers
Concept Generation for Radical Innovation (with F. Charue-Duboc), revise and
resubmit at Research Policy
Inside the Ambidextrous Organization: a multilevel analysis of the tensions and
integration dynamics, (with F. Charue-Duboc and F. Fourcade), under second
round review at Organization Sciences
Multilevel Integration of Exploration Units: Beyond the Ambidextrous Organization,
(with F. Charue-Duboc and F. Fourcade), submitted to Organization Science
L'ingénierie concourante dans le Bâtiment: Synthèse des travaux du Groupe de
Réflexion sur le Management de Projet, (with C. Midler) Cahier du Centre de
Recherche en Gestion de l'Ecole Polytechnique, N°13, 1996.
Work in Progress (drafts)
Product development in a platform-driven organization, (with S. Lenfle) presented at
the Academy of Management Conference, Operations Management Divisions,
2007, Philadelphia (USA), to be submitted to the special issue of the International
Journal of Operations Management, Modularity : Implications for Strategy and
Role of the incubator in the entrepreneurship learning process, Presented at the
Babson College Entrepreneurship Research Conference (BCERC), 2007 Madrid
(Spain), to be submitted to the Journal of Business Venturing
A Practice-based Analysis of Technological Strategy Formulation: spanning levels
between middle and top management», (with F. Charue-Duboc) Presented at the
EGOS conference, 2007, Vienna(Austria), to be submitted to Organization
Academic Conferences (refereed)
This version: May 2008
A Practice-based Analysis of Technological Strategy Formulation: spanning levels
between middle and top management, (with F. Charue-Duboc), EGOS conference,
Vienna (Austria).
Absorptive Capacity, Source Knowledge and New Product Development
Performance: an exploratory study of design, (with C. Abecassis-Moedas), 14th
International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC),
New Product Development in a Platform-driven Organization: towards platform
lifecycle management, (with S. Lenfle and C. Derousseaux), Academy of
Management, Operation Management Divisions, August, Philadelphia(USA)
Reorganisation of Design Capacities in the Clothing and Construction Value Chains,
(with C. Abecassis-Moedas and T. Paris), EGOS Conference, Ljubljana(Slovenia).
Affiliation to Academic Associations
- Member of the Academy of Management AoM (Divisions Technology Innovation Management,
Entrepreneurship and Operations Management)
- Member of the European Group of Organizational Studies (EGOS)
- Member of the International Research Network on Organizing by Projects (IRNOP)
- Member of the European Academy of Management (EURAM)
- Member of the Association Internationale de Management Stratégique (AIMS)
Dissertation adviser
- Ph.D. adviser of Juan Forero, Ecole Polytechnique
- MSc thesis adviser (Project, Innovation and Design), Ecole Polytechnique and HEC
- Specialized MSc thesis adviser (Project Management Specialized MS. And Entrepreneurship MS.), HEC
- Executive Specialized MSc thesis adviser (Project Management Specialized Ex.MS.), HEC
- Member of Ph.D. dissertation committee
- Member of theses defence committe
Organization of conferences
Organization of a Professional Development Workshop (PDW) with Abecassis-Moedas
C. and Meisiek S. “Design Management: Definition of a field” at the Annual
Conference of the Academy of Management, Anaheim(USA), August
Constitution and animation of the think tank « Groupe de Réflexion sur le
Management de Projet (GREMAP) » (encompassing the large french contractors
Member of the organizing commmitte of the International Research Network on
Organizing by Projects Conference (IRNOP) Paris, 27-28-29 juin 1996
Main courses taught currently at HEC
Grande Ecole (Master of Sciences in Management) :
Project Management and New Product Development
Executive Specialized Masters
Project management (Supply chain management Master)
Multi-project management (Project management Master)
Methodology (Project management Master)
Specialized Masters
Project management (Supply chain management Master)
Project management (Information Systems and IT Master)
Introduction to Project Management (Project Management Master)
Multi-project management (Project Management Master)
This version: May 2008
Strategic Management of Innovation (Project Management Master)
Courses taught previously in other universities
Master Degree in Management:
Project Management
Strategic Management
Industrial Marketing
Scientific Methods for Management
Administrative Responsibilities at HEC
Since 2006
Director of the Specialized Master in Project management (50 students and 550
classroom hours): definition and management of teaching, development of new
courses with visiting and clinical professors, student recruitment, etc.
Since 2006
HEC Coordinator for Master of Sciences in Project Innovation and Design at the
Ecole Polytechnique: student recruitment, member of the pedagogical team,
master thesis advisor, etc.
Since 2006
HEC Representative at the CRCI (Professional think-tank on design and innovation)
organized by Roland Berger and Dassault Systems
2006 – 2008
Director of the Executive Specialized Master in Project management (15 executives
and 400 classroom hours): definition and coordination of teachings, development
of new courses with visiting and clinical professors, executive recruitment, etc
Professional Experience
1991 – 1992
Engineer for STUDI, a Tunisian engineering firm and subsidiary of the French firm
Journal Reviewer:
Construction management Economics
Décisions Marketing
Gérer et Comprendre
Conference Reviewer:
Academy of Management Conference
European Academy of Management Conference
AIMS Conference
Personal Information
Marital Status:
Married, two children
March 13, 1967
French, English, Arabic
This version: May 2008

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